SCADA Protocols
and Security
Prepared by Mohammed Samiuddin
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 2
CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................... 7
REFERENCE ......................................................................................................................... 7
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Automation is the use of various control systems for operating equipment’s.
Industries focus on automation because it saves labour and requires minimal
human intervention. There are various control systems in the industry,
including Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Distributed
Control Systems (DCS), Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), intelligent field
devices, smart meters, and smart equipment diagnostic systems. These
systems are common across the industrial infrastructure. They control
pipelines, water and transportation systems, utilities, refineries, chemical
plants, and a wide variety of manufacturing operations. One of the prominent
element which needs attention from a security stand point is SCADA.
The development of SCADA system started when the need for IT-security
consisted of protecting physical access to the computers of the system.
During the last couple of years, the number of connections to SCADA systems
and the use of internet-based controls with SCADA have increased rapidly.
Process control and SCADA systems are becoming more reliant on standard IT
technologies. They have emerged as vital elements of the nations' critical
infrastructure. Having understood the essential nature of SCADA, HTC through
its research and development initiative has been working on SCADA security
over the years.
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MODBUS / Profibus
In the late 1970s, Modicon Incorporated developed the MODBUS protocol.
MODBUS is positioned in layer 7. The MODBUS protocol defines the methods
for a PLC to obtain access to another PLC, for a PLC to respond to other
devices, and the means for detecting and reporting errors. Modbus is a
request/reply protocol and offers services specified by function codes.
Modbus communication interface is built around messages.
Profibus (Process Fieldbus) is an open fieldbus serial network standard for use
in time-critical control and data acquisition applications. It falls under the
European international fieldbus standard, EN 50 170, and defines the
functional, electrical, and mechanical characteristics of a serial fieldbus
CAN Protocol
Controller area network (CAN) protocols (ISO Standard 11898-1) were
developed for the automotive industry by Robert Bosch GMBH in the mid-
1980s for use in serial communications up to 1 Mbps. CAN supports up to 110
nodes on a two-wire, half-duplex network. CAN communications are based on
the Ethernet carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD)
method. With CSMA/CD, multiple devices compete to transmit information
over a common bus. DeviceNet is an open standard that is used to connect
equipment such as motor starters, sensors, valve controls, displays, operator
interfaces, and higher level control computers and PLCs. DeviceNet is based
on CAN protocols.
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Current Trends
Today's SCADA systems are often vertically integrated, largely proprietary
systems. Interoperability of systems is often limited. While closed protocols
and systems might maximise the short-term benefit of systems providers, they
limit the ability of the field to grow and constrain innovation by new players.
There is an increasing and important trend towards open SCADA protocols,
allowing third party tools to manipulate the data.
Automotive manufacturers are exploring in-vehicle automation and between-
vehicle safety systems. Safe sharing between vehicles is necessary in such
systems to provide cross-vehicle warnings of breaking and collision
prevention. If data is readily available in a standard format, third parties could
propose energy optimisations and utilities could better understand power
usage and potentials to time-shift load.
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Conclusion SCADA
Common protocols for data exchange are essential to make wide access to
data possible. Several points in a SCADA system provide opportunities
for open access. Different trade-offs arise at each level, from very simple
analogue interfaces at the lowest levels to wide area network protocols at
higher levels.
SCADA systems are exposed to the same cyberspace threats as any business
system because, they share the common vulnerabilities with the traditional IT
systems. As such, it is beneficial to formulate and enforce security standards
to strengthen the cyber security of SCADA networks.
With the advent of the terrorist threat to the nations' critical infrastructures,
SCADA systems no longer have low-visibility, as anonymous entities work
silently to control / tamper industrial and commercial operations.
About the Mohammed Samiuddin spearheads the branding aspects & managing client
relationships of ITMR. His passion includes speaking on cyber security
Author threats, data security practices and new technological areas.
Reference John Heidemann and Wei Ye— Towards Full-disclosure: Broadening Access to
SCADA Data to Improve Safety, Reliability, and Security
Ronald.L Krutz., Securing SCADA systems, Wiley, 2006
About ITMR Institute of Technology, Management and Research (ITMR), a division of Mamta Trust, is a
premier institute that provides world class professional training programs for the
corporates and academic sector. ITMR's motto 'yogah karmasu kausalam' means 'Yoga is
excellence in action' and is the foundation of its vision to evolve into a "CENTRE OF
EMINENCE" to offer cutting edge vocational skills and mold professionals to become
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programs include several cutting edge to help working professionals acquire domain
expertise and meet the current and emerging challenges in the IT world.
Our flagship training program on Cyber security has PDCIL is a top of the class cyber
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International Banks, Military, Legal fraternity, Fortune 100 Global companies and Blue Chip
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ITMR also offers research programs on Cyber Security (network security monitoring and
access products), in association with Secure IQ, a leading provider of network security
software products with headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia, USA and operations and
development in Chennai, India.
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