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If the strong survive...then the measure of strength is survival.

But understand: survival has no moral

component. Heroes die. Brave hearts break. Paradise lost. The numinous is denied by small souls or
betrayed by despots. The alchemist's gold is pulled from heaven...to make currency. Consider a rock
battered by the ocean for a million years. It is worn--but whole. Is a rock noble? Can a rock be moral?
A rock is there. As I was there. And this is the revelation as it was revealed to me. It is not enough
only to be there. It is not enough to be only strong. - Apocalypse

OPL: 14; SPL: 13; DPL: 13; FWPL: 13; HP: 1
Real Name: En Sabah Nur
Age: 5000+
Height: 7-0 (Variable)
Weight: 725 (Variable)
Eyes: Red
Hair: None
Skin: Blue-Grey
Race: Mutant
Identity: Public
Alignment: Villain
Status: Active
Occupation: Criminal; Adventurer
Base of Operations: Krakoa
Team Affiliations: Clan Akkaba


SKILLS: Acrobatics (+3), Athletics (+15), Deception 3 (+10), Expertise [Genetics] 12 (+22), Expertise
[History] 10 (+20), Expertise [Magic] 8 (+18) [Ritualist], Insight (+8), Intimidation 8 (+15) [Daze],
Investigation (+10), Perception 3 (+11), Persuasion 3 (+10), Ranged Combat [Blast] 8 (+12), Sleight of
Hand (+4), Stealth (+3), Technology 13 (+23) [Inventor], Treatment (+10), Vehicles (+4)

ADVANTAGES: All-Out Attack (1) (Unarmed), Beginner's Luck, Benefit (6) (Status, Wealth, Resource 6
– Leader of Clan Akkaba), Close Attack (2), Daze (1) (Intimidation), Diehard, Eidetic Memory,
Equipment (5), Inventor, Jack-of-all-Trades, Languages (3) (English, Sumerian, 8 others, Base:
Egyptian), Power Attack (2) (Energy Blast, Unarmed), Ritualist, Trance

Apocalypse Size: Growth 2 (+2 Str, +2 Sta, -1 Dodge/Parry, -2 Stealth, +1 Intimidation, Speed +0, +2
Mass; Extra: Innate, Permanent); 5 pts
Invulnerability: Immunity 12 (Aging, Disease, Life Support), Regeneration 2 (1/every 5 rounds); 14
Shapeshifting: Morph 4 (Any form), Variable 5 (25 pts traits; Physical Descriptor); 60 pts
Celestial Energy Control: 33 pt Array; 35 pts
Teleportation: Teleport 10 (4 miles/1000 miles; Extra: Extended, Increased Mass 3 [400 lbs]); 33 pts
Energy Blast: Ranged Energy Damage 16; 1 pt
Telekinesis: Perception Range Move Object 10; 1 pt
Telepathy: Mind Reading 10, Communication 3 (Mental, Statewide/Small Nation); 1 pt
Celestial Armor: 15 pts Traits, Removable (-3 pts); 12 pts
Body Armor: Protection 4, Impervious Toughness 11; 15 pts

(25 pts)
Celestial Ship: (25 pts)
Celestial Ship: Size - L; Tough - 20, Features - Communications, Computer, Defense System, Infirmary,
Laboratory, Living Space, Power System, Workshop, Healing Chamber (Regeneration 10), Space Flight
(Flight 10; Movement 3 (Space Travel 3); 25 pts

Initiative +3
Close Attack +11 [Unarmed +15]
Ranged Attack +4
Blast +12 [Energy Blast +16]

Dodge +8 [DC18] Parry +8 [DC18]
Toughness +17 (+17 without Defensive Roll, +6 Impervious), Fortitude +13, Will +12

Arrogance: Arrogance: Apocalypse has been one of the most powerful beings on the planet for over
5000 years. Needless to say, he doesn't really think anyone else is his equal.
Enemy: Cable, X-Force and the X-Men.
Obsession: Making sure that the strong survive by testing humanity, mutantkind and superhumans

Abilities 130 + Skills 34 (68 ranks) + Advantages 27 + Powers 127 + Defenses 10 = 328 / 328

Build Comments: Can’t believe I haven’t gotten to Big A before now. Especially since almost every
“see which superhero/supervillain you are most like” online quiz that I take puts me the most like
him, which is part of why I chose my online moniker.

I really think they’ve done a good job of keeping him relevant over the years, even though some of
the incarnations and arcs have missed, the newest with Genesis is a hit for sure. I'll get to Genesis in
the not too distant future when I really hit the X-verse, which I have been putting off since it's such a
big group to work through.

Secret Origins: Apocalypse is a mutant born 5000 years ago in Akkaba, and was abandoned as an
infant due to his unnatural appearance. He was rescued by Baal of the Sandstormers who saw the
child's potential power and decided to raise him as his own, naming him En Sabah Nur. Throughout
his life, Baal taught Nur survival of the fittest, the philosophy that the tribe lives and dies by. At the
same time, the time-traveler Kang the Conqueror had arrived in Egypt and became the Pharaoh
Rama-Tut, intending to recruit the young Apocalypse. Rama-Tut learned that Nur had been raised by
Baal and sent General Ozymandias with his army to destroy the Sandstormers and find Nur. Nur and
Baal avoided the battle, having found refuge in a sacred cave before it collapsed. Both were severely
injured, and Baal eventually died. Nur survived and vowed to take revenge on Rama-Tut. He traveled
to Tut's city where he posed as a slave and drew the attention of Ozymandias's sister, Nephri, who
became attracted to the mysterious slave. However Nephri rejected Nur upon seeing his inhuman
appearance, and turned to her brother for protection in her panic. Heartbroken by this final
rejection, En Sabah Nur's prodigious mutant abilities fully emerged in his enraged state, and he
renamed himself Apocalypse. Rama-Tut fled the former slave's rampage, while Nur used his
advanced technology to enslave and transform his former tormentor, Ozymandias, into a blind seer
made of living stone to forever chronicle Apocalypse's future destinies. Fifty years later, Nur revisited
Nephri, now an elderly Egyptian Queen on her deathbed, and mocked the loss of her beauty and
vitality, in contrast to his own unchanged appearance, despite the passage of time.

The Story so Far: As the millennia pass, Apocalypse travels around the world to determine if his time
of testing has come. He appears throughout history, encouraging civilizations to worship him as a god
from several ancient mythologies and testing their strength by manipulating them into fighting wars
of conquest, and claiming to have brought "growth, judgment, and destruction." Apocalypse begins
to beget progeny, who faithfully followed him as the Clan Akkaba. At some point, Apocalypse
discovers advanced alien technology, which he uses to transform and enhance himself. Apocalypse
enters states of suspended animation, while he waits for mutants to become more common, leaving
Clan Akkaba and Ozymandias to act in his stead while he sleeps. Apocalypse has some history of
having fought the race of godlike immortals known as Eternals, primarily the members Ikaris and
Sersi, having been referred to as their "Ancient Nemesis".

In the year 1013 A.D., Apocalypse seeks to destroy Thor, an enemy who will cause him trouble in the
future according to information given by his former master, the time-traveling Rama-Tut (Kang the
Conqueror). Apocalypse fights the Norse god into retreat in Scandinavia, only to suffer a devastating
injury during their next encounter in the skies of London, as Thor attacks with his axe "Jarnbjorn"
that has been enchanted to break Apocalypse's armor. Apocalypse retreats as Rama-Tut escapes with
Jarnbjorn in hand. Odin identifies Apocalypse as "evolutionary caretaker of the Celestials", who
granted Apocalypse his armor.

In the 12th century, Apocalypse would encounter the Eternal Sersi again, when he came across the
crusader Bennet du Paris and awakened his latent mutant powers, transforming him into Exodus.

In Victorian London, 1859, Apocalypse encountered Nathaniel Essex, a British scientist, and through
him, learns the scientific term for beings like himself – mutant. Coercing Essex and members of the
Hellfire Club into working for him, Apocalypse plots the first steps in his quest for global conflict on
an unprecedented scale. He uses his advanced technology to transform Nathaniel into Mister
Sinister, and commands him to create a plague to ravage and transmute the population of the world.
At the same time, the mutant heroes Cyclops and Jean Grey (as Phoenix) had been sent back through
time to stop Apocalypse. Close to slaying the British Royal Family, Apocalypse is suddenly greatly
weakened, and Cyclops and Phoenix manage to defeat him. It is revealed that Sinister had betrayed
Apocalypse, seeing his vision of the future as madness, and had instead created a plague that
attacked only Apocalypse, forcing the ancient mutant into his hibernation sanctuary.

In 1897, Apocalypse is awakened by his followers, in order to deal with Dracula, who is turning
members of Clan Akkaba into vampires to battle Apocalypse, as revenge for his earlier defeat
centuries ago as Vlad Tepes (Vlad the Impaler). Apocalypse, with some assistance from Abraham Van
Helsing, kills Dracula.
Apocalypse spends many years hidden, but awakes from his slumber due to the arrival of the
mysterious time-traveling mutant Cable, who ironically, had come to the present to prevent the
ancient mutant's awakening. Awakened almost a century earlier than he had planned, Apocalypse
decides to examine the world and determine its conditions for testing. He grants superhuman
powers to the terrorist known as Moses Magnum, who does his bidding by testing the strong and
winnowing the weak, battling the X-Men and the Avengers. Apocalypse first crossed paths with the
original X-Men team who were then organized as the mutant hunting group, X-Factor, when he
briefly employs the Alliance of Evil, and orders them to capture the mutant Michael Nowlan.
Apocalypse plans to use Nowlan's power-boosting mutation to provide mutantkind with unlimited
power. This plan was foiled by X-Factor team.

Apocalypse later recruited mutants to serve as his Four Horsemen. Among them was Angel, whom
Apocalypse saved from an exploding plane, granting him artificial wings after he had lost his own
natural wings when they were damaged and had to be amputated in exchange for his servitude. The
X-Factor member is reborn as Death, and is made the leader of the Four Horsemen. Apocalypse
summoned the X-Factor team to his cloaked ship, which floats invisibly above the city. Apocalypse
was interested in this group of mutants and had studied them, monitored their activities, and
researched their origins and motives after learning of Professor Xavier and the X-Men. Apocalypse
explained his scheme to unleash his Horsemen and destroy New York, and offers X-Factor a place at
his side. In the end, the Horsemen are defeated by X-Factor, thanks to the help of both the reformed
Angel after Iceman faked his death to bring Angel to his senses, as well as Power Pack. Apocalypse
left his Celestial Ship for them and in return, takes the willing Morlock Caliban.

Apocalypse has been involved in many battles with X-Force, the X-Men, the Justice League, Avengers
and Stormwatch over the years. He has had several incarnations of his Four Horsemen, with
Wolverine, Hulk, Flash, Midnighter, Gambit, Bonechill and several other superhumans having heen
served in different roles. Recently, In a massive assault on Washington, D.C., he was confronted by X-
Force and Stormwatch Black and he was killed by a combined assault from Cable and Midnighter.

Ozymandias and Clan Akkaba have once again resurrected Apocalypse, but this time in the form of a
child. In this form, Apocalypse seemed to have no memory of his past or his previous disregard for
life. Ozymandias and the Celestial Ship took to tutoring and indoctrinating the child. To protect this
young En Sabah Nur, The Final Horsemen, mutants collected over centuries, were activated. War,
Pestilence, Famine, Death battled X-Force on the Blue Area of the Moon and nearly defeated them.
However, due largely to Fantomex's illusions, the team apparently killed the Horsemen and
Ozymandias. When they discovered the young Apocalypse, the team fought over what to do with
him. The issue was rendered moot when Fantomex shot the boy in the head leading to Archangel
taking his place as the instrument of the Celestials.

Apocalypse was cloned and raised by Fantomex as a hero, named Evan Sabah Nur. He tried his best
to defeat the mad Archangel, providing the opportunity for Psylocke to attack him with the Seed of
Life. After the battle, Fantomex decided to send Evan to Jean Grey School for Higher Learning.

Genesis' first day in school wasn't very good, as everyone could see that he looked like Apocalypse.
When Deathlok came to the school to give a guest lecture, he told the students their possible
futures. When he looked at Genesis, Deathlok saw a devastated world where Genesis became
Apocalypse and destroyed the Jean Grey School and killed Krakoa and him. Deathlok ended the
lecture and left. Evan was worried and followed him to ask Deathlok what he sees in his future.
Deathlok answered that Evan is in the school to find out by himself. Later Deathlok tells Logan that
Evan has great potential and may become their greatest savior or that he may trod upon their graves.

Later, after being called Kid Apocalypse, Evan started to read about Apocalypse. When Husk saw this,
Evan told her that he knew the other kids think he looks like Apocalypse and he admits that there is a
resemblance between them but that he will never be like Apocalypse. After saving Warren, who was
trying to prove he was a real Angel by flying to heaven, Evan learns that Warren can see the essence
of other people. Evan asks Angel what he sees when he looks at him. Warren told him that he can
see only goodness inside him which made Evan happy, but the truth was Warren could only see the
image of Apocalypse.

En Sabah Nur later returned in secret and eventually returned to his full power. When Professor X
and Magneto founded the new mutant nation of Krakoa, Xavier sent out a telepathic call to all
mutants, offering amnesty and a place in Krakoa. Apocalypse received the call and traveled to Krakoa
with many other former enemies of the X-Men. Declaring that he had spent millennia trying to shape
mutantkind into something worthy, he told them that he was proud of what they had accomplished
and agreed to submit to all the laws of Krakoa. He was given a place on the ruling body of Krakoa,
sitting alongside Xavier and Magneto.

Characterization: Apocalypse has a simple philosophy that the strong survive and is constantly
testing humanity and mutantkind to determine which will be the dominant species. He is a genius, a
level of which humanity cannot comprehend and has knowledge of certain areas of biology, primarily
genetic engineering and mutation, and technology that are far in advance of contemporary science
and technology. This was not merely a result of his exposure to alien technology, as he was able to
make significant new advances beyond the alien materials to which he was exposed to.

Friends and Foes: He has hundreds, if not thousands, of loyal followers in Clan Akkaba. While he has
battled many of Earth’s heroes (and villains) over the years, his greatest foe is Cable.

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