Review of Material Tested
Review of Material Tested
Review of Material Tested
CNC milling is one of the most commonly used in industry and machine shops today for
machining parts to precise sizes and shapes.Among different types of milling processes, end
milling is one of the most vital and common metal cutting operations used for machining
parts because of its capability to remove materials at faster rate with a reasonably good
surface quality (SanjitMoshatet al., (2012)) Also, it is capable of producing a variety of
shapes using milling cutter. In recent times, computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine
tools have been used to make the milling process fully automated. It delivers greater
enhancements in productivity, increases the quality of the machined parts and minimizes
the production cost. For these reasons, CNC end milling process has been recently proved to
be very versatile and useful machining operation in most of the modern manufacturing
industries. Only the implementation of automation in milling process is not the last
achievement. It is also necessary to optimize the process parameters for required quality
parameters(Mihir Patel et al., (2014)). The surface roughness, material removal rate,
machining time, power consumption, tool life etc. are some of the quality parameters which
required optimizing for the selected process parameters. For the milling machine, the
different process parameters are Spindle speed, feed rate, depth of cut, coolant, tool
geometry etc. The optimization objective may be single or multiple. For single optimization
Taguchi, RSM, GA, etc. are used while for multi objective optimization utility concept, Grey
relation analysis, Principle component analysis, etc. are used.
Surface finish and material removal rate are one of the most important quality
characteristics in manufacturing industries which influences the performance of mechanical
parts as well as cost. In recent times, modern industries are trying to achieve the high
quality products in a very short period of time with less input. For that purpose, the
computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine tools with automated and flexible
manufacturing systems have been implemented. In the manufacturing industries, various
machine tools are used to remove the material from the work piece. Out of these, milling
machine is the first most common method for metal cutting because of its ability to remove
materials faster with a reasonable good surface quality.
In actual practice, there are many factors which affect responding parameters, e.g., cutting
conditions, tool variables andwork piece variables. Cutting conditions include spindle speed,
feedrate and depth of cut whereas tool variables include tool material,flute angle, helix
angle, rake angle, peripheral 2nd relief angle etc. and work piecevariable include material
hardness and other mechanicalproperties. However, it is very difficult to control all
theparameters at a time. In a milling machine, it isa vital task to select the control
parameters properly toachieve the high quality performance.
• Selection of quality parameters for given machine
• Selection of Process parameters & their levels.
• Perform the experiments
• Measure the quality parameters
• Analyzed the data with help of different tools
• Confirmation run
• Implemented the results
Amit Joshi et al. (2012) had taken process parameters like spindle speed, depth of cut, feed
rate to investigate to reveal their Impact on surface finish using Taguchi Methodology. They
had taken L9 orthogonal array to perform experiments. They found the optimal setting for
selected process parameters and optimal value of surface finish was obtained at first level of
factor A, third level of factor B and second level of factor C. From the ANOVA analysis they
were found that feed rate is the most dominating factor for surface finish.
Anish Nair et al. (2013)had studied effect of different process parameters on surface
roughness on Brass material on CNC milling machine with TiN coated carbide insert tool.
They analyzed the results using Taguchi method. PCA has been used to eliminate correlation
among the responses and to convert the correlated responses into independent quality
indexes; so as to meet the basic requirement of Taguchi method. They found for multi
optimization that best combination of the cutting parameters was the set with Depth =
0.25mm, Speed = 2100 rpm, Feed = 550mm/min.
Avinash A. Thakre(2013) had applied Taguchi methodology for optimize the process
parameters for surface roughness in CNC milling machine. They have taken Cutting speed,
Feed, Depth of cut & Coolant as input parameters. The results showed that coolant flow
with the contribution of 60.69% is the most important parameter in controlling the surface
roughness, followed by spindle speed. The optimal parameters for surface roughness was
obtained as spindle speed of 2500 rpm, feed rate of 800 mm/min, 0.8 mm depth of cut, 30
lit/min coolant flow.
B. Ramesh et al. (2011) had optimized the process parameters levels on conventional Milling
of Beryllium Copper Alloy Using end mill. Taguchi analysis was performed for analyze the
result data. They selected cutting speed, feed and depth of cut as process parameters and
material removal rate, surface roughness and machining time as quality parameters. The
experiments were conducted by using L9 orthogonal array. The results show that the
optimal parameter levels for machining a straight groove with both higher material removal
rate and lower surface roughness in the plate of beryllium copper alloy using CNC Vertical
Machining Centre (VMC) are 6000 rpm spindle speed,
0.85 mm/rev feed and 4 mm depth of cut.
B. Siddaet al. (2011) were performed single optimization for CNC end milling machining on
Pre-hardened steel (P20) by using surface response methodology and genetic algorithm.
They selected Nose radius (R), Cutting speed (V), feed (f), axial depth of cut (d) and radial
depth of cut (rd) as process parameters. The experiments were conducted experiments
using Taguchi’s L50 orthogonal array. The RSM model was interfaced with an effective
Genetic algorithm to find the optimum process parameter values. GA has reduced the
surface roughness of the initial model significantly. Surface roughness was improved by
about 44.22%.
D.Bhanuprakashetet al. (2013) had performed surface response methodology with Genetic
algorithm for optimizing the process parameters for CNC milling. The raw materials used in
this investigation were Aluminum alloy 6082 and Cemented carbide end mill of 12mm
diameter and 30° helix angle was used. They concluded that The Regression analysis was
conducted to develop mathematical model. The Regression analysis had shown closeness of
94.4% with experimental data. The optimal surface roughness values estimated by RSM
technique was 1.192 µm with the machining parameters of spindle speed = 3000 rpm, feed
rate = 1000 mm/min, and depth of cut = 0.2 mm and for GA was 1.195 µm with spindle
speed = 2997.64729 rpm, feed rate = 1005.94134 mm/min and depth of cut = 0.20862 mm.
They also conclude that RSM found successful technique to perform analysis of surface
and Feed rate (f) as process parameters and surface roughness, machining force,
delamination factor were chosen as responding parameters. The experiments were
conducted experiments using Taguchi’s L27 orthogonal array. They found that fiber
orientation angle was the most significant parameter and spindle speed was the least
significant parameter for milling of GFRP composite with the objective of minimizing surface
roughness, machining force and delamination factor. The optimal level of parameters for
minimizing surface roughness, machining force and delamination factor wereӨ 1Ф1N3f1, Ө 1
Ф3 N3 f1 and Ө1 Ф1 N3 f1 respectively. Fiber orientation angle was the cutting parameter that
presents the highest statistical and physical impact on surface roughness (60.48 %), on
machining force (56.34 %) and on delamination factor (51.05 %).
Nitin Agrawal(2012) had studied effect of different process parameters (cutting speed, feed
and depth of cut) on surface roughness on Aluminum alloy material on CNC milling machine
with HSS milling cutter. They prepared 36 specimens of alloy have been machined on CNC
milling machine then SJ 201 surface roughness tester has been used to determine the
surface roughness value. They concluded that depth of cut is most significant parameter,
followed by feed rate and spindle speed.
Rajesh Kumar et al. (2014) had performed GRA based Taguchi method to investigate the
optimized design of the cutting process in end milling for Al 6061 alloy in order to provide
better surface finish as well as high material removal rate. The selected cutting parameters
were coolant employment (C), spindle speed (S), feed (F), and depth of cut (D). The
experiments were conducted on L18 (21 × 33) orthogonal array. GRA has been used to find
the best end milling process parameters with multiple performance characteristics. In order
to estimate the weighting values corresponding to various quality characteristics, principle
component analysis (PCA) has been used so that their relative importance can be objectively
described. They also found the optimum conditions for obtaining higher grey relational
grade such as C1S2F3D2, (Coolant emp. on, speed 765 rpm, feed 50mm/min, Depth of cut
0.8mm) were obtained.
S. Y. Chavanet al. (2013) have tried to investigate the effect of various process parameters
(Cutting speed, Feed, Depth of cut & Coolant) on material removal rate and surface
roughness on CNC milling. The L18 mixed orthogonal array used to perform experiments.
They performed multi objective optimization by using grey-Taguchi method. The optimum
milling parameters for multi performance in terms of lower Ra and higher MRR given by
grey-Taguchi method was at flooded coolant (C), Cutting speed at 5600 rpm (N3), depth of
cut 2.7 mm (d3) and feed rate 0.045 mm/rev (f3).
Sanjeev Kumar Pal et al. (2014) had compared the surface roughness of the two materials
(Al 6061 and Al 6463) and to analyze the influence of end milling cutting parameters
(number of revolution, feed rate and depth of cut) on the surface roughness for Aluminum
alloys. Principal component analysis (PCA) and grey relational analysis were performed to
predict the surface roughness in end milling operation to analyze the pre measured test
data. They found from ANOVA that the spindle speed is the most significant parameter
among the four end milling process parameters investigated in the present work.
SanjitMoshatet al. (2010) had studied, the effects of milling parameters on surface
roughness and material removal rate were investigated in end milling of Aluminum alloy
with CVD coated carbide tools. The obtained experimental results were analyzed by PCA-
based Taguchi method. They had taken Cutting speed, Feed and Depth of cut as control
factors. The principal component, imposing highest accountability proportion, has been
treated as single objective function for optimization (multi-response performance index).
Finally Taguchi method has been adapted to solve this optimization problem.
SurasitRawangwonget al. (2012) had tried to investigate the effect of process parameters on
the surface roughness in aluminum 7075-T6 face milling. The results of the research have
been applied in the manufacture of automotive components and mold industry. The study
was conducted by using CNC milling machine with Φ 63 mm fine type carbide tool with twin
cutting edge. The controlled factors were the speed, feed rate and the depth of cut. They
used factorial designs and the result showed that the factors affecting the surface roughness
were the feed ratio and the speed while the depth did not significant effect the surface
roughness. The optimal setting for the selected process parameters was speed at 2930 rpm
and the feed rates at 808 mm/min. They also had given mathematical model for surface
roughness in term of selected process parameters.
SurasitRawangwong(2012) had tried to investigate the effect of process parameters on the
surface roughness on Semi-Solid AA 7075 material using Carbide Tool on CNC milling. The
results of the research have been applied in the manufacture of automotive components
and mold industry. The study was conducted by using CNC milling machine with Φ 63 mm
fine type carbide tool with twin cutting edge. The controlled factors were the speed, feed
rate and the depth of cut. They used factorial designs and the result showed that the factors
affecting the surface roughness were the feed ratio and the speed while the depth did not
significant effect the surface roughness. The optimal setting for the selected process
parameters was speed at 3800 rpm and the feed rates at 1000 mm/min. They also had given
mathematical model for surface roughness in term of selected process parameters.
T. K. Barman et al. (2009) have conducted experiments based on Taguchi L27 orthogonal
array to investigate the effect of process parameters such as Cutting speed, Feed and Depth
of cut on surface roughness in CNC milling. They selected AISI 1040 steels as work material
and CVD coated carbide tools for performing experiments. They concluded that the spindle
speed was the most significant factor affecting the fractal dimension. With increase in
spindle speed, fractal dimension also increases. An optimum cutting parameter combination
was found out for maximum fractal dimension and it may be useful in computer aided
process planning.
Table 1 Summary ofdifferent review papers
Sr. Input Output Methodology
Year Author Material Tool
No. Parameters Parameters used
Cutting speed,
Amit Joshi & cast heat- Taguchi,
1 2012 HSS Feed and Depth SR
Pradeep treatable ANOVA
of cut
TiNCoated Cutting speed,
Anish Nair & P Method,
2 2013 Brass Carbide Feed and Depth SR
Govindan Principal
Insert Tool of cut
Cutting speed,
Avinash A. Carbide
3 2013 MS 1040 Feed, Depth of SR Taguchi
Thakre Tool
cut & Coolant
MRR, SR Taguchi,
beryllium Cutting speed,
B. Ramesh, R. Carbide and ANOVA,
4 2011 copper Feed and Depth
Venkatesh, etc. End Mill Machining Regression
alloy of cut
Time Analysis
Nose radius,
B. Sidda Reddy, J. coated
Pre- Cutting speed, RSM and
Suresh Kumar carbide
5 2011 hardened feed , axial depth SR Genetic
and K. Vijaya tool
steel (P20) of cut and radial algorithm
Kumar Reddy inserts (TN
depth of cut
3 2012 6
2 2011
NAME] 2014
1 2 2
0 1
10 18 19 18
1 1
Spindle Feed Depth of Coolant Helix No. of
Speed Rate Cut Angle passes
12 19
4 5
2 1 1 1
leaded brass with multiple surface roughness characteristics”, Sadhana, Vol. 35, Part
5, October 2010, pp. 619–629.
7. D.Bhanuprakash , G.RamaBalaji , A.Gopichand, V.Ajaykumar andD.V.N.Prabhaker,
“Optimization Of Machining Parameters For Aluminum Alloy 6082 In CNC End
Milling”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol. 3, Issue
1, January -February 2013, pp.505-510.
8. Dr. K.G.Durga Prasad, M.V.Prasad, A.Chakradhara Rao and P.V.S.C.Manjusha, “DEA-
based Taguchi method for Optimization of CNC End milling Process parameters”,
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development, Issue 3,
Vol.4 , June-July 2013, pp. 202-211.
9. John D. Kechagias, Christos K. Ziogas, Menelaos K. Pappas and Ioannis E. Ntziatzias,
“Parameter Optimization during Finish End Milling of Al Alloy 5083 using Robust
Design”, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering Vol I, July 6 - 8, 2011.
10. Mihir Patel and Vivek Deshpande, “Application of Taguchi Approach for Optimization
Roughness for Boring Operation of E 250 B0 for Standard IS:2062 on CNC TC”,
International Journal of Engineering Development and Research, vol. 2, issue 2,
2014, pp. 2528-252537.
11. Milon D. Selvam, Dr.A.K.ShaikDawood and Dr. G. Karuppusami, “Optimization Of
Machining Parameters For Face Milling Operation in a Vertical CNC Milling Machine
using Genetic Algorithm”, Engineering Science and Technology: An International
Journal, Vol.2, No. 4, August 2012, pp. 544-548.
12. N. Naresh, K. Rajasekhar, P. and VijayaBhaskara Reddy, “Parametric analysis of GFRP
composites in CNC milling machine using Taguchi method”, IOSR Journal of
Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Volume 6, Issue 1, Mar. - Apr. 2013, pp. 102-111.
13. Nitin Agrawal, “Surface roughness Modeling with Machining parameters (Speed,
feed and depth of cut) in CNC Milling, “MIT International Journal of Mechanical
Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, Jan. 2012, pp. 55-61.
14. Rajesh Kumar, M. K. Pradhan and Rishi kumar, “Modeling and optimization of end
milling parameters on aluminum 6061 alloy using GRA based Taguchi method
coupled with PCA", 5th International & 26th All India Manufacturing Technology,
Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014) December 12th – 14th December
2014, IIT Guwahati, Assam, India, pp. 90-1 to 90-6.
15. S. Y. Chavan and V. S. Jadhav, "Determination of Optimum Cutting Parameters for
Multi performance Characteristics in CNC End Milling of Al-Si7Mg Aluminum Alloy”,
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research, Volume-1, Issue-6,
August 2013, pp. 16-21.
16. Sanjeev Kumar Pal and Rahul Davis, “A Design of Experiment Approach to Compare
the Machining Performance of CNC End Milling”, International Journal of Mechanical
Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2014, pp. 34-44.
17. SanjitMoshat, SauravDatta, AsishBandyopadhyay and Pradip Kumar Pal,
“Optimization of CNC end milling process parameters using PCA-based Taguchi
method”, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1,
2010, pp. 92-102.
18. SanjitMoshat, SauravDatta, AsishBandyopadhyay and Pradip Kumar Pal, “Parametric
optimization of CNC end milling using entropy measurement technique combined
with grey-Taguchi method”, International Journal of Engineering, Science and
Technology, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2010, pp. 1-12.
19. SurasitRawangwong, JaknarinChatthong, R. Burapa and W. Boonchouytan, “An
investigation of optimum cuttingconditions in face milling aluminum7075-t6 using
design of experiment”, 4th International Conference on Applied Operational
Research, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Management Science, Vol. 4, 2012. pp. 125–
20. SurasitRawangwong, JaknarinChatthong, RomadornBurapa, and
WorapongBoonchouytan, “An Investigation of Optimum Cutting Conditions in Face
Milling Semi-Solid AA 7075 Using Carbide Tool”, International Journal of Innovation,
Management and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2012, pp. 692-696.
21. T. K. Barman and P. Sahoo, “Fractal Dimension Modeling in CNC Milling Using
Taguchi Method”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical
Engineering 2009 (ICME2009) 26- 28th December 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. RT
29 1-6.