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Determination of Optimum Cutting Parameters For Multiperformance Characteristics in CNC End Milling of Al-Si7Mg Aluminum Alloy

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-1, Issue-6, August 2013

Determination of Optimum Cutting Parameters for

Multiperformance Characteristics in CNC End
Milling of Al-Si7Mg Aluminum Alloy
S. Y. Chavan, V. S. Jadhav

surface roughness is a result of the geometry of tool and feed

Abstract This paper presents an approach to determine the rate and the natural surface roughness is a result of the
optimum cutting parameters leading to have best irregularities in the cutting operation. Factors such as spindle
multiperformance in terms of lower surface roughness (quality) speed, feed rate, tool diameter and depth of cut that control
and higher material removal rates (quantity) simultaneously in
the cutting operation can be setup in advance [3]. It
CNC end milling of Al-Si7Mg (LM25). Conventional Taguchi
method is applicable for optimizing single performance demonstrates how to use Taguchi parameter design for
characteristics only. The grey relational analysis (GRA) optimizing machining performance with minimum cost. In
coupled with Taguchi method called as grey-Taguchi method case of end milling of aluminium alloy (A6061P-T651) the
used here is useful and a very versatile statistical tool to grey-Taguchi method has been efficiently implemented to
manipulate the experimental data to have best have multiperformance in terms of surface quality and
multiperformance under various conditional requirements.
material removal rate [6], [7].
Four process parameters, i.e. coolant environment, cutting
speed, feed rate and depth of cut, each at three levels except the
coolant at two levels, have been considered. The L18 orthogonal II. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES
array best suited for such mixed levels of milling parameters is
used for the experimental study. The results of confirmation
A. Design of Experiments
tests demonstrate that grey-Taguchi method can effectively be A specially designed experimental procedure is required to
used to get the optimum combination of milling parameters. evaluate the effects of machining parameters on performance
characteristics. Conventional experimental design methods
Index Terms Al-Si7Mg (LM25), CNC end milling, are too complex and difficult to use. Additionally, large
grey-Taguchi, Multiperformance
numbers of experiments have to be carried out when number
I. INTRODUCTION of machining parameters increases. Normally, the full
factorial design would require 54 experimental runs in this
Milling with an end mill cutter is one of the fundamental, study. However, the effort could be prohibitive and
major and important material removing process in case of unrealistic. Here Taguchi method along with GRA used is a
CNC machining. It is estimated that in average shop, milling powerful tool for parameter design, to determine optimal
constitutes 28% of the total number of operations and 30% of machining parameters for minimum surface roughness and
the total machining time. Because of its versatility, it is maximum MRR in milling. The milling parameters levels
efficiently used for making slots, profiles, surface and ranges for final experimentation are decided from pilot
contouring, engraving, pocketing. Various factors involved experimental results.
in CNC milling influence the quality of the final machined Table I shows the test matrix for various parameters
part and its manufacturing economy. Tool materials, control selected along with the ranges and levels for the milling
system of the machine tool and type of the tool holder, axial parameters. L18 orthogonal array proposed by Taguchi is the
capability of the machine tool and cutting parameters best suitable for the study of parameters with mixed levels
(spindle speed, depth of cut, feed and cooling/lubricating and has been used for final experimentation and runs were
conditions) are the key factors directly affecting the surface carried out with complete randomization.
quality and productivity [4]. Among these factors, the cutting
parameters are suitable for any kind of modifications without Table I Test matrix for experimentation.
altering the current installation to meet the required demands
of surface finish, material removal rate and dimensional Cutting Depth Feed rate
Factor Coolant
accuracy. Patel [2] presented the experimental analysis on Speed of cut f
aluminium alloy (AL 6351-T6) material with end milling Level N (rpm) d (mm) (mm/rev.)
operation. Taguchi parameter design was used to optimize
1 No (D) 4400 1.3 0.015
the surface roughness. The final surface roughness might be
considered as the sum of two independent effects as the ideal 2 Flooded(C) 5000 2 0.03
3 - 5600 2.7 0.045
Manuscript received August 19, 2013.
S. Y. Chavan, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Govt. College of
Engineering, Karad (MS), India.
Prof. V. S. Jadhav, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Govt.
College of Engineering, Karad (MS), India.

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Determination of Optimum Cutting Parameters for Multiperformance Characteristics in CNC End Milling of
Al-Si7Mg Aluminum Alloy

B. Experimental conditions, Workpiece, Tool Materials

and Measurements



cutting tool

M/C Table +X
Fig.3 - Workpiece LM 25 plate fixed on m/c table before
Fig.1 - Schematic diagram of Experimental setup machining

The experimental setup for end milling of LM25 is shown The material removal rate and surface roughness, taken as
schematically in fig. 1. The experiments were performed on performance characteristics were evaluated for the analysis
vertical machining centre (BMV45 TC-24 model) having of multiperformance. Surface roughness (Ra) for the
CNC control system of FANUC series Oi-MD, as shown in experimental runs have been measured using the
fig.2. The maximum spindle speed is of 6000 rpm, Spindle HOMMEL-ETAMIC T8000 roughness tester with length of
power 5.5/7.5 kW (cont. 30 min rating) and maximum feed travel equal to 3.6 mm for cut off length of 0.6 mm. The
rate available is 10 m/min. measuring probe of tester is of TKU 300 type and the
range/resolution for surface roughness measurement is 8 m/
1nm. The material removal rates for each experimental runs
are estimated from the basic equation giving the ratio of
material removed per unit time. The volume of material
removed is measured in mm3 and thus the MRR is expressed
in mm3/s. The experimental run details for milling the slots
are shown schematically in fig.5. Fig.4 shows the partly
machined workpiece.
The observations for material removal rates (MRR) and
surface roughness (Ra) for each experimental run of L18 array
are shown in Table III. The Run order was generated in
MINITAB 15 to have complete randomization.
Fig.2 - VMC Center BMV TC24
The work piece used for experimentation was initially in
the form of a rectangular plate of LM25 with the dimensions
420 x 120 x 20 mm as shown in fig.3. Actual chemical
composition and mechanical properties of work material are
listed in Table II. End mill cutters used for the pilot and final
experimentation are of solid carbide with TiCN coating
[WIDIA-HANITA make List 4103] which is best
recommended for machining of aluminum alloys. The cutter
is of 10 mm diameter having helix angle of 45 0 and has three
numbers of flutes equally spaced.

Table II- Chemical composition and mechanical Fig.4 - Workpiece LM 25 (Partly machined)
properties of work piece material

Work Material Al-Si7Mg (LM25)


Chemical composition(%wt)
91.37Al, 6.52Si, 0.33Fe, 0.99Cu, 0.18Mn,
0.31Mg, 0.08Zn, 0.01Cr, 0.02Ni, 0.09Ti, 50
<0.00Be, 0.02Ca, 0.01Pb, 0.01Sn, 0.02Na A= 489.27 sq.mm
Mechanical properties Fig.5 End mill slot details
Density 2.7gm/cm3, Tensile strength 150.9 N/mm2,
Elongation after fracture 2.29%, Strength to weight ratio

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-1, Issue-6, August 2013

Table III - The observations for L18 Experimentation. xi0 k min xi0 k
xi* k (2)
Run N d Ra MRR max xi0 k min xi0 k
Coolant f
No (rpm) (mm) (m) (mm3/s) where, max xi0 k = maximum value of experimental data
performance characteristics xi0 k , min xi0 k =
3 D 1 1 1 0.63 13.99
for kth
17 D 1 2 2 0.65 43.06
minimum value of same experimental data and xi* k is the
9 D 1 3 3 0.71 87.19
normalized value of ith experiment of kth performance
13 D 2 1 1 0.6 15.90
characteristics. The deviation sequence can be obtained from
11 D 2 2 2 0.63 48.93 equation (3) for each performance characteristics.
6 D 2 3 3 0.70 99.08 0i x0* k xi* k (3)
16 D 3 1 2 0.59 35.62
where, x k is the reference sequence and x k is the
* *
12 D 3 2 3 0.70 82.20 0 i

2 D 3 3 1 0.61 36.99 comparability sequence and 0i is the deviation sequence

value obtained for ith experimental run. The grey relational
18 C 1 1 3 0.45 41.98
coefficient for ith experimental run of kth performance
14 C 1 2 1 0.33 21.53 characteristics is calculated from equation (4).
5 C 1 3 2 0.47 58.13 max
i k min (4)
8 C 2 1 2 0.42 31.80 0i k max
10 C 2 2 3 0.44 73.39 where, = distinguishing coefficient (normally=0.5)
15 C 2 3 1 0.34 33.03
min min min x0* k x*j k (5)
4 C 3 1 3 0.39 53.43 ji k

1 C 3 2 1 0.34 27.40 max max max x0* k x*j k (6)

ji k
7 C 3 3 2 0.36 73.98
In real engineering application the emphasis on various
MAX 0.71 99.08
= performance measures is different. This can be achieved by
MIN 0.33 13.99 giving different relative weights (wk) given for each
performance measure to calculate grey relational grade. The
III. GREY RELATIONAL ANALYSIS equation (7) is the general form to calculate the grey
relational grade. Table IV shows the comparability and
The word grey used for indicating between black (with no
deviation sequence for measured Ra and MRR for each
information) and white (with full and complete certain
experimental run.
information). In a complex system with various inter
1 n n
relational parameters the grey relational analysis is used, as i wk i k , wk 1 (7)
the information about the inter relationship is not fully n k 1 i 1

known. When experiments are not carried out at details GRA Table IV - The sequence after data pre and post processing
is useful tool to predict the multiperformance of two or more Sr. Run Comparability Deviation sequence
performance characteristics. The steps that are followed in No. no. sequence xi*(k) 0i = x0*(k) - xi*(k)
GRA can be summarised as follows.
a] Generating comparability sequence or data preprocess- ing
(Normalization of data). 1 3 0.211 0.000 0.789 1.000
b] Deviation sequence generating. 2 17 0.158 0.342 0.842 0.658
c] Calculating grey relational coefficients for each perfor- 3 9 0.000 0.860 1.000 0.140
mance characteristics. 4 13 0.289 0.022 0.711 0.978
d] Estimation of grey relational grades from grey relational 5 11 0.211 0.411 0.789 0.589
6 6 0.026 1.000 0.974 0.000
The surface roughness (Ra) and material removal rate are
taken as the two performance measures in the study. Data 7 16 0.316 0.254 0.684 0.746
normalization is necessary since the ranges and units for each 8 12 0.026 0.802 0.974 0.198
performance characteristics are different. The normalized 9 2 0.263 0.270 0.737 0.730
results between 0 and 1 are easily comparable. So it is also 10 18 0.684 0.329 0.316 0.671
called as comparability sequence generating. The equation
11 14 1.000 0.089 0.000 0.911
(1) is used for normalization of surface roughness data which
is expected to be lower the better characteristics. The 12 5 0.632 0.519 0.368 0.481
equation (2) is used for normalizing the MRR values for 13 8 0.763 0.209 0.237 0.791
experimental runs which is expected to be higher the better 14 10 0.711 0.698 0.289 0.302
characteristics. 15 15 0.974 0.224 0.026 0.776
max xi0 k xi0 k
xi* k (1) 16 4 0.842 0.463 0.158 0.537
max xi0 k min xi0 k 17 1 0.974 0.158 0.026 0.842

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Determination of Optimum Cutting Parameters for Multiperformance Characteristics in CNC End Milling of
Al-Si7Mg Aluminum Alloy

18 7 0.921 0.705 0.079 0.295

90 %P
Main Effects Plot for Means (Ra)
Data Means
Coolant N (rpm)

Mean of Means

0.4 30
1 2 1 2 3
d (mm) f (mm/rev) 7.4
10 1.58 0.37
C N d f
1 2 3 1 2 3 Source
Fig.6 Main Effect plot - milling parameters on Ra Fig.7 Effect of milling parameters on Ra
Fig. 6 presents the main plots for data means of Ra A. Equal weights for Ra and MRR (w1=w2=0.5)
showing the effect of each milling parameter on surface
roughness. The lower surface roughness can be obtained by 0.45 w1=w2=0.5
setting the milling parameters as N3, d1, f1 and C (flooded 0.3731
grey grade
coolant).The surface roughness decreases as there is
increment in cutting speed (N), while feed rate and depth of 0.33
cut have direct relation with Ra. Also it can be seen from 0.27
main plots that feed rate has more influence on Ra as
compared to cutting speed and depth of cut. 0.21
The influence of selected cutting parameters on surface
roughness have been assessed with the help of analysis of
variance (ANOVA) applied for data means for surface 3 17 9 13 11 6 16 12 2 18 14 5 8 10 15 4 1 7

roughness values obtained in L18 experimental runs. Table V Run no

presents the ANOVA result which shows that the surface Fig.8 - Grey relational grades
roughness is most affected by coolant environment (C/D) Fig.8 (refer appendix Table VIII) shows the grey relational
followed by feed rate (f), and cutting speed (N). The depth of grades obtained for each experimental run. The results with
cut (d) is having least significance on Ra. Fig.7 presents the equal weights are plotted as per run number. It is seen that the
% contributions by C, f, N, d on surface roughness as 87.88, run no.7 has the highest grey relational grade value of 0.3731
7.40, 1.58, and 0.37 respectively. indicating the best multiperformance in terms of lower Ra
The preprocessed (normalized) results along with and higher MRR. Thus the initial optimum parameters setting
experimental observations are shown in Table IV. Higher the given by run no 7 are C, N3, d3, f2 (see Table III). Further the
better and lower the better characteristics equations are used Taguchi analysis for average grey relational grades at
for MRR and Ra respectively to get comparability sequence different levels are plotted in fig. 9 indicating the optimum
xi*(k). The deviation sequence (0i) is generated by taking setting of parameters for multiperformance as C, N3, d3, f3.
reference sequence (x0*(k)) equal to 1, for both Ra and MRR.
The grey relational coefficients are calculated with 0.32 w1= w2=0.5
distinguishing coefficient value = 0.5 which is most
generally used.
grey grade

Table V - ANOVA for surface roughness (Ra) (L18) 0.26

Source DOF SS MS (V) F-Ratio Prob. 0.24

Coolant 1 0.2888 0.2888 319.7 0.000 0.22

N (rpm) 2 0.0052 0.0026 2.90 0.102 0.2

d (mm) 2 0.0012 0.0006 0.68 0.527
f 0.16
(mm/rev 2 0.0243 0.0122 13.45 0.001 D C N1 N2 N3 d1 d2 d3 f1 f2 f3
Error 10 0.0090 0.0010 Fig.9 - Grey grade (means) for milling parameters levels
Total 17 0.3286
F0.05,2,10 = 4.10 (F-test TABLE VALUE)

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-1, Issue-6, August 2013

0.36 w1=0.65, w2=0.35

Table VI - Comparison between GRA and grey-Taguchi
for grey grade prediction (L18) 0.34
Optimum 0.3
Grey-Taguchi Confir-

grey grade
w1=w2=0.5 by 0.28
prediction mation
mere GRA 0.26
Parameter 0.24
C, N3, d3, f2 C, N3, d3, f3 C, N3, d3, f3
setting 0.22
Ra (m) 0.36 0.44
MRR 0.16
73.978 110.966
D C N1 N2 N3 d1 d2 d3 f1 f2 f3
Grey grade 0.3731 0.3741 0.5053
Fig.11 - Grey grade (means) for milling parameters levels
Improvement in grade by 0.1322, MRR by

Table VI enumerates the comparative results obtained for Table VII - Comparison between GRA and grey-Taguchi
for grey grade prediction (L18)
optimum parameter setting given by mere GRA and
grey-Taguchi method. It is seen that there is improvement in Optimum
w1=0.65 Grey-Taguchi Confir-
Grey relational grade from 0.3731 to 0.5053 and increase in by
w2=0.5 prediction mation
MRR from 73.978 to 110.966 mm3/s. Here justification for mere GRA
level f3 can be given as; i) equal weights for Ra and MRR. ii) Parameter
f3 favours the higher MRR and the surface roughness of C, N3, d3, f2 C, N3, d3, f1 C, N3, d3, f1
0.44m is much smaller compared with the Ra obtained with
dry milling runs in L18 array. Ra (m) 0.36 0.33
B. Unequal weights (wRa=0.65, wMRR=0.35) 73.978 36.989

Grey grade 0.3907 0.3699 0.3962

0.45 w1=0.65, w2=0.35
0.39 Improvement in grade by 0.0055, Ra by 0.03 m.
grey grade

The grey relational analysis based on Taguchi method is
0.21 applied for the observations obtained from milling
experimental runs on LM25 with TiCN coated solid carbide
end mill cutter. The surface roughness and material removal
3 17 9 13 11 6 16 12 2 18 14 5 8 10 15 4 1 7 rate are taken as the two performance characteristics. The
Run no optimum milling parameters for multiperformance in terms
Fig.10 - Grey relational grades of lower Ra and higher MRR given by grey-Taguchi method
are C, N3, d3, f3 for selected ranges. From confirmative test
The effect of relative unequal weights has been analyzed results it is seen that there is improvement in MRR from
giving more weight for Ra as compared to MRR. With the 73.978 to 110.966 mm3/s with grey relational grade
given weights the optimum setting of milling parameters for improvement from 0.3731 to 0.5053. The results obtained
best multiperformance by mere GRA prediction remains with equal weights (importance) to Ra and MRR.
same i.e. run no. 7 as best with grey relational grade = 0.3907 A comparative study for relative unequal weights for Ra
(fig.10). But the grey-Taguchi analysis for grades gives the and MRR has been carried out. More emphasis is given for
optimum parameter setting as C2, N3, d3, f1 as shown in fig Ra by giving weights of 0.65 and 0.35 to Ra and MRR
11. This is because of more emphasis is given on Ra as respectively. The optimum parameter setting by
compared to MRR (more weight is attached to Ra) The grey-Taguchi method have resulted into C, N3, d3, f1 with
shifting of level f3 to f1 is justified as from main plots (fig. 6) improvement in grey relational grade by 0.0055. The
the lower Ra favours f1 as compared to f3, secondly feed rate confirmative test has shown that there is reduction in Ra also
(f) is more influencing on Ra than N and d. Thus results (from 0.36 to 0.33m). From above results it is finally
obtained by mere GRA and grey-Taguchi approach listed in concluded that the Grey-Taguchi approach applied here is a
Table VII shows that there is improvement (lowered) in Ra very efficient and versatile tool to manipulate the
from 0.36 to 0.33 m and grey relational grade is improved experimental data in order to have best multiperformance
by 0.0055. under various conditional requirements.

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Determination of Optimum Cutting Parameters for Multiperformance Characteristics in CNC End Milling of
Al-Si7Mg Aluminum Alloy

Table VIII Grey relational grades and ranks for various weights combinations L18

Run grey relational grey relational grade

no. coefficient i =1/n wi .i*(k)
Ra MRR w1=w2=0.5 Rank w1,w2 (0.65,0.35) Rank
3 0.3878 0.3333 0.1803 18 0.1844 18
17 0.3725 0.4316 0.2010 16 0.1966 16
9 0.3333 0.7816 0.2787 8 0.2451 11
13 0.4130 0.3384 0.1879 17 0.1935 17
11 0.3878 0.4590 0.2117 13 0.2063 14
6 0.3393 1.0000 0.3348 4 0.2853 8
16 0.4222 0.4013 0.2059 14 0.2075 13
12 0.3393 0.7159 0.2638 11 0.2356 12
2 0.4043 0.4066 0.2027 15 0.2025 15
18 0.6129 0.4270 0.2600 12 0.2739 10
14 1.0000 0.3542 0.3386 2 0.3870 2
5 0.5758 0.5095 0.2713 9 0.2763 9
8 0.6786 0.3874 0.2665 10 0.2883 7
10 0.6333 0.6235 0.3142 6 0.3149 6
15 0.9500 0.3918 0.3354 3 0.3773 3
4 0.7600 0.4824 0.3106 7 0.3314 5
1 0.9500 0.3725 0.3306 5 0.3739 4
7 0.8636 0.6289 0.3731 1 0.3907 1
confirmation 0.5053 0.3962
C,N3,d3,f3 C,N3,d3,f1

A. Calculation of Grey Relational Grade min 1 1 0

Sample calculation for run no. 7 max max max x0* k x*j k
ji k
1) Comparability sequence / Data preprocessing/
Normalization max 1 0 1
For lower the better characteristics (Ra) 0 0.5 1
max xi0 k xi0 k 7 1 0.86364
x7* 1 0.07894 0.5 1
max xi0 k min xi0 k 4) Grey relational grade (for w1=w2=0.5)
From Table III max xi0 k 0.71 and min xi0 k 0.33 1 n
i wk i k
and x7* 1 0.36 n k 1
0.71 0.36 1
0.5 0.86364 0.5 0.6289 0.37314
x7* 1 0.92105 7
0.71 0.33 2
2) Deviation sequence (0i) Grey coefficient for MRR= 7 (2) can be calculated in
0i x0* k xi* k
similar way. It is further used to estimate grey relational
grade. From Table VIII it is = 0.6289.
where, x0* k =1 (reference sequence) B. Calculation for Grey-Taguchi grade prediction ( )
07 1 0.92105 0.07894 q

3) Grey relational coefficient m i m where, m = Total mean grey grade

i 1
i k min and i = mean grey grade at optimum level of ith parameter
0i k max
From table IX, 1 0.311, 2 0.281
where, = 0.5 (std. value)
3 0.299, 4 0.294, and m 0.270
min min min x0* k x *j k
ji k 0.374

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-1, Issue-6, August 2013

Table IX Response table for grey relational grade

Level coolant N(rpm) d(mm)

1 0.230 0.255 0.236 0.263

2 0.311 0.276 0.277 0.255
3 - 0.281 0.299 0.294
Delta 0.081 0.026 0.063 0.039
rank 1 4 2 3

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S. Y. Chavan, PG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Government College of Engineering Karad, Maharashtra, INDIA.

Prof. V. S. Jadhav, M.E. Mech (Design), Faculty and P.G. coordinator,

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government College of Engg.,
Karad, Maharashtra, INDIA. LMISTE, LMISTD.

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