The Research Instrument - Absenteeism 1
The Research Instrument - Absenteeism 1
The Research Instrument - Absenteeism 1
Dear Students,
We are the Senior High School learners who are conducting a survey to delve into the factors affecting student absenteeism and its impact on
academic performance in Bulua National High School. Your participation is crucial in helping us gain valuable insights into this issue and develop
strategies to enhance student attendance and academic success. All responses will be kept confidential, and the data collected will be used for research
purposes only. No individual participant will be identified in the reporting of results.
Instruction: The different statement that follows implies the factors that influenced students not to attend school in terms
of student-related factor, family-related factor and school-related factor. For each of the question below, click the response
that best characterizes how you feel about the statement, where
SA- Strongly Agree; A- Agree; D- Disagree, SD- Strongly Disagree
90-100% Outstanding
85-89% Very Satisfactory
80-84% Satisfactory
75-79% Fairy Satisfactory
74% - below Did Not Meet Expectations
Adapted from the study of Loren Murcia entitled Action Research on Student and Pupil Absenteeism in School.