Armed Forces Regulations Vol 1 (Admin)
Armed Forces Regulations Vol 1 (Admin)
Armed Forces Regulations Vol 1 (Admin)
A.F.R. Table of Contents
1 Introduction and Interpretations .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.01–1.99
8 (Not Allocated)
9 (Not Allocated)
10 Transfer and Duty Outside the Army, Navy and Air Force .. .. 10.01–10..99
12 Promotion of Officers
Section 1—General.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12.01–12.20
Section 2—Promotion of Officers in Regular Forces .. .. .. .. 12.21–12.40
Section 3—Promotion of Officers in the Reserves .. .. .. .. .. 12.41–12.99
15 Release
Section 1—General.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15.01–15.16
Section 2—Officers.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15.17–15.30
Section 3—Men .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15.31–15.49
Section 4—Reinstatement—Officers and Men.. .. .. .. .. .. 15.50–15.99
Table of Contents A.F.R.
A.F.R Table of Contents
32 Bands .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32.01–32.99
34 Medical Services
Section 1—General .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34.01–34.06
Section 2—Medical care of Members of the Forces .. .. .. .. 34.07–34.20
Section 3—Medical care of Dependents of Members of the
Forces.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34.21–34.29
Section 4—Medical care of Civilians, Civil Servants, School
Teachers and their Dependents .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34.30–34.99
35 Dental Services
Section 1—General.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 35.01–35.02
Section 2—Dental care of Members of the Forces .. .. .. .. .. 35.03–35.09
Section 3—Dental care of Dependants.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35.10–35.99
36 Materials
Section 1—General.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36.01–36.09
Section 2—Loss of or Damage to Material.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36.10–36.19
Section 3—Write off. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36.20–36.28
Section 4—Explosives .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36.29–36.34
Section 5— Rations.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36.35–36.99
Table of Contents A.F.R
37 (Not Allocated)
53 Photography
Section 1 - Official Photography .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 53.01–53.19
Section 2 - Private Photography .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 53.20–53.99
54 Education
Section 1 - Responsibilities and Duties .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 54.01–54.10
Section 2 - Education Training.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 54.11–54.99
58 Examinations.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 58.01–58.99
65 Military Funerals
Section 1 - General Instructions.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 65.01–65.05
Section 2 - Firing Party.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 65.06–65.99
(b) Section 98 (Interpretation) of the Armed Forces Act, 1962 (Act 105) and the
interpretation sections of the British Army Act, 1955 shall apply to the Armed
Forces Regulations, unless the provisions therein are included in or are
inconsistent with the provisions of the said Armed Forces Regulations.
In AFR and in all orders and instructions issued to the Armed Forces under the Constitution and
the Armed Forces Act, unless the context otherwise requires:
(i) “Accounting Officer” means an officer who is responsible for the receipt,
custody, control and distribution of, and accounting for public funds;
(ii) “administrative deduction” means an amount chargeable against the pay and
allowances of an officer or man to reimburse the state or an institute, mess or
canteen in whole or in part, for financial loss for which that officer or man has
been found responsible;
(iii) “advancement” means the acquisition of a higher trade group than that formerly
(iv) “aircraft” means any machine for flying, whether propelled by mechanical
means or not, and includes any description of balloon;
(vi) “Armed Forces Act” means the Armed Forces Act, 1962 (Act 105);
Art. 1.02 A.F.R.
(ix) “bands” means those bands of the Armed Forces authorised by establishment or
by the Chief of Defence Staff;
(x) “Camp training” means duty performed by an officer or man of the Reserves
while undergoing annual training in camp including proceeding to and returning
from the camp;
(xi) “casualty” means any injury to or illness of an officer or man whether or not it is
fatal, and includes the absence of a missing officer or man;
(xii) “civil prison” means any prison, gaol or other place in Ghana in which
offenders sentenced by a civil court to imprisonment can be confined, and if
sentenced out of Ghana, any prison, gaol or other place in which a person,
sentenced to imprisonment by a civil court having jurisdiction in the place where
the sentence was passed, can for the time being be confined;
(xiv) “classified material” means all material which for reasons of policy or security
should be specially safeguarded;
(xv) “command” means the authority vested in each officer or man to exercise
control, direction, inspection and the power of decision over others subordinate
to himself to the degree necessary to carry out the responsibility imposed on him;
(xvii) “continuous duty” means full-time duty performed by an officer or man of the
Reserves anticipated to exceed six months, including proceeding to and returning
from the place of duty, but not including attendance at courses which form part
of the training of the Reserves;
(xviii) “court martial” means a General Court Martial or a Disciplinary Court Martial;
(xix) “department” in relation to the Navy, refers to the main sections into which ships
or fleet establishments are divided for the purpose of allocation of specific duties
and responsibilities;
A.F.R. Art. 1.02
(xx) “detached duty” means continuous duty performed by an officer or man away
from his formation, station, unit, ship or fleet establishment;
(xxiii) “division” of a ship or fleet establishment refers to the section into which men
serving in the ship or fleet establishment may be divided for purposes of
discipline and to facilitate the training and welfare of the men;
(xxiv) “Divisional Drills” means duty by an officer or man of the Reserves at a naval
division, including attendance at drill, parades, demonstrations, and exercises;
(xxvii) “enrol” means to cause any person to become a member of the Armed Forces;
(xxviii) “family” means the wife and unmarried children under the age of 21 of an
officer or man;
(xxix) “Flag Officer” means an officer of the rank of Rear Admiral or above;
(xxxii) “Ghana Navy Ship” means a vessel of the Navy of Ghana commissioned as a
vessel of war;
(xxxiv) “Local Training” means duty performed by an officer or man of the Reserves at
local headquarters; including attendance at drills, parades, demonstrations, and
(xxxv) “material” means all movable public property, other than money, provided for
the Armed Forces or for any other purpose under the Armed Forces Act, and
includes any vessel, vehicle, aircraft, animal, missile, arms, ammunition,
clothing, stores, provisions or equipment so provided;
Art. 1.02 A.F.R.
(xxxvi) “message” means any thought or idea expressed briefly, in plain or secret
language, prepared in a form suitable for transmission by established means of
rapid communication;
(xli) “Naval General Orders” includes General Orders and confidential General
Orders of the Navy;
(xlii) “Naval Training” means duty performed by an officer or man of the naval
Reserve, while undergoing annual training in a ship or fleet establishment,
including proceeding to and returning from the place where the duty is
(xlv) “operational readiness” means the availability of all personnel and material,
within prescribed limits of capability, which enables the unit to perform its
operational task;
(xlvi) “pay” means pay of rank or classification, and trade group, including progressive
pay as appropriate, and includes pay at such consolidated rates as may be
approved from time to time by the Armed Forces Council;
(xlvii) “paymaster” means an officer who is responsible under these Regulations for the
receipt, custody or disbursement of public funds;
(xlviii) “personal equipment” means all material issued to an officer or man for his
personal wear or other personal use;
A.F.R. Art. 1.02
(l) “promotion” means the acquisition of a higher rank than that formerly held;
(li) “ration strength” means the number of persons for which ration may be drawn at
a unit, ship or other element;
(liv) “release” means the termination of the service of an officer or man in any manner
(lv) “remuster” means the change of a man from one trade to another;
(lvi) “Reserves” means the Regular Reserves, Volunteer Forces and Volunteer
Reserves of the Armed Forces.
(lvii) “reversion” means the return to lower rank other than by reduction;
(lviii) “secondment” means the assignment of an officer or man for continuous duty
outside the Armed Forces;
(lix) “Senior Naval Officer in Command” means the officer appointed in command
of a naval area or combination of ships;
(lx) “Service” when used adjectivally, means belonging to or connected with the
Armed Forces or any part of the Armed Forces;
(lxi) “service custody” means the holding under arrest or in confinement of any
person by the Armed Forces and includes confinement in a detention barracks.
(lxii) “service detainee” means a person who is under a sentence that includes a
punishment of detention imposed upon him pursuant to the Code of Service
(lxiii) “service offence” means an offence under the Armed Forces Act, or any other
enactment for the time being in force, committed by a person while subject to the
Code of Service Discipline;
(lxiv) “service prisoner” means a person who is under a sentence imposed upon him by
civil court that includes a punishment of imprisonment for less than two years;
(lxv) “service tribunal” means a court martial or a person presiding at a summary trial;
Art. 1.02 A.F.R.
(lxvii) “Special Duty” means duty performed by an officer or man of the Reserves other
than continuous military duty, Local Training, Camp Training, Divisional Drills
and naval training including proceeding to and returning from the place where
the duty is performed.
(lxviii) “station” means one or more units designated by orders as comprising a station;
(lxxi) “superior officer” means any officer or man who, in relation to any other officer
or man, is by the Armed Forces Act or by regulations made there under or by
custom of the appropriate Forces, authorized to give a lawful command to that
other officer or man;
(lxxii) “tender” includes any ship, vessel, fleet establishment or body designated as
such by the Navy Commander;
(lxxiii) “the Captain” in relation to the navy, means the officer appointed to command
the ship or fleet establishment, and, in cases, and to the extent, designated by the
Navy Commander, the officer in immediate command of persons on detached
duty on shore or otherwise;
(lxxiv) “the Captain of an aircraft” means the officer in supreme charge of an aircraft.
(lxxv) “the Executive Officer” means in relation to the navy the officer or man who is
appointed or drafted as such;
(lxxvi) “trade” means a military occupation requiring knowledge and skill as prescribed
in the Armed Forces trade specifications;
(lxxvii) “trade group” means a level of knowledge and skill within a trade as prescribed
in the Armed Forces trade specifications;
AFR Art. 1.06
(lxxix) “ vessel” means any description of craft, however propelled, used or designated
to be used in navigation, other than a commissioned ship of the navy;
(lxxx) “wife”, in a case where there are two wives or more, means the wife nominated
in writing by the officer or man or, where no wife is so nominated, the senior
(lxxxi) “works and buildings” means the land and physical installations of a unit or naval
establishment, including buildings, runways, roads, water and power installation
and other related fixed installations and structures.
(1) Unless the context otherwise requires, AFR and all orders and instructions issue
to the Armed Forces under the authority of the Armed Forces Act, shall apply to–
(a) the Regular Forces;
(b) the Reserves, when subject to the Code of Service Discipline; and
(c) save as the Armed Forces Council may otherwise direct, all persons other
than those mentioned in (a) and (b), if they are subject to the Code of
Service Discipline.
(2) Officers and men who become prisoners of war continue to be subject to AFR and
all orders and instructions issued to the Armed Forces under authority of the Armed
Forces Act.
Words and phrases shall be construed according to the common approved meaning
except that—
(a) technical words and phrases, and words that have acquired a special
meaning within the Armed Forces shall be construed according to their
special meaning; and
(b) words and phrases that are defined by AFR or by any other law shall be
construed according to the definition.
In AFR unless the contrary intention appears words used in the singular shall include the
plural, and words in the plural shall include the singular.
Art. 1.07 A.F.R.
In AFR unless the context otherwise requires words importing masculine gender shall
include females.
Except where AFR expressly provides otherwise, when any provision of AFR or any
order or instruction issued to the Armed Forces, or any warrant issued under their
(b) states that a period of time is to commence on a particular day, that period
shall commence at 0001 hours on that day.
Unless the context otherwise requires, when in AFR or in any Armed Forces orders a
communication of any kind, or a report or return, is required or permitted to be made to a
higher authority, it shall be made through such channels of communication as the Chief
of Defence Staff may prescribe.
(1) The forms authorized by the Ministry of Defence for use in the Armed Forces
should be followed in all cases in which they are applicable, and when used shall be valid
in law, but a deviation from any form shall not by reason only of that deviation, render
any charge, warrant, order, proceedings or other document, invalid.
(2) An omission of any form authorized by the Ministry of Defence for use in the
Armed Forces shall not, by reason only of the omission, render any act or thing invalid.
A commanding officer shall cause regulations and orders issued in implementation of the
Armed Forces Act, to be readily available to all officers and men whom they concern.
AFR Art. 1.23
(1) When by AFR any power or jurisdiction is given to, and any act or thing is to be
done by, to or before any officer or man, that power or jurisdiction may be exercised by,
and that act or thing may be done by, to or before any other officer or man for the time
being authorized in that behalf by AFR or according to the custom of the service.
(2) When he is on active service, any officer not below the rank of Colonel, or
equivalent in any theatre of war outside Ghana, may, with the approval of the Chief of
Defence Staff exercise and perform in that theatre of war any power or right which by
AFR is required to or may be done by the respective Chief of Staff.
(3) When by AFR any power or jurisdiction is given to, and any act or thing is to be
done by, to or before a Service Commander, that power or jurisdiction may be exercised
by, and that act or thing done by, to or before—
(a) the officer holding the senior appointment in each headquarters when
acting within the scope of the duties assigned to him by the respective
Service Commander; and
(b) any officer designated for that purpose by the Chief of Defence Staff,
subject to such limitations, as the Chief of Defence Staff may impose.
(a) they are received at the unit, ship or other element at which the person is
serving; and
(b) the Commanding Officer of the unit, ship or element takes such
measures as may to him seem practical to ensure that the regulations,
orders and instructions are drawn to the attention of and made available
to those who they may concern.
Art. 1.24 A.F.R.
(1) Subject to (2) of this article, a Service Commander may issue orders and
instructions not inconsistent with the Armed Forces Act ; or with AFR:—
(a) in the discharge of his duties under the Armed Forces Act or
(2) No order or instruction involving the accounting for public funds shall be issued
under (1) of this Article unless the concurrence of the Ministry of Defence is first
Under section 2 of the Armed Forces Act, the Armed Forces are constituted as the army,
navy and air force of Ghana and shall each comprise the following components-
(b) men enrolled in accordance with regulations made under the Armed
Forces Act, for the purpose of rendering continuous service during the
period of their engagement.
(1) The Reserves shall consist of—
(a) a Regular Reserve
(b) a Retired list for officers
(c) a Volunteer Force
(d) a Volunteer Reserve
(e) a Cadet Corps list
(2) The Regular Reserve shall consist of officers transferred to such Reserve and men
who have been transferred thereto in accordance with the terms of their enrolment.
(3) The Retired List for officers shall consist of officers in receipt of pension but who
are not of the Regular Reserve and are not required to undergo periodic training.
(4) The Volunteer Force shall consist of such units or elements as may be deemed
necessary for the purpose of rendering service under the Armed Forces Act.
(5) The Volunteer Reserve shall consist of such officers and men of the Volunteer
Forces or of any other unit of the Armed Forces as are transferred to such Reserves.
(6) The Cadet Corps List shall consist of commissioned officers or men whose duty is
the administration and training of cadet corps.
Art. 2.05 A.F.R.
The Service Commanders shall exercise such Command as the Armed Forces Council
shall determine.
(2) Men shall be mustered into such trades as the respective Service Commander
shall prescribe.
In an emergency the Government may on the advice of the Armed Forces Council call
out on service to perform any military duty other than drill or training, such of the
Reserves, unit and other elements thereof and officers and men thereof as the
Government may on such advice consider necessary.
(b) Warrant Officer Class II, regimental and orderly room quartermaster
(d) Sergeant;
(3) Staff sergeants of equivalent ranks, sergeants, corporals and bombadiers shall be
non-commissioned officers.
(4) Troopers, gunners, sappers, signalmen, riflemen, privates and craftsmen shall be
classified as—
(a) Trained soldier; and
(b) Recruit.
Art. 3.02 A.F.R.
A.F.R. Art. 3.05
The ranks prescribed in Article 3.01 to 3.03 depending upon the conditions under which
they are held, shall be—
(a) substantive; or
(b) temporary; or
(c) acting; or
(d) honorary.
(1) The substantive rank of an officer shall be that rank below which he cannot be
reduced otherwise than by a sentence of a court martial.
(2) The substantive rank of a man shall be that rank below which he cannot be
reduced otherwise than by –
(a) a sentence of a service tribunal, or
(b) reversion for inefficiency or misconduct.
Art. 3.06 A.F.R.
When an officer or man is on active service, he may be given a higher temporary rank
which he shall normally retain for the duration of the emergency or until he is promoted
to the next higher temporary rank.
(1) An officer or man while filling a position on an establishment for which a rank
higher than his substantive rank is authorized may be promoted to the appropriate higher
acting rank.
(2) An officer or man granted an acting rank is liable to be posted or transferred in his
substantive rank at any time.
(1) The President acting on the advice of the Armed Forces Council may grant
honorary rank to a person—
(a) who has rendered distinguished service to the Armed Forces, or
(b) who, from an educational or administrative point of view, is likely to
promote the general efficiency of the Armed Forces.
(2) The grant of an honorary rank under (1) of this Article shall not—
(a) in itself cause a person to become a member of the Armed Forces;
(b) confer any right of command; and
(c) unless the President acting on the advice of the Armed Forces Council
otherwise directs, involve any expense to the public.
(1) The relative ranks of officers and men within the Armed Forces shall be as
prescribed in the table to this Article.
A.F.R. Art.3.11
15. Squadron, Battery, Com- Petty Officer, 1st Class Flight Sergeant
pany Quartermaster
Sergeant, Staff-Sergeant
(2) To avoid confusion between the ranks of officers of the Army, Navy and Air
Force, Officers of the Navy shall have the suffix (G.N.) and Officers of the Air Force the
suffix (A.F) after their names.
(1) Subject to (3) and (4) of this Article, the commanding officer of a unit may
appoint as a lance-bombadier or lance-corporal, a man who is drawing a higher rate of
pay of private or equivalent trained soldier.
(2) A man appointed to a lance appointment under (1) of this Article shall—
(a) hold the same rank as he held prior to his appointment, and
(b) relinquish his appointment,
(i) at the discretion of the commanding officer; or
(ii) when he is struck off strength of the unit.
Art. 3.11 A.F.R.
(1) An officer shall take seniority over all men.
(2) Subject to Article 3.13, officers shall take seniority among themselves in
accordance with the order of ranks prescribed in Article 3.01 to Article 3.03 (Ranks of
officers and men).
(1) Officers or men who hold acting rank shall have no seniority in that rank. They
shall have seniority among themselves in their order of seniority in their substantive rank.
(2) When any part of the Armed Forces is on active service, substantive and
temporary ranks shall be regarded as equal for purposes of determining seniority.
(1) When officers or men hold the same substantive or temporary rank with the same
date of seniority, their seniority among themselves shall, unless the Chief of Defence
Staff otherwise directs, be determined by their seniorities in their next lower substantive
or temporary ranks.
(2) In the event of their seniorities in their next lower substantive or temporary ranks
being the same their seniority among themselves shall, unless the Chief of Defence Staff
otherwise directs, be determined according to their service numbers, the lesser number
conferring more seniority than the greater number.
(3) Subject to Article 3.13, an officer or man shall take seniority within his rank from
the date of enrolment in or promotion to that rank, as applicable, except that—
(a) the Chief of Defence Staff, or such officer as he may designate, may grant
the requisite seniority;
(b) the Chief of Defence Staff may prescribe the conditions under which
seniority may be adjusted on
(i) reduction or reversion; or
(ii) promotion after reduction or reversion; or
(iii) transfer from the Reserves to the Regular Force; or
(iv) transfer between sub-components of the Reserves;
A.F.R Art. 3.26
(d) periods of leave without pay and allowances do not count for Seniority.
(See Article 16.24—“Leave without Pay and Allowances”).
Section 2—Command
In cases not otherwise provided for in Armed Forces Regulations, command shall be
exercised by—
(1) An officer commanding an army command shall exercise command over all army
formations, garrisons, units and detachments allocated to his command.
(2) Unless the Chief of Defence Staff otherwise directs, in the absence of the officer
commanding the command, his command shall be assumed by the next senior Regular
Officer in the command.
(1) An area commander shall exercise command shall exercise command over all
army formations, garrisons, units and detachments allocated to his area.
(2) Unless the Chief of Defence Staff or the officer commanding the command
otherwise directs in the absence of an area commander his command shall be assumed by
the senior Regular Officer within the area.
(2) Subject to (1) of this Article, unless the higher formation commander otherwise
directs, in the absence of the commanding officer of a garrison his command shall be
assumed by the senior officer in the garrison.
(1) A Senior Naval Officer in Command shall exercise command over all ships and
naval establishments allocated to his command.
(2) Subject to (3) of this Article, unless the Navy Commander or (failing direction
from him) the Senior Naval Officer in Command, otherwise directs, in the absence of the
Senior Naval Officer in Command his command shall be assumed by the next senior
General List Officer in that command.
(3) Only an officer of the Seaman Specialisation may command a seagoing ship or
(1) Subject to (5) of this Article, each ship and fleet establishment shall be
commanded by an officer.
(2) The Captain shall exercise command over all persons on board his ship or in his
fleet establishment.
(3) On all occasions, the following officers take command over all other officers and
men who serve in the same ship or fleet establishment:--
(a) the Captain;
(b) the Executive Officer; and
(c) the Officer of the Watch
(4) The provisions of (3) (b) of this Article do not limit the head of a department in
his responsibility and direct access to the Captain concerning matters connected with the
operational readiness of his department.
(5) The Navy Commander may designate ships and fleet establishments in respect of
which a man may be drafted in command. (See Articles 3.30—(Command when ship
wrecked or lost) and 3.31—(when Captain is absent or cease to exercise command).)
A.F.R. Art. 3.33
When a ship has been wrecked or otherwise lost or destroyed or has been taken by the
enemy, the order of command among the Captain and the officers and men of the crew
shall remain unchanged until a Board of Inquiry has inquired into the cause of the loss or
capture of the ship or the officers and men are separated or disposed of by the proper
(1) Subject to (2) of this Article and Article 3.34 (Officers and Men Lent or Borne
“Additional”), command of a ship or fleet establishment shall be assumed under the
circumstances given and in the order following:—
(a) When the Captain has ceased to exercise command, the Executive Officer
shall assume full powers and duties as though he had been appointed in
(b) When the Captain is temporarily absent, the Executive Officer shall
exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Captain on his behalf.
(2) In seagoing ships, command shall descend in accordance with (1) of this Article
and thence by order of rank and seniority through those Officers of the Seaman
Specialisations who hold Watch-keeping Certificates, unless the Commanding Officer
otherwise directs, and thence by order of rank and seniority through all other officers on
the General or Branch Lists.
(3) In fleet establishments command shall descend in accordance with (1) of this
article, and thence by order of rank and seniority through all officers unless the
Commanding Officer otherwise directs.
In the performance of the duties with which he is charged, the officer of the Watch shall
exercise command over all persons on board except—
(a) The captain or Commanding Officer; and
(b) The Executive Officer;
A man who is borne in a ship or naval establishment to perform regulating duties or who
has been instructed to perform them for the time being by the—
(a) Captain; or
(b) Executive Officer; or
Art. 3.33 A.F.R.
shall exercise all other men the command necessary to perform those duties.
(1) A Senior Naval Officer in Command who is not in command of the ship in which
he is borne shall hold the same relation to that ship as he does to the other ships under is
(2) When a Senior Naval Officer in Command who is also the Captain of a ship
embarks in another ship which is in his command, in circumstances which made it
desirable to appoint him to the ship, he shall be appointed “additional” for the particular
service for the performance of which he embarked. Whilst so borne, his relation to the
ship shall be that prescribed in (1) of this Article (See Articles 3.31—“When the Captain
is Absent or Cease to Exercise Command”).
(3) In all matters of general discipline the members of the staff of a Senior Naval
Officer in Command shall be subject to the Orders and routine of the ship in which they
are borne.
(c) when taking passage in a ship, exercise command as if he were part of the
ship’s complement only if he is required to do duty under (5) of this
A.F.R Art. 3.35
(6) A man taking passage in ship shall be employed as part of the ship’s complement.
(7) Unless he has been instructed by the Navy Commander or the Commanding
Officer to do so, no officer who is taking passage in a ship shall assume command under
the provisions of Article 3.31 (When the Captain is absent or ceases to exercise
(1) Subject to (3) of this Article, unless they are actually under the command of an
officer senior to him then present, the Senior Naval Officer in Command shall take under
his command all officers junior to himself.
(2) (a) An officer who is within the limits of the command of an officer junior to
himself shall not interfere with the command.
(b) While within the limits of another command, officers and ships are subject
to the control of the Senior Naval Officer in Command of that command
in all matters governed by the command standing orders.
(3) Subject to (4) of this Article, when an officer belonging to another command is
placed under his command by the provisions of (1) of this Article, the senior officer shall
(a) divert him from his service; or
(b) interfere with the orders he has received; or
(c) order him to produce any secret orders which he may have in his
(4) If, for a pressing exigency, a senior officer has deviated from the provisions of (3)
of this article he shall permit the junior officer to proceed in execution of his orders as
soon as possible and forward a report to the appropriate authority.
and the Senior Naval Officer in Command of the command or formation to which she
belongs does not see her distinctly or, when in the presence of the enemy, does not
immediately correct her, the Senior Naval Officer in Command of any other command or
formation may take any action that he deems necessary under the circumstances.
Art. 3.36 A.F.R.
(1) Unless the Air Force Commander otherwise directs, the officer in command of an
Air Force station or unit shall exercise command over all other officers and over all men
at the station or unit.
(2) Subject to (3) of this Article, in the absence of the officer in Command of an air
force station or unit his command shall be assumed by the senior officer who is on the
strength of and present at the station or unit.
(3) Command of an air force station or unit shall not, unless the Air Force
Commander so directs, be assumed by—
(a) an officer who is not on the aircrew list unless the function of the station
or unit is to perform duties connected with his own list; or
(b) an officer who is on a course of instruction at, or who is on temporary duty
at, or who is attached to, the station or unit.
(1) When an officer or man has been appointed to command a special formation, unit,
or detachment, the Chief of Defence Staff may direct that he shall, subject to (2) of this
article, exercise such command independently of the officer commanding the command,
the garrison commander, and the commanding officer of the station within which he may
be operating.
(2) An officer or man in the circumstances prescribed in (1) of this Article shall
conform to any particular orders in force in the locality in which he is operating except
where these orders are inconsistent with the due performance of the duty on which he is
(a) he is ordered under the Armed Forces Act, 1962 to be on continuing full-
time military service or is employed on active service; and
(b) the officer commanding the command so directs.
A.F.R. Art. 3.48
No chaplain of the Armed Forces shall exercise command over any officer or man.
(1) When portions of two or more Services of the Armed Forces are serving together,
command of those portions may be exercised by such officer of any Service of the Armed
Forces as may be designated by or under the authority of the Chief of Defence Staff. An
officer so designated shall have command over all officers and men serving in these
(2) When portions of two or more Services of the Armed Forces are serving together
in a composite unit, officers and men serving in that unit shall, unless the Chief of
Defence Staff otherwise directs, obey the orders of persons senior to them in rank. (See
Article 3.10—“Relative Ranks within the Armed Forces”) as if those persons were
members of their own Service.
No officer assigned to the Ghana Armed Forces Medical Service who is not a medical
officer shall exercise command over a medical officer in respect of his treatment of a
Art. 3.49 A.F.R
Section 3—Precedence
(2) The Chief of Defence Staff shall take precedence over all other officers of the
Armed Forces.
(3) The Army Commander, the Navy Commander and Air Force Commander shall
take precedence in that order and shall each take precedence over all officers over whom
they exercise command.
(4) the Officer commanding an army command, a garrison commander and an officer
in command of an army formation, station or unit shall take precedence over all officers
over whom they exercise command.
(5) the senior naval officer in chief command, the senior naval officer in command
and the captain, commanding officer and executive officer of a ship or fleet establishment
shall take precedence over all officers over whom they exercise command.
(6) an officer in command of an air force formation, station or unit shall take
precedence over all officers over whom he exercises command.
(1) The order of precedence in the Armed Forces is the army, navy and air force.
When elements of the Armed Forces take part in a joint parade or ceremony they shall
take part in that order.
(2) except as prescribed in (3) of this article, officers of the army, navy or air force
taking part as individuals in a joint parade or ceremony shall take precedence among
themselves in accordance with their respective ranks and seniority.
(3) when officers of the army, navy or air force take part as individuals in a joint
parade or ceremony, the senior army officer, the senior naval officer and the senior air
force officer shall take up their positions together, jointly taking precedence over all other
army, naval or air force officers who may be present, but taking precedence among
themselves according to their individual ranks and seniority.
(4) the order of precedence of the Armed Forces on all parades will be:
1. Regular Army
2. Regular Navy
3. Regular Air Force
4. Ghana Armed Forces Nursing Service
5. Women’s Auxiliary Corps
A.F.R Art. 3.99
6. Reserve Army
7. Reserve Navy
9. Volunteer Army
Section 1—General
An officer shall be responsible to his immediate superior for the proper and efficient
performance of his duties.
An officer shall:—
(a) acquaint himself with, observe and enforce—
(i) the Armed Forces Act, 1962 ( Act 105)
(ii) the State Secrets Act, 1962 ( Act 101)
(iii) AFR, and
(iv) all other regulations, rules, orders and instructions that pertain to
the performance of his duties;
(b) afford to all persons employed in the public service such assistance in the
performance of their duties as is practical;
(c) promote the welfare, efficiency, good order and discipline of all who are
subordinate to him;
(d) ensure the proper care and maintenance and prevent the waste of all public
and non-public property within his control: and
(e) report to the proper authority any infringement of the pertinent statutes,
regulations, rules, orders and instructions governing the conduct of any
person subject to the Code of Service Discipline when he cannot deal
adequately with the matter himself.
An officer visiting a garrison, station, unit, ship or fleet establishment shall report to the
commanding officer before proceeding with the object of his visit.
(1) An officer commanding an army command shall, for the control and
administration of all formations, units and detachments allocated to his command, be
directly responsible to—
a. the Army Commander, or
b. such officer as the Army Commander may designate.
A.F.R Art. 4.21
(2) An area commander shall be responsible to the officer commanding the command
for the control an administration of all army formations, units and detachments allocated
to his area.
(1) Subject to the direction of the Army Commander, the detailed duties and
functions of an officer commanding an army command shall include—
(c) ensuring that all officers and men under his command are familiar with
their duties,
(i) on mobilization, and
(ii) in connection with the defence of the command; and
(2) An officer commanding an army command shall report immediately to the Army
Commander or such officer as he may designate—
(a) all incidents in which officers or men have been involved in riots or
disturbances, together with the result of his inquiries into the
circumstances of such incidents; and
(b) any unusual incident having military significance which occurs in his
Section 3—Orders
(2) The form of command and area orders shall be as prescribed by the Army
Art. 4.22 A.F.R.
(1) A commanding officer shall issue standing orders which shall include orders that
are peculiar to his garrison, station, unit, ship, or fleet establishment.
(3) A commanding officer, when he is away from his garrison, unit, ship or fleet
establishment, shall not issue standing orders.
A commanding officer shall ensure that a set of rules for defaulters is drawn up for his
garrison, station, unit, ship or fleet establishment; that such rules are made known to all
defaulters and that they are rigidly enforced.
(1) A commanding officer shall issue unit orders as required for the promulgation of
information and direction to all officers and men under his command.
(2) The form of unit orders shall be as the respective Service Commander may
(3) Unit orders shall, by numerical reference, direct attention to any Articles of AFR
which are reproduced periodically in army, navy and air force orders.
(1) In the absence of the commanding officer, unit orders shall be issued by the
officer assuming temporary command. The headnote of unit orders shall indicate the
officer by whom they have been issued.
(2) An officer or man shall normally be warned of all duties, other than ordinary
routine duties in unit orders.
(3) Unit orders shall be numbered consecutively commencing with the first day of
January of each year.
A.F.R Art. 4.31
The commanding officer shall ensure that all regulations, orders, instructions,
correspondence and publications affecting officers or men, whether in the performance of
their duties or in the conditions of their service, are given such publicity as will enable
the officers and men to study them and become acquainted with the contents. Orders
relating to any matters requiring special explanation shall be read and explained to men
immediately they are received.
Section 4—General
A commanding officer shall ensure that inspections of works and buildings and parades,
other than for religious services, are not held on Sunday, Good Friday, or Christmas Day,
unless the exigencies of the service so require.
A commanding officer shall personally ensure that the officer or man in charge of an
armed party called from his garrison, station, unit, ship or fleet establishment for the
performance of any unusual duty is fully instructed in all particulars that concern the duty
the party may be required to perform.
(1) A commanding officer shall exert every effort to prevent offences and to prevent
any tendency to screen their existence.
(2) If any type of offence is particularly prevalent in a garrison, station, unit, ship or
fleet establishment the commanding officer shall ensure that notice of the fact is drawn to
the attention of officers and men under his command by a suitable entry in unit orders.
The entry shall be repeated periodically if necessary.
When one department requires the assistance of another—
(a) to perform any work, the co-ordinating authority shall be the head of the
department that requires the work to be done ; or
Art.4.31 A.F.R
(b) for the maintenance of any equipment, the co-ordinating authority shall be
the head of the department that uses the complete assembly.
In these circumstances, the departments that perform the work shall meet the
requirements of the co-ordinating authority.
A commanding officer shall select an officer not below the rank of Captain, or equivalent
rank to co-ordinate the training of officers and men and generally to supervise training
A commanding officer shall ensure that suitable recreation programmes are organized for
the officers and men under his command and, where practical for their dependants and
for civilian employees of the Armed Forces.
A man shall—
(b) afford to all persons employed in the public service such assistance in the
performance of their duties as is practical;
(c) promote the welfare, efficiency, good order and discipline of all who are
subordinate to him;
(d) ensure the proper care and maintenance and prevent the waste of all public
and non-public property within his control; and
(e) report to the proper authority any infringement of the pertinent statute,
regulations, rules, orders and instructions governing the conduct of any
person subject to the Code of Service Discipline.
(1) Men shall not normally be employed on work that interferes with the duties of
their trade except in communal duties of the unit or ship. They may, however, be
employed when the commanding officer so directs, wherever they are required—
(b) in order to give them opportunities to take charge of and handle men in
organized parties;
(c) in the watch and quarter bill, except that men whose vision is poor shall
not be employed on lookout duties; and
Art.5.03 A.F.R.
(1) The commanding officer shall select for duty as instructors only those men who
possess outstanding qualities of—
(a) leadership;
(b) power of command;
(c) patience;
(d) tact; and
(e) ability to impart knowledge
(2) Service Headquarters shall keep a record of men who are recommended by their
commanding officers as possessing outstanding instructional ability.
Warrant Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Chief Petty Officers, Petty Officers and
Leading Seamen dressed in uniform shall on identification be allowed to pass defence
establishment and dockyard gates and to pass parties of men in and out.
When a warrant officer Second Class, Chief Petty Officer, Petty Officer or Leading
Seaman is addressed or spoken to, his name shall be prefixed by the title of his rank.
(1) Discipline and comfort of men in units, ships and fleet establishments are
dependent to a great extent on the manner in which warrant officers, senior non-
commissioned officers, chief petty officers and petty officers carry out their duties and
maintain their positions. Owing to the influence that they exercise on the discipline,
efficiency and morale of the Armed Forces as a whole, it is essential that the importance
of their status be recognized by all officers and men.
(2) Warrant officers, senior non-commissioned officers, chief petty officers and petty
officers are not promoted to those ranks solely as a result of seniority or on passing
certain examinations.
A.F.R. Art.5.99
As commanding officers and officers look to them for loyal support in maintaining the
efficiency and traditions of the Armed Forces, and junior men look to them for direction
and assistance, they should—
(c) work at all times for the well-being and efficiency of the Armed
Forces as a whole;
(e) obey the orders of their superiors with the same cheerfulness and
alacrity with which they expect to be obeyed by their juniors.
(3) It is the duty of warrant officers, senior non-commissioned officers, chief petty
officers and petty officers to preserve order and regularity among the other men wherever
they are. This responsibility rests upon them whether they are on duty or not.
(4) A copy of this article shall be kept permanently posted on the notice board in each
warrant officers’, senior non-commissioned officers’, chief petty officers’ or petty
officers’ mess.
An officer or man who is seriously ill or definitely psychotic shall be escorted to hospital
by trained medical personnel.
Section 1—General
(1) Subject to (2) of this Article a person to be eligible for enrolment in the Armed
Forces shall—
(2) The following persons may be eligible for enrolment in the Armed Forces—
(a) an applicant who is under the age of seventeen years and half may be
accepted for enrolment as a boy;
(b) an applicant who is over the age of thirty years but has some qualification
or skill specially needed in the Armed Forces may, subject to the approval
of the Chief of Defence Staff, be accepted for enrolment; and
(c) unmarried women.
(3) Female persons enrolled in the Armed Forces may be permitted to marry provided
that they have served for 3 consecutive years. Female persons who are permitted to
marry may apply to leave the service at any time after marriage without prejudice to re-
engagement. (See Article 15.06—Release of Females on Marriage).
(4) The following persons shall not be allowed to enrol in the Armed Forces:—
(a) a member of the Police Service; or
(b) a person who has been discharged from the Police Service or the Armed
Forces Reserves,
(i) as medically unfit for further service, or
(ii) for inefficiency, or
(iii) with conduct assessment below “GOOD”.
(1) When a person who has previously served in the Armed Forces, the Police
Service or the Reserves applies for enrolment in the Armed Forces be shall he required—
A.F.R. Art. 6.10
(2) When a person who has previously served in the Armed Forces applies for
enrolment in the Armed Forces within 12 months of his release he may be granted the
rank he held at the time of release provided that there is a vacancy. On enrolment within
6 months of release an Army tradesman may be re-granted the trade classification he had
before release.
Officers enrolling persons in the Armed Forces shall inform them of their subjection to
the Code of Service Discipline.
Person enrolling in the Armed Forces shall take the following oath or solemn
The person taking the oath may do so in the form and manner following, that is to say—
(a) he shall hold, if a Christian, a copy of the Gospels of the Four Evangelists,
or of the New Testament, or, if a Jew, a copy of the Old Testament, in his
uplifted hand (provided that if he be physically incapable of so taking the
oath, he may hold such copy otherwise or if necessary, such copy may be
held before him by the person administering the oath) and shall say or
repeat after the person administering the oath the words prescribed by law;
(b) in any other manner which is lawful according to any law, customary or
otherwise, in force in Ghana.
Art. 6.11 AFR
Section 2—Officers
(1) A person enrolled as a commissioned officer shall be enrolled in the rank of 2nd
lieutenant, acting sub-lieutenant or pilot officer.
(2) A person enrolled as a subordinate officer shall be enrolled in the rank of officer
cadet, naval cadet or flight cadet.
(4) Candidates other than those mentioned in (6)—(10) of this Article, who are
enrolled into the Ghana Armed Forces with university degrees or have passed the
examination of any professional bodies recognized by the Ministry shall have their
commissions ante-dated 18 months from the effective date of the appointment, or the date
of attaining 21 years of age if later, and shall be entitled to qualification pay subject to the
conditions laid down under AFR.
(5) Candidates who are qualified under (4) of this Article or hold requisite
professional or relative professional qualifications and who have had responsible
practical experience approved by the Ministry as being of direct value to their arm of
service shall reckon for qualification pay under AFR the period of approved post-
qualification experience up to a maximum total ante-date of 7 years subject to the
following limitations: —
A.F.R Art. 6.12
(a) Initial appointment shall not be in the rank higher than Army
Lieutenant or equivalent.
(b) On commission they shall be promoted in the rank of Army Captain or
equivalent effective from the date of commission.
(1) Enrolment as an officer in the Regular Armed Forces shall be for service for—
Art. 6.12 A.F.R.
(2) Enrolment as an officer in the Reserves shall be for service for an indefinite
period of time.
(4) Subject to the approval of the President acting on the advice of the Armed Forces
Council, the fixed term of service of an officer, other than a subordinate officer, may be
extended with his consent for such further period or periods as the Chief of Defence Staff
may prescribe.
Section 3—Men
A person enrolled as a man shall be enrolled in the rank of private or equivalent rank.
(1) Subject to (2) and (3) of this Article the term of service of a man on enrolment or
re-engagement shall be for a continuing full-time service for a term of six consecutive
(2) Tradesmen in trades prescribed by the Ministry may, in order to bring them to a
satisfactory standard of efficiency, be required to vary their term of service under (1) of
this Article to a term of service for continuing full-time service of twelve consecutive
years and may sign the certificate prescribed in the Schedule to this Chapter.
(3) A man selected to undergo training outside Ghana may be required to serve—
(a) not less than five consecutive years continuing full-time service reckoned
from the date of completion of his training; or
(b) the unexpired portion (if any) of any term of service he has to serve under
(1) or (2) of this Article, whichever is the greater.
(1) Subject to such conditions as the Chief of Defence Staff may prescribe—
(a) a man who enrols on an initial engagement for 6 consecutive years full-
time service may vary his term of service to one of 12 consecutive years
full-time service;
A.F.R Art. 6.99
(b) a man who completes 12 consecutive years full-time service may be re-
engaged to complete 18 consecutive years full-time service;
(2) Notwithstanding anything in (1) of this Article a man who has completed 18 years
full-time service shall have the right of discharge at three months’ notice and his
commanding officer shall also have the right to give him three months’ notice of
The medical standards for enrolment of officers and men for any prolongation of service
will be as prescribed by the Ministry for each of the three services.
Article 6.22 (2)
(To be attached to the Attestation Paper)
Date……………………………… ……………………………….
The authority to appoint officers is vested in the President acting in accordance with the
advice of the Armed Forces Council (See Article 151 (3) of the Constitution.)
(1) Except as provided in (2) of this Article, officers shall not apply for a particular
Unless there are urgent reasons to support cancellation an officer shall not apply to have
his appointment cancelled.
(1) An officer or man on active service may for the period of such service be
transferred from the service in which he has been enrolled to another Service of the
Armed Forces.
(2) Subject to (1) of this Article no officer or man shall without his consent be
transferred from the Service in which he has been enrolled to another Service of the
Armed Forces.
An officer or man may be voluntarily transferred from one Service to another Service of
the Armed Forces with the prior approval of the Chief of Defence Staff and the Service
Commander concerned.
An Army Commander or such officer as he may designate may order the transfer within
the Army of an officer or man from one corps to another.
An officer or man may, at his request and with the approval of the Army Commander on
such officer as he may designate, be transferred within the Army from one corps to
(1) Personnel shall not be employed under any Government other than that of Ghana
except when such employment has been sanctioned by the Chief of Defence Staff. The
conditions to be observed in such cases will be notified by the Chief of Defence Staff.
Before such employment begins, an officer or man shall be required to sign a certificate
stating that he is willing to be employed under the conditions laid down by the Chief of
Defence Staff.
(2) While so employed, provided the officer or man is qualified and recommended,
he will be considered for promotion in his proper turn.
In either circumstances they will forgo promotion until the completion of their
tour of duty. They will then be promoted when the next vacancy occurs, if still
recommended, with seniority adjusted to the date they would have been
promoted had they not remained detached from their parent unit.
(a) the Chief of Defence Staff is satisfied that on the termination of the
proposed secondment the officer or man concerned will be acceptable for
duty in the Armed Forces; and
(b) it appears possible that the period of secondment will be in excess of six
months but not in excess of two years.
(1) An officer or man attached or seconded has like powers of command and
punishment over men of the force to which he is attached or seconded as if he were an
officer or man of that force of equivalent rank relative to the rank he holds.
(2) An officer or man who is seconded or who is attached outside the Ghana Armed
Forces shall perform his duties as if he were a member of the force to which he is
attached or seconded and shall obey orders of persons senior to him in rank, as if those
persons were members of the Ghana Armed Forces.
An officer or man may be loaned under an agreement between the Ministry of Defence
and the appropriate authority of another country or government, an agency or a civilian
Section 1—Promotion
(1) The promotion of an officer to the rank of Colonel or equivalent and above shall
be made by the Cabinet acting in accordance with the advice of the Armed Forces
(2) The promotion of any officer to any rank lower than Colonel or equivalent shall
require the approval of the Chief of Defence Staff or such officer as he may designate.
(3) The promotion of a man to any rank shall require the approval of the Chief of
Defence Staff or such officer as he may designate.
(1) Subject to (2) of this Article no officer or man shall be promoted to a higher rank
(a) there is an appropriate vacancy in the total establishment for his
(b) he is recommended by the appropriate authority; and
(c) he has passed such qualifying examinations and satisfied such other
conditions as the Chief of Defence Staff or the respective Service
Commander may prescribe.
(2) In any particulars instance or in any given circumstances the Chief of Defence
Staff may direct that the qualification required as to the passing of qualifying
examinations may be waived.
Art. 11.10 A.F.R.
(2) Subject to (4) and (5) of this Article, and to such conditions as may be prescribed
by the Chief of Defence Staff, the competent authority may—
(3) All action under (2) of this Article shall be originated by the man’s commanding
officer who shall report the facts to a competent authority. Before reverting or
remustering a man for inefficiency in his trade, the competent authority may cause him to
be examined by a trade test board. When the board reports adversely on a man the
competent authority may revert and remuster the man in accordance with (2) of this
(4) When a competent authority authorizes the reversion for inefficiency of a man,
the man shall only be reverted—
(a) if he holds substantive or acting rank only, one rank at any one time; or
(b) if he holds acting rank, to his substantive rank or temporary rank
whichever is the higher or to any intermediate acting rank.
(5) When a reversion for inefficiency of a man is to the rank of private or equivalent
rank, the man shall be reverted to the highest classification in that rank.
(6) Any order made under this Article shall state that the reversion or Remustering is
for inefficiency.
(1) Subject to (2) and (3) of this Article, man convicted by civil power may be
reverted for misconduct by—
(2) No man shall be reverted under (1) of this Article, unless the nature of the offence
of which he has been convicted clearly indicates that he is not fit to hold and exercise the
authority of his rank.
(3) When a man is reverted under (1) of this Article, he shall not be reverted below
the highest classification of private or equivalent rank, or below such higher rank as may
be prescribed by the Chief of Defence Staff.
A.F.R. Art. 11.14
(5) Any order for reversion made under this Article shall state that the reversion is as
a result of a conviction by the civil power.
(6) When a man is, under the provisions of this Article, reverted to a rank which is
not authorized in his existing trade group, he shall be remustered to the highest group in
his trade which is permissible in the rank to which he is reverted. No other compulsory
remustering shall be effected as a result of a conviction by the civil power.
(7) Any order for remustering made under (6) of this Article shall state that the
remustering is necessarily consequent upon an order for reversion under this Article.
(1) When by sentence of a service tribunal a man has been reduced to a rank which is
not authorized in his existing trade group, he shall be remustered to the highest group in
his trade which is permissible in the rank to which he is reduce.
(2) Any order for remustering under (1) of this Article shall state that the remustering
is necessarily consequent upon a sentence of reduction by a service tribunal.
(2) An officer or man may apply for permission to relinquish any rank held by him
and to revert to a lower substantive rank—
group on such grounds as the Chief of Defence Staff, or respective Service Commander,
may prescribe—
Section 1—General
(2) To ensure that promotion to the ranks of lieutenant, captain and major in the
Army, and the Air Force, sub-lieutenant and lieutenant-commander in the Navy is made
on an equitable basis consistent with the requirement s of the Army, Navy, and Air Force,
officers eligible for promotion to those ranks shall be selected only from officers of a
specified number of years’ seniority.
(a) have 2 years seniority in the rank of 2nd lieutenant or sub-lieutenant and
(b) be considered as suitable for promotion by his commanding officer.
To be eligible for promotion to the rank of major or lieutenant-commander, an officer
(a) have 5 years seniority in the substantive rank of captain or lieutenant
(Navy) and
(b) have passed the necessary qualifying examinations, and
(c) be considered as suitable for promotion by his commanding officer.
Art. 12.24 A.F.R.
Instructions governing the promotion of officers of the Reserves are as prescribed by the
Chief of Defence Staff.
To be eligible for promotion to the rank of Army Major or equivalent, an officer must: -
(a) have five years seniority in the substantive rank of an Army Captain or
(b) be considered suitable for promotion and recommended by his
Commanding Officer.
Men shall be advanced in trade grouping and promoted in rank in accordance with
instructions prescribed by the Chief of Defence Staff, or an officer designated by him, or
by the Army, Navy and Air Force Commanders in respect of men within their commands.
Section 1—General
(1) An officer or man may be released, during his service, only in accordance with
this article and the table hereto.
(2) When the service of an officer or man is terminated by death, his release shall be
recorded for that reason.
(3) Except as prescribed in (4) of this article, the authority to approve release shall
(a) the President acting on the advice of the Armed Forces Council in the case
of an officer of the rank of Colonel and above, or
(b) the Chief of the Defence Staff, or such officer as he may designate, in the
case of an officer of the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel and below, a
subordinate officer and man.
(4) Except as provided in (3) of this article, an officer or man may be released, during
his service, only for the reasons and under the conditions prescribed in the table to this
(5) The authority to approve the release of an officer or man under a punishment of
dismissal with disgrace from Armed Forces or dismissal from Armed Forces shall be that
authority who may approve the punishment in accordance with AFR and release shall be
deemed to be approved upon approval of the punishment.
(iii) When the officer or do. do. do. do. See article 15.21 and
man is not 15.33—Notice of
advantageously intended Release.
employable in his
present rank
(iv) When retention in the do. do. do. do. Applies only to
Reserves of an officer officers and men of the
or man is not practical Reserves.
or not desirable
(v) When the retention of Subordinate do. do.
a subordinate officer is Officers
not practical or not
(vi) On completion, or Officers … do. do. do. See article 6.12
during the final year of Duration of Service
a fixed period of
(vii) On completion of Men … do.
an engagement where a
man is not offered
further service
(viii) Having been Officers and do. do. do.
enrolled irregularly. Men
Officers below the
Officers of the Notation on
To whom rank of Colonel,
Item Reasons for Release Cases in which Applicable rank of Colonel Certificate of Special Instructions
Applicable subordinate
an d above services
Officers and men
5 Compulsory (ix) Having completed the do. do. do. do.
Retirement to period for which he is
promote Economy or required
Efficiency –contd. (c) On Demobilization do. do. do. do. Applies to officers and
men who enrol in
the Armed Force
during a period of
active service on an
emergency and
who do not
become enrolled
for service in the
Armed Forces
(Regular) or the
Art. 15.02 A.F.R.
(1) Except during an emergency or when he is on active service, an officer or man is
entitled to be released at the expiration of the term of service for which he is enrolled or
(2) Unless the Chief of Defence Staff otherwise directs, any period of absence
without leave, or desertion, shall not be reckoned towards the completion of the term of
service for which an officer or man was enrolled or re-engaged.
(3) Subject to (1) of this Article, no officer or man may claim his release as of right
(a) an officer not on active service (by reason of an emergency)
(i) under item 4 (c) (on request) of the table to Article 15.01 if he is a
subordinate officer who requests his voluntary retirement where he
will otherwise be reverted to the rank from which he was promoted
to subordinate officer;
(ii) under item 4 (d) ( on request—other causes) of the table to Article
(b) a man not on active service by reason of an emergency, under item 4 (c) of
the table to Article 15.01.
(1) Except as prescribed in (2) and (3) of this Article, an officer or man shall be
released in Ghana.
(2) An officer or man who is serving outside Ghana at the time his release is
approved may, if he so requests, be released at the place where he is serving if prior
approval is obtained from the Chief of Defence Staff.
(3) the provisions of (1) of this Article shall not apply to an officer or man who is
released as a consequence of imprisonment beyond Ghana following conviction by the
civil power.
(4) An officer or man who is an alien serving with the Ghana Armed Forces and
whose release is approved, may if he so requests, be released in Ghana and repatriated to
his country of origin (see Article 209.73.)
Art. 15.05 A.F.R.
(1) An officer or man of the Regular Armed Forces who is suffering from a disease or
injury which necessitates prolonged treatment or medical observation may, at the
discretion of the Chief of Defence Staff and on the recommendation of the Director of
Medical Service be retained in the Armed Forces for the duration of such treatment or
medical observation.
(2) If at any time it becomes apparent that the officer or man will continue to be unfit
for military service despite prolonged treatment he shall be released as medically unfit
but, at the discretion of the Chief of Defence Staff and on the recommendation of the
Director of Medical Services, he may continue to receive medical attention as though he
were a member of the Armed Forces.
(1) A female person enrolled in the Armed Forces shall, if she marries during her first
three years of service, be release under item 5 (b) (ii) ( unsuitable for further service) of
the table to Article 15.01 unless in the opinion of the Chief of Defence Staff, her
continued employment is in the best interest of the Armed Forces.
(2) When a female person becomes pregnant before marriage release will be effected
under item (5) (b) (ii).
(3) The release of a female recruit and subordinate officer may be approved under
item (5) (b) (iii) if the Chief of Defence Staff considers that she is unsuitable for further
training and that it is in the interest of the service for the release to be approved.
(1) When forwarding an application for the release of an officer or man, the
commanding officer shall report any outstanding or potential public or non-public claim
against the officer or man and shall furnish proof of that claim.
(2) When the release has been approved the commanding officer shall report to his
formation headquarters any claim described in (1) of this Article which will not be
liquidated on or before the proposed date of release.
Art. 15.17 A.F.R.
Section 2—Officers
(1) The normal compulsory release ages of officers holding permanent commissions in
all branches and ranks shall be 50.
(a) In certain branches and ranks the compulsory release age may be as
All Arms 65 63 60 55 53
(ii)Non-Specialist — 60 59 58 58
Legal — — 60 60 60
Female Officers — — 55 55 55
(b) The compulsory retiring age for chaplains will be 55. If a chaplain selected for
appointment as a chaplain-general is required to complete three years in the post before
retirement he will be retained beyond the compulsory retiring age, if necessary until he
completed that period.
(c) Officers holding permanent commissions at ages above the normal who are
unable to complete ten years’ reckonable service before reaching the age of compulsory
release will be retained beyond the normal release ages until they have completed at least
that period, provided that their service is satisfactory.
(d) Officers appointed direct to permanent commissions from the ranks who are
required to serve a minimum period of ten years after appointment will where necessary,
be retained beyond the normal compulsory retiring ages to give the required minimum
period of service.
(2) The compulsory retiring ages laid down in this article are subject to variation,
either upwards or downwards, as the Ministry may from time to time determine. Such
variations however, would not be compulsorily applied to any officer so as to affect his
retirement in the rank held by him at the date of the order announcing the change.
(3) It is the policy of the Ministry to adhere to the normal compulsory retiring ages
wherever possible, but the Ministry has the right to retire an officer
Art. 15.17 A.F.R.
prematurely at any time should it consider this to be necessary; in general, however, such
right would not be exercised, unless it was necessary for the efficiency of the Armed
Forces, before the officer had completed the service necessary to qualify for retired pay.
(4) Similarly, where the Ministry considers that it is necessary in the interest of the
Service, an officer may be retained beyond the normal retirement date. When an officer is
retained compulsorily such continued employment will be for a specific and firm period
of time and will be treated as continuous employment on the Active List and not as re-
(1) Every application by an officer for release under Item 4 (Voluntary Retirement)
of the table to Article 15.01 shall be made in writing through the commanding officer
who shall add his recommendations when forwarding the application to the appropriate
(2) When a commanding officer recommends such release, he shall certify that his
recommendation is not made for the purpose of allowing the applicant to avoid the
consequences of his inefficiency, unsuitability or misconduct.
(3) The Chief of Defence Staff may prescribe those courses of more than six months
duration in respect of which an officer who has attended on duty shall not be released at
his request, under Item 4 of the table to Article 15.01 unless he has served a period
(which shall not be less than three years) to be determined by the Chief of Defence Staff.
(4) Where, in the opinion of the Chief of Defence Staff, special and unforeseen
circumstances require that an officer apply for his release prior to the completion of the
minimum period of service prescribed under (3) of this Article, his release may be
approved but only if he refunds the portion of the cost incurred by the public for his
attendance at the course in accordance with (5) of this Article.
(5) Where, under (4) of this Article, a portion of the cost incurred by the public is to
be reimbursed, such portion shall be assessed on the following basis:-
(a) if the release occurs within three years of the commencement of the
required minimum period of service, the total cost incurred by the public
in providing the course;
(b) if the release occurs more than three years after the commencement of the
required minimum period of service, that part of the cost incurred by the
public which is proportionate to the number of years still to be served (
part of a year being reckoned as a full year).
Art. 15.18 A.F.R.
(6) The cost incurred by the public on which reimbursement shall be based shall be—
(a) the amount paid by the State either directly to the institution providing the
instruction or by reimbursement of the officer concerned for fees or any
other costs arising out of or attributable to his attendance under
instruction; and
(b) except for any period during which the officer performed normal military
duties, pay and allowances including the applicable rate of subsistence
allowance for his rank and status, whether in issue or not, for the period
for which he attended the course, but not including:
(i) transportation and travelling expenses provided to send him and
his dependants, furniture and effects to or from the course,
(ii) any assisted leave transportation benefits extended to him, or
(iii) income tax deductions applicable to that period.
(7) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Article, the Chief of Defence Staff may in
a particular case attended by special and unforeseen circumstances authorize a reduction
in the portion to be refunded by the officer to such reasonable part of the cost incurred by
the public as he may consider appropriate.
(1) A list designated as the “Retired List” shall be maintained at the Ministry.
(2) On release, an officer who has completed ten or more years of service in the
Armed Forces shall have his name entered on the Retired List if he was an officer of the
Regular Armed Forces and is entitled to a pension or gratuity or cash termination
(3) The name of a former officer entered on the Retired List shall be carried
throughout his lifetime except that it may be removed for misconduct.
(4) The rank shown against the name of an officer on the retired list shall be the
substantive, acting or temporary rank held by him on the date of his release.
(5) A former officer whose name is entered on the Retired List shall have the
privilege of using the title of his rank and shall include the word “Retired” immediately
after his name.
(6) An officer entered on the Retired List shall be required to undertake in writing
(a) serve in the Armed Forces when called upon to do so at any time a state of
emergency has been declared; and
(b) report all changes of his address to the Ministry of Defence.
A.F.R Art. 15.31
of the table to Article 15.01, the commanding officer shall furnish the officer concerned
with a written statement of the reasons for the proposed recommendation. He shall
require the officer to reply in writing within fourteen days stating either the officer‘s
objections to the proposed recommendation or that he has no objections to make.
(2) If an officer to whom notice of intended release has been furnished under (1) of
this article does not reply in writing within fourteen days, his failure to reply shall
constitute an admission by him that he has no objection to the proposed release.
(3) The recommendation for release together with either the reply of the officer
concerned or statement that he has failed to make a reply shall be forwarded to the
appropriate authority.
(4) Nothing in this Article shall require notice to be given to an officer whose release
is being considered on the ground of—
(a) having been convicted by the civil power, when the officer has been
committed to undergo a sentence of imprisonment; or
(b) marriage. (See Article 15.06—“Release of Females on marriage”).
Section 3—Men
(1) Subject to (3) and (4) of this Article, a man of the Regular Armed Forces shall be
released when he reaches the age limit prescribed for his substantive rank shown in the
table to this Article whether or not his current engagement has expired.
(2) Subject to (3) and (4) of this Article, a man on the Reserves shall be released on
reaching the age limit prescribed by the Chief of Defence Staff, whether or not his
current engagement has expired.
(3) The Chief of Defence Staff may in exceptional circumstances authorize the
retention of a man beyond the compulsory release age prescribed for his rank.
(4) When any part of the Armed Forces is on active service, the compulsory release
ages for men of all components shall be such as the Chief of Defence Staff may
Art. 15.31 A.F.R.
Rank Age
Warrant Officer, Class 1 or equivalent rank 55
Warrant Officer, Class 2 or equivalent rank 52
Staff-Sergeant or equivalent rank and below 50
(1) A man may be released under the provisions of item 1 (f) (fraudulent statement on
enrolment) of the table to Article 15.01 who after enrolment, is found to have:
(a) in the case described in (1) (a) of this Article, report the matter to the
appropriate authority which shall—
(i) ascertain from the headquarters of the service to which the man
belonged, whether it is desired to claim him under his original
engagement, and
(b) in the case described in (1) (b) or (1) (c) of this Article, report the
particulars to the appropriate authority for direction.
The release of a man under Item 4 (d) (Voluntary—On Request—Other Causes) of the
Table to Article 15.01 (Release of Officers and Men) shall not be approved unless—
(a) the applicant has good and substantial reasons for seeking his release and
the exigencies of the service permit;
(b) the applicant is not on active service by reason of an emergency;
A.F.R. Art. 15.33
(c) the cost of his transportation from his home to his place of enrolment is
refunded if release is applied for within the first year of an initial
engagement; and
(d) when the Chief of Defence Staff so directs, he pays the amount prescribed
in the Table to this Article.
2. If release is applied for after three months of an initial N¢142.00 reduced by N¢5
engagement or a subsequent re-engagement. for each month in excess of
twelve that has elapsed on
his engagement or re-
engagement, except that at
no time shall the amount he
is required to pay be less
than N¢60.00
(1) When, in the case of a man who is of or above the rank of petty officer, 2nd Class,
or sergeant or who is below the rank of petty officer, 2nd Class, or sergeant but has served
for ten or more years in the Regular Forces, it is proposed to recommend his release
of the Table to Article 15.01 (Release of Officers and Men), the commanding officer
shall furnish the man concerned with a written statement of the reasons for the proposed
recommendation. He shall require the man to reply in writing within fourteen days
stating either the man’s objections to the proposed recommendation or that he has no
objection to make.
Art. 15.36 A.F.R.
(2) If a man to whom a notice of intended release has been furnished under (1) of this
Article does not reply in writing within fourteen days, his failure to reply shall constitute
an admission by him that he has no objection to the proposed release.
(3) The recommendation for release together with either the reply of the man
concerned or a statement that he has failed to make a reply shall be forwarded to the
appropriate Formation Headquarters.
(4) Nothing in this Article shall require notice to be given to a man whose release is
being considered on the grounds of:
(a) having been convicted by the civil power, when the man has been
committed to undergo a sentence of imprisonment; or
(b) marriage (See Article 15.06—“Release of Females on Marriage”.)
(1) Subject to AFR, where an officer or man has been released from the Armed
Forces or transferred from one component to another by reason of a sentence of dismissal
or a finding of guilty by a service tribunal or any court, and the sentence or finding ceases
to have force and effect as a result of a decision of a competent authority, the release or
transfer may, with the consent of the officer or man concerned, be cancelled, and he shall
thereupon, except as provided in those regulations, be deemed not to have been so
released or transferred.
(2) Subject to (3) of this Article, where an officer or man has been released or
transferred from one component to another by reason of a sentence of dismissal or a
finding of guilty by a service tribunal or any court, and the sentence or finding ceases to
have force and effect as a result of a decision of a competent authority the Chief of
Defence Staff, at any time, may, with the consent of the officer or man concerned, cancel
such release or transfer.
(3) The pay and allowances of an officer or man whose release or transfer is
cancelled under (2) of this Article shall be subject to such deduction as may be imposed
in any regulation, order or instruction.
(4) An officer or man whose release or transfer has been cancelled, pursuance to (2)
of this Article, shall be entitle to such benefits as may be prescribed in any regulation,
order or instruction.
Section 1—General
(1) Leave and pass may be withheld by reason of the exigencies of the service.
(2) An officer or man on leave or pass may be recalled to duty at any time.
(1) An officer or man who is unable through circumstances beyond his control to
return to his place of duty at the expiration of his leave or pass shall—
(a) report the circumstances and the anticipated date of return to the
commanding officer or the nearest Armed Forces unit; and
(b) on returning to his place of duty present proof, including a medical
certificate if applicable, of the circumstances that have prevented his
earlier return.
(2) A commanding officer to whom a report is made under (1) (a) of this Article shall
communicate by signal full particulars to the commanding officer of the officer or man
(1) Except when specially authorized by the Chief of Defence Staff an officer or man
on leave or pass shall not proceed beyond Ghana or the country in which he is serving.
(2) An officer of the rank of Captain and above or equivalent rank with six years
Commissioned Service may at intervals of not less than five years and at the discretion of
the Chief of Defence Staff be granted free return passage to a country outside Ghana for
himself and wife (but not for any children) on the understanding that his military
efficiency would benefit from such a visit. In such cases, in order that the maximum
benefit may be obtained, the officer will undertake during his period in such country any
refresher course or attachment that may be arranged for him.
Section 2—Leave
Leave under the provisions of this section shall be granted only to an officer or man of—
(a) the Regular Armed Forces; and
Art,16.11 A.F.R.
The leave year shall be from the first day of July to the thirtieth day of June of the
following year.
Except when the approval of a higher authority is required by this section leave may be
granted to—
(a) (i) commanding officer or an areas commander by the officer
commanding the command; and
(1) Annual Leave up to a maximum of forty-two days in each leave year may be
granted to an officer or man by the commanding officer. If approval is granted by or
under the authority of the Chief of Defence Staff annual leave in respect of one leave
year may, in special circumstances, be taken in the subsequent leave year.
(2) Annual leave shall not be granted following enrolment until the completion of six
months’ paid service or the completion of training, whichever is the longer, except:--
Art,16.14 A.F.R.
16.14—ANNUAL LEAVE—contd.
(4) No officer or man shall be granted annual leave to be taken six months before the
commencement of terminal leave.
(5) An officer or man of the Reserves when employed on continuous duty may be
granted annual leave on the basis of two and one-half days for each month served. This
leave shall be taken during the period of continuous duty.
on the recommendation of a medical board, or, when the leave is for not more than thirty
days, on the recommendation of a medical officer.
(2) An officer or man who has been absent on sick leave shall report to the medical
officer immediately on return to his unit.
(3) Sick leave shall not be granted to an officer or man who is about to be released on
medical grounds or for any other reason.
(2) Compassionate leave may be granted only for urgent and exceptional personal
reasons and shall be counted against any portion of the officer’s or man’s annual leave
that has not been taken.
Art. 16.18 A.F.R.
(a) in normal cases verify to his satisfaction the grounds upon which the leave
is requested before granting it; and
(b) in cases of apparent urgency grant the leave and instruct the applicant to
furnish definite verification of the grounds on his return from leave.
(1) The Chief of Defence Staff or such officer as he may designate may grant
terminal leave to an officer or man of the Regular Armed Forces whose release or
transfer to the Reserves has been approved. Terminal leave granted shall not extend
beyond the date of release. It shall be computed on the basis of thirty days for each
completed five years of continuous service and seven days for each completed year of
continuous service under five years.
(2) For the purposes of this Article “continuous service” shall mean the period of
uninterrupted full-time paid service in the Armed Forces ending on the day of release.
Any period of leave without pay shall not be considered as interrupting the continuity of
service when computing terminal leave.
(3) Terminal leave shall not be granted to an officer or man whose release is
approved under Article 15.01, Item 1 (Misconduct) and 2 (Inefficiency ).
(4) Terminal Leave shall be granted to an officer or man who proceeds on voluntary
An officer or man may be granted special leave not exceeding thirty days by and under
the authority of the Chief of Defence Staff.
(1) A pregnant female officer shall be entitled to 12 weeks maternity leave of which 6
weeks shall be taken as ante-natal leave and the other 6 weeks taken as post-natal leave.
Maternity leave shall be taken on half pay.
(2) Earned annual leave would be taken immediately before or after the post-natal
leave. Maternity leave and annual leave cannot be taken separately in a given leave year.
Art,16.31 A.F.R.
(2) When an officer or man proceeds on annual leave, the commanding officer may
grant special leave for travelling time, once in each leave year, not in excess of three days
to cover the period of travel to place of leave and not in excess of three days to cover the
return journey.
(1) An officer or man may be granted leave without pay and allowances for any
period by or under the authority of the Chief of Defence Staff.
(2) Except as the Chief of Defence Staff may, if he considers it in the best interest of
the Armed Forces otherwise order a period of leave without pay and allowances shall not
count for—
(a) seniority; or
(b) promotion; or
(c) award of good conduct medals or badges; or
(d) any other service purpose.
(1) A pass for short leave may be granted to an officer or man by a commanding
(3) A pass may be granted for a period of more than forty-eight hours to include a
public holiday.
(1) The Senior Officer in Chief Command shall issue whatever orders he considers
necessary relative to the granting of short leave in his command.
(2) To ensure uniformity in the short leave granted to each ship’s company when two
or more ships are in company the senior officer shall inform the Captain of the ships
concerned as to the time during which leave may be granted.
A.F.R Art. 16.32
An officer or man shall not proceed on short leave outside the limits of the port if he is—
(a) a senior officer not in chief command without the permission of the Senior
Officer in Chief Command; or
(b) the Captain of a ship or fleet establishment, without the permission of the
senior officer present under whose orders his unit is serving; or
(c) an officer other than one mentioned in (a) and (b) of this Article or a man,
without the permission of his Captain.
Except when short leave is stopped as a result of disciplinary action, men shall be granted
short leave to the fullest extent practical and, in the case of chief petty officers and petty
officers, irrespective of the number of watches the remainder of the ship’s company is in.
When leave, other than the short leave prescribed in Article 16.30 is granted to an officer
or man, the type and length of leave, together with any travelling time authorised, shall
be recorded.
(1) Leave forms shall be issued to all men proceeding on leave other than short leave
and, when considered desirable, to men proceeding outside the limits of the port on short
(2) Before they proceed on leave the attention of all men shall be drawn to the
instructions printed on the reverse side of the leave form.
(3) Completed leave form books may be destroyed when they are no longer required
for reference purposes.
Section 1—General
Officers and men of the Armed Forces shall wear the uniforms prescribed by the
President on the advice of the Armed Forces Council.
(1) The dress and appearance of an officer or man shall on all occasions be such as to
reflect credit on the Armed Forces.
(2) Except as provided in (3) of this Article no officer or man shall wear a beard
unless he is required to do so for medical or religious reasons. The prior approval of the
commanding officer is to be obtained.
(3) (a) The Captain may permit the officers and men borne in his ship to wear
beards and moustaches.
(b) When the permission is granted, the use of the razor shall be discontinued
entirely, and moustaches shall not be worn without the beard, nor the beard without
(c) The hair of the beard and moustaches shall be kept well cut and trimmed.
(d) The Captain shall give any other directions that seem to him desirable
upon these points and shall establish, so far as practical, uniformity of the length of the
hair, beard and moustaches of the men.
(4) When any part of the navy is on active service the Captain shall draw the attention
of persons requesting the privilege of wearing beards and moustaches to the following:—
(a) that experience gained in naval sinkings has shown that oil in beards has in
some cases blocked the nasal passages resulting in the death of persons who
might otherwise have survived; and
(b) that the wearing of a beard is a hazard when under attack by gas, since the
beard is likely to prevent a respirator fitting closely.
(2) An officer or man who desires to wear uniform while on leave outside Ghana
shall request permission to do so at the time he applies for that leave.
(3) When a request for permission to wear uniform is made under (2) of this Article,
the authority having power to approve the leave—
A.F.R. Art. 17.03
(a) may, subject to any restrictions imposed by the Chief of Defence Staff,
approve the request if the leave is to be spent in—
(b) shall, in all other cases, refer the request to the Ministry.
(4) When permission is granted to wear uniform on leave outside Ghana the authority
granting the leave shall record the permission on the leave form and, when permission
has been given under (3) (b) of this Article—
(a) if the authority granting the leave is outside Ghana he shall inform the
Ghanaian representative in the country concerned; and
(b) if the authority granting the leave is in Ghana the Chief of Defence Staff
shall cause the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be notified.
(1) Except that he may wear a military uniform of obsolete pattern no officer or man
shall wear any part of a military uniform at a fancy dress ball.
(2) No officer or man of the Reserves shall wear uniform except when he is—
(a) on duty; or
(b) attending a military entertainment or a ceremony at which the wearing of
uniform is appropriate.
(3) A former officer or man released other than by reason of misconduct may wear
(a) with the permission of the local Armed Forces commander, when attending
a military entertainment or a ceremony at which the wearing of uniform is
appropriate; or
(b) on other occasions with the permission of the Chief of Defence Staff.
(1) Unless permission is granted under Article 17.03, civilian clothes shall be worn
by officers and men on leave outside Ghana.
(2) An officer and, subject to (5) of this Article, a man may wear civilian clothes
when on leave.
A.F.R Art. 17.09
(4) Men who avail themselves of the privilege to wear civilian clothes while on leave
shall not wear any distinctive items of uniform clothing.
(1) All officers of the Regular Forces, other than subordinate officers, shall at their
own expense expect as otherwise directed, provide themselves with and maintain articles
of uniform in the required quantities and according to the appropriate sealed patterns. A
uniform allowance and uniform maintenance allowance, at a rate to be prescribed by the
Chief of Defence Staff, shall be issued to all officers for the provision and upkeep of
(2) Officer cadets, naval cadets and flight cadets of the Regular Force and officers of
the Reserves shall be provided with articles of uniform in accordance with orders issued
by the Chief of Defence Staff.
(3) Men of the Regular Forces shall be provided with articles of uniform in
accordance with orders issued by the Chief of Defence Staff.
The uniform of a man below the rank of warrant officer or equivalent rank shall be
inspected at all kit inspections for the purpose of ascertaining whether—
(a) there are any deficiencies;
(b) any replacements or repairs are required;
(c) the kit is clean;
(d) all items are properly marked; and
(e) the man is improperly in possession of any article.
A.F.R Art. 17.09
(2) Unless the Chief of Defence Staff otherwise directs an officer or man may wear
on his uniform the special emblems on the day specified in the table to this Article.
Section 2—Mourning
(1) Except as provided in (2) of this Article, State Mourning shall not apply to the
Armed Forces.
shall wear State mourning if the State is in mourning, but otherwise shall not wear any
Every officer and man shall acquaint himself with and obey: —
If an officer or man is given an order which he considers to be in conflict with the Armed
Forces Act, or orders issued to the Armed Forces or with any particular order he has
previously received, he shall point out the conflict orally, or in writing if the order does
not require immediate obedience, to the superior by whom the order was given. If the
superior still directs him to obey the order, he shall do so.
If a person who is bound to obey a duly constituted superior receives from the superior an
order to do some act or make some omission which is manifestly illegal, he is under a
legal duty to refuse to carry out the order and if he does carry it out he will be criminally
responsible for what he does in doing so.
(a) in an institute with respect to which a general authority has been granted
to possess or consume an intoxicant during specified hours; or
(b) in such other place and at such times as the commanding officer may
(1) Private debts of an officer or man are the responsibility of the individual
(2) Every complaint received from a creditor that an officer or man has failed to pay
his debts shall be dealt with as prescribed by the respective Service Commander.
Art,19.09 A.F.R
No officer or man shall attempt to obtain favourable consideration on any matter relating
to his service by use of influence from sources outside the Armed Forces.
(1) No officer or man shall apply for an interview with any officer at:—
(a) command or area headquarters without the permission of his commanding
officer; or
(b) Army, Navy or Air Force Headquarters without the prior permission of the
headquarters concerned.
(2) No officer or man shall communicate privately with officers at Army, Navy or
Air Force Headquarters or a Command or Area Headquarters on a personal matter
relating to his service.
No officer or man shall rebuke any person in the presence or hearing of any one junior to
the person in rank, unless a public rebuke is absolutely necessary for the preservation of
(1) No officer or man shall make remarks or pass criticism tending to bring his
superior into contempt, except as may be necessary for the proper presentation of a
complaint to redress a grievance.
A.F.R Art.19.25
(b) if seen or heard by, or reported to, those under him might discourage
them or render them dissatisfied with their condition or the duties on
which they are employed.
(1) Subject to (2) of this article no officer or man, without the permission of the Chief
of Defence Staff shall in a foreign country:—
(b) officially attend the manoeuvres or public parades of the Naval, Army
or Air Forces of a foreign power.
(2) Nothing in this article shall prevent attachés, authorized staff and exchange
personnel, whose normal duties so require, from attending manoeuvres or public parades
of the Naval, Army or Air Forces of a foreign country they are attached or accredited.
(1) An officer or man who attends an expedition or manoeuvres outside Ghana shall
forward to his Headquarters a report on the expedition or manoeuvres he witnesses.
(2) Subject to (1) of this article, no officer or man shall, without permission from his
Headquarters, send to anyone an account of or comment on any expedition or
manoeuvres he may witness.
Subject to Article 64.09 (Refugees), unless the senior officer present is formally
requested to do so by a diplomatic officer representing Ghana in a foreign nation, no
woman shall be permitted to reside on board or take passage in any of the Ghana Navy
ships except with the express permission of the Navy Commander.
Art,19.26 A.F.R
(1) If an officer or man thinks that he has suffered any personal oppression, injustice,
or other ill-treatment, he may complain orally to the commanding officer.
(2) If an officer or man thinks that he has been wronged by the commanding officer,
either because a complaint under (1) of this article has not been redressed or for any other
reason, he may complain in writing to the commanding officer.
(3) If the commanding officer has not redressed a complaint made under (2) of this
article within fourteen days of its receipt by him, the complainant may submit his
complaint in writing to—
(a) the formation commander, where the complainant’s station, unit, or other
element is commanded by a formation; or
(b) the officer commanding the command, where the complainant’s station,
unit or other element is commanded by a command.
(4) If the complainant who makes a complaint under (3) (a) of this article does not
receive from the formation commander the redress to which he considers himself entitled,
he may submit his complaint in writing to the officer commanding a command
(5) If the complainant does not receive from the officer commanding a command the
redress to which he considers himself entitled, he may submit his complaint in writing to
he Chief of Defence Staff.
(6) If the complainant does not receive from the Chief of the Defence Staff redress to
which he considers himself entitled, he may submit his complaint in writing to the Armed
Forces Council.
(8) Every complaint shall be submitted through the usual channels except that if a
commanding officer, a formation commander, or an officer commanding a command
does not forward a complaint to higher authority to higher authority when requested to do
so, then that complaint may be forwarded direct.
(9) Every person to whom a complaint is made under this article shall cause such
complaint to be inquired into, and shall, if he is satisfied of the justice of the complaint,
take such steps as are within his power to afford full redress, to the complainant or if he
has not power to afford full redress submit the complaint to higher authority.
A.F.R Art. 19.36
(10) No officer or man shall be penalized for making a complaint in accordance with
this Article and with Article 19.27.
(1) For the purposes of this article, “military” shall be construed as relating not only
to all or any of the services of the Armed Forces but also to the Armed Forces of any
(2) Subject to Article 19.38, no officer or man shall, without permission obtained
under Article 19.37—
(c) published in any form whatever any military information, or his views on
any military subject to unauthorized person;
Art,19.36 A.F.R
(d) deliver publicly, or record for public delivery either directly or through the
medium of radio or television, a lecture, discourse or answers to questions
relating to a military subject;
(e) prepare a paper or write a script on any military subject for delivery or
transmission to the public;
(f) publish his opinions on any military question that is under consideration
by superior authorities;
(i) furnish to any person, not otherwise authorized to receive them, official
reports, correspondence or other documents, or copies thereof; or
(j) publish in writing or deliver any lecture, address, or broadcast in any way
dealing with a subject of a controversial nature affecting other
departments of the public service or pertaining to public policy.
(3) This article does not apply to a writing, lecture, address or broadcast confined
exclusively to members of the Armed Forces.
(1) Permission under Article 19.36 may be granted by the Chief of Defence Staff or
such other authority as he may designate.
(2) Permission given under (1) of this article does not convey or imply endorsement
of the contents of the publication and no statement to imply official approval or
endorsement shall be included in any part of the publication nor may the permission be
referred to in any way.
Any communication concerning or affecting the Armed Forces or any part thereof that it
may be considered desirable to make to the press or any other agencies concerned with
dissemination of news or opinions shall be made by the Chief of Defence Staff or a
person designated by the Chief of Defence Staff.
AFR Art.19.43
No officer or man shall enter into direct communication with any other service or with
any government department on subjects connected with his service or with his particular
duties or future employment, unless he is authorized to do so.
(1) No officer or man shall have any private dealings with contractors, their agents or
employees, whether on an honorary basis or otherwise, which may lay him open to
suspicion of being influenced in the discharge of his duty other than by purely public
(3) No officer or man shall derive, by virtue of his status as a member of the Armed
Forces, pecuniary benefit or personal advantage from any contract made on behalf or for
the benefit of the Armed Forces.
No officer or man shall, without the consent of the Chief of Defence Staff, accept a gift,
reward, or favour from any foreign sovereign, state, or functionary.
(1) No officer or man shall, without the authority of the Chief of Defence Staff—
(a) admit liability to any person who is not a member of the Armed Forces; or
(b) accept liability on behalf of the State for any loss or damage arising out of
or occasioned by the performance or military duties by himself or by
(2) No officer or man shall, without the authority of the Chief of Defence Staff,
accept on behalf of the State any liability for the defence of civil or criminal proceedings
brought against any other officer or man by a member of the public.
(1) Subject to (3) of this article, no officer or man on full-time service shall engage in
any civil employment or undertaking which in the opinion of his commanding officer—
(a) is or is likely to be detrimental to the interest of the Armed Forces; or
Art,19.43 A.F.R
(c) in the case of officers and men of the Regular Armed Forces is continuous.
(2) No officer or man on full-time service shall authorize the use of his name or
photograph in connection with any commercial product, except so far as his name may be
part of a firm name.
(3) Except that he shall not engage in any civil employment or undertaking which
reflects or is likely to reflect discredit upon the Armed Forces the provisions of this
article shall not apply to an officer or man who is—
(a) on leave immediately preceding release; or
(b) on leave without pay.
(1) Subject to (2) of this article, no officer or man of the Regular Armed Forces or of
the Reserves on active service, shall serve as director of any company, unless—
(a) the company is a private one;
(b) stock of the company is neither sold nor quoted on the open market; and
(c) approval from the Chief of Defence Staff is obtained.
(2) When any part of the Armed Forces is on active service an officer or man of the
Reserves may retain any directorships he held prior to being placed on active service.
(a) take any active part in the affairs of any political organization or party; or
(b) issue an address to electors, or announce himself or allow himself to be
announced as a candidate, or prospective candidate, for election to the
Parliament or to local council.
(3) No officer or man shall institute or take part in any party or political meeting at
any station, unit ship or property occupied by the Armed Forces.
A.F.R. Art.19.56
(2) The civil police have power to arrest an officer or man whether or not he is in a
station, unit, ship or property occupied by the Armed Forces.
(3) A commanding officer shall afford every facility to the civil power in detecting
and apprehending officers and men serving in his station, unit or ship whose arrest is
required on any criminal charge; but he shall require any police officer claiming to act on
behalf of he civil power to produce satisfactory evidence of his authority so to act.
(1) Subject to (2) of this article, the Captain of a ship or aircraft shall permit Ghana
customs officers to search his ship or aircraft.
(2) The Captain shall, when in his opinion the interests of security so require refuse
access to parts of the ship or aircraft containing classified material. When access is
refused to a customs officer in these circumstances, the Captain or an officer designated
by him for that purpose shall, if the customs officer so requests, carry out a search in
those parts of he ship or aircraft to which access has been refused, and make the
appropriate report to the customs officer.
(1) When a man has been arrested by a civil power whether in or outside Ghana and
afterwards released on bail pending trial and the unit or other elements to which he
belongs leaves the area before the case is disposed of, the commanding officer shall if
practical, arrange to have him assigned to another unit or other element remain in the
(2) An officer or man who intends to appear voluntarily as a witness in a civil court
shall request permission from his commanding officer to do so.
Art.19.56 A.F.R.
(3) When an officer or man who has been subpoenaed or who intends to appear
voluntarily as a witness in civil court considers that—
(a) the evidence which he may give or the documents he may be called upon,
to produce will entail the revelation of material classified as restricted or
higher; or
(b) the public interest would be otherwise affected he shall so inform his
commanding officer.
(4) When a commanding officer receives information in accordance with (3) of this
article he shall—
(6) When instructions have been requested from superior headquarters as prescribed
in (4) of this article but have not been received by the time the officer or man appears as a
witness, the officer or man shall inform the court of these facts and shall request that his
evidence or the production of documents be deferred until he has received instructions.
When an officer or man has been arrested by the civil power he shall cause his arrest to
be reported to his commanding officer.
(1) If a commanding officer receives information that an officer or man under his
command is charged with an offence before a civil court he shall detail an officer from
the unit to attend and watch the proceedings unless:
(a) the offence charged is a minor one under the road traffic laws or local
ordinance; or
(b) the distance from the unit to the place of trial is so great as to make the
detailing of an officer unpractical.
A.F.R Art.19.60
(2) If it is unpractical to detail an officer to attend and watch the proceedings because
of the distance from the unit to the place of trial, the commanding officer shall, if the
offence is not one coming within (1) (a) of this article, submit a report to the officer
commanding the command. The officer commanding the command shall decide whether
it is advisable for an officer to be present at the trial and, if so, whether an officer shall be
detailed from the unit of the accused or from some other unit nearer the place of trial. In
the latter case the commanding officer to the accused shall communicate direct with the
unit from which the officer is to proceed and shall forward all necessary information and
documents for the use of the attending officer.
(1) The commanding officer may authorize the payment from public funds, with the
consent of the accused, of any fine and costs imposed which the accused could not
otherwise pay.
(2) Before authorizing payment in accordance with (1) of this article, the
commanding officer shall consider in connection with the accused:
(3) When a payment is made on behalf of the accused under (1) of this article, the
commanding officer shall ensure that the total amount of the payment is recovered from
the accused.
(1) Prior to the trial of an officer or man before a civil court the attending officer
(a) obtain a statement of the accused’s
(i) record of service,
(ii) pay account, and
(iii) service conduct generally; and
(2) Prior to the trial of an officer or man before a civil court the attending officer shall
inform the accused that his duties do not include acting in any way as the accused’s
Art.19.61 A.F.R.
(1) An attending officer shall, if requested by the court, give the court:
(a) all information in his possession as to the service conduct generally of the
accused; and
(b) full particulars of any previous conviction of the accused of an offence
under sections 39, 51 (where the offence involves wilful destruction or
damage to property), 52 and 77 of the Armed Forces Act, 1962
(a) give particulars of any previous convictions of the accused other than
those specified in (1) (b) of this article; or
(b) produce the conduct sheets of the accused; or
(c) act in any way as the accused’s lawyer.
If an officer or man is convicted or bound over or otherwise dealt with by a civil court his
commanding officer shall obtain a certificate of conviction or a certified copy of the
order of the court.
(1) When a commanding officer receives information that an officer or man has been
convicted by a civil court he shall, unless the offence was a minor one under the road
traffic laws, forward to the officer commanding the command or area commander:
(a) an officer;
(b) a man sentenced to imprisonment; or
(c) a man recommended to be reverted for misconduct;
the officer commanding the command or area commander shall forward it to superior
headquarters with information as to the action taken, or his recommendations.
A.F.R Art.19.72
(1) For the purpose of AFR, a deserter is a person convicted of the offence of
desertion by a service tribunal.
(a) without authority leaves his unit, station, ship, or fleet establishment or the
place where his duty requires him to be;
(b) without authority is absent from his unit, station, ship or fleet
establishment or the place where his duty requires him to be; or
(c) having been authorised to be absent from his unit, station, ship or fleet
establishment or the place, where his duty requires him to be, fails to
return to that unit, ship or fleet establishment or place at the expiration of
the period for which his absence was authorised.
(1) On the second day of unauthorized absence the commanding officer shall notify,
by signal, details of the absentee to:
(a) the Armed Forces Provost Unit;
(b) the Armed Forces Record Office; and
(c) the Armed Forces Pay Office.
(2) On the eight day of unauthorized absence the commanding officer shall again
notify, by signal, the addressees mentioned in (1) of this article, confirming that the
person continues to be absent.
(See Article 21.43 - “Investigation of Illegal Absence”)
Everyone shall exert his utmost endeavours to prevent desertion and absence without
leave and by lawful means detect, apprehend and bring to trial every one who is
improperly absent.
(1) The Captain shall, when he discovers in a ship or fleet establishment a person
who is a deserter or absentee from another ship or fleet establishment sent him to his own
ship or fleet establishment if it is present and report the particulars of the case to the
Senior Officer in Command. When the offender’s ship is not in the vicinity, the Captain
shall inform the Captain of the ship or the fleet establishment to which the person
Art.19.72 A.F.R.
(2) The Captain shall, when he discovers in the ship or fleet establishment a person
who is a deserter or absentee from the army or air force, send a full report of the case to
Naval Headquarters, together with a description of the person and every particular likely
to lead to his identification.
An officer or man shall not in any circumstances search or attempt to search any foreign
vessel for absentees or offender.
(1) For the purpose of this article “suspend from duty” means to relieve an officer or
man from the performance of all military duty.
(3) An authority mentioned in (2) of this article may suspend an officer or man from
duty unless in the interests of the Armed Forces it is desirable that the officer or man
remain on duty.
(5) An officer or man shall cease to be suspended from duty at the discretion of the
authority who suspended him
(1) A report shall be made by the officer or man in charge of a guard room, detention
room, or detention barrack on each person:
(a) placed in his care under close custody or to undergo sentence; or
(b) confined in a hospital under escort supplied by a station or unit.
(2) The report prescribed in (1) of this article shall be made to the commanding
(a) on the day the person is admitted to custody;
A.F.R Art.19.99
19.81—GUARD REPORTS—contd.
(b) on the first day an escort is supplied for a man confined to hospital; and
(c) subsequently
(a) the number, rank, name and unit of the person in custody;
(b) the date on which the person was first received into custody;
(c) the offence with which he has been charged or for which a sentence has
been imposed;
(d) the authority by whose order the person was confined; and
(e) the time yet to be served, if a punishment of detention has been imposed
(2) When he requires to be informed on any matter connected with his formation,
station, unit or ship or affecting an officer or man under his command, and a board of
inquiry is not required by these regulations nor ordered by higher authority, the officer
commanding the command, the area commander or the commanding officer may conduct
a summary investigation into that matter in such manner as he sees fit.
(3) Subject to (4) of this article, the report of a summary investigation may be in
synopsis form and on completion, if required to be forwarded to higher authority, shall
include the recommendations of the officer who ordered the summary investigation.
(5) The ordering of a summary investigation does not preclude the subsequent
convening of a board of inquiry.
Art.21.09 A.F.R.
The convening authority shall provide a board of inquiry with written terms of reference
containing full and specific instructions as to:
A.F.R Art.21.10
(2) All evidence before a board of inquiry shall be taken on oath. Except that where
any child of tender years called as a witness does not in the opinion of the board
understand the nature of an oath, his evidence may be received though not given on oath,
if in the opinion of the board he is possessed of sufficient intelligence to justify the
reception of the evidence and understands the duty of speaking the truth.
(3) For the purposes of (2) of this article “oath” shall be deemed to include a solemn
(5) When, in the opinion of the President of a board of inquiry the evidence at any
time during the sitting of the board appears likely to affect adversely the character or
professional reputation of any person subject to the Code of Service Discipline, or who is
in the service of the State, the President shall, in addition to receiving his evidence as a
witness, take such steps as are necessary to ensure that such witness has notice of the
proceedings and, if he so desires, has the opportunity of being present during the
remainder of the inquiry. To enable a board to reach an appropriate finding it is essential
that they should have the fullest information on the matter being investigated.
(6) Any such person as is referred to in (5) of this article may give further evidence,
question witnesses or produce any witness to give evidence on the matters which may
affect him.
Art.21.10 A.F.R.
(7) If an officer or man serving in Ghana(in the case of an inquiry held in Ghana) or
in the same area abroad (in the case of an inquiry held abroad), to whom (5)of this article
applies, has been unable for any valid reason to be present personally at or throughout the
inquiry, the board shall by letter (or otherwise as may be found convenient) inform him
of any statements appearing to require a report or explanation by him and are to receive
from him in writing (or otherwise) any statement in denial, exculpation, or explanation or
otherwise. Any such statements are to be recorded and annexed to the proceedings of the
(8) If, after hearing the evidence, the board are of the opinion that blame apparently
attaches to any Armed Forces personnel serving in Ghana (in the case of an inquiry held
in Ghana) or in the same area abroad (in the case of an inquiry held abroad), the board are
to inform each person so affected accordingly and draw his attention to the particular
evidence on which such opinion is based and are then to ask him if he desires any further
evidence to be taken or has any further statement to make. Any such further statement or
evidence is to be taken down and any new points brought to light are to be fully
investigated. The board are them finally to consider all the facts and make their report as
may be required by the terms of reference.
(9) If the board finally attribute blame to any officer or man to whom (5) of this
article applies, the convening authority shall, provided the officer or man implicated is
serving in Ghana (in the case of an inquiry held in Ghana) or in the same area abroad (in
the case of an inquiry held abroad) forward a copy of the proceedings to the person
concerned and obtain from him a statement (which should be attached to the proceedings)
giving any reasons why he should not be found blameable.
(10) When an officer or man to whom (5) of this article applies is serving abroad (in
the case of an inquiry held in Ghana) or in Ghana, or in another area abroad (in the case
of an inquiry held abroad), the board shall endeavour to come to their finding without
receiving statements from him, making any necessary reservations in their report.
(1) Unless otherwise specified in the convening order, the president of a board of
inquiry shall fix the time and place for its assembly and shall cause notice of the sittings
to be given to all members of the board, witnesses, and other persons interested.
A.F.R. Art.21.15
Unless the convening authority otherwise directs, a board of inquiry shall exclude from
its meeting all persons except:
(a) a witness while giving evidence;
(b) an officer or man whose presence is permitted under (5) of Article 21.10
or under Article 21.14;
(c) a person whose attendance is required by the president; and
(d) counsel while his client is giving evidence.
(1) The president of a board of inquiry may request a person not subject to the Code
of Service Discipline to:
(a) attend as a witness; or
(b) make a statement in writing;
(2) A witness who attends in accordance with this article shall be entitled to fees and
expensed authorized in A.F.R.
The convening authority may appoint or arrange for the attendance of civilian or service
specialists to act as advisers to a board of inquiry
(1) The proceeding of a board of inquiry should provide a logical account, normally
in chronological order, of the matter investigated, intelligible to a person unacquainted
with the subject matter or with local conditions which may be common knowledge to the
convening authority or the board. For this purpose it may be advisable to attach to the
proceedings means of identifying places or things.
(2) All relevant documents, maps, plans, sketches, copies of any standing or other
orders shown to have been material and correspondence relating to the investigation and
police or other reports which have been produced to a board shall be attached to the
original record of proceedings as exhibits copies being made for each copy of the record
of proceedings. Where original documents are produced to a board, a copy certified by
the president as a true copy of the original may be made and attached to the record of
proceedings as exhibits instead of the originals. Exhibits which cannot conveniently be
attached to or accompany the record of proceedings shall be kept in safe custody at the
Art.21.16 A.F.R.
(2) When the members are unable to agree on a matter within their terms of
reference, a dissenting member shall state his opinion in writing for transmission with the
record of proceedings.
(3) Units immediately concerned with the incidents forming the subject of the inquiry
are to treat the record of proceedings as confidential or, if appropriate, secret documents,
and shall therefore forward them to higher authority under confidential or secret cover.
(4) The convening authority and any other authority through whom the record of
proceedings are transmitted shall record on the record of proceedings his concurrence in
or opinion of the report, findings or recommendations.
(1) The record of proceedings of boards of inquiry are generally privileged, that is,
they belong to a class of documents which are not made available for disclosure to the
public even in legal proceedings, and must not be disclosed except to officers and men
whose duty it is to consider them.
(2) The record of proceedings or any extracts from them shall not be disclosed to
members of the public, local authorities, the civil police or government civil departments.
Applications for access to such proceedings from such persons or authorities shall be
forwarded to the Chief of Defence Staff for instructions.
Except in relation to a charge of giving false evidence before a board of inquiry, the
record of proceedings of a board of inquiry shall not be admitted as evidence or used at a
service tribunal. (For inadmissibility in proceedings before a civil court see Article 19.56
—“Attendance as Witness in Civil Courts”.)
A.F.R Art.21.41
(2) When the appropriate authority receives information under (1) of this article he
shall order an investigation as prescribed in section 4 (claims by and against the state).
(b) comply with this chapter except so far as it may be inconsistent with (a) of
this paragraph.
(1) When an officer or man is missing and in the opinion of his commanding officer
his absence is neither voluntary (see Article 21.43), nor due to enemy action (see Article
21.44), the commanding officer shall investigate and submit a full report to the officer
commanding the command or the area commander.
(2) Upon receipt of a report made under (1) of this article the officer commanding the
command or the area commander may:
Art.21.41 A.F.R.
(1) The commanding officer shall investigate the illegal absence of an officer or man
as soon as practicable after the expiration of twenty-one full days from the date of
commencement of the absence. (See Article 1.09 “Calculation of Time”.)
(a) the date and hour of the commencement of the illegal absence;
(b) whether the officer or man has returned between that date and the date
on which investigation is held;
(c) whether the officer or man is still absent; and
(d) the items of personal equipment which the officer or man left at the
unit, or ship and which have been impounded.
(3) When it is determined that the officer or man absented himself without authority,
and is still so absent after twenty-one full days, the commanding officer shall make an
appropriate entry in unit orders showing the findings determined under (2) (a), (b) and (c)
of this article.
The commanding officer shall order a summary investigation when an officer or man is
missing due to enemy action, and report the results of the investigation in the manner
prescribed by the Chief of Defence Staff.
A.F.R. Art.21.50
(2) The commanding officer shall order a summary investigation or convene a board
of inquiry when an officer or man dies otherwise than as a result of wounds received in
(3) The commanding officer shall order a summary investigation or convene a board
of inquiry when an officer or man suffers an injury which:
(4) A report of a summary investigation ordered under (2) or (3) of this article shall
be submitted to higher authority in the same manner as the record of proceedings of a
board of inquiry.
(b) whether the deceased or injured officer or man was on duty at the time of
the injury or death;
(c) whether the deceased or injured officer or man or any other person was to
blame for the injury or death; and
(d) whether the injury or death was attributable to military service as such.
When a summary investigation or board of inquiry finds that an officer or man was killed
or injured through the fault of some other person, it shall record whether the officer or
man, or his personal representative, has;
(a) received; or
(b) been offered; or
(c) claimed, or intends to claim;
Art.21.57 A.F.R.
Subject to Article 21.71 (Loss of or Damage to Public Property) when mobile equipment
is involved in an accident the commanding officer may order a summary investigation or
convene a board of inquiry. (See Article 21.08—“Composition of Boards of Inquiry”.)
“Aircraft accident” means an event involving an aircraft that is not caused by enemy
action and that occurs:
(a) between the time the engine is started with an intent for flight and the time
the aircraft comes to rest with the engine stopped for normal deplaning,
and that results in damage to any portion of the airframe (air accident); or
(b) at any time when there is no intent for flight and that results in damage to
any portion of the aircraft, or death or injuries to personnel, or damage, to
or loss of property (ground accident).
(1) When an aircraft accident occurs the commanding officer shall report it in
accordance with orders issued by the Air Force Commander.
(2) The Air Force Commander shall convene a board of inquiry to investigate an
aircraft accident when:
(a) a person is killed or seriously injured; or
(b) there is evidence of neglect or default involving the loss of or damage to
an aircraft.
(3) The commanding officer shall convene a board of inquiry to investigate an
aircraft accident when the cause of the accident is obscure.
A.F.R. Art.21.70
(2) When a report under (1) of this article is received, the officer commanding the
command or the area commander may:
(a) order a summary investigation; or
(b) convene or order the convening of a board of inquiry.
(a) copies of fire orders and any special fire instructions in effect at the time
of the fire;
(b) a list of the property destroyed or damaged showing;
(i) the original cost,
(ii) the estimated depreciation, and
(iii) the estimated cost of repairs and replacements;
(c) a sketch or plan and, when practical, photographs of any building involved
in the fire, and the immediate locality; and
(d) any other relevant documents produced.
Art.21.74 A.F.R.
(2) When public property is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed otherwise than by
enemy action or by efforts to avoid enemy action, the commanding officer shall report it
immediately to the officer commanding the command or the area commander unless it is
within his powers to write-off the loss (see Articles 29.07—“Powers of Write-off—
Works and Buildings’ and 36.20—“Powers of Write-off—Material”); or
(3) When a report submitted under (2) of this Article is received, the officer
commanding the command or the area commander may:
(a) order a summary investigation; or
(b) convene or order the convening of a board of inquiry.
(2) When a report made under (1) of this article is received, the officer commanding
the command or the area commander may:
(a) order a summary investigation; or
(b) convene or order the convening of a board of inquiry
(1) In addition to action taken under Article 21.71 or 21.72, when loss of or damage
to public or non-public property is suspected to be the result of a criminal offence, action
shall be taken in accordance with orders issued by the Chief of Defence Staff.
(2) When a civilian who is not subject to the Code of Service Discipline is suspected
of implication in theft or other offence involving loss of or damage to public or non-
public property, the commanding officer shall:
(a) immediately inform the civil police authorities; and
(b) leave to the police or other civil authorities any questioning of the
suspected civilian.
Art.21.75 A.F.R.
When any material classified higher than Restricted is missing, the commanding officer
shall immediately inform the officer commanding the command or the area commander
and order an investigation in accordance with instructions issued by the Chief of Defence
Except as provided in Articles 21.77 and 21.78, the provisions of this chapter which
apply to a board of inquiry shall apply to a joint board of inquiry.
(1) The requisite number of copies of the record of proceedings of a joint board of
inquiry shall be completed for each Service involved and transmitted to the convening
(a) obtain and append to the record of proceedings the comments of the
commanding officer of each of the other service formations or units
involved regarding the findings and recommendations of the joint board of
inquiry; and
(b) then append to the record of proceedings his concurrence in or opinion of
the findings and recommendations and forward the required number of
copies of the record of proceedings of the joint board of inquiry to his
superior headquarters through normal channels.
(a) approve the board of inquiry and forward the required number of copies to
the headquarters of each service concerned; or
(b) forward the required number of copies to its headquarters for approval.
Art.21.99 A.F.R.
(4) When the Service headquarters has completed the necessary action, an
information copy shall be forwarded to the headquarters of each other Service concerned.
(2) The method of appointment under (1) of this article shall be by transferring or
posting the officer concerned to an appropriate established position.
(1) Under section 59 of the Armed Forces Act, 1962 “such officers and men as are
appointed under regulations for the purposes of this section may:
(a) detain or arrest without a warrant any person who is subject to the Code of
Service Discipline, regardless of the rank or status of that person, who has
committed, is found committing, is suspected of being about to commit, or
is suspected of or charged under this Act with having committed a service
offence; and
(b) exercise such other powers for carrying out the Code of Service Discipline
as may be prescribed”.
(2) Every officer appointed under Article 22.01 and every man employed on Armed
Forces provost duties, may be referred to as a provost officer or provost man and is
appointed for the purposes of section 59 of the Armed Forces Act, 1962.
(3) An officer or man specified in (2) of this article may, subject to (4) and (5) of this
article, search the personal equipment and belongings or the person of any person who is
subject to the Code of Service Discipline when that person has committed, is found
committing, is suspected of being about to commit, or suspected of or charged with
having committed, a service offence.
(4) A search under (3) of this article shall, when practical, be conducted under the
direction and in the presence of an officer.
Section 1—Casualties
The reporting of casualties shall be as prescribed by the Chief of Defence Staff.
Section 2—Funerals
(1) When an officer or man dies in Ghana, burial shall be:
(a) in any place in Ghana designated by the next of kin,
(b) in a place designated by the Chief of Defence Staff,
(i) if direction cannot be obtained from the next of kin, or
(ii) when the circumstances surrounding the death prohibit the removal
of the remains of the deceased.
Art.24.17 A.F.R.
24.17—PLACE OF BURIAL—contd.
(2) When an officer or man dies outside Ghana burial shall be in a place designated
by the Chief of Defence Staff.
(3) The remains of an officer or man buried in a place designated under (2) of this
article shall not be brought to Ghana at public expense at the request of relatives.
When an officer or man is to be buried at a place other than that where his death
occurred, an officer or man, when practical of a rank not lower than that of the deceased,
shall accompany the remains to the place of burial.
(1) Subject to (2) of this article, when a dependant who accompanies an officer or
man serving abroad dies, the remains may be buried in a burial plot in a military
cemetery abroad in which deceased officers or men are buried.
(2) The transportation, funeral and burial of the remains of a dependant mentioned in
(1) of this article shall not involve expense to the public.
(d) a person who is neither an officer nor a man but who is subject to the
Code of Service Discipline in Ghana or outside Ghana; and
(e) a person who is neither an officer nor man but whose death occurred—
(i) while he was under the care of a service medical officer, or
(ii) while he was receiving treatment at a service medical facility or
(2) Subject to (3) and (5) of this article, a post-mortem examination for the purpose of
investigation into the cause of a death, may be ordered by:
A.F.R Art. 24.99
(c) any other officer that the Chief of Defence Staff may prescribe or appoint
for that purpose.
(3) A post-mortem examination ordered under (2) of this article shall be conducted
by a civilian medical practitioner duly qualified to practice in the place where the
examination is to be held, or by a Service medical officer.
(4) An order directing a post-mortem examination shall include the name of the
civilian medical practitioner or the name and unit of the Service medical officer
responsible for the conduct of the post-mortem examination.
(5) No order shall be made under this article directing a post-mortem examination to
be held in a country outside Ghana where the laws of that country would preclude
compliance with such an order.
The service estates of officers and men who die during their service in the Armed Forces
may be collected, administered and distributed in whole or in part in accordance with
(1) The provisions of this chapter shall apply in respect of an officer or man of—
(a) “Service estate” has the same meaning as in section 98 of The Armed
Forces Act, 1962; and
(b) “net assets” means the assets of a Service estate remaining after payment
of any preferential charges prescribed in Article 25.04 – (Preferential
Charges against a Service estate).
(1) The Chief of Defence Staff shall appoint an officer of the Armed Forces to be
Director of Estates.
(2) The Director of Estates shall, in the exercise of his powers, duties, and functions
under these Regulations, to the exclusion of all other authorities and persons have the
same rights and powers in respect of a service estate as if he had been appointed and
executor or administrator of that estate by a court of competent jurisdiction.
(2) The Director of Estates shall pay the charges prescribed in (1) of this article in the
order shown and in preference to all other claims.
(3) The decision of the Chief of Defence Staff shall be final and binding when any
question arises in relation to the payment or disposition of any preferential charge.
A.F.R. Art. 25.08
(b) When an officer or man dies intestate, the Director of Estate shall cause
to be distributed the net assets of the service estate in accordance with the
wishes of the deceased officer or man in his Nomination Paper, or in
accordance with the applicable law of intestate succession, subject to
Article 25.06 and in either case without regard to any debts of or claims
against the estate except:-
(i) those preferential charges prescribed in Article 25.04 (Preferential
Charges against a service estate); and
(ii) any debts incurred in the country (other than Ghana) in which the
deceased officer or man died and owing to a person not a member
of the Armed Forces, when, under the law of the country or under
an international agreement effective under Ghanaian law disposal
of personal property situated in such country and forming part of
the service estate of such officer or man cannot be effected until
such debts are settled.
(2) The Chief of Defence Staff may prescribe the procedure to be adopted and issue
such directions as may be necessary for the administration of service estates and to give
effect to this Article.
Art 25.09 A.F.R
(1) When an officer or man dies the commanding officer shall appoint a committee of
adjustment to deal with the estate.
(2) A committee of adjustment appointed under (1) of this article shall –
(a) be constituted and proceed as prescribed by the Chief of Defence Staff;
(b) collect, inventory, and safeguard the service estates; and
(c) forward a copy of its proceedings direct to the Director of Estates; and
(d) dispose of the service estate as directed by the Director of Estates.
(2) When an officer or man is missing or is released with unsound mind, the
commanding officer shall appoint a committee of adjustment to deal with the officer’s or
man’s personal belongings that are not in the care or custody of his next of kin.
Art 25.19 A.F.R
Section 1—General
(1) Service records shall be prepared and maintained for every officer and man as
prescribed by the Chief of Defence Staff, and a Chief of Staff in respect of his service
(2) The enrolment forms of an officer or man together with any personal documents
prescribed by the Chief of Defence Staff or a Service Commander shall be included in the
Service records.
(2) When documentary evidence of the event is available, the original document or a
notarial or photostat copy shall be submitted to the commanding officer.
(1) An identifying service number shall be allotted to an officer or man:
(a) on enrolment; and
(b) on transfer to the Reserves.
(2) The service number of an officer or man allotted to him in;
(a) the Regular Armed Forces; or
(b) the Reserves;
shall be retained by him throughout his service in that component.
(3) The service number of an officer or man shall appear on all his service records.
An identification card in the form prescribed by the Chief of Defence Staff shall be given
to an officer or man on enrolment.
A.F.R Art. 26.17
Section 3—Certificates
(1) The President may cause his signature to be affixed to a commission granted to an
officer of the Armed Forces by stamping the signature on the commission with a stamp
approved by him and used for the purpose by his authority.
(2) A signature affixed in accordance with subsection (1) is as valid and effectual as
if it were in the handwriting of the President, and neither its authenticity nor the authority
of the person by whom it was affixed shall be called in question except on behalf of the
The name of a person shall be submitted to the President with a request for the issuance
of a commission parchment when the person is:-
(a) enrolled in the Armed Forces in; or
(b) promoted to
the rank of 2nd Lieutenant or Acting Sub-lieutenant.
Art. 26.18 A.F.R.
The name of a person who is granted honorary rank under Article 3.09 shall be submitted
to the President with a request for the issuance of the appropriate parchment.
The name of a man shall be submitted to the Chief of Defence Staff with a request for the
issuance of a warrant when the man has been promoted to the substantive rank of warrant
officer, class I, or Chief Petty Officer first class or warrant officer (air force).
A certificate of service in the form prescribed by the Chief of the Defence Staff shall be
issued to an officer or man on release or on transfer to the Reserves from the Regular
Armed Forces.
(1) when an officer or man dies, the civil law governs the issuance of a death
(2) When an officer or man:—
(a) dies and no death certificate is issued by civil authorities; or
(b) is killed in action; or
(c) is missing,
a certificate of death may be issued by the Chief of Defence Staff, if in the opinion of the
Chief of Defence Staff, or any other officer designated by him, there is conclusive proof
that the officer or man is dead. (see articles 21.41–“General” and 21.44–“Investigation
on an Officer or Man Missing Due to Enemy Action”.)
(3) When no conclusive proof that a missing officer or man is dead has been
produced at the end of six months, the Chief of Defence Staff, or any other officer
designated by him, shall make further inquiries of:
(a) the next of kin;
(b) the station, unit or ship of the missing officer or man; and
(c) any other likely source
(4) When:
(a) inquiries made under (3) of this article fail to produce information
indicating that the missing officer or man may still be alive; and
(b) in the opinion of the Chief of Defence Staff, or any other officer
designated by him, the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of
the missing officer man or raise beyond reasonable doubt the
presumption that he is dead;
a certificate of presumption of death may be issued by the Chief of Defence Staff.
A.F.R Art. 26.32
(a) declare that the missing officer or man is deemed to be dead; and
(b) state the date on which his death is presumed to have occurred.
(1) All certificates of death and presumption of death issued under Article 26.21 shall
be signed personally by the Chief of Defence staff or any other officer designated by him
for that purpose.
(2) When a certificate of presumption of death has been issued in respect of a missing
officer or man, stating the date on which his death is presumed to have occurred, such
officer or man shall henceforth, for the purposes of the Armed Forces Act, 1962 and the
regulations made thereunder and in relation to his status and service in the Armed Forces,
be deemed to have died on that date.
(1) If an officer or man who has enrolled under an assumed name desires that his true
name be shown on his service records and documents, a birth certificate (if any) and an
affidavit and documentary evidence are required to substantiate his change of name.
(2) The commanding officer concerned shall forward the birth certificate (if any) and
the affidavit or other documentary evidence of the true name or identity of the officer or
man to his formation headquarters for confirmation that the documentary proof of change
of name referred to in (1) of this article is acceptable. Upon notification of acceptability,
the commanding officer shall publish an appropriate entry in unit orders. (See Article
(1) If an officer or man desires to change his true name for all purposes he shall do so
at his own expense in accordance with the civil law applicable.
(2) When a change of true name has been effected under (1) of this article the
commanding officer shall forward the court order or other document to his formation
headquarters for confirmation that the documentary proof of change of name is
acceptable. Upon notification of acceptability, the commanding officer shall publish an
appropriate entry in unit orders. (See Article 26.34.)
Art. 26.33 A.F.R
If he is on active service and , in the opinion of the Chief of Defence Staff, his true name
might jeopardized his safety if known to the enemy, an officer or man may change his
true name for Services purposes in such manner as the Chief of Defence Staff may
(1) The name under which an officer or man is enrolled in the Armed Forces shall not
be erased from any of his personal records or documents.
(2) Upon notification to the commanding officer concerned of the acceptance of the
documentary proof of change of name submitted under Article 26.31, the personal
records and documents of the officer or man concerned shall be amended to record the
new name. The old name shall be bracketed in all existing records and documents, but
any new records or documents shall bear the new name exclusively.
(1) No conduct sheet shall be prepared for an officer until an entry is necessary. A
conduct sheet shall be prepared for a man:
(2) When an officer or man is re-enrolled in the Regular Armed Forces, the conduct
sheet, if any, from his previous service shall be used. (See Article 26.44—“Destruction
of Conduct Sheets”.)
(1) Subject to (2) of this article, an entry shall be made in the conduct sheet of an
officer or man only for:
(a) every conviction by a civil court for an offence, other than a minor traffic
offence, committed after his enrolment. When the sentence of a civil
court is a fine, the commanding officer shall refer the matter with his
recommendations to his service headquarters, and not entry shall be made
unless, in the opinion of the Service Commander concerned, the nature of
the offence tends to bring discredit on the Armed Forces;
A.F.R Art.26.43
(e) every reversion of a warrant officer, chief petty officer, petty officer, non-
commissioned officer or leading seaman to a lower rank consequent upon
a conviction by the civil power but not a reversion in rank for inefficiency.
(See Article 11.11—“Reversion and Remustering upon Conviction by the
civil Power”);
(2) An entry shall be made in the conduct sheet of an officer or man in respect of,
(a) any special act of gallantry or instance of distinguished conduct which has
been brought to notice in command or other superior orders or in
dispatches; and
Art. 26.44 A.F.R
(1) A conduct sheet which contains an entry of a fine of N¢20.00 or less or a minor
punishment shall be destroyed by an officer and, subject to (2) of this article, a new
conduct sheet containing all other entries prepared and signed by an officer:
(a) on completion of
(i) six months’ service from the date of enrolment, and
(ii) each subsequent period of one year during which no entry has been
(2) When an officer or man attain the age of eighteen years, his conduct sheet shall be
destroyed by an officer and a new conduct sheet prepared and signed by an officer. Only
those entries made pursuant to Article 26.42 (2) or showing a conviction by the civil
power shall be transcribed to the new conduct sheet.
If a conduct sheet is lost, the commanding officer shall ensure that a duplicate, containing
as far as practicable all entries which were on the lost sheet, is prepared and marked
“substituted for original” over his signature.
(1) Every officer of the Regular Forces serving, or on temporary duty, in a unit or
ship shall be a member of the appropriate mess.
(5) The list of honorary members and the periods for which mess privileges have
been granted to such members shall be recorded in a book which shall be—
(a) Kept in the mess for that purpose; and
(b) Reviewed annually by the committee and submitted for the approval of the
commanding officer.
(2) Only full members of the mess as defined in (3) (a) of Article 27.01 (Membership
of officers Messes),shall be eligible to be elected or appointed to the mess committee or
sub-committees, to attend meetings, vote on mess matters, or serve the mess in any
A.F.R Art. 27.05
(b) the Secretary and Treasure, who shall be appointed by a majority of the
votes of those present at a general mess meeting, but in the event of a
Secretary and Treasurer not being appointed as aforesaid, the commanding
officer may nominate an officer to discharge the duties of the Secretary
and Treasurer until an appointment is made as aforesaid. The duties of the
Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be responsible to the President, are as
(3) A record shall be kept of the minutes of all mess and messing committee
meetings. The decisions contained in the minutes shall not be considered final until
approved by the commanding officer.
(1) Every officer on the strength of, or attached to, a unit or ship, whether present or
absent, shall pay a monthly subscription to defray the ordinary expenditure of the mess.
The rate, which shall be fixed by the mess committee, and approved by the commanding
officer, shall not exceed one-half of one day’s basic pay. Basic pay for this purpose shall
be regarded as the initial rate for the rank, excluding any incremental, additional,
qualification, flying or other pay.
(3) Apart from monthly mess subscriptions and maintenance contributions, the only
regular charges that may be levied on all members, by the vote of a general
Art. 27.05 A.F.R
mess meeting and subject to the commanding officer’s approval, shall be—
(a) charges for guests,
(b) charges for extra messing,
(c) charges for entertainments,
(d) sports subscriptions to mess funds, and
(e) charges for mess contributions to unit sports fund.
(4) During the attachment to another unit the subscriptions and contributions of
officers so attached shall be paid to the mess of that unit and not to their own. When an
officer is attached to another unit for less than seven days the full monthly subscription is
to be charged by his parent mess. For periods of seven days or more the charges shall be
divided on a pro rata basis between each mess. An officer shall not be liable to pay more
than one month’s subscription in any one month. If a mess is not available during a
period of attachment, no subscription shall be paid during the period.
(5) The subscriptions, contributions, charges and extra charges for messing, casual
meals and refreshments shall be published in the rules for officer’s mess in each unit or
ship. The prices of other articles of food, liquor, etc., which may be bought from the mess
by members shall be made available in the mess.
(6) Affiliated members of messes shall pay subscriptions and contributions at such
rates as may be fixed by the mess committee and approved by the commanding officer.
(1) An account for every member of the Mess shall be kept in the daily charges book
showing the daily charges incurred in the mess with a cumulative total for each day of the
month. It shall be available at certain hours daily for scrutiny by officers and shall be
examined and initialled weekly by the commanding officer
(2) Members account shall be presented monthly, if possible on the first day of the
month succeeding that to which the account refers.
(3) Officer’s private accounts with tradesmen or others shall not be paid through
mess accounts and charged on mess bills.
(1) Every officer shall pay his previous month’s mess bill on or before the 10th day of
each month and the president of the mess committee shall report, in writing to the
commanding officer the name of any officer who fails to do so.
(2) When a mess account owed by an officer is overdue the commanding officer may
order that the officer concerned shall be subject to an administrative deduction in an
amount sufficient to pay the account in full.
A.F.R Art. 27.23
(1) Flag officers and commodores shall keep a separate table at which the flag
Captain, secretary and flag lieutenant shall be messed.
(2) Officers in command of the rank of lieutenant-commander and above, except flag
captains, shall keep a separate table provided that space and furniture permit.
(3) All other officers shall mess in the wardroom mess.
(2) All other officers who are supernumerary or temporarily appointed to a ship or
fleet establishment shall not be subject to payment of mess entrance fee but shall be
charged mess subscription at a rate not greater than that paid by other full members of the
(2) Other members of the wardroom mess committee shall be appointed, as far as is
practical, in accordance with Article 27.04 (2) (b), (c) and (d).
When officers are victualled under the general mess system, the Supply Officer’s
responsibilities shall not extend beyond those prescribed in A.F.R
Section 2—Messing—Men
(1) As far as practicable warrant officers, chief petty officers, senior non-
commissioned officers and petty officers shall be provided with messing, refreshment
and recreation facilities separate from those provided for other men.
Art. 27.23 A.F.R
(2) In ships where more than one mess space is provided for chief petty officers and
petty officers, the Captain shall allocate chief petty officers and petty officers to messes
as he considers appropriate.
(1) Men shall be detailed as mess men to all messes allocated to men of the rank of
chief petty officer and petty officer.
(1) Each warrant officer’s and senior non-commissioned officer’s mess and each
chief petty officer’s and petty officers’ mess shall be regulated by a committee of three
members and a secretary-treasurer, who shall be elected by the mess members, and a
president who shall be appointed by the commanding officer.
(2) Mess rules shall be established for the operation of messes and shall be submitted
to the commanding officer for approval.
(3) A record of the minutes of all mess and mess committee meetings shall be kept.
The minutes shall be submitted to the commanding officer for approval. In respect of the
Navy the minutes shall be submitted to the Captain for approval through the executive
(1) The mess funds shall include the funds for—
(a) wine, beer and spirits;
(b) tobacco; and
(c) other subsidiary funds which may be run by the mess.
(2) Profits shall not be allowed to accumulate in the mess fund, but shall be used for
the general good of the mess. Shares of profits shall not be made to individuals under any
(3) The Armed Forces will not, under any circumstances, be responsible for, or
contribute to the satisfaction of, any claim which may be made against messes for losses
which may occur.
A.F.R Art. 27.41
(1) All non-public property on the inventory of a mess shall be insured against loss or
damage at the expense of the mess concerned.
(2) Supplies and merchandise shall be insured at their full cost value, all other assets
on the inventory of a mess at a value not less than the last appraised value.
(3) A fidelity bond in an amount commensurate with the degree of risk incurred shall
be secured at the expense of the mess concerned to cover each civilian whose duties
(2) The Gangway Wine Book shall be produced for inspection by customs officers at
their request.
(1) The service institute is a body organizing through a committee all activities at a
unit level of a welfare and amenity nature for personnel below the rank of sergeant. It
controls and administers the service institute fund which is the fund financing and
accounting for all transactions relating to the recreation and other activities entered into
for the collective benefit of men below the rank of sergeant in a unit.
(2) The commanding officer shall encourage and develop the activities of the
institute. In addition he shall be responsible for—
(a) the general control and administration of the service institute; and
(b) the proper application of the institute funds.
(3) The Commanding officer shall appoint an officer, when practical not below the
rank of major or squadron leader, to act as president of the service institute. When
necessary a commanding officer shall appoint other officers to control and administer the
subsidiary activities of the institute, under the direction of the president.
Art. 27.42 A.F.R
Section 5—Canteens—Navy
(1) Except as prescribed in (2) of this article the Captain of each ship or naval
establishment other than harbour craft and tenders which do not go to sea regularly, shall
establish a dry canteen in the ship or naval establishment.
(2) When he does not consider it advisable to authorize the establishment of a dry
canteen, the Captain shall report his reasons to the senior officer in command.
(1) The Captain shall be responsible for the organization, operation and
administration of the canteen.
(2) The Supply Officer shall be responsible to the Captain for the actual operation of
the canteen in accordance with the instructions prescribed.
(3) The Navy does not accept financial responsibility for canteens. The Captain shall
ensure that this is understood by firms with whom the canteen conducts business.
(1) The canteen capital shall consist of the cash, stock and other asserts of the
canteen, less—
(a) any amount owing to the State as a result of an advance made under
A.F.R., and
(b) amounts owing to other creditors.
(2) The canteen working capital shall not be allowed to increase beyond the amount
necessary for the efficient operation of the canteen. In this regard—
(a) the balance of cash on hand and on deposit shall not exceed an amount
equal to three months’ sales; and
A.F.R Art. 27.49
(3) (a) After a canteen has been operating for one year, the Supply Officer shall
determine from the year’s operations the amount of working capital
necessary to operate the canteen under normal conditions.
(b) Subject to (c) of this paragraph, the amount of working capital determined
shall not be allowed to increase, and all subsequent net profits shall be
transferred to the Ship’s Fund.
(c) In Exceptional circumstances and with the approval of the Captain, an
increase in working capital shall be made—
(i) by a cash transfer from the Ship’s Fund, or
(ii) by retaining profits in the canteen instead of transferring them to
the Ship’s Fund.
(1) Sea-going ships are allowed certain concessions in regard to acquiring canteen
stores free of duty.
The Captain shall—
(a) ensure that the customs regulations are brought to the attention of every
officer and man in the ship; and
(b) take every precaution to prevent breaches of the customs regulations.
(2) Subject to (3) of this article and to the approval of the Captain, the officer-in-
charge of the canteen may purchase any articles for resale in the canteen to the ship’s
company for their personal use or consumption.
(3) (a) Articles purchased outside Ghana for sale in the canteen and which remain
in stock on the ship’s return to Ghana are subject to Ghanaian customs and
excise duties.
Art. 27.49 A.F.R
(b) When any articles on which duty would be payable in accordance with (a)
of this paragraph are purchased outside Ghana for sale in the canteen, and
are not articles of food which will be consumed on board,
(i) a record of the quantities of such articles purchased shall be
(ii) on record shall be available for inspection by any customs officer
who may come on board following arrival at a Ghanaian port,
(iii) on arrival of the ship at a Ghanaian port, a list of the articles
remaining on board shall be made available for the customs, and
(iv) bonded supplies shall not be landed for sale.
(4) Sea-going ships may purchase cigarettes and tobacco in Ghana for sale in the
ship’s canteen free of excise taxes.
(1) The operation of canteens and canteen accounts, shall as far as possible, be
undertaken by men of the stores trade.
(2) (a) when sufficient men of the stores trade are not available, the Captain may
authorise the employment of other personnel as canteen servers as
(i) in sea-going ships, naval personnel who volunteer for this duty,
(ii) in naval establishments, civilians.
(b) Any remuneration authorised for the servers described in (a) of this
paragraph shall be paid from canteen funds
(3) Naval or civilian servers shall not be employed in the canteen without the
concurrence of the Supply Officer.
(1) When a ship or naval establishment is paid off, the stock of the canteen shall be
disposed of by either—
(a) gift or sale to other ships or naval establishments; or
(b) sale to private persons or concerns.
(2) The proceeds of the sale of canteen stock shall be deposited as part of the canteen
(3) When any articles of merchandise sold under (1) of this article are “duty free” or
“excise free” the disposition of the articles concerned to persons not entitled to these
concessions shall be made only after—
(a) arrangements have been completed with the customs authorities; and
(b) payments of the necessary duty.
A.F.R Art. 27.55
(1) Except as prescribed in (3) of this article the Captain shall arrange for the
establishment of a Ship’s Fund.
(2) The Ship’s Fund shall be all non-public funds obtained from the transfer of
canteen profits, donations or other sources of income in respect of the ship’s company.
(3) If the Captain considers it inadvisable to establish a Ship’s Fund he shall forward
an explanation of the reason to the senior officer in command.
(2) The Supply Officer, or, subject to the approval of the Captain, his representative
shall be the treasurer of the Ship’s Fund, and shall—
(a) keep a record of the receipt and disbursement; and
(b) prepare and display in a conspicuous place a quarterly financial statement.
(3) The Ship’s Fund shall be audited in accordance with Article 27.33 (Audit of Non-
Public Property Accounts)
(1) With the Captain’s approval, the Welfare Committee may make disbursements
(a) entertainment of the ship’s company;
(b) purchase of sports or other recreational equipment not provided by the
Navy or of prizes for sporting events;
(c) assistance to libraries or other organizations within the ship;
(d) loans to members of the ship’s company, which must be repaid within
one year;
(e) the supply of comforts to men in hospital or to survivors; and
(f) other special or benevolent purposes.
Art. 27.55 A.F.R.
(2) When the Captain refuses to approve under (1) of this article, he shall forward an
explanation of the reason to the senior officer in command.
Except under conditions prescribed by the Chief of Defence Staff, non-public property
shall not be sold, given away or alienated.
The commanding officer shall ensure that all non-public property in a unit or ship is—
(1) An officer entrusted with non-public money shall ensure that an account of the
cash and bank transactions is kept in accordance with prescribed regulations, and such
officer shall be personally responsible for the safe custody and accuracy of this record. If
an officer loses any non-public money or property placed in his charge he shall report the
fact forthwith to his commanding officer.
(2) In the event of any deficiency in, or loss of, money or property the commanding
officer shall exercise his discretion as to whether he shall at once order a summary
investigation, convene a board of inquiry or report the matter to superior authority.
Section 1—General
(1) Married quarters designated as tied quarters shall be occupied by such officers as
the Chief of Defence Staff may prescribe.
(2) An officer or man shall occupy quarters unless:—
(a) proper quarters are not available; or
(b) except for an officer mentioned in (1) of this article, the commanding
officer has granted him permission to live out.
(3) The commanding officer may grant permission to live out of quarters to an officer
or man:
(a) attached to or on temporary duty at the station or unit;
(i) for a period not exceeding seven days, and
(ii) in exceptional circumstances for any period exceeding seven days
but not exceeding thirty days;
(b) whose place of duty is at such distance from available quarters that, in the
opinion of the commanding officer, to require him to live in quarters
would interfere with the performance of his duties;
(c) who is married, to enable him to live with his family; and
(d) in such other circumstances as the commanding officer considers
(4) Any permission to live out of quarters granted by the commanding officer shall
not in itself entitle an officer or man to an allowance in lieu of quarters.
An officer or man shall not occupy quarters when he is on terminal leave.
Art. 28.06 A.F.R
A.F.R Art. 28.30
(i) quarters separate from those occupied by men below the rank of
sergeant or petty officer are not available, and
(ii) the commanding officer does not consider that the exigencies of
the service require them to occupy single quarters.
(2) Warrant officers, chief petty officers, senior non-commissioned and petty officers
shall be granted the choice of vacant single quarters in order of rank and seniority.
(1) An officer or man may retain single quarters while he is on leave, except terminal
leave, or while absent from the station or unit on duty when:
(a) the anticipated period of absence does not exceed sixty-one days; and
(b) the commanding officer does not consider that the exigencies of the
service require the re-allotment of the quarters.
(2) An officer or man to whom single quarters have been allotted shall not, without
the approval of the commanding officer, be dispossessed by any other officer or man.
An officer shall not retain single quarters he does not occupy unless he is a commanding
officer who, if entitled to married quarters and drawing allowance in lieu, does not as a
result of such retention exclude another officer.
Single quarters may be allotted to an officer or man whose family is occupying married
quarters when, owing to the exigencies of the service, he is separated from his family.
Section 4—Civilians
(1) When suitable civilian accommodation is not available, the commanding officer
may allot married quarters to a civilian employee of the Government of Ghana who fills a
position on the service establishment.
Art. 28.30 A.F.R
(2) Subject to the approval of the Chief of Defence Staff, the commanding officer
may allot married quarters to a civilian, other than one mentioned in (1) of this article,
(a) his duties are such that they contribute to the efficiency or welfare of he
station or unit; and
(3) A civilian, except one whose terms of employment with the Armed Forces
entitled him to free quarters, shall be charged for any married quarters allotted to him at
the rate prescribed for civilian employees of the Government unless an amount is fixed or
determined by—
(a) regulations of another government department; or
(4) The Chief of Defence Staff may prescribe the terms and conditions of occupancy
of married quarters by civilians.
(1) The commanding officer may allot single quarters to a civilian employee of the
Government of Ghana who fills a position on the service establishment.
(2) Subject to the approval of the Chief of Defence Staff, the commanding officer
may allot single quarters to a civilian, other than one mentioned in (1) of this article,
(a) his duties are such that they contribute to the efficiency or welfare of the
station or unit; and
(b) suitable civilian accommodation is not available.
(3) A civilian, except one whose terms of employment with the Armed Forces
entitled him to free quarters, shall be charged for any single quarters allotted to him at the
rate prescribed for civilian employees of the Government, unless an amount is fixed or
determined by—
(4) The Chief of Defence Staff may prescribe the terms and conditions of occupancy
of single quarters by civilians.
Section 1—General
(1) New construction of works and buildings shall be initiated by or under the
authority of the Chief of Defence Staff.
(2) Proposals for new construction shall be forwarded with the necessary plans,
specifications and estimates to the respective formation headquarters.
(a) a certificate stating whether the contract has been completed in accordance
with the approved plans and specifications, accompanied if applicable by a
list of discrepancies and deficiencies; and
(b) a recommendation for the disposal of all moneys held in connection with
the contract.
Art. 29.05 A.F.R
(2) The completion report prepared under (1) of this article shall be signed by—
(a) the Armed Forces representative supervising the work;
(b) the local works engineer officer;
(c) the commanding officer of the garrison, station, unit or fleet establishment
(as the case may be);
(d) when questions of health or sanitation arise, the medical officer;
and shall be submitted for approval to the authorities specified in (3) of this article.
(3) The completion report on taking over minor new construction, alterations,
additions, and maintenance from the contractor, may be approved by the appropriate
Service Commander. The taking over from the contractor of major new construction,
alterations, additions, and maintenance shall require the approval of the Ministry. For the
purpose of this paragraph, minor new construction, alterations, additions, and
maintenance shall be as prescribed by the Ministry.
(1) Each Armed Forces building shall be allotted to a particular permanent use by the
(2) An Armed Forces building may be allotted to a temporary use by or under the
authority of the appropriate Service Commander:--
(b) the allotment does not involve an expenditure for other accommodation in
lieu of the building concerned.
(1) The powers of write-off for a loss of works and buildings shall be as prescribed
for write-off of material in Article 36.20 (Powers of Write-off—Materials) except that in
a single occurrence the total value of the write-off of both material and works and
buildings shall not exceed the amount authorized for the write-off of material in Article
(2) A write-off authorized under (1) of this article shall not prejudice subsequent
disciplinary or recovery action against an officer or man.
A.F.R Art. 29.16
Subject to any agreement entered into between the Ministry and local education
authorities, when, in an emergency, dependents’ school buildings are required for
operational purposes or for the accommodation of military personnel, the Chief of
Defence Staff may order the buildings to be evacuated immediately.
Section 2—Inspections
(2) When the reports submitted under (1) of this article are received the Chief of
Defence Staff or the appropriate Service Commander shall take required remedial action
within his authority.
(3) Inspecting officers inspecting the works and buildings at a garrison, station unit or
fleet establishment shall, when practical, be accompanied by:
(a) the commanding officer or a senior officer as his representative;
(b) a works engineer officer;
(c) a medical officer; and
(d) the officer commanding a unit when his unit is being inspected.
(1) Except as provided in Article 29.18, the commanding officer shall inspect the
works and buildings within his garrison, station, unit, or fleet establishment at least
quarterly, accompanied when practical by:
Art. 29.16 A.F.R
(3) The medical officer or his representative at a garrison, station, unit or fleet
establishment shall inspect:
(a) all kitchen and messing facilities weekly; and
(b) all works and buildings—
(i) on the commanding officer’s quarterly inspection; and
(ii) at any other time he considers it necessary in order to safeguard the
health of the garrison, station, unit or fleet establishment;
and not in the sanitary diary any conditions adversely affecting the hygiene and
sanitation of the garrison, station, unit or fleet establishment. After each inspection the
diary shall be submitted to the commanding officer for necessary action.
(3) The responsibility for damage to public property shall, where practical, be
determined during inspections under this article. (See Chapter 38—Liability for Public
and Non-Public Property.)
A.F.R. Art. 29.99
Section 3—Miscellaneous
(1) When practical, areas for parking privately owned vehicles shall be reserved at a
garrison, station, unit or fleet establishment.
(2) No area reserved for parking privately owned vehicles shall be constructed unless
the Chief of Defence Staff approves—
(3) When sufficient space is available, the commanding officer may permit an officer
or man to store a privately owned vehicle—
(a) in an Armed Forces garage provided for the storage of privately owned
vehicles; or
(4) When an officer or man has received permission under (3) of this article to store a
vehicle in an Armed Forces building he shall—
(a) the type and location of the building or buildings are approved by the
works engineer officer;
(b) the fire regulations for Armed Forces buildings are observed; and
(c) the building or buildings shall be removed at the expense of the owner on
the instruction of the appropriate Service Commander.
(1) The commanding officer of a station or unit shall appoint a fire prevention
committee consisting of at least three members one of whom should, when practical, be a
works officer or his representative.
(2) The function of the fire prevention committee shall be as prescribed by the Chief
of Defence Staff, or Service Commander in respect of his service.
(1) The commanding officer of a station or unit shall appoint an officer as fire
prevention officer.
(2) The fire prevention officer shall act as chairman of the fire prevention committee
appointed under Article 30.01.
(3) The functions of the fire prevention officer shall be as prescribed by the Chief of
Defence Staff, or a Service Commander in respect of his service.
When the establishment of an air force station or unit provides for airfields fire and crash
rescue services, the duties of the personnel employed thereon shall be as prescribed by
the Air Force Commander.
The commanding officer shall hold practice fire drills in accordance with orders issued
by his Service Commander.
(1) When a fire occurs at his station, unit or in his ship a commanding officer shall—
(b) ensure that the message sent under (1) (a) (i) of this article is repeated to
Army, Navy or Air Force Headquarters (as appropriate) for information.
(2) The report required by (1) of this article shall be in such form as prescribed by the
Service Commander and shall be in addition to any investigation instituted under Article
21.61 (Investigation of a Fire).
A.F.R Art. 30.99
An officer commanding shall ensure that the officer in whose charge he places any
building which is under Armed Forces control—
(a) takes fire prevention precautions as prescribed by the Chief of Defence
Staff or a Service Commander; and
(b) promulgates orders covering action to be taken when fire occurs.
The commanding officer shall ensure that orders relating to the prevention and control of
fires at his unit or in his ship are incorporated in standing orders. (See Article 4.22—
“Standing Orders”).
Where the President has under the Constitution by Proclamation declared that a state of
public emergency exists in Ghana or in any part of Ghana, the regular forces or any unit
or other element thereof or any officer or man thereof shall be liable to perform such
services in respect of the emergency as the Chief of Defence Staff may authorize, and the
performance of such services shall be deemed to be duty on active service.
Where the President has declared a state of public emergency as mentioned in Article
31.01 the Chief of Defence Staff may in accordance with the Constitution authorize the
reserve forces or any unit or other element thereof or any officer or man thereof to be
called out on service for the purpose of rendering assistance in respect of the State of
emergency and all officers and men while so called out shall be deemed to be performing
duty on active service.
(1) Subscriptions and donations made for the benefit of a band shall be deposited in
the service fund account but shall be available for band expenditures only.
(2) The service fund committee, with the approval of the commanding officer, may
make an appropriation for the purchase of band instruments, accessories, and music.
(3) All expenditures of non-public funds for band purposes shall be approved by the
commanding officer.
(1) Band property shall include all band instruments, accessories and music—
(a) presented to or purchased by a band, station, unit, or ship; or
(b) issued to a band.
(2) Band property obtained in accordance with (1) (a) of this article shall be
accounted for as non-public property as prescribed by the Chief of Defence Staff.
(3) Band property obtained in accordance with (1) (b) of this article shall be carried
on unit charge and accounted for as public property as prescribed by the Chief of Defence
Art.32.05 A.F.R
An officer shall be appointed by the Chief of Defence Staff as Director of Music for the
Armed Forces. The duties of the Director of Music shall be as prescribed by the Chief of
Defence Staff and shall include—
The duties of officers in charge of bands and the officer commanding the Central Band of
the Armed Forces shall be as prescribed by the Director of Music and shall include—
(a) responsibility for the discipline and technical instruction of his band; and
(b) attendance at all parades with his band and to accompany it when it plays
in public places or attends an entertainment; and
(c) the entering of all engagements in band engagement books, with
particulars of their nature, date, number of bandsmen employed, fees paid
(if applicable) and uniform to be worn; and
(d) the keeping of a roster showing the particular bandsmen detailed for every
duty or engagement and that a fair distribution is maintained among the
bandsmen as a whole, having regard to the nature of demands made; and
(e) the maintenance of a band fund account to include—
(2) Band engagements shall only be entered into subject to the exigencies of the
Armed Forces and to the requirement that the acceptance of the engagement does not
infringe current regulations and instructions. A clause to this effect shall be embodied in
any form of contract or agreement made.
A.F.R Art. 32.99
(3) Engagements shall not be sought through the public press or initiated through the
medium of musical or other agents.
(4) An engagement shall not be accepted at a rate below the commercial scale
appropriate to, and accepted in the locality by, civilian bands of equal strength and for the
same number and duration of performances.
(5) An engagement shall not be accepted if the Armed Forces band is required to
replace a civilian band which is involved in a trade dispute.
(6) Engagements shall not be accepted for bands to play at political meetings,
demonstrations or entertainments, nor to play for an organization having partisan or
controversial aims.
(b) 10 per cent of the total fee to the Director of Music or Bandmaster, when
present at an engagement;
(1) When played for ceremonial or concert purposes, the National Anthem shall be
played in its entirety and in the key of “Ab” (A flat).
(2) When played for singing the National Anthem shall be played in the key of “G”.
(1) Subject to the exigencies of the service every commanding officer shall—
(a) provide for the performance of religious services on all Sundays and Holy
Days of obligation;
(b) provide adequate accommodation and facilities for conducting these
(c) render the chaplain or officiating clergyman every assistance in the
performance of his duty; and
(d) provide the opportunity for an officer or man or his family to attend
religious services and receive any further religious ministrations that may
be desired.
(2) No officer or man shall be required to attend a religious service other than a
service of the group in which his denomination is included.
(1) For the purpose of this article “officiating clergyman” means, a clergyman who
fulfils the requirements prescribed by the Chief of Defence Staff.
(2) When a garrison, station, unit or fleet establishment is without a chaplain, the
commanding officer shall, subject to the exigencies of the service, ensure that—
(a) a chaplain is made available; or
(b) adequate provision is made for the personnel concerned to attend divine
services elsewhere.
(1) A chaplain shall promote the moral and spiritual welfare of all service personnel
and shall—
(a) conduct religious, baptismal, marriage, and burial services;
(b) arrange for religious ministrations for officers and men or their families
who are—
(i) sick, or
(ii) in service or civil custody, or
(iii) desirous of it; and
A.F.R Art. 33.99
(2) No Chaplain shall be required to perform any duties other than those pertaining to
his calling.
(3) A chaplain may accept an invitation to assist at any religious service that does not
interfere with his Armed Forces duty.
An officer or man shall, when he enrols, declare his religious denomination. He may, by
a statement in writing, change his denomination at any time, and the commanding officer
shall authorise the necessary alterations in the records of the officer or man concerned.
The commanding officer shall provide—
(a) a nominal roll by denominations of all officers and men on the strength of
an Armed Forces unit for use by the chaplain or officiating clergyman
concerned; and
(b) on request, a certificate stating the number of officers and men on the
Armed Forces unit of the denomination served by the officiating
Chaplains shall be treated with the respect due to their profession and commanding
officers shall render them every assistance in carrying out their duties.
Section 1—General
No charges shall be payable for medical care to those entitled under Article 34.07
A.F.R Art. 34.07
(1) Subject to (4) of this article, an officer or man of the Regular Forces—
(a) who suffers any injury, disease or illness shall be entitled to medical care
at public expense;
(b) who while serving in the Armed Forces, develops an impairment of vision
shall be supplied at public expenses with –
(i) military pattern spectacles and necessary changes of lenses,
provided the visual standard for entry and retention in the Armed
Forces is attained, and
(ii) where necessary, two pairs of spectacles, one for general use and
one for reading purposes. Civilian pattern spectacles or frames will
not be provided at the expense of the Armed Forces. Neither will
spectacles provide at the expense of the Armed Forces be replaced
or repaired at such expense except the circumstances of loss or
damage are certified by the commanding officer of the officer or
man concerned as attributable to military service.
(2) Subject to (4) of this article, an officer or man of the Reserves who suffers any
injury, disease, or illness attributable to the performance of his duty, shall be entitled—
(a) for the remaining period of his duty, to medical care at public expense;
(b) after termination of the period of his duty, to such medical care at public
expense as the attending medical officer may consider necessary.
(3) Subject to (4) of this article, an officer or man of the Reserves who suffers any
injury, disease, or illness not attributable to the performance of his duty, and not
attributable to the performance of his duty, and not as a result of his misconduct or
imprudence, shall be entitled—
(d) if the injury, disease, or illness occurs while he is on any duty not
mentioned in (a), (b) or (c) of this paragraph, and unless the Ministry
Art. 34.07 A.F.R
(b) may be denied medical care at public expense when he has failed to
comply with the regulations governing medical care while on leave.
(5) An officer or man who is entitled to medical care under sub-paragraph (b) of (3)
of this article shall receive—
(a) medical care at public expense until the date upon which the period of
duty terminates or until the date upon which he is returned to his home,
whichever is the earlier; and
(ii) when his condition does not permit him to be sent to his home,
such further medical care at public expense as the attending
medical officer may consider necessary.
(7) An officer or man of the Reserves who is not on active service, Continuous Duty
or Special Duty, and who, in the opinion of an officer commanding a command,
unreasonably refuses to accept the medical care prescribed shall not, as from the date of
refusal, be granted any further medical care for that injury, or illness.
(8) A person subject to the Code of Service Discipline under section 12 (1) (c), (d),
(e), (f) and (g) of The Armed Forces Act, 1962 who is held in service custody shall, if he
suffers any injury, disease, or illness during his confinement, be given medical care at
public expense until he is discharged from service custody, or from hospital, whichever is
the later.
A.F.R Art. 34.11
(9) An officer or man drawing a pension as a result of full time Armed Forces Service
may be entitled to free medical care in a military hospital in accommodation specially
provided for this purpose.
(1) An officer or man who is entitled to and requires medical care while in a country
outside Ghana, shall report in the order shown, to—
(i) Ghana, or
(ii) a Commonwealth country;
(e) the nearest unit of any friendly foreign army, navy, or air force;
(f) a civilian medical practitioner or hospital.
(2) When an officer or man reports under (1) (e) or (f) of this article he shall ensure
that the nearest diplomatic or consular authority representing Ghana or a Commonwealth
Country is informed of the circumstances immediately.
(1) An officer or man while on leave in Ghana who is entitled to medical care shall
report to the nearest station or unit of the Service in which he is enrolled which is readily
accessible when he—
(a) requires medical care; or
(b) has been in contact with an infectious disease.
(2) When a station or unit of the Service in which he is enrolled is not readily
accessible, and officer or man shall—
(a) report, in the order shown, to -
(b) personally ensure that the commanding officer of the nearest station or
unit of the Service in which he is enrolled is informed.
Art. 34.11 A.F.R
(3) The commanding officer of a station or unit to which an officer or man has
reported under (1) of this article or who has received information under (2) (b) of this
article shall—
(a) immediately inform the commanding officer of the patient’s home station
or unit; and
(b) after medical care is completed or suspended, obtain and forward a
descriptive case history to. the patient’s commanding officer.
(4) Accounts rendered by civilian medical practitioners or hospitals for medical care
obtained in accordance with (2) of this article shall be forwarded in quadruplicate to the
patient’s station or unit for payment by the Ministry.
(1) An officer or man shall produce his identification card and, if applicable, his leave
form when applying for medical care under Article 34.10 or Article 34.11
(2) An officer or man who has received medical care while absent from his station or
unit shall report to the medical officer immediately on return.
(2) A medical board shall consist of three Medical Officers, except in the case of up
or down-grading boards which may consist of only two Medical Officers. The president
of the board will be a Specialist.
An officer or man shall be required to undergo medical examinations and chest X-rays on
the occasions prescribed by the Chief of the Defence Staff.
(a) fit; or
(b) fit subject to limitation; or
(c) unfit,
(2) A certificate made in accordance with (1) of this article shall be in the following
to undergo imprisonment/detention
…………………………………. …….…………………………….
(Date) (Medical Officer)
(1) When the exigencies of the service so require and medical services are not
available from the Regular Forces or another department of he Government of Ghana, the
Chief of the Defence Staff or an officer commanding a command may so certify and
authorize the employment of:
(a) a medical officer of the Reserves or a civilian medical practitioner; and
(b) registered nurses.
(2) Persons employed under (1) of this Article shall be reimbursed for their services
and expenses in accordance with A.F.R
Art. 34.21 A.F.R
When considering the provision of medical care under this section, the medical officer
concerned shall exercise his discretion to ensure that such care will not interfere with the
proper medical care of service personnel under his charge.
(a) in an emergency; or
(b) where, in the opinion of the Director of Medical Services, no adequate
civilian medical facilities exist; or
(c) at the request of an appropriate civilian medical authority where it is
necessary to supplement civilian medical services; or
(d) under such other circumstances as may be prescribed by the Ministry.
(a) inoculations and vaccinations that are not readily available from civilian
(b) drugs and dressings;
(c) treatment, including necessary ambulance service and treatment in
hospital, of an infectious disease,
A.F.R Art. 34.99
(1) When considering the provision of medical care under this section, the medical
officer concerned shall exercise his discretion to ensure that such care will not interfere
with the proper medical care of service personnel under his charge.
(2) Subject to (1) of this article, medical care may be extended to civilians by the
medical services of the Armed Forces—
(3) When the senior medical officer considers it advisable, in the interest of he
patient, to remove him to another medical facility the commanding officer may authorize
the use of service transportation to convey the patient to and from the nearest appropriate
medical facility.
(4) All medical care provided to a civilian under this article shall be charged for in
accordance with the current financial regulations.
(1) Civil servants, school teachers and their dependants may be provided with the
medical care authorised for dependants of service personnel under Articles 34.23 and
34.26 under the circumstances described in those articles.
(2) Where the medical care provided under (1) of this article is that described in sub-
paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), of (2), of Article 34.23, the medical care may be provided
free of charge.
(3) Subject to (2) of this article, medical care provided under (1) of this article shall
be charged for in accordance with current financial regulations.
Section 1—General
(e) “service” in this article means treatment which, in the opinion of the
dental officer, is necessary and available in the circumstances.
The senior dental officer at all levels of command shall be the responsible adviser to the
senior officer exercising the function of command or executive authority on all matters
pertaining to the dental health of all personnel under his jurisdiction.
A.F.R Art. 35.06
(4) An officer or man of the Reserves who, in the opinion of an officer commanding
a command, unreasonable refuses to accept the dental treatment prescribed for his injury
or diseases shall not from the date of refusal be entitled to any further treatment for that
injury or disease.
(5) A person subject to the Code of Service discipline under section 12 (1) (c), (d),
(e), (f) and (g) of the Armed Forces Act, 1962 who is held in service custody shall be
given restricted dental treatment.
(1) An officer or man who is entitled to dental treatment shall, when he is on leave in
Ghana, report to the nearest Military Dental Clinic when he requires dental treatment.
(2) When a Medical Dental Clinic is not available an officer or man may report to a
civilian practitioner for restricted treatment.
(3) Accounts rendered by civilian practitioners for dental treatment obtained under
(2) of this article shall be forwarded in triplicate to the Chief Dental Officer for payment
by the Ministry.
(1) An officer or man who is entitled to and requires dental treatment while in a
foreign country shall report, in the order shown, to—
Art. 35.06 A.F.R
(2) When an officer or man reports under (1) (d) or (e) of this article he shall ensure
that the nearest diplomatic or consular authority representing Ghana or a Commonwealth
country is informed of the circumstances immediately.
(3) An officer or man who reports to a civilian practitioner under (1) of this article
shall obtain prior approval from the Ministry when other than restricted dental treatment
is required.
When considering the provision of dental care under this section, the dental officer
concerned shall exercise his discretion to ensure that such care will not interfere with the
proper dental care of service personnel under his charge.
(1) Subject to (2) of this article and to any limitations prescribed by the Ministry, a
dependant who accompanies a member of the Regular Forces or the Reserves on
Continuous Duty serving at an isolated unit, may be provided with comprehensive dental
treatment to the extent available in the military dental facilities in the locality where he is
(2) Treatment provided to a dependant in accordance with (1) of this article shall be
charged for in accordance with the scale of fees authorised by the Ministry.
(3) When the dental treatment required is not reasonably available in the locality of
the isolated unit where the dependant is residing, the officer commanding the command
concerned may authorise transportation and accommodation for the patient in accordance
with A.F.R. to and from the nearest appropriate dental facility.
Section 1—General
Except as provided in A.F.R., the material supplied to or used by the Armed Forces shall
(a) of the type, pattern, and design; and
except as prescribed in A.F.R. or in any orders issued by the Chief of Defence Staff.
All Armed Forces material shall be accounted for in the manner prescribed by the Chief
of Defence Staff, or a Service Commander in respect of his Service.
An officer or man may acquire title to items of clothing on such terms and conditions as
the Chief of Defence Staff may prescribe.
Except with the permission of the Chief of Defence Staff no material may be issued to or
used by an officer or man for private or other purposes unrelated to the performance of
military duty, recreation activities, or his status as a member of the Armed Forces.
Art. 36.11 A.F.R
(b) when weapons, ammunition or other explosives are lost, report the
circumstances immediately to the officer commanding a command,
formation, station, unit or other elements and the police or other
appropriate civil authorities; and
(c) when loss or theft is discovered of a narcotic or restricted drug, report the
circumstances as soon as practicable to the officer commanding a
command, formation, station, unit or other elements and the Director of
Medical Services.
(2) The authorities to whom a report of the loss of material has been made under (1)
of this article shall be notified of any subsequent recovery of the material.
A.F.R Art. 36.20
(b) completely repaired at the further expense of the officer or man concerned,
the Chief of Defence Staff may authorise a refund of the amount previously recovered.
Section 3—Write-offs
(1) For the purpose of this article, “write-off” means the deletion from unit inventory
of material on public charge which has been lost.
(2) The power to authorize write-off shall be as prescribed in the table to this article.
(3) The authority who may authorize write-off shall be determine by using the full
catalogue rate of the lost material regardless of any financial recovery or departmental
(4) When the loss of a number of items of material arises out of a single occurrence
the aggregate value shall determine the appropriate authority to authorize the write-off.
(5) Action taken to obtain authorization of a write-off shall not preclude the
immediate adjustment of the appropriate material records.
Powers of Officer Powers of Officer
Commanding Unit or commanding of a Self- Powers of Bde Comd, Powers of the Army,
Powers of the
Nature of Loss EST (Not below the Accounting Store or Depot Svcs Comd, NOICs and Navy, Navy and Air
Rank of Major or (Not below the Rank of a Air Force Stn Comds Force Comds
Equivalent) Major or Equivalent)
1. Loses attributable to theft, fraud or
negligence: N¢ N¢ N¢ N¢ N¢
1. Amounts quoted in respect of Stores represent original values (not to include departmental Expenses).
2. (i) OC FPO may write-off debtor balances not exceeding N¢20.00 on the accounts of N/E ORs when he is satisfied that such balances
have NOT resulted from fraud.
(ii) PG and C is authorised to write-off debtor balances exceeding N¢20.00 on the accounts of N/E ORs when he is satisfied that such
balances have NOT resulted from fraud.
Art. 36.35 A.F.R
A commanding officer shall forward a quarterly report of the write-offs he has authorized
under Article 36.20 to his Service Headquarters, through normal channels.
Section 4—Explosives
(2) The officer or man in charge of a guard, picket, escort, or other persons who
require ammunition or explosives in the performance of a specific duty shall—
(a) be responsible for the issue, use, and care of any ammunition or
explosives drawn; and
Section 5—Rations
(1) Except as prescribed in (2) of this article, the commanding officer of an Armed
Forces unit shall be entitled to draw a daily ration to the approved scale for—
(a) each officer or man on the strength of the station or unit who is not
receiving Ration Allowance;
(b) each member of the Armed Forces on temporary duty or attached duty at
the garrison, station, unit, ship or fleet establishment and taken on ration
strength for the period of that duty;
Art. 36.35 A.F.R
(d) each person held in close custody in the unit detention room for whom a
daily ration is not otherwise drawn;
(2) No daily ration shall be drawn under (1) of this article for any person who is
absent from the station, unit, or other element for a period of more than forty-eight hours
for any reason except detached duty when continuing to draw unit rations.
(c) has a deficiency in any personal equipment that is in his care or custody,
unless he can show that such deficiency was not caused by his negligence;
shall be liable to reimburse the Republic of Ghana for the financial loss incurred.
(2) Every officer or man who negligently causes, permits or contributes to damage or
the loss, deficiency, theft, destruction, deterioration or improper expenditure of any non-
public property shall be liable to reimburse the fund concerned for the financial loss
(1) Any circumstances which may give rise to liability of an officer or man to
reimburse the Republic of Ghana or a non-public fund under Article 38.01 (Liability for
Public or non-Public Property), shall be investigated. (See Chapter 21—Summary
Investigations and Boards of Inquiry).
A.F.R Art. 38.99
(3) When the Chief of Defence Staff or a Service Commander is of the opinion that
liability under Article 38.01 exists and that reimbursement is warranted under the
circumstances, he may order an administrative recovery from the pay and allowances of
the officer or man concerned in an amount sufficient to make reimbursement in full or in
(5) An administrative recovery proposed or ordered under this article shall not
prejudice disciplinary action against the officer or man concerned.
(1) It is essential that personnel in the Armed Forces attain a high standard of fitness,
well above the national level. Because of this, active participation in sports and
organized recreation is a matter of duty for all personnel, except those whom the medical
officer has specifically designated as unfit for participation.
(2) The commanding officer shall ensure that a physical and recreational
programmes, designed to attain and maintain the desired level of fitness prescribed by the
Chief of Defence Staff is in effect.
(1) Swimming Instructions to the standard required by each service shall be given
(a) All aircrew officers, flight cadets and aircrew men.
(b) Subordinate officers in the Navy
(c) Men below the rank of Petty Officer in the Navy
(d) All Naval officers and men when undergoing initial training.
(e) All other officers and men who desire further instructions.
(2) Instruction in life-saving shall be given when opportunity offers, to officers and
men who are good swimmers.
(3) The officer performing physical and recreational training duties shall maintain a
Record of Swimming Instruction.
(4) When a Service swimming pool is not available for swimming instruction the
Commanding Officer shall, with the prior approval of appropriate headquarters, arrange
for the use of a public swimming pool.
The standard to be obtained and the manner in which the test are conducted shall be
prescribed by the headquarters of the Service concerned.
(1) To safeguard the copyright of the State, all official photographs shall be stamped
on the reverse side with a stamp supplied for this purpose.
(2) All official photographs shall, before release for any purpose, be numbered on the
reverse side using numbers and prefix letters as prescribed.
(3) Official cinematographic films shall have incorporated a leader bearing a suitable
replica of the stamp referred to in (1) of this article, and the issuance authority of the
Except where the Chief of Defence Staff directs otherwise, all photographs or
cinematographic films taken for official purposes, shall be processed by an Armed Forces
photographic section.
A complete and accurate caption for each negative shall be provided by an authority
designated and shall contain—
A.F.R Art. 53.20
Service photographic material and facilities shall not be used for any purpose other than
that of taking and processing official negatives and prints.
(3) All classified prints shall be stamped on the reverse side with their security
(4) Classified negative numbers, when used, shall be followed by the security
(5) Classified motion picture film shall incorporate a leader showing the security
(6) Classified negatives, prints, film and transparencies shall be handled, transported
and stored in the same manner as classified documents of equivalent security grading.
(1) Subject to (3) of this article, an officer or man may retain a privately owned
camera in a unit or ship.
(2) An officer or man shall not use a privately owned camera in a unit or ship
(a) the approval of the commanding officer has been obtained; and
(b) all local orders concerning photography are observed.
Art. 53.20 A.F.R
(3) The commanding officer may require all privately owned cameras to be
surrendered and held in custody when—
(a) existing conditions or special orders require it; or
(b) he considers it prudent to do so.
(4) Cameras held in custody shall be stored in existing facilities and suitable receipts
issued to the owners. An officer or man may withdraw his camera for use outside the
unit or ship but shall surrender it or return.
(5) In ships for which service cameras are allowed by establishment, but no
photographic personnel are borne, the Captain shall designate a ship’s photographer.
Film exposed by the ship’s photographer designated under this paragraph shall be
processed by an Armed Forces Photographic Section.
(2) When an officer or man intends to publish with a caption a photograph authorized
under (1) of this article, the caption shall first be submitted to the commanding officer for
(3) Subject to (4) of this article, an officer or man may accept remuneration for the
publication of any photograph.
(4) An officer or man borne to perform public relations duties may not accept
remuneration for the publication of a photograph that depicts military subjects.
When further educational training is required to qualify for advancement in trade, the
educational instruction necessary shall be integrated with the professional qualifying
Section 1—Correspondence
Correspondence shall be conducted in accordance with the instructions prescribed by the
Chief of Defence Staff.
Section 2—Telecommunications
(1) Telecommunication facilities shall be used for mattes of urgency when time does
not permit the use of air mail or other postal facilities.
(2) Messages from ship or aircraft present at a Ghanaian naval base or air force
station shall be forwarded through the naval establishment at the base responsible for
handling message traffic.
(3) Messages sent by telegraph at the request, or for the private convenience, of
officers or men whilst away from a Ghanaian base, shall not, unless the subject relates
strictly to the Armed Forces be forwarded at government expense, but the cost shall be
recovered from the person concerned.
(2) Every person in possession of keys of steel chest for secret and confidential
books, shall comply with the orders regarding their custody as prescribed by the Chief of
Defence Staff.
Art. 57.34 A.F.R
The Director of Ordinance shall be responsible for the procurement, printing supply and
distribution of all books and amendments to them, that are authorized for use in the
Armed Forces. (See Article 1.25—“System of Service Regulations and Orders”.)
Section 3—Mails
The handling and distribution of mails shall be conducted in accordance with the postal
procedures prescribed by the Ministry.
(1) The authorities responsible for the preparation, supply and marking of
examination papers shall be as prescribed by the Chief of Defence Staff or a Service
Commander in respect of examinations peculiar to this Service.
(2) The name of the authority to whom, on completion, the examination papers are to
be forwarded for marking shall be communicated by the supplying authority when
forwarding examination papers.
The commanding officer shall be responsible for the safe custody of—
(a) unworked examination papers, which shall be locked up on receipt and
handed only to the supervising officer on the day of the examination; and
(b) worked examination papers, which shall be locked up on receipt from the
supervising officer until disposed of in accordance with Article 58.05
(Worked Examination Papers).
(1) When a written examination is held the Chief of Defence Staff, a Service
Commander or Commanding Officer, as appropriate, shall appoint a supervisor or
invigilator who shall be of a rank—
(a) at least equal to that of the senior officer or man sitting the examination
and in any case not below the rank of sergeant or petty officer;
(b) in the case of an officer’s examination, not below the rank of captain or
lieutenant (navy).
Art. 58.03 A.F.R
(f) not give any assistance to the candidates concerning the answer to any
question contained in the examination paper;
(g) not allow any candidate to leave the examination room within the first half
(h) unless a candidate is accompanied by a responsible person designated by
the supervising officer, not permit a candidate to leave the examination
room after that time without finally giving up his worked papers
(i) not admit a candidate who arrives after one or more of the candidates have
left the examination room; and
(j) ensure that strict silence is maintained in the examination room.
Art. 58.05 A.F.R
(1) At the of the prescribed examination period in each subject, the supervising
officer shall—
(a) collect all worked papers, examination booklets and other materials; and
(b) ensure that all worked papers are completed in accordance with Article
58.04 (a) (iii).
(3) The envelope shall then be secured, sealed and marked with the—
(4) On completion of all subjects, the sealed envelopes together with a statement
signed by the commanding officer and the supervising officer certifying that the
prescribed order of examination has been strictly observed, shall be enclosed in one
package, sealed, and forwarded by registered mail to the authority designated under
Article 58.01 (Preparation, Supply and Marking of Examination Papers).
(5) When by reason of the exigencies of the service the examination is held on a date
later than that prescribed, the commanding officer shall enter on the certificate prescribed
in (4)of this article—
(a) the reasons and the authority for the postponement; and
(b) a certificate to the effect that there was no possibility of the candidates
having become acquainted with the contents of the examination papers
before the examination.
Art. 58.06 A.F.R
(1) Unused examination papers shall be sealed in an envelope and marked with the—
(c) name of the unit or ship which is forwarding the examination papers.
(2) Unused examination papers shall be forwarded by registered mail to the authority
designated under Article 58.01 (Preparation, Supply and Marking of Examination
(1) The Personal Standard of the Head of State shall be flown only when the Head of
State is personally present in a building or at a parade or on board ships or aircraft.
(2) The flag of the respective country shall be flown from a building when a reigning
Sovereign, President, Head of State or a member of a reigning Royal Family is present
The Ghana National Flag shall not normally be flown on buildings of the Ghana Armed
Forces and shall only be flown as specially ordered.
The Armed Forces Flag shall be flown from the following Armed Forces
(1) The Ghana Army Distinguishing Flag shall be flown in a prominent position in all
Army Unit locations. Battalions of infantry are permitted to affix their serial designation
on this flag centrally in Roman numerals.
(2) The Ghana Navy Ensign shall be flown in a prominent position in all Naval Shore
(3) The Ghana Air Force Ensign shall be flown in a prominent position in all Air
Force Formations.
On the death of the Head of any State recognized by the Government, or of any member
of the Ruling House of such State, flags shall be flown at half-mast for such period as the
Government may direct.
A.F.R Art. 62.99
Deputy Chief of Defence Staff. .. .. The Badge of the Ghana Armed Forces
embroided on a green pennant background
(9” x 6”).
Commander Ghana Air Force Ghana Air Force Ensign. In the upper
canton near the mast the National Flag on
an Air Force blue ground, three roundels
in the fly green upon yellow upon red (9”
x 6”).
Brigade Commanders .. .. A Blue Pennant (9” x 6”) with formation
Commandant MATS .. .. A Pennant of red and white squares with a
cross sword insignia(5” x 9”)
NOIC Naval Base .. .. A White Pennant (5” x 9”) with cross of
St. George.
Air Force Station Commander A Flag of Air Force Blue with three
roundels in the fly green upon yellow
upon red (5” x 9”)
The honours and salutes to be given by troops on parade and guards of honour are as
(1) (a) To the Head of State—
Presidential Salute—Present arms, Colours lowered. The Band will
play the whole of the National Anthem.
(b) To the Prime Minister—
To be accorded the National Anthem.
(c) When both the President and the Prime Minister are to attend a Military
function together and they do not arrive together, then on the arrival of the
Prime Minister of the abridged form of the National Anthem will be
played; the full National Anthem shall be played on the arrival of the
(3) To the Chief of the Defence Staff, the Service Commanders of the Armed Forces
when acting in a corporate capacity, Visiting Field-Marshals, Admirals of the
Fleet, Marshal of Air Forces or the equivalents of other countries—
A General Salute as in (4) of this article.
Regimental Colours will be lowered.
(4) To Inspection Officers of the rank of Colonel or above or equivalent ranks, and
Visiting Generals or equivalent officers of other countries –
General Salute by troops, officers saluting, men Presenting Arms, Colours
flying. Bands playing the General Salute.
(1) Whenever the National Anthem is played as part of a salute or on a parade other
than a church parade, all ranks in military uniform not under the orders of an Officer
Commanding a parade will salute.
A.F.R Art. 63.03
(2) Officers in attendance on the Head of State, Prime Minister, the Head of the
Commonwealth and visiting Royal personages, will not salute when the National Anthem
is played for the Presidential or Royal Salute except on the occasion of Trooping the
Colour. When the National Anthem is played on the Presentation of Arms to the Colour,
all officers including those in attendance will salute.
(3) On a parade after the Presidential or Royal Salute has been given, the Chief of the
Defence Staff alone will be regarded as in attendance and will take up his position in the
rear of the President, Prime Minister or other personage.
(4) Officers acting in any civil office are entitled during their tenure to all the honours
and salutes appertaining to such office.
(5) The compliments directed in these regulations shall be paid to officers in the
service of any country formally recognized by the Government of Ghana, according to
their respective ranks.
(1) Officers or men passing troops or naval landing parties with uncased Colours will
salute the Colours.
(2) At the appointed time on Remembrance Day which will normally be the 11th of
November, all troops shall stand at attention for two minutes and all Guards will turn out
and Present Arms, to commemorate the wars of 1914-18 and 1939-45. Flags shall be
flown at the masthead.
(3) Officers and men when passing a military funeral shall salute the body.
(4) All officers shall salute their seniors before addressing them on duty or on parade;
when swords are not drawn, they will salute with the right hand, in the manner
prescribed. Officers, except when their swords are drawn, will return the salute of junior
officers and of men. A salute made to two or more officers will be returned by the senior
only. When not on duty or parade officers under the rank of Major or equivalent shall pay
appropriate compliments to all officers of Major or equivalent and above.
(5) All ranks when boarding any Ghana or other Navy ships will salute the Quarter-
Art. 63.04 A.F.R
A Guard of Honour, not exceeding 96 rank and file, with a Captain or officer of
equivalent rank in command, two subaltern officers or equivalent rank (one carrying the
Colours of the Head of State) and an escort of sergeants will normally be mounted as a
mark of respect to a Head of State on a special occasion. This will include all occasions
when the Head of State of Ghana or another Head of State leaves or arrives in the country
or pays an official visit to a garrison, ship or station, and also certain State ceremonials. A
military band shall be in attendance on all such occasions.
A Guard of Honour not exceeding 48 rank and file with two officers (one carrying the
Regimental Colour if applicable), with a Band in attendance, may be mounted on the
following occasions:-
(a) When a Service Commander first assumes and finally relinquishes his
(1) Guards of Honour will not be detailed when the personages mentioned in Articles
63.04 and 63.05 are merely changing their residence, or are only in transit through
(2) When a Guard of Honour is to be mounted on the occasion of the arrival in Ghana
of a reigning foreign Sovereign, Head of State or a member of a reigning Royal Family,
such guard will not be mounted without prior reference to the Ministry of Defence.
(3) Guards of Honour will normally only be mounted between sunrise and sunset.
Art. 63.08 A.F.R
(b) At trials;
(c) On interviews;
(e) Burials;
(b) Durbars/Meetings.
A.F.R Art. 63.09
Section 4—Aiguillettes
(1) The following shall wear aiguillettes on their right shoulder—
(2) All others ADCs will wear the aiguillettes on their left shoulder.
(1) For uniformity, aiguillettes will only be worn with the following uniforms –
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a guide for officers and men in their conduct and
observance of the laws, customs and procedures which have been followed in the past
and which should be followed in the future unless the officers and men concerned have
general or specific instructions to the contrary.
The provisions governing Ghanaian citizenship are contained in the Constitution and the
Ghana Nationality Decree, 1967 (N.L.C.D. 191).
When nations at peace with Ghana are in a state of war, or engaged in hostilities, the
senior officer present shall ensure that all officers and men under his command –
(a) observe a strict and impartial neutrality between the contending parties;
(b) respect unreservedly the just exercise of their belligerent rights.
(2) He shall ensure that while in the territorial waters or air over the territory of such
nation, ships or aircraft under his command do not exercise authority over persons, ships
or other vessels, aircrafts, or goods, not belonging to Ghana.
(3) He shall not allow persons under his command to engage in –
(a) gun firing; or
(b) flights in aircraft; or
(c) hydrographic survey; or
(d) practices,
within or over the waters or territory of such nation without the permission of the
requisite authorities for each place and occasion.
Art. 64.05 A.F.R
(2) He shall submit to any regulations made by the local authorities respecting the –
(a) place of anchorage;
(b) limitation of length of stay in the port;
(c) interval to elapse after a hostile man-of-war or other vessel has left the
port before his ships may leave in pursuit; and
(d) matters of like character.
(1) The senior officer present shall limit protection of Ghanaian citizens in foreign
territory to—
(a) granting them an asylum on board ship or aircraft; and
(b) securing them an escape by boats or aircraft when their departure is a
measure of necessary precaution.
(2) He shall not interfere by landing an Armed Force unless the lives or property of
Ghanaian citizens are actually in danger from violence which cannot otherwise be
(3) The protection afforded to Ghanaian citizens under this article may be made
available to other Commonwealth subjects.
(1) The senior officer present shall give all practicable protection in foreign ports to
Ghanaian ships and to ships of the other nations of the Commonwealth.
(2) They shall be protected by force only against actual and wrongful violence and
where remonstrance with local authorities has failed.(See Articles 64.08 – “Coercion of
Ghanaian or other Commonwealth Merchant Ship”, 64.11 – “Remonstrance with Foreign
Civil Authorities, and 64.15 – “Landing Armed Men”).
A.F.R Art. 64.09
(b) take all further steps in accordance with AFR that the case demands.
(2) When there is no diplomatic or consular authority present at the port representing
a nation of the Commonwealth the senior officer may give protection to ships of any
nation of the Commonwealth under the conditions and in the manner prescribed in (1) of
this article.
(1) The Captains of Ghana Navy ships or Ghana Air Force aircraft while in a port or
airport or the territorial waters of a foreign state—
(a) shall not receive on board any person, even though he is Ghanaian citizen,
who is seeking refuge for the purpose of evading the criminal laws, to
which he has become amenable, of that foreign state; or
(b) shall not, except in the circumstances described in (3) and (4) of this
article, receive on board any person, whether or not he is a political
refugee, who is seeking to leave that foreign state in a manner contrary to
its laws.
(2) The Captain of Ghana Navy ships or Ghana Air Force aircraft who becomes
aware that a person mentioned in (1) of this article is on board shall take whatever steps
are necessary to put that person ashore. A person mentioned in (1)(b) of this article may
be handed over to the local authorities if they know he is on board and they are waiting
ashore to take him into custody. In no circumstances will the local authorities be allowed
on board to take him and dependent members of their immediate families.
(3) Subject to (1)(a) of this article, during political disturbances or popular tumults,
refuge may be afforded to Ghanaians and other Commonwealth citizens.
Art. 64.09 A.F.R
(b) In such cases care shall be taken that the refugees do not communicate
with their partisans from Ghana Navy ships or Ghana Air Force aircraft.
(c) The earliest opportunity shall be taken to transfer the refugees to some
nearby place of safety.
(d) Passage shall not be given to foreign refugees except in cases where it has
not been possible to comply with the provisions of (c) of this paragraph.
(5) Before taking steps for the reception of refugees on board his ship or aircraft the
Captain shall, when circumstances permit, communicate with the nearest Ghanaians
diplomatic or consular officer or with a Ghana Trade Commissioner, (or in the absence of
both, the diplomatic or consular representative of any Commonwealth country.)
Communication with foreign airport authorities or with the foreign consuls at a foreign
port shall be made through the diplomatic or consular authority representing Ghana or
any other Commonwealth Country at the place.
(2) In cases where no such diplomatic or consular representatives are available any
necessary remonstrance shall be made by senior officer present (See Article 64.10)
(1) The senior officer present may act in concert with foreign officers when common
interests of nationals are involved.
(2) In such cases officers may act jointly with foreign officers so far as amicable
representation is concerned, but such concert shall not be carried beyond the limits
prescribed for them in cases where Ghanaian interests alone are concerned, as prescribed
in Article 64.06 (Protection of Ghanaian Citizens).
(1) Application for the protection of citizens or subjects of a foreign nation at peace
with Ghana may be entertained when none of its ships-of-war or aircraft are present.
A.F.R Art. 64.16
(2) (a) The application shall be made through the diplomatic or consular authority
in the foreign country representing Ghana or any other Commonwealth
(b) If no such diplomatic or consular authority is available, the senior officer
present may take the action that appears to his judgment to be necessary
within the limits prescribed in Article 64.06 (Protection of Ghanaian
(1) When Ghana is at peace, unauthorized recourse to force can never be sanctioned,
except in peculiar and urgent circumstances that do not admit to the delay which
reference to superior authority entails.
(2) The justification of an officer who has recourse to force of necessity, depends
upon all the attendant circumstances. (See Article 64.06—“Protection of Ghanaian
Citizens” and Article 64.08—“Coercion of Ghanaian or other Commonwealth Merchant
(1) If any armed vessel commits piratical acts or outrages against the vessels and
goods of Ghanaian citizens or against the nationals, of any foreign nation at peace with
Ghana, the vessel shall be seized and detained by any Ghana Navy ships falling in with
her, and sent, with her Master and crew in safe custody together with the necessary
witnesses to prove the act or acts, to a port of Ghana, or a foreign nation at peace with
Ghana or the Commonwealth where there is a court of competent jurisdiction for the trial
of offences committed on the high seas, to enable them to be dealt with according to law.
Ghana Navy ships have no right to interfere, except as provided in Article 64.06
(Protection of Ghanaian Citizens), and then the operation shall be restricted to the acts
necessary to attain the precise object in view.
Art. 64.17 A.F.R
(1) In all dealings with foreigners, officers and men shall show an example of
moderation and courtesy.
(2) (a) The shall preserve a strict neutrality in all cases of civil discussion, and
shall not interfere directly or indirectly in any political question which is in agitation.
(b) In the absence of a diplomatic or consular officer representing one of the
nations of the Commonwealth, the senior officer present shall urge upon all Ghana
subjects present a like forbearance.
(1) The senior officer present shall not permit leave to be given to large bodies of
men in foreign ports or airports without prior permission of the local authorities.
(2) He shall not allow any measure to be taken for apprehending leave breakers
without such permission.
(1) When visits are paid to foreign ports or places, particular care shall be taken to
avoid giving any just cause of offence or dissatisfaction to the authorities or other
(2) Due deference shall be shown to—
(a) the established rights;
(b) local regulations;
(c) ceremonies; and
(d) customs,
peculiar to the port or place.
(3) Officers and men shall endeavour by their correct conduct to ensure the goodwill
and respect of the authorities and other inhabitants.
When a ship-of-war or aircraft of a foreign nation at peace with Ghana visits a port (in
the Commonwealth), in which Ghana Navy ships or aircraft are present, care shall be
taken that the regulations prescribed in Article 64.21 (Relations with Foreign Officers)
are complied with according to the circumstances.
(1) The senior officer present shall ensure that all officers and men under his
command show in their relation with foreign officers and men of a nation at peace with
Ghana whom they meet within any place, the attention and respect to which their rank
and condition entitle them.
A.F.R Art. 63.31
(2) He shall also ensure that they are offered any assistance of which they stand in
need, and as officers and men of a nation at peace with Ghana may reasonably expect.
(3) Officers and men who meet foreign officers and men in any place, shall, in
addition to fulfilling all the obligations of international courtesy, be careful to avoid
causes of offence and to show a high example of deference to the regulations and
customs of the country. (See Article 64.19—“Conduct in Foreign Country”.)
(1) (a) If it comes to the notice of the senior officer present that a seaman who is
a Ghanaian national serving in a foreign merchant ship is being ill-treated,
he shall at once inform the consul representing Ghana or if none is
available, the consul representing another foreign nation at peace with
(b) If there is no such consular officer available, he shall inform the local
authorities of the circumstances.
(2) The protection afforded to Ghanaian nationals under this article may be made
available to other citizens of nations at peace with Ghana.
(1) No person shall be received on board any Ghana Navy ship or Ghana Air Force
aircraft as a distressed Ghanaian national at a place where there is a Consular Officer
representing Ghana or a Ghanaian Trade Commissioner, (or a Consular Officer
representing one of the other nations of the Commonwealth), without a requisition from
the appropriate official. (See Articles 64.06—“Protection of Ghanaian Nationals”, and
(2) If there is no such official present, the senior officer shall exercise his discretion
in regard to the claim of any applicant for a passage at public expense.
(3) The relief shall only be granted in cases of destitution, and in his request for
passage, the distressed person shall state fully in writing the circumstances under which
he has requested the passage.
Art. 64.32 A.F.R
(1) Foreign ships-of-war visiting a port or harbour in Ghana shall not carry out—
(a) torpedo practices; or
(b) gunnery practices; or
(c) mining exercises; or
(d) searchlight exercises; or
(e) exercises with armed boats; or
(f) flights in their aircraft; or
(g) hydrographic surveys; or
(h) radar exercises alongside in harbour;
without special permission of the senior naval officer present, who shall consult with the
Navy Commander.
(2) If there is no naval officer present, permission shall be sought from the senior
military officer present, or falling him, from the appropriate civil authority.
(3) Prior to granting such permission, the senior officer, the Officer Commanding the
Command, the Area Commander, or appropriate civil authority shall obtain the approval
of Naval Headquarters.
(1) Except where necessary on their arrival and departure with the ships-of-war they
accompany, foreign service aircraft shall not fly over the territory or territorial waters of
Ghana without the special permission of the Air Force Headquarters.
(1) Captains of foreign ships-or-war at a Ghanaian port may grant leave to unarmed
men for the purpose of recreation without the prior approval of the senior officer present,
or of the local military or civil authorities.
(2) The senior officer shall arrange that such facilities as the circumstances permit are
granted to them.
A.F.R Art. 64.99
Unarmed shore patrols from foreign ships of war may be landed in Ghanaian ports to
assist the local police in controlling their libertymen under the conditions of Article
(1) With the prior approval of the Ministry, the Captains of foreign ships-of-war in
Ghanaian ports may land large numbers of men or bodies of men in military formation.
(2) When permission is granted the senior officer shall arrange that such facilities as
the circumstances permit are granted to them.
Armed parties may be landed from foreign ships-of-war in Ghanaian ports to take part in
funerals or public ceremonies under the conditions of Article 64.42.
Officers of foreign ships-of-war in Ghanaian ports may wear their swords ashore without
the prior permission of local naval, military or civil authorities.
65.01—A military funeral may be accorded to an officer or man buried in the district or
garrison in which he was serving at the time of death.
An officer will not be buried with military honours unless he was, at the time of his
death, holding an official military appointment. Honours will not be paid officially at the
funerals of other officers or discharge soldiers. They may however be authorized as a
special case, at the discretion of the Chief of the Defence Staff, provided that no public
expense is incurred.
Military funerals will be saluted as follows except where the religion of the deceased
forbids the use of firearms:
Major-General .. .. .. .. .. 13 Guns
All other officers and other ranks .. .. .. 3 Volleys small arms
The escorts will not exceed:—
Major General .. .. .. .. .. 1,500
Brigadier .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,200
Colonel .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000
Lieutenant-Colonel in Command .. .. .. His own battalion or
A.F.R Art. 65.07
Subject to Article 65.02, in addition to the firing party and escort the military funeral of
an officer will be attended by the officer, that of a warrant officer by the warrant officers,
that of a sergeant by the sergeants, and that of a corporal by the corporals, of the unit to
which the deceased belonged.
(1) A firing party consisting of one sergeant, one corporal and 12 privates, will attend
to fire volleys at the funeral of all officers below the rank of major-general and men
except that a firing party will not be provided for the funerals of deceased persons
belonging to a religion which forbids the firing of volleys at funerals. The firing party
must not be confused with the escort under Article 65.03 above, and the special party
under Article 65.05.
(2) A firing party will not attend, as such, on the occasion of the funeral of a major-
general, its place being taken by a leading detachment from the escort (see Article 65.03
of a strength of 1 sergeant, 1 corporal and 12 privates).
(3) In marching in slow time arms will be carried at the Reverse, in quick time at the
(4) During the march, arms may be changed, but the party will not march at ease.
(1) The bearer party will consist of an officer, warrant officer or NCO in charge and
eight bearers, the rank of whom will depend upon the rank or status of the deceased.
The commander will see that the flag, head-dress, side-arms and wreaths are properly
arranged on, and tied to, the coffin to prevent them from falling.
(2) In the case of funerals of senior officers, the coffin should be carried by senior
warrant officers or Non-Commissioned Officers.
Notes: (a) Bearers are the personnel who carry the coffin and must not be
confused with pall-bearers, as laid down in Article 65.04.
(b) Wreaths not on the coffin will be carried immediately in the rear of
it. Wreaths which cannot be carried on foot will follow the rear
escort in a vehicle.
Art. 65.08 A.F.R
(1) The firing party or leading detachment will be drawn up two deep, with sloped
arms, one pace interval between files, facing the building where the body is placed. The
corporal will be on that flank of the front rank towards which the procession will move.
The sergeant will give all words of command and be posted in rear of the centre. As soon
as the body is brought out of the building by the bearers, the sergeant in charge of the
firing party or leading detachment will give the command “PRESENT ARMS”. When
the coffin has been placed on the gun carriage or in the hearse and the cortège is ready to
move off, he will be attended by the company, etc. (officers included) to which he
When attending service funerals and associated memorial services held on the same day,
officers and warrant officers will wear a mourning band of black crepe or black cloth, 3½
inch wide, half-way between the left elbow and shoulder.
(2) Provided that it is the wish of the next of kin, a service representative may attend,
at public expense, the privately arranged funeral in Ghana of an officer or man. Subject
to the exigencies of the Service, the service representative will be from the unit in which
the deceased was serving at the time of his death. Whenever possible the service
representative will accompany the coffin to the home of the deceased.
(3) The colours of units forming part of the escort will be carried irrespective of
whether the escort is wholly included in the procession or is partially employed in lining
the route. No compliments, however, will be paid them by any units, parties or
individuals, whether military or civil, parading on account of the military funeral until
such units, parties or individuals shall have ceased to be in charge of or in attendance
upon the coffin containing the remains of the deceased, to which alone the usual
compliments will be paid.
(4) At funerals where troops are detailed to line the route, they will be required to
“Present Arms” to the funeral procession first and “Reverse Arms” before again “Resting
on their Arms Reversed”. They will normally “Present Arms” as the head of the funeral
party approaches them, and “Rest on their Arms Reversed” as the firing party
(5) At funerals of senior officers the arrangements will be made by the Ministry of
Defence. If after the detailing of certain part of the escorts to line the route, a large
portion is still available the escort will march by companies, in threes at the head of the
procession, and in front of the band and drums. In such cases arrangements will be laid
down by the Ministry of Defence for the disposal of the escort on arrival at the cemetery.
A.F.R Art. 65.09
(6) Officers attending funerals as mourners will not draw swords, and with other
ranks (except the firing party) will march in order of seniority from front to rear.
(7) Officers wearing swords and on duty with troops will draw swords, but will return
swords before reaching the actual place of burial.
(8) After the burial the flag will be full-masted to denote the end of military
mourning. Mourning bands will be removed by personnel after return to barracks.
Note:—When the time and standard of training do not allow the full detail to be taught, a
simplified drill will be observed order “Reverse Arms….Right (or Left) Turn, (the
corporal taking up his place two paces in front and midway between the ranks)
Slow March”.
(9) The military mourners, band and drummers, with drums muffled, will have
formed up in two ranks facing inward, with two paces interval between men and eight
spaces distance between ranks; the firing party or leading detachment and the remainder
of the leading portion of the procession will pass between the ranks.
Notes—(a) All ranks on the active list, and officers not on the active list who are in
possession of uniform, will wear uniform when taking part in the
procession on occasions when military honours are accorded at the funeral
of an officer or man.
Art. 65.09 A.F.R
(b) The bearers will march on either side of the next to the gun carriage or
vehicle, except when pall-bearers are present, in which case the pall-
bearers will march immediately on either side of the gun carriage or
vehicle, and the bearers on the outer flanks at two paces interval. The
position of the pall-bearers will be in order of seniority alternately on
either side of the coffin, the senior being in rear on the right-hand side, the
next senior in rear on the left-hand side, and so on.
(c) Should the mourners, for any reason, not be able to walk in the procession
they will proceed by car by a separate route.
(1) When the head of the procession arrives near the ground where it is to meet the
officiating minister, and before the sergeant in charge of the firing party or leading
detachment give the command “Halt” the ranks of the firing party or detachment at the
head of the procession, and the band and drums, will open out to six paces distance, and
will halt at the command of the sergeant in charge of the firing party or leading
detachment. The order “Inwards Turn….Rest on Your Arms Reversed” will then be
(2) The coffin will then be moved by the bearers and carried feet and foremost to the
place of interment (or to the chapel if desired). It will be placed in position on wooden
bearers immediately over the grave. Members of the deceased’s religion will take the
body from the bearers at the entrance to the cemetery where this is dictated by religious
(3) The order of the procession will now be: officiating minister, body with pall-
bearers and bearers (the former walking behind the body should the path be too narrow to
admit of their remaining in their correct positions) mourners, band and drums, firing
party. Should the band be required to take part in the service, they and the drums, may
precede the body to the grave in quick time, in which case they will not open out and halt
as detailed in Article 65.10 (1).
(4) The mourners will then file around the grave, halt and turn inwards without word
of command. The firing party will follow the mourners and will be halted near the grave
under the orders of the sergeant in charge, who will give the following commands:
“Attention….Reverse Arms….Ranks, Right and Left Turn….Slow
March….Halt….Left Turn….Rest on Your Arms Reversed”.
(5) The leading detachment (if present) will be halted at some convenient prearranged
position at the graveside.
A.F.R Art. 65.11
(1) During the service at the graveside (except when actual burial takes place in a
sacred building) the headdress of those attending in uniform will not be removed except
that of the bearers when actually carrying the coffin.
(2) As soon as the chief mourners are in position and the officiating chaplain is ready
to begin the burial service the bearers will raise the coffin from the wooden bearer and
lower it into the grave, having first removed the flag, headdress, sidearms, wreaths, etc.,
from the coffin.
Once the coffin has been lowered the bearers will move from the graveside and replace
their head-dress.
(3) At the conclusion of the service, if volleys are to be fired the sergeant will
“Firing Party, Present Arms….Slope Arms”.
“Firing Party, Volleys with Blank Cartridges,
(Two more volleys will be similarly fired).
“Order Arms”
“Fix Bayonets”
“Slope Arms”
“Present Arms”
(4) The trumpeters or buglers will then sound the Last Post—a short interval—
then the Rouse. During the sounding of these calls all troops under arms (except the
firing party or detachment) will stand at attention. Officers will remain at the salute
during the Last Post and Rouse. The Last Post and Rouse will not be sounded at the
funeral of a person whose religion forbids the playing of trumpets or bugles at a funeral.
(5) The firing party or detachment will slope arms, the command being given
immediately after the sounding of the Rouse has ceased.
Art. 65.12 A.F.R
(1) The band and drums will be formed up ready for moving off. The sergeant in
charge of the firing party or leading detachment will now give the commands:
“Form Threes, Right, Quick March”.
(2) The band and drums will lead, followed by the firing party and military mourners,
who will form threes without word of command as they march off. The band will not
play, nor the drums beat, until the part is entirely clear of the burial ground.
(3) Bayonets will be unfixed at the earliest opportunity after leaving the place of
(1) The procedure by the firing party for firing the three volleys will be as follows:--
(a) “Volleys (with Blank Cartridges)—Load”. Adopt the loading position;
load—the muzzles of the riffles to inclined upwards so as to clear the
heads of the men in front.
(b) “Present”—Rifles will be brought to the position for firing but at an angle
of 135 degrees. Heads to be kept perfectly still and no attempt made to
(c) “Fire”—Each man will at once press the trigger, remaining at the Present
until the command “Reload” or “Unload” is given.
(d) Two more volleys will be similarly fired.
(2) When in the lift position the bearer party should be evenly spaced four on each
side of the coffin, their arms crossed and around each others shoulders, the coffin resting
on the shoulder with the face close to the side of the coffin itself. The head-dress of the
bearers will be carried by a Non-Commissioned Officer or by drummers to be specially
detailed. The bearers will step off with the inside foot to avoid undue rocking of the
(3) The Non-Commissioned Officer in charge of the bearer party will march two
paces in the rear and in the centre of the bearer party.