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Doomsong Kickstarter

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World • Morgan Finley

Art • Moritz Krebs
Rules • Jack Cæsar
Design • Chris Cæsar
Proofreading • Tim Gray
Contents Introduction
You hold in your hands a dark missive sent forth in complete earnestness: the demo
book for Doomsong, a love letter to medieval horror set in a world that was dying even
Introduction............................................ 5 as it was born. As this demo has found its way into your hands, only you can help. We
Getting Started......................................6 need everyone—from TTRPG veterans to those for whom the letters ‘TTRPG’ are
The Gravediggers’ Guild. Guild.....................10
................... a complete mystery (tabletop roleplaying game, if you were wondering)—to read this
The Character Sheet........................... 12 book, create characters and run the introductory adventure found within.
Creating Your Character.....................14
Rules ........................................................ By reading and running the contents of this demo, you will get a sneak preview of the
Standard Checks.................................. 40 world of Painyme. Grab your friends or join us for one of the frequent playtests we run
Special Checks.....................................44 over on Discord. You can tell us all about the experiences you had with this advanced
Combat..................................................54 preview: the good, the bad and the grotesque. We’ll take all your feedback and use it
NPCs.....................................................60 to improve Doomsong. You have our eternal gratitude for getting involved, and if you’re
Gear.......................................................62 comfortable sharing your name (or social media handle) with us, we’ll be sure to thank
Weapons................................................ 64 you publicly when the full product hits Kickstarter later this year.
Traits and Conditions......................... 68
Example Traits.....................................70 A Roleplay Macabre
Abilities..................................................72 Doomsong is an exploration of medieval horror that is set in a realm just askew enough
Occult Abilities.....................................76 from reality to impart a sense of the unknown. It is a system of cruel fate, where heroism
The Last Meal.Meal.......................................84
..................................... and glory are made precious by their rarity. Players create characters who have joined the
Starting Your Adventure.................... 94 Gravediggers’ Guild, an organisation that sends its members to the most forlorn places
Castle Lethe: Caverns........................ 96 of the world. Its aim? Restoring dignity to death. There are many forces in Painyme that
Castle Lethe: Grounds........................98 seek to profane this solemn state: blasphemous entities, unholy philosophies, untethered
Castle Lethe: First Floor.................. 100 souls. It is up to the gravediggers to banish such evils to Heall.
Castle Lethe: Second Floor.............. 102
Castle Lethe: Third Floor................104 Put simply, Doomsong is a roleplaying game, a narrative experience in which one player
Castle Residents.
Residents................................. 106 acts as the Game Master (GM) and the other 2-5 participants as Player Characters
The Lice Mother............................... 108 (PCs). Larger or smaller groups can work, but the sweet spot is about 4 PCs. Each player
Troizel & Cresseid..............................110 controls one character while the GM frames the story and controls all the Non-Player
Gardeners.............................................112 Characters (NPCs). Think of PCs as the main characters in a novel and NPCs as a host
Unquiet Dead: Sefts.......................... 114 of villains, monsters, and side characters that help, hinder, and obstruct the PCs. The
Unquiet Dead: Lythe.........................116 GM? They are a cruel and vengeful god.
Index........................................................ 120
Index This demo has everything you need to take up the mantle of GM. However, if you do
not plan on running a game, you can read everything except the adventure that begins
on page 84, which contains secrets you will have more fun discovering with friends.
G etting Started Running Doomsong
As GM, it is up to you to run the game
(though it is everyone’s responsibility
to make it fun). To do so, follow these
simple steps.

Read the Rules. Once you have collected

the components together, you will want to
read ahead and get a sense of the game’s
rules. You do not need to read all of the
As a GM, sending your gravediggers off into the world of Painyme is as much about rules, but having a basic knowledge helps
entering the mindset of an overworked and unsympathetic taskmaster as it is the when it comes to sharing with your group.
practicalities of rules and dice. We suggest you get your other ledgers in order and brew It is a good idea for players to read the rules
something strong before attending to the information in this tome; gravediggers can be as well, to keep things running smoothly.
an unruly lot and they need a steady hand to keep everything in order.
Read the Adventure. Starting on page Spread the Word. After you have played
84, you will find a short demo adventure a game or two, please get in touch, either
What You Need Terminology adapted from Lord Have Mercy Upon Us, informally on Discord or through email at
To run a game of Doomsong, you will need In this book, we use a bit of terminology. the full-length adventure that will be info@caesarink.com. If you liked what you
the following: hitting Kickstarter alongside Doomsong. played we would also be eternally grateful
Checks. These are used to determine Reading through these pages will help if you could let everyone know about
Dice. This game uses D6s. These are six- the result of actions where the outcome you run the adventure but, as with the Doomsong! We are a small team and word
sided dice found in most board games and is uncertain. Checks involve rolling dice. rules, don’t feel that you need to memorise of mouth is super important to us; we can’t
gambling halls. You will need three dice For more information, see page 40. the whole thing verbatim! make this thing a success without you.
per player and a handful for the GM.
Traits. Characters have traits like light- Create Characters. This is the first
Doomcoin. A coin with heads and tails. fingered or reckless, which can affect stage that will require the other players.
Ideally this coin should be large, weighty, the outcome of a check. Throughout the Up until now you’ve been reading the
and full of ominous foreboding. book, traits are always written in this font. book and getting to grips with the system,
but now it’s time to gather your friends
Note-Taking Tools. Pencils, erasers, and Abilities. Characters also gain various and dive in! Together, begin character
paper. Some players like to use a dedicated abilities, such as the Study ability or the creation by turning to page 14 and
journal for their notes, while others prefer Protect ability (see page 72 for a list of running your players through the process
using scraps of paper they lose immediately. abilities). Characters with abilities have of creating their gravediggers.
special rules that change how they are able
Character Sheets. These form a record to interact with the game. Venture Forth. With characters made,
of a character’s strengths and weaknesses. it’s time to start the adventure. Everything
Find free character sheets here. Conditions. Characters can suffer from that happens next is up to you and your
conditions, the most common of which are players. We can offer you guidance, we can
This Book. For rules, advice, adventure, various injuries. Conditions are temporary offer you prayers, but only you can forge
6 7
creature stats, and map locations. effects that can be treated or removed, this world into reality—we trust you. 77

whereas traits and abilities are permanent.

Last Rite
The Conversation
Most of Doomsong is played through the
What is dead is dead,
conversation. If you are familiar with
What was said is said,
TTRPGs, this conversation will be one
you have had many times. As GM, you
will lay out the scene and ask the players Our hopes not yet drowned, we now must remember our last rite,
what their characters will be doing. In In darkness our purpose found, stood fast in the fallen’s flight,
the majority of cases, no rolling of dice is Embers to ashes, our duty bound through the endless night,
required. Players will make decisions and
With grace our instruments at hand, we gravediggers embrace our command,
you decide the outcome of their actions.

However, there will be times in which We will end this world’s blight, guided by the immortal light,
the conversation isn’t enough: it won’t Never will we lose sight, we f ind solace in our last rite,
be obvious whether a character can leap a Our own hope must burn bright, to survive the eternal f ight,
chasm, smite a foe or charm the merchant From the dirt will rise another, as we rise from the ashes of our brothers,
into giving them what they want. In these
situations, players will have to roll the dice
On our hearts the pain will weigh, in sombre tones we now pray,
to determine the outcome.
With not a moments delay, tools in hand we join the fray,

We have explained the process of rolling The debt they will not repay, we will survive this last day,
dice and making checks on page 40. For Valiantly we take our guard, sacrif icing our lives for every yard,
now, though, it’s important to remember Rulings not Rules
that the conversation is your most powerful The rules of Doomsong cover all manner This forsaken place, we muster our remaining power,
tool. As long as people are talking and of situations, but there will always be the
With a bloodied face, we will stand tall, never to cower,
having fun, you’re doing it right. occasional outlier that goes beyond what
Spared by Death’s embrace, we witness the world’s f inal hour,
we have written here. Instead of trying
to come up with strict rules for every Our mere guild ascends to a corps, we are tasked to f ight this great war,
possibility, we urge you, as the GM, to (As the immortal creates no more)
make decisions based on your instincts,
using this book as a set of guidelines and A weight has now cast over us, we must not fear our fate,

(In unison)
This isn’t to say you should be making
With grace our instruments at hand, us gravediggers embrace our command,
things up as you go along—consistent
and fair rulings will help your players feel From the dirt will rise another, as we rise from the ashes of our brothers,
they can make decisions that matter— Valiantly we take our guard, sacrif icing our lives for every yard,
but neither do you have to stress about Our mere guild ascends to a corps, we are tasked to f ight this great war.
getting every little thing right. An off-
the-cuff ruling that preserves the flow of
the game’s conversation can go a long way
8 9
toward ensuring the players are having a
good time.
by Caetano Capurro 9

The Gravediggers' Guild
W h o w e re y ou b e fore y ou d ar k e n ed t h e do or
of t h e G rav edig g e rs’ G uil d? W h a t w e re
y ou seek ing wit hin our w all s? Adv e n t ure ?
Pur p o se ? O r ju s t a h ot meal an d dr y pl ace t o
res t y our h ea d? We can offe r all t h o se t hings.
Come in, let’s g et y ou somet hing t o ea t an d
t h e n w e’ ll h ear y our s t or y.
T he Character Sheet

In Doomsong, each player needs a character sheet before making their PC. To prepare Action Block. The actions available to Conditions. See page 68.
the sheet for use, tear it from the character pad (not available in demo) or download and a PC during combat.
print a double-sided copy here Next, fold along the central line as shown. After folding, Standard Table. The effect table used
the ‘Stowed Gear’ and ‘Ready Gear’ grid segments should line up to form a single gear Attack and Recover Table. Effect when making a standard check. See
grid. Character sheets contain the following elements: tables used when making an [attack] or page 43.
[recover] check. See pages 46-47 and 50.
Character Details. Birth name, Check Reference. A reminder of the
player name, heresy and any costs Combat Stats. See page 55. steps in a standard check. See page 41.
related to that heresy. The other side
continues with a character’s chosen Gear. See pages 62-67. Notes. Everything from important
name and their goals. names to various marginalia.
Abilities. See page 72-83.
12 13
Combat Reference. A reminder of the Contract. This is signed during
steps in a combat round. See page 56. Traits. See page 68. character creation. It is utterly binding.


C reating Your Character Resolving a Path
Path Example
This page describes how Life Paths are
resolved. When resolving a path, start at
the top and work your way down.

Title. The name of the path. The title

is not recorded on your character sheet.

Flavour Text. This italicised text gives

context to choices the player must make.
Flavour text about the stage of life above.
Trait Choice. When two traits are The arrows below indicate a choice.
presented below like so, the player
chooses to gain either Trait A or Trait B.
tr ait a
All player characters begin the game as members of the Gravediggers’ Guild. This guild tr ait b

accepts anyone. Prosperous business owner, hardened criminal, desperate heretic: all are Table. To generate a result, roll 1D6
welcomed here. All players will need a character before they can play Doomsong. and resolve the text in the matching The dice icon below means roll 1D6 on the table
table entry. If an entry presents a path,
A character is made by resolving a series of paths, starting on page 16 with their ‘Origin’ which is always followed by a page
Event 1.
1 For instance, you are given a choice of
and finishing on page 34 with a ‘Gravedigger’. The page opposite explains this process number, and the player chooses it, 1 two traits, tr ait c and tr ait d. Immediately
more fully, breaking down the elements of a path. The first time a player creates a immediately turn to the indicated page write down the one you choose.

character, we suggest that the GM runs them through the process, but it can also be and resolve that path. Otherwise, once Event 2. 2 For instance, you may become a
2 Poacher (p. 24). To do so, turn to page 24 and
completed solo by finding this character creation section here. you have finished resolving the rolled resolve the Poacher path found there.
table entry, continue down the page. Event 3.3 For instance, you must bookmark this
path and resolve an Injury (p. 28). To do this,
Updating Your Sheet Path Options. If you reach the bottom
place the bookmark ribbon in this page and turn
to page 28.
As a player’s character progresses through Abilities. These names are always followed of the page, the player chooses one of Event 4.4 Table entries with a dash cannot be
their history, the player will have to record by the word ‘ability’. When a player gains the options in this box. Turn to the - rolled. They are not available in the demo.
some things on their character sheet. an ability, they write it on their character page number indicated. If the page Event 5. 5 Table entries with a range of numbers
sheet under ‘Abilities’. Then write the number indicated is ‘Bookmark’, you 4-5 are resolved if any of those numbers are rolled
(in this case a 4, 5 or 6).
Traits. These are always in this font. number 1 under ‘Level’. If an ability is return to the last path you bookmarked
Event 6. 6 For instance, you gain an ability
When a player gains a trait, they write it gained twice, update it to level 2. At the and choose one of the path options on 6 or piece of gear. Immediately write down the
on their character sheet under ‘Traits’. If a end of character creation, look up and that page instead. selected option under abilities or ‘Stowed Gear’.

trait is gained twice, underline it to mark record abilities (pp. 72-83).

it as ‘defining’. A player could have more Please note that some paths are locked
than one defining trait by the end. Heresy If a player meddles with the
Heresy. off in the demo. If you find a path
Traitor Gods, they will add the god’s name leading to page ‘N/A’, it is not available Gravedigger......................................34
Gravedigger ................................... 34
Gear. This is always ‘added to your gear’. under ‘Heresy’ on their character sheet. If and you cannot select this option This is the last path for every character.

When a player adds gear, they write it on a second heresy is gained, the player may during the demo. At the moment these
Return ............................... Bookmark
their character sheet under ‘Stowed Gear’. choose whether to replace or keep the are teasers only, intended to whet your
14 Return to last path and choose an option there. 15
More information on gear is provided at original heresy. appetite for the process of gravedigger
the end of character creation. character creation.


Origin Borderborn

Growing up beyond the bordercastles brought as much peculiar freedom as it did danger. Concepts like
Welcome, stranger. The Gravediggers’ Guild takes anyone seeking sanctuary within its walls. We law and ownership were foreign to you, and folk expect you to be uncultured and unpredictable.
have highborn and low, the scum of the earth and those who would turn their backs on the clawing
existence of daily life. Whatever has brought you here will not surprise us. Tell us, what was the defining moment of your childhood?

Well, let’s have it. Where did your story begin?

A Crippling Illness.
Illness You caught a dreaded disease—the wracking—at a young age. There are few cures for
- this affliction, none of which are available so far from civilisation. You found yourself drifting into the realm of
the Ecclesiarchy, entering the Heartlands in search of charity. Not available in this demo.

Wild Thing.
Thing You were born in the Weald, the untamed wilderness beyond civilisation. Your early years were A Childhood Injury.
Injury The Weald is no place for a child who refuses to learn, and you were taught a brutal
1-2 spent eking out an existence in harsh lands that despise humanity. Choose your birth name* and record it on 1 lesson early in life. Bookmark this path and resolve an Injury (p. 28). Record any traits you gain there and then
your character sheet. Add borderborn as a trait and resolve the Borderborn path on page 17. return to this page to pick a path below.

Guttersnipe You were just another drop in the effluent flow that is the slums of Assartum. Only the quick,
Guttersnipe. A Cult Brand.
Brand Your parents worshipped one of the heretical gods who strangled the Immortal. You inherited
3-4 the clever and the brutal survive there, and even they need luck. Choose your birth name* and record it on your - these beliefs and cannot bring yourself to submit to the teachings of the Ecclesiarchy. Branded by a cult and
character sheet. Add slumcaste as a trait and resolve the Slumcaste path on page 18. shunned by polite society, your life began in the shadows. Not available in this demo.

Farming Family.
Family You were born to work the dry ground and surly woods of the Heartlands. Honest toil and a A Secret Route.
Route During a childhood game, you discovered a covert way past the bordercastles. This provided
- healthy dose of suspicion kept you safe. Choose your birth name* and record it on your character sheet. Add 2-3 endless entertainment in your youth, but when you became an adult it offered new prospects. You may become
countryfolk as a trait and resolve the Countryfolk path. Not available in this demo. a Smuggler (by turning to the path on page 26) or gain the honest trait.

Middle Class.
Class You were wedged comfortably between the unfortunates below and the landed families above. A Life Debt.
Debt You saved the life of a passing Reeve, offering them shelter in a time of need. As thanks for your
5-6 While you had to work to survive, it was not backbreaking toil. Choose your birth name* and record it on your aid, they promised you a position if ever you needed work. Not available in this demo.
character sheet. Add menalty as a trait and resolve the Menalty path on page 19. A Silky Whisper.
Whisper You heard what others could not: promises of power offered up by beings who, in exchange,
Wealthy Elite.
Elite You were born with more than most, including expectations to fulfil and a name to uphold. 4-6 wanted only your loyalty. Their world was one of beauty, danger and granted wishes. The price of entry was your
- However, those at the top have the furthest to fall. Choose your birth name* and record it on your character soul. You may become a Wycce (by turning to the path on page 31) or gain the haunted trait.
sheet. Add landed as a trait and resolve the Landed path. Not available in this demo.
Star-Crossed Babe.
Babe Heretical beings took note of your birth. Perhaps you were born to inherit a border

kingdom, or perhaps you were shadowed by odd forces. You would be hard-pressed to say whether your existence
has been cursed or blessed. Choose your birth name* and record it on your character sheet. Add unusual as a Paths
trait and resolve the Unusual path. Not available in this demo.
aif................................................... 27 Poacher.............................................. 24
The capital city of Assartum offered prospects The Heartlands were rich pickings, protected
*Choosing A Birth Name. This is the name you were given by those present at your birth. After you
you could not hope to match at home. only by laws you didn’t care to understand.
have completed the character creation process, you will choose a name for day-to-day use. In the full game,
advice on various birth names for different origins will be available.
Scavenger...................................... N/A
Scavenger Bandit..........................................
Bandit.......................................... N/A
The debris left by others contains treasures The Weald provided the perfect place from
16 17
aplenty for those who care to look. which to conduct raids.


Slumcaste Menalty

liter ate

They say the streets of Assartum are paved in gold. Having slept on those streets, you know that is a lie.
Your existence was desperate and clawing, and folk expect you to be untrustworthy and cruel. The life of the middle class is precarious at best and perilous at worst. Your life came with more
opportunities than most, and folk expect you to be shrewd and adaptable.

Tell us, what was the defining moment of your childhood?

Tell us, what was the defining moment of your childhood?

A Guilty Verdict.
Verdict You felt the vice-like grip of a guard’s hand about your scrawny arm, then you were bundled
- off to St. Repentance. The judge’s vacant expression and her cursory sentencing left no room for your pleas of A Silver Coin.
Coin The recruiter offered her listeners a life of adventure and independence. Then she held up the
innocence. Not available in this demo. 1-2 silver coin all soldiers receive when they sign up, casually glossing over the mud, the tedium and the horror of
A Grim Acceptance.
Acceptance You had no one to guide you through the perils of city life, and your existence trod the battle. You may become a Foot Soldier (by turning to the path on page 22) or gain the fearful trait.
1 narrow line between danger and insignificance. One day, you slipped. You may become a Waif (by turning to A Family Name.
Name Your parents were artisans with a hard-earned reputation for durable craftsmanship and
the path on page 27) or bookmark this page and resolve an Injury on page 28. 3-4 tasteful wares. It was always expected that you would follow in their footsteps. If you choose the Apprentice path
A Skilful Display.
Display Your earliest memories were of begging from strangers. Then you realised that a well- below, you may roll twice on that path table and take whichever result you prefer.
2-3 timed grovel and a performance that catered to their neverending thirst for entertainment was more profitable. A R apt Audience.
Audience You always felt a spark of joy at making others laugh. After an improvisational bout of song
You may become a Performer (by turning to the path on page 24) or gain the proud trait. 5-6 with a wandering minstrel, you wondered if the life of an entertainer was for you. You may become a Performer
A Thousand Deaths.
Deaths You don’t remember joining the ratcatchers, but a small frame made you invaluable to (by turning to the path on page 24) or gain the ambitious trait.
- their work. Your forearms are covered with scars from vermin that died by your hand. Not available in this demo. An Inky Stain.
Stain Your quick mind and fastidious quillmanship won you a job as messenger running notes for the
- Ecclesiarch’s own scholars. Then you were offered a scribe’s position. Not available in this demo.
A Well-Timed Tip.
Tip Informing to the city watch is a risky business, but either conscience or greed pushed you
4-5 through their doors. As you grew older, it became clearer where your bread was buttered. You may become a An Artistic Bent.
Bent Your early years were spent mixing dyes for the artists of the Ecclesiarchy. When disaster
Watchman (by turning to the path on page 27) or gain the suspicious trait. - struck and an artist fell ill, you had learned all you needed to step into his shoes. Not available in this demo.
A Lucky Streak.
Streak The clack of dice in your palms, the feel of cards in your hand, the rush of winning. For a A Hedonistic Streak.
Streak You were young when you heard the call of the dice, felt the quiet pull of the cards and
6 time, you had everyone beat. As your pockets filled, resentments grew in equal measure. You may become a - found solace and elation in the racing of scythounds. Your parents’ meagre wealth bought you a seat in these
Young Gravedigger (by turning to page 32). If you do, you may roll twice on each table in that path. places. Not available in this demo.

Paths Paths
Cutpurse ........................................... 21 Foot Soldier....................................
22 Apprentice........................................
Apprentice ........................................20
20 Watchman.........................................
atchman......................................... 27
With so much wealth so near to hand, you The recruiter offered you a silver coin, and Your hands were skilled and clever, and so you Keeping the peace in Assartum’s treacherous
would have been a fool not to take it. war couldn’t be worse than the gutters. turned to a life of craftsmanship. streets requires constant vigilance.

Sailor............................................. N/A
Sailor Labourer.....................................
Labourer..................................... N/A Groom............................................ N/A
Groom Servant.......................................... N/A
The seas promised adventure, profit and, if There’s always work to be found at the docks, The stables of the wealthy pay those who can All you required was a crisp uniform, a
18 19
you were lucky, fame. for those who don’t mind blood and sweat. withstand the smell. pleasing demeanour and a suppression of pride.


Apothecary Apprentice Butcher Cutpurse

With ash and mercury, you battled disease and Gain one of the following traits: There is always work for those who can Pickpockets don't last long without fast fingers,
moral weakness. blacksmith, carpenter, tailor, extract all but the squeal. and yours snatched something special.
jeweller, baker or pick another

type of trade.
barber surgeon cook quick-fingered
alchemist burly light-footed

Tell us, what did you discover? Tell us, what do you remember of your training? Tell us, why did you stop? Tell us, what did you steal?

Longevity You may become an Aged

Longevity. Research A special commission taught you
Research. Mutilation The thunk of the cleaver felt
Mutilation. A Chained Pouch.
Pouch You didn't hear the clink
1 Gravedigger (p. 33). If you do, roll twice on the 1-2 strange powders and unguents. You may become 1 no different slicing through your own flesh. 1 until it was too late. Either go to St. Repentance
first table and gain both results. an Apothecary (p. 20) or gain the simple trait. Bookmark this path and resolve an Injury (p. 28). (p. 25) or gain the missing hand trait.

Leeching The application of leeches can slow

Leeching. Pain Bookmark this page and resolve an Injury
Pain. Scarcity You tried to keep the business
Scarcity. A Silver Locket.
Locket You suspected it was too
2 disease. Gain the Leeching ability and add 3 3-4 (p. 28). If you have the unusual trait, you may 2 running with tainted meat, but even that ran 2 recognisable to sell. Either become an Exile (p.
leeches to your gear. gain the haunted trait to ignore this result. out. Gain either the iron stomach or liar trait. 22) or gain the missing hand trait.

Incandescence Gain the Phlegethary ability

Incandescence. Boredom. You found the city unpleasant and Monotony The work was an unending slog
Monotony. A Secret.
Secret The knowledge you gleaned was
3 3
and add 3 alchemical reagents to your gear. - wished to further your trade in far-off lands. 3 through bone and viscera. Gain either the valuable to certain individuals. You may either
Not available in this demo. reckless or ruthless trait. become a Spy (p. 26) or gain the suspicious trait.
Bonesetting When mixed carefully, chalk
4 and bile can seal even the most brutal of breaks. Duplicity. Mastering your craft felt less Arson You missed a payment to the Silt Kings
Arson. An Inheritance.
Inheritance Gold aplenty, enough to start
Gain the Bonesetting ability. - attractive than a life of crime. Not available in 4 and your business went up in flames. Gain either 4-5 a business of your own. You may either become
this demo. the suspicious or br ave trait. a Merchant (p. 23) or gain the reckless trait.
Plague-bags Gain the Plague Chemystry
5 ability. Add 2 alchemical reagents to your gear. Opportunity You secured a loan and created
Opportunity. A Trinket.
Trinket A foul object, brimming with power.
Devotion With a failing business, the Guild
The Limits of Potential.
Potential You pushed your
5-6 a business of your own. You may become a 5 agreed to care for your family. Gain either the 6 You may either bookmark this page and gain a
Merchant (p. 23) or gain the naive trait. compassionate or naive trait. Profane Relic (p. 29) or gain the fearful trait.
6 own body to the limits of reason and dogma.
Gain either the spry or burly trait. Heresy Your craft opened up avenues of
Heresy. Age You realised you could go to the
Age. Their Respect.
Respect Your name was spoken with
- learning not sanctioned by the Ecclesiarchy. 6 gravediggers now or later, but go you would. You - reverence; you could have become someone who
Not available in this demo. may become an Aged Gravedigger (p. 33). mattered. Not available in this demo.

Paths Paths Paths

Gravedigger ................................... 34
Artisan......................................... N/A Paths Young Gravedigger........................
Gravedigger........................ 32
You went on to master your chosen trade. Gravedigger......................................34
Gravedigger ................................... 34 You went to the Gravediggers’ Guild early.
Your skills with salves meant you could name
Dirt was cleaner than blood, perhaps.
the price of your service to the Guild. Young Gravedigger........................
Gravedigger........................ 32 Burglar ....................................... N/A
20 Your craft proved useful to the gravediggers. An old thief is a careful thief. 21


Exile Foot Soldier Merchant Old Hand

You left Assartum a pariah, unable to return Service in the Ecclesiarch's army involved long Buy from the wasteful and sell to the desperate. Fighting and killing made you hard but
until they’d forgotten your face. marches, bad meals and terrible violence. Your life became one of gold and power. growing old can change a person.

navigator melee fighter mathematical melee fighter

liar marksman charming marksman

Tell us, why did you return? Tell us, what did you learn from the battlefield? Tell us, how did your life crumble around you? Tell us, why did you finally leave?

Longing The passage of time brought the

Longing. How To Lose.
Lose Your service was cut short by an Debt Erratic spending or incompetent book-
Debt. Maiming It was only a matter of time before
1 fear of dying alone. You may become an Aged 1 agonising blow but at least you returned home. 1 keeping: the coffers ran dry and bailiffs came 1 you fell during an enemy onslaught. Bookmark
Gravedigger (p. 33) or gain the fearful trait. Bookmark this path and resolve an Injury (p. 28). knocking. Gain the suspicious or naive trait. this path and resolve an Injury (p. 28).

Selflessness The Weald made you strong and

Selflessness. How To Win.
Win You lost many comrades but at Vandalism.
andalism Forgetfulness or carelessness: you Poverty Your pension never came. You may
2-3 you wished to put this toward helping others. 2 least your side prevailed. Bookmark this page 2 awoke to find everything stolen or destroyed. 2 become an Aged Gravedigger (p. 33) or gain the
Gain either the beastwise or hardy trait. and resolve an Injury (p. 28). Gain the vengeful or suspicious trait. suspicious trait.

Pursuit You attracted the ire of a bautenlobbe.

Pursuit. How To Serve.
Serve Cold efficiency is prized in some Charity Every gift brought you closer to debtors’
Charity. Indifference There came a time when you saw
It is following you and wishes you dead. Tell the - quarters. When a royal executioner was needed, 3 prison. You may become an Aged Gravedigger 3 little difference between man and beast. Gain
- GM (they may do with this as they wish) and your name made the list. Not available in demo. (p. 33) or gain the compassionate trait. either the ruthless or haunted trait.
gain either the fearful or brave trait.
How To Steal.
Steal The pay was poor but regular Loathing Eventually, you learned that all
Loathing. Expertise You perfected the arts of warfare.
Pain Disaster in the Weald required an expertise
Pain. 3-5 looting offered an escape. You may become a 4 the gold in the world would never bring you 4 Gain either the Protector ability or the Precise
4 found only in civilised quarters. Bookmark this Merchant (p. 23) or gain the reckless trait. happiness. Gain the fearful or haunted trait. Aim ability.
page and resolve an Injury (p. 28).
How To Lead.
Lead Your courage and determination Fraud
Fraud. Honest mistake or convenient Glory You left the army with the pride of your
Vengeance They made a mistake, letting you
Vengeance. - elevated you above your peers, earning you a 5 misunderstanding: eventually they found you 5-6 peers. Gain either the proud or br ave trait. Add
5 live. Gain either the ruthless or proud trait. commission. Not available in demo. out. Gain either the naive or conniving trait. medal to your gear.

Forewarning In the wilderness, you dreamed

Forewarning. How To Hide.
Hide You found a heretical item on Mastery Even after you made yourself a pillar
Mastery. Compulsion In battle, you heard a voice that
6 of a great evil gaining strength. Gain either the 6 a fallen foe. Bookmark this path and gain a 6 in the world of business, it wasn’t enough. Gain - promised much more than the Divine Corpse
haunted or righteous trait. Profane Relic (p. 29) or gain the righteous trait. either the proud or reckless trait. could offer. Not available in this demo.

Paths Old Hand.
Hand......................................... 23 Paths Paths
You became a veteran of war. Gravedigger......................................34
Gravedigger ................................... 34
Gravedigger ................................... 34 Gravedigger......................................34
Gravedigger ................................... 34
Wealth gone, you were forced to the Guild. Life as a civilian was hard. It was time.
It is noble to protect that which has spurned you. Young Gravedigger ....................... 32
22 The Guild is always in need of warriors. 23


Performer Poacher St. Repentance

The people of Painyme are always in need of The law made hunting a dangerous prospect, The bars were thick and daily life introduced
distraction from their woes. but you thought yourself above such concerns. new meaning to the word ‘brutality’.

spry marksman burly

musical light-footed quick-fingered

Tell us, what did you inspire in others? Tell us, what was your greatest trophy? Tell us, how did you leave that place?

Fear Your art was deemed heretical and you

Fear. Scythound Its noble owner took revenge.
Scythound. Weathered When you finally saw the light of
1 were clapped in irons. You may either become 1-2 Either bookmark this page and resolve an 1 day, it was with grey hair and dulled eyes. You
an Exile (p. 22) or go to St. Repentance (p. 25). Injury (p. 28) or become an Exile (p. 22). may become an Aged Gravedigger (p. 33).
Generosity A bed in every inn, beer aplenty,
Generosity. Bear The risk was great but the hefty beast
Bear. Wracked Those who become infected often
- companionship. Those who lived in lonely 3-4 eventually lay dead before you. Gain either the 2 find themselves ousted at the first opportunity.
places welcomed you. Not available in this demo. br ave or tr apper trait. Gain the liar or sickly trait.
Fascination The eyes of the audience went
Fascination. Bautenlobbe You hunted down a mankiller,
Bautenlobbe. Injured The infirmary was more than happy
- wherever you bid, allowing your hands to help - too late to save a stranger in plate but not too 3 to offload a maimed prisoner. Bookmark this
themselves. Not available in this demo. late to take their name. Not available in demo. page and resolve an Injury (p. 28).
Obedience Your silver tongue brought out a
Obedience. Eotenmutter Those who can bring down one
Eotenmutter. Daring You climbed the wall, fought a guard
2-3 willingness to believe, no matter how outrageous - of the Weald’s giantesses are considered heroes. 4 and swam your way to freedom. Gain the
the words. Gain the liar or charming trait. Not available in demo. reckless or spry trait.

Gregariousness Your openness and ability to

Gregariousness. Reeve It takes a thief to catch one. Pockets laden
Reeve. Victorious Champions of the prison pit fights
4-6 blend in brought forth many secrets. You may - with gold, you realised you might excel at such a 5 are promised the chance to join the gravediggers.
either become a Spy (p. 26) or gain the vain trait. pursuit. Not available in demo. Gain the melee fighter or spry trait.
Passivity Charisma can be intoxicating. You
Passivity. Failure Hunger and desperation were all you
Failure. Connected Friends in low places can get you
- realised that very little stood between you and a 5-6 found. You may become a Young Gravedigger 6 anything in St. Repentance, including a way out.
flock. Not available in this demo. (p. 32) or gain the stubborn trait. Gain the ruthless or liar trait.

Paths Paths
Minstrel .....................................N/A
N/A Butcher.............................................. 21
Butcher Paths
You furthered the skills you gained in song. A safer, more profitable alternative.
Gravedigger ................................... 34
The Guild’s ranks are filled with criminals.
Young Gravedigger.......................
Gravedigger....................... 32 Woodsman..................................... N/A
24 The Guild needs levity as much as any. Your knowledge of the Weald is valuable. 25


Smuggler Spy Waif Watchman

There will always be a need for the covert Those who sell secrets dangle between dignity The gutters of Assartum were a gaping maw, You chose to become first line of defence
movement of goods past tollroads and bordercastles. and a knife in the back. waiting to drag you down. against Assartum’s own people.

navigator liter ate iron stomach melee fighter

light-footed sharp ears light-footed investigator

Tell us, what made you stop? Tell us, what did you escape with? Tell us, how did you survive? Tell us, why did you abandon your post?

Betrayal Instead of the pick-up you were

Betrayal. Distrust Abandoned by your handlers, you
Distrust. Impatience The guards thought you were
Impatience. Danger The knife was sharp, the pay low.
1-2 promised, you were met by Reeves. Either go to 1-2 could only remain safe by disappearing. Gain 1 up to no good. Go to St. Repentance (p. 25) or 1-2 Become a Young Gravedigger (p. 32) and gain
St. Repentance (p. 25) or flee into Exile (p. 22). the suspicious or light-footed trait. bookmark this page and resolve an Injury (p. 28). the fearful trait, or resolve an Injury (p. 28).
Close Call.
Call You lost a shipment worth more Vigilance The web of lies is invisible to the fly.
Vigilance. Service You had the right temperament for
Service. Truth Destroying the trust of a friend could
- than your life and, to top it all, the Reeves 3 Were you ever the spider, or only prey? Gain the 2-3 sluicing blood and slicing ligament. Become a 3-4 lead to important arrests. Either become a Spy
picked up your scent. Not available in demo. haunted or twitchy trait. Butcher (p. 21) or gain the compassionate trait. (p. 26) or gain the compassionate trait.
Conscience The pay was high but the cargo
Conscience. Endurance In your line of work, long life
Endurance. Commerce Leechers always welcome a healthy
Commerce. Travel When promotions were announced, it
- was alive. You had to choose. Not available in 4 requires patience. You may become an Aged - specimen for their dark arts. Not available in - threatened to take you far from what you knew.
demo. Gravedigger (p. 33) or gain the reckless trait. demo. Not available in this demo.
Espionage A step up in the world only cost you
Espionage. Mutability Everyone you met walked away
Mutability. Eavesdropping No one pays attention to the
Eavesdropping. Wealth A few years on the take would allow
3-4 the name of an old friend. You may become a 5-6 with a different idea of who you were. Gain the 4 gutters. You grew to know the shape of secrets. 5-6 you to move up in the world. Either become a
Spy (p. 26) or gain the compassionate trait. liar or inconspicuous trait. Become a Spy (p. 26) or gain the honest trait. Merchant (p. 23) or gain the honest trait.
Success You travelled far and returned with
Success. Loyalty Faithful servant of the Divine Corpse,
Loyalty. Performance Though you earned half the
Performance. Authority Your control over other people was
- exotic cargo. It was worth the risk to see your - skilled in passing secrets to the Ecclesiarch’s 5-6 coin of a taunted beast, it was enough to get by. - built upon their own perceptions. Not available
competitors froth. Not available in demo. own staff. Not available in this demo. Gain either the musical or spry trait. in this demo.
Greed The worn reliquary was too tempting
Greed. Ruinous Secrets.
Secrets You found the lever that Providence You lay dying in the street,
Providence. R ank.
ank You had the chance to get a seat at the
5-6 not to peek. Either bookmark this path and gain - tore a member of the gentry from their perch, - forgotten by all except something heretical. Not - table. All it would cost is every friend you had.
a Profane Relic (p. 29) or gain the honest trait. allowing you their place. Not available in demo. available in this demo. Not available in this demo.

Paths Paths Paths

Leecher......................................... N/A
Leecher Paths Young Gravedigger........................
Gravedigger........................ 32 Old Hand.
Hand......................................... 23
The great city, Assartum, called your name. You joined the gravediggers early. You never did get that promotion.
Gravedigger ................................... 34
A new master will fit neatly atop your old life.
Merchant ......................................... 23 Cultist ........................................ N/A Bodyguard..................................... N/A
26 Legitimacy was an obvious next step. A hot meal is the first step to damnation. In the end, protecting one person was easier. 27


Injury Profane Relic

Your life was interrupted by a flash of blinding pain. For some, these moments are a terrifying
Relics of power are rare and forbidden. Each is tied to a Sublime or Dread, claiming a part of their
reminder of their own mortality; for others, a reminder that they’re alive.
essential nature and tethering it to mortal hands.

Where were you harmed?

Flip the Doomcoin and roll on the corresponding
table. Add the relic under ‘Gear’ on your sheet.

1 2 4 5-6
Legs The injury affected
Legs. Arms The injury affected
Arms. Torso.
orso The injury affected Head The injury affected
one of your legs. Decide one of your arms. Decide a location on your torso. a location on your head,
which one, unless you only which one, unless you only neck or face.
have one left. have one left.

Languor’s Pallid Flower.

Flower This asphodel Oblivion’s Burial Shroud.
Shroud It is impossible to
How bad was it?
1 bloom, when burned and inhaled, gives a human 1 recall the face of anyone wearing this scrap of
the Silent Song ability. rough-woven winding sheet.

Toil’s Daily Burden.

Burden When exposed to Feast's Drinking Horn.
Horn Any liquid drunk
2 2 from this horn will taste of honeyed wine.
Crushed Leg. You Mutilated Arm. You gain Dead for a Day. You did Knocked Out. You gain sunlight, this small weight becomes immovable.
1 gain missing leg missing arm as a trait*. not return alone. You gain simple as a trait*.
Hope’s Blade.
Blade This serrated dagger causes no Frenzy's Spear.
Spear Wounds opened by this glass-
as a trait*. haunted as a trait*.
3 pain. Any living matter cut with it stays alive: 3 tipped spear never stop bleeding and cannot be
Smashed Foot. You Mangled Hand. You gain Collapsed Ribs. You gain Punctured Eye. You gain plants continue to flourish, body parts don’t rot. treated by mortal means.
2 gain missing foot missing hand as a trait*. bad lungs as a trait*. missing eye as a trait*.
Honour's Iron Gauntlet.
Gauntlet Once donned, this Perception’s Mottled Pearl.
Pearl Whoever owns
as a trait*.
black gauntlet cannot be removed until death. this pearl can see through it by closing their left
4 4 eye. At sunset, ownership is reset and the next
Fragmented Toes. Severed Fingers. Roll Broken Back. You were Missing Ear. You gain Its wearer counts as if they are holding a shield
Roll D6, then gain D6, then gain missing x bedridden for over a year. missing ear as a trait*. even if they are not. human to touch it becomes its new owner.
3 missing x toes as fingers as a trait* where If you have the burly or
Panic's Lantern.
Lantern When a lit candle is placed in Justice’s Ring and Torc.
orc This simple copper
a trait* where X is X is the number rolled. spry traits, lose one and
5 this lantern, it plunges the area into darkness. 5 ring always tugs gently toward the bronze neck
the number rolled. gain the liter ate trait.
Only the candle itself is visible to anyone nearby. piece, no matter the distance put between them.
Twisted Leg. You Broken Arm. You gain Shattered Spine. You Mangled Face. You gain
Rot’s False Crown.
Crown This green-bronze crown, Chance’s Charm.
Charm A small golden spider charm.
4 gain crooked leg crooked arm as a trait*. gain crooked back as a grotesque as a trait*.
when worn, will either heal a human of all their Once per sunset, the owner is spontaneously
as a trait*. trait*. 6 6 lucky. After flipping the Doomcoin, you may
wounds or dissolve them into dust. Flip the
5-6 Scarred. You make a full recovery. Gain scarred x as a trait* with x being the rolled location. Doomcoin to determine which. use this luck to re-flip the result.

Paths Paths
Return ............................... Bookmark Gravedigger......................................34
Gravedigger ................................... 34 Return...............................
Return ............................... Bookmark Gravedigger......................................34
Gravedigger ................................... 34
28 29
You refused to be broken. They were the only ones who would take you. Relic safely stashed, you continued your life. The Guild will overlook your new possession.

*not a condition. Traits on this page are not gained as conditions because they have already healed as best they can.
They are traits because they are the permanent after-effects of injury, rather than still-weeping wounds.

The Traitor Gods rarely bestow power on mortals. When they do, they secure the loyalty of their
wycces with binding pacts, overseen by watchful familiars.

A wycce’s power comes from a heretical god. Flip

the Doomcoin and roll on the corresponding table.

Languor Add Languor under ‘Heresy’ and

Languor. Oblivion Add Oblivion under ‘Heresy’ and
1 1 gain the Oblivion’s Grasp ability.
gain the Silent Song ability.
oil Add Toil under ‘Heresy’ and gain the Feast Add Feast under ‘Heresy’ and gain the
2 2 Bounty ability.
Kincraft ability.
Hope Add Hope under ‘Heresy’ and gain the
Hope. Frenzy Add Frenzy under ‘Heresy’ and gain
3 3 the Blood Rage ability.
Vivomancy ability.
Honour Add Honour under ‘Heresy’ and gain
Honour. Perception Add Perception under ‘Heresy’ and
4 4 gain the Augury ability.
the Pact of Retribution ability.
Panic Add Panic under ‘Heresy’ and gain the
Panic. Justice Add Justice under ‘Heresy’ and gain the
5 5 Long Hunt ability.
Wildfyre ability.
Rot Add Rot under ‘Heresy’ and gain the Spoil
Rot. Chance Add Chance under ‘Heresy’ and gain
6 6 the Aspect of the Laceworker ability.
ability. Do not get a familiar during next step.

Familiar. Gain the Familiar ability. You can choose the form your familiar
takes at the end of character creation.

Young Gravedigger........................
Gravedigger........................ 32 Exile...................................................22
Exile ................................................ 22
30 31
Your past heresies would be absolved. You fled to the Weald, where few cared.
Young Gravedigger Aged Gravedigger

The gravediggers will not refuse those who wish to throw their lives away, as long as they are old Clutch at the sands of time, it will do no good. You know much of the ways of the world, having seen
enough to wield a spade. The young invigorate the Guild; their recklessness can be put to good use. many examples of its brutal precariousness. The Guild can put your experience to good use.

Tell us, what were your gifts? Tell us, what were your insights?

1 Small. Your stature allows you to slip unseen between the cracks. Gain the small trait.
Small 1 Knowledgeable. Gain either the navigator, beastwise, liter ate or mathematical trait.

2 Spry. Your thin frame allows nimbleness at the cost of brute force. Gain the spry trait.
Spry 2 Fixed. You are set in your ways. Gain the meticulous or righteous trait.

3 Twitchy. Always the first to act, even when action isn’t warranted. Gain the twitchy trait.
Twitchy 3 Growth. Choose one trait you have and lose it. You cannot choose any Injuries you have resolved.

4 Sharp-eyed. Very little escapes your notice. Gain the sharp-eyed trait.
Sharp-eyed 4 Instincts. You have spent a lot of time with people. Gain the suspicious or charming trait.

5 Iron Stomach.
Stomach Illness takes hold in others, but not you. Gain the iron stomach trait. 5 Hobby. You picked up some skills later in life. Gain either the carpenter, tailor or cook trait.

6 Eye-catching. Being memorable is a blessing and a curse. Gain the eye-catching trait. 6 Stubborn. You understand that this, too, will likely pass. Gain the hardy trait.

And how was this gift wasted? And what did this knowledge cost you?

1 Naive. Believing the best of others comes naturally to you. Gain the naive trait.
Naive 1 Decrepitude. Roll twice more on this table, ignoring any further results of 1.

2 Reckless. You have yet to understand the sting of loss. Gain the reckless trait.
Reckless 2 Weak. Lose either the spry or burly trait. If you do not have either, gain the weak trait.

3 Fearful. Choose what you fear most or pick general cowardice. Gain the fearful trait.
Fearful 3 Half-blind. You cannot see well. Gain half-blind. If you roll this twice, it is a defining trait.

4 Proud. To those at life’s pinnacle, down is all that remains. Gain the proud trait.
Proud 4 Half-deaf. You cannot hear well. Gain half-deaf. If you roll this twice, it is a defining trait.

5 Simple. It takes you longer to pick up on things happening around you. Gain the simple trait.
Simple 5 Frail. Your body needs no excuse to fail. Gain fr ail. If you roll this twice, it is a defining trait.

6 Compassionate. You have yet to harden your heart. Gain the compassionate trait.
Sickly Your stomach grows fussier with each passing year. Gain sickly. If you roll this result twice, your PC has
a single year left to live. It is up to you if they know this, but it cannot be prevented except by miraculous means.

Paths Paths
Gravedigger ................................... 34 Gravedigger......................................34
Gravedigger ................................... 34
32 33
You did not wait for the inevitable outcome. You put it off as long as you were able.


Defence. The standard maximum defence for a human
is 4. Record this under ‘Defence’ on your character
sheet. Defence is spent to increase the difficulty of
attacks against you (see page 55).

Toughness. The standard maximum toughness for

a human is 4. Record this under ‘Toughness’ on your
character sheet. This is how difficult your character is
to harm with attacks, before spending defence.

You stood at the threshold of the Gravediggers' Guild, throwing the rest of your life away to the vagaries
of fate. Whether you felt relief or dread when they accepted you, we do not know. Items of Office. You gain a badge marking you as a member of the Gravediggers’ Guild as well
as a long-handled, serviceable spade.
Defining Trait. Reflect upon the life you have lived. Choose one of your traits and underline it
to mark it as a defining trait. This will give you a bonus on checks involving this trait.

Choose whether they taught you to fight or filled you with knowledge.

Fighting would keep your team alive. Knowledge is our greatest weapon.

Roll twice and choose either result. Roll twice and choose either result.
Your days will soon be filled with travel and toil: digging
graves for the dead, and ensuring the dead go to their
Brawling You gain the Underhanded Strike
Brawling. Medicine You gain the Bonesetting ability.
Medicine. graves. You aid in small ways those who fall on the
1 ability. Add 3 dirks to your gear.
1-2 Add a bonesaw, needle and thread to gear.
peripheries of the Ecclesiarch’s notice .
arfare You gain the Measured Strike ability. Folklore You gain the Fable ability. Add a
2 Add a mace and hard leather to your gear.
3 lantern, rope, and walking stick to gear.
You won’t be forced to bear this life alone, however.
Duelling You gain the Flowing Strike ability.
Duelling. Studying If you have the liter ate trait, gain the
3 Gravediggers work in teams; it is time you met yours.
Add a rapier to your gear. 4 Study ability. Otherwise, gain the liter ate trait.
Add a diary, quill, and inks to your gear. Whatever you think of your allies, you understand there
Positioning You gain the Burst of Speed ability.
4 Add a sling and linen armour to your gear. Tracking You gain the Discovery ability. Add a
Tracking. is a good chance that the rest of your life will be spent in
5-6 spyglass, flint and tinder to your gear.
Protection You gain the Protect ability. Add
Protection. their company.
5 scale armour, a short spear and shield to gear. Leadership You gain the Leader ability. If you
Marksmanship You gain the Precise Aim ability.
- are the only player with this ability, you are in
6 Add a bow and soft leather armour to gear.
charge. Add a light coinpurse to your gear.

Unless the last player has created their character, begin character creation with the next player. Continue
until all players have reached this point. If all players have created a gravedigger, continue together.
Chosen Name. Many years ago, your parents gave you a name. It is likely you now go by something
34 else. Choose a name for your character and write it under ‘Name’ on your character sheet. 35

This path concludes on the next page.


Look up Traits. Your character now has a list of traits that will help or hinder them during certain checks. If you are
unsure what any traits mean, see the glossary on page 70 to learn what kinds of checks we imagine specific traits will
be useful for.

Look up Abilities. Your character also has a list of abilities that give them special rules. A list of abilities and their
effects can be found on pages 72-83.

Look up Heresies. If you committed heresy during character creation, you will have filled in ‘Heresy’ on your
character sheet. Find your Traitor God on pages 76-83. Record the relevant cost under ‘Cost’ on your character sheet;
this is a rule you must follow if you wish to keep using any of your occult abilities. Breaking this rule means you cannot
Are you starting a new party or joining an existing one? access occult abilities until your god has been appeased (as decided by the GM).

New Party
Existing Party The Guild welcomes you with open arms.
Many pass through these doors looking for an honest trade;
Roll on the table below to create a goal. Each goal
Choose a result or roll on the table below to decide as long as you work hard, the opportunities are endless.
connects your PC to another character (X) in the
how you met the party. If more than one player is There is one last thing you must do before we can call you family,
party. For these, you may decide whether your
making a character at the same time, it can be a and, truly, it is just a small matter of formality.
characters knew one another before joining the
good idea to choose the same result.
Guild or if the connection is more recent. You see, we need your signature on this contract...

Rival Choose a PC to share a friendly rivalry

Rival. Last Survivor.
Survivor Some local danger, as decided On the back of your character sheet you will find a Contract of Employment. If
1 with. Add ‘To prove I am better than X’ under by the GM, ripped your last party limb from your character has the liter ate trait, you may read the contract before signing it.
‘Goals’. 1 limb, leaving you alone. The party come across
you as you are finishing the last of their graves. Regardless of your traits, you must sign it. The GM will then sign on behalf of the
Indebted Choose a PC to have saved your life
2 in the past. Add ‘Save X’s life’ under ‘Goals’.
Gain the vengeful trait. Guildmaster. At this point, you have officially joined the Gravediggers’ Guild.
Reinforcement You were sent directly from
Knowledge Choose a PC to know a secret
the Guild to bolster the party's efforts. You
3 about you. Add ‘Secure the silence of X’ under 2 bring with you valuable information about their
current quest.
Student Choose another PC that has some
Student. Now get out of my sight, gravedigger.
Lonesome Scout.
Scout You were sent to this land
4 skill you wish to learn. Add ‘Learn a valuable
The dead aren’t going to bury themselves.
lesson from X’ under ‘Goals’.
3 alone in order to scout it out. Add maps of the
local area to your gear.
Admiration Choose another PC to secretly
Quiet Work.
Work You have just finished an arduous
5 admire. Add ‘Gain the mutual admiration of X’
but uneventful task burying bodies for the
under ‘Goals’. 4 nearest settlement. They know you there and are You are now ready to begin your adventure.
Family Choose another PC to be your family,
Family. willing to perform small favours for you. A sample adventure, The Last Meal, has been
6 whether by blood or not. Add ‘Sacrifice my own
Acquaintance You are wandering, lost, when
Acquaintance. provided on page 84.
opportunity for X’s happiness’ under ‘Goals’.
the party come across you. You already know a
5 member of the party. Roll on the table to the left
to determine your relationship and goal.
Burden You have been sent by the Guild to
6 deliver an important item (as decided by the
GM) that will be useful in the party's adventure.
36 37


A ll of u s are fet te red b y t h e dic t a tes of
t ra dit ion an d t h e Eccles i arc h. You cl aw a t
t h ese bin dings b u t, w h e n f reed, di sco v e r t h e y
di d n ot t ie h um anit y t o t h e g roun d. To y our
h or ror, y ou fin d w e w e re alw ays s u s p e n ded
o v e r an a b ys s, e n dles s fall p re v e n ted on ly b y
our c h ain s.
S tandard Checks
The Check Steps
Follow these steps when making a check:

1. Difficulty. The standard difficulty of a check is 5. The

GM may increase or decrease this as they see fit.

2. Modifiers.
-Helpful. +1
-Perfect. +2
-Defining and Perfect. +3
-Helpful. +1
-Perfect. +2
Checks are at the heart of the Doomsong system. Players will perform them both in -Helpful Allies. +1 per ally.
and out of combat. They provide a way to infuse a scene with interesting twists and -Hindering Trait. -1 or, if defining, -2.
turns, even if there are no physical dangers to overcome. When you need to resolve -Conditions. -1 per condition.
the outcome of a task, use the standard check summarised on the page opposite and
explained fully overleaf. 3. Roll.
Focused Check. Roll 2D6, use highest.
Never ask a player to roll a die if the task is either impossible or completely without risk. Hasty Check. Roll 2D6, use lowest.
If one of these is the case, the matter should be resolved with a simple ‘You succeed due Standard Check. Roll 1D6.
to the...’ or ‘You fail because...’
4. Apply Modifiers. Apply modifiers determined in step 2.

Impossible Tasks Risk-Free Tasks 5. Result. Compare the total to the difficulty set in step 1.
Certain tasks, such as drinking the Certain tasks will not incur risk if they -Under. Failure with cost.
Euxinean Sea, are not possible for humans are failed. Instead of asking players to roll, -Equal. Success with cost.
to do. Perhaps they can change their you can either have the character succeed -Over. Success.
situation to make such feats feasible, but or introduce some form of risk to make
don’t be afraid to set sensible limits on failure interesting. 6. Doom. Decide whether to flip the Doomcoin.
your world.
Eunice wants to open a locked reliquary. The 7. Effect. Resolve the outcome of your actions.
Grenth wants to pull down a statue of the GM knows that she has a set of burglar’s keys
Ecclesiarch with his bare hands. The GM and the knowledge of how to use them. If the
says this is impossible unless Grenth finds a party is camped, the GM might allow her to
useful tool or gets help from allies. open the reliquary without making a roll. On
the other hand, if she wants to open the lock These steps are outlined in more detail on the next page.
during a heist, the risk of discovery is now
40 41
very real. Failure has become interesting, so 41

the GM would now require Eunice to roll.


1. Dif ficulty 3. Roll 6. Doom
After describing the situation and listening Helpful Allies. The PC receives a +1 Decide if the check is focused, hasty or After learning the result of their check,
to what the player is trying to do, the GM if an ally is helping with the check, or standard. that player may choose to take the
sets and states the difficulty for the check. +2 if multiple allies are helping. If in Doomcoin and flip it.
doubt about whether an ally can help, use Focused. If the PC has enough time to
The typical difficulty of a check is 5, common sense. During combat, allies may complete the check at their own pace or has If a crest is flipped, the result of the
though the GM should increase or only help if they have taken the Aid action some situational advantage, it is considered check is treated as one better on the
decrease this based on the situation. This (page 56). a focused check. They roll 2D6 and take the table. If skull, it is treated as one worse.
is something you will get a feel for over highest result. Flipping the Doomcoin is therefore
time. When in doubt, bump the difficulty Hindering Trait. If the PC has a trait the only way to get critical results.
by 2 for each notable factor. that would hinder the check, they suffer Hasty. If the PC is rushed or otherwise
a -1 penalty. A PC cannot be hindered by hindered, it is a hasty check. They roll 2D6 The player keeps the Doomcoin after
Opposed Checks. If a check is directly more than one trait, but if it is a defining and take the lowest result. flipping it. They are now doomed. If
opposed by an NPC, the difficulty should trait, the penalty increases to -2. any other player was doomed before,
be increased by 2 when the opponent has Standard. If the timeframe falls they lose this status.
a useful trait. For example, if a player tries Conditions. The player receives a -1 somewhere between, it is a standard
to convince a heretic they worship the same penalty for each condition that might check. They roll 1D6. This is the most Doomed. If a doomed player decides
god, you might increase the difficulty to 7 hinder them. These are often injuries. common type of check in combat. not to flip the Doomcoin after
if the heretic has the suspicious trait. The learning the result of their check, the
same is true for the opposite situation, GM may force them to flip it. After
reducing the difficulty to 3 if they are naive. 4. Apply Modifiers doing so, the Doomcoin returns to
Daunting or Trivial Checks The total modifier determined in Step 2 is the GM and that player is no longer
After determining modifiers, if the applied to the result showing on the die. doomed.
difficulty of the check is so high that
2. Modifiers a roll of a 6 would still not reach it, the Daunting or Trivial. If the check is
Determine modifiers that will affect this check is considered daunting. Similarly, 5. Result daunting or trivial (see previous page)
check, adding together all that apply. if the difficulty is equal or below Compare the modified result with the the player must flip the Doomcoin.
Potential modifiers include: the total modifiers (making failure difficulty and check the table below. The
impossible) the check is considered player has rolled either under, equal or
Trait. The player may choose one of trivial. over. Note that the top and bottom results
their PC’s traits to use in the check. The cannot be rolled directly. Instead, these
GM decides if its bonus is incidental (+0), For daunting and trivial checks, results can be achieved in Step 6.
helpful (+1) or perfect (+2). If a trait is skip straight to Step 5, treating the 7. Ef fect
ect 7
perfect and also a defining trait, the PC result as ‘under’ or ‘over’ respectively. eff Finally, resolve the effects of the check
gains +3 to the check. Deciding the bonus During Step 6, the player must flip the Critical Fail.
Fail They fail at as shown on the table. If this was a
their goal in a catastrophic way.
for a trait is up to the GM but if in doubt, Doomcoin. special check (see next page) use the
Fail With Cost.
Cost They fail at their
the trait is helpful (+1). under goal and incur some cost in doing so. table on the special check page.
Oftentimes, a daunting or trivial check Success With Cost.
Cost They succeed
Gear. The player may choose one piece of is a sign that the roll wasn’t necessary. at their goal, but at some cost. If the PC had a trait that hindered this
gear to use in the check. The GM decides The GM can always decide that an over Success They succeed at their goal. check, they gain 1 experience (xp), or
42 43
if its bonus is incidental (+0), helpful (+1) action happens automatically or is Critical Success.
Success They succeed at 2xp if it was defining. Experience is 43
their goal and gain an extra advantage.
or perfect (+2). truly impossible. not used in this demo.


S pecial Checks dif
ficult y 1
Many special checks found in the
following pages have guidelines on Standard Check Steps
how to set the difficulty. We have 1. Difficulty. The typical difficulty
listed factors that can increase or of a check is 5. A GM may increase or
decrease the difficulty. As always, decrease this as needed.
the GM has final say.
2. Modifiers.
Remember: If the special check has -Trait.
a fixed difficulty, like [struggle, -Helpful. +1
difficulty 7], you can skip this! -Perfect. +2
-Defining and Perfect. +3
ifiers -Gear.
mod 2
-Helpful. +1
Many special checks found in the -Perfect. +2
following pages have suggestions -Helpful Allies. +1 per ally.
The standard check on page 40 can be used to resolve most situations the party will for the traits and gear that could -Hindering Trait.
encounter; it could be used to run an entire game. The special checks outlined in be useful (+1) or perfect (+2) in the -Hindering. -1
this section are standard checks that have been tweaked to streamline the process for check. As always, however, the final -Defining and hindering. -2
commonly encountered situations. decision is up to the GM. -Conditions. -1 per condition.

For example, you could use the standard check to resolve a player trying to discern Remember: If the special check has 3. Roll.
whether an NPC is lying to them. Alternatively, you can have the player [judge] the a fixed modifier, like [attack, +3], Focused. Roll 2D6, use highest.
NPC’s words using the special check found on page 49. The process is exactly the same; you can skip this! Hasty. Roll 2D6, use lowest.
certain steps are modified or predefined so as to speed things up. Standard. Roll 1D6.
ect 7
4. Apply Modifiers. Apply modifiers
Identifying Special Checks Resolving a Special Check The most important part of a determined in step 2.
The presence of square brackets, such as Follow all the steps for a standard check, as special check is the result table.
[judge] in the paragraph above, indicates shown to the right, but make the adjustments These work in the same way as the 5. Result. Compare the total to the
that a named special check should be made. specified by the description of the special standard check table on page 43, difficulty established in step 1.
check. The difficulty, modifiers and effects but the effects of rolling over, equal -Under. Failure with cost.
can all differ from those of a standard check. or under can be quite different. -Equal. Success with cost.
Fixed Values -Over. Success.
When a special check is identified in text,
the name of the check may be accompanied 6. Doom. Decide whether you will to
by either a fixed difficulty or modifier (but flip the Doomcoin.
never both) within the square brackets.
Therefore a special check could appear as 7. Effect. Resolve the outcome of
[resist fear, difficulty 7] or [attack, +3]. your actions, as shown on the table.
44 45
These indicate the GM doesn’t need to 45

decide difficulty or modifiers for this check.


Attack eff
ect 7
If I am to be buried, then I shall not be buried a coward. Let us go forth with hearts unbound Fumble If this was a ranged attack, you must make a free [attack] against the nearest unintended target.
and ire unleashed. Onwards! Tear down any who stand against our righteous cause! If this was a melee attack, one adjacent enemy may make a free [attack] against you.

under Off Balance.

Balance You fail to hurt your target and overextend yourself. Lower your defence by 1.

equal Flinch. Lower your own defence by 1. The target loses 1 toughness.

1 over Graze. Target loses 1 toughness.


An [attack] check is made whenever a character tries to harm another character with a 2 over Scratch. Target loses 2 toughness.

weapon or unarmed strike. Usually this occurs during an Act in the combat round (p. 56) 3 over Deep Wound.
Wound Target gains the major injury ‘scar’.

4 over Face. Target gains the major injury ‘missing ear’, ‘missing eye’, or ‘missing nose’, at GM’s choice.

ficult y 1
5 over Leg. Target gains the injury ‘injured leg’. They cannot stand without a crutch until this injury is treated.

Equals the total of the defender’s current toughness and protection. The defender’s
6 over Arm. Target drops something they are holding and gains the injury ‘injured arm’.
protection is doubled if the attack is light. The defender may choose to dodge or
block, if able, to increase the difficulty further. 7 over Shattered. Target gains major injury ‘missing arm’, ‘missing hand’, or ‘missing foot’ at GM’s choice.

Dodge. Must be standing, able to move freely, and spend at least one defence. 8 over Incapacitated. The target gains major injury ‘missing leg’ or ‘broken spine’, at GM’s choice.

-Spend Defence. Increase the difficulty by +1 for each defence spent. Bleeding Out.
Out Target gains the injury ‘open wounds’. Until this injury is treated, all attempts to [resist
9 over
-Helpful Trait. Increase the difficulty by +1 if the defender has a helpful trait death] are hasty.

(fearful, twitchy), and +2 if they have a perfect trait (spry, small). 10 over Death. The blow hits a vital mark. The target dies instantly.
-Duck! Increase the difficulty by +1 if the defender chooses to fall prone.
-Heavy Attack. Heavy attacks are easier to dodge. If the attack is heavy, all above
bonuses to the attacks difficulty are doubled.

Block. Must have something to block the attack with, such as a weapon or shield,
and spend at least one defence. The Attack Ef fect Table
-Spend Defence. Increase the difficulty by +1 for each defence spent. The table above works like any other effect table (see page 43). However, you should
-Helpful Trait. Increase the difficulty by +1 if the defender has a helpful trait keep track of how much ‘over’ the difficulty a player rolls. For example, rolling 8 on
(fearful, hardy), and +2 if they have a perfect trait (burly, melee fighter). a difficulty 4 check means that you should resolve the ‘4 over’ result on the effect
-Shield. Increase the difficulty by +1 if the defender has a shield. table above.

The Doomcoin. If an ‘over’ result is Damage. Anything that rolls ‘over’ the
ifiers 2
mod rolled on this table and the Doomcoin is target difficulty is considered to have
Traits. spry, melee fighter, marksman, burly then flipped, the result is treated as one caused ‘damage’. This has no extra
better or worse, as normal. For example, effect, but some abilities and rules
Gear. Most weapons are helpful (+1). Also, they may receive other modifiers in the previous section a crest would be require an [attack] to have caused
depending on their properties (see Weapons on page 64). treated as ‘5 over’ and a skull as ‘3 over’. damage in order to apply.

NPCs do not use traits or gear during their attacks. These bonuses have already
46 been worked into the action block. If this is a free attack (see page 58) use any NPC 47
action that involves an attack.


Commune First Aid Judge Knockback
Wrench the answers you need from foul forces Though it may be difficult to believe right Fault lies not at the feet of your betrayer, but Hold your ground, give no quarter. Drive
beyond your comprehension. now, you’re actually very lucky. with you for trusting them. them into the sea and let Oblivion take them.

[Commune] is used when a character [First aid] is used when a character wants [Judge] is used when a player tries to [Knockback] is used when a character
seeks knowledge from creatures not of the to stop another from dying or restore determine the motives of another creature. attempts to push a foe using brute force,
natural world: the unquiet dead, Traitor toughness. This check can be made during Note that this check does not inform the oftentimes from a high ledge or into some
Gods or stranger beings still. combat, though one adjacent enemy may player of whether a target is deceiving other hazard.
make a free [attack] against either the them unless they get the ‘Truth’ result.
character or their patient.
ficult y 1 diff
icult y 1
ficult y 1
Set by GM or ability. dif The toughness of the target, ignoring
ficult y 1
dif Increased by 2 if the target has a protection. This check can be dodged or
Increased by 2 if the target is of a helpful trait, like liar or conniving. blocked as if it were an [attack].
different species to the healer. Decreased by 2 if the target has a
ifiers 2
mod hindering trait, like simple or honest.
ifiers 2
Traits. charming, br ave, haunted,
ifiers 2
Traits. burly, melee fighter
Traits. barber surgeon, tailor, quick- ifiers 2
Gear Ritual candles, god’s idol or
Gear. mod Gear. Heavy armour, shield, heavy
fingered, compassionate
Traits. compassionate, suspicious weapon, two-handed weapon
Gear. Bandages, rags, medicine
ect 7
eff ect ect 7
Haunted. If you do not have the
ect eff 7 eff
haunted trait, gain it. Otherwise, choose eff 7 Misunderstanding You misjudge the
Misunderstanding. Trip The target dodges and you fall
hard. You lose 2 defence and 1 toughness.
a non-physical trait and lose it. If you have Error in Judgement.
Judgement If the patient target in the worst possible way.
no traits to lose, you die. is dying, they die in your arms. It was your
Bias You project your own worldview on to
Bias. under Off Balance.
Balance You lose 2 defence.
fault. Otherwise, they lose 2 toughness.
Harrowed The whispers just won’t stop.
Harrowed. the target’s intentions. For example, if you Shove Lose 2 defence, then push the
under All checks you make are hasty until you get Fumble You make matters worse. The
Fumble. under used suspicious in the check, you suspect
equal target a short distance.
a full night’s rest. patient loses 2 toughness. They cannot the target of lying; whereas if you used
under gain toughness until they rest and receive compassionate, you believe they mean well. over
Knockback You push the target a short
Harrowing Reply.
Reply You receive an answer distance.
more [first aid].
to your question, though it is cryptic. All Inkling You correctly judge whether the
equal checks you make are hasty until you get a Stabilise If the patient is dying, they stop
equal target has any hidden motives.
Critical Hit.
Hit The target is pushed a short

full night’s rest.

equal as long as you remain adjacent to them.
distance. They lose 2 defence.
Insight You correctly judge the target’s
Cryptic Answer.
Answer You receive an answer to Help Restore D6 toughness to the target
over true motives.
over your question but it is veiled in obscurity.
over or stabilise them.
Truth You correctly judge the target’s
48 49
Clear Answer. You get a clear and concise Good as New. Restore the target to full true motives as well as whether or not they 49
answer to your question. toughness and stabilise them. are lying to you.


Knockdown Recover Resist Death Resist Fear
You are always larger than a man on his back. I’ve no use at all for a fighter who can’t take a There is no light at the end of the tunnel, only a There are things in this world that will shake
Break the knees, then break the bastard. beating. Get up or I’ll kill you myself. slow loss of self as your blood soaks the ground. the bravest of hearts. You stand no chance.

[Knockdown] is used when a character [Recover] is used when a character takes [Resist death] is used when a character [Resist fear] is used when a character faces
attempts to floor a foe by wrestling or the Recover action (see page 56). takes an injury or does something foolish. an otherworldly horror or insurmountable
tripping them. Going from prone to odds, often as a result of an enemy ability.
standing in combat costs an action. ficult y 1
dif ficult y 1
Equal to twice the current defence of ficult y 1
ficult y 1 Equal to thrice the number of injuries a dif
the character making this check.
character has. Set by GM or ability.
The toughness of the target, ignoring
protection. This check can be dodged or
blocked as if it were an [attack]. ifiers 2
mod ifiers 2 ifiers 2
mod mod
Traits. melee fighter, twitchy,
Traits. burly, righteous, hardy, Traits. Righteous, proud, br ave,
spry, fearful, small, burly
barber surgeon vengeful
ifiers 2
mod Gear. Swords and other hilted weapons
Gear. A holy symbol, bandages, the Gear. A holy symbol, a weapon or item
Traits. burly, melee fighter, spry, are helpful (+1) for recovering defence,
Gravediggers’ Guild badge of office that can harm the source of fear
conniving whereas shields are perfect (+2).

Gear. A hooked weapon, heavy weapon, ect 7

ect 7 eff
two-handed weapon, rope eff ct 7
Instant Death.
Death You die, instantly. effe
Panic. Lose 1 defence.
Flight. You [retreat] immediately.
Dying You fall unconscious. The GM
under Harried. Your next check is hasty.
Harried secretly rolls a D6. You will die in this If this check was made outside of combat,
under gain the fearful trait.
ect 7 Find Footing.
Footing Gain 1 defence or 2 defence many rounds’ time unless you receive [first
eff equal if there are no adjacent enemies. aid], as on page 48. Freeze Discard any remaining action
Trip The target dodges and you fall
Not Today.
oday If you have two action dice, dice. If you have none, gain no action dice
Second Wind.
Wind Gain 2 defence or 3 defence
hard. You lose 2 defence and 1 toughness.
over equal you lose one action die. next round.
under Off Balance.
Balance You lose 2 defence.
if there are no adjacent enemies. under
If this check was made outside of combat,
Hold Out.
Out If you take an action before
Tumble You lose 2 defence. Then the
Tumble. Unbreakable Defence.
Defence Gain 4 defence. all checks you make are hasty until you get
equal over you receive [first aid], you must [resist
a full night’s rest.
target falls to the ground. death] again.
Knockdown The target falls to the
Knockdown. Fight Fear quickens your reflexes. Gain
over Moment of Heroism.
Heroism If you have one equal 1 defence.
ground. action die, you gain an action die.
Critical Hit.
Hit The target falls hard, losing Bold. You cannot be frightened by this
over specific source of fear until sunset.
2 defence.
50 51
Unshakeable. You can never be frightened 51
by this specific source of fear again.


Retreat Sneak Struggle Surgery
A coward dies a hundred timid deaths. A hero Pass unseen by those who mean you harm. Resist with muscle, force of will, and the If you thought an arrow was the most painful
dies once in a blaze that shakes the land entire. Leave valour for warriors and kings. knowledge that failure means the end of you. thing you’d experience, I bear bad tidings.

[Retreat] is used when characters are [Sneak] is used when a character wants [Struggle] is used when a character resists [Surgery] is used when a character wants to
trying to flee. If multiple characters are to hide some action from a watcher, such an enemy’s physical action, typically an treat a patient for an injury. This check can
fleeing at the same time, choose a leader as thieving a coinpurse. There must be attempt to push or pull that character only be made once per day per injury.
and roll once on the check. darkness, distance, cover or distraction. If somewhere they don’t want to be.
multiple characters wish to sneak, choose a ficult y 1
leader and roll once on the check. dif
ficult y 1
dif dif
ficult y 1 Increase by 1 per injury the patient has.
Increase by 1 for each dangerous Set by the GM or ability.
ficult y 1
opponent within short range of a dif
retreating character. Decrease by 2 if Increase by 2 if the watcher has a useful ifiers
mod 2
there is a way to break the enemy’s line trait, such as sharp-eyed or suspicious.
ifiers 2
of sight during the retreat. Decrease by 2 if the watcher has a mod Traits. barber surgeon, meticulous,
hindering trait, such as half-blind tailor, cook
Traits. spry, burly, twitchy, melee
or deaf. Increase by 1 for each extra fighter

difiers 2 character involved in the check. Gear. Bandages, cleaver, needle and
mo thread, medicine, alchemical reagents
Traits. light-footed, fearful Gear. Heavy armour, a light weapon,
ifiers or a shield
mod 2
ct 7
Traits. spry, light-footed, small effe
ect 7
eff ect 7 Slipped Blade.
Blade You make matters
Cut Off.
Off As below, except every eff worse. The target gains the major injury
Slip You suffer the effects of
enemy can move and make a free action. ‘missing X’, where X is the location you
ect 7
the creature’s action and lose 2 defence. At
were treating.
Costly Escape.
Escape One enemy in the combat the GM’s discretion, you may instead
Spotted You are spotted at the worst
can move and make a free action. If, as part suffer some other heightened effect. Costly Recovery.
Recovery Reduce the patient’s
possible moment of your endeavour.
of this action, a fleeing character suffers
Failure You suffer the effects of the
under maximum toughness by 1, then resolve
under an injury or becomes unable to move, they Impossible Surveying the task, you
Impossible. under the ‘On the Mend’ result below
creature’s action.
cannot retreat. All other fleeing characters determine it too great a risk. This check is
can choose whether to escape successfully
under impossible until circumstances change or One Step.
Step You shrug off the effects of the
Complications Reduce the patient’s
equal maximum defence by 1, then resolve the
(see page 57) or stay for another round. you flip the Doomcoin. equal creature’s action but any further checks
‘On the Mend’ result below
you make this round are hasty.
Rout The characters make their escape in
Rout. Noticed You successfully perform the
On the Mend.
Mend If the injury is already
a disorderly fashion. If they enter combat equal hidden action but leave some trace that is
Immovable You shrug off the effects of
equal again during the next minute, they are soon noticed. the creature’s action. over
on the mend, resolve the result below.
Otherwise, mark the injury as “on the
surprised (see page 55).
over Silent. You perform the hidden task.
Silent Indomitable. If the enemy is adjacent to mend” on the patient’s character sheet.
Withdraw The characters escape with
Withdraw. you, make a free [attack] against them.
over grace and speed.
Into the Shadows. You successfully Healed. The injury is treated successfully;
perform the hidden task and may remove it from the character’s list of
52 53
Feint. The characters successfully retreat immediately perform a second without conditions. If it was a major injury, 53
and also shake off any pursuers. requiring a check. it becomes a trait of the same name
(see page 59).


C ombat Start of Combat Combat Stats
Combat is initiated as soon as the order in Combat makes use of certain stats:
which characters act becomes important. toughness and defence, which are innate
Typically, this will occur immediately to a character; as well as protection and
after a PC or NPC makes their violent bulk, which are determined by the armour
intentions known. a character is wearing. More information
on armour can be found on page 66.
At the start of combat, each character sets
their defence to its maximum value minus Toughness. Most PCs have a maximum
bulk (see right). Then each character who toughness of 4 All characters have a
was surprised loses 3 defence. Generally, if toughness value, which determines
the combat was started by an out-of-combat how difficult they are to harm with
[attack], the target of that attack is surprised. an [attack]. See page 46 for more
The GM may decide (at their discretion) information. When lost, toughness is
one or more characters are surprised. only regained through [first aid] or
from eating a good meal and getting
Once all defence has been set, combat a full night’s rest, each of which heal
proceeds in rounds. Each round consists 1 toughness. If a character is reduced
of all characters—PCs and NPCs alike— to 0 toughness, they fall unconscious
selecting what they would like to do and until they gain at least 1 toughness.
resolving those actions.
Defence. All characters have a
Painyme is harsh and the Traitor Gods uncaring. Players will frequently find themselves See next page for the full combat round. maximum defence value. This
in conflict with others who reside in these lands. Sometimes combat is made unavoidable determines how much defence they
by a particular situation. At other times, it is the logical conclusion of a failed check. gain at the start of combat and how
much defence they are reduced to at the
end of each combat round. Defence can
Out-of-Combat Attacks be spent to defend against an [attack].
If a character wants to make an attack Out-of-combat attacks can be daunting See page 46 for more information.
outside of combat, perhaps by surprising or trivial, just like any other check. If the Characters cannot spend more defence
an opponent, they should always make a attack has no real chance of failure, such than they currently have, so characters
relevant check beforehand (see page 40). as when the opponent is sleeping, there is at 0 defence cannot spend defence at
Succeeding on this check means the player no reason to get the dice involved. all. Unlike toughness, defence is much
can immediately make a free [attack] as easier to regain, as with [recover] on
described on page 58. After this [attack] is resolved, the GM page 50.
assesses the situation to see if combat
Usually, an out-of-combat [attack] cannot should begin. Protection. Added to toughness when
be dodged or blocked, since the defender defending against an [attack].
does not have any defence before the start
of combat. The GM may also decide to Bulk. Subtracted from a character’s
54 55
ignore the protection of the defender. maximum defence. 55

The Combat Round
The combat round is made up Retreat
of the following stages: Start Here The GM decides if any NPCs are going
Round Begins to [retreat] or surrender. If all NPCs do,
Set Action Dice the combat immediately ends.

Acts 1-6
End of Round
Round Begins Then, any or all PCs may [retreat] or
surrender. If all PCs do, combat ends.
Each PC gains 2 action dice (see page
Retreat Pretending to surrender should be
58). The GM gains 1 action die for
resolved as an open action instead of
each NPC involved in the combat.
using this step.

If the party retreats, they may not be

Set Action Dice out of danger entirely. A new combat
End of round
begins if they re-encounter the enemy After spending and resolving any
First, the GM examines the relevant NPC action blocks (such as the laceworker
or tensions flare anew. action dice set to , the round ends.
block on page 61) and sets each die to match the numbered segments containing
At this time, resolve any effects that
something they would like that NPC to do during the round. Alternatively, they
occur at the end of the round.
can roll the dice and randomly assign one to each NPC (this can be good for animal
NPCs or speeding up less important combatants).
If any characters have a defence higher
than their max defence value, it is now
Then, players discuss what they would like to accomplish as a party during the
reduced to the max defence.
round. Each player sets their available action dice to the number(s) that match
the desired segments in the PC action block found on their character sheet. They
PCs may now share an in-character
cannot place two dice on the same segment.
hurried word with each other, parley
with the enemy and take small,
PC Action Block. All PCs have access to the following actions while in combat.
inconsequential actions. Some GMs
These blocks are printed on each player’s character sheet.
Acts like to keep this short and sweet;
Once all action dice have been set, others allow players to hold entire
Aid. Ready this die. You may spend it to add +1 to an ally’s check. conversations with foes mid-combat
players who have selected may spend
Draw. Draw or stow up to two pieces of ready gear, or draw one piece of stowed gear. for a more theatrical experience.
that die to move a short distance (see
Dash. Move a short distance (for a total of two moves this act). 59) and then perform one action found
Hasty Action. Perform an open action (see page 58). If it requires a check, it is hasty. in that segment. If more than one PC
has selected , they may proceed in
Light Attack. Make a hasty [attack] with a non-heavy weapon (p. 46).
any order they wish. Once all PC dice
Recover. [Recover] your defence. The difficulty equals twice your current defence.
showing a have been spent, the GM
Standard Attack. Make an [attack] as discussed on page 46. does the same for NPC action dice
Standard Action. Perform an open action. If it requires a check, it is standard. set to , moving each corresponding
Heavy Attack. Make an [attack] with a non-light weapon, doubling all modifiers in the attack. NPC a short distance and resolving
If the defender dodges, they increase the difficulty of the attack by double the normal amount. an action found in that segment of the
NPC action block.
Focused Action. Perform an open action. If it requires a check, it is focused. 57
This is repeated for and .
Action Dice Free Actions Movement Injuries
During combat, actions are determined When a character gets a free action, they In Doomsong, movement depends largely During combat, characters may gain
by PC and NPC action dice, which are may complete any action in their action upon your group’s style of play. injuries, a type of condition (see
the same as the D6s used to make checks. block without spending a die. They do not page 68) most commonly received after
Below we have included some terminology get a free move with this action. If you are not using miniatures in your being damaged by an [attack]. When a
that relate to action dice: game, movement is used in a narrative non-major NPC gains an injury, they are
sense. A short distance will get a character defeated in a manner of the GM’s choosing,
Spend. To spend an action die means to put to a treeline, up a ladder, or to the edge such as surrender, death or incapacitation.
it to one side of the player. This is usually of a skirmish. A good rule of thumb is
to do something listed on an action block. to treat a ‘short distance’ as the shortest When a major NPC gains an injury, they
Spent dice return to the player at the start distance that matters in the current scene. lose an action die. If they lose their last
of each combat round. It will therefore mean something a little action die, they are defeated.
different in an open battlefield as opposed
Discard Very similar to spending, except
Discard. to claustrophobic catacombs. When a PC gains an injury, make a note
that discarded dice do not resolve an of it under ‘Conditions’. Then they must
effect. Discarded dice also return to the If you are using miniatures and a TTRPG [resist death] as on page 51.
player at the start of each combat round. Free Attacks battlegrid (traditionally marked in 1 inch
Discarding dice is usually the result of a When a PC gets a free [attack], they may increments), you can treat a short distance Major Injuries. These work just like
failed check or enemy action. make the check on page 46 immediately. as 3 unobstructed squares or hexes. injuries, but after a successful [surgery],
A PC cannot flip the Doomcoin on this as on page 53, they become traits instead
Lose. To lose an action die means to check, even if it is daunting or trivial. In both cases, specific measurements are of being removed entirely. For example,
remove it from combat entirely. It is less important than consistency. if you treated the ‘missing hand’ injury, it
only returned at the end of combat. This For NPCs, a free [attack] means they take would become the missing hand trait and
commonly occurs when a character must a free action. The action they perform Conditions. Use common sense to work like any other.
[resist death], as on page 51. must involve an [attack] of some kind. determine whether a character’s conditions
and injuries would impede their movement.
Ready. To ready an action die means to
place it in front of the player. The action Open Actions Obstacles. Certain terrain may restrict a
or ability that readies a die will specify An open action (such as those found in character’s movement. Depending on the
when it can be spent and the effect it will the Hasty, Standard and Focused Action terrain, it may require the PC to use one
have. Players can only have one readied die segments on the PC action block) is any move to enter or scale the obstacle, then
in front of them at any time, but they can action that takes a small amount of time use a second to go past it. Alternatively,
retain this die between combat rounds if or requires a check. This could be barring the GM could have them resolve a check
they choose. a door, performing [first aid] or any to ignore the restriction.
number of little things a character wants
to do during combat. Pinned and Prone. Certain enemies
may knock a character down, pin them in
Many abilities and enemy effects can be place, or impose some other movement
performed ‘as an open action’. Characters restriction upon them. A prone PC can
can do these freely outside of combat. stand as an open action. Other movement
58 59
However, whilst in combat, they can only restrictions may require a check, as decided 59

be performed by resolving an open action. by the GM.


Laceworker 7
spry, wallclimber, silent

Frail Exoskeleton. When making NPC Statblock

a bludgeoning [attack] against this An NPC statblock contains a few different
NPCs are everything the PCs meet in their adventure, from rabid beasts to noble scions. creature, gain an extra +1 modifier. elements. These will help when you need
Essentially, an NPC is any character controlled by the GM throughout the game. They rules for NPCs.
work much the same as PCs. However, instead of a character sheet, they have a statblock Thrash. The laceworker lashes out with
in the rulebook that details their traits, stats, abilities and action block. one of its long legs in a panic, making a Name. The creature’s name.
hasty [attack, +2].

Climb. The beast flows up the nearest Traits. The creature’s traits. These
Running NPCs tall object, attempting to get out of sight
of any enemies. If it does so, it regains 2
work just like PC traits.
For much of the game, NPCs do not defence. It does not need to make a check
require rules. Their actions and the to climb vertical surfaces. Unique Rules. Many NPCs have
difficulties of any check involving them Bite. With sickening speed, the creature unique abilities or weaknesses that are
are decided by the GM and simply folded lunges forward in an [attack, +3], sinking unavailable to PCs.
its fangs into a foe. If this attack causes
into the conversation (see page 8). NPCs damage, the target gains the ‘laceworker
have their own wants and fears; they poison’ condition. In D6 rounds, the Toughness. NPC toughness works
target becomes paralysed for ten minutes.
should be thought of as characters in their the same as a PC’s (see page 55). If
own right. The PCs believe themselves the Rear Up. The laceworker rears onto its multiple NPCs are using the same
heroes of their own story, but Painyme’s back legs, ready to lunge forward at a statblock, their toughness values are
moment’s notice. Ready this die. The
NPCs feel otherwise. laceworker may spend this die to leap and tracked individually.
[attack, +2] an enemy that moves within a
short distance of it.
Max Defence. NPC defence works
NPC Checks NPCs in Combat Pull. The laceworker tries to pull an the same as a PC’s (see page 55). If
adjacent enemy a short distance, onto an
When an NPC attempts a check, follow Each NPC has a unique action block, multiple NPCs are using the same
available web or out of their allies’ reach.
the same rules a PC would use (page 40). found on their page. This means their The target may [struggle, difficulty 5] to statblock, their defence values are
However, NPCs cannot flip the Doomcoin options are different from those available prevent this. tracked individually.
unless they are making a check that directly to PCs; they may do something the Lacework. With delicate movements,
affects a doomed PC, usually an [attack]. players don’t expect. When running an the laceworker creates a web that spans Action Block. Note that while an
a small area. Any creature that touches
After flipping the Doomcoin, the GM places NPC in combat, keep their goal in mind. the web loses 3 defence and cannot move
NPC has access to different actions
60 61
it in front of themselves and the player who Remember, retreat is always an option! until they break free as an open action from a PC, the action block otherwise 61
[struggle, difficulty 7].
originally had it is no longer doomed. works the same.

G ear Trade
Painyme’s currency is measured in obol,
but it is not expected that players will
collect and count their coin with any great
accuracy. When PCs gain any worthwhile
quantity of wealth, they should record one
of the following types of gear:

Light Coinpurse. This is enough money

for a standard piece of gear or a small bribe.
Characters can also use light coinpurses to
support a meagre lifestyle without trading
away the entire purse.

Average Coinpurse. This is enough money

for a head of livestock or a fine piece of
jewellery. Characters can also use average
coinpurses to support a modest lifestyle
without trading away the entire purse.

Fat Coinpurse. This is enough money

With the exception of weapons and armour, most gear in Doomsong does not have for a piece of land or a noble dowry.
specific rules. It is up to the GM and players to decide what effects that gear has, using Characters can also use fat coinpurses to
common sense and case-by-case rulings. support a lavish lifestyle without trading
away the entire purse.

The Gear Grid

Each character sheet has two sections of the PC’s backpack. During combat, gear
their gear grid: ready and stowed. When can be drawn or stowed using the Draw
a PC picks up a piece of gear they intend action (see page 56).
to keep, the player adds it either of these Armour
sections. Ready gear are the items that a Small items, or those easily held in one Unlike other gear, armour is removed
PC has easy access to, either held, worn or hand, take up one space on the grid. Bulky from a PC’s gear grid when it is donned.
sheathed. Stowed gear are items carried in items are written across two adjacent
spaces on the grid. After a PC dons armour, the player
should add the name of the armour under
‘Armour’ as well as the protection and
Weapons bulk values to their character sheet under
If a PC picks up a weapon they intend to ‘Protection’ and ‘Bulk’ (found next to
use, they should add it under ‘Weapon’ on their toughness and defence). See page 55
62 63
their character sheet as well as their gear for more details. 63

grid. See page 64 for more details.

W eapons Properties Example Weapons
When adding a weapon to their character Find below a list of example weapons. This
sheet, the GM chooses which (if any) of is not an exhaustive list of weapons found
the following properties it has. throughout the world, but rather a guide
to give you an idea of how to apply weapon
Heavy. This weapon is perfect (+2) for heavy properties. When in doubt, you can choose
attacks but cannot make light attacks. the closest weapon from this list.

Light. This weapon is perfect (+2) for light

attacks but cannot make heavy attacks.
Unarmed B Improvised (-1), unarmed
Improvised. This weapon suffers a -1 P Improvised (-1)
penalty to each [attack]. Shears S Improvised (-1)

Dirk P Light
Unarmed. If you roll under a target’s Shortspear P
difficulty and they did not dodge, you lose Warpick P Heavy
1 toughness. Rapier P Castle-forged (+1)

Razor S Light
Reach. This weapon is perfect (+2) for Sabre S
attacks at the end of its reach but incidental Battleaxe S Heavy
(+0) for attacks against adjacent targets. Club B Improvised (-1)

Whip B Reach, improvised (-1)

When a PC gains a weapon they intend to use, it is up to the GM to decide its damage Two-Handed. This weapon applies a +1 Mace B
and properties (if any). These rules allow for any kind of weapon, but it can be quicker bonus to each [attack] but requires two Warhammer B Heavy
to choose a weapon from the table on the opposite page. hands to wield. Arming

R anged. This weapon (usually a bow or Pitchfork P

Improvised (-1),

Using Weapons similar) can be used to make an [attack] at

two-handed (+1)
Improvised (-1),
Unless otherwise stated, weapons are range but it cannot be used in melee. Spade B
two-handed (+1)
considered helpful (+1) in an [attack], as Castle-forged (+1),
Flamberge S
on page 46. The GM may decide that a Reload. This weapon requires an open two-handed (+1)

particular weapon is perfect (+2) for a action to load between each [attack]. Maul B Heavy, two-handed (+1)

certain situation even if it doesn’t have a Pike P Reach, two-handed (+1)

property denoting it so, as discussed on Castle-Forged. This weapon applies +1 Sling B Ranged, light

the opposite page. Damage to all attacks but is expensive or rare. Hunting
Improvised (-1), ranged,
two-handed (+1)
As standard, weapons can have one of three
Bow P Ranged, two-handed (+1)
damage types: slashing, bludgeoning or
Ranged, heavy,
piercing. For the purposes of this demo, Longbow P
two-handed (+1)
damage types only change the flavour of Light Castle-forged (+1), ranged,
combat. To record the damage type of a Crossbow reload
64 65
weapon, the player should write S, B, or P Crossbow P
Castle-forged (+1), ranged, 65
two-handed (+1), reload
under ‘D’ next to the weapon name on their
character sheet.
A rmour Properties
When a player adds armour to their
character sheet, the GM should choose
which (if any) of the following properties
the armour should have:

Ill-Fitting. +1 bulk, until fitted.

Decayed. +1 bulk, until fixed.

Castle-Forged. +1 protection.

Light. -2 protection, -1 bulk.

Heavy. +2 protection, +1 bulk.

Piecemeal. -1 bulk. If an enemy flips a

crest on the Doomcoin during an [attack]
against the wearer that would deal damage,
Soft Leather +2 0 Light
their result is moved up a number of steps
equal to the protection of this armour Leather
+2 1 Light, ill-fitting

(instead of one step). Rotted

+2 1 Light, decayed

Slash Resistance. +2 protection against Hard Light,

+2 0
Leather slash resistance (+2)
attacks from slashing weapons. This
When a PC gains armour they intend to wear, it is up to the GM to decide its protection, cannot be applied to heavy armour. Weald
+2 0 Light, piecemeal
bulk and properties (if any). These rules allow for any kind of armour, but it can be
Linen +2 0 Light
quicker to choose an armour from the table on the opposite page.
Example Armour Gambeson
Scale armour
Light, castle-forged

To the right, find a list of example

Protection Bulk armour. This is not an exhaustive list of
+4 1 Slash resistance (+2)

The main benefit of armour is its The main downside to armour is its bulk, armour that can be found throughout the +4 2 Decayed
protection, which contributes to a PC’s which is deducted from a PC’s maximum world, but rather a guide for how to apply Brigandine +6 2 Heavy
toughness against an [attack], as shown defence and may, at the GM’s discretion, armour properties. When in doubt, you Full Plate +7 2 Heavy, castle-forged
on page 46. The standard protection for hinder physical checks the character can simply choose the closest armour set Scavenged Heavy, piecemeal,
+6 2
armour is 4, which may be modified by makes (swimming, climbing, etc). A high from this list. Plate ill-fitting

properties the armour has. bulk value is bad. The standard bulk for
armour is 1.
An armour’s total protection should
be recorded under ‘Protection’, next to An armour’s bulk should be recorded under
66 67
‘Toughness’ on a player’s character sheet. ‘Bulk’, next to ‘Defence’ on a player’s 67

character sheet.

T raits and Conditions

Traits and conditions are what make individual characters unique. They cover everything
from skills and personality to health and injuries. The main difference between traits
and conditions is permanence, with traits being the intrinsic elements of a character and
conditions being the fleeting needs and hurts of a character’s mortal frame.

Traits Conditions
Usually, a trait can only be added or Conditions are temporary effects that can
removed by spending XP (not available in be applied by the GM for failing a check
this demo) and is listed under ‘Traits’ on or making a poor choice. For example, a
a player’s character sheet. These modify PC missing a night’s sleep may gain the
checks in a negative or positive way, as condition ‘exhausted’. This is recorded on
discussed on page 42, and a list of example their character sheet, to be removed when
traits is provided on the following page. the PC gets a full night’s rest. Conditions
act as negative modifiers on checks, as
Traits also have a less mechanical effect on described on page 42.
the game’s conversation. When deciding
the outcome of a PC’s action, the GM may The most common conditions are injuries,
decide not to make a player roll for a check as described on page 59.
because of a certain trait. Likewise, they
might consider certain things impossible.
For example, a player with the liter ate
trait wouldn’t be asked to roll a check in
order to read a sign. Nor would a player
with the half-blind trait, though the
68 69
outcome would be very different. 69


E xample Traits Hh Pp
Half-Blind. Hinders checks based on Proud. Confidence, bullying.
sight. If defining, the character can barely
see or is completely blind.
Half-Deaf. Hinders checks based on Qq
hearing. If defining, the character can Quick-Fingered. Performance, lockpicking.
barely hear or is fully deaf.
Haunted. You are haunted by occult
forces. Literal gods whisper to you at night, Rr
meaning you cannot trust your own mind. Reckless. Reflexes, decisiveness.
Most traits are self-explanatory. Below we’ve provided examples of checks and situations Hardy. [Resist
[ death], endurance. Righteous. Resisting pain, intimidation.
in which a particular trait may be relevant. As always, the GM has final say over whether Ruthless. Hurting others, intimidation.
a trait is hindering (-1), incidental (+0), helpful (+1) or perfect (+2) for a particular check.
Inconspicuous. Escaping notice, [sneak].
Investigator. Spotting, solving, [judge].
Aa Cc Iron Stomach. Resisting poison, disease. Ss
Alchemist. Chemicals, [surgery]. Carpenter. Woodworking, crafting. Scarred X. Intimidation, hinders checks
Charming. Haggling, making friends. involving remaining inconspicuous.
Compassionate. [Judge], making friends, Ll Sharp-Eyed. Spotting.
[first aid]. Liar. Disguising, charming, mimicking. Sickly. Hinders [resist death].
Conniving. Lying, planning, tricks. Light-Footed. Balance, [sneak], [retreat]. Simple. Hinders checks based on memory.
Cook. Using knives, [surgery], preparing Literate. You can read and write. Slumcaste. Interacting with other
meals. downtrodden folk.
Crooked X. Hinders checks to do with Mm Small. Dodging, [sneak], squeezing.
nimbleness. Marksman. [Attack] with a ranged weapon. Spry. Dodging, reflexes, [attack] with a
Mathematical. Studying, gambling. light weapon, nimbleness.
Melee Fighter. [Attack] with a melee Suspicious. [Judge], haggling.
Ee weapon, [knockback], [knockdown].
Eye-Catching. Interacting with folk Menalty. Interacting with other middle-
influenced by ordinary beauty. class folk. Tt
Meticulous. Studying, planning, patience. Tailor. Making clothes, [surgery].
Bb Missing X. You cannot use this body part, Twitchy. Hinders checks based on patience.
Bad Lungs. Hinders [recover] and checks Ff usually gained through a major injury.
to do with endurance. Fearful. Reflexes, [retreat]. Musical. Performing, making friends
Barber Surgeon. [Surgery], [first aid]. Frail. Hinders [resist death]. Vv
Beastwise. Handling, tracking, empathy. Vengeful. Checks aimed against the
Blacksmith. Metalworking, resisting heat. target of your ire
Borderborn. Interacting with folk beyond Gg
civilisation’s grasp. Good Memory. Studying, recognition. Nn
Brave. [Resist fear], bolstering allies. Grotesque. Hinders interactions with folk Naive. Hinders [judge] Ww 71

Burly. Lifting, pushing, arm wrestling. influenced by ordinary beauty. Navigator. Tracking, camp-making, maps Weak. Hinders checks based on strength.


A bilities Discover Leeching
When you flip the Doomcoin on a check Level 1. You may use a leech to perform
to find tracks, a clue, or some other piece [surgery] on a disease as if it was an injury
of physical information, you may re-flip (see page 53). Leeches cannot be reused.
the Doomcoin once.
Level 2. As an open action, you may
use a leech to extract excess blood from
Fable a human. The target loses 1 toughness;
Once per creature, you may choose to recall all their checks are focused until the end
a fable containing useful information. of combat or, if not in combat, for a few
Flip the Doomcoin. You are now doomed. minutes.

If you flip a crest, you remember a story Level 3. You can clean leeches using
with a useful piece of information about alchemical reagents, which are lost during
the creature, as decided by the GM. this process. Cleaned leeches may be
reused once but then die.
If you flip a skull, you learn something
useful but are doomed for the rest of
the session (even after you have lost the Measured Strike
Abilities are special talents that PCs can gain during character creation or through Doomcoin). You may not use this ability Level 1. When making a non-heavy
training (not available in this demo). Abilities change how characters interact with the again during the session. [attack], you may choose to gain +1 to
game and range from martial techniques to dark gifts from the Traitor Gods (see occult the check. If you do, you can only get a
abilities on page 76). maximum of 3 over the target’s difficulty.

A player with an ability gains access to the rules listed in this section. If an ability Level 2. When making a non-heavy
contradicts another rule in the book, the ability takes precedence. [attack], you may choose to gain +2 to
the check. If you do, you can only get a
maximum of 2 over the target’s difficulty.
Whenever a PC gains an ability, their player should add it to their character sheet under
‘Abilities’ and mark it as level 1 under ‘Level’. If they would gain an ability but already
have it, instead update the ability to level 2 (keeping any level 1 effects). If the ability is Flowing Strike
gained a third time, it is updated to level 3. In the demo, abilities cannot go above level 3. Level 1. When an enemy chooses to
dodge a light melee [attack] of yours,
move the target a short distance. This
Bonesetting Burst of Speed movement cannot force the target into a Phlegethary
After you perform [surgery] on a patient, Level 1. After taking the Dash action, location that is inherently dangerous, such As an open action, if you have alchemical
you may choose an injury that is ‘on the you may roll the spent action die and place as over a cliff. reagents to hand, you coat a weapon or
mend’ and immediately heal it. it back into your action block. piece of ammunition with flame. The next
Level 2. When using Flowing Strike, [attack] made with the weapon ignores
72 73
Level 2. Instead of rolling the spent die, you you may now force your opponent into an protection and deals fire damage (fire 73

may now turn it to a side of your choosing. inherently dangerous location. damage is not part of this demo).

Plague Chemystry Underhanded Strike
Level 1. As an open action, if you have Level 1. When making a free [attack]
alchemical reagents to hand, you may soak with a light weapon, gain +2 to the check.
a handkerchief in incense. Any creature
holding this handkerchief to their face, Level 2. After an enemy rolls ‘under’ your
usually with a spare hand or plague mask, difficulty with an [attack], you may force
cannot catch a disease. The incense stays them to flip the Doomcoin. This follows
potent for 10 minutes. normal rules for flipping the Doomcoin: a
skull will push the result to ‘fumble’ and a
Level 2. As an open action, if you have crest to ‘flinch’.
alchemical reagents and a free hand, you
may fill a censer with your concoction and
swing it to spread protective vapours. No
creature within a short distance can catch
a disease until you stop. Continuing to
swing the censer does not require another
action, but does require a free hand.

Precise Aim
Level 1. At the start of a combat round,
you may ready a die and announce a target.
You may spend this die during an [attack]
against your target to gain +1 bonus to the
check. If you move before spending the
die, discard it instead. Note: Spending
this die gives a bonus to an [attack]; it does
not initiate the [attack].
Level 2. Increase the bonus of Precise Aim Level 1. When you have access to a library,
to +2. private study, or other collection of books,
you may take a miscellaneous book and add
it to your gear as ‘nameless book’. When
making a check involving knowledge, you
may use the book as a piece of perfect (+2)
Protect gear. When you do, name the book and
Level 1. After you [recover], you may update it in your gear. It can be used for
choose an adjacent ally to gain the other checks in the future but its contents
recovered defence instead of you. are now fixed.

74 75
Level 2. Gain +1 defence yourself when Level 2. You can now have two ‘nameless 75

you use this ability. books’ in your gear at the same time.

O ccult Abilities Familiar
Level 1. You have an animal companion
that acts as the conduit for your occult
power. Choose your familiar’s form but
not its colouration, which is decided by
your Traitor God: it is either albino (white)
or melano (black). Suggestions for familiar
forms can be found on the following pages.

Your familiar cannot harm any living

thing except the familiar of another wycce.
In this demo, familiars have no traits or
stats. If these values become necessary, the
GM decides using common sense.

You share pain and death with your

familiar and may see though its eyes. If
you are separated by a mile or more when
the sun sets, you both die.

The GM may decide whether your

familiar is a mute servant, messenger for
Occult abilities are bestowed upon mortals by the Traitor Gods; these powers are the foul demands of your heretical god,
considered heretical by law-abiding citizens of Painyme. As gravediggers, the PCs have or rebel being with its own motivations.
been absolved of any past heresies they may have perpetrated, but further use of these They need not tell you which is the case.
abilities is prohibited. Gravediggers are not exempt from the laws of the Ecclesiarch; it
is not unheard of to find them lashed to a wyccefinder’s pyre. Level 2. You can treat your familiar as
‘you’ for any of your occult abilities.

Gaining Occult Abilities Cost Level 3. Your familiar may sink into
PCs cannot gain abilities from more If a wycce—as that PC has just become by your skin, becoming safe from
than one Traitor God. When they gain gaining favour with a Traitor God—does harm. When it does this, a
their first occult ability, they must write not fulfil the cost imposed by that god, tattoo of your familiar
down the cost associated with that god. they lose access to their occult abilities. Any appears upon your flesh
For example, a player whose PC gains the effects caused by an occult ability remain in a location of your
‘Blood Rage’ ability on page 79 must write in place, but the PC cannot use the ability choosing.
‘Frenzy’ under ‘Heresy’ on their character again until they appease their god. These
sheet. Then they must write ‘Give rules are intentionally vague. The Traitor
defeated enemies no quarter’ under ‘Cost’. Gods are inscrutable and the GM is their
There are 12 Traitor Gods included in this conduit into sessions of Doomsong.
demo: Chance, Feast, Frenzy, Honour,
76 77
Hope, Justice, Languor, Oblivion, Panic, 77

Perception, Rot and Toil.


Chance Feast Frenzy Honour
In delicate threads, we find design: A seat at the table, anticipation in his eyes, No prayer will end your suffering. Honour can break anything except your word.
Chance’s tapestry, spun upon a dreadful loom. But as Feast unfolds, a dreadful surprise. No plea will calm her storm.

Albino Familiars. Falcon, horse, wasps.

Melano Familiar. Miniature laceworker. Melano Familiar. Crow, fly swarm, boar. Melano Familiars. Badger, infant opiri.
Cost. Never heal a wound taken in penance.
Cost Do not allow harm to befall a
Cost. Cost. You must feed the hungry. Cost. Give defeated enemies no quarter.
laceworker (see page 61).
Pact of Retribution
Devour Blood Rage Level 1. When making a heavy [attack],
Lacespeech Level 1. You may eat and digest anything Level 1. During combat, gain an extra +4 you may triple your modifiers to the
Level 1. You may talk to laceworkers you can swallow and never get ill from to [resist death]. check. Unless the [attack] was against an
directly or by touching their webs. rotten food. oathbreaker, you lose access to this ability
Level 2. If you gained a major injury until you remove one of your fingers in
Level 2. Laceworkers see you as one of Level 2. You are immune to ingested during combat, lose all other injuries at penance. An oathbreaker is any sapient
their own. They will go out of their way to poisons and, as an open action, can the end of that combat. creature that has broken an express
warn you of danger or protect you. regurgitate anything you have swallowed. promise within the last 7 days.
Level 3. If you die due to injury during
Level 3. As an open action, you may call Level 3. You can eat unendingly, even combat, gain +4 to all checks and delay Level 2. Creatures that have lied within the
upon a laceworker you have met previously sharp or impossible items. If you spend ten your death until the end of that combat. last day are also considered oathbreakers.
to come to your aid. The laceworker will minutes gorging, treat all injuries.
insist on being fed a live meal afterwards. Level 3. Creatures who have ever broken
Aspect of the Opiri an express promise to you are considered
Bounty Level 1. You create no sound when you oathbreakers.
Aspect of the Laceworker Level 1. Any meal you share can feed up move, even when running.
Level 1. Your bite can be used as a light to ten people; any drinkable liquid you
piercing weapon. If this bite punctures pour never runs out. Level 2. Your ears grow to resemble those Pact of Truth
the skin of a creature, that creature is of an opiri, allowing you to hear quiet Level 1. Any lie told within earshot of you
immediately paralysed for an hour. Level 2. Whenever you break bread with sounds up to 100 feet away. causes inky smoke to spill from the liar’s
a person, they taste it as bitterest ash if mouth. If you lie, you lose access to this
Level 2. Small black eyes appear on your they currently mean you harm. Level 3. Your face grows to resemble that ability until you burn ‘LIAR’ into your
temples, allowing you to see in near-pitch of an opiri. You can now smell any blood forearm in penance.
darkness. Level 3. Whenever someone eats food within a mile.
you have given them, you may choose to Level 2. The smoke is now invisible to
Level 3. Your bare palms and the soles have them choke on it. They will die in a others unless you choose to make it visible.
of your feet stick to walls, allowing you to minute unless you are killed or decide to
78 79
climb in the most unnatural fashion. stop the effect. Level 3. If visible, the smoke now chokes 79

the liar. The next check they make is hasty.


Hope Justice Languor Oblivion
Hope offers his hand when reason and strength fail. He grinds his axe on the bones of the world, Let Languor’s lull be but a fleeting stay, Naught but Oblivion can remain, his borrowed eye
All he asks in return is unwavering faith. Patient, knowing: Justice will prevail. A respite for weary souls before they slip away. To open only when there is nothing left to see.

Albino Familiars. Snake, deer, raven. Melano Familiars. Wulf, jackal, dog. Albino Familiars.
Familiars. Cat, cow, bear cub. Melano Familiars. Hyena, snail, albatross.

Cost. Answer the pleas of those in mortal Cost. The guilty must die, no matter the Cost.. Do not cause undue suffering and
Cost Cost. Accept any loss, reject all wealth.
peril. price paid by the innocent. end the suffering of others.

Oblivion's Grasp
Vivomancy Fated Beast Silent Song Level 1. As an open action, you can
Level 1. When you successfully perform Level 1. Your familiar takes on the Level 1.
1. By touching a treasured item, you remove an inanimate object you are
[surgery] on an ally with a missing body statistics of a wulf (not available in demo) may speak to its owner if they died more touching from the universe. The object
part, remove the missing x trait if you and can now harm non-familiar creatures. than 7 days ago. Ask a single question, must be smaller than yourself and out of
have a suitable replacement part. then [commune, difficulty 5]. view of all other sapient creatures.
Level 2. When your familiar makes an
Level 2. The replacement part you use [attack] against a target adjacent to you, it Level 2.2. As an open action, you may Level 2. When you use this ability, all
does not need to be from the same type is focused. speak to a human that died within the last living creatures except you forget the
of creature as the ally you are treating. A combat round, before their seft begins its object ever existed.
missing leg could be replaced with a dog’s, Level 3. When your familiar would die, it journey to Heall. Ask a single question,
a hand with cruel talons, etc. The exact is instead reborn as a pup that burrows its then [commune, difficulty 4]. Level 3. You may now use this ability on
effect of this is up to the GM. way out of the old familiar’s ribcage. It takes objects that can be seen by others, as long
a full day to grow to adulthood; if it dies Level 3.3. When you [commune], you get as they fit in your hand.
Level 3. You can control and use the within this time, you both die as normal. a result two higher (rather than one) when
senses of any body parts you have replaced. flipping a crest on the Doomcoin.
Threshold Witness
Long Hunt Level 1. You can both touch and harm the
Meld M inds Level 1. Choose a creature whose blood Sleep of Ages incorporeal dead (see sefts, page 114).
Level 1. If you touch a sapient creature, your familiar has tasted to be your quarry. Level 1.
1. You can store sleep for later use;
you learn all of their traits. You always know its general direction. You for example, you can sleep for an extra 8 Level 2. If you damage the unquiet
may not select a new quarry until the first hours then go without the day after. dead with an [attack], that creature is
Level 2. If you touch a sapient creature, is dead. immediately destroyed.
you also learn their greatest hope. Level 2.2. If you sleep for a full day and
Level 2. Any [attack] you make against night, remove all non-major injuries. Level 3. The unquiet dead do not regard
Level 3. Once per target and as an open your quarry is focused. you as a foe unless compelled by another
action, you may remove a non-physical, Level 3.
3. If you sleep for a full week, entity.
80 81
non-defining trait from a sapient creature Level 3. You always know the exact remove all major injuries. 81

you are touching. location of your quarry.


Panic Perception Rot Toil
She crested the hill before the gathered host His gaze, driven through night’s pinprick’d veil, A putrid dance where decay unfolds, A day's work must be broken upon Toil's wheel.
And order gave way to the sweet flames of Panic. Sees deeper than Sleep ever dared. The haunting spectre that Rot beholds. To slow its turning is to invite Destruction.

Albino Familiars. Squirrel, mouse, goat. Melano Familiars. Owl, fox, vulture. Familiar. None but the rot (see cost). Melano Familiars. Horse, sparrow, crab.

Cost. Let cowards flee, let the brave burn. Cost. Chase knowledge, no matter the cost. Cost. You have a white rot across your left Cost. You must finish every task you start.
hand, harmless but growing. Mark your
rot at 1 under ‘cost’. Each time you ‘suffer
Last Candle Augury rot’, update this value. If you gain 50 rot, Kincraf t
Level 1. When you light a candle, you Level 1. Each night you are visited by the rot covers your whole body and you die Level 1. You can whittle, smelt or bake
may choose for it to be bright enough to prophetic dreams. When you sleep, you at sunset of that day. knee-high creatures called mannekin. Each
clearly illuminate a large hall. may ask one question about the coming can perform one non-violent task that takes
day, then [commune, difficulty 5]. You no longer than a day. After completing its
Level 2. As an open action, you may cannot be woken until dawn. Spoil task, the mannekin goes limp and lifeless.
force a living creature that can see your lit Level 1. As an open action, you may
candle to [resist fear, difficulty 6]. Level 2. If you prepare ritual candles suffer D6 rot and touch plantmatter. This Level 2. Mannekin can be re-used and
before you [commune], you may ask any withers any connected amount within a perform tasks that last longer than a day.
Level 3. When your candle is snuffed, the question about the past. If the candles go short distance to nothing.
surrounding area is plunged into darkness out during your night of dreaming, you Level 3. Mannekin you make can be the
irrespective of other sources of light. automatically get the ‘haunted’ result. Level 2. When you damage a living size of a human and gain +1 to all checks.
creature with an unarmed [attack], you
Level 3. When you are sleeping, you may suffer D6 rot to kill it.
Wildfyre can see the mortal world as well as your Bonebreak
Level 1. As an open action, you can prophecies. You may speak but cannot act. Level 3. As an open action, you may Level 1. Your aching muscles are stronger
conjure a candle-sized flame anywhere you suffer D6 rot and touch metal. This rusts than the bones that anchor them. You may,
can see. any connected amount of it to nothing. after flipping the Doomcoin on a physical
Eye of Jet check, treat the result as one step higher.
Level 2. You can use this ability to ignite Level 1. Your left eye is now pitch black. It Then roll a free bludgeoning [attack, +0]
a creature wearing cloth or similar. This sees the world as it was exactly one day ago. Hollow Strength against yourself, ignoring protection.
flame is treated as a ranged weapon that Level 1. As an open action, gain D6
ignores protection. If you ‘fumble’ an Level 2. Your left eye is blurred by visions, rot. Then gain one: D6 toughness; Level 2. You may now treat the result
[attack] with this flame, you must then too many to make sense of. This ability is D6 defence; or heal an injury. as two steps higher if you make a free
make a free [attack] against yourself. rendered useless until level 3. bludgeoning [attack, +2] against yourself,
Level 2. Whenever you gain rot for any ignoring protection.
Level 3. As an open action, you can make Level 3. Your left eye can now see the reason, roll twice and gain the lower value.
82 83
any flame that you can see burn violet and world as it was at any time in the last 100 Level 3. To the horror of onlookers, 83

hot enough to melt steel. years. Level 3. You die at 100 rot rather than 50. broken bones no longer hinder your checks.


The Last Meal
An excerpt from Lord Have Mercy Upon Us
T h e lo s s of C a s tle L et h e i s a t ale t ol d in
w hi s p e rs t ing ed wit h bit te r n es s an d fear.
It i s a s t or y t h a t teac h es c hil dre n t o fear
h e ret ical p romi ses mur mured a f te r d ar k. It
i s a s t or y a b ou t a pl ace so lo s t n o on e coul d
fin d it. An d yet h e re w e are ...
O nce upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who lived
in a castle with her father, a kind and merciful king. B ut the princess nursed a broken heart.
H er anguish grew and grew until she met a stranger who
recognised the bitter seeds inside her. T he words of this stranger stayed with her until a day came
when misery overwhelmed all thoughts of duty or sense.
S he performed an unholy ceremony, offering up pieces of herself
for the chance to inflict her despair on others. N ow, bound heart and soul to the malicious being she summoned,
she rules over a land of her own making.
S tarting Your Adventure Open World Adventure
This stranger creeps in wretched shroud, striding with ease through gathered crowd. To house In the full adventure, players will able to explore the entirety of the lost kingdom of
and home, rich and poor, the doctor comes to every door. There is no portent quite so grim; when Lethe in an open-world fashion. However, this demo limits exploration to just one
you hear the knock, you know it’s him. location: Castle Lethe itself. If you like what you see and are curious to learn more,
follow us on Kickstarter here, join our Discord server here and tell everyone you know.
Every little bit of support will help make this project a success!

Castle Lethe
This location is the oldest in Father Plague’s realm, the seed from which the rest of the
plaguescape sprung (not available in demo). It was here that Princess Euthelia grew up
and here where she performed a heretical ritual to summon Father Plague into being.

The castle and its grounds are trapped in the exact moment the ritual was completed.
The PCs will know that Castle Lethe was once one of the five great bordercastles of
Painyme, and that it disappeared from the real world half a lifetime ago.

In Medias Res
To get things started for this demo, we have foregone the slow build-up of discovery and
exploration in favour of placing the party below Castle Lethe with a clear task before
them. When you and your players are ready to begin, read the following aloud:

You are gravediggers, charged with a serious task: to bury the dead, unquiet or otherwise. While
Before You Begin In-text References on this course, you uncovered one of the seven totems that bind Father Plague, a Lamentide of
This demo adventure assumes that your Lord Have Mercy Upon Us uses a layout great power, to this world.
players have created characters by going that makes it easy to run. On the left-
through the character creation process on hand page of each location, you will find The totem is an odd thing: the last meal of his consort, the Lice Mother. To cleanse it, you know
pages 16-37. It also assumes you’ve read a map, important points of interest, and it must be eaten by her true love. If you succeed in this task, Father Plague will be thrust one
the rules on pages 40-83. If you are not a description of the location as a whole. step closer to mortality and the Gravediggers’ Guild will inch toward the goal of burying a body
the GM, stop here! If you are the GM, Throughout the text, some words will that is centuries due for its grave.
you will find it useful to read the adventure be highlighted like this, which denotes
ahead of time in order to get a feel for the there is more information on the right- You awake in darkness, cold stone beneath your aching bones and the earthy smell of a well-
overall themes. hand page. stocked pantry around you. You remember not how you came to this place.

When you are ready, proceed to the next If a map location links directly to another The party begins (with their gear) in the root cellar of Castle Lethe
page to begin your adventure. Remember: map, the page number will always be given (p. 96). One PC has in their possession a dried sheep’s stomach filled
if you’re having fun, you’re doing it right! like this (p. xxx). with cheese, torn bread, strips of pork and wine. This is the totem the
party must cleanse in order to survive the castle. To cleanse it, they
must feed it to Troizel (p. 110), but the party should work this out for
94 95
themselves using clues scattered throughout the castle.


C astle Lethe Caverns

The musty smell of underground air assaults your nose. A torch gutters on the wall, revealing
laid stone that gives way to natural caverns. There are shelves of fresh-smelling food and drink
here. From the darkness beyond this room, you hear the echoes of your own stirring.

Dried Ewe's Stomach

Dried, bulging sheep stomach. Both ends of the stomach are tied shut with red woollen
thread. It contains Princess Euthelia’s (p. 108) last uneaten meal (cheese, torn bread,
strips of pork, wine). To cleanse this totem, the stomach must be consumed by Troizel.
Once cleansed, the castle will begin to crumble into the ground, becoming an ancient
ruin that appears to have been abandoned for centuries. The Lice Mother regains her
mortality and will hunt down the party in a rage. If they can successfully escape the
crumbling castle or kill the Lice Mother: congratulations, you have completed this
demo excerpt of Lord Have Mercy Upon Us!

The monstrous bear-like creature known as Cresseid (p. 110) sleeps much of the time,
watching over her husband, Troizel. Before Castle Lethe was stolen from the world,
The PCs awaken in the root cellar, the dried ewe’s stomach in their possession. Cresseid was a human maid of little status. Though capable of intelligent thought, she
cannot speak. Cresseid isn’t necessarily hostile towards trespassers but will become so if
Root Cellar. Stockpiled vegetables Main Cavern. Large and open, once they attempt to harm Troizel, free him from his cage, or mention the name ‘Euthelia’.
and grains. A ladderless trapdoor in the used as a staging post for the buying
7ft ceiling leads to the bakehouse (p. 98). and selling of goods from Castle Lethe.
Castle Cellars. This section of Troizel’s Cage. A 4x4x7 foot iron Troizel (p. 110) is a handsome blonde youth in a cage, maddened to the state of a mere
the cellars is in perfect condition and cage with troizel inside. The hinges beast. He gnaws raw meat from a bone, utterly transfixed by this task. If disturbed, he
stocked with fresh food. and padlock have rusted solid. Troizel will scream excitedly at any visitors, waking Cresseid. He does not remember his former
will scream incoherently at anyone he life, marrying Cresseid, or spurning Princess Euthelia.
Servant’s Stairwell. Leads to the sees, which will awaken cresseid.
first floor of Castle Lethe (p. 100).
Passage. Roughly 10 feet tall and 10 feet Fresh Food
Collapsed Cellars. Brick walls and wide. The floor has been worn smooth.
archways are visible amidst the rubble. Further down the passage, it can be 1 An untapped cask of red wine

seen that a cave-in blocks the way (the 2 Four burlap sacks of potatoes

Scaffolding. A rough-hewn wooden outside is not available in this demo). 3 Three covered bowls of butter
platform with stairs descending 20 feet 4 A barrel of apples
to the cavern floor. Underneath the Well Bottom. At the end of the cave, a
5 Four slabs of dried, salted pork
scaffolding is a dense, soft nest of leafy light can be seen above (p. 100). An old
96 6 A stack of fresh, uncut linen 97
branches, moss and wildgrass with a rope hanging down is strong enough to
sleeping cresseid inside. hold one person’s weight.


C astle Lethe Grounds
The Valravn
Aside from the smokey orange sky, everything looks as if it belongs outside the plaguescape. The The Valravn (p. 118) observes the party from a safe distance. If they speak to it, it will
grounds are silent but look as though guardsmen might bustle into sight at any moment. A castle happily pass the time with minor frivolities. It takes a keen interest in those of noble
sits atop a small promontory, with a large stained-glass window overlooking the gardens. blood or with occult powers. Some time after they leave the castle (not available in demo),
it will approach the party again, bargaining for flesh of the Lamentide Father Plague. It
will offer knowledge of his weaknesses or secret locations within the plaguescape.

Flower Beds
Our-Lady-in-the-Shade. Low-growing plant
with small leaves. Produces medium-sized
flowers in rich shades of blue and purple. The
only known location of this plant is Castle Lethe.
Offering it to the Lice Mother (p. 108) will stay
her hand for up to an hour.

Gardeners (p. 112) roam the perfect hedgerows in groups of 6. Plants here do not grow
This area is trapped in the moment when Princess Euthelia became the Lice Mother or require pruning. This lack of work has driven the gardeners mad. They will violate
(p. 108). If the players try to leave the castle, politely inform them that the wider the personal space of intruders and follow them, violently defending the plants from
plaguescape is not available in this demo. anyone who is not wearing the Head Gardener’s shawl.

Gatehouse. 30 feet high. The metal Bakehouse. Empty and undisturbed. A Head Gardener. Bleddyn (p. 112) is never rational, believing it to be a normal day at
portcullis lies at an oblique angle. trapdoor leads to the root cellar (p. 96). Castle Lethe. To those who play along with his delusions, Bleddyn will share a great
deal of gossip about the castle. He knows Princess Euthelia (p. 108) and Troizel (p. 110)
Walls. 25 feet high. Exteriors are Kennels. Raised a foot off the ground used to meet behind the culverhouse. He also knows the princess will have to marry the
crumbling, interiors are smooth. The and surrounded by a tall fence. the prince of a neighbouring region, Cocytus, to solve border disputes.
towers are collapsing and bare. valravn roosts in the rafters.
If Bleddyn hears any slander against the princess, he will fly into a rage, rampaging
Stables. Empty and undisturbed. Shed. Contains gardener gear. through the gardens and tearing up everything in sight. Despite this, other gardeners
will not harm him due to the lacy shawl he wears, which was woven by Princess Euthelia.
Church. Contains religious gear. Barracks. Contains military gear.

Cottages. Contains peasant gear. Alehouse. Contains casks of ale. Gear

religious military peasant gardener

1 A stack of indulgences A longbow Ladle and iron pot Sturdy pitchfork

Well. A rope strong enough to hold Castle Doors. Leads to the first floor
2 An alchemical reagent A whetstone Thick woollen blanket A sharpened trowel
one person leads to the bottom (p. 96). of the castle (p. 100). Solid oak, unbarred.
3 Three votive candles A battered helmet Three loaves of bread Potting soil

4 Dark ink and quill Fine leather boots Hunting bow A small hatchet
Hedge Maze. 10-foot high hedges. Culverhouse. Stone building with
98 5 Sacramental wine An arming sword Coil of rope A shovel 99
Rectangular areas contain flower thatch roof. Pigeons roost inside. The
6 A skein of holy water A gambling I.O.U. A large wicker basket A pile of ash stakes
beds. gardeners roam the paths. head gardener is here.


C astle Lethe First Floor
Echo: Gossipmongers
The first floor of the castle appears as though it were abandoned only recently. Laundry drips Echoes (p. 114) of scullery maids sit on stools, scrubbing sheets in a washtub. One is a
on the line, fires burn merrily in hearths. Foodstuffs stew, simmer and bake in an eternal stasis. human Cresseid (p. 110), who looks as she did before Castle Lethe disappeared.
Sounds echo a great deal against the bare stone architecture and glass windows.
Valora: Cresseid, listen, I heard they meet behind the culverhouse.
Cresseid: Nonsense! That’s the least romantic place I can think of. All those pigeons!
Valora: Well, she is a princess. And he’s just a dog-boy. They can’t be seen together.
Cresseid: I suppose he is quite handsome…

Echo: Orders
The echo (p. 114) of a man wearing robes with a fur collar approaches an on-duty guard.

Steward: Alice reported seeing that dog-boy skulking around the kitchens again. Post a
guard to all three stairwells—make sure he doesn’t bother the princess.
Guard: Yes, sir. Immediately, sir.
Steward: And get a message to the houndmaster that I want to see him. We can’t have
boys-of-the-leash flouncing around the castle like they own the place.

A Scarred Cook
Castle Doors. Large stone steps lead Main Stairwell. Large stone steps In the castle kitchens, a scarred woman (Alice, p. 116) shambles from
out to the castle grounds (p. 98). leading to the second floor (p. 102). station to station, painstakingly checking on dishes that will never finish.
Her movements are laborious, often painful. She will stare in confusion
Entrance Hall. Grand architecture Kitchen. In disarray, as if only just at any intruders, responding with ‘My name is Alice’ to any question. The
with banners hanging from the walls. completing a feast. The fireplace is lit key to the locked door on the third floor is in her apron pocket; she will not
These display the royal family’s crest. and a scarred cook shambles around. stop anyone who attempts to take it.

Guard’s Hallway. Bare, stone passages Secret Stairwell. Tiny staircase

for defending the castle. Closed doors hidden behind a wall. Opened by a loose Mouldering Remains
lead on to the castle walls (p. 98). brick and emerges in the chapel (p. 102). Spread throughout the Great Hall are 18 piles of human remains. A mask lies atop each pile
(rabbit, wulf, raven, etc.), splattered in blood but otherwise undeteriorated. When the PCs
Laundry. Contains two washtubs and Great Hall. Contains a long table laid pass through the room for the first time, these piles will remain inert. However, when the
a stack of washboards. Wet clothes, for a feast. The southern wall contains PCs climb the Main Stairwell they will reform into silent guests (p. 116) wearing masks.
sheets, towels, and tablecloths hang a stained-glass window overlooking the
from lines, still dripping. Upon entry, gardens (p. 98). Eighteen mouldering If the PCs enter the Long Gallery a second time after witnessing the echoes on the
this room will echo: gossipmongers. remains dot the room. third floor of the castle, the Lice Mother stands in the centre of the Great Hall while
the gathered guests applaud her and compliment her dress. If her feast is interrupted,
Place of Arms. An area where noble Servant’s Stairwell. Leads to the she will point at the intruders with her bonesaw.
guests or guardsmen gather. Weapons cellars (p. 96) and the second floor
100 101
are displayed on the walls. Upon entry, (p. 102). The door to the third floor is On this command, the 18 guests (p. 116) will lurch forward to attack the intruders while
this room will echo: orders. locked (p. 104). the Lice Mother watches, only involving herself if she is directly attacked.


C astle Lethe Second Floor
Stalking the Halls
Once, much of the kingdom’s business occurred on the second floor of the castle, either during The Lice Mother (p. 108) prowls the halls of her old home, passing the time with
formal discussions in the council chamber or while conversing in the solar, chapel, or Long random acts of cruelty and maddening violence. Whenever an intruder enters a new
Gallery. The air is silent and still; any conversation will echo faintly off the ornate ceilings. room or makes a loud sound, roll a D6. On the roll of a 1, the Lice Mother is nearby and
will search the area. If she finds an intruder, she will fight until they are badly wounded,
then let them go.

She hates the castle echoes (p. 114) and will avoid them if possible, leaving the area
entirely if one is activated.

Echo: I Trust Her

The seft (p. 114) of King Adram is removing a set of elaborate robes. He turns as the
echo (p. 114) of a man wearing fine robes with a fur collar enters the room.

King: What is it?

Steward: Your Royal Highness, I’m afraid I have news of a… delicate nature.
King: Go on.
Steward: Your daughter, sir. It appears she’s been sneaking one of the dog-boys into
the castle.
The Lice Mother (p. 108) is stalking the halls, hoping to alleviate her boredom. King: Oh, I know all about the dog-boy. Don’t worry.
Steward: Sir!
Main Stairwell. Large stone steps Private Stairwell. Stone steps leading King: I trust her.
leading to the first floor (p. 100). They to the third floor (p. 104). Steward: Sir, they were using the statue stairwell, a secret not suited to a dog-boy.
go no higher than the second floor. King: I trust her, and Troizel seems a good-ish sort. Gentle, hardly the kind to
Antechamber. Where the king dressed engage in treason. They can never marry, of course, but what’s the harm in
The Long Gallery. Overlooks the and rested before meetings. Upon a few youthful trysts? I remember sneaking a few scullery maids about the
Great Hall (p. 100) and its stained glass entering, the room will echo: i trust place myself, when I was her age...
window. Contains benches and chairs. her.

King’s Council Chamber. Richly Chapel. Alcoves line the walls, each Echo: Secret Tryst
furnished room containing a large table. containing the statue of a female The echo (p. 114) of a handsome youth with blonde hair steps out of the alcove in which
Carved chairs are drawn up around the saint. Upon entry, the room will echo: a secret stairwell is hidden. He approaches a young woman with dark hair.
table and plain chairs line the walls. secret tryst.
Troizel: Euthelia, we can’t keep doing this.
Solar. A room for personal visits with Secret Stairwell. Hidden from the Princess: I’m so glad you came, Troizel!
the royal family. Contains a fireplace, outside, a lever in the small of a statue’s Troizel: Your damn steward is going to report me to the houndmaster, and Alice
wall hangings depicting hunting back will open hidden stairs leading to reports me every time she sees me in the kitchens! Euthelia, we can’t meet
scenes, a table, and cushioned chairs. the first floor (p. 100). anymore. I’ll lose my position, or worse, be thrown into the dungeon!
Princess: They are caverns, not a dungeon... Fine, we’ll just meet in the gardens from
102 103
Servant’s Stairwell. Leads to the first Altar. Basin of water that reflects the now on, where you gave me that bouquet of Our-Lady-in-the-Shade.
floor (p. 100) and the third floor (p. 104). Ecclesia Virulentis (not in this demo). Troizel: Euthelia...


C astle Lethe Third Floor
Echo: A Summoning
The uppermost floor of the castle is given over to the royal family’s private chambers. Here, the An echo (p. 114) of the princess kneels in a pool of blood. Her left hand has been severed at
air is cold and the scent of fresh blood occasionally lies thick and heavy in the back of one’s throat. the wrist and lies with a jumble of totems, including the last meal that the PCs are here to
The rich furnishings dampen all sound, stunting voice and footstep alike. cleanse. An eight-foot tall plague doctor stands before her.

Doctor: So, my little butterfly, you finally decided to call me. Was it the marriage that
tipped it? Yours or his?
Princess: (tongueless gurgling)
Doctor: (deep, rich laughter) Never mind. Come, my sweet. For my part of the bargain,
Cresseid shall be transformed to monstrosity. Your Troizel will never love her
as he did you. Both will live out their days beneath your notice. For your part,
though, a change of attire is in order. You have a feast to attend, after all.

Father Plague helps her up. The princess’ torn and bloody nightdress turns into a gown.
White gloves appear on her arms and something solid replaces her left hand. Finally,
he plucks up a hedgehog mask and fixes it in place, then hands her the bloody bonesaw.

Echo: A Betrothal
Private Stairwell. Stone steps leading Servant’s Stairwell. Stone steps The king’s seft (p. 114) is seated in a chair. The echo (p. 114) of the princess enters the
to the second floor (p. 102). Unlit torches leading to the second floor. It is locked; room. She curtsies and approaches.
hang from sconces along the walls. Alice (p. 116) has the key.
King: Euthelia, thank you. I’m sure you’ve heard the news, and wished to avoid this.
Euthelia’s Boudoir. A room for King’s Solar. Well-kept study with a Princess: I am to marry.
receiving high-born ladies. It contains desk containing reports on border raids King: I’m afraid it is set. You will marry Theote Wallande.
a fireplace, wall hangings, and a well- and dwindling grain supplies. Upon Princess: And this will bring an end to the trouble with Cocytus?
drawn sketch of Troizel (p. 110). entry, the room will echo: a betrothal. King: I have been assured this union will foster a new closeness between our kingdoms.
Princess: (silence)
Euthelia’s Bedroom. Contains a King’s Bedroom. The corpse of King King: I’d hoped to give you more time. I know it hasn’t been easy seeing Troizel mar-
wardrobe, a large four-poster bed, and Adram (p. 114) lies on the bed. It is Princess: Nonsense. I know my duty. I will marry this prince and forge peace.
lots of blood. On her pillow lies a lock fresh and undecayed, as if he died only King: Your mother would be so proud. Come, we must plan some kind of celebration.
of perfect golden hair that matches last night. His face has been severely How about a feast? A masked ball, perhaps?
Troizel’s (p. 110). Upon entry, the pecked by the Valravn (p. 118). Upon
room will echo: a summoning. entry, this room will echo: a wedding.
Echo: A Wedding
Buttery. Contains wine racks and Servant’s Hallway. Stone passage The echo (p. 114) of Father Plague stands over the king, who has been flung backwards
shelves of fine brandy, port, and whisky. allowing discreet entry. Contains linen upon his bed. Euthelia watches from a doorway, wearing a gown and a hedgehog mask.
There is a table for preparing drinks. chests, wardrobes, and unused candles.
Doctor: Do you, Adram Lubentina, giveth your only daughter to me, Father Plague,
to have and to hold, to keep and to covet, in sickness and terror, forevermore?
104 105
King: No, no, I do not! Guards! Guards!
Doctor: (laughter) Unfortunately, permission for this union has already been given.


Castle Residents
T h e pl ag uesca p e i s h ome t o m any b e ings. Some
in divi du al s h av e rallied w ea k e r soul s t o
w h a te v e r cau se t h e y feel i s r ig ht. Some will
t r y t o m anip ul a te y ou, ot h e rs m ay w an t t o k ill
y ou an d fea s t on t h e re m ain s. A fe w m ay n eed
y our h elp t o b r ing a b ou t t h e e n d of Fa t h e r
Pl ag ue’s e vil.
T he Lice Mother Princess Euthelia Lubentina
Silent, malicious, elegant, bloodthirsty, unflinching, menacing, mournful, toying The Lice Mother 8

The Lice Mother is cold and cruel. She is

utterly loyal to Father Plague as his consort
and second-in-command. She has a sickly, haunted  melee fighter  spry  gentry  twitchy
unwholesome appearance and remains
Major. The Lice Mother gains two action dice at the start of a
silent during the campaign until her
combat round, rather than one.
Severed Tongue is cleansed (not available
in demo). Consort of the Lamentide. The Lice Mother cannot be killed by
ordinary means. If she would die, she falls to the ground, seemingly
The Lice Mother was once a human dead. She heals all injuries (including major injuries) at sunset, black
woman named Euthelia Lubentina, only bultchmatter oozing out to close wounds and re-attach any missing
daughter of King Adram (p. 114) and body parts.
princess of Castle Lethe. She summoned
Father Plague and initiated the events that
Open Stance. The Lice Mother opens her arms in greeting, making herself
led to the disappearance of Lethe from
vulnerable. Ready this die. Spend this die the next time the Lice Mother suffers
Painyme. an [attack]. The Lice Mother cannot dodge or block, but regains all defence and
does not need to [resist death] if she suffers an injury. The weapon used during the
[attack] is stuck in her form, irretrievable until the Lice Mother is incapacitated.
Originally she was given the summoning
incantation by The Puppet-Man (not in Brutal Disarm. The Lice Mother performs an [attack, +4], trying to
disarm the nearest character by dragging the teeth of her bonesaw across that
demo). She completed the ritual only after character’s hand. Before the [attack], the target can drop their weapon out of
her paramour abandoned her to marry reach to ignore it entirely.

another (Troizel & Cresseid, p. 110) and

Double-jointed Grapple. The Lice Mother leaps onto the back of a target
she learnt she would have to marry a prince. within a short distance. The target must [struggle, difficulty 7] or she will
latch on to them. While the Lice Mother is latched on to a target, each [attack]
made against her must involve a flip of the Doomcoin. Anyone who fumbles an
Part of her bargain with Father Plague [attack] against the Lice Mother must then roll a free focused [attack] against
was that Prince Theote Wallande’s (not the latched target.
A creature may [struggle, difficulty 6] as an open action to remove the Lice
in this demo) suffering would never end.
Mother or free an ally from her grasp.
This is why Father Plague cannot kill this
disruptive individual. Savour the Sanguine. If the Lice Mother has caused an injury since the last
time she used this action, she drips blood from the blade of her bonesaw into
her tongueless mouth. Black oozing bultchmatter creeps across an injury the
During combat, the Lice Mother is more Lice Mother has received, healing it completely. She regains any lost action
dice then forces any enemies she has injured to [resist fear, difficulty 5].
occupied with distraction from her endless
boredom than with killing her prey. She Vital Arteries. The Lice Mother lashes out with her bonesaw in a vicious
[attack, +5], aiming for the femoral arteries. If the [attack] results in an injury,
has full trust in her apparent immortality
her target’s attempt to [resist death] is hasty.
and little regard for her own safety.
Leaping Action. With unnatural speed and dexterity, the Lice Mother leaps
a short distance, gains 2 defence, then performs an open action. The Lice
Wants: To feel something. Anything. Mother can end this action clinging to a wall or ceiling with ease.
Hates: Echoes, the Puppet-Man, Cresseid


T roizel & Cresseid
These were Father Plague’s first victims. Troizel was once a boy-of-the-leash at Castle
Lethe, responsible for looking after the king’s hounds. Cresseid was a maidservant in
the castle.

Their marriage vows have partly protected the couple since the castle was plunged into
occult infection; they share everything ‘in sickness and in health’. Therefore, Troizel
has suffered only the mental effects—he is a handsome youth without a shred of
sanity—and Cresseid only the physical.

Troizel Cresseid
Animalistic, wild, babbling, hungry, cursed Devoted, furred, strong, clawed, protective, cursed

Before the vanishing of Castle Lethe, Cresseid used to be a maid in Castle Lethe,
Troizel was a handsome young man who happy enough with her lot in life. She fell 4 10
took care of the royal hounds. He had a in love and married Troizel, thinking her
secret relationship with Princess Euthelia life a fairy tale for the short time before Troizel 1 Cresseid 2
(p. 108) but ended it so he could marry the region disappeared. starved  eye-catching  spry  weak monstrous  meticulous  brawny
Cresseid, a maid much nearer his station.
Lover. If Troizel is killed, Cresseid’s Major. Cresseid gains two action dice
He loved Cresseid and their marriage Now, Cresseid has been transformed
attacks against his murderer become at the start of a combat round.
was a happy one, though cut short by the into a monstrous form larger than a bear.
focused for the rest of time.
princess’ ritual. She retains her mind but has no way to
communicate her thoughts, incapable Mighty Roar. Each adjacent enemy
Now Troizel is a broken wretch. Mind of speech (and illiterate even before her must [resist fear, difficulty 4].
wiped clean by Father Plague’s influence, transformation). The only thing left to (
Pin. An adjacent enemy must [struggle,
he now cares only that his base needs are this character is to protect her beloved and Babble. Troizel does nothing of use, difficulty 6] or they are pinned to the
met. He no longer recognises Cresseid. wait for the day Euthelia is destroyed. distracted by some fleeting interest. floor. A creature may [struggle, difficulty
5] as an open action to escape her claws or
Stumbling Dash. Troizel moves a short free an ally.
In combat, Troizel is little more than a In combat, Cresseid will use her massive distance. Any adjacent character may
spend an action die to trip him during Crush. The monstrous bear-like creature
liability, ignoring any danger that is not bulk to scare off intruders. She attacks all leans her entire weight against a breakable
this move.
currently causing him pain. who threaten her precious Troizel. object (such as scaffolding). The object is
Cower. Troizel readies this die. At the smashed utterly.
end of the round, if not adjacent to any
Wants: Food, to be freed from his cage Wants: To protect Troizel enemies, he spends it to regain all defence. Lumbering Charge. Cresseid bites in
Hates: Loud noises, being hungry Hates: Princess Euthelia a powerful [attack, +8]. This is a heavy
Needy Grab. Troizel clutches at the attack so bonuses from dodge are doubled.
nearest creature. They must [struggle,
difficulty 3] or be pinned by him. Wide Swipe. Cresseid swipes furiously
with her claws in a wide [attack, +4]. This
Ravenous. Troizel tries to grab the nearest attack can be made against two adjacent
and tastiest thing. If it is a character, he enemies.
bites into them with relish [attack, +0].
Pound. Cresseid rears up on hind legs.
Needy Whine. If Cresseid is within Ready this die but discard it if Cresseid
earshot, her next [attack] must be against moves. Spend this die when making an
the source of Troizel’s distress. [attack] to make it focused.


G ardeners Gardener
righteous  gardener  spry
Grubby, begrimed, grasping, gawping, staring, intense gaze, filthy, muttering, grumbling
Hedge Runner. The gardeners can
move through dense foliage at a full
Original domestic servants from before Castle Lethe fell to the plague. Since the castle
sprint without disturbing a single leaf.
was trapped in time, no vegetation ever (re-)grows, and the gardeners have been driven
mad by a lack of work. They never leave the gardens, do not need food, and sleep in
messy communal heaps at the centre of the hedge maze.
Aid. The gardener readies this die. They
may spend it to add +1 to an ally’s check.
There are 24 gardeners but they generally gather in groups of 6 or fewer, each wearing
Dash. The gardener rushes away,
the muddied, torn remnants of their gardening uniforms. They will follow closely
prioritising their own safety. They move
behind anyone entering the castle gardens; if an intruder so much as crushes a blade of a short distance (for a total of two moves).
grass, the gardeners will attack en masse. Only someone wearing Bleddyn’s lacy shawl
Cower. The gardener readies this die. At
can take plant cuttings without being attacked. the end of the round, if not adjacent to
any enemies, they may spend it to regain
all defence.
In combat, gardeners will focus their
attentions on those who have damaged Unpredictable Strike. The gardener
lunges forward to [attack, +0] with
any plants. If forced to retreat, they will
whatever weapon they have to hand. If
flee into the hedge maze and regroup for they roll under the target’s difficulty, the
another attack. GM must flip the Doomcoin, even if the
target is not doomed.

Wants: To protect Castle Lethe’s plants Haymaker Strike. The gardener lunges
forward to [attack, +2] with a gardening
Hates: The scent of chemicals, heavy boots implement. This is a heavy [attack] so
bonuses from dodge are doubled.

Bleddyn Panicked Action. The gardener

performs an open action. If there is an
The Head Gardener is the most coherent enemy within a short distance, any checks
made are hasty.
of the gardeners and can hold full
conversations. However, he believes all
is well at the castle and tries to ignore
any evidence to the contrary. He wears a
fine lace shawl given to him by Princess
Euthelia (p. 108) in return for his silence
regarding her nightly activities behind 4
the culverhouse. Bleddyn
righteous  gardener  spry 4
In combat, Bleddyn fights with a righteous
Major. The Head Gardener gains
anger, as if killing anyone who admits 4
something is wrong at the castle will two action dice at the start of a combat

return it to its former glory. round.

Gardener. Bleddyn uses the action

Wants: To live in his delusions forever block shown above.
Hates: Disrespect towards royalty


U nquiet Dead Sef ts

Adram Lubentina 1
seft  royalty  refined  unfeeling

If a body goes unburied, the once-attached soul will become a member of the unquiet Ethereal. A seft can only be
dead. When a powerful soul returns without a corpse or prepared vessel to inhabit, it harmed by weapons that were forged
becomes a seft. These beings are incorporeal and show varying degrees of awareness, before their death. Additionally,
intelligence and regret. sefts can float through walls and
structures that did not exist when
Adram Lubentina Echo they were alive.
Unhappy, restless, bound, haggard, sorrowful, Emotional phantasms, residual images, trapped
kind, royal, duty-bound remnants, unknowing, memory loops
Distracted. The king repeats some
incident from his former life but
King Adram is a true seft, the bound soul Memories cling to Castle Lethe, forming otherwise remains unthreatening.
of a human that has been turned away at the echoes that act out conversations and
Sense of Purpose. Adram regains a
closed gates of Heall. His form is similar events from happier times. These echoes modicum of perception. During this
to that of the echoes but more substantial, do not interact with or acknowledge round he can be spoken to and reasoned
falling just short of corporeality. The only intruders; they are not sentient in any way.
certain way to shake him into recognition These echoes are linked to the soul of King Wander. Adram wanders around. Each
living creature this seft passes through
and conversation is by mentioning his Adram, the royal heart of both the castle must [resist death, difficulty 7].
daughter, Princess Euthelia (p. 108). and the region. If his seft is destroyed,
each echo will wink out of existence in a Recognition. The seft slowly reaches
towards a target. The target may spend
Adram had a calm disposition in life but wisp of effervescent smoke, leaving the an action die to avoid him. If they don’t,
he is haunted by his own failure to protect castle in utter silence. they must [resist death, difficulty 7].

Euthelia from heretical forces. He will Wail. ‘Euthelia, Euthelia what have
attack those who openly demonstrate their If an echo touches a living creature, that you done!’ Each living creature within
earshot must [resist fear, difficulty 5].
allegiance to a Traitor God. creature must [resist death, difficulty 5].
Ancient Action. Adram performs an
114 open action with an object that existed
Wants: To be laid to rest Wants: Nothing
while he was alive.
Hates: Father Plague Hates: Nothing


U nquiet Dead Lythe

Not all souls are strong enough to become

incorporeal sefts (p. 114). Most require
a corpse or properly prepared vessel to
contain them. These are called lythe.

Lythe result when the soul of a human is

forced to inhabit an object; most commonly
its own corpse, though dolls, scarecrows,
suits of armour, and so on can also be
used. If the possessed object is destroyed,
its lythe will try to find another vessel to
inhabit. Only burying its original corpse 4
or the vessel it inhabits will prevent the
lythe from escaping. All but the greenest
Guests 0
of gravediggers have had to do this in the
unquiet dead  refined
course of performing their duties. Horde. Treat up to three guests as
one creature, sharing movement and
a single action die. A guest is killed
The Cook
Though lythe often resemble and mimic unquiet dead  cook
the person they were in life, they are no when it loses any toughness or suffers
longer sensate and feel no true emotions. A an injury, but the action die is only My name is Alice. If the cook

soul can only feel when it is at rest in Heall lost when all three guests are killed. is injured, she will stare past her

or before death, in its living body. Now, attacker, tell them her name is Alice

both are out of reach for the unquiet dead. and then crumble into a grey powder.
Pained Howl. Any enemies surrounded
by three or more guests must [resist fear,
difficulty 4].
My name is Alice. The cook stares
Swarm. Each guest moves a short distance, forlornly, muttering the words, ‘My
attempting to end their movement adjacent name is Alice.’
to the same enemy.
My name is Alice. The cook raises her
cleaver limply. After a moment she lowers
Alice Guests Clumsy Blows. A guest strikes out to
[attack, +0] an adjacent enemy. This it again, stating, ‘My name is Alice.’

Grubby, broken, lurching, unfeeling, puzzled Ravenous, shambling, masked, jewelled attack gains +1 for each adjacent guest.
My name is Alice. The cook shouts
Clawing Hands. Ready this die. gruffly, ‘My name is Alice!’
Stooped, shuffling husk of a woman. Her Assembled for a betrothal feast on the While this die is readied, enemies must
[struggle, difficulty 5] to move away from My name is Alice. The cook lurches
mind is broken and she can only repeat night the Lice Mother (p. 108) summoned a guest. This die is discarded if a foe unpredictably to one side. ‘My name is
her name. Thick scars disfigure her entire Father Plague. They first appear as piles succeeds on this check. Alice,’ she intones at a bubbling stewpot.

body, obtained from the Lice Mother (p. of mouldering remains, then revive into My name is Alice. The cook says, ‘My
Sudden Rush. An adjacent target must
108) before her death as punishment for men and women wearing masquerade [struggle, difficulty 4] or be dragged a name is Alice,’ but her words seem more
short distance. of a question than a statement of fact.
snitching on Troizel (p. 110). masks of various animals.
Beatdown. A guest lashes out in an My name is Alice. The cook slowly
116 moves as if to leave the room. She mutters
Wants: To finish cooking Wants: To fulfil the bride’s wishes [attack, +1]. If the defender is adjacent to
three or more guests, they cannot dodge. something, but you cannot catch the words.
Hates: Nothing Hates: Rudeness, party crashers, peasants


B irds
Feathered, flying, curious, inquisitive, pecking,

Only three types of bird can now be found

in Lethe: magpies, pigeons and ravens.

All three species are extremely intelligent.

They generally mate for life and two of
the species (magpies and ravens) prefer
establishing a single nest that they return
to repeatedly. 2
All three species consume meat, though Valravn 8
pigeons do so out of necessity rather connivingsharp-eyedflying small

than preference. Magpies and ravens, on

Valorous Coward. If the Valravn
the other hand, are avid carrion-eaters.
dodges an [attack] that fails to damage
Particularly opportunistic flocks will work
it, the bird may immediately [retreat]
together to bring down living animals,
as a free action.
often targeting small mammals like lambs
and calves.
Flutter. The Valravn readies this die.
When an enemy within a short distance
Ravens The Valravn makes an [attack], the Valravn may spend
this die to flutter down and distract them,
Birds capable of imitating human speech. Unique raven considerably larger than imposing a -1 modifier on the [attack].

Largest known length of 2 feet, largest its peers with a length of 3 feet and
Warning. The bird perches somewhere
known wingspan of 4 feet. wingspan of 5. It is capable of human high, keeping an eye out for hidden
reasoning and speech, though it speaks dangers. Ready this die. If the Valravn
hasn’t suffered an [attack] by the end of
Ravens are territorial, often establishing a with the voice of King Adram (p. 114). the round, spend it to regain all defence.
single nest and defending that area from
Steal. The Valravn swoops down to steal
perceived threats. Their most popular A Valravn is created when a normal a tiny item or creature. The target may
breeding site is at the Pillory Cliffs (not in raven feeds on the corpse of royalty. [struggle, difficulty 6] to prevent this.

this demo), though nests can be found all The one trapped in the plaguescape fed
Flurry. The Valravn makes an [attack,
over the plaguescape. on the corpse of King Adram. -1] with its beak. If the target is a little
creature, this attack is focused.

They will mimic spoken words to draw This animal will bargain, coerce and Peck. The Valravn makes an [attack,
people away from nests or toward danger. coax for Immortal flesh (in this case, +0] against a target’s eyes. This attack
is hasty but if it causes damage then
Father Plague). If it consumes this, it the target gains the injury ‘missing eye’
will gain immortality. instead of the usual result.

118 Disappear. The Valravn flies out of

Needs: To outwit Death himself sight, though it hasn’t retreated from the
Hates: Normal ravens combat.


I ndex
Aa Dd Jj Pp
Abilities........................................6, 14, 72-75 Damage, Attacks.........................................47 [Judge]........................................................ 49 PC Action Block.........................................56
Action Dice............................................56, 58 Damage, Weapons.................................... 64 Princess Euthelia Lubentina.................. 108
Alice the Scarred Cook.............................116 Defence............................................ 35, 55, 57 Protection..............................................55, 66
Armour..................................................66-67 Difficulty..............................................42, 45 Kk
–Armour Properties.................................67 Dodging..................................................... 46 King Adram Lubentina........................... 114
[Attack]....................................................... 46 Doom, Doomcoin................................. 6, 43 [Knockback]............................................... 49 Rr
–Critical Results.......................................43 [Knockdown]............................................... 50 [Recover]..................................................... 50
[Resist Death]............................................. 51
Bb [Resist Fear]................................................ 51
Birds............................................................118 Ee Ll [Retreat]...................................................... 52
Blocking...................................................... 46 Effect Table.......................................... 43, 47 Last Meal Sample Adventure........... 84-105 Rules....................................................... 40-83
Bulk........................................................55, 66 –Starting Your Adventure...................... 94
Lice Mother.............................................. 108
Ff Life Path: Example.....................................15 Ss
[First aid].................................................... 48 Life Path: Gravedigger.............................34 Standard Roll..............................................43
Fixed Values................................................44 Life Path: Injury........................................28 [Sneak]......................................................... 52
Focused Roll................................................43 Life Path: Origin....................................... 16 [Struggle].................................................... 53
Free Actions.................................................58 Life Path: Profane Relic............................29 [Surgery]..................................................... 53
Free Attacks.................................................58 Surprised..................................................... 55

Cc Mm
Castle Lethe........................................ 96-105 Gg Major Injuries...................................... 47, 59 Tt
Character Sheet......................................12-13 Gardeners...................................................112 Modifiers..............................................42, 45 Toughness...............................................35, 55
Checks............................................................6 Gear.................................................14, 62-63 Movement....................................................59 Traitor Gods..........................................78-83
–Daunting and Trivial Checks.............. 42 –PC Gear Grid........................................62 Traits.................................................6, 14, 68
–Check Modifiers.............................42, 45 Getting Started........................................ 6-8 –Defining Traits........................ 14, 34, 42
–NPC Checks..........................................60 Guests.........................................................116 –Example Traits..................................70-71
–Opposed Checks................................... 42 Troizel.........................................................110
–Special Checks..................................44-53
–Standard Checks............................. 40-43 Hh Nn
Conditions.................................6, 42, 59, 68 Hasty Roll....................................................43 NPCs...........................................................60 Uu
Combat.................................................. 54-59 Heresy.................................................... 14, 31 –Example NPC Statblock...................... 61 Unquiet Dead: Lythe...............................116
–Combat Round................................. 56-57 Unquiet Dead: Sefts................................ 114
–Combat Stats.......................................... 55
[Commune]................................................ 48 Ii Oo
Creating Your Character......................14-37 Injuries.................................................. 47, 59 Occult Abilities......................................76-83 Ww
Cresseid.......................................................110 Introduction.................................................. 5 Open Actions..............................................58 Weapons.................................................64-65
120 121
Critical Results...........................................43 Out-of-Combat Attacks.............................54 –Weapon Properties................................ 65 121
Doomsong:A Roleplay Macabre
Thank you for playing this Doomsong demo! We hope your time in the Gravediggers’
Guild has been as disquieting and dramatic as it was enjoyable. To learn more, go to this
page and click ‘Notify Me’ to get an email when the Kickstarter goes live in October.
Backers can look forward to:

• Doomsong, a deluxe hardback book with 200+ pages

• Lord Have Mercy Upon Us, a deluxe hardback campaign with 300+ pages
• A cloth map for the Lord Have Mercy Upon Us campaign
• A metal Doomcoin, complete with ominous curse
• A pad of customised character sheets
• A few surprises!

Want to be part of the conversation? Want to share your experiences with character
creation, rules or combat? You can also join our Discord!

122 123
Foul beings stalk the land. Dire portents come thick and fast. Heresy festers and breeds
in steadfast hearts. Meanwhile, the Ecclesiarch remains shuttered in his grand cathedral,
the Sepulchre Reverentia, leaving his priests and beadsmen to keep the populace calm.

But you are gravediggers, tasked with burying the dead. You know better than most how
wrong the world has become. The recently deceased return from Heall, turned away from
gates that are closed against them. In spite of this, a gravedigger you remain...

124 125
Doomsong:Lord Have Mercy Upon Us
If your gravediggers enjoyed their torment in Castle Lethe, there is much more to come.
More totems, more locations, more creatures hungering in the dark. Lord Have Mercy
Upon Us will contain 300+ pages set in the lost kingdom of Lethe, which has turned feral
and pestilential under the tender ministrations of Father Plague. Get notified when our
Kickstarter goes live! Be one of the first to taste the terrible things to come...

126 127

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