Grade 9 Physics November End of Year Memo 2021
Grade 9 Physics November End of Year Memo 2021
Grade 9 Physics November End of Year Memo 2021
3 December 2021
TIME: 90 Minutes
MARKS: 140
1. There are 18 pages including a cover page and Periodic Table attached at the
back. Make sure you have all of them.
6. All the diagrams should be done in pencil and labelled in blue or black ink.
8. You may use the Periodic Table attached at the back of your paper.
9 Remove the front page and attach your answers sheets and staple them back.
1.1 The chain in the picture shows that it has developed a brown substance over (2)
time. Name the process that occurred
A galvanized
B electroplate
C rusting
D combustion
1.2 The picture below shows a metal that develops a bright white flame during a (2)
reaction with oxygen.
A magnesium
B iron
C zinc
D copper
A galvanize
B oil
D painting
1.4 What is the pH value of the solution when a strong acid and a strong base react
together to form the products?
A 3
B 9
C 7
D 14
A Kg/m2
B newtons
C grams
D Metres
1.6 Choose the correct statement about weight and mass (2)
A An acid
B An alkaline
C A salt
D neutral
A Spring balance
C thermometer
D Measuring cylinder
A pH meter
B Litmus paper
C Universal indicator
D Red cabbage
A phenolphthalein
B Red onion
C Red cabbage
D Beetroot
2.3 Name the rain formed when gases produced from burning carbon from the (1)
atmosphere: Carbonic acid/acid rain
2.4 A process when a base and acid react together to produce salt and water: (1)
2.6 An action that can be described a push or a pull of an object: Force (1)
2.9 The action when a substance dissolves or eats away metals and other (1)
strong materials: corrosion
2.1 The dye that has different colours in acids and bases: Universal indicator (1)
k neutral
L Oil
4.1 Mr Joseph performed demonstrations using the following demonstration for the
reactions of metals with oxygen. Write a balanced chemical equation with formulas
for each of the metals
4.2 Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow:
A powder B is burnt in a deflagrating spoon and heated as soon as it starts burning
it is introduced in a glass jar taking care that the gas does not escape. A small
amount of water is added to the jar and shaken well, it forms solution C
Gas jar
4.2.1 The gas A that was produced was tested using lime water which turned (1)
milky. Name the possible gas. CO2
4.2.3 Give a brief description of how to test for the acidity or alkalinity of (2)
substance C which is formed after shaking the gas jar.
Universal indicator was added and turns orange/yellow
5.1 Study the diagram (Figure 1) below and answer the questions (4.4.1-4.4.2) that
Figure 1
5.1.1 How do you determine when the mixture has reached a point of being (2)
Use an indicator and observe colour changes
5.1.2 Explain the ratio of ions present in the solution formed when neutral. (1)
Equal number of H+ compared to OH-
5.1.3 Name 2 substances that can be added in Figure 1 (2)
Hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, sulphuric acid, calcium
hydroxide etc see what they write
5.1.4 Suggest a precaution that must be taken when mixing the acid and the (1)
Avoid skin contact with chemicals, safety goggles, laboratory coat etc
An investigation was carried out using vinegar and bicarbonate of soda see
diagram below and answer the questions that follow.
6.2 What are the products of the following reactions and balance them if need be.
6.2.1 MgO + HCl MgCl + H2O (3)
6.2.2 NaOH + HCl NaCl + H2O (2)
6.3 You place a piece of red litmus paper in some toothpaste. What would happen
6.3.1 The litmus paper is red: turns blue (1)
6.3.2 The litmus paper is blue: remains blue (1)
6.4 If a bee stings you and you cannot find bicarbonate of soda in the kitchen, what (1)
else can you use to neutralize the sting?
handy andy, soap etc anything alkaline
Figure 3
8.2.3 (1)
9.1.1 Translate the above information into a table of object mass and weight (6)
Name of object Mass(g)X10 Weight (N)x10
9.1.2 Plot a line graph of mass on the X-axis and weight on the Y-axis (10
Object 2
10.1. With the aid of a sketch diagram explain how the rod A became charged. (3)
1 Electrons are rubbed off the cloth and rod A develops excess
electrons causing it to become negatively charged
10.1. With the aid of a sketch diagram explain how the rod B became charged. (3)
2 Rod B loses electrons to the cloth, remaining with more protons than
10.1. What would happen when you bring negatively charged rod to neutral (2)
3 pieces of paper? Give a reason for your answer:
What would happen when you bring a negatively charged rod to neutral
pieces of paper? Give a reason for your answer
Attraction, electrons in the neutral paper are repelled to one side
10.1. What type of force exist between the charged materials A and B (1)
4 Attractive force/electrostatic force
10.1. State the conclusion reached after doing the experiment. (2)
5 Like charges attract and unlike charges repel
1 4
H He
1 2
7 9 11 12 14 16 19 20
Li Be B C N O F Ne
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
23 24 27 28 31 32 35 40
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
39 40 45 64 65
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
19 20 21 29 30
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Te Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
197 201
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
79 80
Fr Ra Ac