Integration of AI and IoT For Industry
Integration of AI and IoT For Industry
Integration of AI and IoT For Industry
National Seminar
Interested Faculty members, Research Scholars, UG / PG students or Industry
Professionals from the Recognized Institution/ Industries can attend the Seminar. Organizing Secretary
Registration Coordinators
a TA will be provided to outstation participants 19.06.2023 to 23.06.2023
subjected to the availability.
Dr. M Arulprakasajothi
Prof., Dept. of Mechanical
a Participants should submit the registration form
duly signed by the head.
Sponsored by
Dr. R. Prasath
a Free accomodation will be provided
Assoc. Prof., Dept. of CSE
Science and Engineering
a Kindly upload Registration Form in Google Link Research Board (SERB)
Link: Ms. G. Keerthana
Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE Organised by
Name of the account : KCG COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Research
Bank Name : UNION BANK OF INDIA Ms. M. Lavanya KCG College of Technology
Branch Name : SSI Guindy, Chennai- 32 Asst. Prof., Dept. of EEE
IFSC code : UBIN0552631
Account No. : 526301010020010
Mr. K. Gobivel
Kindly mention participant's name and organization while making the payment. Asst. Prof., Dept. of Mechanical
About KCG College of Technology About DST-SERB
KCG College of Technology (A unit of Hindustan Group of Institutions) was DST Government of India established SERB (Science and Engineering Research
established in 1998 to fulll the vision of Founder-Chairman, Dr. KCG Verghese “To Board), a statutory body through an Act of Parliament, 2008. The prime objective of
Make Every Man a Success and No Man a Failure”. KCG College of Technology is
afliated to Anna University, Chennai and approved by AICTE, New Delhi. The
SERB is to support basic research in emerging areas of Science & Engineering,
under "Schemes and Programmes and assist in projects, Travel Grant, Grant for National Seminar
college offers twelve under-graduate and ve post-graduate programmes. Six organizing Seminar Symposia. SERB in addition promotes synergy between on
under-graduate programmes (Mech, ECE, CSE, IT, EEE & Aero) have Permanent academic institutions, research and development laboratories, industry for
Afliation under Anna University. Five under-graduate programmes Computer promoting basic research in science and engineering. In addition to Programmes in
Integration of AI and IoT for Industry 4.0
Science and Engineering (CSE), Electronics and Communication Engineering Partnership DST SERB also recognizes extraordinary contributions of researchers towards Atmanirbhar Bharat
(ECE), Information Technology (IT) and Mechanical Engineering are accredited by by felicitating them with its "Awards and Scholarship Scheme". Under this scheme,
the National Board of Accreditation (NBA). The college is accredited by NAAC with it offers JC Bose National Fellowship to scientists and engineers for their Registration Form
A+ Grade. Five departments CSE, ECE, EEE, Mechanical Engineering and Physics outstanding performance and contributions and RAMANUJAN Fellowship for
have been approved as research centres by Anna University to offer Ph.D. brilliant scientists and engineers from all over the world to take up scientic research 19.06.2023 to 23.06.2023
programmes. The campus of KCG College of Technology is beautifully landscaped positions in India, especially those scientists who want to return to India from
in a lush green stretch of land spread over 38 acres at Karapakkam, which is about abroad.
1. Name :..........................................................
10 km from Adyar on the Old Mahabalipuram Road, the IT corridor of Chennai
2. Date of Birth :..........................................................
3. Designation :..........................................................
About Department of Research Objective & Context 4. Institution with address :..........................................................
The Department of Research is looking after the recognition of Departments and The main objective of this seminar is to motivate the students, researchers, ...........................................................
collaborative research with Industrial Units/ R&D centres. It is also providing a academicians to involve in multidisciplinary projects which will help to achieve the
platform for the faculty members to interact with other experts in their area of government's goals of “Make In India” and “Digital Manufacturing” through Industry ...........................................................
specialization within India and abroad which provide an opportunity for others to 4.0. It also provides a multi-disciplinary platform for the participants to share and
understand the research quality of KCG College of Technology and also pave way for discuss the cutting edge innovation / technologies / challenges faced and the 6. E-mail ID :..........................................................
scientic collaboration. The college has been accorded recognition as a Scientic solutions framed in the eld of Industry 4.0.
7. Academic qualication :..........................................................
and Industrial Research Organisation(SIRO) by the Department of Scientic &
Industry 4.0 is a strategic approach for integrating advanced control systems with
Industrial Research Organisation (DSIR), Ministry of Science & Technology. With specialization ...........................................................
internet technology enabling communication between people, products and
The Anna University Approved Nodal Research Center was established with the aim complex systems. Industry 4.0, uses smart technology and real-time data to
of accelerating research, publications, consultancy and to get funded projects in increase productivity and reduce costs. In smart factories, machinery, storage ...........................................................
various areas. There are 34 Anna University approved Research Supervisors in the systems and production are capable of carrying out complex tasks, exchanging
Research Center. Funds have been received by the college from various funding information and giving instructions to each other, without the need for human
agencies namely - All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry of involvement. The key approach is to equip future products and production systems
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Tamilnadu State Council for Science with Industrial IoT systems and automated systems with intelligent operation
and Technology (TNSCST), National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), Department of controls. Industry 4.0 represents the current trend of automation and data exchange Mr. / Ms. / an
Science and Technology (DST), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), in manufacturing technologies. This ve day National Seminar focuses on the topics
employee of our institution and he / she is sponsored to attend the SERB
Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment (CVRDE), Defence Cyber Physical Systems, Digital Manufacturing, Reverse Engineering, Articial
Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL), India Space Research Organisation
sponsored National Seminar on Integration of AI and IoT for Industry 4.0 -
Intelligence, Machine Vision, Automations and Smart sensors.
(ISRO) and from professional societies - IET, IEI, IEEE. Research collaborations with towards Atmanirbhar Bharat
foreign universities are also being carried out.
Date: Signature of Sponsoring
Place: Authority with ofce Seal
Mail :
Phone : +91 98409 29084