Kung Lao
Kung Lao
Kung Lao
- Kung Lao
OPL: 10; SPL: 6; DPL: 10; FWPL: 7; HP: 1
Real Name: Kung Lao
Age: 43
Height: 5-10
Weight: 175
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Race: Human
Identity: Public
Alignment: Hero
Status: Active
Occupation: Warrior
Base of Operations: Shaolin Temple
Team Affiliations: None
SKILLS: Acrobatiks 7 (+13) [Agile Feint], Athletiks 5 (+8), Klose Kombat [Unarmed] 2 (+16), Deception
(+3), Insight 7 (+10) [Assessment], Intimidation (+3), Perception 4 (+7), Persuasion 5 (+8), Ranged
Kombat [Throwing] 8 (+13), Stealth 4 (+10)
ADVANTAGES: Agile Feint, Assessment, Defensive Attakk (1) (Unarmed), Defensive Roll (2), Defensive
Strike* (1), Improved Defense, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative (1), Improved Trip, Klose Attakk
(1), Languages (1) (English, Japanese, Base; Mandarin), Move-by Action, Power Attakk (2) (Unarmed,
Whirlwind Kicks), Redirekt, Takedown (1)
Wind Port: Teleport 2 (120 ft; Extra: Change Direktion); 5 pts
Kombat Array:
Tornado Spin: Move Objekt 6 (Flaw: Limited direktion [Up], Range [Close]); 3 pts
Whirlwind Kicks: Multiattack Bludgeoning Strength-based Damage 2 (Flaw: Distrakting); 1 pt
Razor Rimmed Hat: 17 pts Traits, Easily Removable (-6 pts); 11 pts
Hat Toss: Ranged Shapeable Area Slashing Damage 5 (Extra: Shapeable Area [30 ft volume]); 15 pts
Hat Throw: Ranged Slashing Strength-based Damage 2 (Extra: Ricochet 3, Split, Indirekt 3 [from
Kung Lao, from above, from side], Flaw: Diminished Range [10/25/50]); 1 pt
Hat Trip: Ranged Affliktion 5 (Resisted by Strength; 1st: Hindered, 2nd: Prone, Flaw: Diminished
Range [10/25/50], Instant Rekovery, Limited [Kung Lao must be on ground, opponent must be on
ground]); 1 pt
Initiative +10
Klose Attakk +14 [Tornado Move Objekt +6; Whirlwind Kicks +5, Multiattakk]
Unarmed +16 [Unarmed +3]
Ranged Attakk +5
Throwing +13 [Hat Throw +5, Kritikal 19-20]
Special Attakk [Hat Toss +5, Shapeable Area]
Dodge +13 [DC23] Parry +13 [DC23]
Toughness +6 (+4 without Defensive Roll), Fortitude +7, Will +7
Honor: Kung Lao still feels bound to win the Mortal Kombat tournament to restore the honor of his
family from the defeat of his ancestor 500 years ago.
Relationships: He is becoming closer to his cousin, Kung Jin.
Responsibility: To protect Earthrealm.
Build Comments: I have always liked Kung Lao in MK. It’s gotta be da hat. It’s da bomb. I like his new
incarnation as a snarky hot dog. When I get around to rewriting my Earth-T1 lore, he’ll be one of the
early updates.
I built him to be about PL9.5, which puts him a step below Liu Kang, but a notch above most
everyone else in MK builds. And with his abilities, which includes da hat, he should be able to beat
anyone in my PL10-ish fighting range, and that includes the Shang-Chi’s and X-23’s of the world. I
really like how he came out.
Secret Origins: Kung Lao's ancestor was defeated by Goro 500 years ago in the pivotal match that
saw Shang Tsung attain control of the Mortal Kombat tournament. To him this contest is about more
than Earthrealm's freedom. His life's goal has been to slay Goro and win the tournament, thus
restoring his family's honor.
The Story so Far: The Shaolin had chosen Liu Kang to represent them in the Mortal Kombat
tournament, but Kung Lao, believing that he was Liu Kang's equal, entered the tournament disguised
as one of Shang Tsung's guards. He remained hidden until the introduction of Scorpion in one of the
tournament matches, at that time Raiden received a vision which told him of the masked guard's
true identity. While Shang Tsung asked the crowd of combatants who wished to challenge Scorpion,
Raiden approached Kung Lao and told him that the Shaolin had already chosen Liu Kang and,
furthermore, that he was not Liu Kang's equal. Determined to prove Raiden otherwise, Kung Lao
discarded his disguise and challenged Scorpion, surprising Liu Kang and seemingly upsetting Shang
Kung Lao was defeated. He was forced to watch for the remainder of the tournament and give his
support to Liu Kang as punishment for his indulgence. After Liu Kang's victory over Shang Tsung, who
granted Earthrealm the tournament victory and freedom, Kung Lao joined Sonya Blade, Jax and
Johnny Cage to watch Liu Kang being awarded a medal for his victory at a ceremony held at the Wu
Shi Academy.
The celebration was short-lived as a revitalized Shang Tsung came to the Wu Shi Academy later that
night to propose a tournament to Raiden that would be held in Outworld. Raiden rejected Shang
Tsung's proposal which caused Shang Tsung to summon a Tarkatan horde which destroyed the Wu
Shi Academy and kidnapped Sonya Blade. After defeating the Tarkatan horde, Raiden received a
vision of Liu Kang defeating Shao Kahn at the Outworld Tournament. Raiden accepted the
tournament challenge but believed that he had to change the outcome of this vision, in order to
prevent Armageddon in the future.
Kung Lao and Liu Kang were sent by Raiden to free their Shaolin masters while Raiden, Cage and Jax
went to meet Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung. Later on, Kung Lao and Liu Kang met up with Raiden, Cage
and Smoke. They went to the wastelands where they were informed by Jade of Kitana's pending
execution and that she was being held captive in the tower of Shao Kahn's Fortress.
Kung Lao and Liu Kang went to the Tower to rescue Kitana, leaving the others to go to the Coliseum
to take part in the tournament. Unable to find Kitana at the Tower, Kung Lao and Liu Kang were
confronted by Sheeva and Noob Saibot, who told them that Kitana had been relocated. Kung Lao
fought and defeated Noob Saibot. After defeating Noob Saibot, Kung Lao noticed a familiar presence
within Noob (possibly assuming Sub-Zero). Afterwards, he watched as Liu Kang fought Sheeva,
stating that "four arms against two was hardly a fair fight." and asking if Liu Kang needed any help. At
that moment Goro arrived, wanting revenge against Liu Kang. Kung Lao challenged, defeated Goro
and demanded Kitana's location and to what Goro answered that she was taken to the Coliseum
were he had not doubt she was executed. The Shaolin monks went to the Coliseum, where they saw
Kitana chained up.
Liu Kang went to Kitana's aid, not willing to take part in the tournament due to Raiden thinking Liu
Kang was not the one who was supposed to defeat Shao Kahn. With Smoke and Cage defeated in the
tournament and Sonya and Jax no longer in Outworld, Raiden believed that Kung Lao could be the
one who should win the tournament and sent him to fight.
Kung Lao went up against the combined might of Shang Tsung and Quan Chi and defeated them,
fighting Kintaro afterwards. Hearing the boos of the crowd, he took off his hat and gave a few mock
bows, celebrating his victory until Shao Kahn killed him by snapping his neck from behind, enraging
Liu Kang, who seemingly killed Shao Kahn.
Later on, Kung Lao was resurrected by Quan Chi along with the other fallen warriors, as his soul
belonged to the sorcerer as payment by Shao Kahn for the Netherrealm's allegiance. When Raiden
went to Netherrealm for Quan Chi's assistance to defeat the Outworld invasion, Quan Chi sent Kung
Lao along with others to kill him, but Raiden defeated them.
Twenty-five years after his death at the hands of Shao Kahn, Kung Lao now serves as a revenant of
Quan Chi. He is seen with the revenant versions of Liu Kang, Sindel, and Kitana escorting Quan Chi to
his fortress to await for D'vorah with Shinnok's amulet. On the way, they are ambushed by the
Special Forces consisting of Jax and Kenshi while being aided by Quan Chi's former servant Sareena.
While Liu Kang escorts Quan Chi, Kung Lao then faces Jax. He tells Jax to go back, but does not
comply. The two of the them fight, but Jax emerges as the victor.
He is present at Shinnok's release alongside Liu Kang, Kitana, Sindel, and Smoke. He along with the
other revenants pledge their allegiance to Shinnok.
Kung Lao appears at the Sky Temple where Shinnok goes to corrupt the Jinsei. Raiden attempts to
stop him, but is surrounded by his revenant servants. They tease him at first, but Raiden proceeds to
fight them off. Raiden is temporarily overpowered by them, but manages to shock them all away, but
Kung Lao escapes. Raiden orders Kung Lao to stop, but the latter tells Raiden that he serves Shinnok
and the Netherrealm. Raiden recalls that he only serves him because of his death by Shao Kahn's
hands. Kung Lao responds by saying Raiden allowed his death, and that he will "not be so passive in
[Raiden's] demise." Kung Lao proceeds to fight Raiden, only to be defeated by his former mentor.
As Cassie Cage and her team arrive at the Sky Temple, Kung Lao is seen with Smoke talking to Liu
Kang. Kung Lao claims to have found Raiden's portal to the heavens, but is blocked by protective
wards. Kitana says that the seal must break, and he with Liu Kang and Smoke go to Raiden's portal to
destroy the wards. The three of them return later only to find Kitana and Sindel attacked by Cassie's
team. Jacqui and Takeda offer to stay behind to hold off the undead revenants.
After Shinnok is defeated, Kung Lao along with the other revenants retreat to the Netherrealm.
Sometime later, he, along with Kitana, Liu Kang, Nightwolf, Stryker and Kabal were brought back to
Earthrealm, where Sareena and Scorpion were able to perform the rituals to release them from Quan
Chi’s curse and restore them to life. Kung Lao has returned to train new Shaolin monks and assist the
Special Forces team when called to try and help him atone for the evils he did while under Quan Chi’s
Characterization: Kung Lao can be impulsive at times but is a loyal friend and ally to the protectors of
Friends and Foes: He has become close to his cousin, Kung Jin. He also has a great desire for revenge
against Shao Kahn and Quan Chi for his death and reanimation.