ISSN 2229-5518
Abstract— This paper, titled, “Overview of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System” is a precursor to the subsequent papers on
analytical performance model for SCADA System protocols. We examine the fundamental functions expected from a SCADA System, its components
and the distinct features between SCADA System and Distributed Control System (DCS) – both are members of the set of Industrial Control System
(ICS). This work is quite different from others as SCADA System is considered from different perspectives such as: a) role in monitoring and control of
critical infrastructure like national electricity supply system and oil and gas pipelines; b) its layout and hierarchical architecture and c) its Master/Remote
Terminal Unit (RTU) functional data/control flow. Its hierarchical model presented is compared with the Purdue Enterprise reference Architecture (PE-
RA) which is one of the general models that visualize the entire enterprise system from the field or the plant to the apex (Computer System or produc-
tion Scheduling). Compliance is confirmed.
Index Terms: Critical infrastructure, DCS, Enterprise, ICS, Model, SCADA, RTU.
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phone line, radio, satellite and cable, and remote terminal units
system. Their deployment in SCADA system provides listed: Switched Telephone Leased Line; Power Line
automatic control locally. Based Communications; Radio; Microwave; cellular;
e Human-Machine Interface (HMI): The HMI is hard- Satellite and Wide Area Network (WAN).
ware and software which enable human operators c Control Centre: The main components here are the
monitor the controlled process’ state, adjust the set- SCADA Server or the MTU, the HMI, Engineering
tings of the control as necessary and occasionally re- Workstations, Data Historian and Communication
spond fast in case of emergency to change to override routers. All these components are linked by Local
automatic control operations. The HMI also provides Area Network (LAN). Information gathered by the
the necessary tool needed by the operator or the con- field sites is collected by the control centre where it is
trol engineer to configure the control algorithm and logged and displayed on the HMI to enable the opera-
set points. The HMI also displays reports, historical tor takes necessary appropriated action as dictated by
information, process status information and other the events detected. Trend analyses, central alarming
such information as may be required for smooth su- and reporting are also the responsibility of the control
pervision of the field devices. centre [1].
f Data Historian: This is a database placed centrally for In fig. 2., the Master/RTU functional Data /Control
recording all process information within the SCADA flow is presented. It is divided into three functional
system. The stored information provides data for var- components viz. the Master Station where the servers
ious analyses. of the MTU, HMI, Data Historian and Engineering
WorkStation are housed; the Communication System
2.2 SCADA System Architecture
and the Field Sites. There are communication
A typical SCADA System architecture is shown in Fig. 1. It has
three segments. Starting from the left side, these segments are
Field Sites, Communication Medium and Control Centre. The
description follows.
a Field Sites: Field sites usually have remote access fea-
tures which enables the field operators perform diag-
nostics and effect repairs remotely. Field Site 1(Fig. 1.)
consists of Modem and PLC which connects to the
sensors and other field devices through the field bus
Fig. 1: SCADA System General Layout
network. With the use of field bus technologies there
is no need for point-to-point wiring between the PC Source: Stouffer et al [1]
and the field devices. The processed data from the
IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 10, October-2017 480
ISSN 2229-5518
interfaces between the Master Station and the Communication
System and between the Communication System and the Field
The information flow across the interfaces is categorized into
three types. These are Supervisory information such as
trip/close, raise/lower, stop/start, set point/values, parameter
download, control programmes, database and alarm parame-
ters. The second set of information required for proper func-
tioning of the SCADA System is the standard time signal
while the third are analog data, accumulated data, digital data,
status, alarm, sequence of events, diagnostic results and ab-
Fig. 2: Master/RTU Functional Data/Control Flow
IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 10, October-2017 481
ISSN 2229-5518
ERP is the primary system; establishes the basic plant
production schedule, material use, shipping and invento-
ry levels. Time frame: months, weeks, days, shifts”.
The search for a model that would capture every aspect of an
organization’s activities had been on for several years. Among
the most famous of all-comprising models for industrial
process was the one developed in the 1990s by Theodore J,
Fig. 6: Hierarchical Model of SCADA System
Williams of Purdue University. Purdue Enterprise Reference
Source: Bailey and wright [4]
Architecture (PERA) is a 1990s reference model for enterprise
architecture. The model provides a reference for enterprise
Fig. 7. depicts the enterprise architecture clearly, reflecting the
control that end users, vendors and the industry can share
five reference levels of the PERA. In comparison with the
through integration of appropriate applications at the fitting
SCADA System hierarchical model, level “0” in the figure is
layers in the enterprise. Willliams [10] described his model
equivalent to level “0” in the SCADA System hierarchical
known as PERA) as below:
model as both sensors, measurands and actuators in fig. 6. and
Plant in fig. 7. refer to the actual infrastructure being moni-
• “Level 0 — The physical process — Defines the actual
tored. The direct Control label for level 1 in fig. 7. refers to
physical processes.
similar activities performed by set of RTU in fig. 6. Level 2 in
• Level 1 — Intelligent devices — Sensing and manipu- fig. 7. that models the plant supervisory functions is compara-
lating the physical processes. Process *sensors, analyzers, ble to the similar level in fig. 6. where the Sub MTU performs
actuators and related instrumentation. corresponding supervisory control. The general oversight by
• Level 2 — Control systems — Supervising, monitor- the Master Control Center (where the MTU, HMI, Data Histo-
ing and controlling the physical processes. Real-time con- rians and the human operators reside) over the sub MTU, the
trols and software; DCS, human-machine interface (HMI); RTUs and the field devices as depicted in fig. 6. is likened to
Production Control functions in level 3 of the model in fig. 7.
supervisory and data acquisition (SCADA) software.
In both fig. 6 and fig. 7., the fifth level model the commer-
• Level 3 — Manufacturing operations systems — cial/enterprise component of the overall industrial process,
Managing production work flow to produce the desired though, giving different names.
products.Batch management; manufacturing execu-
tion/operations management systems (MES/MOMS); la-
boratory, maintenance and plant performance manage-
ment systems; data historians and related middleware.
Time frame: shifts, hours, minutes, seconds.
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communications. Implication of the observed interdependence [9] Citicus Inc., “Interconnection of Critical National In-
is that the catastrophic impact of the failure of the SCADA frastructure”,available at https://www.
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other infrastructure leading to huge economic loss and consi- Systems, 2015.
derable effect on the general well being of the people. The [10] T.J. Williams, “The Purdue enterprise reference archi-
need for prevention of this kind of situation is the motivation tecture”. Computers in industry, vol. 24, no. 2, pp.
for thousands of the ongoing researches on SCADA System 141-158, 1993.
security. [11] D. Pugliesi, “The Enterprise Architecture”, available
at https://commons. wikime-
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