org © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 11 November 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
Any departure from a proved instruction or established standard or any incident that would have an effect
on Product quality or a reliability of record. There are so many deviations incidence occur throughout
manufacturing process which are affect on quality management system of pharmaceutical industry so
handling of deviation is one of vital step in quality management. This Article introduce you procedure for
handling of deviation with its categorizing, Raise of Deviation, Investigation.
Deviations are the measured variations between the observed and expected or normal values for a product or
method condition or a departure from a documented standard or procedure. A deviation may occur during
sampling and testing, raw materials- and finished product acceptance and manufacturing. Deviations may
additionally be triggered by customer complaints or comments when the customer company’s standards do not
meet critical attributes as delivered per certificate. [1]
1. Critical
2. Major
3. Minor
When the deviation affects a quality attribute, Critical process parameter, an equipment or instrument critical
for process or control of action the impact on patient is highly probable as well as life threatening scenario or
when deviation adversely affect the safety, Identity, strength, purity and quality of product average integrity
of data. Critical deviation requires immediate action, investigation and documentation as such by the
appropriate SOP.
Possible consequences: Rejection of batch or CAPA.
When the deviation affects a quality attribute a critical process parameter, an equipment or instrument critical
for or control, of which the impact to patients is unlikely and or that might adversely affect the safely, identity,
strength, purity and quality of product and documented as by process appropriate SOP.
Possible consequences: Rejection of batch or CAPA.
When the deviation does not affect any quality attribute a critical process parameter or an equipment or
instrument critical for process or control and that does adversely affect the safety, identity, strength, purity and
quality of product it would be categorized as minor.
Possible consequences: Need for improvement of conditions, practice and process.[2]
How to raise?
As soon as any deviation observed department head and discussed with QA about the deviation and
take the decision as per its severity like immediate action and stop further process.
After that record that deviation with sop instruction with process, person, timing, production stage,
department, category.
After this investigation process are started.[3]
Step of investigation:
1.Immediate notification of deviation on detection to respective user department.
2.Preliminary analysis.
3.Evaluate all currently available information.
4.Interview appropriate people.
5.Immediate measure or remedial action shall we planned based on preliminary evaluation.
Genchi Genbutsu:
The meaning and procedure of this technique is mentioned below:
"Genchi Genbutsu" means "Go" and "See" i.e. Go and see for yourself to thoroughly understand the situation.
1. The details of Brainstorming are mentioned below.
2. Brainstorming one of the creative problems solving method that allows the people to come-up with
suggestions/ ideas that could solve the problem/situation.
3. A meeting with Cross Functional Team may be called to brain storm on problem/situation.
4. Revelent people shall ask to think and share their views /suggest ideas to overcome the problem All
views and suggestion shall analyse to identify the cause of problem. [5]
Fishbone/Ishikawa Diagram:
The fishbone diagram identifies many possible causes for an effect or problem.
The Fishbone diagram includes the potential cause of the problem and is used in order to find the real causes.
This tool is mainly categorized in 6M i.e., Man, Materials, Machine Method, Measurement
Mother Nature. Below are the main 6M causes:
1) Man: Responsible persons who involved in the process or activity.
2) Materials: Raw materials, items, parts used or involved in the process or activity.
3) Method: It includes all procedures, rules, policy, regulation, and specific requirement for the
activity or process
4) Measurements: Data generated during a process which measures the quality of products.
5) Machines: Any equipment, instrument involved in the activity or process
6) Mother nature: This includes environmental conditions like temperature, humidity, pressure
differential etc. and culture which process or activity performed.[6]
5. why analysis:
1. 5W1H (who, what, where, when, why, how) is a method of asking questions about a process or a
problem taken up for improvement.
2. Four of the W’s (who, what, where, when) and the one H is used to comprehend for details, analyse
inferences and judgment to get to the fundamental facts and guide statements to get to the abstraction.
3. The last W (why) is often asked five times so that one can drill down to get to the core of a problem.
4. 5W1H of Six Sigma explains the approach to be followed by exactly understanding and analysing the
process, project, or problem for improvement.[6]
The results of these events are represented pictorially in the tree form. FTA is used to investigate the
deviations and complaints to understand the root cause and to make improvements so that it does not lead
to further problems.