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Semester-3&4 ME/CE/AG/EE/CSE & Alied Branches
Energy Science & Engineering
' Topic-wise coverage of entire syllabus
in Question-Answer form. 2019-20
Short Questions (2 Marks)
ho E- B.Tech Students of Second Year aeiot
of All Engineering Colleges Affiliated to
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University,
Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow
(Formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University)
Energy Science & Engineering
Hareesh Kumar
Quantum Publications KOE 033 / KOE 043 Energy Science & Engineering
CA Unit of Quantum Page Pvt. Ltd.) UNIT-1:ENERGY &ITS USAGE (1-1 G to 1-31 G)
Plot No. 59/2/7, Site 4, Industrial Area, Units and scales of energy use, Mechanical energy and transport,
Sahibabad, Ghaziabad-201 010 Heat ernergy: Conversion between heat and mechanical energy
Electromagnetic energy: Storage, conversion, transmission and
radiation, Introduction to the quantum, energy quantization, Energy
Pbooe : 0120-4160479 in chemical systems and processes, flow of CO2, Entropy and Website: temperature, carnot and Stirling heat engines, Phase change energy
Delhi-110032 conversion, refrigeratianand heat pumps, Intermal combustion
Delhi Office: 1/6590, East Rohtas Nagar, Shahdara,
Steam and gas power cycles, the physics of power plants. Solid-state
phenomena inchuding photo, thermal and electrical aspects.
forces the universe, Quantum mechanics relevant
No part of this pubhication may be reproduced or transmitted, Fundamental in
scales and structure,
in any form or by any means, without permission.
for nuclear physics, Nuclear forces, energy
decays, Nuclear
Nuclear binding energy systematics, reactions and Nuclear fission
fusion, Nuclear fission and fission reactor
ur cycles.
reactor design, safety, operation and fuel
(3-1 Gto 3-24 G)
Information contained in this work is derived from sources UNIT-3:SsOLAR ENERGY
& its
fundamentals of solar radiation
believed to be reliable. Every effort has been made to ensure Introduction to solar energy,
semiconductors, Carrier
measurement aspects, Basic physics of
accuracy, however neither the publisher nor the authors &e recombination in semiconductors,
transport, generation metal-semiconductorjunction
guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information Semiconductorjunctions:
photovoltaic devices, 1* Generation
published herein, and neither the publisher nor the authors Essential characteristics of solar
Cells, 3 Generation Solar Cells.
shall be responsible for any errors, omissions, or damages Solar Cell, 2nd Generation Solar ENERGY SOURCE
arising out of use of this information. (4-1G to 4-29 G)
Enengy: Itis defined as the capacity to exert a force through a distance.
It exists in various forms like heat energy, ehemical energy, nuclear
energy, mechanical energy, ete.
Units of Energy: Energy can be measured in:
1. Joule,
Z. Calorie, and
Part-1: Units and Scales of Energy Use. 1-2G to 1-3G Questions-Answers
Part-2 Mechanical Energy and Transport.1-3G to 1-5G Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
Part-3 Heat Energy Conversion between. 1-5G to 1-6G
Heat and Mechanical Energy
Que 1.1.What are the various scales of energy ? Where are they
Part-4 Electromagnetic Energy:. 1BG to 1-9G ?
Storage, Conversion,
Transmission and Radiation Answer
.. Various scales of energy that exists are as follows:
Part-6 Introduction to the Quantum,
Energy Quantization
1-9G to. 1-11G
. Femto (10-1): Femto refers to something that is in the 101 rang.
Part-6 Energy in Chemical Systems.. Uses: Certain specialized medical facilities, have a certain lasers referred
1-12G to 1-15G
and Processes, Flow of GO, to as Femtosecond lasers. So, Femtosecond lasers are laser which are
on' for of a second and then they go 'off.
Part-7 Entropy and Temperature. ...... 1-15G to 1-16G
Pico (10-12): Pico refers to something that is in the 1012 range.
Part-8 Carnot and Stirling. *************** *************** 1-16G to 1-18G Uses: High precision power supply used in laboratories to make very
Heat Engines precise measurements of current, voltage and resistance of specifie
Part-9: Phase Change Energy.. 1-18G to 1-21G samples.
Nano (10 ): Nano refers to something that is in the 10- range.
using 10
and Heat Pump Uses: Electron micrograph is an example of instrument
Internal Combustion Engines..
Steam and Gas Power
. 1-21G to 1-26G
26G to 1-30G
Micro (105): Micro refers to something that is in the 10 range.
Uses: In measuring instrument in the fields of science and
Part-12: Physics of Power Plant. 1-30G to 1-3IG Mili (10 ): Milli refers to something that is in the 10scale 0.1 milli
Solid-State' Phenomena of
including Photo, Thermal Uses :Atypical scientific calculator uses power in the
1-3G (ESC-Sem-3&4)
14G (ESC-Bem-3 & 4) Energy and its Usage
Energy Science & Engineering
batteries in Hubble space Answer
Uses: In solar panels and
something that is in the 105 range. A Kinetic Energy: The energy that a body possesses by virtue of its
7. Mega (10): Mega refers to
like submarines. motion is known as kinetic energy.
Uses: Used in large vehicles
that is in the 10 range.
& Giga (10): Giga refers to something
have built in storage, which are of
Mathematically, KE = mv
Uses: Modern day mobile phones mean mobile phone store data in
the order of 16 GB, 64 GB which B. Mathematical Expression for Kinetic Energy:
several gigabyte. 1 Consider a body of mass m starting from rest. Let it be subjeeted to an
is in the 10 range.
& Tera (10): Tera refers to something that accelerating force F and after covering a distance s, its velocity
computers today uses hard disks in the terabyte becomes v.
Uses: Cameras and
scale. Initial velocity, u =0
1015 range. ..(12.1)
Peta (1015):Petarefers to something that is the
in 2. Now, work done Fs
operate hundreds of petaflops. P= ma
Uses: Today's supercomputers in 3. We know that,
11 Exa (10-s): Exa refers to something that is in the 108 range. Substituting the value of F in eq. (1.2.1), we have
Work done = m x (as) .(12.2)
Uses: 1018 is a kind ofa quantity that is indicated with prefix exa, the
world today uses energy in the range of 500 exajoules. rom equation of motion, we have
12. Zetta (101): Zetta refers to something that is in the 10 range. or v2-0= 2as (: u= 0)
Uses:In 2010 humanity is said to have crossed the 1zetta byte mark in as
terms of data created and stored overall. And we might be cro8sing 2
1 zetta byte mark by 2020. Substituting the value of as in eq. (1.2.2), we get
13. Yotta (104): Yotta refers to something that is in 10% range. Work done = m
Uses: We can understand this scale when we compare against body.
something in the scale of the galaxies and universe.
7. But work done on the body is equal to KE possessed by the
KE mva
oyeet, eg a moving car posse8ses mechanical energy due to its motion. Mathematically, PE = mgh
B. Principle of Conservation of Mechanical
offorces then its mechbanical
Questions-Answers 1. Ifabody is subjected to a conservative system
any position in the force field.
Que 1.2.Define kinetic energy into kinetic energy.
and also derive an expresa or
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1-5G (ESC-Sem-3&4
Energy Science & 1-6G (ESC-Sem-3& 4) Energy and its Usage
level, the energy wi be
incline or at the ground or
At the bottom of the slope the ground levollas C. Heat Sink:
4 the bottom ofthe
purely kinetic, assumingenergy. 1. Thermal reservoir which absorbs heat froma system is known as sink.
the datum for potential This is at low temperature, e.g, ocean, river, atmospheric air,
conservation ofenergy, we see that the loss in potentin 2.
5. By the principle of
kinetic energ.
energy is equal the gain in
to Que 1.5. Discuss in short about the heat engine.
(PE) -(PE,= (KE),-(KE), Answerr
O earranging, we havee 1. Heat engine is defined as a thermodynamie device which is used for
(PE), + (KE), = (PE),+ (KE), continuous production of work from heat when operating in a
thermodynamic cyclic process.
(PE)+(KE) = Constant
Both heat, and work interactions occur across the boundary of this
Thus, we see that the total mechanical enerEy, i.e., sum of potential and
device, e.g, internal combustion engines, external combustion engines,
kinetic energies remain constant. This is known as principle of
conservation of mechanical energy.
gas turbines etc.
Consider a heat engine which receives , from heat source at T
temperature and produces mechanical work W.
PART-3 4 The remainder of energy is rejected to heat sink at T, temperature.
Heat Energy: Conversion between Heat and Mechanical Energy.
L Heat source
Heat Energy:It is the result ofthe movement offine particles called
atoms, molecules or ions in solids, liquids and gases. It can be transferred W
from one object to another.
Heat sink
Questions-Answers T2
Fig. 1.5.1.
1-7G (ESC-Sem-3& 4)
Energy Science & Engineering Energy and its Usage
1-8G (ESc-Sem-3& 4
CONCEPT OUTLINE 5. The energy being stored is in the form of electrical energy and
there is
no chemical change.
form of energy that is reflected or
lectromagnetic Energy: It is aelectrical and magnetic waves that Regions in capacitor are flat. So, this is the way in which the
capacitor is
emitted from objects in the form of functioning and in this process energy is stored.
can travel through space
Electromagnetic Storage Devices: energy
e 1.7 Discuss in brief about superconducting magnetic
Capacitor, and (SMES).
2 Superconducting magnetic energy storage storage (SMES).
Ansve (SMES)) systems store energy
Questions-Answwers 1. Superconductingg magnetic energy storage
flow of direct current through a
in a magnetic field created by the
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer1lypeAuestions superconducting coilL
superconducting coil in a cryogenic
A SMES system comprises a
to match the DCpower in the coil to
enclosure, an electronic converter
grid, and an electronic switch to control the flow of
Que 16, Write a short note on capacitor. the AC on the coil.
current into and out of the
3. The superconducting coil is
charged by applying a DC voltage
Answer causes the current through the coil to inerease.
1 Acapacitor has two parallel plates or electrodes to which we connect an working value an electronic switch
When the current reaches its zero
external battery. And in the middle we have a dielectric material as 4
DC supply and short-circuits the coil. Because the coil has
shown in Fig. 1.6.1. the circulate without losses and with no
resistance, the current continues to
Positively Negatively heat generation. discharges
charged charged Torelease the stored energy, the
sw his opened and the coil
AC power which can be fed to the
5. grid.
through the converter, yielding
compared to other types of energy storage is
6. Their primary advantage power for short
and ability to provide high
their very short reaction time
periods SMES
with virtually no time delay, where
Because they can be switched on demand for applications
changes in
Dielectric Material systems can counteract abrupt
even the shortest
interruptions are unacceptable.
the side of the dielectric material that faces the negative eleotrode Answer from one circuit
becomes positively charged, and the side of the dielectric material that 15 which transfers energy
L Transformer isa static device magnetically coupled
facing the positive electrode becomes negatively charged. which are electrically isolated but
to another
3. There is overall charge neutrality because of jus frequency.
wave particle duality.
AC Wave Function and its Sigmificance: The wave function y is
Supply ELoad described as mathematical function whose variation builds up matter
waves.Iv defines the probability density offinding the particle within
the given confined limits.
Secondary Schrodinger's Wave Equation : This wave equation is a
winding fundamental equation in quantum mechanics and describes the
Yoke variation of wave function y in space and time.
Fig. 1.8.1.Arrangement of a simple transformer Quantization: The process of restricting the possible vaues of a
5. As these waves are being reflected physical quantity to a set of discrete values' is called quantization.
at the transformer terminals, high
voltage amplitude will be built up which will stress
the insulation of the
transformer than in a generator windings.
6. Transformers come in sizes ranging Questions-Answers
from distribution transformers rated
a few kVA to huge three phase rating
in excess of 1000 MVA: Long Answer Type and MediumAnswer Type Questions
Que 1.9. Write a short note
on electromagnetio radiation
Answer Que 1.10. What are de Broglie's waves or matter waves ?
1 Electromagnetic radiation is an
electric and magnetic disturbance
traveling through space at the speed
of light. Answer
waves is
2. It contains neither mass nor charge I When a material particle moves in a medium, a group of
energy called photons, or quanta. but travels in packets of radian associated with it due to which it shows the wave particle duality.
Examples of EM radiation include waves are known as matter waves or de Broglie waves.
as infrared, ultraviolet, gamma, radio waves and microwaves, as Weu According to de Broglie's concept, each material particle in
Introduction to
the Quantum, Energy Quantizatio LConsider a system
coordinate of the particle (x, y, z) and y is the
the position
displacement of any instant time ?.
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1 1.11.1)
Velocity of wave, and
Where, v= nery in Chetical Syodeme and Proogse, Rlou bfCO,
Laplacian operator.
3. The wave function may be written a8,
V= ved 111.2) Fuel Cell: A fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that converts the
chemical energy of a fuel into electricity.
4 Differentiate eq. (1.11.2) wrt time, we get
-ioy,e .1.11.3)
testions Answere
5. Again differentiating eq. (1.11.3),
Lon Answer Typesnd Medium Anawer TýpE Quesions
Gue 112 Discuss the application and economic aspectaffuel cells
AKTO 2015-20, Maeka 10
6 Putting these value in eq. (1.11.1,
Applications of Fuel Cell: Various applications of fuel cells are as
7. But follows:
2y= i Portable Applications: These include
8. Eq. (1.11.5) becomes, Portable power generators,
2. Consumer electronics,
yet significantly
1 As a new energy technology, fuel cells have not
vV4T 2m8-Vlv penetrated the energy market. Cost, durability, and reliability are the
main challenges in the commercialization of fuel
the production
cear that most etudica on existing fucl cell eosta are based only on 2 Two mixturcs commonly used are
ctack manufact uring costs, without consideration of repair and Lithium earbonato and potassium carbonate, and
antenance costs However, the cost of repair and maintenance i Lithium carbonate and sodium earbonate.
ccceesary or stark service and end-uner acceptance.
Electron ow Laad
g.13 Write short note on following Ww
Lithium-ion battery.
Nickel metal bydrido.
H, 88
a Hydrogen
Lithiumim Battery 88
It s thr mast popular bttery at this point of time, It is lighter
nrtal bydnde battery becauæe lithium is the lightest metal.
than the nickel co
2 Therefore, it has much better energy density.
It is rechargeable.
lts ten part makes it rechargeable and it can
also discharge over period
of time f not used. co
3 Reacticns of Lathium-ion battery are o 88
cO co 98 98Carben
LiC C,+Li*+ e Water
Co0, Li+c LiCo0
elertruna which come through the through the electrolyte and tne
cude (Co0,) and form lithium external circuit react with cobat 3 Since, these salts can act as electrolytes only in liquid phaa, the eperatirg
cobalt temperature should be as high as 650 "C.
revereible So, it is the rechargeable oxide (LiC%0,). This reaction
b. Nickel Metul Hydride
battery. Due to high temperature, theso salts melt and become conductive to
(dswisted 0
PART 7 3. 1ftho process is roveTsiblo, (ds
Odiitte preess s irranerzslsis,
gy and Teaperature (de)solated 0.
From abovo we see that the ertrupy od zo islted eyten
can aewer
CONGEPT OUTLINE decrease. It always inereases with every ireverile pres ad zemmairs
constant during a reversible procees. Tis isealed prineiple afertarupy
Eaeg Entregy is defined as the quantitative measure of disorder increase.
ar radommess in a sYsterm. It deals with the transfer of heat energy
within a SYStem
Carnot and Stirling Hleat Engine
Lng Answer Type and Medium Answer Type
Questions Carnot Engine: It is a theoretical engine which works on the Carnot
Que 1.15.| Discuss entropy. Stirling Engine : It is a heat engine which is operated by a cyehe
compression and expansion of air or other gas at different temperatures
such that there is a net oonversion of heat energy to mechanical work.
Answer It works on Stirling eyele.
1 From Clausius theorem, cyelie
offor a reversible process is Questions-Answers
zero. The
termis called entropy and its change
from state 1to state Long Answer Type and Mediunm Answer Type Questions
ds =s,-8 Que 1.17.| Explain the Carnot vapour power cycle with T-s
2. Entropy is a measure of degree diagram. Also find out the efficiency of Carnot cycle.
of randomness
a system. Higher the
disorderness, greater of molecules compri8n Answer
3. In other words, entropy is the increase in entropy
is the function A Carnot Cycle:
the possibility of conversion of quantity of heat which show
of that heat
entropy of system increases into work.
and on heat rejection, On heat addiuo
It is an ideal cycle having highest thermodynamic efficiency. Carnot
it decreases. cycle is shown in Fig. 1.17.1.
Que 1.18. Explain entropy
principle. 2, Various processes of Carnot cycle are as follows:
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1-17G (ESC-Sem-3&4)
Energy Science & Engineering
1-18 G (ESC-Sem-3 &4) Energy and its Usage
process or pumping
d Process 4-1:It is reversible adiabatic compression
process in feed water pump.
Que 1.18. Describe the Stirling oycle
**** 1 Stirling oycle consists of two isothermal and two constant volume
processes, Itis externally reversible cycle.
2 Heat rejection and heat addition takes place at eonstant volume.
3. This cycle has mean effective pressure greater than Carnot cycle. But
efficiency in ideal case is equal to the Carnot cycle.
Fig. 1.17.1. Carnot vapour power cycle
From Fig. 1.18.1b), it is clear that amount heat addition and rejection
B. Efficiency:
during constant volume process is same. So efñciency of cycle is given
Net work = Turbine work- Pump work as,
For unit mass flow,
W= hg-h)-h-*) Stirling
2 Heat added in process 1-2, Heat addition
from the souree
3. Thermal efficiency= Net work Isotherma Constant Constant
Heat added p volume volume
Carnot -)-h-h)
(h-h,) Isotherma
1- (a)
Heat added from/to
the regenerator (6)
Heat rejection
34 T-s,)
12 Ts-s,) PART-9
Conversion, Refrigeration and Heat Pump.
Phase Change EnerEy
6. As we know, 8, = 84 s, =s3
Que 1.19
Low temperature source
AKTU 2019-20, Marketo
F 120Apchematic diagram of a heat pump
Answer Coefficient of performance,
A Refrigeration: system, effect
Refrigeration means the cooling or removal of heat froma
1. COP Desired 1.20.1)
maintaining temperatures below that Work input
2. Itis the science ofproducing and to the hot
a substance Now, the desired effect for a heat pump is to supply heat
of the surrounding atmosphere i.e., removal of heat from
under controlled conditions. body. Therefore,
3. The equipment employed to maintain the system at a
low temperature (120.2)
is termed as refrigerating system and the system which is kept at
temperature is called refrigerated system. 6. From the first law of thermodynamics,
B. Applieations of Refrigeration:
1 Making of ice.
b. body/space
much as possible from the cold
2 Its duty is to extract heat as temperature bodyr/surroundings.
Answer and deliver the same to high
pump out
Heat Pump: refrigerator, under a steady state, is to And in
3. The desired effect ofa infiltrating into the system (Q).
A heat pump is a reversed heat engine. It receives heat from a low rate
1 the same as is
the heat in takes up W amount of external
temperature reservoir (source) and rejects it to a high temperatiure order to do so, the refrigerator
reservoir (sink). (Fig. 1.20.2). infiltratinginto
is toremoveheat
2. This transfer of heat from a low temperature desired effect of arefrigerator
(T) sOurce and delivers amount of heat to high Desired effect 1.20.3)
sink by consuming W amount of the temperaUL cOP Work input W
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1-21 G6ESC-Sem-8&4
Energy Science & Engineering 1-22 G (ESC-Sem-8 &4) Energy and its Usage
t Answer
W Refrigerator Internal combustion engine can be classified as follows:
Accordingto Basie Engine Design:
1. Reciprocating engine, and
| Low temperature source 2. Rotary engine.
ii. According to Working Cyele:
Fig. 1.20.2. A schematic diagram
1. Otto cycle, and
of a refrigerator.
2. Diesel eycle.
6. From the first law of thermodynamics,
ii. According to Number of Stroke:
1. Four stroke engine, and
1- 2. Two stroke engine.
7. Hence, eq. (1.20.3) becomes
iv. According to Fuel Employed:
Where, , cOP 1204)
is the heat infiltrating into the cold space of the refrigerator.
1. Gasoline or petrol engine,
2. Diesel engine,
3. LPGengine, and
CNG engine.
According to Fuel Supply and Mixture Preparation:
Internal Combustion Engines
1. Carbureted type, and
2. Injection type.
CONCEPT OUTLINE vi. According to Method of Ignition:
of piston or two
are known as four stroke revolution of crank8na 1. Inline engine,
Two 8troke Engines: The 2. V-engine, and
complete8 in two stroke engines in which cycle operan
of piston or one of 3. Radial engine.
1-83 G ESC-Sem-3&
Energy Science & Enargy and its Usage
1-24 G(ESC-Sem-3 &4)
Answer engine are as followa
internal combustion
Terms used in the working
diameter of workine ecylinder. Bore
the nominal inner Suction valve
Cylinder head
L Cylinder Bore: It is Exhaust valve
by D.
It is represented circle of diameter equal to the . inder Intake or suction Exhaust manifold
Piston Area: It is the area ofa manifold
bore. Clearance volume, P,
travelled by piston from top dead centre to hnt Top dead centre,
i Stroke: The distance (TDC)
centre is known as stroke. Cyinder
dead centre when the niatons : volume,
Centre (BDC) : Itis the
iv. Bottom Dead crankshaft
Piston Stroke volume,,
the or lowest position of the piston the Gudgeon or
nearest to
side of cylinder. wrist pin
crank end Bottom dead
is the dead centre when the piston i
Top Dead Centre (TDC) It
centre, BDC) Cylinder
crankshaft or top most position of the piston towaris
farthest from the
cover end side of cylinder.
Connecting rod
Piston Swept Volume)
vi. Displacement Volume (or
This is the volume swept by the piston moving from one dead centre Crankcase Crank pina
Crankshaft Crank
2. It is calculated as the product of piston area and stroke.
v, =Piston area (A) x Stroke (L)
positions and volumes in reciprocating engine
ig. 122.1. Important
engines work ?
vii Clearance Volume : The volume contained in the eylinder abovethe Que 1.28.How internal combustion
tap of the piston when the pistonisat top dead centre is ealled alearani
volume. ATU2015-20,Marka10
viti. Cylinder Volume:
Answer engine is as
The sum of swept volume and clearance volume is known as cyinder four stroke spark ignition
volume. Working of internal combustion
ix. Compression Ratio:
Suction Stroke: centre
1 This is defined as the ratio ofthevolume atthe beginning of compres0 starts when the piston is at top dead
to the volume at the end of compression. Suction stroke (Fig. 1.23.1) toward bottom dead centre.
position and about to move valve is closed.
valve is open and outlet
During this stroke, inlet charge
of the charge is converted
5. During the burning process, chemical energy Fuel used Gasoline (petrol) Diesel
temperature rise of about 2000 °C
into sensible energy and producing a Ignition Spark plug is used. Self ignition due to high
and pressure is also increased. pressure and temperature
c Expansion or Working Stroke: caused by compression of
1. Due to high pressure, burnt gases forces the piston towards thé
bottom air.
dead centre so power is obtain during this stroke. Compression 6 to 10 14 to 22
2 Both pressure and temperature decreases during this stroke, ratio
3. In this stroke, both the valves remain closed. Weight Lighter Heavier
d Exhaust Stroke: 6. Speed High speed Low speed
In this stroke, inlet valve is closed and outlet valve is open. Lower efficiency due to| Higher effciency due1
7. Eficiency
2. Piston moving from bottom dead centre to top dead centre and burnt low compression ratio. high compression ratio.
zases sweep out from the cylinder.
rod (CR of
Crank Questions-Answers
(C) Suction Compres51on Working Exhaust
Answer Type Questionss
Long Answer Type and Medium
stroke stroke stroke
g 1281 Pour stroke Otto cycle engine
operatioris of Rankine oycle. Also
Que 1.26. | Describe the different
(in turbine).
a Process 1-2:Adiabatic expansion 2 Efficiency of Rankiné cycle is given by,
Isobarie heat release (in condenser).
Process 2-3:
(tin pump). gankine Heat supplied
c Process 34: Adiabatie pumping
d Process 4-1: Isobaric heat addition (in boiler). Ch-h)-hs-) (1.25.5)
3. Usinggeneral property relation for adiabatic compression,
Boler Turbine WAWout
Tds=dh-vdp (: ds = 0)
dh vdp
Ah vAp (Since change in volume is negligible.)
Cooling or
quantity in comparison with
Water The feed pump term (h-h) being a small
especially, when the boiler
turbine work, Wp, is usually neglected,
pressures are low.
Feed pump
i 1251 Rankine cyel Then,. xakieh-hya
3. Fig. 1.25.2 showsTs diagram of Rankine cycle.
expression for
Que 1:26.Explain Brayton cycle and obtain
temperature ratio.
turbines and also known as constant
1 It is a theoretical cycle for gas
pressure cycle for a perfect gas.
Brayton cycle are shown in Fig. 1.26.1.
2. The basic components of a
i Forturbine: Cooler
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pv' = C PART-12
Physics of Power Plant, Solid State Phendmena including Photo,
Fhermal and Electrie Aspects
1. Efficiency, Tair-standard
Work done cycle /
1. Availability of cooling water (if cooling towers are used the possibiity of
Heat eycle adequate make up weater).
mC,-T)-mC,- 2 Availability of fuel (water, rail or pipe connection to the fuel source, and
the cost of fuel transport).
3. Distance from the centre of gravity of load demand.
workshop and
airatandard (1.26.1) 4. Cost of land including space for extension, maintenance,
storage yard.
ecological considerations.
With coal fired stations, disposal of ash.
T2T ,)
Similarly, from process 34, 8,. If the plant is erected far from a town,
accommodation for stafi.
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1-31 G (ESC-Sem-3.& 4)
Energy Science & Engineering
Que 188.How can a power plant be designed economically
While planning a power plant, first the power output to be installed is UNIT!
determined from the estimated maximum demand, anticipated growth Nuclear Energy
of demand and reserve capacity needed.
2. After determining the installed capacity,.the size and number of
generating units are decided accordingto the load curve or load duration
The variable load problem affects power plant design and operation as
well as the cost of generation.
Due to variable load on the plant, the equipment cannot operate at the
designed load points. indamental Forces.****************** -2G to 2-SG
5. In order to follow the variable load curve very closely, the tota plant inthe Universe, Quantum
capacity has to be usually subdivided into several power units of different Mechanics Relevant for
S1zes. Nuclear Physics
6. Ifmore units of smaller size are selected than a few units Part-2 Nuclear Porce, nergy 2-$G to 24G
then the total plant capacity would more nearly coincide
of bigger size,
with the variable cales and Structure
load curve.
to 2-11G
7 The size and number of generating units should Part8 Nuclear inding 2-5G
be so chosen that each Dnergy Systematics,
unit operates on about full load or the load at which
efficiency. it gives the maximum Reactions and Decas
8. The load duration curve helps to decide to 2-15G
base, intermediate and peak loads. the size of units to supply the art4 Nuclear Pusion,. teaesia**aapa**** 2-11G
Nuclear Fission and
9. The peak load unit/ plant should
be ofsmaller capacity to Fission Reactor Physics
cost of generation. Some
units must be of unequal capacities
reduce the.
load curve closely. However, to fit the Part-5 Nuclear Fission. 2-16G to 2-19G}
Nuclear Energy
2-2G (ESc-Sem-3& 4)
Energy Science & Engineering 2-3G ESC-Sem-3&4)
Universe, Quantum Mechanics Answer
Fundamental Forces in the
Relevant for Nuclear Physies. A Thermal Neutron: 'Thermal neutron is a free neutron that has an
average energy of motion corTesponding to the average energy of the
particles of the ambient materials.
Questions-Answers B. Properties of Neutrons:
Neutrons are fundamental constituents ofa nucleus. Inside a nucleus,
Long Answer Type and Medium AnSwer Type Questions neutrons stay forever but as a projected particle outside it, it exists for a
short time only.
2. In nuclei of heavier elements, the number of neutrons is greater than
Que 2.1. What are the various fundamental forces present in the number of protons. It is this abumdance of neutrons which makes
the elements stable.
nature ?
Since neutrons are uncharged particles, therefore these are neither
Answer affected by external magnetic or electric fields nor by the presence of
protons when they enter or penetrate the nucleus.
Various fundamental forces present in nature áre as follows:
Depending upon their speed, neutrons are put in two categories:
i Gravitational Fore:It is the force of mutual attraction between any
two objects by virtue of their masses. It is a universal force as every i. Fast neutrons, and
object experiences this force due to every other object in the universe.
ii. Slow neutrons.
Both are fully capable of penetrating a nucleus and causing artificial
i Electromagnetic Force: It is the force between charged particles disintegration in the nucleus.
Charges at rest have electric attraction (between unlike charges) and
repulsion (between like charges). Charges in motion produce magnetic
foree. Together they are called electromagnetic force. LPART-z
iii. Strong Nuclear Force : It is the attractive force between protons and Nuclear Forces, Energy Scales and Structüre.
neutrons in a nucleus. It is charge-independent and acts equally between
a proton and a proton, a neutron and a neutron, and a proton and a CONGEPT OUTLINE
iv. Weak Nuclear Force This force appears only Nuclear Force: These are the forces which act between two or more
in certain nuclear
processes such as the ß-decay of a nucleus, In p-decay, nucleons. They bind protons and neutrons into atomic nuclei.
the nucleus
1. Nuclear physics is about the physical nucleus
of an atom.
Explain the properties of nuclear forces
Nuclear Enery
24G (ESCSem-3&
4) Energy Scienco & Engineering 2-5G ESCSem-3&4)
independent. The nuclear force between t
2 Nuclear forces are charge proton
same as that between two protons or between a
neutrons is the PART-33
and a neutron. Nuclear Binding Energy Bystematies, Reactions and Decay3.
Nuclear forces are short range forces.
two nucleons
Nuclear forces are spin dependent. The force between
having parallel spins is stronger than the force existing between Questions-Answer
nucleons having anti parallel spins.
oniy Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
Nuclear forces show saturation properties. A nucleon can interact
with those nucleons which are its nearest neighbours.
Que 2.5.Discuss in brief about structure of nucleus. Que 2.6. What do you mean by binding energ ? What are the
energy and binding energy per aucleon for the C"
total binding
Answer nucleus ?
1 The atomic nucleus is present in the center of the atom. It consists of
protons and neutrons collectively known as nucleus. Answer 1
The number of protons and neutrons in the atom define what type of A Binding Energy
avercome the binding
atom or element it is. Binding energy is defined as the energy required to
3. The structure of the atomic nucleus gives us lots of information about forces of nucleus.
nucleons come closer
the element it represents. The number of protons inside the nucleus 2. When the nucleus of an atom is formed then thenucleans is of the order
gives us the atomic number. The protons have a positive charge, to each other and this distance between the
4. In order for the atom to have a neutral charge, the electrons need to of nearly 10 mm.
is release oaf energy which is
balance it out with their negative charge. Therefore, in a neutral atom 3. At the moment of combination there a
there arejust as many protons as electrons. known as binding energy
5. So, if we know the atomic number and know the charge of the atom B. Numerical:
then the number of electrons is easy to find. 1 The atomic weight of C" = 12.000 amu
2 The predicted mass ofC" is given as amu
Mass of 6 protons = 1.00759 x 6 -6.04554
6.05388 amu
Mass of 6 neutrons = 1.00898 x6= 0.00330 amu
7.99 MeV
Fig.28.1. Structure of nucleus.
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Nucle Energy
26G (ESc-Sem-3 & 4)
Energy Science & Engineering
Que 2.7. Draw the binding energy curve showing variation of iv. After mass mumber 20, there
is a gradual increase in binding enerTEy
binding energy per nucleon with mass number. With the help of per nucleon. The maximum value
is reached atA = 56.This value is
this, explain the phenomenon of nuclear fusion and fission. 8.8 Mev. Clearly, the iron nucleus
(Fe)is the most stable.
AKTU 2019-20, Marks 10 v. The binding energy per nucleon of nuclides
haying mass numbers
ranging from 40 to 120 is close to the maxcimum value. So,
elements are highly stable and non-radioactive.
Answer vi. BeyondA = 120, the value decreases and falls
to 76 MeVfor uranium.
Binding Energy Curve: This decrease is primarily due to repulsion among protons whose
The graphical relationship between binding energy per nucleon and number increases in heavy nuclides.
mass number is called binding energy curve. vii. Beyond A = 238, the binding energy per nucleon shows a rapid
decrease with increase in mass number.
2. Fig. 2.7.1 shows binding energy curve. The average binding energy per
nucleon is plotted against mass number for naturally occurringg nuclei vii. The fact that the binding energy curve droops at both high and low
mass numbers has very important practical consequences.
3. Following are the special features of binding energy curve.
Phenomenon of Nuclear Fusion and Fission:
i The binding energy per nucleon of very light nuclides such as His 1. Thedrooping of the binding energy curve at high mass mumbers tells us
very smal
that nucleons are more tightly bound when they are assembled into two
i Initially, there is a steep rise in curve. This indicates a rapid rise in middle mass nuclei rather that into a single high mass nucleus. This is
the value of binding energy per nucleon. known as nuclear isson.
The drooping of the binding energY curve at low mass numbers, on the
Between mass number 4 and 20, the curveshows cyclic recurrence 2
other hand, tells us that energy will be released if two nuclei of small
ofpeaks corresponding to He, Be, c, l0 and Ne. This shows.
mass numbers combine to form a single middle mass nucleus. This
that the binding enerEy per nucleon of these nuclides is greater
than those of their immediate neighbours. process, the reverse of fission is called muclear fusion.
9 fissionable material
on multiplying rapidly during fission till whole the
is disintegrated.
becomes available for causing fission of
2. fat least one fission neutron
Nuclear Energ
2-8G (ESC.Sem-3&4)
Energy Soience & Engineering 2-9GES-Sem-3&4)
2 Let, N= Number of radioactive nuclei present at any time t,
N-Initial number ofsuch nuclei,and
= Proportionality constant.
3. This can be stated in the form ofequation as follows:
AN-NA ..2.10.1)
-AN 2.10.2)
Integrating the eq. (2.10.2) withín the proper limits, we get
a (2.10.3)
u. Or log,N-log, N,=- or
or e, or N=Ne*
Fig. 2.8.1.Chain reaction dN
-AN=-N,* (210.4)
Que 2.9. Write a short note on radioactivity. The eqn. (2.10.4) represents that the decay seheme follows the
exponential law.
Answer Que 211 What are the various types of radioactive decay ?
Most of the naturally occurring isotopes are stable.
But those isotopes
which are not stable are known as radioactive isotopes.
from the parent nucleus. 1 a particles are helium nuclei, each consisting of two protons and two
4. The resulting nucleus is known
neutrons and are commonly emitted by the heavier radioactive nuclei
as daughter nucleus. 2. The decay of Pu239 into fissionable U35 anda(He)particles is an example
6. The parent nucleus
is said to decay into the daughter nucleus of a-decay.
ue 2.10. Show that
radioactive decay follows exponential 1a radiation.
2. An example of B decay,
Answer g3Bi24 +
Nuclear Energy
Energy Science & Engineering
2-10G (ESC-Sem-3& 4 - 2-11G (ESC-Sem-3 8&4)
There is no alternation of atomic or mass number due to decay:
3. 2. This is obtained by taking the sum of the decay time of the radioactive
d Positron Decay: nuclei and then it is divided by the initial number of nuclei.
1 Positron decay is caused when the radioactive nucleus contains an excess 3. IfTis the time of average life, then
of protons.
2 An example of this is the decay of ,Ni into ,C"which is shown below,
ue 2.12. Explain briefly the followingterms related to radioactive
4. On solving,
T- ..2.12.3)
b Halflife, and
Average (mean) life.
6. On dividing eq. (2.12.3) by eq. (2.12.2), we get 1445
Answer 6. So,it is clear that mean life is 1.445 times greater than half life.
a. Activity:
1 Activity is defined as the intensity of emitted radiation. PART-4
2. This is directly dependent on the rate of disintegration of the element. uclea Fsion and Fisston Reactor Physics
3. Let, A = Activity at time t,
A = Initial activity, and
k = Detection coefficient. In fusion, two or more light nuclei fuse to form heavier
=kAN nuclei.
1 Halflife represents the rate of decay
of the radioactive isotopes.
2. The half life is the time required for ong Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions
to disintegrate.
half of the parent nuclei to decay or
3. We know that,
^=N,e .(2.12.1)
from nuclear
ting N Que 2.13, What is nuclear fusion ? How does it differ
andt=t,,in eq. (2.12.1), we get
uclear Energy
2-12G Energy Science & Engineering 2-13G (ESC-Sem-3 &4)
Answer The diagrammatic sketch is given in Fig. 2.14.1. Aneutron strikes the
which two or more atomie 23U nucleus and in the process twonuclides 141Ba and Kr are formed
It is a reaction in s le
A Nuclear Fusion:
form one or more
different atomic nuclei and subatomie
iand with the release of 3 neutrons.
are combined to protons).
particles (neutrons or
Fission and Nuclear Fusion Proo
ocessest 66Ba
B. Comparison of Nuclear
A heavy nucleus breaks up tol
Two nuclei combine to form
1 |heavy nucleus.
form two lighter nuclei.
Chain reaction is not involved Kr
It involves a chain reaction.
2 36
The wavy lines indicate the energy released in the form
4 Amount of radioactive|Amount ofradioactive materialis A slow neutron is used to cause fission.
material in a fission reactor is| less. Further whereas one neutron is lost in the prócess to produce fission,
|high. This fact has
three neutrons are produced as a product of the fission.bomb.
tremendous significance in the construction of nuclear
5. Because of higher radioactive Because of lesser radioactive
material, health hazardis higi material, health hazard is much
Que 2.15. What do you mean by muclear reactor ? Explain its
in case of accidents less.
different parts.
G. We have proper mechanisms Proper mechanisms to control|
to control fission reaction for fusion reaction are yet to be Aswe
generating electricity. developed. A Nuclear Reactor:
7. Raw material is not easily Raw material is comparatively The nuclear reactor may be regarded as a substitutegas for the boiler fire
available and is costly. box of steam power plant or combustion chamber of
turbine plant.
cheap and easily available. process whereas
produced nuclear reactor is by fission
3 Disposal of nuclear waste is a Disposal of nuclear waste not 2 The heat in the
is produced by combustion of
great environment problem. |involved. in steam and gas power plants, the heat is
the same either
The other cycle of operation and components required is
Que 2.14.Write short note on nuelear as steam plant or a gas turbine plant.
fission. nuclear power plant.
The steam or gas may be the working fluid in
Answer B. Different Parts of Nuclear
Nuclear Energy
(ESC-Sem-3& 4) Energy Science &«
Engineering 2-16 G (ESC-Sem-3&4)
and their locations in the rea
shape of the fuels production within the reand
4. The selection of the ofuniform heat eactor,
are made keeping in into account the heat transfa
- Control rod
designed taking
6 The fuel elements are strength.
corrosion and structural
the neutrons from high kinetic energv
L Itisa material used to slow down
kinetic energy (0.25 eV or 2200 m/s) ina Coolant
(1 MeV or 13200 km/s) to low out
fraction ofa second. Biological1
2 Further, a moderator is used to increase the probability of reaction and
to maintain the chain reaction due to slow neutrons.
3. The slowing down of the neutrons is effectively done by the light
elements such as H, Dg, Ng, O, Cand Be. Reflector
iis. Reflector: Moderator
1In order to keep the critical size of the reactor and hence the amount of
fissionable material as small as possible, it is important to conserve Fuel
2 This is possible by surrounding the reactor core with a material which Reactor
reflects escaping neutrons back into the core. This material is called
3. The required properties of a good reflector Coolant in
are low absorption and high
reflection for neutrons, high resistance to oxidation
and irradiation as
well as high radiation stability.
4 Many times the materials used
as moderator is also used as reflector. Fig. 2.16.1. Principal parts of a uclear reactor.
5. The H0, D,O and carbon
are also used as reflector. vi. Biological Shield
iv. Coolant:
1 The intensity of radiations and radioactive fragments from the reactor
The main purpose of the coolant
in the reactor is to trañsfer the heat core is too high for the human body to tolerate.
produced in the reactor
and to keep the fuel assembly 2. Therefore, it is nece8sary to surround the reactor with shielding material
temperature to avoid their at a 8are
2. The same heat
melting and destruction. to prevent damage of human body due to radiation.
carried by the coolant is
used in the heat exchanger 10 vii. Reactor Vessel:
v. Control Rods:. 3. The reactor core (fuel and moderator assembly) is generally placed at
1. The control system the bottom of the vessel.
increase, decrease and stops the rate of energy generated.
the reaction. It star
boíling water reactor (BWR). (PWR) highlighting ita merits and demerits
Answer AESTU 201920, Maro 10
L Ina boiling water reactor enrich fuel is used.
2 The arrangement ofBWR is simpler than the pressurized water reactor AnsweT.
(PWR). Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)
3. The plant can be safely operated using natural convection within the A pressurized water reactor is a light water coaled and moderated thermal
core or forced circulation. reactor having an unusual core design, using both natural and highly
4 The pressure in the forced circulation is miaintained constant irrespective enriched fuel.
of the load. The principal parts of PWR are:
5. In case of part load operation of the turbine some steam is by-passed. a. Pressure vessel),
6. In BWB, the steam flowing to the turbine is produçed directly in the b. Reactor thermal shield,
reactor core. C. Fuel elements,
7. Steam is separated and dried by mechanical devices located in the upper d Control rods,
part ofthe pressure vessel assembly. Reactor containment, and
The dried steam is sent directly to the high pressure turbine thus Reactor pressurizer.
eliminating the need for steam generators. 3. In PWR, the primary circuit passes through the fuel core and is
9. The coolant thus serves the triple function of coolant, moderator and radioactive
secondary circuit which
This primary circuit then produces steam ina
working fuid. 4.
consists of heat exchanger or the boiler and the
Saturated steam Throttle valve
Control rods Steam generator
Load Steam
Turbine structure
Feed pumpP
Feedwater pump
Fig.2.16.1. Schematie of a direct cycle BWR plant. Primary circuit Secondary cireuit
10. Since the coolant boils in the reactor itself, Pressure Heat
that in a PWR and it is maintained at about
its pressure is much less tha ve8sel 917.1. Pressurited water reactor
70 bar with steam temperatu 0xchanger N
around 285 °C.
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Nuclear Energy
2-18 G shielded
radioactive and need not be
turbine is not
5. As the steam in the be high so that the boiling of Energy Science & Engineering 2-19 G(ESCSem-3&4)
primary circuit should
6. The pressure in the pressure. The CANDU reactor is the first and iost widely used heavy water
water takes place at high so that it will
keeps the water at about 100 kgicm* reactor
7. Apressuring tank
not boil. to form
pressurizer boil some of the water PART-6
8. Electric heating coil in the
dome. Safety, Operation and Fuel Cycles
steam that collects in the
increasing as more. steam is forced
9. pressure of the dome goes on
into it. pressure Quest
coils or spraying water on the steam the
10. By providing the cooling
may be reduced. ype andMedium AnswerType Questions
well as moderator.
11. Water acts both as coolant as
can produce only saturated steam. By
12. A pressurized water reactor
the steam formed from the reactor could
providinga separate fürnace diagram.
be superheated.
Que 2.19 Explain nuclear fuel eycle with block
B. Merits of PWR: AnsweT
Water used in reactor is cheap and easily available. processes which involves
1 Thenuclear fuel cycle is the series ofindustrial
is high. uranium in nuclar power reactors.
2 The reactor is compact and power densityreactor and are not cireulated. the production of electricitý from useful
the reactor, after it has reached the end of its
3. Fission products remain contained in 2. Fuel removed from a most is recycled for new fuel.
life, can be reprocessed that
4. A small number of control rods are required.
C. Demerits of PWR MliagCverionBari
strong pressure vessel.
1 Capital cost is as high primary circuit requires Fuel
efficiency of this plant is
2. In the secondary circuit the thermodynamic Mining
quite low. -
is diffñcult.
L3. Fuel suffers radiation damage and, therefore its reprocessing Front end of cycle
4. Severe corrosion problems. reactor
reactor, reproces81ng
L Apressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR) is a nuclear power heayy dieposition
unenriched natural uranium as its fuel that uses
commonly using
water (deuterium oxide D,0) as its coolant and moderator.
pressure, allowing it to be heatéd production of electricity from
2 The heavy water coolant is kept under associated with the fuel cycle.
to higher temperatures without boiling much as in a typical
3. Thevarious activities referred to collectively as the nuclear
reactions are ofuranium and ends wih
water reactor. nuclear with the mining
fuel cycle starts reprocessing of used fuel as an
While heavy water is significantly more expensive than ordinary light nuclear waste. With the
4. The
of nuclear true cycle.
water, it yields greatly enhanced neutron economy, allowing the reactor
disposal form a
the energy, the stages
to operate without fuel enrichment facilities and generally enhancing option for nuclear
the ability of the reactor to efficiently make use of alternate fuel
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Solar Energy
3-2G (ESC-Sem-3& 4) Energy Science & Engineering
3-3G (ESC-Sem-3&4)
2. Large space is required
for the collection
PART-1 3. High initial cost for solar
of solar energy at a useful rate.
Solar Cell: Solar cells are energy conversion device which are used Answer
to convert sunlight to electricity by the use of the photovoltaic effect. 1. When light reaches the p-n junction, the
light photons can easily enter
in the junction, through very thin p-type layer.
2. The light energy, in the form of photons, supplies
Questions-Answers sufficient energy to
the junction to create a number of electron-hole pairs.
Long Answer Type and Medium Auswer Type Questions8 3 The incident light breaks the thermal equilibrium condition of the
4 The free electrons in the depletion region can quickly come to the
n-type side of the junction. Similarky, the holes in the depletion can
Que 3.1. Describe solar energy along with its merits and quickly come to the p-type side of the junction.
demerits. Once, the newly created free electrons come to the n-type side cannot
further croSs the junction because of barrier potential of the junetion.
Answer Similarly, the newly ereated holes once come to the p-type side cannot
further cròss the junction because of same barrier potential of the
A. Solar Energy:
1 Solarenergy is a clean, cheap and abundantly available renewable energy
8. As the concentration of electrons becomes higher in one side, ie.,
and it is also the most important of the non-conventional sources of in
energy because it is non-polluting and therefore helps in decreasing the
n-type side of the junction and concentration of holes becomes morewill
p-n junetion
green house effect. another side, i.e., the p-type side of the junction, the
i By conversion to electricity via thermo-electric power system. Sunlight
The sun releases the enormous amount of energy due to continuous
fusion reaction taking place inside the sun.
Glass t
4 The sun sends out the energy in the form of radiations at the rate o Metal ring
3.7 x 100 MW. Junction
5. However, the energy intercepted by the
earth is about.1.85 x 10 MW.
Solar Energy
34G(ESC-Sem-3& 4) Energy Science & Engineering
3-5G (ESC-Sem-3&)
OUTLINEE i Total Radiation ):The sumof beam and diffuse radiation intercepted
CONGEPT at the earth's surface per unit area of location is known
which solar radiation
strikes at the top as total radiation
and it is also known as insolation. The radiations received by a collector
rate at
Solar Constant: The the solar constant. 8urface are always global radiations.
of the atmosphere is called
iv. Air Mass (m) : It is the ratio of the path length of beam radiation
through the atmosphere, to the length of path when sunis at over head
Questions Ansy or zenith.
Medium Answer pe uestio Reflected back radiation
Long Answer 1ype and to space
Que 3.3. Write a short note on
solar radiation. Diffuse Atmospheric
Scatter18 absorption
Reflected back Direct
Answer. by surface
1 Extraterrestrial radiation is the measure of solar radiatjon that would S.No. Direct Radiation
be received in the absence of atmosphere. on the The radiation received on a
b. Terrestrial Solar Radiation: Solar radiation received
terrestrial surface (scattered
The radiation we receive on the earth surface is called terrestrial radiation
earth's surface aerosols and dust) from all parts
1 direction is known
changé in as
and is nearly 70 % of extraterrestrial radiation. of the sky dome is known
as direct radiation. diffuse radiation.
2. Solar radiation passes through the earth's atmosphere and is subjected path.
to scattering and atmospheric absorption and a part ofscattered radiations path. It does not have a unique
are reflected back into space. |It has a does not happen in diffuse|
radiation is It
Que 3.4 Define the terms used in solar radiation. 3. Direct solar
most intense at
any radiation.
generally surface of the
one spot on thenoon.
the place to the centre of the earth, with the projection of the line on the 2. Thus it gives the direction of the shadow east
in the horizontal plane by
equatorial plane. a vertical rod.
2. The latitude is taken as positive for any location towards the northern ue 3.7.What are the devices used for measuring the solar
hemisphere and negative towards the southern hemisphere i.e., the
latitude at equator is 0 while at north and south poles are +90° and radiations ? Explain each with their construetion and worling.
-90 respectively. Answer
c Declination Angle (8):
Various devices used for measuring the solar radiations are as follows:
1 The declination is the angle made by the line joining the centres of the
Bun and the earth with its projection on the equatorial plane.
Pyranometer : It is a device used for measuring global or diffuse
2. The declination angle varies from a maximum value of + 23.5°
on June a. Construction: It consists of following components:
21 to a minimum of -23.5 on December 21.
d Hour Angle (o): iBlack Surface: This receives the beam as well as diffuse radíations
which rises heat.
1. It is the angle through which the earth must be rotated to bring the
i. Glass Dome: It prevents the loss of radiation received by the black
meridian of a point directly in line with the sun's ray.
2 In other words, it is the angular displacement of the sun, east west of
the local meridian, due to the rotation of the earth on its axis at an angle ii. Thermopile: It is a temperature sensor and consists of a number of
of 15° per hour. thermocouples connected in series to increase the sensitivity.
e Altitude Angle (a):It is avertical angle between iv. Supporting Stand :t keeps the black surface in a proper position.
the projectionofthe
Levelling screw
Equator P b. Working:
sun and it starts receiving the
Fig.8.6.1. Latitude 4, hour angle
and sun's declination 8.
1 The pyranometer is kept exposed to the
Zenith Angle (0):Itis the vertical *** radiations. temperature starts
radiation, the surface
angle between the sun's rays Due to the absorption ofthetemperature of the absorbing surface is
Solar Energy
S-8G (EScSem-3&4) Energy Science & Engineering
which is proportional to the 3-9G (ESCSem-3&
3. The thermopile generates a thermo-emf
radiations absorbed and this thermo-emf is
calibrated in terms of the 8pherical lens
received radiations. This measures the global Paper strip
It is a device used for measuring the beam or direct
B. Pyrheliometer:
components Support for
a. Construction: It consists of following paper strip
Supporting base
L Receiver: It is in the shape of a hollow tube with reflecting surface
Fig.3.7.3.Sunahine recorder.
Absorber Plate : It consists of a blackened surface and it is placed at
the bottom of the tube. bWorking:
ii Thermopile: It is a sensing element of temperature consisting of a 1 Sun's beam is focused to a point by a spherical glass, whieh acts as a
group of thermopiles. convex lens and graduated paper stripis placed at the focal point.
2 Dueto the heating effect of the foeused beam, a burn mark is produced
Acceptance angle
on the paper and the graduation on the paper is done as per the bouraof
the day.
Hollow tube
Que 3.8.Write ahort noto on:
a Solar radiance, and
Blackened absorber plate b Solar insolation.
Thermopile junction
a Solar Radiance:
The solar radiance is an instantaneous power density in units kWhn.
Fig 3.73. Pyrheliometer location and local weather.
2. The solar radianee is strongly dependant on
b. Woring: measurements consist of global and/or direct radiation
3. Solar radiance
measurements taken periodically throughout the day.
4 Solar insolation canmeasure the number of hours in the day
8unshine recordere above a certain level.
sunahine is
which the
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Solar Energy
S-10G (ESc-Sem-3& 4) Energy Science && Engineering
way can be used to
determine the solar insolation 3-11G (ESc-Sem-3&4
Data collected in this to those based 2. Doping involves adding dopant
measured number of sunshine hours
atoms to an intirinsic eemiconductor
by comparing the correction factors. changes the electron and hole which
and including several carrier concentrations
on calculations semiconductor at thermal equilibrium. of the
Generation n-type semiconductor, and
Basic Physics of Semiconductors, Carrier Transport
i p-type semiconductor.
and Recombination in Semiconductors.
CONCEPT OUTLINE Qne S.10 What is the differenee between intrinsic and extrinsic
Semiconductors: The elements whose conductivity lies between semiconductor ? AKTU 2019-20, Marks 10
metals and insulators. Most frequently used semiconductors in
construction of electronic devices are Ge, Si, and GaAs.
dopant species.
basis of energy band
Classity semiconductors on the
2 The number of charge carriers is therefore determined by the properties
of the material itself instead of the amount of impurities &ue &11
gap with the help of suitable
Solar nergy
S-12G (ESC-Sem-3 &4) Energy Science & Engineering
3-13 G (E8c-Sem-3& 4)
Conduction band
ww.. hv =Bg -Free electron
k (wave vector)
B. Indireet Band Gap Semiconductors: Pg821Arsenic.clectron as free electron (dondi
1 Inindirect band gap semiconductors, an electron in conduction band fall B. p-type Semiconductors:
indireetly to valence band giving a part of energy to the lattice in the 1. When a small amount of trivalent impurity is added to pure crystal
form of heat.
during the crystal growth, the resulting crystal is calledp-type extrinsic
2. It undergoes a change in momentum as well as energy. semiconductor.
Example:Si, Ge ete. 2. Fig. 3.12.2 shows each atom of boron ie., trivalent impurity is added to
pure germanium crystal.
/ Conduction band
Electron Hole!.!
E www..hv = Bz
k (wave vector)
Empty state \Valence band
3:112 Boron hole (acceptor
Que 3.12. Explain n-type and p-type Fig. 312.2
1 R. Charge Carrier Concentration
called recombination of carriers. Semiconductor: for n-type Extrinsie
2. When free electron in the conduction band falls in to a hole in the 1 n-type extrinsic semiconductor
has conceptually many similarities
valence band, then the free electron and hole gets eliminate. the p-type except fundamentaly the charge to
carrier is different here.
We create a n-type extrinsic semiconductor
Que 3.14.Deseribe charge carrier concentration for p-type 2 by taking a group 4A
element (like silicon) and doping small quantities of group 5A
and n-type extrinsie semiconductor. elements
(like nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, bismuth) into it.
Answer 3. These elements have essentialy one additional valence electron available
to them, and that valence electron is available for more free movement
A Charge Carrier Concentration for p-type Extrinsic within the system and therefore, at very marginal availability of energ
Semiconductor: this electron begina to run around the system.
We create ap-type extrinsic semiconductor by taking a group 4A element 4. That is captured in the band diagram by this donor level (Fig 3.14.2)
(like silicon) and doping small quantities of group 3A elements (like which stays very close to the empty conduction band. So, at very small
boron, aluminum, gallium, indium, thallium) into it. amount of energy we can get these donor electrons to get into the
2 These group 3A elements have one valence electron less, than that of conduction band and then carry out the conduction processes.
silicon and so, they are potentially incapable of grabbing onto an electron Empty conduction
or in other wordsreleasing that vacant location. This releasing of vacant
location is referred to as ahole. band
By oo0o00000g0
Donor levels
Empty conduction
Filled valenee
Fig.3.-14.1.pype aztrinaie sennicondustor Metal-Semiconduetor
Semiconductor Junetions:
3. Now we have acceptor levels that can accept the electrons very easily, p-n Junction
and acceptor levels are just above the valence band. Whereas, in a unction and
intrinsic semiconductor the Fermi energy level is right in the middle
between the valence band and the conduction band. In the case of a Question8-Answera
contact is the mismatch of the Fermi energy between metal and Que 313 Discuss p-n junction in forward bias and reversed
semiconductor material which is due to the difference in work functions. bias
B. MSJunction in Forward Bias:
As a positive bias is applied to the metal, the Fermi energy of the metal Answer
is lowered with respect to the Fermi energy in the semiconductor. This p-n Junction in Forward Bias:
results in a smaller potential drop across the semiconductor.
more electrons 1 For the forward bias of ap-njunetion, p-type is connected to the positive
2 The balance between diffusion and drift is disturbed and torminal while the n-bype to negative terminal of battery.
will difiase towards the metal than the number of electrons drifting into
the semiconductor. pmA)
3. This leads to a positive current through the junction at a voltage 301
comparable to the built-in potential. 25 Forward bias region
C. M-S Junetions in Reverse Bias: 20
1 As anegative voltage is applied, the Fermi energy of the metal is raised
with respect to the Fermi energy in the semiconductor. 101
2 The potential across the semiconductor now increases, yielding a larger 51 0.3Ao.1
depletion region and a larger electric field at the interface. VGe) VgS)
3. The barrier which restricts the electrons to the metal is unchanged so V,(Si)
that barrier independent of the applied voltage limits the flow ofelectrons. 10
Migrated holes Orward current rises an extremely large
Space charge region
from p-type . value, it produces
5eyond a certain safe junction due to overheating
which may destroy
Solar Energy
3-18G (ESC-Sem-3 & 4) Energy Science & Engineering
In this case the junction resistance becomes very high and practically no Batteries areinstalledwith a microproces8or
current flows through the circuit. monitor the voltage and temperature. based eharge regulator
3. In practical, a small current of the order of uA flowa in the circuit due to to
minority carriers. This is knowm as reverse current. The reverse current
AIt also regulates the input
overcharging and excesaive and the output eurrent to
is shown in Fig. 3.17.1. discharge respectively. eliminate
As the reverse bias is increased from zero,
9. An inverter is provided for converting
the reverse current quickly array to AC power. DC power from
battery or PV
rises to its maximum or saturation value. The slight increase is due to
impurities on the surface which behaves as a resistor and hence obeys 10. It needs to have an automatic switch-off
Ohm's law. This gives rise to a current called surface leakage the array is too low or too high. in case the output voltage
current. from
5. Ifthe reverse voltage is further increased, the kinetic energy
ofelectrons B. Advantages of Solar Photovoltaie Systems
becomes so high that they knock out from the semiconductor
atoms. At 1. No operational cost.
this stage breakdown of junction occurs and there is a
reverse current. Now the junction is destroyed completely.
sudden rise of 2 Low maintenance.
3. These systems are durable.
6. Thus, p-n junction is one way device
which offers a low resistance when
forward biased and behaves like an insulator 4 More flexibility is available in solar photovoltaic
when reverse biased. systems.
5. These systems are eco-frienddy.
PART-5 C. Disadvantages of Solar Photovoltaie Systems:
Essential Characteristics of Solar Photouoltaio 1 Low efficiency.
2. Weather dependent.
3. Installation costis more.
Que 3.19 Write short note on:
Long Answer Type and
Medium Answer 1ype i Principle of solar photovoltaic, and
iestions i. Photovoltaic effect.
Que 3.18. Explain Answer
solar photovoltaic system.
A Solar Photovoltaic into electrical energy using a device called photovoltaic cell or solar cell.
8ystem 2 A solar cell is made up of a semiconductor material like silicon (Si) or
1 It refers to a wide variety
of solar electricity systems. gallium arsenide (GaAs).
This system use solar
array made of silicon semiconductors, atoms carry four electrons in the outer valence
inverter. charge 18 the basic principle on' which the solar cell
4. Storage batteries
Bupply during with charge regulators are provided Photovoltaie Effect
periods of cloudy for back-up power electrons or other free carriers
5. Batteries day and during
nights. Photoelectric effect is the emission of
rises to its maximum or saturation value. The slight increase is due array to AC power.
impurities on the surface which behaves as a resistor and hence 10. Itneeds to have an automatic switch-off in case the output voltage from
Ohm's law. This gives rise to a current called surface leakage eu the array is too low or too high.
5. Ifthe reverse votage is further increased, the kinetic energy of electron B. Advantages of Solar Photovoltaic Systems
becomes so high that they knock out from the semiconductor atoms, At 1. No operational cost.
this stage breakdown of junction oceurs and there is a sudden rise of Low maintenance.
reverse current. Now the junction is destroyed completely.
These systems are durable.
6. Thus, p-njunction is one way device which offers a low resistance when More flexibility is available in solar photovoltaic'systerns.
forward biased and behaves like an insulator when reverse biased.
5. These systems are eco-friendly.
C. Disadvantages of Solar Photovoltaie 8ystems
PART5 L Low efficiency.
Essentia Characteristics ofSolar Plhotovoltaio Devices 2 Weather dependent.
Installation cost is more.
Questions-Answeers Que 3.19. Write short note on:
i Principle of solar photovoltaic, and
Answerype and Medium Answerype Questions ii. Photovoltaic effect.
convert sunlhgn
2 This system use solar array made of silicon to extra energy is aupplied.
current. This
electricity. en,a semiconductor attains the property to conduct the
18 the basic principle on which the solar cell works
and generates power.
3. Components other than PV array are collectively known
electronic caa
(ESC-Sem-3&4) Solar
3-20G Engineering 3-21 G ESC-Sem-3 &4)
Bne Energy
Science &
Mathematically, power points are shown in
paper of these graphs, maximum
On the
--1exp- 3.
Fig. 3.20.2.
power point (MPP) constitute, the maximum power line
Where, I=Saturationcurrent, The maximum also non-linear in nature.
MPL is
e Electronic charge,
T Absolute temperature, and Power (P)
Maximum power line
k Boltzmann's constant. L000 W/m2
= 1.38 x 10- J/K.
Que 8.20. Describe V-I and P-V characteristics of photovoltaie 800 W/m
600 W/m2
device power point
Answer 400 W/m2
A VICharacteristic of Photovoltaic (PV) Device:
1 a
The V-1 characteristic of a PV device is non-linear graph betwee 200 W/m
current and voltage generated by PV module as shown in ig. 3.20.1.
Voltage (V)
Fig 3.20:2 a
PV characteristic of PV module
Maximum power line
First Generation Solar Cells, Second Generation
40 °C
Solar cells, Third Generation Solar Cells.
-T-T= 3020C°C Questions-Answers
T 10 °C
B. P-V Characteristic
of Photovoltaic Device: ploted
These cells are typically made using a diffusion process with silicon
1. P-Vcharacteristic
curve of aPV device is also a ear curve
between power and voltage
2. For differentpower
of a PV device. plotie These silicon wafer based solar cells are the dorminant technologyinthe
densities in W/m?, different graphs have been nmercial solar cells, accounting for more than 86
production of
between power and entgraphs D
voltage of a PV module. the terrestrial solar cell market.
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thin plates or wafers. into
3. The upper layer of the wafers is doped with phosphorous to
produce Types of Second Generation Solar Cells:
type semiconduetor. This becomes p-n junction. n Copper Indium (Gallium) Diselenide (CIS) Cell:
4 Maximum efficiency of these cells is 24 %.
CIS has a direct band gap of 1.0 eV. Incorporation of Ga into the CIS
b Polycrystalline Silicon Cells mixture inereases the band gap beyond 1.1 eV.
1 In polycrystalline cells, liquid silicon is poured into blocks Aheterogeneous junetion with n-type Ca-S andp-type CIS is fabricated
that are sa 2.
into plates. using thin-film technology.
2. During solidification of the material, crystal structures of varying 3. Its main attraction is inexpensive preparation.
are formed.
3. The size of crystallites mainly depends upon the cooling condition.
4. Itis more stable as compared to a Sicell in outdoor applications and has
efficiency of around 10%. However, exposure to elevated temperatures
molten silicon is cooled very slowly, the crystalites of
ur esults in loss of efficiency but ight soaking restores it to original
larger size are
obtained. fficiency. level.
4. The silicon solar cells made from polycrystaline silicon b. Cadmium Telluride Cell:
are low cost but
low efficiency. 1. Ca-Te has a favorable direct band gap of 1.44 eV.
5. Maximum effciency of these cells is 17.8 %.
2. Thin film heterogeneous junction with n-type Cd-S andp-type Cd-Te is
c Amorphous Silicon Cells: fabricated as shown in Fig. 3.22.1.
1 Ifasilicon film is deposited on glass or another substrate material, this Here, a transparent conducting oxide layer is used instead of metallie
is so called amorphous or thin layer cell. contact at the top on the n side.
2. The layer thickness is less than 1 um, so 4 EVA(ethylene vinyl acetate) is used for encapsulation.
production costs are lower due
to the low material costs. 6. Its eficiency is about 10 % and open circuit cell voltage is
around 0.8 V.
3. However, the efficiency of amorphous
cells is much lower than that of Anti-reflective coating
the other cells. Because of this,
they are primarily used in low power
equipment such as watches, pocket calculators Transparent
Answer EVA
A Back glass
Second Generation Solar
These cells are based on E 3.2.1 Basic structure ofCa-Te cell
semiconductors on lattice the use of thin epitaxial deposi
2. There are two classes of epitaxial wafers. ue 3.28.Definethird generation solar cells. Bxplain their various
photovoltaic- space and trial
3. Space cells typically have
also have a higher cost higher efficiencies (28-30 6) inprodue
tarh ypes.
per watt.
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4) SolerEnergy
8-24 G (ESc-Sem-3 &
Third Generation Solar
They are proposed to be very
different from the previous s Conventional and
devices as they do not rely on a traditional
p-n junction to
to separate
photogenerated charge carriers. Non-Conventional
For space applications quantum well devices
(quantum dots, o UNITT Energy Sources
ropes, etc.) and devices incorporating carbon nanotubes are bein n
with a potential for up to 45 % production
3. For terrestrial applications, these new devices includ
photoelectrochemical cells, polymer solar cells, nanocrystal solarm
dye sensitized solar cells and are still in the research phase.
B. Types of Third Generation Solar Cells: CONTENTS
a. Organie PV Cell1:
1. The solar cells based on organic semiconductor can próvide a low Cost Biological tnerEy Sources 4-2G to 45G
alternative for solar PV. Part-1
and ossil Fuels
2. The thickness of the active layer of organic solar cells is only 100 nm
thin, which is about 1000 times thinner than the crystalline silicon solar Fluid Dynamics and Power in 4-5G to 4-12G
cells, and it is about 10 times thinner than the current inorganic thin Resources,
the Wind, Availablepes
film solar cells. luids, Viscosity of
3. In the low material consumption per solar cell and the relatively simpler Fluid Flow, Lift
cell processing of organic semiconductors, there is a large potential for
low cost large area solar cells. Part-3 Wind Turbine DynamicS 18G to 4-16G
and Design
Due to this reason, there is a considerable interest in organic photovoltais
devices, Part-4 Wind Farms -16G to 4-17G
5. Their principal advantage is that they are flexible and can bend without
Part-5 Geothermal Power and Ocean H7G to 4-22G
1. The DSC can be considered as a thin filim solar cell device. This technoingy
Part-7 Wave Power 4-26G to 4-26G
is not yet commercialized but is on the verge of commercialization Part-8
2 The DSC solar cells can be made flexible. It has a good potential
Eydropower .4-27G to 4-29G
4-2G(EScSem-3&4) nalEnergy
Conventional & Non-Conventional Enero.
Science & Engineering 4-3G (ESC-Sem-3&4)
PART-1 Water stored behind dam and at a height has a lot of potential energy
Biologicol Knergy Sources and Fossil Fuele 3.
which is converted into mechanical and electrical energy.
4 The water is released gradually and is allowed to fall under the
gravitational force and drive which rotate hydraulic turbines.
6. The generators attached with turbine produce the electricity.
Long Answer 1ype and Nedium Answer ype Questions Merits
1 Hydropower does not pollute the water or the air during operation and
no waste products are formed.
Que 4.1. Discuss various biological energy sources along Demerits:.
with i
their merits and demerits. 1 Itresults in ecological disturbance like flooding situation and adverse
effects on flora and fauna.
Answer a Wind Energy:
Various biological energy sources are as follows: 1. Wind energy is a renewable source of non-polluting energy and it has
Solar Energy: tremendous potential which if harnessed, can easily satisfy the energy
Solar enegy is a clean, cheap and abundantly available renewable energy demands of a country.
and it is also the most important of the non-conventional sources of 2 Estimates reveal that 2 % of the total solar energy falling on earth is
energy because it is non-polluting and therefore helps in decreasing the converted to kinetic energy in the atmosphere.
green house effect. 3. 30 % of this kinetic energy occurs in the lowest 1000m of elevation i.e.,
2. Solar energy can be used: wind in the lowest kilometer has maximum kinetic energy which can be
i By direct conversion to a fuel by photosynthesis. converted into mechanical energy which in turn can be utilized to
By direct conversion to electricity by photovoltaic. generate electricity or to perform some other useful work.
4 Since, the energy possessed by wind is by virtue of its motion, so the
ii By conversion to electricity via thermo-electric power system.
The sun releases the enormous amount of energy due to continuous
device used to extract its energy should be capable of slowing down the
3. wind.
fusion reaction taking place inside the sun.
The sun sends out the energy in the form of radiations at the rate of Merits:
and consumed in the world. 8 favourable in eity locations as the wind is available at higher
Merits locations.
1. Noiseless operation. 4Itis
unreliable and intermittent. It is not available regularly.
d Wave
2. useful rate propellers are placed in shallow waters, near the shores and
Large space is required for the collection of solar energy at a use o motion ofthe waves, the propellers also get the motion and this
b. Hydro Energy netic energy can be used to drive turbines.
1 It is a renewable energy source which used gen electricit Merits
to renerate
2. Hydropower is obtained from water
flow or falling water nahelgh nl8 is cheap, clean and inexhaustible source of energy.
Page 44 of 73
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i rain.
called geothermal energy.
2. There is an increase in the temperature of the earth' with incrensd i. Natural Gas:
depth below the surface.
easing Natural gas is formed by decomposition of dead animals and plants
buried under the earth.
3. The fission of radioactive material naturaly occurring in
the roek 9 It is mainly composed of methane (CH) with small amount of propane
increases the temperature of the earth as we move down from cks
earth's surface. t
the and ethane.
3. Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel.
4. Hot molten rocks called magma is present in the core of the
earth. This
causes sometimes volcanic action. 4 Uses of natural gas
5. This hot steam is used to operate turbines to generate electricity. i It is used as a domestic and industrial fuel.
Artificially it can also be harnessed with the help of pipes by drilling the Itis also used in thermal power plants for generating electricity.
hot rocks, which make the hot water to gush out through pipes which 6. Advantages of natural gas:
turns the turbine of the generator to produce electricity. i Natural gas has a high calorific value and it burns without any
i Merits: smoke.
Itis cheap and clean source of energy. i It can be easily transported through pipelines
2. Geothermal plants require ittle land area.
ii. Demerits: gue3 What are conventional and non-conventional energy
1. Air pollution results in case of release of gases like HS, NH, present in sOurces ? Write shortnotes on classification of energy sources.
the steam waste. AKTU 2019-20, Marks 10
Coal energy, and 8urces of energy which are exhaustible ie, cannot be replaced if
ii. Natural gas3 they are used.
of trees and plants buried under xample:Sun, water, animal dung, agro-waste, wind, eto.
lassification of Energy Sources: Refer Q,4.1, Page 4-2G, Unit-4.
3. Itis composed of mainly carbon and hydrocarbons.
4. Uses of coal:
Coalis usedto generate electricity. Power
heating PART-2
plants use coal forgonerate
the water to generate steam which runs the turbines b
Rluid Dynamics, in the Wind, Avalable Resources, Fluids
electricity. Aseositypes of uid kiou, Lif
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a Rotor swept volume,
v, and v, = Velocity of wind at inlet and outlet of enclosure,
v= Velocity of rotor,
p 1.25, air density, and
Que 4.7. Write down the principle of power generation in wind
h = Mass flow rate of air over rotor.
mills. Derive an expression for maximum efficieney.
The thrust on the turbine by moving air as it passes over the rotor,
Answer F- m(v-v,) 4.7.1)
A Principle of Power Generation in Wind Mills:
1 The basie principleof wind energy is to convert the kinetic energy of 8. The power extracted by turbine,
wind into rotational motion to operate an electric generator.
ur .4.7.2)
P= m(v,-v,)v,
B. Expression for Maximum Efficiency:
8 Inatantaneous loss in kinetic energy of wind as it passes through rotor,
1 The power in the wind can be extracted by allowing it to pass through
moving wings that exert torque on a rotor.
Pi (-) .4.7.3)
The amount of power transferred is directly proportional to the density
of the air, the area swept out by the rotor, and the cube of the wind 10. From eq. (4.7.2) and eq. (4.7.3), we have
3. Pig. 4.7.1 shows the air flow diagram on rotor, with variation of wind
speed at different sections.
r 4.7.4)
11. From eq. (4.7.2) and eq. (4.7.4), we have
vi Pi o Pe Exit
2. The mass flow rate through turbine rotor,
a) Energy extraction
r P4,y,= Pa,
Kotor wheel
In otor wheel 3. rom eq. (4.7.6) and eq. (4.7.6), we have
Pya J-v
Ppe,, +
Tmax LSteady and Unsteady Flows:
1, Steady flow is that type of flow in which the fluid characteristics like
0.59 velocity, pressure, density, etc, at a point do not change with time.
Unsteady flow is that type of flowin which the velocity, pressure, density,
Que 48 Discuss some physical properties of fluids in briet. etc, at a point changes with respect to time.
ii Laminar and Turbulent Flows:
Some physical properties of fluids are as follows:
. Laminar flow is one in which the fluid particles move along well defined
paths or stream line and all the stream lines are straight and parallel.
a. Density or Mass Density: It may be defined as the mass per unit 2. Turbulent flow is that type of flow in which the particles move in a
volume at a standard temperature and pressure. It is also known as zig-zag way.
specific mass. It is denoted by p and its unit is kg/m3.
i. Rotational and Irrotational Flows:
Mathematically, p = 1. Rotational flow is that type of flow in which the fluid particles while
flowing along stream lines also rotate about their own axis.
Where, 2 If the uid particles while flowing along stream lines, do not rotate
m Mas (kg), and
U Volume (m*). about their own axis that type offlow is called irrotational flow.
iv, Compressible and Incompressible Flows:
b Weight Density:It can be defined as the weight per unit volume at the
standard temperature and pressure. Itis also known as specific weighi
. Compressible flow is that type of flow in which the density of the fluid
It is denoted by W and its unit is N/m. changes firom point to point.
Uniform low is defined as that type of flow in which the velocity at any
Mathematically, V=
given timedoes not change with respect to space.
m P 2 Non-uniform flow is that type offnow in which the velocity at any given
d Specifie Gravity:Itis the ratio of the specific weight of n fluid time changes with respect to space.
Subsonic, Sonic and Supersonic Flows: PART-3
1. When Mach number is less than 1 (M <1), fow is subsonic fow Wind Turbine Dynamics and Design.
2. When Mach number is equal to 1 (M = 1), flow is sonie flow.
When Mach number is greater than 1 (M >1), flow is supersonieflow.
3. Auestions-Answers
i Subcritical, Critical and Supereritical Flows:
When Froude number is less than one tPe <1, the flow is suberitical Long Answer 1ype and Medinm Answer Type Queations
2 When Froude number is equal to one (Pe = 1), the flow is eritical
3. When Froude number is greater than one (Pe> 1), the tlow is supercritieal
flow. Que 412. Discuss the following parameters:
ii. One, Two and Three Dimensional Flows: i Pitch angle ii Pitch control
1. One dimensional flow is that type of flow in which the flow parameter ii Tip speed ratio iv. Solidity
such as velocity is a function of time and one space co-ordinate only. v. Angle of inclination vi Angle ofincidence
Two dimernsional flow is that type of flow in which the velocity is vii. Nacelle viii. Yaw controL
2 a
function of time and two rectangular space co-ordinates
3. Three dimensional flow is that type of flow. in which the velocity is a
i Pitch Angle (B) : Angle between the direction of wind and direction
function of time and three mutually perpendicular directions. perpendicular to the plane of blades is known as pitch angle.
Que 4.11.| Explain the force exerted by a flowing i. Pitch Control: Itis the control of pitch by turning the blades or blade
fluid on a
stationary body.
ii Tip Speed Ratio: The ratio of the speed of the rotor blade tips to the
speed of the wind is known as tip speed ratio.
L The total foroe
iv. Solidity: It is defined as the percentage of the cireumference of the
F) exerted by the fluid on the body is perpendicular
the surface of the body. Thus the total force is inclined to the direction of
t rotor which is filled by the rotor blades.
motion. Solidity Nb
2 The component of total force (F) in the direction of flow is called drag (s)=d
and is given as, Where, N= Number of blades,
v= Wind velocity in plane of rotation due to blade turnning, Answer
V=Resultant wind velocity, Various parameter of designing of wind turbine rotor are as follows
F List force perpendicular to vz a Diameter of the Rotor:
F Drag force perpendicular to V The diameter of the rotor is determined from the operating wind speed
FR Resultant force on blade, and the rated power output.
F=Component of Pp producing torque, 2 The generated power is given by,
Fa Thrust force component, P-Pon
a = Angle of attack, and
B Pitch angle. PAYn.,
Undisturbed wind
Relative Chord line
Plane of rotation (Torque) Dvn,n.C,
Where, mEhiciency of mechanical transmission and
Fr n= Efficiencyofelectrical generation.
b. Choice of the Number of Blades:
. Ttis obvious that the eficiency of power extraction from wind depend on
Wind direction
Fa(thrust) the proper choice of the number of blades.
Centre 2 There will be little power extraction if the blades are so close to each
of lift other or rotate so fast that every blade moves into the turbulent air
3. Blade is moving in the plane of rotation and it sees a tangential v hus, the choice of the number of blades should depend on the
velocity (tip speed ratio).
vinthe plane of rotation.
4. VRis the resulting wind velocity, which gential Choice of the Blade Profile and Material:
is the vector sum of tange is generaly a Hat
velocity vp and impinging wind velocity low TSR water pumping wind mils, the blade
v. Ormetallic
5. The lift force acts perpendicular to
F andthe plate.
the resultant velocity Vga metallic sheet, which leads
drag force Fy is parallel to vg it is a simple, circularly curved
8ome casesaerofoil-1ike characteristiçs, but with uniform thickness
6. The vector sum of lift force and drag rigidity, these blades bave to
7. Now resolve FR into two
F, force Fp is p ughout the blade. Because of their low
structural support.
forces ie., F which is torque to a circular metallic frame for
component and F, thrust producing component. ed ofthe Pitch Angle
1Flat open area should be selected, as the wind velocities are high in flat
Transmission System and Gear Box open area.
1 In general, the optimal speed of rotation ot an electrical generatori. 2. The proposed altitude is to be selected by taking average wind speed
much higher than the optimal speed of a wind turbine. data.
2. In order to ensure that a low speed of the turbine produces a 3. Minimum wind speed should be available throughout the year.
rotational speed at the generator, a gear box is inserted high
in the 4. Ground surface should be stable and high soil strength.
transmission system.
6. To minimie the transmission losses, the wind power should be near the
3. If the great system has fixed gear ratio, the transmission system consumers.
relatively simple and inexpensive.
6 It should be at least 5 km away from the ities to reduce the effect of
noise pollution.
PART-4 7. Low land cost.
Wind Farms 8. Approach roads upto site.
Que 4.15. Write a short note on wind Geothermal Energy: The enormous amount of energy available inside
the earth in the form of heat is known as geothermal energy
Answer Geothermal energy is a form of renewable energy and independent
8un, having the source of natural heat inside the earth.
3. Since eachturbine extracts important wer ype and Mediun Answer pe4uestions
some ofthe energy of the wind,
to provide adequate spacing
between turbines to avoid exce 1e
4 Awind farm has 10-50 EL Discuss diftorent systems used for generating the power
turbines unit depending on its 512e sing geothermal energy.
5. Where land area is sufficient,
diameters apart perpendicularturbines are spaced thefve e
to Answer
temperature of about 245 °C and pressure 7 bar which are less than Flash
Hot brine QCondensate
those in conventional steam cycle plants.
O Pump
3. Thus, the efñiciency of geothermal plants is low, i.e., about 20 % Production Reinjection
well well
Exhaust steam from the turbine passes through a condenser and the
water so formed circuates through the cooling tower.
5. It improves the efficiency of the turbine and contróls environmental Blow down
pollution associated with the direct release ofsteam into the atmosphere. Geothermal fluid
5. Waste water from the cooling tower sump is re-injected into the 17.2Elashed ateam peothermal power plant
geothermal well to ensure continuous supply. Geothermal fluid (mixture of brine and steam) passes through a
flash chamber where a large part of the fluid is coverted to steam.
Steam 3. Dry saturated steam passes through the turbine coupled with the
turbineGenerator generator to produce electric power.
3 phase Hot brine from the flash chamber and the turbine discharges from
Supply the condenser are re-injected into the ground and reinjection of
separator the spent brine ensures a continuous supply of geothermal fluid
from the well.
Direct contact i Binary Cycle System:
Valve Coolin 1 A binary cycle is used where geothermal fluid is hot water with
temperature less than 100 °C.
pump Punp:
Vapour tlow
steam i.e., a mixture of hot water and steam under high pressure
2. There are two types of liquid dominated power plants:
Flashed Steam System: ynuirnnmmun
of Production Reinjection
1 Flashed system is preferred for high temperature mixrture well well
geothermal brine and steam with low dissolved impurities
eycle ystem.
g. 4.17.3. Sehematie view of binary
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eering 4-21 G (ESC-Sem-3&4)
Science &
Conventional & Non-Conventional Energy
Ener Souroes Energy
Sem-3&4) cold water 18 prevented because no
4-20G (ESC mixing between hot and
a low boillng point working luid
eonvection occurs between hot and cold water layer. This means that
This plant operates with
geothermal power pls
Que 4.18. Write the difference between Answer O1 system:
AKTU 2019-20, Marks 10 Following are the two basic types of
and thermal power plant. OTEC System:
Closed or Anderson Cycle
fluids for heat engines use the fluids like
1 In this system, the working boiling point because the
ammonia, freon 12, butane gas having low
working temperature of sea water is smal.
Thermal Power Plant circulated through a pump to a heat
8.No. Geothermal Power Plant 2. Warm water from ocean surface is vapour at high pressure.
. It uses inexhaustible source of It uses exhaustible source of exchanger which acts as boiler to generate freon
energy energy. expands in the turbine to develop mechanical power and it
3. This vapour
is used to drive an electric generatór
which produces electric energy.
It is less environment friendly.
2 |It is more environment friendly low pressure is condensed in the condenser
There is no such problem. 4 Freon vapour from turbine at of ocean through a
These power plants in some with the help of cold water drawn from the depth
dangerous cases can cause low in the range of 2 to
pump. The overall efticiency of such plant is very
earthquakes. 3% only.
t. is mainly used for power
Itgeneratons It can be used for various Turbine
process. industrial processes. Vapour r
. Set up cost is high. Set up cost is low. Surface
water discharge
By-products of these plants are By-products of these plants can Heat Condenser
exchanger Condensed water
from sea pump
ue 4.19, What is the working principle of ocean thermal eu Fig. 420.1. Closed or Anderson eyele OTEC plant.
conversion ? Open Cycle or Claude Cycle OTEC System
n this system, the warm water from ocean surface is admitted
Answer evaporator which is maintained under high
. The principle of ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) is tha and
e deaerator to the
the water at the top. discharged back to the ocean at high
andthe remainder liquid is non-condensable gases from
2. This temperature difference can be used to operate a heat 3. deaerator also removes the dissolved
most of the radiation is being absorbed at the surface layer or he
water before supplying to the evaporator.
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Conventional & Non-Conventional Enern.
4-22G (ESc-Sem-3&4) Souroes
sm Engineering
This low pressure steam having very high specific volume is Energy Science & 4-23 G (ESC-Sem-3&4)
turbine where it expands and the mechanical power so developed
converted into electrical power by the generator. ia
The tidal currents tlow in horizontal direction and have kinetic energy.
6. The exhaust steam from turbine is discharged into a direct conta This energy is called tidal current energy.
heat exchanger and mixes with the cold water drawn from
depth of about 1 to 2 km.
oc pe
at a 7. The rise and fall of the water level follows a sinusoidal curve.
8 PointA indicates the high tide point and B indicates low tide point.
6. The mixture of condensed steam and ocean cold water are discharon
The tidal range (R) is the difference between consecutive high tide and
into the ocean. low tide water levels.
Vacuum pump R (High tide level)- (Low tide level)
OPNon-condensable gases
Low pressure Generator Eunar day 24.83 hour
steam Lurbine
Warm water ?lash
Exhaust steam
from ocean evaporator, Tidal
E Direct eontact Water range
surface level
brine) t
L Condensate
to ocean 7
ocean at Cold water from Tidal
ocean depth Tdal
ur cycle cycle
Principle: To utilize tidal energy, water must be trapped at high tide
Dehind a dam or barrage and then made to drive turbine as it returns to
ue 21What are tides ? How they are formed ? sea during low tides. The available energy is proportional to the square
of the amplitude.
he relative positions of the earth, moon and the sun. Less sloppy towards the ocean and basin side.
2. The highest level
of tidal water is known as high tide and the Jo
lowest It should be able to withstand the shock load of tides and wave.
level of tidal water is known as low tide. ow height and shorter in length to minimize the cost of construction.
tidal currents. rbine: The Kaplan or bulb type turbine is used to operate with low
nd the entire turbine generator unit is submerged in the water.
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and air pushes down each particle, which again comes up. So, it actually power
moves up and down in circular path.
Hydropower: It the is derived from the energy of falling or
fast running water which may be harnessed for useful purpose.
Every particle passes on its motion to the next. This movement
of the Application of Hydropower:
water particles produces a pattern, which we see as wave.
1 Controlling the floods in the rivers.
5. These waves travel a long distance as they propagate and
2. Storage of irrigation water.
continuously strengthened by the new wind as they pass 3. Storage ofthe drinking water supply besides generation of power.
and retain
their enerEy even winds die down.
6. The ocean wave energy is created because of periodic
to and fro, up and
down motion of water particles in the form of progressive stions-Answers
7. It is important to note that water does not
travel with wave while the
disturbance or wave travels in wind direction. Long Med swer Type Questions
The height of the wave depends on the speed of the wind.
These waves develop for few seconds and get superimposed ocean
water. ue 4.25, What do you mean by hydroelectric power plant ?
10. The power potential of these
waves can be converted to electricity by
mechanieal meáns and harnessing this oceanic energy of waves nas Answer
been developed over past 30 years using wave 1.Hydroelectric power plant converts the hydraulic energy of water into
electrical energy.
Que 424. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wave 2The level of any place is higher than sea level, thus rain water falling
power ? over the earth's surface possesses potential energy relativé to sea or
Ocean and flows towards sea.
Answe This datun(potential) energy (head) ofrain water available at appreciahle
Eeuineering 2G (ESCSem3& 4
wgy Sewrae &
1ti miay b* ensidereda srtUn of 6afety valve for a dam. A
twyt reeYor beyond tho full
Awe hltwy s*rves ta diseharg# ExCEB* he
prribls lrvel
pow n whirh an urtifirisl lUrage veuvuy dm generally loeated at the foot of the dam and near
iti Puwer toue
plet t
l is
cmstruting dam hta ren ehvwn
The prurpn of prime hover is to eonvert kinetio energy
iPrime aovert eneTSY
of watr nto avehanieal
Power etat nh
Fg4281.General layout ofa hydroelortrir power plast.
UNIT Anawer ype andaiediinmAnag
Systems and Synthesis
e bl Discuss in brief about the different world energy
Majorly there are three world scenarios which are discussed as
Part-I Overview of World Energ 6-2Gto5-3 a Modern Jazz:
1 Itis a market led, digitally disrupted world with faster paced and more
uruneven economic growth.
Part-2 Nuclear Radiation, Fuel Cycles. 6-3G to 6-5G 2 Recent signals suggest that this entrepreneurial future might accelerate
Part-3 Waste and Proliferation, 6-5G to 6-8G clean energy access on both global and local scales, presenting new
Climate Change systerns integration, cyber security and data privacy challenges.
Unfinished Symphony
Part-4 Energy Storage,
5-8G to -10G L Ttis a strong, coordinated, policy led world, with long term planning and
Part-5 Energy Conservation, 5-10G to 5-12G united global action to address connected challenges, including
Engineering for Energy Conservation inequitable access and affordable decarbonization.
Recent signals suggest increased activism andcommitment toaddressing
Hard Rock
Part-8 Identification of Energy Related
Enterprises that Represent .5-16G to 6-17
is afragmented world with inward looking policies, lower growth and
less global cooperation.
Breath of the Industry and the
Prioritizing these as Candidates signals, such as the rise of populist leaders and uncertainty
t the outlook for international cooperation, imply that this scenario
mbodied Energy Analysis and
as a Tool for Measuring 5-17G to so evolving into a story of regionally firmer
aher than total fragmentation and harder rocks.
security foundations
Diseuss data of energy consumption in India.
Part 10Energy Audit of Facilities OR
Optimization and -18G to 5-21G
ew the energy scenario in India in brief.
Consumptionof Bnergy
ARTU 201920, Marks 10
5-1G (ESc-Sem-3&4
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1. In India, in 1947, the total power generation capacity was only 1360 Answer
and by 1991 it grew to 65,000 MW, of which 69 % (45,000 M
ANuclear Radiation:
generated in thermal plants. Was clear radiation refers to the particles and photons emitted during
2 The distribution of energy in various plants is as follows: actions
reactio that involve fhe nucleus of an atom. It is also known as ionizing
i Hydro Plant: radiation.
L The total Indian hydro-potential is 84,000 MW. oThe particles emitted by nuclear reactions are sufficiently energetic
2. The installed capacity is 18,443 MW (March, 1991) compare to that they can remOve electrons irom atoms and molecules and ionize
200 kWin them.
1897 (Darjeeling) and 508 MW at the time of independence.
ii. Nuclear Power Plant: Presently, in India, about 2.3 % of generating 3. Nuclear radiation includes gamma rays, X-rays, and the more energetic
capacity is nuclear based. This corresponds to about 1,500 MW the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
nstalled capacity comprising 8 units. of 4 Ionisning subatomic particles released by nuclear reactions include alpha
ii. Coal Plant: particles, beta particles, neutrons, positrons, and cosmic rayS.
Example : Fission of U-235.
1. Coal power plants are now getting maximum attention, since
abundantly available and the implementation time is relatively
coal is B. Types of Nuclear Radiationa:
short iAlpha Radiation
2. Thermal power generation capacity during the 8 Plan is 28,000 MW
and during 9 Plan is 32,000 MW. 1. Alpha radiation occurs when an atom undergoes radioactive decay, giving
off a particle called an alpha particle consisting of two protons and two
iv. Renewable Energy: neutron.
LRenewable energy hardly makes any contribution to the total energy 2 Due to their charge and mass, alpha particles interact strongly with
matter, and only travel a few centimeters in air.
2. However, construction ofa 100 MW ocean thermal energy conversion
3. Alpha particles are unable to penetrate the outer layer of dead skin
(OT'EC) project has commenced.
cells, but are capable, if an alpha emitting substance is ingested in food
or air, of causing serious cell damage.
PART-2 ii. Beta Radiation
Nuclear Radiationi Fuel Cycle 1,Beta radiation takes the form of either an electron or a positron being
thepreparation offuel, steps in the service period in which fuelis use external health risk.
during reactor operation and steps in the back end which are nece sauy i. Gamma Radiation
to safely manage the operation.
beta, does not consist of any particles,
amma radiation, unlike alphaoforenergy being emitted from an unstable
Energy Science & Engineering 6-5G (ESC-Sem-3& ESC-Sem-3 & 4) Systems and Synthesis
2 This is generally caused by energy changes in an electron.
moving from a higher energy level to a lower one, causing tha excess Medicine:
energy to be released. Radioactive medical waste tends to contain beta particle and
gamma ray
PART-3 v. Industry:
Waste and Proliferation, Climate Change Industrial source waste can contain alpha, beta, neutron or gamma
emitters. Gamma emitters are used in radiography while neutron
CONCEPT OUTLINE emitting sources are used in a range of applications, such as oil well
Nuclear Waste: Radioactive by products resulting from fusion, fission
B. Types of Nuclear Waste:
refinement or processing of radioactive materials is known as nuelear
Low Level Waste:
Climate Change : It refers to the significant changes in global Mainly generated from nuclear fuel cycle, low level nuclear waste
temperature, precipitation and wind patterns, etc., that occur over includes materials that have been contaminated by radioactive
several decades or longer. substances.
The waste also includes items that gain radioactive property after getting
exposed to neutron radiation.
Qnestions-Answers 3 The low level nuclear waste consists of clothing, wiping rags, mops,
Long ilters, reactor water treatment residues, equipments and tools, luminous
Anr Type and Medium Answer dials, medical tubes, swabs, and injection needles, among others
i. Interimediate Level Waste:
1 As it contains higher amounts of radioactive materials compared to low
Que 54,
What are the sources and types of nuclear waste 7 level waste, the waste requires special shielding.
The waste comprises chemical sludge, resins, nuclear reactor parts and
Answer contaminated materials from decommissioned reactors.
A Bources of Nuclear Waste:
ii. High Level Waste
i Nuclear Fuel Cyele:
a waste produced
Waste from the front end of the nuclear fuel cycle is usual tisnuclear reactors.
after nuclear fuel is burnt and removed from the
alpha-emitting waste from the extraction of uranium. It often contais
radium and its decay products, waste comprises highly radioactive fission produets and transuranic
heelements produced in the core of a nuclear reactor.
2. The back end of the nuclear fuel cyele contains fission products
emit beta and gamma radiation, and actinides that emit alpha par
such as U-234. Write a short note on proliferation concerns related to
the nuclear waste.
i Nuclear Weapon Decommissioning
uranium mining, and military programs, numerous s]es ntain Cost nese isotopes are
contaminated with radioactivity. etective ways of obtaining fissile material exist.
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and thus the quality of the bomb material increases with time hough 3. Respiratory
its quantity decreases during that time as wel 4 Diseases from poor water quality.
These all concerns lead to think over the invention of such a technology on Ecosystem:
ii. Negative Impact
that can help in reducing the proliferation of nuclear waste. are interconnected webs of living organisms that belp support
Que 5.8.What are the causes and effects of climate change? all kinds of plant and biological life.
Answer nearly 30 bof plant and animal species are at risk of extinction if global
A Causes of Climate Change:
temperatures continue to rise.
i Greenhouse Gases:
iv. Rising Sea Level:
1. Greenhouse gases play a vital role in the earth's climate cycles. As the
planet gets hit with the sun's rays, some of the energy is absorbed, and 1 Rising sea levels could have far reaching effects on coastal cities and
the rest of that energy and heat get reflected into space. habitats. Increasing ocean temperatures and melting ice sheets have
2. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap the reflected energy steadily contributed to the rise of sea levels on a global scale.
redirecting it back down to the earth and eventually contributing to 2 It will causing increased flooding and decrease in ocean and wetland
global warming. habitats.
3. While some of these greenhouse gases, such as water vapour, are v. Shrinking Ice Sheets:
naturaly ocurring, others, such as FCs, are aynthetic. CO,is released While coptributing to rising sea levels, shrinking ice sheets present
nto the atmosphere from both natural and human made causes ánd is Cheir own set of unique problems, including increased global
one of the leading contributors to climate change. Temperatures and greenhouse gas emissions.
ii. Deforestation:
1 does
Deforestation and climate change often go hand in hand. Nov
climate change increase deforestation by way of wildiires
het PART-4
ii Human Activitie
The most significant contributor to climate change 18 ning of
Long A
d MediumAnswer Type
fossil fuels for electricity,
heat, and transportation.
6. Forexample, chemical batteries are well suited for
small systems rangino
from watches and computers to building backup system8. The battery cells are connected in series or in parallel to reach the
7. Pumped hydropower storage, on the other hand, desired voltage, current and capacity values.
amounts of energy in the form of potential energywhich stores huge
found only in large power systems. of water, can be 4A battery cell composes two electrodes called anode and cathode,
the electrolyte.
Que 5.8Briefly explain the different types 5. Several types of the batteries are proposed. All types of batteries
of storage systems,. different specifications, theretore, none of them is suitable for all kinds
ARTU 2010-20, Marks10 of applications.
Flow Battery Energy Storage System:
Ansver Flow batteries which are a kind of rechargeable battery are relatively
Different types of storage systems are as follows: recent technology. In this system, there are two electrolyte liquids in
i Pumped Hydro Energy Storage System: separate tanks and an electrochemical cellis present.
1. The operating principle of the pumped hydro storage uses 2 Inthe electrochemical cell, a membrane is held between two electrodes.
energy of water keep in a reservoir. the potential These electrolytes are pumped through the electrochemical cell and ion
Water is pumped from lower reservoir to upper exchange occurs through the membrane.
reservoir to store energy
3. Today, three types of flow batteries are commercially available in the
when the power demand is low..
3. When the power demand is high, water flows from upper market: the vanadium redox battery, the polysulphide bromide battery
reservoir to and the zinc bromine battery.
lower one, activates the turbine and generates
electrical energy.
Stored energy capacity of this system is proportional to water volume of V.Eydrogenbased Energy Storage System:
upper reservoir and height difference between he hydrogen energy storage system consists of electrolyser, hydrogen
the upper and lower storage, fuel cell and power conversion stage.
5. This energy storage technology is a large scale ydrogen can be obtained viá water electrolysis, and energy required
and long term energy
storage system. Or this action.can be obtained from renewable energy sources or,
On efficiency.
effñiciency. the same in the organization for high energy
2. Energy conservation is the key element or energy management. 3.
Conducting on site and field observations, collecting energy efficiency
3. We can reduce the energy consumption by adopting various data, and analyzing the process of energy efficiency used.
energy conservation which includes efficient use of technologia of Evaluating enerEy etfnciency by reviewing architectural, mechanical,
avoiding energy wastages. and electrical plans of the organization, consulting the engineers for
4. The various principles involved in energy conservations are installation of energy efficient systems like climate control systems, day
lighting design, etc., and preparing technical reports for implementation
i Optimal control,
of energy efcient designing.
i Optimize capacity,
5. Taking pivotal role in creating awareness about energy efficient systems
Optimize load, installed and actively participating in encouraging the use of alternative
iv. Use efficient processes, energy resources.
V. Reduce losses, &Managing the construction, designing, and development of energy
vi Energy containment, management projects as perthe guidelines from the federal department
vi. Examine energy conservation opportunities, and and the budget requirement, performing energy modelling, verification,
and commissioning as per the large scale industrial process.
vii. Energy storage facilities.
Coordinating with the project management team for overall analysis of
Que 5.10.Write a short note on energy energy management system installation.
Answer PART6
L. Energy engineering or energy systems epgineering is a broad Concept of Green Buildings and Green Architecture,a
engineering dealing with energy efficiency, energy services, fac
management, plant engineering, environmental
compliance, sUsta
energy and renewable energy
technologies. Questions-Anawers
of place and safety, and creating spaces for pedestrians and kids,
B. Benefits of Green Bnergy: than cars.
1 Green energy is eco friendly. H. Indoor Air Quality: Achieving a high quality indoor environment
2 It is a reliable source of energy. requires careful design, construction, and materials choices, and thus
3. It requires less maintenance. strong coordination among the building team. Indoor air quality centers
on well designed ventilation and moisture control, which goes hand in
4 Improved health conditions.
hand with energy efficieney and building durability.
5. Green energy never runs out.
iv. Energy: Energy efñiciency is the key to making a building finely tuned,
Que 5.13. Define green building. Also lean, green machine. Start using energy modelling software earlyin the
write down the features that design process to take advantage of the sun and wind to heat, light, and
makes a building green cool our building affordably.
v. Materials: Green, high quality building materials that minimize or
Answer eliminate indoor air quality concerns, avoid toxics, and greatly reduce
A Green Building: A green building is a building waste are used in green buildings.
that, in its design,
construction or operation, reduces or eliminates negative vi Waste: Reduce, reuse, and recycle construction and demolition waste
can create positive impacts, on our climate impacts, and
and natural environment. to cut costs and improve building quality. Design for eficient use of
Green buildings preserve precious natural resources materials and for durability, avoiding future waste.
and improve our
quaity of lHfe.
vi. Water : Conserve finite freshwater resources and reduce utility bills by
B. Features of Green Building instaling water eficient appliances and plumbing fixtures, landscaping
1 Efcient use of energy, water with drought resistant plants and effñicient irrigation, and putting
and other resources.
2 Use of renewable energy, such rainwater and greywater to use.
as solar energy.
Energy Scienoe & Engineering &-15G (E8C-Sem-3&4) (ESC-8em-3&4) Systems and Synthesis
6 The natural ccology of the planet should be tho macro model
architects to use as a model for a groen building. Answor
Architecture can model itscfon the planctary systemto copy the n LEED rating are as follows:
sreen environment, making a now building8, or adapting an exied Four lovels of
building, both eco-friendly, in terms of materials used and the space LEEDcertified: 40-49 points
occupics, and energy cfficient, including solar technology. it Silver level: 60-69 points
Gold level:60-79 points
PART-7 Platinum level 80+ points
LEED Ratings.
Question8-Answers Identification of EnerEy Related Enterprises that Represent the
Breath of the Industry and Prioritizing these as Candidates.
Long Answer Type and Modium Angwer Type Questions
Various Energy Related Enterprises
e 5.16. What do you understand by LEED ? 1 Fossil fuels industries,
2 Nuclear power industries,
3. Renewable energy industry, and
1 1EED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is an 4. Traditional energy industry.
internationally recognized green building certification system, providing
third party verification that a building or community was designed and
built using strategies aimed at improving performance across all the Questions-AnswerTs
metrics that matter most: energy savings, water efficiency, CO, emissions
reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and sensitivity to Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type
their impacts.
5 LEED provides a point system to score green building design d and the energy industry
large amounts of fuel,
construction. Modern society consumes infrastructure and maintenance of society in
system is categorized in five basic areas: sustainable sites, wa
8 a crucial part of the
.The door almost all countries.
8as stations), coal (natural gas extraction, and coal
natural gas industries
welWas distribution and sales),
manufacture, as
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(ESC-Sem-3& 4)
-18 G Systems and Synthesis
Energy Science & Engineering 8-17 G (Esc-Sem-3
ii The electrical power industry, including when selecting building materials, the embodied energy should be
electricity generation. considered with respect to:
electric power distribution and sales, on,
ii. The nuclear power industry, i The durability of building materiala,
iv. The renewable energy industry, comprising How easily materials can be separated,
sustainable energy companies, including altermative
and ii Use of locally sourced materials,
power, and solar power generation, hydroelectric power, wind Use ofrecycled materials,
distribution and sale of alternative fuels, and the manufacture,
v. Specifying standard sizes of materials,
v. Traditional energy industry based
on the collection and distribution vi Avoiding waste, and
of firewood, the use ofwhich, for cooking
and heating, is particularly vi. Selecting materials that are manufactured using renewable energy
common in poorer countries. sources.
PART-9 ue 20 What is the meaning and importance of embodied energw
Embodied snergy Analysis and Use as ag analysis as a measure of sustainability and why we need to develop
widely accepted standards for enmbodied energy?
Measuring Sustainabiity
While comparing products or services we look at the feature set, quality,
uestions-Answers compare the price, etc.
Long Answer Type 2 Now ifwe are concerned about sustainability, it is also important to look
and Medium Amswer Type Questions
at the impact that the product or service has over its entire life cycle ie.,
from mine to manufacture to market and to end of service life.
Inother words to look at a given product or service and trace its impacts
ie 5.19. What do you mean by embodied
energy? over its expected service life and the recoverability of the materials that
go together to comprise it. This is known as the sustainability view ofa
Answer product or service.
1 Embodied, energy is the total energy required 4Coming up with the embodied energy analysis is not an exaçt science,
for the extraction,
processing, manufacture and delivery of building materials to but it usually include the energy used throughout the entire production
the building
8ite. value chain ie., from resource acquisition to final packaging and
2 Unlike the life cycle assessment, which evaluates distribution.
all of the impacts over
the whole life of a material or element, embodied Bmbodied energy analysis is valuable and comparing embodied energy
energy only considers
the front end aspect of the impact of a building content of two products or services can help decision makers and
include the operation or disposal of materials.
material. It does not
consumers evaluate and compare products or services. This brings us to
3. Embodied energy must be considered over the the need for standards.
lifespan of a building
and in many situations, a higher embodied A fair number ofenergy eficiency ratings have been created to measure
energy building materiai o
Energy Science & Engineering 5-19G (ESC-Sem-3 (ESC-Sem-3 & 4) Systems and Synthesis
&4) 20 G
Questions-Answers v. Hot water supply, and
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Quentions vi. Air distribution.
This audit also identifies the energy conservation opportunities in each
of these areas.
Que 521. What is energy audit Process Audit:
1 t urveys the quantity ofenergy required for each process such as
Department-wise process plant and machinery,
1. Energy audit is an examination for energy efficiency improvement
through analysis of energy usage. i Heating process,
2. It uncovers energy savings opportunities which are assessed to identify ii Ventilation and air conditioning process, and
savings. iv. Furnaces.
A general audit is a comprehensive evaluation of potential energy identifies the energy conservation opportunities in each
conservation measures through detailed information collection, 2 This audit also
in depth interviews with facilities or operations managers and the
analysis of energy profiles created through interval metering. d Transportation Audit:
It siurveys the quantity of energy required for all types
Que 5.22 What are the aims or objectives of energy audit ? systems like vehicles, cars, trucks, and other material handling
equipment in an industry.
AnswerT opportunities for such
2 It also identifies the energy conservation
The objectives of energy audit are as follows: transportation systems.
To understand the facility's energetic behaviour. a Utility Audit:
To identify the excess of energy consumed. support
1 It surveys the quantity of energy required from each utility or
To find out the motive of this excess. service in an industry.
To propose alternate solutions.
ue Discuss about the optimization of energy consumption.
5. To justify them from technical and economical point of view.
determine the energy losses for leakage, construction problem8, energy data throughout the layers of the production
openings, doors and windows defects, lack of insulation, etc. . Realization of OEU requires three approaches to typical use cases for
which are discussed as given below:
b. Functional Audit: the industrial consumers
1 It surveys the quantity of energy used for each function such a8 Awareness of Energy Usage :
of OEU. It drives
Heating systems, awareness is the foundation
i hergY all layers of the production domain.
DEnavioural changes across
Ventilation and air conditioning systems,
ii. Building,
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industrial consumers can consolidate energy information order
match overall power consumption levels and timing with speit t
production requirements.
3. Energy monitoring and management promote efiicient
and multiply the benefits of energy awareness by automating
that reduce energy consumption.
ii Transacting Energy for the Best Result: 1Li What is energy? AKTU 2019-20, Marks 0
1 Transacting energy for the best result is the integrator for OEU. Energy is defined as the capacity to exert a force through a distance
2. By leveraging asset management and internal It exists in various forms like beat energy, chemical energy, nuclear
facility and process energy energy, mechanical energy, ete.
delivery systems, the industrial consumer can interface with the power
grid domain to procure and exchange energy for the best
result. 12 Write down various units of energy.
Various ünits of energy are as follows:
1. Joule,
2. Calorie, and
3. kWh.
lA. What is meant by heat engine cycle and heat engine? What
is its function ?
eat thermodynamie
Engine Cycle and Heat Engine : Aheat engine cycle isa
cycle in which there is a net heat tranafer to the
system and a net work transfer from the system. The system which
executes a heat engine cycle is called a heat engine.
18 What do you mean by Carnot cycle ? 1.16. What is fuel cell ?
ns Carnot cycle is an ideal hypothetical cycle in which all the processes A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that converts the chemical
constituting the cycle are reversible. energy of a fuel into electricity.
19. State Carnot theorem. 1.17. Define phase change.
Carnot theorem states that all heat engines operating between SPhase change process is the change of material physical state from
given constant temperature source and a given constanta one state to another ike solid to íquid and vice-versa.
temperature sink, none has a higher efficiency than a reversible
1.12. Classify the IC engines on the basis of cycle of operatio
Onthe basis of cycle of operation, IC engines are classified nw
1 Constant volume heat addition cycle engine or Otto cycle eng
2. Constant pressure heat addition cycle engine or diesel cycle en
6. In automobile, and
3. In power generation.
wNuclear a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei are
fusion is
combined to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic
particles (neutrons or protons).
2.10. Define thermal neutron.
Thermal neutron is a free neutron
motion corresponding to the
that has an average energy of
average energy of the particles of the
21. Write down the various fundamental ambient materials.
forces of nature.
Fundamental forces of nature are as follows
L Gravitational forces, 2.11. What do you mean by nuclear fission ?
2 Weak nuclear forces, A Nuclear fission is defined as
3. Electromagnetic forces, and
a type of nuclear disintegration in
which heavy nucleus splits up into two nuclei of nearly comparable
4. Strong nuclear forces. masses with liberation of energy.
2.2. Define nuclear forces. 2.12. What do you mean by pressurized water reactor
A Pressurized water reactor is a light water cooled
Nuclear forces are the forces
nucleons. They bind protons andwhich act between two more and moderated
neutrons into atomic or nuclei.
thermal reactor having an unusual core design, using
and highly enriched fuel. both natural
23. What is the binding energy ?
Binding energy is defined as the energy 2.13.What is a boiling water reactor (BWR) ?
binding forces of required to overcome the oes In a boiling water reactor enrich fuel is used.
nucleus. In this the steam
flowing to the turbine is produced directly in the reactor core
2A. What do you mean by
activity ? 2.14. Define binding
Activity is defined as the intensity of
emitted radiation. This is
energy curve.
the time required for half of the parent nuclei to decay Or
3 Solar Energy
Extraterrestrial solar radiations, and
2. Terrestrial solar radiations.
38. What are the different devices used for measuring the solar
radiations ?
UNIT (2 Marks Questions) aDevices used for measuring the solar radiations are as follows:
1. Pyranometer,
2. Pyrheliometer, and
3. Sunshine recorder.
3.1. What do you mean by solar energy ? 3.9. Define solar constant.
Therate at which solar radiation strikes at the top ofthe atmosphere
A Solar energy is a clean, cheap and abundant!ly available renewable
energy and it is also the most important of the non-conventional is called the solar constant.
sources ofenergy because it is non-polluting and therefore helps in
decreasing the green house effect. 3.10. What do you mean by beam radiation?
radiation that has not been abeorbed or scattered and reaches
Solarthe ground
3.2. Define solar cell. directly from the sun is called direct radiation or beam
is Solar cells are energy conversion devices radiation.
sunlight to electricity by the use of the which
are used to convert
photovoltaic effect.
311. Define irradiance and albedo.
3.3. Write down the applications of solar energy. Irradiance: The rate of incident energy per unit area ofa surface
A Applications of solar energy are as follows: is known as irradiance.
1. Solar water heating, Albedo: The earth reflects back nearly 30 % of the total solar
2. Solar distillation, radiant energy to the space by reflection from clouds, by scattering
3. Solar pumping, and by reflection at the earth's surface. This is known as albedo.
4. Solar electric power generation, and
34. Write down the disadvantages of solar energy' semiconductor is a material whose electrical conductivity lies
between conductor and an insulator.
cells ?
olesDand into the conduction band,
happens everywhere in
Maximum efficiency of solar cell is defined as the ratio of
electric power output to the incident solar semiconductor.
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AKTU 2019-20, Marks
An Solar cell works on the principle of conversion of solar energy
electricity by photovoltaic into
41. What are primary energy resources
The resources obtained from the environment are known as
primary energy resources.
Example: Fossil fuels, Solar energy, Hydro energy, and Tidal
5. energy
DS The basic principle of wind energy is to convert the kinetic
OT Wind into more useful forms like mechanical
power and electincal
continuity equation.
19 Define wind farms Rotor with blade,
SThe wind farms are open spaces away from forest, 2 Electromagnetic brakes,
mountains so that average annual wind speed should notities and Controller,
be less 4. Mechanical brakes,
than 7 m/s and not away from the distribution centre.
5. Gear b0x,
410 Explain the drag and ift. 6. Generator,
7. Shaft, and
2o Drag: The component of the total force ()
in the direction of
motion is called drag. This component is denoted 8. Flap or tail vane.
Lit: The component of the total force (FR) by p
in the direction
perpendicular to the direction of motion is known as lift. This
denoted byz
411. Give the sources of geothermal energy.
AKTU 20120, Markr 03
Sources of geothermal energy are as follows:
Hydrothermal energ sources,
2. Vapour dominated sources3
3. Hot dry rock sources,
4 Geopressured sources, and
5. Magma sources.
is a technolog
that converts solar radiation into electric energy.
2 Pelamis, and
3. Oscillating water column device.
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3. Battery storage
energy systeem,
4. Flow battery energy storage system, and
5. Hydrogen based energy storage system.
K8. Write down the disadvantages of green energy.
Systems and Synthesis Disadvantages of green energy are as follows:
1. High installation cost.
UNIT (2 Marks Questions) 9 Renewable energy often relies on the weather for its source of
5.9. What are the seven principles of green architecture?
The seven principles of green architecture are as follows:
5.1. Define nuclear radiation. 1. Site and its surroundings, 2. Energy eticiency,
2 Nuclear radiation refers 3. Water efficiency, 4. Material efficiency,
reactions that involveto
the particles and photons emitted during
the nucleus of the atom. 5. Indoor air quality, 6. Waste reduction, and
5.2. What
7. Low maintenance costs.
are the different types of nuclear radiation ?
A Different types of nuclear radiation are as follows: 5.10. What is LEED certification ?
1. Alpharays, 2. Betarays, LEED certification process is a program for designing and building
3. Gamma rays, and 4. X-rays. energy efcient and water conserving builings for which
5.3. What do you understand by construction will be used green and sustaínable materials and
nuclear waste ? resources.
An Radioactive by products resulting from
or processing of radioactive materials fusion, fission, refinement 5.11. Name some energy related enterprises.
are known as nuclear waste.
54. Write down the name of some Some energy related enterprises are as follows:
nuclear waste disposal 1. Fossil industry,
methods. 2. Nuclear power industry, and
Some nuclear waste
1 Geological disposal,
disposal methods are as follows: 3. Renewable energy industry.
3. Transmutation, and 2. Reprocessing 5.12. Define
4. Space disposal. embodied energy.
energy is the energy consumed by all of the processes
3. Direction of wind,
S13 Write down the sources of nuclear waste
4. Ocean currents, and
5. Forest. Following are the sources of nuclear waste:
Nuclear fuel cycle, waste,
2. Legacy
3. Medicine, and 4. Industry.
5.6. Define energy conservation. AKTU 2019-20, Marks 02 5.14. What is green energy
n Energy conservation refers to
the methods of reduction in ene Green energy is a clean energy, this means that it
is produced wiun
consumption by way of elimination of wastage le or no environmental impact and does not diSpense
and prom0u0
efficiency. gases into the airthat contribute to global warming
5.7. Classify 5.15, What is energy audit ?
various types of energy storage systems. mcovers energy
E 1. Various types of energy storage Energy audit is an examination tore savings
energy Savings
usage. t uncovers
Pumped hydro energy storage, systems are rough analysis of energy to identify savings.
2. Compressed air energy Pportunities which are assessed
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Energy Science & Engineering
SP-3G C-Sem-3&
7. Attempt any one part of the following: (10x1=10
a. What is green energy ? WWhat are the
benefits of green
energy ?
Refer Q. 5.12, Page 5-12G, Unit-5.
Refer u.
b Briefly explain the different types
of storage system8.
Q 5.8, Page 5-9G, Unit-5.
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