Scada Report
Scada Report
Scada Report
SCADA stands for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. As the name
indicates, it is not a full control system, but rather focuses on the supervisory level. It is a
software package that is positioned on top of hardware to which it is interfaced, in general
via Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), or other commercial hardware modules.
Systems similar to SCADA systems are routinely seen in factories, treatment plants etc.
These are often referred to as Distributed Control Systems (DCS). They have similar
functions to SCADA systems, but the field data gathering or control units are usually
located within a more confined area. Communications may be via a local area network
(LAN), and will normally be reliable and high speed. Basically, SCADA is a computer
system for gathering and analyzing real time data.
SCADA can be used to monitor and control plant or equipment. The control may
be automatic, or initiated by operator commands. The data acquisition is accomplished
firstly by the RTU's (remote Terminal Units) scanning the field inputs connected to the
RTU ( RTU's may also be called a PLC - programmable logic controller). This is usually
at a fast rate. The central host will scan the RTU's (usually at a slower rate.)
The data is processed to detect alarm conditions, and if an alarm is present, it will
be displayed on special alarm lists. Data can be of three main types. Analogue data (i.e.
real numbers) will be trended (i.e. placed in graphs). Digital data (on/off) may have
alarms attached to one state or the other. Pulse data (e.g. counting revolutions of a meter)
is normally accumulated or counted.
These systems are used not only in industrial processes. For example,
Manufacturing, steel making, power generation both in conventional, nuclear and its
distribution, chemistry, but also in some experimental facilities such as laboratories
research, testing and evaluation centers, nuclear fusion. The size of such plants can range
from as few as 10 to several 10 thousands input/output (I/O) channels. However, SCADA
systems evolve rapidly and are now penetrating the market of plants with a number of I/O
channels of several 100K.
The primary interface to the operator is a graphical display (mimic) usually via a
PC Screen which shows a representation of the plant or equipment in graphical form.
Live data is shown as graphical shapes (foreground) over a static background. As the data
changes in the field, the foreground is updated. E.g. a valve may be shown as open or
closed. Analog data can be shown either as a number, or graphically. The system may
have many such displays, and the operator can select from the relevant ones at any time.
SCADA systems were first used in the 1960s.SCADA systems have made substantial
progress over the recent years in terms of functionality, scalability, performance and
openness such that they are an alternative to in house development even for very
demanding and complex control systems as those of physics experiments. SCADA
systems used to run on DOS, VMS and UNIX; in recent years all SCADA vendors have
moved to NT and some also to Linux.
It is an I/O device that allows a human operator to control the process data. This is
achieved by linking SCADA’s databases and software programs for providing
management information like detailed schematics, scheduled maintenance, data
diagnostics and logistic information. The operating personnel can also see the graphical
representation of data.
This system acts as a communication server between the HMI software in control
room workstations and its equipment like PLCs, RTUs, sensors etc.
Smaller Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems have only a single PC
that serves as a supervisory or master system. Larger Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition systems have multiple servers, sites for disaster recovery and distributed
software applications. The servers are configured as dual-redundant or hot-standby
formation for continuously monitoring server failure.
This system contains physical objects that are interfaced with Remote Terminal
Units (RTUs). These electronic devices are controlled by microprocessors and are used
for transmitting recorded data to the supervisory systems. They also receive data from the
master system in order to control the connected objects.
PLCs find their use in the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system
through sensors. They are attached to the sensors in order to convert the sensor output
signal into digital data.
They are preferred over RTUs because of their configuration, flexibility, affordability and
Among the compact SCADA protocols, few recognized and standardized protocols
deliver information only when the RTUs are polled by the supervisory station.
SCADA programming in HMI or master station is used for creating diagrams and
maps that provide vital information during process or event failure. Most of the
commercial Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems use standardized
interfaces in programming.
Although SCADA systems may include special features for specific industries or
applications, most systems support the following features:
In this section we are going to details which describe the common
architecture required for the SCADA products.
e.g. historian, datalogger, alarm handler. Fig. 2 shows a SCADA architecture that is
generic for the product.
SCADA systems operate at five of the six levels defined in the Purdue Enterprise
Reference Architecture for enterprise integration:
Level 0. The field level includes field devices, such as sensors, used to forward
data relating to field processes and actuators used to control processes.
Level 1. The direct control level includes local controllers, such as PLCs and
RTUs, that interface directly with field devices, including accepting data inputs
from sensors and sending commands to field device actuators.
Level 2. The plant supervisory level includes local supervisory systems that
aggregate data from level controllers and issue commands for those controllers to
carry out.
Level 3. The production control level includes systemwide supervisory systems
that aggregate data from Level 2 systems to produce ongoing reporting to the
production scheduling level, as well as other site or regionwide functions, like
alerts and reporting.
Level 4. The production scheduling level includes business systems used to
manage ongoing processes.
The products provide communication drivers for most of the common PLCs and
widely used field-buses, e.g., Modbus. Of the three fieldbuses that are recommended are,
both Profibus and Worldfip are supported but CANbus often not. Some of the drivers are
based on third party products (e.g., Applicom cards) and therefore have additional cost
associated with them. VME on the other hand is generally not supported.
A single data server can support multiple communications protocols; it can generally
support as many such protocols as it has slots for interface cards. The effort required to
develop new drivers is typically in the range of 2-6 weeks depending on the complexity
and similarity with existing drivers, and a driver development toolkit is provided for this.
Application Interfaces / Openness
• a library of APIs supporting C, C++, and Visual Basic (VB) to access data in the
RTDB, logs and archive. The API often does not provide access to the product's
internal features such as alarm handling, reporting, trending, etc.
The PC products provide support for the Microsoft standards such as Dynamic Data
Exchange (DDE) which allows e.g. to visualize data dynamically in an EXCEL
spreadsheet, Dynamic Link Library (DLL) and Object Linking and Embedding (OLE).
The configuration data are stored in a database that is logically centralized but
physically distributed and that is generally of a proprietary format. For performance
reasons, the RTDB resides in the memory of the servers and is also of proprietary format.
The archive and logging format is usually also proprietary for performance reasons, but
some products do support logging to a Relational Data Base Management System
(RDBMS) at a slower rate either directly or via an ODBC interface.
Scalability is understood as the possibility to extend the SCADA based control
system by adding more process variables, more specialized servers (e.g. for alarm
handling) or more clients. The products achieve scalability by having multiple data
servers connected to multiple controllers. Each data server has its own configuration
database and RTDB and is responsible for the handling of a sub-set of the process
variables (acquisition, alarm handling, archiving).
There are different types of SCADA systems that can be considered as SCADA
architectures of four different generations:
Minicomputers are used earlier for computing the SCADA systems. In earlier
times, during the time of first generation, monolithic SCADA systems were developed
wherein the common network services were not available. Hence, these are independent
systems without having any connectivity to other systems.
All the remote terminal unit sites would connect to a back-up mainframe system
for achieving the first generation SCADA system redundancy, which was used in case of
failure of the primary mainframe system. The functions of the monolithic SCADA
systems in the early first generation were limited to monitoring sensors in the system and
flagging any operations in case of surpassing programmed alarm levels.
In the second generation, the sharing of control functions is distributed across the
multiple systems connected to each other using Local Area Network (LAN). Hence, these
were termed as distributed SCADA systems. These individual stations were used to share
real-time information and command processing for performing control tasks to trip the
alarm levels of possible problems.
The cost and size of the station were reduced compared to the first generation
system, as each system of the second generation was responsible for performing a
particular task with reduced size and cost. But even in the second generation systems also
the network protocols were not standardized. The security of the SCADA installation was
determined by a very few people beyond the developers, as the protocols were
proprietary. But generally the security of the SCADA installation was ignored.
The first and second generation SCADA systems are limited to single site networks or
single building called as sealed systems. In these systems, we can not have any risk
compared to the third generation SCADA system which are connected to the internet
causing the security risks. There will be several parallel working distributed SCADA
systems under a single supervisor in network architecture.
4. Internet of Things
These SCADA systems are able to report state in real time by using the horizontal
scale from the cloud computing facility; thus, more complex control algorithms can be
implemented which are practically sufficient to implement on traditional PLCs.
SCADA systems are used for monitoring a variety of data like flows, currents,
voltages, pressures, temperatures, water levels, and etc., in various industries. If the
system detects any abnormal conditions from any monitoring data, then the alarms at the
central or remote sites will be triggered for alerting the operators through HMI.
There are numerous applications of SCADA systems, but a few most frequently used
SCADA applications include:
1. Manufacturing Industries
2. Waste Water Treatment and Distribution Plants
3. SCADA in Power System
Wireless SCADA
In large scale industries like power plants, steel plants and so on, many processes
and operations such as movement of conveyer belts for coal or product transport, boiler
heat temperature, etc. are to be monitored continuously and there is need to control the
factors affecting these parameters. So, application of wireless SCADA will provide better
control over the required control systems and operations.
Users are allocated to groups, which have defined read/write access
privileges to the process parameters in the system and often also to specific
product functionality.
8.2 MMI
The products support multiple screens, which can contain combinations of
synoptic diagrams and text. They also support the concept of a "generic" graphical object
with links to process variables. These objects can be "dragged and dropped" from a library
and included into a synoptic diagram. Most of the SCADA products that were evaluated
decompose the process in "atomic" parameters (e.g. a power supply current, its maximum
value, its on/off status, etc.) to which a Tag-name is associated. The Tagnames used to link
graphical objects to devices can be edited as required. The products include a library of
standard graphical symbols, many of which would however not be applicable to the type
of applications encountered in the experimental physics community. Standard windows
editing facilities are provided: zooming, re-sizing, scrolling... On-line configuration and
customization of the MMI is possible for users with the appropriate privileges. Links can
be created between display pages to navigate from one view to another.
The products all provide trending facilities and one can summarize the common
capabilities as follows:
• a chart may contain more than 8 trended parameters or pens and an unlimited
number of charts can be displayed (restricted only by the readability)
• real-time and historical trending are possible, although generally not in the same
It is generally possible to group alarms and to handle these as an entity (typically filtering
on group or acknowledgement of all alarms in a group). Furthermore, it is possible to
suppress alarms either individually or as a complete group. The filtering of alarms seen on
the alarm page or when viewing the alarm log is also possible at least on priority, time and
group. However, relationships between alarms cannot generally be defined in a
straightforward manner. E-mails can be generated or predefined actions automatically
executed in response to alarm conditions.
The terms logging and archiving are often used to describe the same facility.
However, logging can be thought of as medium-term storage of data on disk, whereas
archiving is long-term storage of data either on disk or on another permanent storage
medium. Logging is typically performed on a cyclic basis, i.e., once a certain file size,
time period or number of points is reached the data is overwritten. Logging of data can be
performed at a set frequency, or only initiated if the value changes or when a specific
predefined event occurs. Logged data can be transferred to an archive once the log is full.
The logged data is time-stamped and can be filtered when viewed by a user. The logging
of user actions is in general performed together with either a user ID or station ID. There
is often also a VCR facility to play back archived data.
One can produce reports using SQL type queries to the archive, RTDB or logs. Although
it is sometimes possible to embed EXCEL charts in the report, a "cut and paste"
capability is in general not provided. Facilities exist to be able to automatically generate,
print and archive reports.
The majority of the products allow actions to be automatically triggered by
events. A scripting language provided by the SCADA products allows these actions to be
defined. In general, one can load a particular display, send an Email, run a user defined
application or script and write to the RTDB.
SCADA vendors release one major version and one to two additional minor
versions once per year. These products evolve thus very rapidly so as to take advantage of
new market opportunities, to meet new requirements of their customers and to take
advantage of new technologies.
As was already mentioned, most of the SCADA products that were evaluated decompose
the process in "atomic" parameters to which a Tagname is associated. This is impractical
in the case of very large processes when very large sets of Tags need to be configured. As
the industrial applications are increasing in size, new SCADA versions are now being
designed to handle devices and even entire systems as full entities (classes) that
encapsulate all their specific attributes and functionality. In addition, they will also
support multi-team development.
As far as new technologies are concerned, the SCADA products are now
The benefits one can expect from adopting a SCADA system for the control of
experimental physics facilities can be summarized as follows:
• Reliability and robustness. These systems are used for mission critical industrial
processes where reliability and performance are paramount. In addition, specific
development is performed within a wellestablished framework that enhances
reliability and robustness.
For large collaborations, using a SCADA system for their controls ensures a common
framework not only for the development of the specific applications but also for operating
the detectors. Operators experience the same "look and feel" whatever part of the
experiment they control. However, this aspect also depends to a significant extent on
proper engineering.
SCADA systems are most advancing computer application , so even once the
SCADA system is installed its up gradation can be easily done.
Less expensive than DCS , but offer different functionality than DCS and finally
various applications.