Vileborn Quickstart en
Vileborn Quickstart en
Vileborn Quickstart en
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Table of contents
1 INTRO - THE END AND THE BEGINNING............... 7
The setting in a few pages
About this
Welcome to Lex Umbræ, an introductory adventure for Vileborn.
After a quick presentation of the game setting, you will embark on an
adventure that will teach you how to play step by step!
4 Intro
What is Vileborn?
It is a role-playing game Vileborn is a collaborative storytelling game. It's
perfect for those who enjoy role-playing games with
intuitive yet deep rules systems. Despite its dark
themes, Vileborn isn't necessarily about a descent
into corruption. Instead, it's a game about characters
exploring their darker sides to discover, for better or
worse, their true selves and what sets them apart.
It is a game because There are rules to follow; though they are few and
straightforward. You’ll refer to your character sheet,
which describes the character you embody, and roll
dice to determine the outcomes of important actions
in the story.
It is role-playing because As you play, you'll step into the shoes of the
protagonists of this story. You'll adopt their
perspectives, make decisions on their behalf, develop
their personalities, define their goals, and describe
their actions.
It's the game for you if You enjoy nobledark coming-of-age novels. You love
adventurous, character-focused RPGs. You want to
narrate memorable stories with your fellow players,
without pressure and anxiety about your performance.
Intro 5
A perfect
Egas Empire,
Year 1498 of the Redeemer calendar.
Five years have passed since darkness shrouded the skies above Egas,
plunging the Empire into an unprecedented crisis. Temperatures are
plummeting, food is scarce, and the reviled roam freely. Vampires, fallen,
shapeshifters — every creature of darkness has crawled out of its lair,
eager to seize power in these days of waning sunlight.
You are vileborn: half human, half reviled. Mere children when your
corrupted heritage manifested itself, your lives were irrevocably changed,
tearing you from those you loved. The Luminarian Church, the Empire's
spiritual guide, now fuels a wave of moral fervor, inciting the world to
hunt and persecute you in the name of faith.
Desperate for a weapon in the war against the reviled, the Empress of
Egas defied the Church and issued the Lex Umbræ, a decree conscripting
all vileborn into the Order of Dusk — an ancient society sworn to protect
the Empire.
You are the first vileborn enlisted into the Order of Dusk.
You stand at the center of a growing rift between Church and Empire.
You are at odds with your nature, feared and despised by all.
What will you do with the darkness that dwells within you?
8 Intro
Imperial decree of mercy for the Vileborn
Intro 9
10 Intro
Young adults with a dark heritage,
in a world that both despises and needs you.
Your dark heritage awakened with the advent of the darkness, granting
you mysterious powers and overwhelming urges. Each of you experiences
something different: a thirst for blood, an affinity for the realm of the dead, a
feral urge to hunt, or a connection to the shadows. While many claim to know
your true nature, the origins of the vileborn remain a mystery; it's up to you to
uncover the truth.
The Empire offers you immunity in exchange for lifelong service among the
ranks of the Order of Dusk, a society with a long history of devotion to the
Luminarian Church and the protection of the Empire. You are given this
choice solely because you are deemed a powerful weapon in the war against
the reviled.
A shattered world, fractured families where you don’t belong, mentors who
seek to mold you to their will, and dark urges that both tempt and terrify
you. These elements create good hooks for exploring generational conflict and
weaving tales of personal growth and self-discovery.
Intro 11
Into darkness
A world ravaged by a crisis
that the adults around you are powerless to confront.
12 Intro
Intro 13
Change, Conflict, and Adventure: The world has changed,
these three pillars form the whether you like it or not:
vibrant core of Vileborn. Keep shape it with your choices!
them in mind and follow the rules Your dark heritage has awakened:
to unlock the full potential of this dare to explore its depths! The
game! balance of power teeters on the
brink: test its limits!
14 Intro
The threat of the reviled grows Accomplish memorable feats,
ever stronger. The Order of Dusk, confront terrifying threats, and
devoted to the Church yet serving ultimately forge your own truth,
the Empire, is torn by internal defying the constraints imposed
tensions after enlisting vileborn like upon you. Create unique bonds,
you. Your dark heritage both tempts surpass your limits, and find out
and frightens you. Bring these who you truly are.
conflicts into play!
Intro 15
Lex umbræ
“We will not defeat darkness by welcoming its temptations.
The vileborn should not be allowed in the Order!”
- Enlightened Mother of the Order of Dusk
Pick your
One of you will play the Darkness,
everybody else will play a Vileborn.
18 Preparation
The complete Vileborn rulebook will enable you to create unique Vileborn
characters tailored to your preferences. To facilitate learning, this adventure
includes four pre-generated Vileborn character sheets optimized for learning
how to play one step at a time.
Preparation 19
“The whole gang feared her! She was
a wild, rough, furious, lunatic beast.”
- Confession of Seràf, an outlaw
20 Preparation
“Learn to hunt or prepare to run.”
Celene grew up among outlaws. Her character was forged by hardship,
and she learned to never show weakness. She's fiercely loyal to her gang and
determined to confront the horrors of the unforgiving world that raised her.
Celene is a Clawshrouder. Since the advent of darkness, she has grappled
with a nightly urge to hunt. Her sense of smell has sharpened, her body has
become more resilient, and the predator within her constantly yearns for fresh
Preparation 21
Raphaël de
“All ends in blood.”
Raphaël hails from nobility. Firstborn of the Duke of Normante, he has
learned to wield authority and shield himself from his cold and ruthless father.
Raphaël’s bravery and conflictual relationship with his father have often gotten
him into trouble.
Raphaël is a Bloodsinger. Since the advent of darkness, the scent of human
blood both intoxicates and lures him. He possesses preternatural charisma
and can unleash the power within his own blood, even at the risk of his human
22 Preparation
“I hand over to you my firstborn: a stupid,
spoiled, blood-sucking parasite.”
- Excerpt from a letter by the Duke of Normante
Preparation 23
“A true devotee… and an unholy
monster corrupted by the shadows.”
- Excerpt from the diaries
of Mother Aléne
24 Preparation
“Every shadow is born out of light.”
Lucien grew up surrounded by believers. The rigor of a life dedicated
to faith and the study of sacred texts sharpened his mind and strengthened
his resolve. Among the Luminarian Church's followers, Lucien is the most
unlikely, and undoubtedly the most feared and despised.
Lucien is a Shadowdancer. For him, shadows are living entities: he can
communicate with them, shape them, and he understands their icy coldness
and devouring hunger. Terror accompanies Lucien's every step, both the fear
he instills in others and what he feels for himself.
Preparation 25
“Death is a door to another life.”
Thalia grew up as an orphan. She relied solely on her resourcefulness to
survive on the streets of Arenbourg. A life of hardship forged her character,
making her far stronger than she appears.
Thalia is a Ghostwalker. Since the advent of darkness, the veil between life
and death has thinned for Thalia. She can commune with the afterlife and
summon spirits into the world of the living — but this has made her indifferent
to the value of life.
26 Preparation
“I am glad that wretched jinx is gone.
She looked like a dead woman walking.”
- A resident of Arenbourg
Preparation 27
Lex Umbræ
An adventure designed to be played in two sessions.
While playing this session, you will familiarize yourself with the basics of the
game. You will follow a narrative optimized to introduce the rules step by step.
This session is suitable for an introductory one shot and includes the first four
scenes of the adventure:
This session will allow you to put into practice what you have previously learned
and to delve deeper into some advanced rules. It includes the
last three scenes of the adventure:
28 Preparation
This is a preview of the character sheets that you will learn to use
throughout the adventure. Around the image of each Vileborn you will find
their approaches (top), personality (left), and training (right). To
the far left are conditions and wounds; to the far right are background,
motives, and resources. At the bottom you can find their dark heritage,
gifts, and urges.
Preparation 29
Find out how to face a test.
Our story begins on a bleak afternoon: the sky is a bruised tapestry of dark
clouds, oppressed by the encroaching darkness. Igritte, the Warden of Dusk
who recruited you less than a week ago, appears troubled. “We’ll have to
make do,” she says, looking at the abandoned hunting hut you stumbled upon
in the woods.
They are pursuing you, you're certain: men and women consumed by hatred
for your kind, zealots driven by religious fervor, determined to purge Egas of
your existence. The light is fading, and time is running out.
Now ask each Vileborn to describe themselves as they dismount from Igritte’s
cart. You have just set up a scene! After listening to your players’ answers, read
aloud or paraphrase:
“Help me secure this place,” Igritte orders, running a hand along the rotting
wooden walls of the building. “Cover our tracks, bolster our defenses, and
set some traps if necessary. Avoid using your gifts; they'll only attract more
darkness and piss off the assholes chasing us. I'd rather deter them than fight
them head-on."
Darkness , ask each Vileborn what they do to help Igritte. It's time for a test!
30 Prologue
Tests are used to determine if a Vileborn succeeds in their goals
and whether they encounter complications.
Vileborn , when you face a test:
Describe how you act and choose the most suitable approach among
force, willpower, influence, reason, precision, and subterfuge.
“I try to create a false trail to lead them away from us: I use Subterfuge!”
Roll 1 to 3 dice of the size of your chosen approach.
1 base die granted by the approach, +1 die if you use your personality,
+1 die if you use your training.
“The results of the dice roll are 2 and 5. I keep the 5, which equals the difficulty.”
If the result is above the difficulty target, you will narrate a success.
If it is below, the Darkness will narrate a complication.
If it is equal, you will both narrate.
“I create a false trail, which leads away towards the woods.”
“In doing so, you notice strange claw marks: mark fear.”
Prologue 31
1 Choosing the approach
Vileborn , on your character sheet, you will find six approaches, each
associated with a different die size (d6, d8, or d10) that represents your
aptitude for that way of acting. When you face a test, choose the approach
that is most consistent with the action you described.
h Force: when you impose yourself violently and give your all.
h Willpower: when you summon your inner strength and push yourself
over the limit.
h Influence: when you resort to words and the ability to persuade.
h Reason: when you use logic, knowledge, and analysis.
h Precision: when you act carefully or meticulously.
h Subterfuge: when you bypass the rules and play dirty.
For example, observing an opponent to find their weak spot is a reason test,
while reaching an agreement with a dignitary by conversing with her is an
influence test.
32 Prologue
2 Personality and Training
Vileborn , on your character sheet, under the approaches, you will find
some keywords: those on the left describe your personality, those on the
right your training.
During a fight, you want to pick up your opponent and slam them violently
against the wall. You are Shrewd, Cold, and Unsettling. None of these words
is related to what you are doing, so you cannot bring your personality into
play. You are trained to Hide, Hunt, and Brawl. Brawl is related to what you
are doing, so you can use your training.
When you face a test, you are the one to choose whether a word is related to
it or not. Don’t be afraid to describe actions that align with your personality
and training whenever you can. At the same time, don’t overdo it: rolling
lots of dice is less important than playing in a way that is relevant to the
development of the story.
Prologue 33
3 Setting the difficulty
Darkness , set the difficulty of a test based on how it is described, on the
context in which it happens, and on any suggestions you find in the manual.
h 4 if it’s easy.
h 5 if it’s normal.
h 6 if it’s difficult.
h 7 if it’s very difficult.
Opening a rudimentary lock is easy (4), breaking into the front door of a
house is normal (5), unlocking a safety box is difficult (6), breaking into a
vault is very difficult (7).
If you believe that a test is impossible, don't hesitate to say so. This allows
Vileborn to adapt the narrative and adjust their goals accordingly.
34 Prologue
Darkness , use complications to liven up the story, last word when narrating
without ever invalidating the successes previously successes, while the
obtained during tests. You can play a complication Darkness has final
in three ways: authority when narrating
complications. However,
h Impose a condition choosing among anger, you can always help each
exhaustion, shame, fear, and insecurity. The other out. When you
effects of the conditions are listed on the narrate the outcomes of
Vileborn character sheets, and it is up to the a test, feel free to ask for
players to keep track of them. help and to accept ideas
h Inflict a wound. A wound can represent a from anyone in the group.
physical, social, or emotional trauma. If a Vileborn
has already suffered 3 wounds and receives a
fourth one, they are out of play (you’ll see what
that means on page 53).
h Enliven the scene, by narrating unwelcome
developments, plot twists, or long-term
consequences. This option has no mechanical
effects, but is useful to develop the story.
Prologue 35
Concluding the scene
Darkness , if at least two Vileborn got a success in the previous test, they
will be able to throw their pursuers off track. Read aloud or paraphrase:
As darkness envelops the forest, you hear hurried footsteps approaching the
hunting hut. "Those bastards got away," a frustrated voice whispers.
"Hey, what's that?" someone shouts from a distance. At first, you fear you’ve
been discovered, but then you hear alarmed cries and, peering through the
boarded-up windows, you see the group fleeing in terror.
A sudden chill fills the air, and sinister hisses echo outside. The reviled have
arrived, but they've been diverted, chasing your pursuers instead. You are
safe, at least for tonight.
As darkness envelops the forest, you realize that you have left too many
tracks: “Come out, you wicked bastards!” a voice shouts, “or we will burn this
shack to the ground!”
Then, a sudden chill fills the air, and sinister hisses echo outside. “Reviled!
Run!” the pursuers scream. You hear wet and revolting sounds, punctuated
by the screams of your pursuers and the terrified neighing of the horse you'd
hidden in the barn.
Igritte grits her teeth, a mix of anger and guilt flashing in her eyes, but she
gestures for you not to intervene. The reviled have come and while you’re safe
for now, they’ve butchered your pursuers and your horse.
36 Prologue
This is an example of how the outcome of a test can influence the narrative
in the short, medium, and long term. Traveling with or without a horse, being
chased or not, could lead to your story developing in completely different ways.
Scena uno 37
On the Road
Define personality, training, and motives.
After a night spent at the hunting hut, Igritte guides you toward Mont
Aurelie, the renowned fortress city and home of the Order of Dusk. Together,
you traverse barren plains, somber woods, and crumbling villages.
As you gaze upon the enduring scars that darkness has inflicted on these
lands, your thoughts turn to the past you are leaving behind. Each step takes
you further away from home and the life you’ve lived so far.
Vileborn , it is time to find out something more about you! The time has
come to define your aspirations, discover your duty, and enrich your
personality and training.
Igritte behaves like an older sister, strict but fair.
For most members of the Order, the vileborn are something to be despised,
or exploited at best. But not for Igritte: she is a righteous but not a moralist
Warden, gifted with a genuine and biting humor. She treats the characters
fairly, without prejudice and never condescending. She is sorry that they were
forced to enlist, but she sees enormous potential in them and wants to help
them develop it.
38 On the road
Vileborn , aspiration and duty are motives that push you to give your
best and help you get through difficult times. The two may be compatible, or
Aspiration represents your personal goal. If it is related to the situation you are
facing, you can bring it into play and mark it to instantly heal a wound.
Duty represents the task that the Order asks you to complete. If it is related to
the situation you are facing, you can bring it into play and mark it to instantly
heal a condition.
My duty is to “Kill the Beast of Arenbourg”. I must go into its den, but I am
marked by fear. I mark the box next to my duty, remove the condition
fear, and enter the lair.
On the road 39
Raphaël de Normante
You were born among the comforts of court life. Your father
disowned you when he discovered your dark heritage.
Thalia Seulefille
You grew up on the muddy streets of Arenbourg.
Yours was a life of sacrifice and expedients.
40 On the road
Lucien Delacroix
You spent your childhood in the rigor of a Luminarian monastery.
They tried to exorcise the shadow that lives inside you.
Celene Cervantes
You have lived a life of poaching. On your worst days
you struggled to tell a deer from a human.
On the road 41
Narrating the journey
Vileborn , now that you have explored who you are, briefly describe how you
behave during the journey; what is your attitude and your way of acting. If you
wish, share what you have written on your character sheet.
Darkness , after each Vileborn has updated their character sheet and shared
the information they wish, read aloud or paraphrase:
Under a sky heavy with dark clouds, you finally reach Mont Aurelie, the
fortress city of the Order of Dusk. Perched atop a rock in the middle of a
frozen lake, it looms over you like a promise.
Igritte guides you through the citadel's narrow streets, where the eyes of
inhabitants and fellow recruits fall upon you: some curious, some wary, and
others filled with disdain.
After ascending the citadel, Igritte pauses before the imposing cathedral
dedicated to Saint Aurélie. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news," she
says with a wistful smile, "but there's no time for a well-deserved rest
or nourishment. You will face your ordeal immediately, where it will be
determined if you are worthy of joining the Order of Dusk." Her gaze is
clouded with guilt as she leans in to whisper: “If you have questions to ask
me, ask them now. Once you enter, I won't be able to help you.”
Darkness , if the Vileborn ask questions, use the information that you will
find on the next page to answer. There is no need to list everything on the
page, only share details when the Vileborn are curious.
42 On the road
h The Enlightened Mother, the spiritual guide of the Order who thinks
that admitting vileborn into its ranks is an insult to the faith.
h The Imperial Envoy, sent by the Empress to ensure that each vileborn is
trained swiftly and with the best resources.
h The Grand Master, the highest-ranking member in the Order: he is a just
and wise veteran, intent on reconciling the differences between Church
and Empire.
Igritte casts an oblique glance at you. “Your dark heritage is your most
powerful weapon,” she tells you. “Make use of it, for this test will be as
merciless as the reviled we will train you to hunt.” After that, she guides you
inside the cathedral.
This is an important moment! Before playing the next scene, it's time to
find out what happens when darkness comes into play and how your dark
heritages work.
On the road 43
When darkness comes into play
Darkness, when a Vileborn interacts with the darkness, you will have to roll a
special die that will make everything more dangerous and interesting. It is the
only d12 of the whole game, and it's called the darkness die. Roll the darkness
die when:
h A Vileborn faces a test in which they explore their dark heritage (you
will find more details in the next few pages).
h A Vileborn faces a test in which they interact with a reviled or with the
darkness in any of its forms.
h The manual explicitly states to do so.
With your success, your Silversteel blade tears through the Shapeshifter’s
flesh, but the darkness die just rolled a 6! A sound halfway between a scream
and a growl comes out of its throat: pass a normal (5) willpower test or
mark the condition fear.
44 Darkness
Darkness, during the game you may decide to roll the darkness die without
explicit instructions from the manual. These are exceptions, in which you
decide to improvise based on your sensibility and what is happening in the
In these cases, simply compare the result of the darkness die to an imaginary
intensity scale. The more powerful the darkness, the more likely the darkness
die will generate a single complication that you will narrate in addition to
the result of the dice rolled by the Vileborn.
You reckon the echoes of darkness to be weak, so the darkness die will create a
complication with a result of 9 or more. The Vileborn rolls a 5, a success
and a complication. The darkness die rolls a 10, a complication. The
Vileborn imposes their will on the echoes, which fall silent. However, with two
complications, they suffer fear and insecurity. The memories now press at
the edge of their mind: was holding the sword a wise idea?
Darkness 45
Dark Heritages
Vileborn, your dark heritage describes your connection to darkness. It
is located in the bottom part of your character sheet, under the character’s
46 Darkness
Vileborn, gifts are aspects of your dark heritage that you have already
explored and mastered. Each gift grants you a unique power, which you can
activate by marking the box under its title.
Activating a gift never requires a test: just mark the box under the gift to
instantly activate its effects (you can also do it while you are facing a test).
Each gift has a positive effect and a small negative effect, which makes it
interesting and multifaceted.
One of Raphaël’s gifts is that he can hear a subject’s heartbeat and deduce
whether they are telling the truth. However, focusing on the blood distracts
him: as long as the gift is marked, Raphaël has a -1 modifier on precision
test die rolls. A small price to pay for such an advantage.
At the bottom of your character sheet, you will find an urge: an impulse that
you feel growing inside you when you mark the boxes of your dark heritage
or your gifts. As you add marks, narrate how you feel your urge becoming
stronger: playing out this aspect of yourself will greatly enrich the story.
When you give in to your urge, clear all the marks on your dark heritage
and gifts. Succumbing to your urge should always be a dramatic moment of
strong inner conflict.
Raphaël has marked all the boxes above the description of his dark
heritage and one of the boxes of his gifts: the thirst screams inside him.
Drinking human blood would placate his urge and allow him to clear all
marks, but he is disgusted by the idea of giving in to his bloodthirst.
Darkness 47
Face a challenge and use your dark heritage.
The austere Cathedral of Mont Aurelie is dimly lit by the filtered light of rose
windows and flickering candles, the air heavy with incense. Igritte steps to the
side, as three figures who radiate authority loom over you.
In the center, the Grand Master of the Order calmly observes you. He looks
like a veteran soldier, wise and stern. His scars hint at a bloody past, while
his dominant position underscores that he is the highest authority here.
A step below and to his right stands the Enlightened Mother of the Order,
silent as a secret. Her white robes and golden mask, in which you see your
own distorted reflection, create an unsettling aura. Her posture exudes an air
of unwavering judgment.
On the opposite side, the Imperial Envoy stands level with the Enlightened
Mother, his eyes fixed on her with the cunning of a fox. His ornate attire
seems out of place in this stark setting. He embodies imperial power and the
Lex Umbræ.
Darkness , tell the group that the Grand Master thanks each of them for
being there after the long journey, and asks them to introduce themselves.
As each Vileborn speaks, have the Enlightened Mother interject during the
conversation. The Enlightened Mother believes that the presence of the
Vileborn within the Order is an insult to the precepts of the Luminarian
Church, which preaches a total rejection of any form of darkness.
48 Ordeal
Whenever she has the opportunity, the Enlightened Mother will press the
Vileborn by asking how they plan to serve the Order, given that their own
presence is an insult to its traditions. Listen to their answers and let them face
tests to make their opinion count. If you find it interesting, have the Imperial
Envoy intervene in their defense with some unfortunate expressions, such as:
“Enlightened Mother, even worthless creatures like these can serve a higher
purpose!” then read:
The Grand Master impatiently raises a hand: "We have talked enough, the
time has come for you to face your initiation.” His gaze guides you towards
Igritte, who now stands before you, her eyes as cold as the steel of the sword
she holds in her hand.
Ordeal 49
Darkness , a challenge is a situation
that requires more than one success to be
resolved. Challenges help you focus your
attention on important elements of the story.
Read the challenge that the Vileborn will have
to face in this scene; below you will find all the
instructions to put it into play.
50 Ordeal
Standing up to Igritte long enough to pass the initiation
requires 5 successes.
h Facing Igritte is difficult (6), dissuading her from fighting is impossible.
h On the 3rd success, Igritte reveals herself as a vileborn and transforms
into a creature halfway between a woman and a panther; fighting against
her now becomes very difficult (7) and every test against her will now
include darkness.
h Igritte hits you with her sword or claws; mark a wound.
h You see a homicidal light in Igritte’s eyes; mark fear.
h Igritte chases you as fast as a snake; mark exhaustion.
h The gaze of the Enlightened Mother weighs on you; mark shame.
h The Imperial Envoy applauds with amusement; mark anger.
Roll the d12 for each test after Igritte has transformed. If you roll 6+,
invent a complication or play out one of the following:
6+ A sound halfway between a scream and a growl comes out of Igritte's
throat; all of you must pass a normal (5) willpower test or mark fear.
9+ Igritte throws you with astonishing force against one of your companions;
you hear your bones creak and you both mark a wound.
12 Igritte is crushing you in her jaws; mark a wound. Furthermore, you
cannot move unless you pass a difficult (6) test to free yourself.
Ordeal 51
How to narrate a challenge
Darkness , below you will find some advice on how to run a challenge.
Let’s say that you are narrating a challenge where the Vileborn are trying to
bypass guards to sneak into an enemy fortress.
52 Ordeal
Out of play
Vileborn , when you face challenges and In Vileborn, your fate
dangerous situations, you might suffer multiple cannot be sealed by an
wounds or the same condition multiple times. unlucky dice roll.
h If you suffer a condition that has been
marked previously, mark a wound instead. In coming-of-age novels,
h If you have already suffered three wounds the death of a character
and suffer another, mark the fourth box in the is a defining moment,
wounds section and go out of play. which marks the story in a
dramatic way.
Vileborn , when you mark the fourth box in the The complete rulebook
wounds section, you go out of play. When you will equip you with all
are out of play, you lose the ability to act, face the tools and guidance
tests, and, more generally, influence the scene. necessary to develop and
close your narrative arc.
Narratively speaking, being out of play is serious
but not definitive, like losing consciousness, being
thrown out of a noble hall, or becoming isolated
from the rest of the group due to a collapse.
Vileborn , you return to play when the scene
concludes, or if another Vileborn rolls a success
to bring you back into play. When you return to
play, clear the out of play box, but keep all other
conditions and wounds you have suffered.
Ordeal 53
Learn what reverie is.
The Grand Master raises a hand and says: "That will be enough." Igritte
immediately restrains her fury; she approaches him and kneels meekly,
despite her monstrous appearance.
The Grand Master raises a hand and says: "That will be enough." Igritte
immediately restrains her fury, moving away from you.
The Grand Master produces an ornate pipe, lights the wick, and ignites it. A
plume of dark smoke unfurls, carrying a scent of iron, aromatic herbs, and
dark chocolate.
He offers the pipe to Igritte, who inhales deeply. Incredibly, you see her return
to a human form and her wounds heal with unnatural speed.
Turning to you, the Grand Master explains: "This is reverie, the most
important sacrament for the Wardens of Dusk. It allows us to heal every
ailment and it keeps the darkness at bay." He then offers you the pipe.
54 Sacrament
Consuming Reverie
Vileborn , when you consume reverie, you instantly
clear all marks from your gifts and your dark
heritage; furthermore, you heal all wounds you
have suffered.
But is Reverie really the answer or is it just a palliative? What are its side
effects? You will answer this question in the future.
This is a great time to conclude the first game session! You have
familiarized yourself with all the basic rules and all the key elements of
the setting. If you wish, play the following scenes in a second session, so
you can further experience what you have learned so far and explore the
game system more in depth!
Sacrament 55
Discover something about your training and forge bonds.
The days following your initiation are a blur, so intense that they pass in a
flash, yet so brutal that they feel like stretching on for weeks. The life you
left behind fades into a distant memory, replaced by this intense and all-
consuming new normality.
The recurring topic in every lesson is the reviled: how to defend against them,
hunt them, and kill them. You quickly learn that combat prowess alone is not
enough to defeat them.
The list of your duties is impressive. Endless study sessions in the most diverse
fields alternate with bloody training in sword fighting.
56 Training
With dismay, you realize that the human recruits of the Order see the
grueling training regimen you endure not as hardship, but as privilege.
Fueled by reverie, the Order subjects you to a pace that would shatter
ordinary people. This constant use of the sacrament is only allowed to you,
perhaps because the Empress ordered you to be trained quickly, or perhaps
because the Order wants to prevent you from giving in to your urges.
Whatever the reason, all this breeds resentment, not camaraderie.
During the lessons, you are strictly forbidden from using your gifts, and the
older recruits relish the opportunity to humiliate you, picking on you harshly.
Officially, this restriction is meant to teach you all the aspects of a Warden's
training, but you suspect that there is something else beneath the surface.
Your mentors, for all their skill, harbor deep-seated prejudices. In their eyes,
you are but a reflection of the very creatures you are being trained to destroy.
Training 57
Closing the scene
Darkness , read aloud or paraphrase:
Igritte is the only one who seems to truly understand you. She doesn't
interfere with your lessons, but she follows every aspect of your training,
advising and supporting you.
She spends time with you each day after the last meal, teaching you how to
cope with your nature and how to explore your dark heritage. She candidly
admits she doesn't have all the answers you need, but she's happy to share
what she has learned.
Under her tutelage, your skills sharpen, and you begin to function as a team.
Over time, the ties between you strengthen, and you realize that you are
becoming a cohesive group.
Vileborn , the adventures you will experience together will forge bonds
between you. The complete rulebook will delve deeper into the many ways
you can interact besides regular tests: helping each other, competing,
collaborating towards a common goal, and even fighting each other.
Your bonds of affinity and rivalry will grant you advantages when you
interact with each other, giving you feedback on how your relationships will
evolve over time. This quickstart will not explore this aspect in detail, but the
complete rulebook will provide you with the tools to do so.
For now, simply describe whether you feel affinity or rivalry towards another
Vileborn, and how you behave towards them.
58 Training
Vileborn is a game
inspired by coming-of-
age hero tales: for this
reason, the first act of
your story takes place
in a school setting.
Training 59
On the
Put into practice what you have learned so far.
Bastien had been granted a single night's leave for a hunting trip, but two days
have passed and he has not yet returned. Soon the Order will send someone to
search for him, and Igritte fears the dire consequences that await Bastien if he
really tried to abandon Mont Aurelie: the penalty for desertion is death.
Igritte will provide a brief description of Bastien: red hair, a scar over one
eye, and a swallow tattooed on his shoulder. His difficult character drew
him to a group of disreputable cadets: questioning them could reveal useful
60 On the Hunt
Bastien’s secret
Darkness , Bastien harbors a secret: just like the protagonists of our story, he
is a vileborn. His dark heritage connects him with the fae and goblins; he is a
He can bend fortune to his will, weave fleeting illusions, and even shapeshift
into small creatures for brief periods.
Bastien has kept his nature secret his entire life, but the arrival of Igritte and the
Vileborn at Mont Aurelie was too much for him. Terrified of being discovered,
Bastien has fled.
On the Hunt 61
Narrating the investigation
Darkness , as the Vileborn investigate, subtly weave in hints that might reveal
Bastien's motives for fleeing the Order.
Draw inspiration from the following leads, selecting those that best suit your
narrative. Discovering Bastien's whereabouts requires 3 to 5 successes, but
feel free to adjust this number based on the desired pace of the investigation.
h Bastien's fellow recruits, if questioned, will try to hinder the
investigation. With the right pressure, a recruit named Lisanne will admit
to having feigned illness at Bastien's request, to leave him alone during the
hunting trip. Questioning Bastien's friends directly is difficult (6), but
eavesdropping on their conversations is easy (4).
h Bastien’s mentors are annoyed by his indolence and his reliance on
natural talent and blatant luck, rather than hard work and discipline.
Obtaining this information is easy (4).
h Investigating Bastien's room will reveal the charred remnants of a
handwritten note, resembling a scribbled map, in the fireplace. Finding the
note is normal (5).
h The quartermaster of Mont Aurelie, if questioned about the supplies
for the hunting trip, will admit to providing Bastien with extra food at his
request, due to his fondness for the boy. Convincing the quartermaster to
confess is easy (4).
h The Order's official records concerning Bastien mention Morsellet, a
village two days' walk from Mont Aurelie, where Bastien once resided.
Accessing the records through official channels is very difficult (7), but
asking Igritte for help makes it easy (4).
62 On the hunt
Darkness , when the Vileborn have gathered enough clues, have Lisanne
intervene. The young recruit is in love with Bastien and is the only one who
knows about his vileborn nature. Lisanne wants to protect Bastien at all costs;
recognizing the Vileborn's determination to find him, she decides to confess
and ask for their help.
Lisanne will reveal that Bastien is a vileborn and that he went to Morsellet in
search of a way to escape the Order forever. She will implore the Vileborn to
reach Bastien and retrieve something from him that will convince the Order
that he has been killed. Even though they are condemned to remain in the
Order, Bastien deserves a chance at life.
If they tell Igritte everything they have discovered, she will ask them to go
to Morsellet to persuade Bastien to abandon his suicidal plan and return to
the Order. Should he return to Mont Aurelie and confess his vileborn nature,
Igritte can invoke the Lex Umbraæ to protect him and train him, just like she is
doing with the group.
On the hunt 63
Face a reviled and conclude this adventure.
As you set foot in Morsellet, you immediately understand that something has
gone terribly wrong. The terrified screams of the villagers guide you towards
the center of the village, running through alleyways slick with mud and lined
with houses made of wood and slate.
Reaching the village square, you are faced with a nightmarish scene: a
gnarled tree in the center of the square writhes disturbingly, as if breathing.
Beside it, a young woman whose body seems to have been ravaged by crows is
floating a few meters above the ground.
Her body bears the gruesome marks of a cruel lynching and her neck is
grotesquely twisted; yet her face is contorted into a macabre rictus, her eyes
emanating a cold, murderous light.
Bastien stands before her, his back to you. Before you can intervene, you see
the woman's hand slash through the air, as one of the branches of the tree
twists and hurls itself towards one of the villagers. Bastien instinctively lunges
forward, shielding the villager with his own body; he is slammed by the
branch with such violence that he falls unconscious.
Vileborn , you are about to face a reviled for the first time!
64 Reviled
The horrors of Morsellet
Despite what people like to believe, it is often the worst of
human nature that fuels darkness. This is especially true for the
Fallen, spirits tormented by unresolved grievances, unavenged
wrongs, and unfulfilled debts. The Vileborn are now facing a
Revenant: a Fallen that has clawed its way back into its own
corpse, driven by a burning need for revenge.
The Vileborn are free to choose what to do. Should they engage
the Revenant in combat, offer no guidance. However, if they
decide to investigate the root of her rage and the events that led
to her tragic end, allow this narrative thread to unfurl during
the challenge. Marielle's brother is present in the square,
concealed behind a stack of firewood. Communicating with the
Revenant requires tests and could generate complications,
just like fighting it. Her fury is immense, and her thirst for
revenge will be unleashed on anyone who crosses her path.
Reviled 65
C H A L L E N G E / FA L L E N
Revenants are spirits that return to inhabit their corpses, looking for
revenge. Defeating them requires 6 successes.
h Facing the Revenant is difficult (6) and always involves darkness.
h On the 2nd success, the Revenant becomes intangible. Physically
interacting with her becomes impossible, dark heritages still work.
h Using Saltpeter against the Revenant is easy (4) and forces her back into
a tangible form.
h If the Revenant gets her revenge, she vanishes instantly.
h The Revenant's spectral hands pass through you; mark a wound.
h You experience someone else’s memory, the feeling of a noose tightening
around your neck; mark fear.
h The Revenant drains part of your life force; mark exhaustion.
Roll the d12 for each test against the Revenant. If you roll 6+, invent a
complication of your choice or play out one of the following:
6+ The Revenant floods your mind with images of her lynching; pass a
normal (5) willpower test or mark insecurity.
8+ The Revenant’s rage infuses the nearby tree, causing its branches to lash
out at you; pass a difficult (6) test or mark a wound.
11+ The Revenant forces you to relive the agony of her lynching, inflicting
grievous wounds on your flesh; everyone suffers a wound. Pass a normal
(5) willpower test or also mark fear.
66 Reviled
Reviled 67
Closing the scene
Darkness , read aloud or paraphrase:
The specter of the Witch of Morsellet dissolves before your eyes, leaving
you facing Bastien. Though conscious, he is unable to move, his fate resting
entirely in your hands.
Bastien looks at you furtively, tears of frustration streaming down his face.
In his eyes you glimpse the pain of a life marked by difficult choices, spent
searching for the lesser evil.
Through clenched teeth, he pleads: “Don’t you see? They’ll send us to our
deaths! The Order doesn't care about us, no one does! They know about you,
but not about me... I beg you, let me go."
You now face a choice: will you bring Bastien back to the Order or let him go?
You could even decide to run away with him. Make your decision and narrate
the end of this adventure together!
To help you develop the epilogue of the story, consider these guiding
68 Reviled
You have completed
Lex Umbræ!
This adventure has come to an end, but an Vileborn delves into
even greater one has just begun! If you wish, the blurred lines between
take a moment to reflect on your experience. monster and human,
exploring the monstrous
How did you find the game? Which aspects within us all.
intrigued you the most?
Darkness mirrors our own
To experience the rules step by step, you complexities, and Egas, a
played a very guided adventure. The complete world painted in shades
rulebook, however, will allow you to tell your of gray, challenges our
own story, create your own Vileborn, and see understanding of morality.
them grow and evolve.
The vileborn embody the
Train with the Order of Dusk, learn from your turmoil of adolescence:
mentors, treasure what they can teach you, but its temptations, fears, and
don’t be afraid to question their perspective. beauty. This is where your
adventure begins!
Venture into the world of Egas, investigate
the true nature of darkness, and experience a
journey of growth and discovery.
Reviled 69
In the
A coming-of-
age story
Backgrounds and dark heritages will provide you with inspiration
to create multifaceted Vileborn, each with a unique story to tell, untapped
potential to unleash, and inner conflicts to resolve.
Backgrounds speak of your past. Each one suggests something about
your roots, giving you unique ways to approach challenges and providing
intriguing stimuli to develop your Vileborn's psychology, intertwining with
your dark heritage.
There are seven dark heritages. You have already played four, one has been
briefly introduced, and the remaining two will be revealed later. Each dark
heritage is more than a mere collection of powers and abilities; it represents
our darkest impulses and offers a way to explore them throughout the game.
Adventures in Vileborn are transformative journeys of growth. In the
complete rulebook, you will learn how to refine your approaches, evolve
your personality and training, and most importantly, delve into your
dark heritage, discover new gifts, and embrace your own darkness.
72 Preview
Preview 73
74 Preview
A three-act
Like many coming-of-age stories, Vileborn unfolds in three acts that can be
played in a variable number of sessions, at your discretion: in the first act you
recount your training, in the second you claim your independence, and in the
third you conclude the story.
The first act chronicles your training with the Order of Dusk. Navigate the
complexities of your relationships with mentors and fellow recruits, learn to
confront the reviled, and question the Order's stringent rules.
The second act leads you to explore the perilous world of Egas. Whether
you have become a Warden or have chosen to abandon the Order, you will
embark on a treacherous journey, fighting against the threat of the reviled.
The third act marks the conclusion of your story. You will resolve the
narrative threads woven throughout the previous acts and, if you wish, uncover
the origins of the encroaching darkness and seek ways to confront it. Above all,
this act marks the end of your personal development arc.
Preview 75
The challenges you face will give your campaign a unique flavor. Each type
of reviled presents a distinct narrative thread that you can explore to your
76 Preview
Preview 77
The Team
Game Design: Claudio Pustorino
Writing: Claudio Pustorino, Stefano Mancuso
Illustrations: Cecilia Gordigiani
Logo and Icons: Fabio Frencl Jr
Layout: Claudio Pustorino
English Translation: Camilla Zamboni
Editing: William Niebling
Editorial Director: Federico Corbetta Caci
Hjalmar Hach, Lorenzo Silva, Davide Amici, Alice Luidelli, Claudio
Serena, Daniele Sarti, Federica "River" Morbio, Hyre Barbiero, Matteo
Mantovanelli, Michele Massei, Giacomo Ienco, Samuele Vitaglione and
Francesca Bacci, Mari, JohnPreest, Konisette, Marco Zannoni, Luca
Zannoni, Damiano Ceroni, Tommaso Ortolani.
Anger d10 d8 You are of noble birth
-1 to reason, precision, and subterfuge rolls You can mark anger to get
Exhaustion an influence success
-1 to force, willpower, and influence rolls Refined Fencing
You cannot use your personality
Fear Aspiration
You cannot use your training
Insecurity Brave Etiquette Mark it to heal a wound
You cannot use your motives
A Normante signet ring
Out of play When conversing with military and
You cannot act nor face tests high-ranking people, you roll with +1
A heartbeat from the truth Mark your dark heritage and face a test that involves Power of blood
darkness to explore the mysterious powers that it grants.
Mark this gift to sense a target’s The darkness die creates a complication if you roll Mark this gift to become
heartbeat. For this scene you can 9+ with one mark, 6+ with two, and 3+ with three. incredibly strong for a moment.
discern if they’re being truthful. You get a force success.
Examples: Unleash the power of your blood, affect the emotions in
However, the rushing blood distracts those around you, control the flow of blood around you. However, you put your heart under
you. Apply -1 to precision rolls duress. Roll 1d6; If you roll 1,
as long as this gift is marked. you suffer exhaustion.
You yearn to drink human blood.
When you do so, remove all marks from dark heritage and gifts.
Raphaël de
You were born among the comforts of court life.
Your father disowned you when he discovered your dark heritage.
Insecurity Hunting Mark it to heal a wound
You cannot use your motives
A dagger made of Silversteel
Out of play When using it to wound Shapeshifters
You cannot act nor face tests or Clawshrouders, you roll with +1
Beast form Mark your dark heritage and face a test that involves Danger sense
darkness to explore the mysterious powers that it grants.
You grow fangs and claws. Apply The darkness die creates a complication if you roll You smell any threats nearby. You get
+1 to force rolls and ignore any 9+ with one mark, 6+ with two, and 3+ with three. a clue as to their nature, and you can tell
exhaustion effects for this scene. if they are reviled.
Examples: Awaken the ancient predator inside you, connect with
However, you risk being overcome by nature, push your senses and your muscles over the edge. However, your hunting instinct awakes.
your hunting instinct. Roll 1d6; Apply -1 to reason rolls as long as this
if you roll 1, you suffer anger. gift is marked.
You yearn to hunt human beings.
When you do so, remove all marks from dark heritage and gifts.
You have lived a life of poaching. On your
worst days, you struggled to tell a deer from a human.
Anger d8 d8 You were raised among believers
-1 to reason, precision, and subterfuge rolls You can mark shame to get
Exhaustion a willpower success
-1 to force, willpower, and influence rolls Sacred
You cannot use your personality
Fear Aspiration
You cannot use your training
Insecurity Intense Frightening Mark it to heal a wound
You cannot use your motives
A Luminarian pendant
Out of play When interacting with Luminarian
You cannot act nor face tests believers, you roll with +1
Icy blood Mark your dark heritage and face a test that involves Cloak of shadows
darkness to explore the mysterious powers that it grants.
Your shadow devours your emotions. The darkness die creates a complication if you roll Shroud a target in shadows,
Remove two conditions and apply 9+ with one mark, 6+ with two, and 3+ with three. concealing them from sight until they
+1 to reason rolls for this scene. draw attention to themselves.
Examples: Give life and texture to your shadow, explore the
However, a deep chill pervades you. non-places hidden in the shadows, weave shadows around you. However, the shadows are hungry.
You cannot use your motives Roll 1d6; if you roll 1,
as long as this gift is marked. the target suffers a wound.
You yearn to terrorize people.
When you do so, remove all marks from dark heritage and gifts.
You spent your childhood in the rigor of a Luminarian
monastery. They tried to exorcise the shadow that lives inside you.
Anger d6 d8 You were an orphan
-1 to reason, precision, and subterfuge rolls You can mark fear to get
Exhaustion a subterfuge success
-1 to force, willpower, and influence rolls Sneaking
You cannot use your personality MOTIVES
Fear Aspiration
You cannot use your training
Insecurity Indifferent Suckerpunch Mark it to heal a wound
You cannot use your motives
A bag of Saltpeter
Out of play If you pass an easy test,
You cannot act nor face tests you can force a Fallen to materialize
Pale whispers Mark your dark heritage and face a test that involves Poltergeist
darkness to explore the mysterious powers that it grants.
Ask a question to a ghost, The darkness die creates a complication if you roll Materialize a ghost. Until you act again,
they are bound to answer truthfully 9+ with one mark, 6+ with two, and 3+ with three. it disrupts or pushes a target of your
choice a few meters.
Examples: Tear down the veil between the world of the living
However, you look pale and unsettling. and the dead, become immaterial for a moment, connect with ghosts However, you expose yourself to
Apply -1 to influence rolls as long the agony of the ghost you evoked.
as this gift is marked. Roll 1d6; if you roll 1, you suffer fear.
You feel the urge to obey the spirits.
When you do so, remove all marks from dark heritage and gifts.
You grew up on the muddy streets of Arenbourg.
Yours was a life of sacrifice and expedients.
Tests Vileborn
Ask for a test in uncertain and interesting Roll the darkness die when the Vileborn face tests
situations. Choose the difficulty based in order to explore their dark heritages.
on what was described, what is happening
in the scene, and the suggestions in the
• Easy: 4
• Normal: 5
• Difficult: 6
• Very difficult: 7
• Impossible: you cannot get
a success