ODL Lab7 2018EE69
ODL Lab7 2018EE69
ODL Lab7 2018EE69
Components Required:
IC 555 timer, Resistors (1KΩ×2, 10KΩ×2, 2.7KΩ), Variable resistor (10KΩ), Capacitors
(0.01uF, 0.047uF, 0.1uF, 1uF), and Diodes IN 4148×2.
The output will remain in low state until a trigger is again applied. The circuit is designed as shown
in circuit diagram, the left part of which shows how to generate a negative trigger pulse from
square wave signal.
1. Configure the circuit as per the circuit diagram.
2. Use R1=1KΩ, RA= 2.7KΩ, RL=1KΩ, CT= 1uF, CD= 0.047uF, C=0.01uF, and Vcc=10V.
3. Compute the expected values of pulse duration.
4. Apply square wave input of frequency 1KHz at terminal N of circuit diagram.
5. Connect the output terminal (pin 3) to channel 1 of oscilloscope. Also feed the voltage
across capacitor to channel 2.
6. Power on the circuit. Determine the values of pulse duration from your simulated design
observations and compare with theoretical values.
Name: Muhammad Ali Mohsin
Roll No: 2018-EE-69
Circuit Diagram:
Name: Muhammad Ali Mohsin
Roll No: 2018-EE-69
1. Configure the circuit as per the circuit diagram.
2. Use RA=RB= 10KΩ, RL=1KΩ, C1= 1uF, C2= 0.01uF, and Vcc=10V.
3. Power on your circuit.
4. Connect the point F to ground momentarily. This will set the output Q in the oscilloscope
to 1 or HIGH level. This state will be permanently stable state and the operation is called
5. Connect the point G to VCC momentarily. This will set the output Q in the oscilloscope
to 0 or LOW level. This is called “RESET” operation.
Name: Muhammad Ali Mohsin
Roll No: 2018-EE-69
6. Connect the output terminal (pin 3) to channel 1 of oscilloscope. Also feed the
Circuit Diagram: