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Calculus I - Solutions #4

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Calculus I

Tutorial #4 - Solutions

Problem 1.
The properties of the considered functions are as follows

a) the horizontal distance x(t) is increasing over time.

b) the altitude y(t) increases when taking-off then keeps unchanged when in the air,
finally it decreases for landing.
c) the ground speed s(t) is increasing when taking-off. Then, it is almost unchanged
before preparing for landing. In the last period, it is decreasing.
d) the vertical velocity v(t) is positive in the initial period. Then, it is null most of
the time before preparing for landing. When the airplane prepares to land, v(t)
is negative. When the airplane is landing, v(t) is null.

The possible graph of the functions:

Problem 2. The body’s velocity at time t is

v(t) = s0 (t) = 3t2 − 12t + 9.

The body’s acceleration at time t is

a(t) = v 0 (t) = 6t − 12.

a) We have v(t) = 3t2 − 12t + 9 = 0 ⇐⇒ t = 1, t = 3.

- At t = 1, the body’s acceleration is a(1) = −6.
- At t = 3, the body’s acceleration is a(3) = 6.
b) We have a(t) = 6t − 12 = 0 ⇐⇒ t = 2. At t = 2, the body’s speed is |v(2)| = 3.
c) It is easy to see that v ≥ 0 on [0, 1] and v ≤ 0 on [1, 2]. Then the body is moving
“forward” when 0 < t < 1 and “backward” when 1 < t < 2. The total distance
traveled by the body from t = 0 to t = 2 is

|s(1) − s(0)| + |s(2) − s(1)| = 4 + 2 = 6.

Problem 3. The growth rate of the bacterium population at time t (hours) is

b0 (t) = 104 − 2 × 103 t.


a) The growth rate at t = 0 is b0 (0) = 104 (bacteria/hour).

b) The growth rate at t = 5 is b0 (5) = 0(bacteria/hour).

c) The growth rate at t = 10 is b0 (10) = −104 (bacteria/hour).

Problem 4. The speed of the aircraft at time t (sec) is

|v(t)| = |D0 (t)| = (m/sec).

When the aircraft’s speed reaches 200km/h = 500/9m/sec, we have

500 9
t= = 25(sec).
9 20

The distance that the aircraft travels in 25sec from the time the brakes are released is
D(25) = ≈ 694.44(m).

Problem 5.

= −2θ sin θ − θ2 cos θ.

dr 4 cos(2θ)
=− .
dθ (sin(2θ))2

= (sec θ)2 .

Problem 6. The function f is continuous at x = 0 iff

lim f (x) = f (0). (1)


By the definition of f , we have f (0) = c and

sin2 3x
lim f (x) = lim = ((sin 3x)0 x=0
)2 = (3 cos 0)2 = 9.
x→0 x→0 x2
Hence, (1) holds iff c = 9. So f is continuous at x = 0 iff c = 9.

Problem 7. The function g is continuous at x = 0 iff

lim g(x) = lim− g(x) = g(0). (2)

x→0+ x→0

By the definition of g, we have

lim g(x) = g(0) = cos 0 = 1,


lim g(x) = lim− (x + b) = b.
x→0− x→0

Hence, (2) holds iff b = 1. So g is continuous at x = 0 iff b = 1.

If g is differentiable at x = 0 then g is continuous at x = 0, i.e., b = 1. But when b = 1,

we have
g(x) − g(0) g(x) − g(0)
lim− = 1 6= 0 = lim+ .
x→0 x x→0 x
Hence, there does not exist b ∈ R such that g is differentiable at x = 0.

Problem 8.

1 −1
p0 (t) = √ .(−1) = √ .
2 3−t 2 3−t

y 0 = 2x sin4 x + x2 4 sin3 x cos x + cos−2 x + x(−2) cos−3 x(− sin x)

= 2x sin4 x + 4x2 sin3 x cos x + cos−2 x + 2x cos−3 x sin x.


sin θ cos θ(1 + cos θ) − sin θ(− sin θ)

f 0 (θ) = 2
1 + cos θ (1 + cos θ)2
2 sin θ
= .
(1 + cos θ)2

t + 1 − 2√tt+1

q 0 (t) = cos √
t+1 t+1
t t+2
= cos √ √ .
t + 1 2 t + 1(t + 1)

Problem 9.
dy 4 t 3 t 1 1
= 3 1 + tan 4 tan t

dt 12 12 cos2 12 12
3 t −5 t 4 t
= sin cos 1 + tan .
12 12 12

Problem 10. We first find the first derivative of y:

 2  2
0 1 −1 1 1
y =3 1+ = −3 + .
x x2 x x2

Then we have
00 1 1 −1 2 (x + 1)(x + 2)
y = −6 + 2 − =6 .
x x x2 x3 x5

Problem 11.

a) Differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to (w.r.t) x we get

dy dy
2xy + x2 + y 2 + 2xy = 0.
dx dx
Then by solving the above equation of dx
we obtain

dy 2xy + y 2
=− .
dx 2xy + x2

b) Differentiate both sides of the equation w.r.t x we get

dy dy
2x(x − y)2 + x2 2(x − y)(1 − ) = 2x − 2y .
dx dx
Then by solving the above equation of dx
we obtain

dy x(x − y)2 + x2 (x − y) − x
= .
dx x2 (x − y) − 2y

c) Differentiate both sides of the equation w.r.t x we get

1 dy
1+ (y + x ) = 0.
cos2 (xy) dx
Then by solving the above equation of dx
we obtain

dy − cos2 (xy) − y
= .
dx x

Problem 12. Differentiate both sides of the equation w.r.t x we get

3x2 + 3y 2 = 0,
that implies
dy x2
= − 2.
dx y
Differentiate the above equation w.r.t x we obtain
d2 y 2xy 2 − x2 2y dx
= − .
dx2 y4
Therefore, using the formula of dx
we have

d2 y 2(xy 3 + x4 )
= − .
dx2 y5
d2 y
= −2.
dx2 (2,2)

Problem 13. Doing similarly as in the previous problem, we have

d2 y −2y 2
= ,
dx2 (x + 2y)2

d2 y 1
=− .
dx2 (0,−1) 2

Problem 14.

a) dV /dt = πr2 dh/dt.

b) dV /dt = 2πhrdr/dt.

c) dV /dt = 2πhrdr/dt + πr2 dh/dt.

Problem 15.

a) The value of dV /dt is the rate of changing of the voltage V , then dV /dt = 1.

b) dI/dt is the rate of changing of the current I, then dI/dt = −1/3.

IdV /dt−V dI/dt
c) We have R = V /I then dR/dt = I2
d) When V = 12 volts and I = 2 amp, the rate of R is dR/dt = 22
= 1.5.
The rate is positive then R is increasing.

Problem 16.

a) If y is constant then dy/dt = 0 and we have ds/dt = √xdx/dt

2 2
x +y

b) If neither x nor y is constant then

xdx/dt + ydy/dt
ds/dt = p .
x2 + y 2

c) If s is constant then by using implicit differentiation we get

xdx/dt + ydy/dt = 0.

Problem 17.

a) If a and b are constant then dA/dt = 21 ab cos θ dθ/dt.

b) If only b is constant then

dA/dt = b(sin θ da/dt + a cos θ dθ/dt).

c) if none of a, b and θ are constant then

dA/dt = (b sin θ da/dt + ab cos θ dθ/dt + a sin θ db/dt).
Problem 18. Since the rate of change of the length l and the the width w are -2
(decreasing) and 2 (increasing) respectively then we have dl/dt = −2 and dw/dt = 2.

a) The area A of the rectangle is A = lw then we have dA/dt = l dw/dt + w dl/dt =

2l − 2w. Therefore when l = 12 and w = 5 we have dA/dt = 14 and the area is
b) The perimeter P of the rectangle is P = 2(l + w) then we have dP/dt = 2(dl/dt +
dw/dt) = 0. Therefore the perimeter of the rectangle does not change in time
and is always 2(12 + 5) = 34 cm.

c) The lengths of the diagonals are the same and equal to L = l2 + w2 then the
rate of change of them is dL/dt = l dl/dt+w

l2 +w2
= √2w−2l
l2 +w2
. When l = 12 and w = 5
the rate is − 13 and thus it is decreasing.

Problem 19. The linearization of f at x = a is

L(x) = sin a + (x − a) cos a.
- At a = 0, then L1 (x) = x.
- At a = π, then L2 (x) = −x + π.
Now we show the graph

Problem 20. In order to find the linearization we need to find the first derivative of
function f .
f 0 (x) = k(1 + x)k−1 .
Then applying the formula of the linearization of a function at a point we have
L(x) = f (0) + f 0 (0)(x − 0) = 1 + kx.

Problem 21.

a) (1.0002)5 0 ≈ 1 + 50 × 0.0002 = 1.01.

b) 3 1.009 = (1 + 0.009)1/3 ≈ 1 + ( 31 ) × 0.009 = 1.003.

Problem 22.

a) Since the area is A = πr2 , the estimated increase is

dA = A0 (2)dr = 2π20.02 = 0.08π.

b) Estimate as a percentage of the circle’s original area

= 2%.

Problem 23. We denote the height by h, the radius by r and the thickness by t. Then
the volume of material in a cylindrical shell with height h, radius r and shell thickness
∆r is given by
Vm = πr2 h − π(r − ∆r)2 h.
So, we can use the differentiation to estimate the difference of the function V (r) = πhr2 ,
Vm ≈ V 0 (r − ∆r)∆r = 2π × 30 × (6 − 0.5) × 0.5 = 165π.

Additional Problems

Problem 24. By the implicit differentiation we have

2(x − h) + 2(y − k) = 0,
it follows
dy x−h
=− ,
dx y−k
d2 y 1 (x − h)2
= − − .
dx2 y − k (y − k)3
The circle (x − h)2 + (y − k)2 = a2 tangent to the parabola y = x2 + 1 at the point
(1, 2) if and only if they have the same value of dx at the point (1, 2) and this point
is in the circle. Combining with the fact that the second derivatives d2 y/dx2 have the
same value on both curves we obtain the following system of equations

 (1 − h)2 + (2 − k)2 = a2 ,

 1−h

− = 2,
(1 − h)2

 1
− − = 2.

2 − k (2 − k)3


Solving this system of equations we get (h, k, a) = (−4, 92 , 5 2 5 ).

Problem 25. First, we find the derivative of h(x). For x 6= 0

h0 (x) = 2x sin(1/x) + x2 cos(1/x)(−1/x2 ) = 2x sin(1/x) − cos(1/x).

x2 sin(1/x)
For x = 0, h0 (0) = lim x
= lim x sin(1/x) = 0 since | sin(1/x)| ≤ 1.
x→0 x→0
It is not hard to see that h (x) is discontinuous at x = 0, because the limit lim cos(1/x)
does not exist.

In the case of k(x) = xh(x), doing similarly we get

3x2 sin(1/x) − x cos(1/x), x 6= 0,
k 0 (x) =
0, x = 0.

By the “Squeeze theorem” we see that the derivative of k(x) is continuous at x = 0.


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