Witch Spell List
Witch Spell List
Witch Spell List
- Atk: Attack
- Dmg: Damage
- GP: Gold Piece
- HD: Hit Dice (number of dices of life)
- HP: Hit Points (life points)
- Lvl: level of the spell caster
- Rnd: Round
Arcane mark Inscribes a personal rune (visible or invisible, max. 6 characters, permanent)
Create water Creates 8L/lvl of pure water (range: 7.5m + 1.5m/ 2 lvls)
Cure minor wounds Heals 1HP
Bestow curse 0 The target becomes Sickened; or takes a -4 penalty on all Skill Checks (range:
touch attack, duration: for the rest of the encounter)
Dancing lights Creates up to 4 torches or other lights, all less than 3m from each other (range:
30m +3m/lvl, duration: 1min)
Daze Humanoid creature of 4HD or less loses next action (range: 7.5m + 1.5m/ 2 lvls)
Detect magic Detects spells and magic items (range: 18m, duration: focus, max. 1min/lvl)
Detect poison Detects poison in one creature or object (range: 7.5m + 1.5m/ 2 lvls)
Flare Dazzles one creature: -1 on attack rolls (range: 7.5m + 1.5m/ 2 lvls)
Ghost sound Figment sounds as noisy as 4 humans / lvl (range: 7.5m + 1.5m/ 2 lvls, 1 rnd/lvl)
Light Object touched shines like a torch (10min/lvl)
Mending Makes minor repairs on an object (range: 3m, target: ≤0.5kg)
Message Whispered conversation at distance (range: 30m +3m/lvl, target: 1 creature/lvl,
duration: 10min/lvl)
Purify food & drink Purifies 30dm3 of food or water (range: 3m)
Read Magic Read scrolls & spellbooks (10m/lvl)
Remove curse 0 Remove curses applied by Bestow curse of equal or lower level
Resistance Touched subject gains +1 on saving throws (1min)
Touch of fatigue Touch attack fatigues target (1rnd / lvl)
Virtue Touched subject gains 1 temporary HP (1min)
Wereflame Creates a small magical ball of blue fire (10min/lvl, range 3m, damage 1d4 fire)
Level 1:
Spells per day:
Animate rope Makes a rope move at your command (range: 30m +3m/lvl, target: 15m
+1.5m/lvl, duration: 1 rnd/lvl)
Bane Targets get -1 on attack rolls and saves VS fear (all enemies within 15m, 1min/lvl)
Bestow curse I The target suffers 20% failure chance on all actions; or takes a -4 on all d20 rolls;
or becomes fascinating to animals and vermin, attracting them to the character
within a 1km radius, to share the character's occupied space.
Calm animals Calms 2d4+lvl HD of animals
Cause fear One creature of 5HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds
Change self Make yourself (equipment included) look different for 1min/lvl (+10 disguise)
Charm person Makes one person your friend (range: 7.5m + 1.5m/ 2 lvls, duration: 1h/ lvl)
Charm animal Makes one animal your friend (range: 7.5m + 1.5m/ 2 lvls, duration: 1h/ lvl)
Command One subject obeys selected command for 1 round (approach, drop, fall, flee, halt,
7.5m + 1.5m/ 2lvls)
Comprehend languages You understand all spoken and written languages (10min/lvl)
Cure Light wounds Heals 1d8+lvl (max. 5) HP
Doom One subject takes -2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks (range: 30m
+3/lvl, duration: 1min/lvl)
Entangle Plants entangle everyone in 12m radius (Range: 120m + 12m/lvl, 1min/lvl)
Faerie fire Outlines subjects with light, canceling blur, concealment, and the like (Range:
120m + 12m/lvl, 1min/lvl)
Goodberry Creates 2d4 berries, each one cures 1HP (max 8HP/pers/24h)
Hypnotism Fascinates 2d4HD of creatures (range: 7.5m + 1.5m/ 2 lvls, 2d4 rounds)
Identify Determines properties of one magic item (casting time: 1h)
Needs a pearl of at least 100 gp value, crushed and stirred into wine with an owl
feather; the infusion must be drunk prior to spellcasting.
Magic fang One natural weapon of touched creature gets +1 on atk and dmg rolls (1min/lvl)
Magic stone Three stones gain +1 on attack rolls, deals 1d6+1 damage (duration: 30min)
Ray of enfeeblement Ray deals 1d6 +1/ 2 levels STR damage (range: 7.5m + 1.5m/ 2 lvls, 1min/lvl)
Reduce person Humanoid creatures halves in size (range: 7.5m + 1.5m/ 2 lvls, 1min/lvl)
Remove Curse I Remove curses applied by Bestow curse of equal or lower level
Remove fear Suppresses fear, or gives +4 on saves VS fear for 1 subject (+1 / 4 levels)
Shillelagh Cudgel or quarterstaff becomes a +1 weapon (1d10 damage) for 1min/level
Silent Image Creates minor illusion of your design (range: 120m + 12m/lvl, duration: focus)
Sleep Puts 4HD of creatures into a magical sleep (30m +3/lvl, 1min/lvl)
Speak with Animals You can communicate with animals (1min/lvl)
Summon nature’s ally I Convokes animal to fight for you (1rnd/lvl)
Ventriloquism Throws voice or mouth noise (range: 7.5m + 1.5m/ 2 lvls, duration: 1min/lvl)