Module 2 - Good Manners Right Conduct
Module 2 - Good Manners Right Conduct
Module 2 - Good Manners Right Conduct
1. Values are both taught and caught. The EsP teacher must teach the cognitive aspect of virtue intentionally and must live to.
2. Values cannot be separated from understanding although values and attitudes relate to the affective dimension.
3. At young age, a child may not yet be capable of understanding his/her true personhood but can be taught to lead a virtuous life that early for
him to develop good character. The book of Proverbs states, “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart
from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)
4. Values education is about developing virtues, good habits, and dispositions which had students to responsible and mature adulthood.
Effective value education must promote the development of virtue. Virtues are developed through learning and through practice. As
Aristotle taught, a person can improve his or her character by practicing self-discipline, while a good can be corrupted by repeated self-
Some might argue that when you kno w better, you do better. This may not apply to the individual that is not quite sure about good manners
and conduct. An excellent starting point is understanding how to show gratitude and appreciation, as well as taking into consideration the opinions
and views of others.
Good manners convey respect to those you interact with, and also commands respect from those you interact with. Right conduct is living in a
moral and ethical way in the absolute sense rather than by the standards of any particular time or society.
The following set of questions would help you understand better this topic, so play along and get learned.
In the old curriculum of our basic education program, a subject entitled “Good
What is good manners and right Manners and Right Conduct” or GMRC, is part of the regular basic education
conduct? curriculum. Subsequently, it was scrapped as a regular subject and integrated in Social
Studies and other related subjects. Revival of Good Manners and Right Conduct Act
of 2017
On the terms ‘Ethics’ and ‘Morality’ The term ‘ethics’ is technically used by
philosophers to mean a philosophical study of morality—morality understood as a set
What is ethics and morality? of social rules, principles, norms that guide or are intended to guide the conduct of
people in a society, and as beliefs about right and wrong conduct as well as good or
bad character.
What do manners reflect? Manners reflect what or how you have been taught and raised. They help you to feel
good about yourself, which is important for a healthy self-image.
For one thing, having good manners meet a social expectation – kids are
What is so important about expected to have good manners, and they and their parents earn more respect when
teaching manners, anyway? they do. Another thing to consider is the role good manners play in your children’s
What is the difference between As nouns the difference between conduct and manner is that conduct is the act
manner and conduct? or method of controlling or directing while manner is mode of action; way of
performing or effecting anything; method; style; form; fashion.
What are referred to as manners "Etiquette" is a code of behavior, while "manners" refer to the behaviors themselves.
or etiquettes? In terms of usage, one who understands etiquette and puts it into practice has good
How does bad manners and good Good and bad manners have a deep effect on our minds. As bad manners produce bad
manners impact distinguish results in society, good manners produce good results. Good manners are
between them? unconsciously acquired in our childhood, but they can also be cultivated later on.
Every human being should be treated with due respect and dignity.
What is the difference between As nouns the difference between manner and attitude is that manner is mode of action;
manners and attitude? way of performing or effecting anything; method; style; form; fashion while attitude is
the position of the body or way of carrying oneself; posture.
What is the difference between Etiquette is a code of behavior or courtesy based on rules of a polite society. Manners
etiquette and manners? are socially correct ways of acting as shown in widespread customs.
What is the difference between Social grace refers to the general behavior and attitude of being polite and welcoming
social graces and etiquette? to people. It is society's rules for acceptable kindness. Using social grace is how you
do that. If there is one important rule about social grace it is about self-awareness.
In today's society, manners are a necessity because they are beneficial to those who
Are manners important in display them. Being courteous towards others makes people more likeable and it's
today's society? easier to start new relationships with others. Although education is important,
etiquette takes you much further.
It is right to obey the rules and wrong to disobey them. Any particular act can be
What makes a right conduct judged right or wrong according to whether and to what extent it conforms to the
right? moral rules. A central concern, then, is to identify the rules so one can make sure one
is acting in accordance with them.
Learning manners can take time. Remember to praise kids when they use good
Can manners be taught? manners. Using manners is something we do every single day, so as long as you instill
the basics and work to improve them, being polite will become a habit and your
children will be confident in social situations as they get older.
Etiquette is defined as the formal manners and rules that are followed in social
What is an example of etiquette? or professional settings. The rules of writing a thank you note are an example of
Good manners show the best you have to offer and encourage others to be their best.
What is the importance of good Practicing these manners on a daily basis makes for a more pleasant life. Manners are
manners and right conduct? important to make a good impression on others in everyday life. They also help you to
feel good about yourself and your identity.
Manners are something used every day to make a good impression on others and to
What is the purpose of manners? feel good about oneself. Being polite and courteous means considering how others are
feeling. If you practice good manners, you are showing those around you that you are
considerate of their feelings and respectful.
In today's age, it can be easy to forget etiquette rules, but when you're invited to an
What is modern etiquette? event or a dinner it's good to know what to do with all those forks and spoons around
your table. To reach the top of your game, read our modern etiquette guide to ensure
that you can rule the world in every situation possible!
1. Speak slowly, clearly, and graciously when talking to adults.
2. Always stand when introduced.
What are the basic manners? 3. Look others in the eye when speaking to them.
4. Offer a firm handshake to adults.
5. When shaking someone's hand while being introduced, say, “Nice to meet you.”
1. All manners traditionally convey one or more of the 3 Principles of Etiquette:
What are the basic principles of Respect, Consideration, and Honesty.
good manners? 2. Respect. Respect involves acknowledging someone else's worth and doing
intentional acts to show that you care about another person.
3. Consideration
1. Say please. (Shows consideration for others.)
2. Say thank you. (Shows appreciation and gratitude.)
3. Look people in the eye when you speak to them. (Shows respect for the other
What are the good manners for 4. Apologize.
students? 5. Smile & have a good attitude.
6. Make small talk.
7. Ask questions of others.
8. Saying excuse me.
1. Being nice at home sets the stage for better behavior.
What are the benefits of good 2. Professional manners get positive attention.
manners? 3. Being kind to customers increases sales.
4. Being polite to your friends will keep them calling.
5. Romantic relationships are stronger when couples respect each other.
1. Encourage your child and give lots of affection.
2. Reward good behavior.
How do you teach good 3. Your child will copy your actions and words.
Behavior? 4. Be kind, but firm.
5. Remove temptations (like breakable items) before children get into trouble.
6. Ignore some small problems or annoying behaviors.
7. Be consistent.
Bancog, Maria Angelica (2022). Module 1 - Philosophy and Objectives of Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao/ Values Education/ Good Manners
and Right Conduct. Mandaue City College. Retrieved from: