1. DC motors require starters to limit large starting currents that could damage components. Common starters add resistance to the armature circuit during starting to limit current.
2. 3-point and 4-point starters are used for shunt and compound motors respectively. They gradually cut resistance from the armature as the motor speeds up.
3. Braking methods like dynamic braking and plugging use the motor as a generator to oppose rotation and dissipate kinetic energy through external resistors to quickly stop the motor.
1. DC motors require starters to limit large starting currents that could damage components. Common starters add resistance to the armature circuit during starting to limit current.
2. 3-point and 4-point starters are used for shunt and compound motors respectively. They gradually cut resistance from the armature as the motor speeds up.
3. Braking methods like dynamic braking and plugging use the motor as a generator to oppose rotation and dissipate kinetic energy through external resistors to quickly stop the motor.
1. DC motors require starters to limit large starting currents that could damage components. Common starters add resistance to the armature circuit during starting to limit current.
2. 3-point and 4-point starters are used for shunt and compound motors respectively. They gradually cut resistance from the armature as the motor speeds up.
3. Braking methods like dynamic braking and plugging use the motor as a generator to oppose rotation and dissipate kinetic energy through external resistors to quickly stop the motor.
1. DC motors require starters to limit large starting currents that could damage components. Common starters add resistance to the armature circuit during starting to limit current.
2. 3-point and 4-point starters are used for shunt and compound motors respectively. They gradually cut resistance from the armature as the motor speeds up.
3. Braking methods like dynamic braking and plugging use the motor as a generator to oppose rotation and dissipate kinetic energy through external resistors to quickly stop the motor.
• Basic operational voltage e qua tion of a DC motor is give n a s
V = Eb + IaRa and hence, Ia = (V - Eb) / Ra Now, when the motor is at rest, obviously, the back emf Eb = 0. Hence, armature current at the moment of starting can be given as Ia = V / Ra. In practical DC machines, armature resistance is basically very low, generally about 0.5 Ω. Therefore, a large current flows through the armature during starting. This current is large enough to damage the armature circuit. Due to this excessive starting current – • the fuses may blow out and the armature winding and/or commutator brush arrangement may get damaged. • very high starting torque will be produced (as torque is directly proportional to the armature current), and this high starting torque may cause huge centrifugal force which may throw off the armature winding. • other loads connected to the same source may experience a dip in the terminal voltage. • A large DC motor will pick up speed rather slowly due to its large rotor inertia. Hence, building up the back emf slowly causing the level of high starting current maintained for quite some time. • This may cause severe damage. To avoid this, a suitable DC motor starter must be used. Very small dc motors, however, may be started directly by connecting them to the supply with the help of a contactor or a switch. • It does not result in any harm because they gather speed quickly due to small rotor inertia. In this case, the large starting current will die down quickly because of the fast rise in the back emf. DC Motor Starters
• To avoid the above dangers while starting a DC motor,
it is necessary to limit the starting current. So, a DC motor is started by using a starter. • There are various types of dc motor starters, such as 3 point starter, 4 point starter, no-load release coil starter, thyristor controller starter etc. The basic concept behind every DC motor starter is adding external resistance to the armature winding during starting. From the followings, 3 point starters and 4 point starters are used for starting shunt wound motors and compound wound motors. 3 Point Starter • The internal wiring of a 3 point starter is as shown in the figure. When the connected dc motor is to be started, the lever is turned gradually to the right. • When the lever touches point 1, the field winding gets directly connected across the supply, and the armature winding gets connected with resistances R1 to R5 in series. • During starting, full resistance is added in series with the armature winding. Then, as the lever is moved further, the resistance is g ra d u a l l y i s c u t o u t f ro m t h e armature circuit. • Now, as the lever reaches to position 6, all the resistance is cut out from the armature circuit and armature gets directly connected across the supply. • The electromagnet 'E' (no voltage coil) holds the lever at this position. This electromagnet releases the lever when there is no (or low) supply voltage. It can be seen that, when the arm is moved from the position 1 to the last position, the starter resistance gets added in series with the field winding. • But, as the value of starter resistance is very small as compared to the shunt resistance, the decrease in shunt field current may be negligible. However, to overcome this drawback a brass or copper arc may be employed within a 3 point starter which makes a connection between the moving arm and the field winding, as shown in the figure of 4 point starter below. When the motor is overloaded beyond a predefined value, overcurrent release electromagnet' D gets activated, which short- circuits electromagnet E and, hence, releases the lever and the motor is turned off. Drawbacks of 3point starter • If field flux control method of speed control is used, field current reduces. • This will reduce the current NVC and holding strength of electromagnet become weak. • The arm of starter may be released during normal operation, thus disconnecting motor from the line. • 4 point starter is used to overcome this difficulty. 4 Point Starter • The main difference between a 3 point starter and a 4 point starter is that the no voltage coil (electromagnet E) is not connected in series with the field coil. The field winding gets directly connected to the supply, as the lever moves touching the brass arc (the arc below the resistance studs). The no voltage coil (or Hold-on coil) is connected with a current limiting resistance Rh. This arrangement ensures that any change of current in the shunt field does not affect the current through hold-on coil at all. • This means, electromagnetic pull of the hold- on coil will always be sufficient so that the spring does not unnecessarily restore the lever to the off position. A 4 point starter is used where field current is to be adjusted by means of a field rheostat for the purpose of operating the motor above rated speed by reducing the field current. • The basic difference between 3 point & 4 point starter in case of electrical side is that • In 3 point starter the NVC ( no volt coil ) is in the series with the field of motor so we can not vary the speed of motor above rated speed • where in case of 4 point starter there is a saperation provided between NVC and field so there is a no relation between field cureent and NVC so we can vary the speed above its rated speed • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYUYIBG 6YTA • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhnbvxrA ucg Braking of d.c shunt motor: • It is often necessary in many applications to stop a running motor rather quickly. We know that any moving or rotating object acquires kinetic energy. • Therefore, how fast we can bring the object to rest will depend essentially upon how quickly we can extract its kinetic energy and make arrangement to dissipate that energy somewhere else. • If you stop pedaling your bicycle, it will eventually come to a stop eventually after moving quite some distance. The initial kinetic energy stored, in this case dissipates as heat in the friction of the road. • However, to make the stopping faster, brake is applied with the help of rubber brake shoes on the rim of the wheels. • Thus stored K.E now gets two ways of getting dissipated, one at the wheel- brake shoe interface (where most of the energy is dissipated) and the other at the road-tier interface. This is a good method no doubt, but regular maintenance of brake shoes due to wear and tear is necessary. • If a motor is simply disconnected from supply it will eventually come to stop no doubt, but will take longer time particularly for large motors having high rotational inertia. • Because here the stored energy has to dissipate mainly through bearing friction and wind friction. • The situation can be improved, by forcing the motor to operate as a generator during braking. • The idea can be understood remembering that in motor mode electromagnetic torque acts along the direction of rotation while in generator the electromagnetic torque acts in the opposite direction of rotation. • Thus by forcing the machine to operate as generator during the braking period, a torque opposite to the direction of rotation will be imposed on the shaft, thereby helping the machine to come to stop quickly. • During braking action, the initial K.E stored in the rotor is either dissipated in an external resistance or fed back to the supply or both. Rheostatic braking or dynamic braking
• Consider a d.c shunt motor operating from a d.c supply with
the switch S connected to position 1 as shown in figure 39.23. S is a single pole double throw switch and can be connected either to position 1 or to position 2. • One end of an external resistance Rb is connected to position 2 of the switch S as shown. • Let with S in position 1, motor runs at n rpm, drawing an armature current I a and the back emf is E b = kφ n. Note the polarity of Eb which, as usual for motor mode in opposition with the supply voltage. Also note Te and n have same clock wise direction. • Now if S is suddenly thrown to position 2 at t = 0, the armature gets disconnected from the supply and terminated by Rb with field coil remains energized from the supply. • Since speed of the rotor can not change instantaneously, the back emf value E b is still maintained with same polarity prevailing at t = 0- . Thus at t = 0 + , armature current will be I a = E b /(r a + R b ) and with reversed direction compared to direction prevailing during motor mode at t = 0. • Obviously for t > 0, the machine is operating as generator dissipating power to Rb and now the electromagnetic torque Te must act in the opposite direction to that of n since I a has changed direction but φ has not (recall Te ∝ φ Ia). • As time passes after switching, n decreases reducing K.E and as a consequence both Eb and Ia decrease. In other words value of braking torque will be highest at t = 0+, and it decreases progressively and becoming zero when the machine finally come to a stop. Plugging or Reverse Current Breaking
• This method of braking can be understood by referring to figures
39.25 and 39.26. Here S is a double pole double throw switch. For usual motoring mode, S is connected to positions 1 and 1'. Across terminals 2 and 2', a series combination of an external resistance Rb and supply voltage with polarity as indicated is connected. However, during motor mode this part of the circuit remains inactive. • To initiate braking, the switch is thrown to position 2 and 2' at t = 0, there by disconnecting the armature from the left hand supply. Here at t = 0, the armature current will be Ia = (Eb + V)/(ra + Rb) as Eb and the right hand supply voltage have additive polarities by virtue of the connection. • Here also Ia reverses direction producing Te in opposite direction to n. Ia decreases as Eb decreases with time as speed decreases. • However, I a can not become zero at any time due to presence of supply V. • So unlike rheostatic braking, substantial magnitude of braking torque prevails. Hence stopping of the motor is expected to be much faster then rheostatic breaking. • But what happens, if S continuous to be in position 1' and 2' even after zero speed has been attained? • The answer is rather simple, the machine will start picking up speed in the reverse direction operating as a motor. So care should be taken to disconnect the right hand supply, the moment armature speed becomes zero. Regenerative braking
• A machine operating as motor may go into regenerative
braking mode if its speed becomes sufficiently high so as to make back emf greater than the supply voltage i.e., Eb > V. • Obviously under this condition the direction of I a will reverse imposing torque which is opposite to the direction of rotation. • The situation is explained in figures 39.27 and 39.28. The normal motor operation is shown in figure 39.27 where armature motoring current Ia is drawn from the supply and as usual Eb < V. Since Eb = kφ n1. • The question is how speed on its own become large enough to make Eb < V causing regenerative braking. • Such a situation may occur in practice when the mechanical load itself becomes active. • Imagine the d.c motor is coupled to the wheel of locomotive which is moving along a plain track without any gradient as shown in figure 39.27. • Machine is running as a motor at a speed of n1 rpm. However, when the track has a downward gradient (shown in figure 39.28), component of gravitational force along the track also appears which will try to accelerate the motor and may increase its speed to n2 such that Eb = kφ n2 > V. • In such a scenario, direction of Ia reverses, feeding power back to supply. Regenerative braking here will not stop the motor but will help to arrest rise of dangerously high speed. • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMbj5iR KIfY