Icset-: 21 International Conference On Science, Engineering & Technology (ICSET)
Icset-: 21 International Conference On Science, Engineering & Technology (ICSET)
Icset-: 21 International Conference On Science, Engineering & Technology (ICSET)
Prof. Jakeer Hussain, SELECT Notification of Acceptance through mail: 15th October 2020
Last date for Registration: 20th October 2020
Prof. Jasmin Pemeena, SENSE
Prof. Debi Prasanna Acharjya, SCOPE
Prof. Venkatesh P, SITE Address for Correspondence
Prof. Jabez Osborne W, SBST Dr. M. Mohamed Ibrahim, Associate Professor,
Prof. M. A. Jayasri, SBST School of Mechanical Engineering, VIT,
Prof. Kiran. G , V-SIGN Vellore, 632014 Phone: 0416-2202268 Organized by
Prof. Anil Verma, VITBS Phone No: 9444433820 School of Mechanical Engineering (SMEC)
E-mail: ibrahim.m@vit.ac.in Vellore Institute of Technology
Vellore - 632 014
About VIT manufacturing and Computational Fluid Dynamics. The courses offered cater to construction, Aspects of Surveying & Advances in Transportation Engineering,
VIT, one of the premier institutes in India, established in1984. VIT is the first the needs of Aerospace, Defense, Manufacturing, Energy and Automotive Environmental monitoring and assessment.
educational institution in India to get ISO 9002 certified by the DNV of The industries. This has enabled the students to pursue higher studies in leading 4. School of Chemical Engineering (SCHEME)
Netherlands and accreditation from IEE (UK). Further it has also been accredited Universities in India and abroad. Three of the Bachelors Degree Programmes Sustainable and Clean Technologies, Process design and Optimization, Modern
by NAAC (UGC). Mission of VIT is to educate students from all over India, offered by the School, B. Tech. Mechanical Engineering, B.Tech.Mechanical Separation techniques, Process Instrumentation and control, Process Integration
including those from the local and rural areas, and from other countries, so that with Specialisation in Automotive Engineering and B.Tech. Mechanical with and Intensification.
they become enlightened individuals, improving the living standards of the Specialisation in Energy Engineering are accredited by the Engineering 5. School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCOPE)
families, industries and society. It provides individual attention, world-class Accreditation Commission of ABET. IoT and its related applications, Big data analytics and Big data frameworks,
quality education and takes care of character building. VIT was established the About the conference: Cyber security, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Deep learning, Cloud
aim of providing quality higher on par with international standards dedicated to This 21st International Conference will serve as a great platform with excellent application development and management, Network security, Security and
provide excellence in teaching, research and service. Our Memoranda of form of academicians and experts from industries for sharing knowledge and privacy for Big data, Security and privacy in Crowd sourcing, Applied
understanding to various international universities are our major strength. It also research in the field of life sciences. Engineering and Technology along with cryptography, Cryptanalysis, Biometrics security and privacy, Authentication
provides on opportunity on students and faculty exchange programmes with managerial aspects. The main objective is to provide research and development and Non-repudiation, Blockchain technologies and Business Systems.
international universities to encourage joint research collaborations for mutual activities in all the domains to facilitate information exchange between 6. School of Electrical Engineering (SELECT)
benefit. The campus has a cosmopolitan atmosphere with students from all parts researchers, developers, engineers and students working around the globe. Power Electronic Converters and Control, Energy Efficient Electric Drives,
of the globe. The latest CAL Curriculum offered in VIT covers the latest Concepts and products that develop new ideas or theories, attempt to advance Renewable energy and Microgrid, Industrial Automation and Home Automation,
developments in the respective discipline with focus on student projects and our understanding of real-world phenomenon and/or address any of the research Robotics and Control, Black chain in Automation, Machine Learning and
designed based on market needs, whereby employability, developing skills as themes are encouraged. Selected papers will be referred by the steering Artificial Intelligence, Soft computing and Optimization, Electrical Machine
entrepreneur and grooming students as young scientists are major priorities. committee for publication in Scopus indexed international journals. Adjunct Design, Intelligent sensing techniques and control, Hybrid solar PV, wind, fuel-
VIT offers 36 Undergraduate, 31 Post-graduate, 4 Integrated and 3 Research professors in different disciplines from abroad will deliver special lectures. cell, Thermoelectric generation systems.
programmes in 13 schools. VIT is also rising ahead in the number of publications Conference Themes: 7. School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE)
along with H-index of 76. Research centers are also part of the schools, 1. School of Advanced Sciences (SAS) Advanced wireless communication and Networking, Advanced Embedded
encouraging inter departmental collaboration and opportunity for students to Materials / Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, computing and automation, Smart Sensors and Applications, Digital and Analog
participate in exciting research projects in Automotive research, Crystal research, Environmental & Analytical Chemistry, Photonics, Medical Physics, Material IC design, Nanotechnology.
Nanotechnology, Nano-biotechnology, Bio-separation Technology and Physics, Crystal Growth, Nuclear Physics, Algebra, Graph Theory, Pure 8. School of Information Technology & Engineering (SITE)
Biomaterials, etc. Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Fluid Dynamics, Operations Research, Machine Learning and Block chain Technology, Cyber Physical Systems, Next
School of Mechanical Engineering (SMEC): The School of Mechanical Quantum Information Computation and Communication, Applied Statistics, Generation 5G Networks, Digital Forensics, Computer Vision, Big data
Engineering is amongst the premier schools of VIT started functioning right Probability & Statistics, Data Science - Machine learning, Artificial intelligence Analytics, Soft Computing Cloud Computing, Software Engineering,
from 1984. The school has got a team of highly qualified faculty members, many & Business Analytics. Communication Networks, Semantic Web Digital Image Processing.
holding PhDs from the elite institutes across the globe, to teach and train the best 2. School of Bio Sciences & Technology (SBST) 9. School of Mechanical Engineering (SMEC)
minds of this country. The pride of the school lies in the significant research Nanobiotechnology, Medical Biotechnology, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Challenges in Electric/Hybrid vehicle – Indian Context, Emerging Technologies
funding received from several Government agencies such as DST, DRDO, Bioremediation, Marine Diversity and Resources, Immunology, Biophysics, in Factories of the Future, Advanced Quality Systems Tools and Quality
MNRE, CSIR, CVRDE, CPDO, IE, AR&DB, CVRDE, BRNS, ISRO, UGC, Neutraceuticals, Probiotics, Cancer Biology, Gene Therapy, Stem Cell Management, The Relevant Technology Applications of Mechatronics, Bio-
NRB, AICTE etc., Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with various Industry Biology, Plant Biotechnology, Plant Metabolites and Pigments, Down mechatronics, Sustainable and Digital Manufacturing in Global Era of Cloud
Research Organisations and leading Universities. The Department of Science and Stream Processing, Food Technology, Agricultural Biotechnology, Manufacturing, 3D Printing - Challenges/Applications/ Future.
Technology, Govt. of India has recognized the school for its research activities Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Drug Designing 10. School of Social Science & Languages (SSL)
and supported in 2003 and 2010 under FIST scheme. The School has modern 3. School of Civil Engineering (SCE) Role of e-banking in rural India, Challenges of women Entrepreneurs, Recent
facilities, enabling cutting edge research in a wide spectrum of technological Structures and Sustainable Materials, Geotechnical & Earthquake Engineering, trends in Indian finance system, Use of technology in Language Teaching &
areas. The school actively assists local industries in product design, complex-part Green buildings, Structural Health Monitoring, Management of Infrastructure Learning, Social media as a communication tool, Gender biases in literature.
11. VIT Business School (VITBS)
Marketing – Finance and Economics – Information Systems and Operations –
Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management – Strategy &
International Business.
12. VIT School of Design (V-SIGN)
Smart products for healthcare - Observational study of medical problems for
design intervention - Study of users of medical products - Design of diagnostics
tools/devices - Biomedical devices - Design to solve real-life clinical problems.
13. VIT School of Architecture (V-SPARC)
Design methodologies, Urban ecology, New Urbanism, Green Architecture and
Urban Planning, Climate Change Adaptation, Interior Architecture, Security in
building and cities, Disaster Risk Management, Landscape Architecture.