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Grade 10 DLL Second Quarter Dav2

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School: Guiguinto National Vocational High School Annex Grade Level: 10

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Mr. Diego A. Ventura Learning Area: Cookery
Teaching Dates and Time: November 6 – 9, 2023 Quarter: 2-WEEK 1


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding in preparing and cooking vegetable dishes. REMEDIAL
B. Performance
Standards The learners independently prepare and cook vegetable dishes.


LO1: Perform Mise En Place
1.1 Prepare ingredients according to a given recipe, required form and time frame
1.2 Thaw frozen ingredients and wash raw vegetables following standard procedure
D. Sub tasking (if At the end of this session, the learners At the end of this session, the learners are able to; At the end of this session, the
needed) are able to; learners are able to;
a. Classify vegetables according to the type they belong; and
a. Determines each student's b. Explain why is it important to know the classification of vegetables. a. Familiarize in each process of
knowledge of and proficiency in preparing vegetable;
the subject matter; b. Identify vegetables that has flavor
b. Familiarize in the different
and components; and
nutrients found in vegetables; and
c. Explain the importance of tools
Explain the why do we need to
and equipment in preparing
follow the proper preparation of
vegetable dishes/
Write the LC code for TLE_HECK9-12VD-IIab-9
II. CONTENT  Pre-Test Classification of Vegetables According to Type  Preparing Fresh
(Subject Matter)  Overview of Vegetables Vegetables
 Tools and Equipment Needed in  Components of
Preparing Vegetable Dishes Vegetables

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide N/A
2. Curriculum Guide K to 12 Basic Education JHS TLE and SHS Technical-Vocational Track Home Economics- Cookery page 19
2.Learner’s Materials Cookery 9-10 Most Essential Learning Competencies page 419
Pages Technology and Livelihood Education Home Economics – COOKERY Quarter 2 - Module 1 Performing Mise’en Place
Department of Education –Division of Bukidnon
3.Textbook Pages N/A
4. Additional Materials N/A
from Learning
Resources (LR) Portal)
B. Other Learning Pencil and Pen https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Resources Visuals from Laptop and TV, pictures, actual tools, chalk, eraser, masking tape, v=9I9wPmOmLjk

A. Review Previous `Conduct a recap of the previous discussion.

B. Establishing purpose N/A GUESS THE VEGGIES OK or NOT OK

for the Lesson Directions: Thumbs Up if the picture
(Motivation) Directions: Guess the vegetables based on the given pictures. that will flash on the screen is OK and
Thumbs Down if it’s not in preparing

C. Presenting N/A Power point Presentation

examples /instances of
the new lessons (show
pics, videos, ppt)
D. Discussing new The teacher will give a short overview The teacher will give an introduction to the topic.
concepts and practicing about what to expect in this lesson and
new skills #1. (Pre- quarter.
Discussion Activity)
E. Discussing new Classification of Vegetables Preparing Fresh Vegetables
concepts & practicing PRE-TEST
and concern to new (Provide printed copy) According to Parts of the Plants 1.Washing
skills #2 2. Soaking
Overview 1. Stem Vegetables 3. Peeling and Cutting
Vegetables are plants or parts It is an edible part of the plant which shoots from the roots or bulb and it
of plants like leaves, fruits, tubers, always grows above the ground unlike roots or bulb. Examples are Basic Knife Cuts of Vegetables
roots, bulbs, stems, shoots, and flower Artichoke, Asparagus, Celery, Fennel, Bamboo, and Shoots. 1. Chopping – done with a straight,
used in a dish either raw or cooked. downward cutting motion.
Vegetables give color, texture and 2. Leaves Vegetables 2. Chiffonade (shredding) – making
flavor to our meals. They also give Vegetables that are leafy belong in this category such as spinach,
very fine parallel cuts.
vitamins and minerals. cabbage, water cress, lettuce, bok choy, gai lan, choy sum, brussels sprouts,
Vegetables are important sources witloof, silverbeet, radicchio, kale, collard leaves, Swiss chard, mustard 3. Dicing – producing cube shapes
of many nutrients, including potassium, leaves, and fenugreek leaves. 4. Diamond (lozenge) – thinly slicing
dietary fiber, folate (folic acid), vitamin and cutting into strips of appropriate
A, and vitamin C. 3. Flower Vegetables width.
 Diets rich in potassium may help Plants that have flowers is used as vegetables in the culinary world. 5. Mincing – producing very fine cut
maintain normal blood pressure. They are seasonal and abundant during a particular season of the year. usually for onions and garlic
 Dietary fiber from vegetables, as Examples of these are cauliflower, broccoli, courgette flowers, squash 6. Julienne-knife cut in which the food
part of an overall healthy diet, blossoms, artichoke, agati (dok kae, Thailand), banana flower, and lotus. item is cut into long thin strips,
helps reduce blood cholesterol similar to matchsticks.
levels and may lower risk of heart 4. Stalk or Bulb Vegetables
Bulbs are generally in layers of skin and they are very strong in 7. Batonnet – making long rectangular
 Folate (folic acid) helps the body flavour . Examples are onion, garlic, spring onion, leek, kohlrabi, fennel and cut. Means "little stick". It is also the
form red blood cells. shallots. starting point for the small dice.
 Vitamin A keeps eyes and skin
healthy and helps to protect against 5. Seed Vegetables (Beans) 4. Serving
infections. This category include legumes which is used as food, it is actually the Fresh produce should be placed
 Vitamin C helps heal cuts and fruit of the plant of which the seed is eaten, sometimes its peeled like green unrefrigerated on the table not
wounds, and keeps teeth and gums peas. Some example are mungbean, garbanzos, coepea, kidney bean, soy longer than two hours.
healthy. Vitamin C aids in iron bean and white bean. Use a cooler with ice or ice gel
absorption. packs to transport or store cut fresh
6. Root Vegetables vegetables at picnics or other
Mise En Place This category includes plants of which roots are edible and is used as summer events. Keep raw meats in a
Mise en place: [mi zɑ̃ ˈplas]) is a vegetables. Usually long, round, and swollen taproot. Some examples of separate cooler.
French culinary phrase which means root vegetables are beet, carrot, radish, horseradish, turnip, celeriac, daikon,
"putting in place" or "gather". It refers enset, jicama, konjac, maca, arrowroot, Chinese water chestnut, taro, and Components of Vegetables
to the setup required before cooking, etc.
and is often used in professional A. Flavor Components of Vegetables
kitchens to refer to organizing and 7. Tuber Vegetables
arranging the ingredients. They are usually located at the end of the plant root attached as a 1. Sugar – Fructose
lump of rock, e.g. potato. These vegetables are potato, cassava, sweet potato, 2. Glutamic Acid
taro, Jerusalem artichoke, yam, yacon, kumara, etc. 3. Sulfur compounds
Tools and Equipment Needed in
Preparing Vegetables 8. Fruit Vegetable B. Color Components of Vegetables
1. Paring knife- Used for cutting The vegetables that bear fruits are under this category. Examples
small vegetables, peeling fruits, or are beans, legumes, tomatoes, avocado, bitter gourd, eggplant, caigua or 1. Chlorophyll
slicing awkwardly-shaped bottle gourd, bell peppers, ackee, African eggplant, ash gourd or winter 2. Carotenoids
ingredients. melon, chayote and other plants. 3. Flavonoids
2. Chef’s Knife-Used for cutting
meat, dicing vegetables, slicing 9. Fungi Vegetables THAWING OF FROZEN
herbs, and chopping nuts. Commonly known as mushrooms, and various types are available of VEGETABLES
3. Chopping board- A thin, flat piece which some are edible and some are poisonous. Some examples are button
of cut wood, hard plastic, or other mushroom, enoki, oyster, shitake, truffles, portabello, boletus, chanterelles, Thawing frozen vegetables is actually a
hard material, used for cutting food grifola fondosa, morchella, shimeji, straw mushroom, porcini, morel, etc. little more complex than the standard
on. method of thawing meats and seafood
4. Colander- A kitchen utensil used to According to Chemical Composition overnight in the refrigerator.
strain foods such as pasta or to  Carbohydrates
rinse vegetables.  Protein Foods remain safe while frozen but
5. Oven- An oven is a chamber used  Fat danger sets between 4˚C to 60˚C when
for cooking, heating, baking and  High moisture content – bacteria multiply rapidly. Thaw foods in
grilling food. the refrigerator in cold water less than 70
6. Mixing Bowls- A bowl is a According to Nutritive Value % or in the microwave if cooking take
typically round dish or container  Vitamin A place immediately.
generally used for preparing,  Vitamin C
serving, or consuming food. Vitamin B (complex)
7. Utility tray- Used to hold
ingredients in large quantities.
8. Sauté pan-Typically used for
9. Steamer- Steamers are used
primarily to cook vegetables,
seafood, and other foods where
moisture retention is essential to
visual appearance and taste.


(Leads to Formative Checking the papers.
Assessment) (activity Direction: Using the table below, give an example of each classification of Directions: Enumerate the following.
after the lesson) vegetables according to parts of the plant.  What are the Flavor Components of
 What are the Color Components of

G. Finding Practical What are the benefits of tools and Why is it important to know the classification of vegetables? Why do we need to follow the proper
Applications of preparation of vegetables?
equipment in cooking?
concepts and skills in
daily living
H. Making The teacher will summarize the topic and ask the learners questions that related to the topic.
Generalizations &
Abstractions about the
Directions: Give five vegetables that Part 1: Directions: Direction: Study the word puzzle below. Find the ten Directions: Identify the following terms.
source of each nutrient. vegetables and encircle them. You can find them across and downward. Write your answers in ¼ sheet of paper.
_____1. This is the natural sugar that
provides the sweetness in vegetables.
Answers may vary. You can check the _____2. This forms a product called
lecture or use internet for proper Answers: monosodium glutamate.
evaluation. _____3. It gives the strong flavor and
odor of some vegetables.
____4. A fat-soluble compound
responsible for the green color of plants.
____5. The yellow, orange to red soluble
pigments found in plants.

1. Sugar
2. Glutamic Acid
3. Sulfur Compound
4. Chlorophyll
5. Carotenoids
J. Additional activities Homework Homework Homework
for application or Directions: Go to your kitchen. List Directions: Prepare for the next topic. Directions: Prepare for the next topic.
remediation down at least five vegetables that
(assignment/homework) available in your kitchen and tell what
nutrients can be found on it. Write your
answers in your TLE Notebook.

Ex: Brocolli - Vitamin A

VI. Reflection

A.No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
requires additional
acts.for remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up
with the lessons
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Cookery 10 Teacher TVE Coordinator OIC/Head Teacher VI
School: Grade Level: 10
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: Cookery
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: 2-WEEK 2


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding in preparing and cooking vegetable dishes. REMEDIAL
B. Performance Standards The learners independently prepare and cook vegetable dishes.

LO1: Perform Mise En Place

1.1 Prepare ingredients according to a given recipe, required form and time frame
1.2 Thaw frozen ingredients and wash raw vegetables following standard procedure
D. Sub tasking (if needed) At the end of this session, the learners are At the end of this session, the learners are At the end of this session, the At the end of the session,
able to; able to; learners are able to; students should be able to
attain at least 80% mastery
a. Enumerate the characteristics of high- a. Enumerate the thawing procedures; a. Apply what they learned
from the graded
quality food; and b. Determine the correct washing of raw about the previous topics.
vegetables using standard procedure; recitation/activity.
b. Explain why do you need to consider and
the good quality of the vegetables. c. Value the importance of following the
thawing procedures,

Write the LC code for each TLE_HECK9-12VD-IIa-b9

II. CONTENT  Characteristics of Quality  Thawing Frozen Vegetables Recitation First Long Quiz
(Subject Matter) Vegetables  Washing Raw Vegetables Following
 Factors to Consider in Choosing Good Standard Procedure
Quality Vegetables

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages N/A
2. Curriculum Guide K to 12 Basic Education JHS TLE and SHS Technical-Vocational Track Home Economics- Cookery page 19
2.Learner’s Materials Pages Cookery 9-10 Most Essential Learning Competencies page 419
Technology and Livelihood Education Home Economics – COOKERY Quarter 2 - Module 1 Performing Mise’en Place
Department of Education –Division of Bukidnon

3.Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from N/A
Learning Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning N/A
A.Review Previous Lessons Conduct a recap of the previous discussion.
B. Establishing Start the lesson with the question “How Arrange the Scrambled Word Recitation Review the past lessons.
purpose for the do you describe a high-quality food”?
Lesson (Motivation)

C. Presenting examples Power point presentation.

/instances of the new lessons
(show pics, videos, ppt)
D. Discussing new concepts The teacher will give an introduction to the topic.
and practicing new skills #1.
(Pre-Discussion Activity)
E. Discussing new concepts Five Characteristic of High-Quality Thawing Frozen Vegetables RECITATION LONG QUIZ
& practicing and concern to Food
new skills #2 Foods remain safe while frozen but
1. Minimally processed- Choose foods danger sets between 4˚C to 60˚C when
that are close to the way they naturally bacteria multiply rapidly. Thaw foods in the
occur. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, refrigerator in cold water less than 70 % or
dairy, meats, beans, nuts and seeds. These in the microwave if cooking take place
are easier to digest and tend to be free immediately.
from fake ingredients.
Three Ways of thawing Vegetables
2. Organic- Organic produce is not 1. Cook from Frozen
sprayed with any pesticides or 2. Microwave
chemicals. There are no artificial 3. Thaw Under Water
substances added, and nothing is
genetically modified. Choose organic Washing Raw Vegetables Following
whenever possible. Standard Procedure
3. Contains real ingredients- A perfect
 Wash hands with hot soapy water,
example is “natural flavouring”. Sounds
for at least 20 seconds, before and
good, but do you actually know what it is?
after handling fresh produce, or raw
You may be surprised to know that these meat, poultry or seafood, as well as
natural flavourings are usually artificial after using the bathroom, changing
additives that are highly addictive and diapers, or handling pets.
neurologically toxic.  Wash all fresh produce under
running, drinking water before
4. Local- Local produce is always peeling, cutting or eating. The wash
healthier than shipped produce. Many water temperature should be
imported foods are picked before they are 10 degrees warmer than the
ripe and are delivered weeks after. The temperature of any produce being
longer fruits and vegetables have been cut washed to prevent thermal shock and
off from their life source, the less nutrients absorption of water and bacteria to the
they contain. inside cells.
 Scrubbing with a clean brush is only
recommended for produce with a
5. Seasonal- Seasonal food is higher in
tough rind or peel (such as carrots,
nutrients than food that is artificially
potatoes, cucumbers and squash) that
grown out of season. Buying seasonal
will not be bruised or scratched by the
foods usually means the taste will be much
brush bristles.
better and your fruits and vegetables will
be less expensive.  Discard outer leaves of leafy
vegetables like lettuce and cabbage
before washing.
 Do not wash fruits and vegetables
Factors to Consider in Choosing Good with bleach or soaps - it can absorb
Quality Vegetables into the product and change the taste.
 Use of wax coatings on some produce
1. Freshness keeps the moisture and keep good
2. Absence of decay or insect infestation quality. Wax coatings are safe to eat.
3. No mechanical damage or injury. Remove the wax by scrubbing with a
4. Right degree of maturity produce brush under running water.
5. Variety

F. Developing Mastery Enumeration Give it to Me!

(Leads to Formative Direction: Enumerate the Characteristics Directions: Give the three ways of
Assessment) (activity after of High-Quality Food thawing vegetables. Recitation CHECKING OF PAPERS
the lesson)
1. Minimally Processed
2. Organic
3. Local
5. Contains Real Ingredients
G. Finding Practical Why do you need to consider the good Why is it important to follow food thawing Recitation
Applications of concepts and
skills in daily living quality of the vegetables? guidelines?

H. Making Generalizations The teacher will summarize the topic and ask the learners questions that related to the topic.
& Abstractions about the
(assessment/test) CLASS GOT 80% IN THE
Direction : Tell whether the statement is Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is Recitation EVALUATION. PREPARE
FACT OR BLUFF. Write FACT on the correct, FALSE if it’s not. Write your FOR REMEDIAL IF IT’S
space if the statement is correct and write answer in ¼ sheet of paper. BELOW 80%.
BLUFF if it’s not. Write your answers in
¼ sheet of paper. 1. Wash hands with hot soapy water, for at
least 60 seconds, before and after
1.Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy, handling fresh produce.
meats, beans, nuts and seeds are easier to 2. Wash all fresh produce using hot
digest and tend to be free from fake water before peeling, cutting or eating.
ingredients. 3. Discard outer leaves of leafy
2.Non-seasoned vegetables are more vegetables like lettuce and cabbage
expensive yet not delicious. before washing.
3.Shipped produce is always healthier than 4. You can wash fruits and vegetables with
local produce. bleach or soaps.
4.Organic produce is not sprayed with any 5. Scrubbing with a clean brush is only
pesticides or chemicals. recommended for produce with a tough
5.Real ingredients are the artificial rind or peel.
Answers: 1. FALSE

J. Additional activities for Directions: Search the meaning of Directions: Prepare for you recitation. Directions: Prepare for long Directions: Prepare for the
application or remediation thawing. Write your answers in your TLE quiz. next topic
(assignment/homework) Notebook.

VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
requires additional acts.for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
caught up with the lessons
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

GRADES 1 to 12 School: Grade Level: 10
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: Cookery
Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: 2-WEEK 3


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding in preparing and cooking vegetable dishes. REMEDIAL
B. Performance Standards The learners independently prepare and cook vegetable dishes.

C. Learning Competencies LO2. Prepare vegetable dishes

2.1 identify market forms of vegetables
2.2 select various kinds of vegetables according to a given menu
2.3 cook variety of vegetable dishes following appropriate cooking methods to preserve optimum quality and nutrition
2.4 prepare suitable sauces prepare suitable sauces and accompaniment in serving vegetable dishes
D. Sub tasking (if needed) At the end of this lesson, the At the end of this lesson, the learners ` At the end of this lesson, the ` At the end of this lesson, the
learners should able to; should able to; learners should able to; learners should able to;
a. Familiarize in the different a. Distinguish the different
a. Familiarize in the different a. List down the effects of cooking cooking methods; sauces that used as
market forms of vegetables; vegetables; b. Identify the healthiest and accompaniment in dishes; and
b. Explain Why is it importance b. Familiarize in the points to be unhealthy cooking method; and
of identifying the market forms of
considered before buying of c. Explain the importance of b. Value the importance of sauce
vegetables; and being familiarized in the in every dish.
c. Explain why do we need to follow different methods of cooking.
the general rules in cooking

Write the LC code for each TLE_HECK9-12VD-IIc-d10

II. CONTENT  Market Forms of Vegetables
(Subject Matter)  Kinds of Vegetables Used in  Effects of Cooking Vegetables  Methods of Cooking  Preparation of Sauces and
Given Menu  General Rules of Vegetable Vegetables Accompaniment for Serving
Cookery Vegetable Dishes
 Standard Quality of Cooked

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages N/A
2. Curriculum Guide K to 12 Basic Education JHS TLE and SHS Technical-Vocational Track Home Economics- Cookery page 19
2.Learner’s Materials Cookery 9-10 Most Essential Learning Competencies page 419
Pages Technology and Livelihood Education Home Economics – COOKERY Quarter 2 - Module 2 Preparing Vegetable Dishes
Department of Education –Division of Bukidnon

3.Textbook Pages N/A

4. Additional Materials N/A
from Learning Resources
(LR) Portal)
B. Other Learning Visuals from Laptop and TV, Visuals from Laptop and TV, pictures, actual tools, chalk, eraser, masking tape, speaker
Resources pictures, actual tools, chalk, eraser,
masking tape, speaker

A.Review Previous Lessons Conduct a recap of the previous discussion.
B. Establishing purpose Describe Me! WORD HUNT FOUR PICS, ONE WORD OBSERVE
for the Lesson (Motivation)
Directions: Describe the Directions: Look for the words that Direction: Guess the word using the Direction: Observe the following
vegetables that you can see in each characterized the standard quality of a four pictures that being portray. pictures.
picture. cooked vegetables.

C. Presenting examples Power point presentation.

/instances of the new
lessons (show pics, videos,
D. Discussing new concepts The teacher will give an introduction to the topic.
and practicing new skills
#1. (Pre-Discussion
E. Discussing new concepts Market Forms of Vegetables Effects of Cooking Vegetables Methods of Cooking Vegetables Preparation of Sauces and
& practicing and concern Accompaniment for Serving
to new skills #2 1. Fresh. Fresh vegetables are 1. Changes in texture - Fibers are either 1. Boiling – cooking in boiling Vegetable Dishes
those that have undergone little or softened or toughened. water.
no processing from the time they 2. Water is either lost or absorbed. The French term sauce is
were harvested to the time they 3. Changes in color Cooking for a short Boil – to heat a liquid over high derived from the Latin word salus
were marketed or sold. Which also time, helps maintain color. heat until bubbles form and rise which means salted. For Italians and
means that they remain in the same 4. Changes in nutrients rapidly to the surface. Spanish people, they call it salsa.
state from the time they were Sauces are meant to enjoy and
2. Braising – method of cooking
harvested. Fresh vegetables are General Rules of Vegetable Cookery compliment foods, and make them
in slow fire.
often referred to as produce and are more interesting to eat. They pull
Braise – to crush food slightly,
normally sold in the market,  Don‘t overcook. together different elements of a dish
grocery stores, supermarkets, enabling more of the flavour
 Prepare vegetable as close to service to compliment or provide a contrast
to be released while cooking
roadside stalls, farmer’s market and time as possible and in small 3. Steaming- cooking by hot in flavors and textures
vegetable farms. quantities. steam or tightly covered
 If the vegetable must be cooked steamer. 1. Mayonnaise – is a cold sauce
2. Frozen. The forms of vegetables ahead, undercook slightly and chill Steam – to cook food with made with eggs and olive oil. This
that are commercially packed in rapidly. steam from boiling water. is best used as dressings for salads
plastic bags or cardboard boxes. Reheat at service time. and also goes well with
4. Pressure cooking – cooking
Naturally, these are frozen within  Never use baking soda with green sandwiches and the traditional fish
with the use of pressure cooker
hours of harvest, but undergo vegetables. and chips.
a. time saving.
several steps to warrant that their  Cut vegetables uniformly for even b. vegetables are cooked for
quality is preserved before the cooking. 2. Hollandaise – is a warm sauce
short period of time, thus
actual freezing process. made with butter and eggs,
 Cook green vegetables and strong – nutrients are better conserved.
seasoned with white vinegar and
flavored vegetables uncovered. 5. Sautéing – cooking on top
3. Dried. These are vegetables that peppercorns. It is popular with
of the stove using small
are dried or dehydrated to preserve steaks and vegetables like broccoli
Standard Quality of Cooked amount of fat or butter.
and prolong their shelf life. The and cauliflower.
Vegetables Sauté – to fry quickly in oil or
process is done by removing water 1. Color fat, over high heat, stirring or 3. Tomato Sauce – are made with
from vegetables and obstruct the 2. Appearance on plate
growth of bacteria, yeasts and turning the food to prevent tomatoes and gives authentic
3. Texture
molds that can stimulate spoilage burning. flavor to recipes. This is used in
4. Flavor
and rotting of vegetables. Methods 5. Seasonings 6. Baking – cooking in a dry traditional ham and bacon,
of drying vegetables are: freeze 6. Sauces heat.
specifically using tomato puree.
drying, drum drying and sun 7. Vegetable combinations Bake – to cook in an oven using
drying. dry heat.
4. Brown Sauce – is also called as
Points to be Considered Before 7. Frying- dry heat cooking
4. Canned. This is the form of espagnole, which is made with a
Buying Vegetables and Fruits using oil.
vegetables where vegetables are meat stock, done by simmering it
Fry – to cook in a fat or oil.
preserved. Like freezing and for hours until it reduces to a
8. Deep frying - cooking
drying, it helps make vegetables 1. The price of the vegetables thick, rich brown sauce. This
vegetables in hot fat deep
last longer. It makes cooking with 2. Geographical location particular sauce is the perfect
enough to cover the
vegetables easier and more 3. The vegetable you need accompaniment for grilled or
convenient. 4. Quantity of buying roasted red meat.
9. Broil – quick cooking by
5. Freshness of the vegetables direct heat.
Kinds of Vegetables Used in 6. Good quality 5. Veloute – is made with a roux
Given Menu of flour and butter. This is good
Menu is a list of food or dish for white meats and perfect for
available in an eatery or restaurant. continental cuisine.
Vegetables are prepared either
raw or cooked. Raw vegetables are 6. Bechamel – is also a roux made
usually used in salad dish. The of milk flavoured with nutmeg.
common vegetables eaten raw are: This sauce goes well with lasagne,
radish, lettuce, turnips, papaya, cannel oni and casserole dishes.
tomatoes, onion, ginger, cucumber,
carrots and avocado. Others are
being cooked.
A recipe is needed in selecting
the appropriate vegetables to be in a
given dish. The following are the
common parts of recipe.
a. Name of dish
b. Measurements and name
of ingredients
c. Procedure of cooking
d. Number of servings
F. Developing Mastery Directions: Enumerate the market Directions: List down the effects of Directions: Choose the letter of the Directions: Choose what sauce is
(Leads to Formative forms of vegetables. cooking vegetables. correct answer. being used in each dish.
Assessment) (activity
after the lesson)
G. Finding Practical What is the importance of Why do we need to follow the general Why is it important to familiarize in Why sauce is important in any
Applications of concepts identifying the market forms of rules in cooking vegetables? the different cooking methods of dish?
and skills in daily living vegetables? vegetables?
H. Making Generalizations The teacher will summarize the topic and ask the learners questions that related to the topic.
& Abstractions about the
I. Evaluating Learning My Recipe CHECK OR EX
(assessment/test) Direction: Give the vegetable Direction: From the different
ingredients in preparing Pakbet methods of cooking vegetable, which Directions: Put / if the statement is
do you think is the healthiest and correct and X if its not. Write your
1-10 most unhealthy cooking methods. answer in ¼ sheet of paper.
Explain your answer briefly. Write
your answer in ½ crosswise. Your
Answers: answer will be rated based on this
1. The price of vegetables rubric.
2. Geographical location
3. The quantity that you need Healthy: STEAMING
4. Quantity of buying Unhealthy: DEEP FRYING
5. Freshness of vegetables Explanation will be based on the
6. Good quality rubric.

J. Additional activities for Pictorial Report Directions: Search for the different Directions: Prepare for the next Directions: Prepare for the next
application or remediation Directions: Go to the market, tips of buying vegetables. Give at least topic. lesson.
(assignment/homework) supermarket or even talipapa five (5).Write your answer in your TLE
nearby. Make a pictorial report Notebook.
with illustration showing the
market forms of vegetables. Send Example:
the soft copy of it to the messenger
of your teacher. Bell Peppers—Bell peppers should be
firm and void of any soft spots. No
matter which color.
VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
requires additional acts.for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
caught up with the lessons
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other teachers?
School: Grade Level: 10
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: Cookery
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: 2-WEEK 4


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding in preparing and cooking vegetable dishes. REMEDIAL
B. Performance Standards The learners independently prepare and cook vegetable dishes.

C. Learning Competencies LO2. Prepare vegetable dishes

2.1 Identify market forms of vegetables
2.2 Select various kinds of vegetables according to a given menu
2.3 Cook variety of vegetable dishes following appropriate cooking methods to preserve optimum quality and nutrition
2.4 Prepare suitable sauces prepare suitable sauces and accompaniment in serving vegetable dishes
D. Sub tasking (if needed) At the end of this lesson, the learners are able to; At the end of this lesson, At the end of the
a. Collect words that associate to the topic; students should be able to; session, students
should be able to attain
b. Familiarize in the different food presentation techniques; and a. Apply the techniques in food at least 80% mastery
presentation; from the graded
c. Value the importance of food presentation in serving dishes.
b. Bring out their creativity in recitation/activity.
this activity.

Write the LC code for each TLE_HECK9-12SD-IIb-c-8

II. CONTENT Food Presentation Techniques Performance Task Long Quiz -
(Subject Matter)
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages N/A
2. Curriculum Guide K to 12 Basic Education JHS TLE and SHS Technical-Vocational Track Home Economics- Cookery page 19
2.Learner’s Materials Pages Cookery 9-10 Most Essential Learning Competencies page 419
Technology and Livelihood Education Home Economics – COOKERY Quarter 2 - Module 3 Presenting Vegetable Dishes
Department of Education –Division of Bukidnon

3.Textbook Pages N/A

4. Additional Materials from N/A
Learning Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning Visuals from Laptop and TV, pictures, actual tools, chalk, eraser, masking tape, speaker Actual tools and ingredients

A.Review Previous Lessons Conduct a recap of the previous discussion
B. Establishing purpose for THINK AND GIVE Review the lesson
the Lesson (Motivation) What are the word/s that come into your mind when you heard the word “food
(Proceed to the main activity)
C. Presenting examples Power point presentation.
/instances of the new lessons
(show pics, videos, ppt)
D. Discussing new concepts The teacher will give an introduction to the topic.
and practicing new skills #1.
(Pre-Discussion Activity)
E. Discussing new concepts Food Presentation Techniques Performance Task Long Quiz
& practicing and concern to
new skills #2 1. Proportioning
Correct proportioning of a dish is essential not only to its attractiveness but also plays
an integral role in controlling the costs. The portion of each ingredient should be pre-decided
and maintained while plating.
 Choose the right plate size.
2. Styling
The next food presentation technique is related to the way you put a dish together or
style a meal. The most important rule of this food presentation technique is balancing contrast
and variety. Decorating the dish more than it is required, too, can end up ruining it or making it
 Position the main ingredient as the center of attention

3. Choosing the Right Tableware

A larger plate will give you more space to work with your creativity and the dish. But
keep in mind that you do not need to fill your plate so full that there’s no room left and it starts
looking overcrowded. It doesn’t matter how delicious the food is; no one would be tempted to
eat it if it is served on an unattractive plate.

 Present your plates according to the occasion. Also, cracked or broken crockery
can be a real turn-off for customers.
4. Timing
Make sure you don’t take too much time to decorate, modify, or plate a dish that it turns
cold when it was supposed to be served hot or vice versa. Remember to include the plating time
in the preparation of the dish, and also inform your guests of the time it would take to serve it.
When you are in a bind, you can always follow the traditional clock pattern plating
technique:- dividing the plate as zones of a clock from the customer’s point of view and
then presenting the starch between 9 o clock to 12 o clock, vegetables between 12’o clock to 3 o
clock and protein between 9’o clock to 3’o clock.

5. Garnishing
The garnishing process improves the texture and flavor of a dish. Though it sounds
simple, this food presentation technique also requires care and precision.
Things to remember before plating food
Before you begin preparing your dish, you should consider the kind of cuisine you're
serving. Are you making a hearty steak dinner, or are you preparing a delicate side dish or
appetizer? You can't start building your plate until all of your flavors are finalized, and so it's
wise to have your ingredients prepared before you begin the actual plating process.

Guidelines for Plating Food

1. Choose the Perfect Plate

Selecting the right plate for your meal is the key to attractive food presentation. Here
are some things to keep in mind:
 Choose the right plate
 Choose the right size plate
 Choose a complementary plate color

2. Placing Your Ingredients

Here are a few of the most important aspects to consider as you build your dish:
 Plate with a clock in mind
 Use moist ingredients as your base
 Serve odd amounts of food.
 Place food to create flavor bites.
 Don't overcrowd your plate.

3. Pay Attention to the Details

As you plate your dish, you'll also want to pay attention to the details:
 Think about color and contrast
 Create height on your plate.
 Use texture to enhance your dish.

4. Design and Create with Sauces

Once you've plated your main ingredients, you're ready to top your dish with delicious
sauces. Don't just pour the sauce carelessly all over the plate. Instead, think of your squeeze
bottle or spoon as a paintbrush, and your sauce as a medium. Then, use them to enhance your
One way to do this is to create accent dots on one side of your plate (while considering
the rule of thirds) or by lightly drizzling sauce over the main ingredients so guests get a little bit
of sauce in every bite.

5. Use Garnishes Purposefully

 Choose edible garnishes
 Place garnishes purposefully

Plating Tools

1. Decorating Brushes -Decorating brushes have a variety of applications. You can use them
for both detailed line work and broad strokes as you apply sauces, or when plating purees and
coulis beneath meat or vegetables.
2. Garnishing Kits- It come with everything you need to garnish all of your signature dishes,
including plating wedges, tongs, squeeze bottles, and brushes.
3. Molds- are also very important when plating food. By cutting ingredients to a specific shape
and size, you'll provide visual appeal and keep your plate tidy. Ring molds also help you
develop height and structure when stacking ingredients.
4. Precision Tongs-on hand for placing garnishes or small, delicate foods. Many tongs also
feature micro-serrations for improved grip and stability.
5. Plating Wedges-come pre-cut with flat, round, or pointed edges and are perfect for smearing
sauces and other soft ingredients into designs on your plate.
6. Shavers- work well when shaving or grating chocolate, hard cheeses, or soft vegetables on
top of your finished creations.
7. Spoons- Saucier spoons help you drag smears of sauce across your plate, and you can also
choose a utensil with a tapered bowl that's perfect for drizzling and pouring. Additionally,
slotted spoons quickly separate solids from liquids as you complete your presentation.
9. Squeeze Bottles- are ideal when applying sauces or aiolis to your finished plate. Many of
these items come with adjustable, precision control tips that allow you to apply the perfect
amount of product.

F. Developing Mastery Video Watching

(Leads to Formative Directions: Watch the video carefully and tell us what can you say about it.
Assessment) (activity after Presenting learner’s output.
the lesson) https://youtube.com/watch?v=c01s-UVxoQk

G. Finding Practical What significant skills did you observe from the video? What is the impact of this
Applications of concepts and activity to you?
skills in daily living
H. Making Generalizations The teacher will summarize the topic and ask the learners questions that related to the topic.
& Abstractions about the
1 Evaluating Learning Word Collect Rubric
Direction: With the details you learned about from this lesson, write the words you can The activity will be rated on the
associate with the word “Food Presentation”. Give at least 10 words. Write your answer in ¼ rubric.
sheet of paper.

(answers mat vary, use rubric for proper evaluation).

J. Additional activities for Assignment 1(Individual) Directions: Prepare for the Directions: Prepare for
application or remediation second long quiz. next topic.
(assignment/homework) Direction: Video yourself doing a at least three basic food presentation techniques. You are free
to get an idea in the internet. Submit to your teachers’ messenger.

Assignment 2 (Group)

Direction: Prepare for a performance task. Present a vegetable recipe with appropriate sauces
and accompaniments. Your group are free to choose any vegetable dish

VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
requires additional acts.for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
caught up with the lessons
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

School: Grade Level: 10

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: Cookery
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: 2-WEEK 5


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding in preparing and cooking vegetable dishes.
B. Performance Standards The learners independently prepare and cook vegetable dishes.

C. Learning Competencies LO 4. Store vegetables LO 5. Evaluate the finished

4.1 store vegetables based on the prescribed location and temperature product
4.2 demonstrate vegetable storage in accordance with FIFO operating procedures
4.3 follow standard safety and hygiene procedure 5.1 rate the finished products
using rubrics
D. Sub tasking (if needed) At the end of this lesson, the learners At the end of this lesson, the learners At the end of this lesson, the At the end of this lesson, the learners
are able to; are able to; learners are able to; are able to;
a. Familiarize in the different a. Familiarize in the safety a. Evaluate the finish product using
storing techniques; a. Follow the guidelines in FIFO. hygienic practices in the rubric;and
b. Value the importance of the b. Enumerate the steps of FIFO laboratory kitchen;
proper storing of food. procedure; and b. Value the importance of using
c. Value the importance of FIFO.
b. Enumerate the 4 C’s food rubric for proper evaluation.
safety; and
c. Value the importance of
personal hygiene in the
Write the LC code for each TLE_HECK9-12VD-IId-12 TLE_HECK9-12VD-IId-13
II. CONTENT Techniques in Storing Vegetables FIFO Safety and Hygienic Practices in Evaluation of Finished Product
(Subject Matter) the Laboratory Kitchen Using Rubrics

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages N/A
2. Curriculum Guide K to 12 Basic Education JHS TLE and SHS Technical-Vocational Track Home Economics- Cookery page 19
2.Learner’s Materials Pages Cookery 9-10 Most Essential Learning Competencies page 419
Technology and Livelihood Education Home Economics – COOKERY Quarter 2 - Module 4 Storing Vegetable Dishes
Department of Education –Division of Bukidnon

3.Textbook Pages N/A

4. Additional Materials from N/A
Learning Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning Visuals from Laptop and TV, pictures Visuals from Laptop and TV, pictures Visuals from Laptop and TV, pictures Visuals from Laptop and TV,
Resources pictures

A.Review Previous Lessons Conduct a recap of the previous discussion
B. Establishing purpose for How do you store your food at home? PICTURE ANALYSIS How do you prepare your food Video Watching
the Lesson (Motivation) Directions: Analyze the meaningful hygienically? https://www.youtube.com/watch?
information from the image. v=PA1FF3EcHKU
C. Presenting examples Power point presentation.
/instances of the new lessons
(show pics, videos, ppt)
D. Discussing new concepts The teacher will give an introduction to the topic.
and practicing new skills #1.
(Pre-Discussion Activity)
E. Discussing new concepts Techniques in Storing Vegetables FIFO Safety and Hygienic Practices in Evaluation of Finished Product
& practicing and concern to the Laboratory Kitchen Using Rubrics
new skills #2 Proper storing of fruits and The term First In First Out is a
vegetables is very important. Since safe handy way to remember that the food Kitchen safety awareness is Product evaluation is a term
storage can keep you from getting sick that has been bought in first needs to essential in food preparation and for all items that has been
from a food borne illness. Fresh fruits be consumed first. cooking, as well as during clean-up manufactured and is useful to us.
and vegetables should be stored and daily living. Safety in the kitchen
It is also a critical appraisal or
unwashed. However, fruits and 5 Simple steps for following the means using precautionary measures
vegetables that are very dirty after FIFO procedure in the kitchen to prevent accident assessment or a judgement of the
harvest can be rinsed and dried well 1. Always use the products with the because most accidents that happen is value, worth, character, or
before storing. Wash them well with closest end dates first, the products due to carelessness. effectiveness
cool running water before eating. reaching the end of their best On the other hand, hygiene in
before dates or use by dates. the kitchen includes washing Two Methods of Evaluating
2. Place the items to be used first at vegetables and fruits to remove Product
Methods of Preservation the front of the stock so they are harmful bacteria and germs from the
easy to locate. surface of the foods.
1. Drying is one of the oldest ways to 3. Always use the food that is stored Food safety and hygiene are very 1. Sensory
preserve product. The basic procedure at the front, first. important to prevent illnesses and 1.1 Appearance involves the
involves removal of moisture from the 4. Always store new supplies behind food poisoning due to food sense of sight and can be
product to a point where decay is not existing stock so that these will be contamination, good described trough colors, size,
likely. This can be done by using an used in the correct order. personal hygiene must be observed at shape, consistency and crumb.
oven, a dehydrator or the warm heat of 5. Check through the stock items to all times. For example : golden brown,
the sun. Once finished, the product ensure that all food is current, small, round, smooth, coarse.
should be stored in a dry place in air within date and in good condition. The Four C’s in food safety 1.2 Flavor is produced by a
tight containers. Dried product does not
combination of taste and
retain the quality and nutritional value Food Safety Tips for Storing and 1. Cleaning
found with fresh product. The process Rotating Product Keeping surfaces clean and aroma. Taste refers to the
is also fairly labor intensive and time-  Noting why a certain food has tidy is a vital part of preventing taste buds on our tongue
consuming. However, certain product, not been used and asking why it the spread of pathogens. Some which enables us to detect the
such as beans, peas and other legumes, has been omitted. germs can live for months outside different tastes of food.
can be dried without much loss.  Not overloading refrigerators and the human body, which means Aroma on the other hand,
freezers. they need to be eradicated as involves the sense of smell
2. Canning . A resurgence of interest  Regularly checking through the quickly and as thoroughly as
and is detected by the nose.
in canning is taking place as it has stock to ensure that everything is possible. Always disinfect an area
become easier with more fool-proof after food preparation has taken For example : fragrant, burnt,
stored in the correct order and
methods and good equipment like that it is in perfect condition. place. floral, fishy and fruity.
regular jars, lids and more reliable and  Removing any stock which has 1.3 Texture involves the senses
safer pressure cookers. deteriorated. Checking through 2. Cooking of sight and touch and results
the kitchen stock is much easier Once the preparation of to different cooking methods
3. Curing and Salting. If certain to do when the kitchen is quiet. food has taken place, you still to produce different textures
garden product is allowed to ferment Doing this reduces the chances need to ensure if it is cooked
such as soft, chewy, crispy,
naturally, it is said to have become for any missed food items that properly. There’s a temptation just
“cured.” This means that to put everything in the oven at sticky and grainy.
are out of date, in being used.
microorganisms initiate the the same temperature.
fermentation process and change the Maintain Proper Temperatures 2. Nutritive tools
food quality without causing bad tastes Keep these temperatures in mind 3. Cross-Contamination This refers to the
or generating toxins. when storing food: Food poisoning is a major nutritive value of the food or dish
 Frozen foods must maintain a problem in busy kitchens, where whether it has the nutrients such
4. Freezing . This is a common and a maximum internal temperature of healthy and safety measures can
as : carbohydrates, protein,
very desirable way to preserve certain 0ºF or less easily be forgotten. In most cases,
types of garden product. This method  Refrigerated foods must maintain bacteria are spread via poorly minerals, fats and .
does not improve quality, but is fairly a maximum internal temperature cleaned hands and utensils.
easy to do if one has access to a freezer of 41ºF or less 5 Reasons of Evaluating your
and takes the time to package properly  Dry storage items should be 4. Chilling Dish
so that moisture is retained. stored between 50-70ºF Health and safety don’t 1. You will learn how to
An easy way to remember this is end once you dish out your meals. optimize for success.
5. Common Storage . This is the to check the temperature of stored Good food handling practices
Particular questions you
oldest and convenient method used to food and storage areas at the require you to safely store any
preserve most of the product generated beginning of each shift. left-over produce you may have. need to ask yourself are the
by our ancestors. This involves storing For the most part, cooked food following:
harvested product in a darkened, cold How to Rotate Food Product will need to be separated and kept a. What happened?
area. chilled, either in the fridge or the b. Why? (the story behind
 In-ground Storage After you’ve stored the items, freezer. what happened)
 Pits rotate your existing stock using the A sanitation plan is important in
c. Why do these results
 Indoor Storage any food service preparation area. It
First-In First-Out (or FIFO) method. ensures that all surfaces are cleaned matter and what’s next?
Different fruits and vegetables should This ensures that you are serving on a regular basis and reduces the
be stored in different ways. items stocked first before items risks of transferring bacteria or other 2. Evaluation paves the way to
stocked more recently. The FIFO pathogens from an unclean surface to
your dish improvements
 In Using the refrigerator method applies to frozen, clean equipment such as cutting
refrigerated, and dry storage items. boards or tools. This is where you collect
A. Products that are keep Here are some steps to follow the data to monitor progress and test
best in cold, moist storage includes: FIFO method: Safety Tips in the Kitchen change, which is certainly serious
 apples  Identify the expiration date on the  Do not rush for improvement.
 broccoli food  Always keep an eye on the stove
 carrots  Store items with the earliest  Be careful with gas 3. Every voice counts
 lettuce expiration date in front of items  Store dangerous objects safely
Every person’s
 eggplant with later dates  Get the right tools
 Keep a first aid kit nearby perspective is very important
 Once on the shelf, use the items
stored in front first because it tells the real score the
B. Products that are keep
best in cold, dry storage includes: Personal Hygiene project as a whole.
 garlic Check Expiration Dates and Personal hygiene is often the
 onions Storage Areas cause of many food poisoning cases. 4. One size does not fit all
Throwing away food that has However, it tends to be de-prioritized Evaluation can take
C. Products that are keep reached the expiration date is also when it comes to food safety. That is
many shapes. For example,
best in warm, dry conditions important in preventing foodborne why, Personal Protective Equipment
is also important in the kitchen. evaluators may collect primary
includes: illness. In addition, storage areas
need to be kept clean and dry. These data from a variety of written
 hot peppers
areas of the kitchen where food can Uniforms – Wear a clean uniform survey, individual interviews
 pumpkins
be stored or served should be kept every day and only put it on at the and/or focus group discussions.
 winter squash
clean on a regular basis: workplace Evaluations frequently include
 sweet potatoes
 Floors Aprons – Different full aprons both quantitative and qualitative
 Walls should be worn at different prep data.
 In using freezers
 Shelving (in coolers, freezers and stations (e.g. seafood and vegetables)
 Using a cool, dry storage
dry storage) Gloves – Different disposable gloves
Certain types of product are 5. DIY evaluation is possible
 Storage bins/containers to be used when handling raw and
best left out of your refrigerator and You can ask help from
 Carts/dollies cooked food
freezer. Instead, they should be stored
 Trays Shoes – Wear only non-slip, full other people to evaluate and to
in a cool dry place. These include:
covered shoes make comments on your product
 tomatoes The importance of labelling food . for more improvement.
stored in the freezer or refrigerator 10 Hygiene Rules in the Kitchen
 bananas
Labelling is important. Without 1. Personal hygiene
 potatoes
this vital information on stored food, 2. Clothing
 lemons 3. Correct food storage
 limes nobody will know just how long any
food has been stored. This means that 4. Defrosting
without adequate labelling there is a 5. Avoid cross-contamination
In particular, tomatoes may lose 6.Keep food at the right temperature
flavor and nutrients when you strong chance that the food may have
deteriorated or have even gone off by 7. Chill food rapidly
refrigerate them. They can also develop 8. Serve food correctly
an undesirable texture. the time you come to use it. 9. Thoroughly clean oven and sink
10. Wash dishes properly
Benefits of FIFO include:
1. Less food wastage
2. Better Food Safety
3.Improved Customer Satisfaction
4. FIFO improves the efficiency of
the kitchen
5. Good FIFO practice helps menu

(Leads to Formative Direction : Using the graphic Direction: Name the 4 C’s in food
Assessment) (activity after organizer, write the five methods of Directions: Thumbs Up if the safety. Directions: Watch the video
the lesson) preservations. Use your activity statement is correct and Thumbs about cooking “ Chopsuey”.
notebook for your answers. Down if it’s not. Evaluate the procedures using the
rubric that will be given to you.


G. Finding Practical Why is it important to apply the proper How do you determine FIFO? Why is it important to apply the Is it really important to use a
Applications of concepts and storing of food? safety hygienic practices in storing rubric in evaluating one’s work?
skills in daily living different food like vegetable dish?
H. Making Generalizations The teacher will summarize the topic through asking the learners related to the topic.
& Abstractions about the
2 Evaluating Learning WH- Questions Enumeration Give it on Pass your rubric.
(assessment/test) Direction: Enumerate the five (5) Directions: Give the purpose of the
benefits of FIFO. following that use for personal

Answers: Answers:
 Uniforms – Wear a clean uniform
1. Less food wastage
every day and only put it on at
2. Better Food Safety
Sample Answer 3.Improved Customer Satisfaction the workplace
4. FIFO improves the efficiency of  Aprons – Different full aprons
the kitchen should be worn at different prep
5. Good FIFO practice helps menu stations (e.g. seafood and
planning vegetables)
 Gloves – Different disposable
gloves to be used when handling
raw and cooked food
 Shoes – Wear only non-slip, full
covered shoes
NOTE: Answers may not be exactly
the same from the lesson. But as long
that the thought was there, it is
considered correct.

J. Additional activities for Directions: Prepare for the next Direction: In order to deepen your Directions: Prepare for the next Capture the Moment
application or remediation lessons. understanding of the lesson, browse topic.
(assignment/homework) the internet on other important details Directions: Evaluate the dish that
on storing vegetables using FIFO being cooked at your home. Use
operating procedures. Write your the rubric for proper evaluation.
answers in your assignment Picture the final product and
notebook. attach it into the rubric.

VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
requires additional acts.for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
caught up with the lessons
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

School: Grade Level: 10

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: Cookery
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: -WEEK 6


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding preparing and cooking seafood dishes.
B. Performance Standards The learners independently prepares and cooks seafood dishes.


LO 1. Perform Mise en Place
1.1. prepare the kitchen tools, equipment, and ingredients based on required standards
1.2. identify types, varieties, market forms, nutritive value, and composition of fish and seafood
1.3. assemble ingredients according to recipes, recipe card, or enterprise standard
1.4. identify steps in processing fish
D. Sub tasking (if needed) At the end of this lesson, the learners are At the end of this lesson, the learners At the end of this lesson, the At the end of this session, the
able to; are able to; learners are able to; learners are able to;
a. Enumerate tools and equipment a. Familiarize in the composition a. Enumerate the market a. Familiarize in the different
needed in seafood preparation; of seafood; forms of fish and shellfish; elements of standardized
b. Familiarize in the different tools b. Classify the seafood; and b. Familiarize in the different recipe;
characteristic of fish and b. Enumerate the different
and equipment needed in c. Value the importance of
shellfish; and elements of standardized
preparing seafood; and classifying seafood. c. Explain the importance of recipe; and
c. Value the importance of tools identifying the market forms c. Explain why standardized
and equipment needed in of fish and shellfish. recipe is important.
preparing seafood.

Write the LC code for each TLE_HECK9-12PC-IIe-14

II. CONTENT Tools and Equipment Needed in Composition and Nutritive Value of Standardized Recipe
Market Forms of Fish
(Subject Matter) Seafoods Preparation Fish
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages N/A
2. Curriculum Guide K to 12 Basic Education JHS TLE and SHS Technical-Vocational Track Home Economics- Cookery page 19
2.Learner’s Materials Pages Cookery 9-10 Most Essential Learning Competencies page 419
Technology & Livelihood Education Home Economics (Cookery) Grade 10 Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 - Module 6: Preparing and Cooking Seafood Dishes First Edition, 2020
Department of Education –Division of Bukidnon

3.Textbook Pages N/A

4. Additional Materials from N/A
Learning Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning https://www.yorksaw.com/seafood-
Resources processing-packaging/

A.Review Previous Lessons Conduct a recap of the previous discussion.
the Lesson (Motivation) Directions: Bring out your assignment Directions: Last meeting, you had
Directions: Name the following tools (printed copy of your favorite seafood). Directions: Name the market an assignment of a printed copy of a
used in seafood preparation. Your teacher will call five random form of fish! complete recipe of seafood dish.
students to present your favorite Describe and identify each part.
seafoods and why it is your favorite.
Hold your assignment during

C. Presenting examples Power point Presentation or Video Presentation

/instances of the new lessons
(show pics, videos, ppt)
D. Discussing new concepts The teacher will give an introduction to the topic.
and practicing new skills #1.
(Pre-Discussion Activity)
E. Discussing new concepts Tools and Equipment Needed in Composition and Nutritive Value Standardized Recipe `
Market Forms of Fish
& practicing and concern to Seafoods Preparation of Fish
new skills #2 1. Whole round- completely A standardized recipe is a
1. Fish bone tweezers- are used for Fish and shellfish contain high intact, as caught complete, specific set of written
removing small bones from raw quality protein and other essential 2. Drawn- viscera removed instructions for cooks to produce
nutrients and are important part of a consistent, high-quality recipes
fillet of fish. The ends perfectly 3. Steak- cross section slices,
healthful diet. In fact, a well-balanced every time!
touch, allowing you to grip the diet that includes a variety of fish and each containing a section of
most bone and shellfish can contribute to heart backbone. Elements of a Standardized
health and aid in children’s proper Recipe
2. pull them out. growth and development. Fat Fish are
4. Dressed-viscera, scales, head,
3. Kitchen shear- also known as those that are high in fat and lean fish 1. Recipe Title – This is the name of
are those are least in fat. It is tail and fins are removed. the product being created.
kitchen scissors, are intended for
important to recognize the kind of 5. Fillets – boneless side of fish, 2. Recipe Category – This is the
cutting, trimming food such as with or without skin.
fish that we are going to prepare and classification of the creditable
meat and fish. cook so that we can know what component(s) being claimed for
4. Shellfish knives-this is a classic cooking methods are suitable in that 6. Butterflied fillets – both sides reimbursement (fruit, vegetable,
looking pocket knife ideal for kind of fish to prevent overcooked of a fish still joined, but with meat or meat alternate, bread or
gently opening oyster and shellfish. and undercooked. Overcooking of bones removed. grain, and dairy).
5. A cutting board (or chopping seafood can cause loss of flavor and 7. Sticks or tranches – cross-
board) is a durable board on which lessen the nutrients value. 3. Serving Size – This is the single
section slices of fillet
Undercooked seafood can leads also required portion of the final product
place material for cutting. The
into poisoning. being served to a child.
kitchen cutting board is commonly Characteristics and Market
used in preparing food. A fish is made up of water, forms of Shellfish 4. Recipe Yield - This is the total
6. A kitchen knife is any knife that is protein, fats and small amount of number of servings available when
minerals and vitamins. It has very Characteristics the final product is made.
intended to be used in food
preparation. While much of this little connective tissue. This means
that: A. Mollusks 5. Equipment and Utensils to Use –
work can be accomplish with a few  Oysters have rough, Listing of cooking and serving tools
a few general purposes. irregular shells.
1. Fish cooks very quickly, even at needed to produce and serve the
7. Rubberized gloves-Its primary low heat.  Flesh of oyster is food item.
purpose is the protection of the 2. Fish is naturally tender. High extremely soft and delicate
hand in performing tasks especially heat will result to toughening of and contains high 6. Ingredients – Food items used in
protein. percentage of water. the recipe.
during the preparation of fish.
3. Moist-heat methods are used not  Hard-shell clams – can be
8. Brushes made for eaten raw
multiple kitchen tasks. They can be to create tenderness but to preserve 7. Weight and Volume of each
moistness and provide variety.  Soft-shell clams are called ingredient – This is the required
used for sanitary cleaning or they steamers. The usual way to
4. Cooked fish must be handled amount of each ingredient in the
can be used to clean food, such as very carefully. cook is to steam. recipe.
fruits, mushrooms, or shellfish.  The shells of mussels are 8. Preparation Instructions – These
Kitchen brushes are available in Fish are divided into two types: not as heavy as clamshells, are the specific directions for
A. Fat Fish – the term “fatty fish” yellow to orange in color preparing the recipe.
any shapes.
these are the tastiest and healthiest and firm but tender when
9. A spatula is a hand-held tool that cooked.
is used for lifting, flipping, or food from the sea. Oily fish and full 9. Cooking Temperatures and Time
of omega -3 fatty acids such as  Scallops are creamy white – This is the appropriate
spreading. in color and have a sweet
(salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel). temperature and amount of time
10. A frying pan, frypan, or skillet is a B. Lean Fish – are those that are flavor. needed for the highest quality
flat-bottomed pan used for frying, low in fat. (sole, cod, red snapper,  Squid is somewhat chewy product.
searing, and browning foods. bass) and are cut up or either
fried quickly. 10. Food Safety Guidelines –
11. A grill is a device used
for cooking food. With a grill, food Classifications of Seafood Includes procedures designed to
B. Crustaceans ensure the safety the food being
is usually roasted.  The lobster shell is dark
Fish products are divided into two produced throughout the preparation
12. Tongs-used for picking up pieces categories green or bluish green and serving. (i.e. cooking to proper
of coal and placing them on a fire 1. Fin fish – fish with fins and but turns red when internal temperatures, cross
without burning fingers or getting internal skeletons cooked contamination)
A. Saltwater fish –  Live lobster must be
them dirty
1. Flatfish alive when cooked. 11. Food Costs – This is the figured
13. Plating Plate- Choose cost of one serving.
your plate wisely by making sure Market Forms of Shellfish
it's big enough Sole A. Mollusks 12. Nutrient Analysis Data – This is
to allow your food to stand out. 1. live in the shell a listing of the nutrients per serving
14. Oven- is a thermally insulated 2. Round fish 2. shucked – fresh or frozen (i.e. calories, protein, fat,
chamber used for the heating, Black sea bars 3. canned carbohydrates, etc.)
baking, or drying of a substance,
Cod B. Crustaceans FISH PROCESSING
and most commonly used for Grouper 1. live Fish processing involves
cooking. B. Freshwater fish 2. cooked meat, fresh or preparing fish and seafood for
15. Refrigerator -sometimes called Cat fish -round frozen. delivery to consumers. Once fish is
fridge is a machine for keeping it is Eel -round harvested, it must undergo several
cold or good (unspoiled) for a Tilapia steps before it’s ready to be sold in
longer period of time. 2. Shell fish – fish with external the market. The process includes
shells but no internal bone structure. gutting, filleting and packaging of
16. Plastic Packaging for frozen-
They have hard the product. product.
used for packing frozen products outer shells.
like fish and meat. Two classifications of Shellfish Fish processing generally involves
17. Sheet pan, baking tray or baking A. Mollusks – are soft sea the following steps:
sheet is a flat, rectangular metal animals
pan or ceramic used in an oven.  Bivalves – they have a pair of 1. Sorting fish by size and species
18. Fish scale- is a kitchen tools used hinged shells (clams, oysters) 2. Loading fish into a machine to
for taking out the scales of the fish.  Univalves – they have a single shell (abalone) remove heads
 Cephalopods – (octopus, 3. Moving fish to a cleaning
squid) machine to remove tails, scales
B. Crustaceans-are animals with and entrails
segmented shells and jointed legs 4. Removing fins
(shrimps, crabs)
5. Washing thoroughly

F. Developing Mastery Enumeration LABEL IT Directions: On your TLE Directions: List down how the fish
(Leads to Formative Direction: Enumerate the different tools Notebook, draw a market form of is being processed.
Assessment) (activity after needed in preparing seafood. Directions: Label your assignment Daing na Bangus.
the lesson) on what classification of seafoods it

G. Finding Practical Why tools and equipment are important Why do we need to classify the Why is it important to be How’s the fish industry helps our
Applications of concepts and in preparing seafood? seafoods? familiarized in different market economy?
skills in daily living forms of fish and shellfish?
H. Making Generalizations The teacher will summarize the topic through asking the learners related to the topic.
& Abstractions about the
(assessment/test) Directions: Classify the
Directions: Identify the following terms. fish/shellfish. Directions: Identify the following Directions: Enumerate the
forms of seafood. Write your answer Elements of Standardized Recipe.
______1. This is a hand-held tool that is in ¼ sheet of paper. Write your Answer in ¼ sheet of
used for lifting, flipping, or spreading. paper.
______2. This is a flat-
bottomed pan used for frying, searing,
and browning foods. Answers:
______3. This is a grill is a device used 1. Recipe Title
for cooking food. With a grill, food is 2. Recipe Category
usually roasted. 3. Serving Size
______4. This is used for picking up Answer: 4. Recipe Yield
pieces of coal and placing them on a fire 5. Equipment and Utensils to Use
without burning fingers or getting them Answer: 6. Ingredients
dirty 7. Weight and Volume of each
______5.This is a thermally insulated ingredient
chamber used for the heating, baking. 8. Preparation Instructions
Answers: 9. Cooking Temperatures and Time
10. Food Safety Guidelines
1.Spatula 11. Food Costs
2. Frying Pan 12. Nutrient Analysis Data
3. Grill
4. Tong
5. Oven
J. Additional activities for Directions: Print a picture of your Direction: Prepare for the next A. Individual (for next meeting) Homework
application or remediation favorite seafood.(one only). topic. Directions: Search or write a recipe Directions: Make your own version
(assignment/homework) You can draw if you want. of any fish dish. of standardized recipe using it’s
elements. Do it in 1/8 illustration
By group (last week of this board. To be submitted on Monday.
Directions: Make a portfolio in
different recipe, based in the market
form of fish/shellfish. Your output
will be checked using the scoring

VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
requires additional acts.for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
caught up with the lessons
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

School: Grade Level: 10
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: Cookery
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: 2-WEEK 7


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding preparing and cooking seafood dishes. REMEDIAL
B. Performance Standards The learners independently prepares and cooks seafood dishes.

C. Learning Competencies PREPARE AND COOK SEAFOOD LO 3: Cook Fish and Shellfish LO 4. Plate/Present Fish and
DISHES Seafood
3.1 Clean, cut, and fillet seafood
LO 1. Perform Mise en Place
3.2 Prepare ingredients according to a given recipe 4.1 prepare and present fish and
1.1. prepare the kitchen tools,
3.2 Demonstrate various methods of cooking fish and shellfish seafood dishes perform guidelines
equipment, and ingredients based on
required standards in serving fish and seafood dishes
1.2. identify types, varieties, market
forms, nutritive value, and
composition of fish and seafood
1.3. assemble ingredients according to
recipes, recipe card, or enterprise
1.4. identify steps in processing fish
D. Sub tasking (if needed) At the end of this lesson, the learners are At the end of this lesson, the learners At the end of this lesson, At the end of this session, the
able to; are able to; the learners are able to; learners are able to;
d. Enumerate tools and equipment a. Familiarize in the composition a. Enumerate the market d. Familiarize in the different
needed in seafood preparation; of seafood; forms of fish and elements of standardized
e. Familiarize in the different tools b. Classify the seafood; and shellfish; recipe;
b. Familiarize in the e. Enumerate the different
and equipment needed in preparing
Value the importance of classifying different characteristic elements of standardized
seafood; and of fish and shellfish; and recipe; and
a. Value the importance of tools and seafood.
c. Explain the importance b. Explain why standardized
equipment needed in preparing of identifying the market recipe is important.
seafood. forms of fish and shellfish.

Write the LC code for each TLE_HECK9-12PC-IIf-15 TLE_HECK9-12PC-IIgi-16 TLE_HECK9-12PC-IIj-17

II. CONTENT Plate/Present fish and seafood -
(Subject Matter) Handle Fish and Seafood Cook Fish and Shellfish Performance Task

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages N/A
2. Curriculum Guide K to 12 Basic Education JHS TLE and SHS Technical-Vocational Track Home Economics- Cookery page 19
2.Learner’s Materials Pages Cookery 9-10 Most Essential Learning Competencies page 419

Technology & Livelihood Education Home Economics (Cookery) Grade 10 Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 - Module 6: Preparing and Cooking Seafood Dishes First Edition, 2020
Department of Education –Division of Bukidnon

3.Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR) Portal)

B. Other Learning Resources Visuals from Laptop and TV, pictures, actual tools, chalk, eraser,
A.Review Previous Lessons Conduct a recap of the previous discussion
B. Establishing purpose for the YES or NO Performance Task Watch the Video
Lesson (Motivation) What is your favorite dish of https://youtube.com/watch?
Directions: Say YES if you’re going to seafood? Why? v=QrWtP9LLuXE
buy the condition of fish that being show
on the screen. Say NO if it’s not.

C. Presenting examples -Preparing Power point Presentation or Video Presentation

/instances of the new lessons
(show pics, videos, ppt)
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1. (Pre- The teacher will give an introduction about the topic.
Discussion Activity)
E. Discussing new concepts & Handle Fish and Seafood Cook Fish and Shellfish Performance Task Plate/Present Fish and Seafood
practicing and concern to new As with any type of food it is
skills #2 important to handle seafood safely to Lean fish Plating and
reduce the risk of foodborne illness, often  Lean fish has almost no fat, so presentation refer to the
called “food poisoning.” it easily becomes dry. It is best arrangement of food on
served with sauces to enhance the plate dressed with a sauce or
Checking the freshness of fish and
moistness and gives richness. topped with garnishing. These
Shellfish  Poaching is the moist heat simple touches make dishes
Fin Fish method suited visually more appealing. Here are
 Fish should be basted with the three fundamentals to know
1. Fresh and mild odor.
2. Eyes are clear, shiny and bulging. butter or oil if broiled or baked. before developing your plating
3. Red or pink gills  Lean fish maybe fried or styles.
4. Texture of flesh is firm or elastic sautéed to gain palatability from
5. Shiny scales, and tightly cling on skin. added fat. Garnishing provide or supply
with something ornamental;
Fat fish adorn; decorate to provide (a
1. Oysters, clams, mussels in the shell  The fat in fish, enables them food) with something that adds
must be alive. Tightly closed shells when to tolerate more heat without flavor, decorative color, and etc.
jostled. becoming dry.
2. Live or shucked oysters must have a  Fat fish can be cooked by Fundamental of Plating
very mild, sweet smell. poaching. 1. Balance – select foods and
3. Discard any mussels that are very light  Fat fish are well suited to garnishes that offer variety and
in weight or seem to be hollow. broiling and baking. The dry contrast
4. Strong fishy odor or a brownish color heat methods eliminate  color – two or three colors
is a sign of age or spoilage. excessive oiliness. on a plate
5. Live lobster must be alive when  Large fat fish like salmon,  shapes – variety of shapes
cooked. The meat will be firm and the tail and mackerel may be cooked  textures – variety of
springs back when straightened. in fat, but care should be textures
6. Frozen shrimp should be solidly frozen taken to avoid excessive
when received.  flavors – that can
greasiness. blend/harmonize the flavor
7. Glazed shrimp should be shiny with no
freezer burn. of the food with thebalance
Shellfish of plating and complement
8. All shrimps should smell fresh and  Cook oyster just enough to heat
sweet. A strong fishy or iodine smell it.
thoroughly to keep it juicy and 2. Portion size
indicates age or spoilage. plump.
9. Live crabs should be kept alive until  Choose the Perfect Plate.
 Clams become tough and  Balance the portion sizes of
cooked. rubbery if overcooked
10. Frozen crabmeat should be treated the items on the plate.
 Shrimps like other shellfish,  Arrangement on the plate.
like any other frozen fish. become tough and rubbery Plate with a clock in mind.
when cooked at high 3. Serve hot foods on hot
Handling and Storing of Fish and temperature.
Shellfish plates. Serve cold foods cold, on
cold plates. One of the most
Watch the videos basic functions in any
Fresh Fish
professional kitchen is make
1. Store on crushed ice. Use drip pans to sure that plates are properly
allow for drainage melted ice. Change ice heated, chilled, or at room
daily. Cover container store in separate temperature.
box away from other foods. Whole fish
should be drawn because entrails Guidelines to help plating
deteriorate rapidly. Cut fish should be attractive
wrapped or left in original moisture proof
wrap. 1. Keep food off the rim of the
2. In refrigerated box at 30° to 34°F (-1° to 2. Arrange the items for the
1°C. convenience of the customer
3. Fresh fish may be stored for 1 to 2 days. 3. Keep space between items.
If kept longer, wrap and freeze Each item should have its own
immediately. identity
4. Check store fish for freshness just before 4. Maintain unity. Create a
using centre of attention and relate
everything to it.
Frozen Fish 5. Make every component
1. Frozen products should be frozen, not count.
thawed when received. 6. Add gravy or sauce
2. Items should be well wrapped, with no attractively.
freezer burn. 7. Keep it simple.
3. Store at 0°F (-18°C. or colder.
4. Maximum storage time
 Fat fish -- 2 months
 Lean fish -- 6 months
5. Rotate stock – first in, first out

Handling and Thawing Frozen Fish

1. Thaw in refrigerator, never at room
temperature. If pressed for time. If keep in
original moisture-proof wrapper and thaw
under cold water.
2. Small pieces like fillets and steaks can
be cooked from frozen state to prevent
excessive drip loss. Large fish should be
thawed for even cooking.
3. Fillets that are to be breaded can be
partially thawed.
4. Handle thawed fish as fresh fish. Do not
5. Breaded, battered and other frozen
prepared fish items are mostly cooked
from frozen state.


F. Developing Mastery (Leads to TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN GROUPINGS Performance Task TELL ME!
Formative Assessment) (activity ONE Directions: Tell what
after the lesson) Directions: Go to your respective fundamental of plating does the
Directions: Look for pair. Have a little groupmates and talk about your picture belongs.
interview about their experience in performance task. Choose one
handling seafoods. Note the important cooking techniques for each fish and
details. shellfish. Apply the procedure next

G. Finding Practical Why do we need to handle the fish and Why is it important to apply different Performance Task Why plating is important in food
Applications of concepts and seafoods accordingly? techniques in cooking fish and presentation?
skills in daily living (application) shellfish?

H. Making Generalizations & The teacher will summarize the topic through asking the learners related to the topic.
Abstractions about the lessons
1 Evaluating Learning TRUE or FALSE FACT or BLUFF Identification
(assessment/test) Direction: Identify the following
Directions: Tell whether the statement is Directions: Write FACT if the words that being described.
TRUE and FALSE if it’s not. Write your statement is correct, and BLUFF if
answer in ¼ sheet of paper. it’s not. 1. It refers to the arrangement of
1. Oysters, clams, mussels in the shell food on the plate dressed with a
must be dead. sauce or topped with garnishing.
2. Live or shucked oysters must have a 2. It provides or supply with
very mild, sweet smell. something ornamental.
3. Discard any mussels that are very light 3. It says “Choose the perfect
in weight or seem to be hollow. plate”.
4. Fish should have foul odor 4. It selects foods and garnishes
5. Eyes are clear, shiny and bulging. that offer variety and contrast
5. It can blend/harmonize the flavor
ANSWER of the food with the balance of
1. FALSE plating and complement it.
3. TRUE Answer:

J. Additional activities for Direction: Prepare for the next topic. Direction: Prepare for performance Direction: Write a CHEF AT HOME
application or remediation task. reflection paper about Direction: Cook any fish or shellfish
(assignment/homework) your experience today dish at home. Apply the fundamental
of plating. Take a picture and send to
your teacher.

VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who requires
additional acts.for remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who caught up with
the lessons
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I used/discover which
I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

School: Grade Level: 10

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: Cookery
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: 2-WEEK 8


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding preparing and cooking seafood dishes.
B. Performance Standards The learners independently prepares and cooks seafood dishes.

C. Learning Competencies LO 5. Store fish and seafood LO 6. Evaluate the finished product
5.1 Ensure that trimmings, fish, and seafood are
stored hygienically 6.1 Rate the finished products using rubrics
5.2 Check date stamps and codes where
applicable to ensure quality control
5.3 Store seafood in accordance with FIFO
operating procedures and standard storage
D. Sub tasking (if needed) At the end of this session, the learners are At the end of this session, the learners COMPLETION TIME REVIEW
expected to; are expected to;
a. Familiarize in the different ways o storing fish
and shellfish; a. Apply the skills independently
b. Value the importance of proper storing of fish what they’ve learned in this
and shellfish. quarter.
b. Evaluate the finished product
using rubric.

Write the LC code for each TLE_HECK9-12PC-IIj-18

II. CONTENT Storing of Fish and Shellfish  Performance Task Completion Time REVIEW -
(Subject Matter)  Evaluate Finish Product

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages N/A
2. Curriculum Guide K to 12 Basic Education JHS TLE and SHS Technical-Vocational Track Home Economics- Cookery page 19
2.Learner’s Materials Pages Cookery 9-10 Most Essential Learning Competencies page 419

Technology & Livelihood Education Home Economics (Cookery) Grade 10 Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 - Module 6: Preparing and Cooking Seafood Dishes First Edition, 2020
Department of Education –Division of Bukidnon

3.Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning Visuals from Laptop and TV, pictures, actual tools, chalk, eraser, masking tape, speaker.
A.Review Previous Lessons Conduct a recap of the previous discussion.
B. Establishing purpose for How do you store fish or shellfish at home? CULMINATING ACTIVITY COMPLETION TIME REVIEW
the Lesson (Motivation)

C. Presenting examples TV, LAPTOP

/instances of the new lessons
(show pics, videos, ppt)

D. Discussing new concepts Conduct a recap of the previous discussion

and practicing new skills #1.
(Pre-Discussion Activity)

E. Discussing new concepts Storing of Fish and Shellfish

& practicing and concern to CULMINTING ACTIVITY Chance to comply all missed
new skills #2 Fresh Fish activities and performance
1. On crushed ice – use drip pans to allow for task.
drainage of melted ice. Change ice daily. Cover
container or container or store in separate box
away from other foods.
a. Whole fish should drawn (that is
viscera remove) as soon as possible because the
entrails deteriorate quickly.
b. Cut fish (fillets, steaks, portions)
should be wrapped or left in original moisture
proof wrap
2. Refrigerate at 30° to 34°F (-1° to 1°C...
3. Fish may be stored for 1 to 2 days. If it must
be kept longer, you must
wrap and freeze it immediately.
4. Check stored fish for freshness just before you
use it. Even if it was fresh
when received, it may not be fresh after few
days in storage.

Frozen Fish
1. Store at 0°F (-18°C. or colder.
2. Keep well wrapped to prevent freezer burn
3. Maximum storage time: Fat fish – 2 months;
Lean fish-6 months
4. Rotate stock – first in, first out.

1. Keep live oyster in a cold, wet place in the
cartons or sacks.
2. Store fresh shucked oysters in original
container in refrigerator at 30° to 34°F (-1° to
1°C). They will keep up to 1 week.
3. Keep frozen oysters in freezer at 0°F (-18°C. or
colder) until ready for use.

Lobster and Shrimp

1. Store at 0°F (-18°C. or colder).
2. Fresh or thawed shrimp in shell are stored on
crush ice, like whole fish.
3. Peeled shrimp lose soluble nutrients and flavor
when stored unwrapped on ice. They should be
wrapped before placing on ice or covered and
simply refrigerated.
4. Packed in moist seaweed or in moist, heavy
paper, kept in a cool place.

F. Developing Mastery
(Leads to Formative
Assessment) (activity after
the lesson)
G. Finding Practical
Applications of concepts and
skills in daily living
H. Making Generalizations
& Abstractions about the
1.Evaluating Learning

J. Additional activities for It’s a Final Show My Journey! CONGRATULATIONS! CONGRATULATIONS!

application or remediation Directions: Prepare for the culminating
(assignment/homework) activity. You will prepare a variety of seafood Directions: Make a journal about your
dishes(one fish, one shellfish dish). Apply the experiences in this lesson, what you
skills that you learned from these quarter’s learned and what are the things you
lesson from preparing up to plating. Your need to improve. I have learned that
group will be the one who evaluate the finish _______________________________
product and vice versa. _______________________________
. _______________________________
VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
requires additional acts.for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
caught up with the lessons
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

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