fm3 21
fm3 21
fm3 21
Field Manual Headquarters
No 3-20.971 Department of the Army
Washington, DC, 2 December 2002
Recce Troop and Brigade Reconnaissance Troop
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FM 3-20.971_______________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________Reconnaissance Troop
FM 3-20.971_______________________________________________________________________________
This manual provides doctrine for the employment of brigade reconnaissance troops (BRTs)
of mounted brigade combat teams (BCTs) and the reconnaissance troops (recce) of the
Cavalry Squadron (Reconnaissance Surveillance and Target Acquisition [RSTA]).
FM 3-20.971 describes the tactical employment and operations of the reconnaissance troop. It
describes troop operations in support of both the mounted BCT and the Cavalry Squadron
(RSTA) of the Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT). FM 3-20.971 is the doctrinal
foundation that governs the development of equipment, training, and structure of the troop
and its subordinate platoons and sections.
This manual covers basic doctrine in tactics, techniques of employment, organization,
exercise on command, control, movements, and tactical operations appropriate to the troop
and its headquarters section, reconnaissance platoons, and mortar section as applicable to each
troops’ table of organization and equipment.
The procedures described herein are intended as a guide only and are not to be considered
inflexible. Each situation in war and military operations other than war must be resolved by
intelligent interpretation and application of the doctrine set forth herein.
This manual is to be used in conjunction with FM 3-20.96 or FM 3-90.3. The manual reflects
and supports the Army operations doctrine as stated in FM 3-0. Readers should be familiar
with FM 3-20.97 [FM 17-97], FM 3-90 [FM 100-40], FM 3-91 [FM 71-100], FM 1-02 [FM
101-5-1], and FM 3-20.98 [FM 17-98]. Examples and graphics are provided to illustrate
principles and concepts, not to serve as prescriptive responses to tactical situations. This
publication provides units with the doctrinal foundation to train leaders, guide tactical
planning, and develop standing operating procedures (SOP).
The US Army Armor Center is the proponent for this publication. Submit comments and
recommended changes and the rational for those changes on Department of the Army (DA)
Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) to: Commander, US
Army Armor Center, ATTN: ATZK-TDD-C, Fort Knox, KY 40121-5000, or e-mail
comments to, attention to Chief, Cavalry Branch.
Unless otherwise stated, masculine nouns and pronouns do not refer exclusively to men.
Chapter 1
Success across the full
spectrum of operations CONTENTS
(offense, defense, Organizations...................................................... 1-2
The Cavalry Squadron (RSTA) ....................... 1-3
stability, and support) The Recce Troop ............................................. 1-5
requires success in The Mounted Brigade Combat Team............. 1-9
intelligence, The Brigade Reconnaissance Troop ............. 1-11
surveillance, and Missions, Capabilities, and Limitations............ 1-13
Missions........................................................... 1-13
reconnaissance (ISR) Capabilities...................................................... 1-14
operations. The Limitations....................................................... 1-15
maneuver commander Responsibilities .................................................. 1-15
requires accurate, Troop Commander .......................................... 1-15
Executive Officer............................................. 1-16
complete, and timely First Sergeant .................................................. 1-16
reconnaissance for Reconnaissance Platoon Leader ................... 1-17
success. The degree to Platoon Sergeant............................................. 1-17
which he correctly Fire Support Team .......................................... 1-17
Mortar Section Sergeant................................. 1-18
understands the Supply Sergeant.............................................. 1-19
threat situation, his Communications Sergeant............................. 1-19
own force’s situation, NBC NCO ......................................................... 1-19
and the terrain HUMINT NCOIC................................................ 1-19
Operational Environment................................... 1-20
heavily influences his Battlefield Framework..................................... 1-21
battlefield success. Linear and Nonlinear Battlespace ................. 1-21
Emerging command Organizing the Battlefield............................... 1-22
and control systems Organizing Forces for the Offense ................ 1-25
Organizing Forces for the Defense................ 1-26
assist the commander Organizing Forces for Tactical Security ....... 1-28
with understanding Organizing Forces for Tactical
the common Movement..................................................... 1-29
operational picture Scope of Operations ....................................... 1-30
(COP), but the
significance of ground reconnaissance cannot be overstated. The
burden of obtaining real-time information about the threat and terrain
falls on his tactical reconnaissance units. A reconnaissance troop
operates across the full spectrum of conflict: from smaller-scale
contingency (SSC) to major theater of war (MTW) operations.
Regardless of the environment or mission, the troop’s primary
function is always the same: Be the eyes and ears of the maneuver
commander and provide the necessary information to allow him to
make timely and accurate decisions. The need for reconnaissance in
Army operations remains unchanged within the varied operational
environment. Though the Army must respond to modernized
conventional and unconventional threats and capabilities employed
asymmetrically, the fundamentals of reconnaissance and security are
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 – Introduction
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 – Introduction
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 – Introduction
1-14. The platoons’ primary missions are reconnaissance/surveillance,
execution of security missions, and in some METT-TC (mission, enemy,
terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available, and
civil considerations) conditions, to conduct offensive or defensive
missions. Serving as the commander’s eyes and ears, the platoons provide
current battlefield information to help the troop commander plan and
conduct tactical operations. They are critical in painting the picture of the
threat situation, using both FM and digital communications (Force XXI
Battle Command Brigade and Below [FBCB2]). Additionally, the scouts
can be expected to execute target acquisition missions and battle damage
assessment (BDA).
1-15. The platoons are organized and equipped to conduct
reconnaissance and security in support of the troop mission. They may
conduct an economy-of-force role, or offensive, defensive, and retrograde
operations based on METT-TC. The platoon consists of 1 officer and 20
enlisted soldiers and is equipped with 4 RVs (see Figure 1-4).
1-16. Each recce squad in the
Human intelligence is the intelligence
platoon has assigned a 97B derived from the analysis of information
HUMINT collector. HUMINT obtained from a human source or a
collectors are integral members of related document. The HUMINT
their squads and conduct initial discipline includes those personnel and
contact and gather information organizations directed toward the
from enemy prisoners of war collection, processing, analysis, and
production of human intelligence.
(EPW), detainees, refugees, local
inhabitants, friendly forces, and
captured documents. They conduct tactical questioning (the expedient
initial questioning of a HUMINT source directed toward the collection of
priority tactical information) and limited document exploitation in
support of the squadron’s ground reconnaissance mission. They pass their
collection results through their chain of command in the form of size,
activity, location, unit, time, and equipment (SALUTE) reports. They do
not have the expertise, experience, or organizational support to conduct
contact operations or counterintelligence operations. They do pass source
data through the HUMINT noncommissioned officer in charge (NCOIC)
to the S2X to help the S2X identify human sources for exploitation by the
tactical HUMINT teams of the military intelligence (MI) company.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
1-18. The mortar section is organized and equipped to provide
immediate indirect fires in support of troop operations. Such supporting
fires are usually suppression, screening, obscuration, or illumination. The
section consists of 10 enlisted soldiers. It is equipped with two 120-mm
mortars mounted in mortar RV carriers with a supporting wheeled
ammunition carrier (see Figure 1-5).
1-19. The surveillance troop may operate as an independent
organization, with its subordinate elements operating separately within
the recce troop’s AO, or attach elements to troop control. The surveillance
________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 – Introduction
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
1-26. BCT ISR operations are multifaceted and their integration from
division through battalion levels eliminates unit and functional
“stovepipes” for planning, reporting, and processing information. The
BRT’s primary mission is to obtain information for the BCT commander
and answer his CCIR. It interacts with the divisional cavalry squadron,
supporting MI assets, and battalion scout platoons in the performance of
its reconnaissance and security missions. ISR assets available to the BCT
that the BRT may receive information from, interact with, or execute
operational control over include:
• COLT teams from the direct support (DS) artillery battalion.
• Engineer reconnaissance team from the DS engineer
• NBC reconnaissance section from the divisional chemical
• Ground surveillance radar (GSR) team from the DS MI
• Improved Remotely Monitored Battlefield Sensor System
(IREMBASS) team from the DS MI company.
• UAVs operated by the DS MI company.
• Signal intercepts (PROPHET) operated by the DS MI
• Battalion/task force scout platoons.
• Air and ground cavalry troop from the divisional cavalry
• AN/TPQ 36 (Q36) counterfire radar.
• AN/MPQ-64 (Sentinel) air defense systems radar.
________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 – Introduction
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
adjacent units. The primary concern when positioning the BRT CP is its
ability to communicate with the controlling BCT CP and the subordinate
elements of the BRT.
1-31. During reconnaissance or offensive operations, the CP should
position to maintain communications with the platoons and the
controlling brigade CP (TAC CP or main CP). During security or
defensive operations, the CP should be positioned in sufficient depth to
avoid contact with the threat while maintaining communications with the
forward reconnaissance sections.
1-32. The reconnaissance platoons are organized and equipped to
conduct reconnaissance and security in support of the BCT. They may
conduct an economy-of-force role, or offensive, defensive, and retrograde
operations based on METT-TC. The platoon consists of 1 officer and 17
enlisted soldiers. It is equipped with six M1025/M1026 HMMWVs (three
MK-19 equipped and three caliber .50 equipped, with three of the six also
Long-Range Advanced Scout Surveillance System [LRAS3] equipped).
The platoons may operate with attached COLTs, IREMBASS-equipped
MI teams, or attached engineer elements. The platoon can organize into
various configurations, but is usually employed as a headquarters and
two reconnaissance sections, depending on factors of METT-TC (see
Figure 1-8).
________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 – Introduction
laser energy for final ballistics guidance. The target designator set is also
equipped with a thermal sight. They are also equipped with the Advanced
Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS) lightweight computer
unit (LCU) loaded with the forward observer software (FOS-LCU). They
operate from a HMMWV platform and are capable of both mounted and
dismounted operations (see Figure 1-9).
1-35. The reconnaissance troops have six core missions in supporting
their respective higher headquarters across the full spectrum of
operations—offense, defense, stability, and support operations. These
missions are route reconnaissance, zone reconnaissance, area
reconnaissance, screen, area security, and convoy security. They may
perform other missions if they are reinforced. The troop’s limitations and
capabilities associated with their tables of organization and equipment
(TOE) and METT-TC must be considered when employing them in a
specific mission role (see Figure 1-10).
Route P/R P/R
Zone F F
Area F F
Screen P P
Area Security P P
Convoy Security R P/R
F = Fully Capable
R = Capable when Reinforced
P = Capable under Permissive METT-TC
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
1-36. The troops are organized to provide the following capabilities:
• Conduct simultaneous reconnaissance of up to six areas based
on the size of the area, the IR, and the time constraints. (A
reconnaissance section would reconnoiter each area, and the
commander must consider the adverse affect on the troop’s
ability to conduct continuous reconnaissance.)
• Conduct a detailed zone reconnaissance at a rate dependent
on the terrain and execution of all the critical tasks associated
with the mission. (A properly performed zone reconnaissance
takes considerable time, typically about 1 kilometer per hour.)
• Reconnoiter one route per platoon in a permissive no-threat
environment. Reconnoiter up to two routes in a low-threat
environment. Reconnoiter one route in a medium- to high-
threat environment.
• When faced with a lightly equipped threat, conduct either
aggressive or stealthy reconnaissance, depending on the
higher commander’s guidance.
• Provide all weather, accurate, and timely reconnaissance and
surveillance in non-restrictive, restrictive, and urban terrain.
• With organic counterintelligence (CI) assets, conduct detailed
operations in urbanized terrain.
• Engage in close, stealthy reconnaissance with threat forces to
provide HUMINT.
• Gather information about multidimensional threats that
range from conventional to unconventional, and use
asymmetrical tactics to include—
Regular and irregular forces.
Special forces.
Political factions.
Supporting government factions.
Criminal elements and agencies.
• Reduce risk to the BCT by assuring survivability through
information to avoid contact or achieve overwhelming combat
power at the decisive point.
• Conduct or support target acquisition.
• Assist in shaping the battlespace environment by providing
information or directing fires to disrupt the threat
commander’s decision cycle.
• Screen up to a 10-kilometer-wide AO.
• Maintain continuous surveillance of up to six battalion-sized
avenues of approach.
• Maintain 12 separate short-duration (less than 12 hours)
observation posts (OP) simultaneously.
• Maintain six separate long-duration (greater than 12 hours)
OPs simultaneously.
________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 – Introduction
1-37. The troop has limitations that can be reduced through proper
employment and/or augmentation. It is not organized for decisive
operations. It must be heavily augmented with combat units to be
successful if tasked to conduct offensive and defensive missions in
support of its higher headquarters operations.
• Troop vehicles are lightly armored and are severely limited in
their ability to reconnoiter against a mechanized threat.
• Troop has no organic service support capability (medical and
maintenance) and cannot provide security for service support
operations in a nonpermissive environment without using
reconnaissance sections.
• Crew-served weapons lack standoff, lethality, and
survivability in terrain lacking cover and concealment.
• Troop requires augmentation to perform traditional cavalry
missions such as guard, delay, and other economy-of-force
• With permissive METT-TC, the troop is capable of operations
in stability or a support environment.
1-38. The troop commander is responsible to his higher commander for
the discipline, combat readiness, and training of the troop, and for the
maintenance of its equipment. He must be proficient in the tactical
employment of the troop and its assigned and attached combat support
(CS) or CSS elements. He must also know the capabilities and limitations
of the troop’s personnel and equipment as well as those of elements
attached to him. He uses the troop-leading procedures to prepare the
troop for operations and issues instructions to his subordinate leaders in
the form of clear, concise combat orders.
1-39. The troop commander’s additional responsibilities are—
• Serve as the subject matter expert in reconnaissance and
security fundamentals and critical tasks.
• Plan and execute fires to support the troop’s missions.
• Synchronize operations with adjacent and supporting units.
• Synchronize and plan the use of additional ISR assets (UAV,
• Understand BCT doctrine.
• Synchronize and plan the use of additional combat arms
assets (infantry platoon, mobile gun system [MGS] platoon,
tank platoon, or mechanized platoon).
• Accomplish all missions assigned to the troop in accordance
with the higher commander’s intent and scheme of maneuver.
• Preserve the reconnaissance capability of the troop.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
1-40. The troop XO is second in command. He supervises the troop CP
and stays attuned to the tactical situation in the troop’s AO. He receives,
verifies, and consolidates digital and voice tactical reports from the
platoons and forwards them to the higher headquarters, adjacent, and
following units. When FBCB2 use is limited, the XO ensures the CP
converts FM reports into digital reports to generate the red and blue
situational awareness.
1-41. The XO’s other duties are—
• Assist the commander in performing precombat inspections
• Ensure all voice and digital communications are properly
• In conjunction with the 1SG, plan and supervise the troop’s
CSS effort prior to the battle.
• Assist in preparation of the operations order (OPORD),
especially paragraph 4 (service support).
• Conduct tactical coordination with higher, adjacent, and
supporting units.
• As required, assist the commander in issuing orders to the
troop headquarters and attachments.
• Conduct additional missions, as required. These may include
serving as officer in charge (OIC) for a quartering party or as
the leader of the detachment left in contact (DLIC) in a
• Assist the commander in preparations for follow-on missions.
• Assume command of the troop, as required.
1-42. The 1SG is the troop’s senior NCO with the primary
responsibility of training individual skills and sustaining the troop’s
ability to fight. He is the troop’s primary CSS operator; he helps the
commander to plan, coordinate, and supervise all logistical activities that
support the tactical mission. He operates where the commander directs or
where his duties require him.
1-43. The 1SG’s specific duties include the following:
• Execute and supervise routine operations. This may include
enforcing the tactical standing operating procedures (SOP);
planning and coordinating training; coordinating and
reporting personnel and administrative actions; and
supervising supply, maintenance, communications, and field
hygiene operations.
• Supervise, inspect, and/or observe all matters designated by
the commander. For example, the 1SG may observe and
report on a portion of the troop’s sector.
• Plan, rehearse, and supervise key logistical actions in support
of the tactical mission. These activities include resupply of
Class I, III, and V products and materials; maintenance and
recovery; medical treatment and evacuation; and
replacement/return-to-duty (RTD) processing.
________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 – Introduction
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 – Introduction
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
Company. He operates from the troop CP, acts as the troop intelligence
oversight NCO, and is the point of contact with the S2X for technical support
to HUMINT collection operations.
1-56. During the Cold War, most nations patterned their doctrine after
those of the two super powers. Consequently, many military operations
around the world demonstrated a high degree of consistency. Standard
reconnaissance tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) at that time
focused on gaining information on the threat and terrain (doctrinal and
situational templates). Foreign military forces are evolving differently
today with states learning from US operations and incorporating
adaptive military strategies within their professional militaries or
paramilitary forces.
1-57. Threats recognize that defeating the US is not always a matter of
winning battles, rather it is a factor of not losing operationally or
tactically the military means necessary to remain in power, while
pursuing strategic victory through other instruments. Systems and
tactics to offset the effects of precision long-range air and missile attacks
give an adversary operational freedom and a way to preserve his military
capabilities. Potential adversaries are developing adaptive strategies and
tactics to take advantage of emerging technologies to exploit perceived
vulnerabilities and to counter or alleviate US strengths.
1-58. The US military is primarily a power projection force. It is tied to
an operational construct requiring entry operations and a deliberate
build-up of force capabilities for contingency response. Today, this
strategy demands airfields and seaports in the AO, forward operating
bases for air forces, significant in-theater logistical stockpiles, secure air
and sea lines of communication (LOC), technical ISR capability as well as
long distance communications for C2—all of which can be interdicted or
denied to some degree.
1-59. From these perceptions, some common emerging trends appear
for dealing with US forces—
• Development of capabilities to deny, limit, interrupt, or delay
US entry and disrupt subsequent actions within the AO.
• Deliberate actions designed to create mass casualties.
• Employment of multiple means—political, economic, military,
and informational—to undermine the coherence of alliances
and coalitions.
• Offsetting US strengths by countering high-tech advantages,
often with low-tech methods or specific “niche” capabilities.
• Adoption of unpredictable operational methods with rapid
transition to conventional operations when decision is
• Conducting technical exploitation of C2 nodes, networks and
• Increasing standoff distances through exclusion or other
means to protect forces and capabilities.
________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 – Introduction
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 – Introduction
1-69. The disruption zone is where the threat will set the conditions for
successful combat actions by fixing friendly forces and placing long-range
fires on them. Units in this zone begin the attack on specific components
of the friendly combat system, to begin the disruption and neutralization
of that system. Successful actions in the disruption zone will create a
window of opportunity that is exploitable in the battle zone. For example,
attacking friendly engineer elements can leave his maneuver force unable
to continue effective operations in complex terrain, exposing them to
destruction by forces in the battle zone. Units in the disruption zone also
destroy friendly reconnaissance assets while denying the ability to
acquire and engage threat targets with deep fires. Disruption zones may
be contiguous, noncontiguous, or “layered.”
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 – Introduction
1-76. An attack zone is given to a subordinate unit with an offensive
mission to delineate clearly where forces will be conducting offensive
maneuver. Attack zones are often used to control offensive action by a
subordinate unit inside a larger defensive battle or operation.
1-77. A kill zone is a designated area on the battlefield where the
threat plans to destroy a friendly target, system, or unit. A kill zone may
be within the disruption zone or the battle zone. In the defense, it could
also be in the support zone.
1-78. An objective is a geographic location or physical object, the seizing
and/or holding of which is a goal of an offensive battle. An axis is a
control measure showing the location through which a force will move as
it proceeds from its starting location to its objective.
1-79. Firing lines will be established on common graphics to facilitate
coordination of direct fire. Firing lines, which are positions from which to
engage friendly forces, typically have some inherent advantage such as
1-80. There is no doctrinal order of battle (OB). Units will develop OBs
for specific threat forces based on intelligence provided through IPB and
MDMP. The organization of forces described here is a general concept
that can assist the commander in visualizing and describing threat forces
relative to friendly forces’ locations and actions and their relationship in
time and space on the battlefield. This organization of forces can shift
dramatically during the course of a battle or operation, if part of the plan
does not work or works better than anticipated (see Figure 1-13).
1-81. In the offense, the disruption force would include the disruption
force that already existed in a preceding defensive situation. It is possible
that forces assigned for actions in the disruption zone in the defense
might not have sufficient mobility to do the same in the offense or that
targets may change and require different or additional assets. Thus, the
disruption force might require augmentation.
1-82. Threat offensive operations are focused first on the concept of
fixing friendly forces so that they are not free to maneuver. In the offense,
the threat commander will identify which friendly forces need to be fixed
and the method by which they will be fixed. They will then assign this
responsibility to a force that has the capability to fix the required friendly
forces with the correct method. The fixing force may consist of a number
of units separated from each other in time and space, particularly if the
friendly forces required to be fixed are likewise separated.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
1-83. The assault force is tasked with creating the conditions that allow
the exploitation force the freedom to operate. In order to create a window
of opportunity for the exploitation force to succeed, the assault force may
be required to operate at a high degree of risk and may sustain
substantial casualties. However, an assault force may not even make
contact with the threat, but instead conduct a demonstration.
1-84. The exploitation force is assigned the task of achieving the
objective of the mission. It typically exploits a window of opportunity
created by the assault force.
1-85. At the commander’s discretion, forces may be held out of initial
action so that he may influence unforeseen events or take advantage of
developing opportunities. The size and composition of a reserve is entirely
1-86. There is no doctrinal order of battle. Units will develop an order
of battle for specific threat forces based on intelligence provided through
IPB and MDMP processes. The organization of forces described here is a
general concept that can assist the commander in visualizing and
describing threat forces relative to friendly forces locations and actions
and their relationship in time and space on the battlefield. This
organization of forces can shift dramatically during the course of a battle
or operation, if part of the plan does not work or works better than
anticipated (see Figure 1-14).
________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 – Introduction
1-87. The size and composition of forces in the disruption zone depends
on the level of command involved, the commander’s concept of the battle,
and the circumstances in which the unit adopts the defense. A tactical
commander will always make maximum use of stay-behind forces and
affiliated forces existing within his AOR. However, a disruption force has
no set order of battle. It may contain
• Ambush teams (ground and air defense).
• Long-range reconnaissance patrols and/or special purpose
forces (SPF).
• RSTA assets and forces.
• Counterreconnaissance detachments.
• Artillery systems.
• Target designation teams.
• Elements of affiliated forces (such as terrorists, insurgents,
criminals, or special police).
1-88. The purpose of the disruption force is to prevent friendly forces
from conducting an effective attack. Skillfully conducted disruption
operations will effectively deny friendly forces the synergy of effects of his
combat system. The disruption force may also have a
counterreconnaissance mission. It may selectively destroy or render
irrelevant friendly ISR forces and deny him the ability to acquire and
engage targets with deep fires. The disruption force may deceive friendly
forces as to the location and configuration of the main defense in the
battle zone, while forcing him to show his intent and deploy early. Some
other results of actions in the disruption zone can include delaying to
allow time for preparation of the defense or a counterattack, canalizing
friendly forces onto unfavorable axes, or ambushing key systems and
vulnerable troop concentrations.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 – Introduction
1-97. Security elements (SE) are task-organized company- or platoon-size
forces operating as part of a detachment. They execute an independent
tactical security task, such as protecting the flank or rear of a moving
force or providing local security while the rest of the detachment executes
the mission.
1-98. Combat security outposts (CSOP) are task-organized platoon- or
squad-size forces that provide local security to forces in battle positions or
assembly areas. They prevent reconnaissance or small groups from
penetrating positions and force the threat to deploy and lose his
momentum in the attack.
1-99. The counterreconnaissance detachment (CRD) is focused almost
entirely on friendly reconnaissance, while other security forces have the
mission to protect from other types of friendly units and action as well.
The commander has great flexibility in determining the size and
composition of his CRD and its relationship with the security force, if
1-100. Fighting patrols (FP) have a security function as well as a
reconnaissance function.
1-101. Some of the task organizations associated with tactical movement
also play roles on other types of combined arms tactics. For example, SDs
and SEs provide security during tactical movement and in other
situations. FPs perform reconnaissance missions during tactical
movement and in other situations in which the threat force is not in
direct contact with the enemy. The main body contains forces organized
in the same manner as during the offense. Figure 1-15 below shows an
example of the possible deployment of various forces within a unit during
tactical movement.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
1-102. An SD is a task organized battalion or company with the mission
of protecting the moving force from direct fire and other forms of contact
and from being fixed by threat action. The SD is typically also the fixing
force in an offensive action. The SD will be further organized into SEs to
facilitate providing all-around security.
1-103. An SE is a company- or platoon-size force that operates as part of
an SD. SEs are typically charged with providing the moving force with
protection from friendly action originating from a particular area along
the axis (they may be designated as a “front,” “flank,” or “rear” SE).
1-104. A moving force will use as many FPs as the commander’s analysis
deems necessary to facilitate situational awareness and freedom of
movement along each attack route.
1-105. The main body consists of the assault, exploitation and
supporting forces of the attacking unit.
1-106. The full-spectrum operations include offensive, defensive,
stability, and support operations. Offensive and defensive missions
normally dominate MTWs and some SSCs. Stability and support missions
are conducted in SSC operations, peacetime military engagements
________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 – Introduction
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 2
Battle Command
Battle command is the
exercise of command CONTENTS
in operations against
The Art of Command .......................................... 2-2
a hostile, thinking The Elements of Command............................ 2-2
opponent. It combines Battle Command Methodology ...................... 2-2
leadership and the art Command and Control ....................................... 2-6
and science of The Command and Control System .............. 2-6
Command and Control Procedures............... 2-8
battlefield decision Troop-Leading Procedures ............................ 2-12
making to motivate Communications ................................................ 2-28
soldiers and Digitization .......................................................... 2-31
organizations into ABCS Components ......................................... 2-31
ABCS Communications Links ....................... 2-31
action to accomplish FBCB2 .............................................................. 2-33
missions. Battle CHAT (Cavalry Squadron RSTA) ................... 2-38
command entails Security............................................................ 2-38
visualizing the Techniques of Tactical Control ......................... 2-38
Planning Process ............................................ 2-38
operation, from start Reporting Process .......................................... 2-39
to finish and FM Versus Digital Communications .............. 2-39
formulating a concept
of operation to get from the current state to the desired end state. It
also includes assigning missions, prioritizing and allocating resources,
selecting the critical time and place to act, and knowing how and when
to make adjustments in the fight.
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2-5. The commander describes his visualization during the planning,
preparation, and execution phases of operations. Specifically, he follows
the troop-leading procedures and uses orders to provide his commander’s
intent and communicate his decision for execution. He must apply his
judgment, experience, expertise, and intuition before making a decision
and describing that decision to subordinates. During preparation, the
commander uses confirmation and back briefs to ensure his subordinate
leaders understand his vision, their tasks, and how the execution of their
tasks support his end state.
2-6. During execution, the commander uses FM updates, leader
huddles, FBCB2, and when the situation requires a significant change in
the troop’s execution, he uses FRAGOs to describe changes to the troop’s
situation, threat disposition or the unforeseen effects of terrain or civil-
military aspects on the execution of the mission and achievement of the
end state. This is the commander’s ability to concisely communicate
complex actions in time and space and translate them into
understandable and actionable tasks to subordinates. FBCB2 is an
effective tool to communicate changes or describe the changing
environment. It provides a common view of friendly and known threat
activities and locations and affords the commander the ability to verbally
and visually depict the situation as he understands it.
2-7. Once he has made a decision, the commander directs operations
by communicating the decision to his subordinates through an order.
Direction occurs during all phases of an operation.
2-8. Clear direction is essential to mission success; however,
commanders must strike a balance between detailed directions and
mission-oriented instructions. The commander should assign only the
minimum graphical, written, or procedural control measures (permissive
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precise, and reliable to answer the questions that dictate the successful
execution of military operations. This ensures that the commander is not
overburdened by the sheer volume of information, rather that
information is provided that enables situational understanding and
decision making.
2-19. Processing covers the activities required to convert data or
information to knowledge or intelligence that supports situational
awareness. It includes organizing, collating, plotting, and arranging data
and information to create and maintain the COP, as well as analysis and
evaluation to support SA and SU. Considerations include the following:
• Common operational picture is a single display of relevant
information within a commander’s/leader’s area of interest.
This information is a display of information such as status
charts, overlays, and friendly and threat icons. This display
can be analog (such as a map with acetate overlay) or digital
(FBCB2 display). Echelons create the COP by collaborating,
sharing, and tailoring information. The COP allows
collaborative interaction and real-time sharing of information
among the commander and his troop leadership and the
higher commander and his staffs.
• Situational awareness is the ability to maintain a constant,
clear mental picture of relevant information and the tactical
situation. Simply stated, situational awareness answers the
question what is the effect of terrain, the friendly situation,
and the threat situation. Since the troop normally operates
dispersed, with its platoons and their individual sections
conducting decentralized operations, all recce leaders must
maintain situational awareness so they can make sound,
quick tactical decisions. The troop assesses and reports
relevant information within their AOs to fulfill their primary
responsibility of assisting their higher headquarters in
maintaining the COP.
• Situational understanding requires the commander to apply
his experience, professional knowledge, and intuition based
on the factors of METT-TC to the COP. Simply stated,
situational understanding answers the question what it
means. Situational understanding enables the commander to
“visualize” his battle space in both real time and in the future.
2-20. Storing retains information in any form, as written message
forms or log entries, or filed reports within the common system database,
for orderly and timely retrieval when needed. Information is stored
because not all information collected or processed can be displayed at the
same time, nor is it relevant at all times.
2-21. Displaying presents information in a usable, easily understood
audio or visual form tailored to the requirements of the commander that
conveys the COP. The troop CP uses standard formats to organize the
display and assist the user in finding the needed information. Graphic
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not only visual observation but also radio reports and, in digitized units,
information provided over digital systems.
2-32. Plans are the basis for any mission. The troop commander
develops his concept of the operation summarizing how best to
accomplish his mission within the scope of his higher commanders’
intents (two levels up). The troop commander uses troop-leading
procedures to turn the concept into a fully developed plan and to prepare
a clear, concise OPORD. He assigns additional tasks (and outlines their
purpose) for subordinate elements, allocates available resources, and
establishes priorities.
2-33. The foundation of all orders is the troop mission statement and
the commander’s intent. The commander must have a thorough
understanding of the relationship between the mission statement, his
intent, and the concept of the operation and train his subordinates to
understand the relationship as well. The commander normally uses three
types of orders to prepare for, direct, and adjust operations:
• Warning orders.
• Operations order.
• Fragmentary orders.
Mission Statement
2-34. The commander uses the mission statement to focus the troop on
the objective of the upcoming operation. This statement (sometimes a
single sentence) describes the type of operation, the troop’s task, and the
purpose for the troop’s immediate operation. It is written in a format
based on the five “Ws”: who (unit), what (tasks), when (date-time group),
where (grid location/geographical reference for the AOs and/or objective),
and why (purpose). The commander must ensure that the mission is
thoroughly understood by all leaders and soldiers two echelons below
(section or squad).
2-35. Tactical tasks are specific activities performed by the unit while it
is conducting a form of tactical operation or a choice of maneuver. The
tasks should be definable, attainable, and measurable. Critical tasks that
require specific TTPs for the troop are covered in detail throughout this
2-36. A simple, clearly stated purpose improves understanding of the
commander’s intent. It will also assist subordinate leaders in adjusting
their tasks during execution of the mission, allowing them to stay within
the parameters of the higher commander’s intent. The purpose should tell
the subordinates why the troop is conducting the mission.
Commander’s Intent
2-37. The commander’s intent is a clear, concise statement that
provides the link between the mission statement and the concept of the
operation. Intent is normally expressed in four to five sentences, but can
also be in bullet form, and describes the key tasks that are essential to
the mission and the commander’s desired end state for the mission. He
may also identify the decisive point for the mission and may explain a
broader purpose for the operation in relation to his higher headquarters
beyond that outlined in the mission statement. The intent also includes
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the conditions the force meets to achieve the stated purpose (end state).
The intent provides the basis for subordinates to exercise initiative when
unanticipated opportunities arise or when the original concept of the
operation no longer applies.
2-38. Key Tasks. Key tasks are not tied to a specific course of action
(COA); rather, they identify actions or conditions that are fundamental to
the unit’s success. By identifying these “mission essential” tasks, the
commander emphasizes to his subordinates that during the operation,
someone must execute them regardless of who was assigned to the task in
the order. This allows leaders to anticipate assumption of a key task if
the assigned unit is unable to accomplish it.
2-39. End State. The end state expresses the required conditions that,
when achieved, attain the objective for the operation. The commander
must ensure that he does not describe a set of conditions that conflict
with accomplishment of key tasks or mission accomplishment. The end
state is defined as the relationship of the troop to one or several of the
following criteria: the tempo, duration, effect on the threat, effect on
another friendly force’s operation, or key terrain.
2-40. Decisive Point. The commander may identify the decisive point
for the operation. This reinforces the mission’s objective. The decisive
point may be a geographic location, a threat force or civilian organization,
or an event within the operation.
2-41. Purpose. The commander may expand on the purpose for the
operation, but this is not a restatement of the why (purpose) from the
mission statement. Instead, he looks beyond the purpose of the
immediate operation to describe the purpose within the broader context
of the higher commander’s mission and intent.
Combat Orders
2-42. Combat orders are the means by which the troop commander
receives and transmits information, from the earliest notification that an
operation will occur through the final phases of execution. In a tactical
situation, the commander will receive the troop’s mission from higher in
the form of written, digital (sent on FBCB2), or verbal WARNO, OPORD,
or FRAGO. The commander must take every opportunity to train the
troop in the use of combat orders, as the skills associated with orders
development and dissemination is highly perishable.
2-43. Warning Order. During the planning phase of an operation,
commanders use WARNOs as a method of alerting their subordinate
leaders. Warning orders also initiate the commander’s most valuable
time-management tool, the collaborative and/or parallel planning process.
The troop commander usually receives a series of WARNOs from his
higher headquarters to initiate troop-leading procedures and
preparations prior to receipt of the OPORD. He must issue at least one
WARNO, if not more depending on the factors of METT-TC, to his
subordinate leaders to help them prepare for new missions. The
directions and guidelines in the WARNO allow subordinates to begin
their own planning and preparation activities.
2-44. The content of WARNOs is based on two major variables:
information about the upcoming operation that is available to the troop
from the higher headquarters and what the troop commander ultimately
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2-49. Leaders of company/troop and smaller units use troop-leading
procedures to develop plans and orders (refer to FM 5-0 [FM 101-5]). The
eight troop-leading steps are generally performed concurrently rather
than sequentially. In addition, some steps such as initiate movement,
issue the warning order, and conduct reconnaissance may recur several
times during the process. Although listed as the last step, activities
associated with supervising and refining the plan and other preparations
may occur throughout the troop-leading process.
2-50. The commander uses backwards planning based on the time
constraints prior to mission execution to determine how much time is
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devoted to each step and whether steps are performed concurrently. The
commander must understand how to perform the procedures within the
time constraints. Digital information systems (such as FBCB2, enhanced
position location reporting procedures [EPLRS], and appliqué) are
valuable tools for performing troop-leading procedures. These systems
allow the commander to communicate information quickly and
2-51. The commander considers the factors of METT-TC throughout
the procedures to update his visualization of the battlefield and his plan
continuously, based on additional information from his higher
headquarters and ongoing ISR operations by other sources.
2-52. Troop-leading procedures normally commence upon receipt of a
mission from the higher headquarters either through a WARNO or
OPORD. As a minimum, the commander should receive his commander’s
guidance for reconnaissance that includes the focus, tempo, and
engagement criteria. For a security mission, he should also receive
destruction and displacement criteria (see Chapters 3 and 4 for
descriptions of commander’s guidance). The commander may also initiate
troop-leading procedures upon anticipation or identification of a new
mission during an ongoing operation.
Confirm and Clarify the Mission
2-53. The troop commander gives a confirmation brief to his
commander to confirm his understanding of the higher commander’s
guidance, intent, and/or specified tasks. He obtains clarification on
aspects of the order based on his initial METT-TC analysis, confirming
information about the terrain and the friendly and threat situations, as
necessary. If necessary, he conducts initial coordination with adjacent
and supporting elements. Additionally, he conducts time analysis using
backwards planning, if necessary develops his initial security plan, and
alerts the troop to the upcoming mission.
Analyze the Mission
2-54. The commander conducts mission analysis using the factors of
METT-TC. Mission analysis is a continuous process. The commander
constantly receives information (during the planning phase, or en route to
the reconnaissance objective) and must decide if the information affects
his mission. If it does, he then decides how to adjust his plan to meet this
new situation. METT-TC is not necessarily analyzed sequentially. How
and when the commander analyzes each factor depends on when
information is made available to him.
NOTE: The acronym METT-TC is a common mnemonic device for the factors of mission
analysis. The following discussion presents these elements in the traditional order
(mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available,
and civil considerations). Mission is always the first factor to be analyzed. The
second factor in the analysis, however, should be terrain rather than the enemy. By
analyzing the terrain first, the leader gains a clear picture of factors that influence
the enemy situation; this enables him to develop a better understanding of the
enemy’s capabilities and limitations.
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2-74. Precipitation. How will precipitation affect the terrain along each
avenue of approach? Will some restricted terrain become severely
restricted if it rains or snows? Will moist air cause foggy conditions? Will
lack of precipitation cause extremely dusty conditions? How will fog, dust,
or stormy conditions affect visibility?
2-75. Temperature. What will the temperature be during the operation
and what effect will this have on soldiers? Will they be able to sustain a
long fight in extreme conditions? Will the ground freeze or thaw during
the operation? What effect will this have on trafficability? How will
extreme heat or cold affect the optical images in the vehicle sights? Are
temperature dispersions favorable for the use of smoke or chemicals?
2-76. Wind speed and direction. What is the expected wind speed and
direction during the operation? What effect will wind conditions have on
use of smoke, flares, or chemical agents? Will the wind affect dust, fog,
and other battlefield conditions?
2-77. Visibility. How will weather conditions (including light
conditions, precipitation, temperature, and wind speed and direction)
affect visibility? Will friendly forces have the sun in their eyes? Will the
wind blow dust or smoke away from the route of march (making it easier
to see) or back toward friendly forces? Under such conditions, what is the
maximum observation range? How will that range affect the threat?
2-78. Troop Analysis (Troops and Support Available). Analyze the
combat readiness of soldiers and equipment task organized to the troop.
Direct subordinate leaders to outline the readiness status of their
elements; if possible, inspect each element to verify readiness. Compile
updates of each vehicle’s maintenance, fuel, ammunition, and personnel
status. Determine the anticipated readiness status, as of the time the
operation is to start, of vehicles and equipment that are currently non-
mission-capable (NMC). To accomplish its reconnaissance and target
acquisition tasks, the commander should especially consider the status of
special equipment: batteries (e.g. night observation devices [NOD],
position locator grid reference [PLGR], ground/vehicle laser locator
designator [G/VLLD], and mini eye-safe laser infrared observation set
[MELIOS]), to include resupply and recharging, and communications (e.g.
FBCB2, satellite communications, FM, and AM).
2-79. Time Analysis. Backward planning and development of a detailed
timeline are essential in framing the troop-leading procedures. Identify
the specific and implied times governing actions that must occur
throughout the planning, preparation, and execution phases of the
operation. Assess the impact of limited visibility conditions (including
darkness) on the troop-leading process and other time-sensitive
preparations for the troop and its subordinate elements (see Figure 2-2).
Analyze the timing for the execution phase in terms of the terrain and
threat and friendly forces.
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2-146. FBCB2 has transmission settings that can be set for the number
of retries the system will automatically execute to get a message to a
platform that does not receive it the first time. This should be a standard
SOP setting across the troop. As a rule, the setting should be for a one-
time transmission with no retries to reduce the volume of traffic on the
tactical internet.
2-147. FBCB2 provides formats for the creation and transmission of
orders. The formats largely mirror the doctrinal five-paragraph order
format. Considerations in using these formats include the following:
• Each field has a limit on the number of characters that can be
• FBCB2 does not currently have a print capability. Order
recipients will need time to take notes on the order when
• FBCB2 can save an order to the system hard drive, but does
not currently have the capability to save a file to a disk.
• The larger the order, the longer it takes to transmit. Orders
larger than 576 bytes must be transmitted by unicast
2-148. The commander’s goal should be to provide a complete order in
writing to his subordinates. As a minimum, he must provide critical
coordinating information. Subordinates should have this information
before the orders brief begins so they can study it beforehand and make
notes during the briefing. The ability to rapidly create and transmit
orders digitally is a tremendous capability, but it is still not as effective
as a face-to-face order brief and rehearsal. FBCB2 does, however, provide
an excellent WARNO and FRAGO capability. When an order has been
digitally transmitted to subordinates, accompany it with an FM radio call
to alert them to check FBCB2 for receipt and to acknowledge that they
have read and understand the order.
2-149. The ability to create and transmit digital graphics, coupled with
automatic friendly force SA, is altering the traditional doctrinal
application of graphics. Simplicity is a principal consideration—less is
better since it reduces overlay transmission times and screen clutter
(having too many objects on the screen making the display hard to read
or illegible). A key point is maps are still required and still must have
graphics posted on them. Soldiers will find that a map is easier and more
appropriate to use when referencing a large terrain area, when moving,
and when fighting.
Object Size
2-150. Digital graphic object size is important in creating overlays. The
larger the overall size of an overlay, the longer it will take to transmit.
Considerations in determining the size of graphical objects include—
• A single character (letter or number) is eight bits; 100 bits
equals one byte.
• A single straight line, no matter how long, consists of two
points, equaling 30 bytes of information. Adding another
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2-156. Settings that are too short will require constant regeneration of
SPOTREPs. If the settings are too long, the picture will become obsolete
and misleading unless the threat remains stationary. As the threat
transitions from offensive to defensive operations (or vice versa), a net
call should be made from squadron/brigade level to transition to the
appropriate standard SOP settings. Again, if all elements are to have a
common situational picture, everyone must apply standard SA filter
settings. In stability operations and support operations, the times may be
increased to maintain SA of factional activity over a longer period of time.
Creating Red Situational Awareness
2-157. The hardest and most critical aspect of creating the SA picture is
creating the picture of the threat. It starts with an observer identifying a
threat element, then creating and transmitting a digital SPOTREP. The
SPOTREP must be as accurate as possible in order for the intelligence
picture at troop and higher levels to be correct, and to achieve the
appropriate analysis and decisions. When transmitted, the text of the
report will be sent to all the platforms in the address group. It will also
create a red icon that will be displayed on all platforms in the brigade
2-158. When the SPOTREP is transmitted, it should be addressed to a
multicast group that includes the squadron S2. This not only keeps him
informed but also automatically enters the report into the ASAS database
where it becomes part of the higher-echelon intelligence picture.
2-159. As the threat moves or his strength changes, the observer must
update the SPOTREP. A key point is that only the originator of the
SPOTREP or the S2 can delete an icon from the entire network. To
update the report, the observer deletes the original report, which will
delete the icon across the network, and then he generates a new
SPOTREP. Ideally, an observer maintains responsibility for keeping that
report and its associated icon updated and accurate until the threat is
eliminated or forced to move. In some situations, an observer will pass
observation and responsibility to another observer, a following scout
element for example. That handover should be made only after the new
element verifies it has the threat under observation. When that occurs,
the initial observer deletes his report and icon, and the new observer
initiates a new SPOTREP, assuming responsibility for observation and
2-160. The S2 may delete icons from the network picture as he gets
redundant reports or new information that allows him to refine the
threat picture. He also can create a threat picture in ASAS, using all the
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2-165. FBCB2 provides significant enhancements to the troop planning
process. With digitization, minimal time is lost in mission planning and
preparation. The squadron commander and his staff can digitally issue a
warning order and draft operations overlay. With this information in
hand, the troop commander and his subordinate leaders may begin their
troop-leading procedures, rehearsals, and reconnaissance operations, as
required, or they may initiate movement from their assembly areas to
forward locations and develop the initial screen line. Upon receipt of the
OPORD, they can reorient their reconnaissance or surveillance as
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2-166. Since reconnaissance and surveillance are stealthy operations,
digital communication will often be the primary method used for C2 and
reporting. However, sending digital reports when moving, when in
contact, and often at night is generally not possible.
2-167. Reporting procedures at the troop level must be well thought out
and addressed in the unit SOP. The troop commander must determine
when and what reports will be transmitted via voice or digital means and
under what conditions these reports will be rendered. For example, if
reports from the scouts must be transmitted via FM voice due to the
tactical situation, the troop commander must determine who at the troop
CP is responsible for the transcription and translation of this information
into FBCB2 format and further transmission to the squadron or BCT
tactical operations center (TOC).
2-168. The troop commander, XO, S6, and S2 must determine the
reporting process and procedures for troops using digital systems. Once
determined, the process and procedures must be integrated into the
overall troop SOP and orders.
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2-173. Current doctrine establishes that boundaries are used to define a
unit’s AOs and to act as restrictive fire control measures to prevent
fratricide. With units conducting noncontiguous operations in expanded
battlespace and with the capabilities of automated SA and digital
systems, the manner in which boundaries are used is changing. Digital
units may use boundaries to convey the general operational concept and
to generally define a unit’s AO. For digital units, boundaries may not
always be drawn relative to identifiable terrain, often because it is easier
to create and transmit the overlays that way, and because SA allows for
easier tracking and visibility of friendly units. This works relatively well
at echelons above brigade, but at brigade and below, units can experience
problems when they try to clear and coordinate fires and positions. To the
maximum extent possible, keep boundaries along identifiable terrain for
the purpose of clearing fires and preventing fratricide. Remember that
there will be elements on the battlefield that do not have FBCB2 or
whose system is inoperative, forcing them to operate with traditional
analog graphics and FM radios only.
Phase Lines
2-174. Like boundaries, the use of phase lines (PL) is altered by digital
system capabilities. PLs are primarily used for coordinating the
movement of forces and for reporting locations. With automated SA, the
need for PLs is reduced. Digital units use fewer PLs, which eases
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2-182. First, not all systems will be equipped with FBCB2 or have
operational systems. Also, elements operating outside the squadron’s
communication architecture will not be visible on FBCB2. When leaders
know there are elements without FBCB2 or with inoperable FBCB2 in
the area, they should alert their soldiers to that situation. For example,
the troop might be executing a rearward passage of lines when some of
the unit’s FBCB2 or associated radios become inoperative. In this
situation, troop leaders should alert the unit in the area that they are
passing through and that some platforms are not able to transmit SA
data. They should identify where they are and what route they are
returning on. This information should then be distributed to the
appropriate elements in the unit being passed through.
2-183. Second, there is no dismounted system for FBCB2. This is critical
for the troop when its dismounted observers are out, particularly as units
begin calling for artillery fire. Fire support elements may check digital
displays and see no blue icons in the target area, and be unaware that
dismounted soldiers are operating in the area. FBCB2’s SA display may
be used for denying fires, but not for clearing fires. FBCB2 can speed the
clearance of fires by quickly identifying if there are FBCB2-equipped
elements in the target area. If a blue icon is in a target area, obviously
artillery should not be fired there. The absence of a blue icon should not
be the basis for assuming the area is free of friendly forces. Dismounted
elements, elements without operational FBCB2, or elements that are not
part of the squadron network could be present.
2-184. Third, depending on the blue SA filter setting, an operator may
not have all blue units displayed. For example, if the filter setting is for
display of only armor and infantry elements, the operator will not have
visibility on all other blue assets such as artillery, air defense, and CSS
vehicles. The same is true for the echelon filter setting. If only company
and higher echelons are selected, the operator will not have visibility on
the majority of the systems on the battlefield.
2-185. Fourth, the nature of tactics and capabilities is constantly
evolving, with an increase in maneuvering forces and the use of rapidly
emplaced obstacles. These changes can increase the chances of obstacle
fratricide. FBCB2 can help reduce these chances if CPs keep obstacle
overlays current and rapidly disseminate changes, and if operators keep
current, critical overlays posted on their systems. Transmission of
updated overlays should be accompanied by net-wide FM alerts to ensure
system operators know new obstacle information has been disseminated
and they are to display the new overlay(s).
2-186. Finally, the increase in maneuvering forces, the increased
forward presence and maneuvering of artillery units, and the decrease in
control graphics being employed can lead to fratricide incidents. To avoid
such incidents, operators must utilize their FBCB2 to track friendly
elements and conduct the essential FM cross-talk to clear fires and
maintain their FBCB2 SA.
Chapter 3
Reconnaissance Operations
For the recce troop and the BRT, reconnaissance operations obtain
information by visual observation (surveillance), tactical questioning,
or other detection methods related to—
Reconnaissance is a
focused collection CONTENTS
effort performed prior Fundamentals ..................................................... 3-2
to, in advance of, and Fundamentals of Reconnaissance ................ 3-2
Fundamentals of Reconnaissance
during military Operational Environment............................ 3-6
operations to provide Fundamentals of Reconnaissance Focus..... 3-7
the commander with Reconnaissance Planning ................................. 3-11
information he can Planning Considerations................................ 3-11
Additional Reconnaissance Planning
use to confirm or Considerations ............................................ 3-13
modify his plan or Actions on Contact............................................. 3-15
concept of operations Forms of Contact ............................................ 3-16
and to make decisions. Steps for Actions on Contact......................... 3-17
Reconnaissance Handover................................ 3-21
Reconnaissance focus Considerations of Reconnaissance
is clearly tied to CCIR, Handover...................................................... 3-21
targeting, and Examples of Reconnaissance Handover ...... 3-23
relevant information Tactical Employment Considerations
and Methods.................................................... 3-26
requirements. The Reconnaissance Methods .............................. 3-26
reconnaissance troop Infiltration ........................................................ 3-28
is the squadron/ Exfiltration ....................................................... 3-33
brigade commander’s Tactical Movement .......................................... 3-35
Zone Reconnaissance........................................ 3-38
principal reconnais- Critical Tasks................................................... 3-38
sance organization. Example of Zone Reconnaissance ................ 3-39
Rarely will the troop Area Reconnaissance ........................................ 3-43
fight for information. Critical Tasks................................................... 3-44
Example of Area Reconnaissance................. 3-44
The troop primarily Route Reconnaissance ...................................... 3-49
conducts reconnais- Critical Tasks................................................... 3-50
sance, using surveil- Example of Route Reconnaissance............... 3-50
lance, technical
means, and human interaction to gain information. The troop
performs area, zone, and route reconnaissance in addition to other
responsibilities such as target acquisition and battle damage
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
The troop’s ability to assess the situation in its AO, and its link to the
analysis assets at its higher headquarters, helps the troop anticipate
events within the BCT’s area of operations.
3-1. Successful reconnaissance operations are planned and performed
with the following seven fundamentals in mind:
• Orient on the reconnaissance objective.
• Ensure continuous reconnaissance.
• Maximize reconnaissance assets.
• Gain and maintain contact.
• Develop the situation.
• Report all information rapidly and accurately.
• Retain freedom of maneuver.
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scout team observing the same location observes that half the signatures
are decoys and the remaining are threat armored vehicles.
3-14. Redundancy involves the application of several identical assets to
cover the same NAI or target. Redundant tasking enables mission
accomplishment when the probability for success by one asset is low. For
example, the troop may infiltrate several scout teams along different
routes to separate OPs overlooking the same NAI, or two COLTs may
observe the same target group to acquire a high pay-off target (HPT).
3-15. Integration involves managing resources during ISR operations to
avoid under-tasking collection systems. At times, collection capabilities
may exceed current taskings. Units should constantly reevaluate each
collection asset for unused capabilities and assign or redirect unused
assets/capacities towards the most important unfulfilled requirements.
For example, the troop commander assigns a scout platoon a series of
NAIs to observe after it has been relieved from its current surveillance by
a battalion scout platoon.
3-16. During ISR operations, it is important to gain situational
understanding as soon as possible to provide the BCT commander the
information and intelligence required to effectively maneuver the BCT.
How this is accomplished depends on METT-TC. The BCT develops the
situation by—
• Gaining contact through sensors and other ISR assets.
• Developing the situation out of contact.
• Maneuvering the force out of contact.
• Making contact on its own terms.
• Reevaluating and continuing to develop the situation as
3-17. The troop commander quickly gathers as much information as
possible, either visually, or more likely, through reports from the
platoon(s) in contact. Troops must be prepared to alter their plans and
react to changes in the battlefield environment in support of the higher
commander’s intent. They may be required to adjust execution as the
COP becomes more refined and IR and PIR are answered. For example,
the scouts may need time to maneuver or relocate to better observe an
NAI or to determine the exact size, composition, disposition, and activity
of a threat force. Of greater importance is the rapid transmission of
information to the troop, squadron, or BCT CP. Creating the COP
through digital or FM SPOTREPs is critical to providing a common,
accurate picture for focusing combat power against the threat.
3-18. BCT commander bases his planning and tactical decisions on the
battlefield information obtained through the troop’s reconnaissance
efforts and BCT ISR operations. Intelligence loses its relevance as it ages.
The troop must accurately report what it observes in a timely manner.
Digitization promotes the accuracy of the intelligence information
gathered as well as the timeliness with which it can be sent. Using
FBCB2 and FM, the troop can transmit this vital combat information in
real time. If the observer is unable to use an FBCB2 formatted report or
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3-24. Of these, the third factor and the human dimension it represents
is potentially the most important and perplexing for commanders to
understand and evaluate. The urban environment consists of urban
terrain and urban society. An urban environment is not only defined by
its structures or systems but by the people who compose it. Although
complex, understanding the urban terrain is relatively straightforward in
comparison to comprehending the multifaceted nature of urban society.
Military operations often require Army forces to operate in close
proximity to a high density of civilians, and their presence, attitudes,
actions, and needs affect the conduct of operations. As urban areas
increase in size, they become less and less homogenous; therefore,
commanders must understand and account for the characteristics of a
diverse population whose beliefs may vary based on many factors. The
behavior of civilian populations within an urban area is dynamic and
poses a special challenge to commanders conducting military operations.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
3-26. The BCT no longer faces a single, monolithic, or well-defined
threat. Reconnaissance units must be able to conduct operations across
the range of military operations (i.e., MTW, SSCs, stability operations,
and support operations) against threats ranging in size from major
regional powers to asymmetric threats. Because of the diversity of the
threat, IPB becomes even more important at the brigade, squadron, and
troop levels. Adversaries may use a variety of doctrine, tactics, and
equipment. The following are examples of threat dimensions of
reconnaissance focus on an AO:
• Conventional threat forces.
• Paramilitary forces.
• Guerrillas, insurgents, or partisans.
• Terrorists or criminal organizations.
• Command and control elements.
• Lines and channels of belligerent authority, or sources of
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3-34. The commander
erations while conducting
troop-leading procedures • Focus of the reconnaissance:
in planning reconnais- − Threat.
sance missions. Critical to − Society/human demographics.
the troop commander’s
− Terrain (bridges, routes, defensible
ability to execute his terrain/threat vs. threat).
mission is to clearly
− Infrastructure (political situation,
understand his higher facilities, food distribution).
commander’s reconnais- • Tempo of the reconnaissance:
sance guidance, including, − Stealthy or forceful.
as a minimum, the focus,
tempo, and engagement
− Deliberate or rapid.
criteria. The commander’s − Aggressive or discreet.
reconnaissance guidance • Engagement criteria (if any):
answers the three basic − What are the ROE?
questions the troop − What is a troop fight?
commander needs to know − What weapon system is used to
to plan his mission and engage what target type?
provide guidance to his − What are the nonlethal (HUMINT)
platoons. The higher engagement criteria?
commander normally
issues his reconnaissance
guidance during mission analysis, but it may be issued earlier if
necessary. He may also include the reconnaissance objective and the key
tasks that must be accomplished to achieve that objective. It may be
presented in a WARNO that enables the troop commander to initiate
troop-leading procedures prior to receipt of the squadron order or the
mounted BCT ISR order.
3-35. The elements of reconnaissance guidance (focus, tempo, and
engagement criteria) are interrelated. From the established focus, the
commander is able to set the appropriate tempo. The tempo links the
required reconnaissance tasks to the mission time constraints to
determine the techniques and tempo of reconnaissance. Engagement
criteria are linked to the focus and tempo by clarifying how the troop
develops actions on contact. Given the focus and tempo, the engagement
criteria provides the instructions on what the unit is expected to fight and
what it is expected to hand over to a supporting or follow-on unit.
3-36. The focus of the reconnaissance allows the commander to identify
and prioritize mission-related tasks. He can identify his specified,
implied, and essential tasks and the information requirements that are
most important to squadron and brigade operations. Focus is further
defined as providing relevant information on specific terrain, threat
forces, social factors, or infrastructure within a specified AO.
3-37. The tempo of the reconnaissance allows the commander to
determine tactical employment to include methods and techniques within
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
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The BRT troop commander, based on unit SOPs and commander’s guidance, may
participate in planning for BCT ISR operations. The troop commander’s or troop
XO’s involvement in the planning at the BCT level can facilitate some of the
parallel planning at troop level and assist in identifying limitations, facilitate
integration of GSR, UAVs, signal intelligence (SIGINT), task force R&S assets,
and reconnaissance assets into a specific concept of operations for the BCT ISR
The troop commander is not a staff officer, but a commander. He should not lose
focus of his responsibilities as a troop commander, but must assist the BCT staff
in planning, integrating, and supporting ISR operations, when necessary.
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3-44. There are two types of contact the unit can expect and prepare
for—known and chance. Known contact entails information and
intelligence on known locations or positions of threat forces enabling
ground reconnaissance units to gain contact under the most
advantageous conditions. When there is no intelligence about the threat’s
location, ground reconnaissance or maneuver elements make chance
contact, forcing deployment on ground of the threat’s choosing. The BCT
uses its ISR assets, to include its reconnaissance troop(s), to limit chance
contact during operations, develop the situation for the BCT, and in effect
pull the combat forces to the decisive point of the commander’s choosing.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
3-45. Both known and chance contact EIGHT FORMS OF
during reconnaissance and security CONTACT
operations occurs when the troop
encounters any situation that requires an Visual
active or passive response to the threat. Direct fire
Contact is described in terms of the threat Indirect fire
or friendly forces gaining contact through Aircraft
eight forms of contact. These situations NBC
may entail one or more of the following Electronic
forms of contact: Nonhostile
___________________________________________________Chapter 3 – Reconnaissance Operations
3-49. Chance contact actions entail four steps similar to the last four
from known contact actions:
• Deploy and report.
• Evaluate and develop the situation, as necessary.
• Choose and/or recommend a COA.
• Execute the selected COA.
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3-57. The troop uses follow-up SPOTREPs IAW its SOP to answer the
information requirements and enable the higher headquarters to
maintain SU and its COP.
3-58. After developing the situation to answer the information
requirements, the troop commander determines how best to continue the
mission IAW the higher commander’s intent and his order. He may direct
the troop to continue the mission based on the original scheme of
maneuver and tasks to subordinate units, or he may have to revise his
plan, select a new COA, and issue a FRAGO. If the COA meets the higher
commander’s intent and is within his troop’s capabilities, he selects the
COA and informs the commander prior to execution, if possible. If his
COA is within the troop’s capabilities, but deviates from the higher
commander’s intent, then he backbriefs the COA to his commander for
approval. If he is unable to continue the mission with his available assets,
he requests additional instructions or assistance from his commander.
3-59. The commander has several options in continuing his mission, to
• Leave a subordinate element to maintain contact with the
threat element, and continue reconnaissance of the AO with
the rest of the troop.
• Conduct reconnaissance handover with another element, and
continue reconnaissance of the AO.
• Break contact, using fire and movement if necessary, and
continue the mission.
• Continue to develop the situation, reorganizing as necessary,
and continue reconnaissance to gather additional information
about the threat contact.
• Establish a screen while maintaining contact with the threat
• Conduct a security drill to withdraw while maintaining
• Take no action; continue reconnaissance within the AO.
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3-66. The troop commences coordination as reconnaissance handover
requirements between units are identified. The commander may find
handover criteria in the remarks block of the higher headquarters ISR
order. Coordination includes establishment of a communications plan
between the units as necessary. The communications plan includes radio
frequencies, net identifications (ID), EPLRS needlines, host files required
to conduct the linkup (if units are from different maneuver control
systems), and communications security (COMSEC) variables for
communications. Recognition signals are established or confirmed to
prevent friendly troops from exchanging fires.
3-67. The troop exchanges IR requirements to understand how it may
answer or support the adjacent or follow-on unit’s IR. For example, this
will allow the BRT to understand the follow-on battalion’s IR needs while
remaining focused on the brigade’s requirements. This understanding
may lead to the transfer of vital information collected by the troop to the
battalion during critical moments, such as identifying a security element
along the battalion’s axis of advance that is not a brigade PIR.
3-68. If necessary, the troop coordinates indirect fires and fire support
coordination measures (FSCM), critical friendly zones (CFZ), preplanned
targets, final protective fires, and smoke missions. This includes any
criterion for preplanned or high pay-off target handover.
3-69. Coordination is conducted to identify the transfer and/or
acceptance of C2 of elements between units as necessary. An example is
for the troop to leave a scout section in contact with a threat security
element, while the rest of the troop continues reconnaissance farther into
the AO. As the BCT shifts the hand-off between the troop/squadron and
the follow-on battalion, the follow-on battalion may accept C2 of the
troop’s scout section until one of its scout sections is able to relieve the
troop’s section from observing the threat element. Additionally, the
higher headquarters may have on-order missions to other ISR assets to
assist handover between the troop and other elements. An example of
this is a UAV tasked to establish and maintain contact with a moving
force while reconnaissance handover of the force is being conducted from
troop to a follow-on battalion. As reconnaissance handover becomes
imminent and final coordination begins, the UAV supports the
reconnaissance handover. This level of coordination will allow the UAV
maximum time on station, ensuring redundant observation during
3-70. Rehearsals are of paramount importance before executing any
plan. During rehearsals, reconnaissance handover coordination is
confirmed and practiced to ensure clarity and understanding.
3-71. The troop may conduct reconnaissance handover with follow-on or
security (stationary) forces, accept reconnaissance handover from a
forward force, or command and control the handover between subordinate
3-72. When executing reconnaissance handover, liaison with a unit
may consist of collocating the units’ commanders, XOs, or CPs, if
applicable. The follow-on battalion may attach a scout section to the troop
___________________________________________________Chapter 3 – Reconnaissance Operations
NOTE. Although the following example depicts a recce troop from the cavalry squadron
(RSTA) assigned to an SBCT, the same basic techniques apply to a BRT assigned to
a mounted BCT.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
3-75. The GSR team remains oriented on the NAI, forwarding reports
that the surveillance troop uses to direct the UAV to the appropriate NAI.
The troop ensures that its scout teams are positioned to gain and
maintain contact with the threat force throughout its AO. After the
scouts gain contact, the troop accepts handover from the surveillance
troop using digital and electronic means. Upon confirmation that the
troop has accepted handover, the surveillance troop redirects the GSR
and UAV, as required or directed. The troop establishes or confirms
communications with the infantry battalion. The troop may consider
collocating its CP with the infantry battalion’s TAC CP to further
facilitate reconnaissance handover. The SBCT directs the battalion to
attack and destroy the threat force, and the battalion’s reconnaissance
platoon moves to a designated RHO checkpoint to coordinate with the
platoon in contact (see Figure 3-6). The squadron remains oriented on the
brigade ISR mission, but supports the attacking battalion by directing
fires against the threat force in support of SBCT shaping operations for
the attack.
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3-77. There are four reconnaissance methods: sensor, aerial, mounted,
and dismounted. The troop’s higher headquarters should use a
combination of all methods in employing the reconnaissance
fundamentals, providing depth and redundancy throughout the AO. The
troop conducts mounted and dismounted reconnaissance. The troop
commander may use a single method or a combination of methods to
accomplish the reconnaissance mission based on the factors of METT-TC,
the reconnaissance guidance (focus, tempo, engagement criteria), and the
higher commander’s intent. Though maneuver during a reconnaissance
operation may be primarily mounted, dismounted activities are required
to achieve stealth and security. Stealth is paramount in most
reconnaissance operations. Mounted and dismounted surveillance may be
used simultaneously, providing flexibility and capitalizing on the
strengths of both methods. Effective reconnaissance relies on proper
employment of mounted or dismounted reconnaissance, discipline, long-
range acquisition, and maximum use of cover, concealment, and
camouflage for stealth to avoid detection.
3-78. Sensor reconnaissance allows flexibility to economize
reconnaissance assets. Sensors can be used to cover areas where contact
may not be expected, but likely, or used for surveillance of areas that
need to be covered over extended periods. Sensors may be employed as
the “cue” for aerial, dismounted, and/or mounted reconnaissance. They
___________________________________________________Chapter 3 – Reconnaissance Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
3-83. Mounted reconnaissance enables a more rapid tempo, at the
expense of stealth and security. Mounted reconnaissance increases the
probability of threat detection, thus compromising reconnaissance efforts.
Information is primarily gathered through mounted surveillance using
high magnification vehicle-mounted sights to observe from a greater
distance. Though a reconnaissance operation may be primarily mounted,
dismounted activities will probably be required during the operation for
security reasons.
3-84. The troop commander directs platoons to conduct mounted
reconnaissance when—
• Time is limited.
• Distances require mounted movement.
• Stealth and security are not primary concerns.
• Detailed information is not required, or the mounted method
affords the same opportunity to collect information as the
dismounted method.
• Surveillance target allows vehicles to approach (terrain
feature or road intersection in stability or support operations).
• Threat locations are known.
3-85. Dismounted reconnaissance is the primary and most time-
consuming means of reconnaissance for ground troops. This method
permits the troop to collect the most detailed information about the
threat, terrain, society, and infrastructure within a given area, zone, or
along a route. Dismounted reconnaissance permits a troop to collect
detailed information about a fixed site or threat from a close proximity.
The troop is limited in the number of dismounted scouts it can employ at
any time. For example, a scout section is required to operate a long-
duration OP.
3-86. The troop commander may direct platoons to conduct dismounted
reconnaissance when—
• Time is available.
• Detailed information is required.
• Reconnaissance target is a stationary threat, fixed site, or
terrain feature.
• Stealth is required.
• Threat contact is expected or has been achieved through
visual/electronic means.
• Reconnaissance vehicles cannot move through an area
because of terrain or threat.
• Security is the primary concern.
3-87. Infiltration is a form of maneuver that entails movement by small
groups or individuals at extended or irregular intervals through or into
an area occupied by a threat or a friendly force in which contact with the
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Multiple-lane Infiltration
3-101. This is the preferred method of infiltration. The troop infiltrates
by multiple lanes when two or more gaps are found through the threat
defense. See Figure 3-9.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
3-104. Infiltration is characterized by centralized planning and
decentralized execution. Plans for infiltration are based on movement to
the AO with the least risk of detection. The troop’s higher headquarters
must actively assist planning and preparation, to include using
reconnaissance fundamentals to provide early warning and detection of
the threat using imagery, SIGINT, GSR, IREMBASS, and other ISR
assets. The commander uses the higher headquarters graphic control
measures, NAIs, and collection requirements and objective in planning
the infiltration. The location of assigned NAIs may affect the selection of
an infiltration route or location of an ORP. Additional planning
considerations include:
• Terrain analysis using IPB, imagery, and ground
reconnaissance enables the troop to identify primary and
alternate infiltration routes. These routes should avoid threat
positions, obstacles, populated areas, silhouetting, main
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3-108. Planning considerations are similar to those for infiltration. The
principles of route selection, movement formations, and movement
security are observed during movement along exfiltration routes or to the
extraction site. Exfiltration operations require additional time to account
for unforeseen circumstances, such as inadvertent contact with threat
forces or unexpected restrictive terrain. The following additional
considerations are required to ensure a successful exfiltration:
• Exfiltration timing is critical from a standpoint of morale and
mission accomplishment. Plans for extraction are made before
the operation, with alternate plans for contingencies, such as
the evacuation of sick or injured personnel.
• The plan must address actions on lost communications. When
an element has missed a certain number of required
transmissions, the commander assumes that the element has
a communication problem, is in trouble, or both. The
commander must prescribe a no-communication resupply and
exfiltration plan that accounts for all possibilities.
• The plan must address alternate forms of exfiltration in
addition to a link up with their vehicles. The OPORD may
specify dismounted exfiltration or link up with friendly forces
in an offensive operation. Any of these means may also be
planned as an alternative if their vehicles cannot extract the
team, or if capture is imminent.
• Exfiltration pick-up points for dismounts should be far
enough away from the OPs to ensure the threat does not hear
vehicle or helicopter noises. Mountains, dense foliage, and
other similar terrain features can screen these noises. Under
normal conditions, in flat, open terrain on a clear night,
rotary-wing aircraft lose most of their audio signature at
approximately a five-kilometer distance.
• Movement routes are planned that put ridgelines, rivers, and
other restrictive terrain between the unit and threat forces.
___________________________________________________Chapter 3 – Reconnaissance Operations
3-109. The troop commander must consider all aspects of his AO when
organizing his assets and developing control measures. Even when the
operational environment is linear for its higher headquarters, the troop
may be operating in a noncontiguous environment (see Figure 3-10).
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3-117. Zone reconnaissance is a deliberate, time-consuming process;
therefore, it must be focused within time constraints. During a zone
reconnaissance, the troop accomplishes the critical tasks listed below
unless specifically directed otherwise by the higher headquarters
commander. The brigade/squadron commander, depending on the
conditions of METT-TC and his critical information requirements, may
select specific critical tasks for the troop to accomplish.
• Reconnoiter all terrain within the zone.
• Inspect and classify all bridges within the zone.
• Locate fords or crossing sites near all bridges in the zone.
• Inspect and classify all overpasses, underpasses, and culverts.
• Locate and possibly clear all mines, obstacles, and barriers in
the zone within its capability.
• Locate a bypass around urban areas, obstacles, and
contaminated areas.
• Locate and report all threat forces within the zone.
• Report reconnaissance information.
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3-123. The commander develops his intent that addresses the following:
• Key reconnaissance tasks that must be accomplished during
the zone reconnaissance.
• Purpose for reconnaissance in relation to the higher
headquarters reconnaissance objective.
• End state for reconnaissance.
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and/or external to the area. The troop commander must also plan for
movement to the designated area. Tactical movement, road march,
infiltration, or conducting a zone reconnaissance to the area are common
3-128. During an area reconnaissance, the following critical tasks must
be accomplished unless the troop commander directs otherwise:
• Reconnoiter all terrain within the area.
• Inspect and classify all bridges within the area.
• Locate fords or crossing sites near all bridges within the area.
• Inspect and classify all overpasses, underpasses, and culverts.
• Locate and mark all mines, obstacles, and barriers in the
• Locate a bypass around urban areas, obstacles, and
contaminated areas.
• Find and report all threats within the area (identify threat
activities, deceptive measures, and recommend threat
probable COAs).
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FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
Power generation, communication, and water treatment
Restricted or protected areas designated by the ROE.
Hazardous areas, to include:
− Above- or below-ground natural gas or other fuel
− Construction sites.
− Intersections and bridges.
− Known hostile, belligerent, or criminal areas.
Major terrain features such as:
− Buildings that mask or interfere with communications
or GPS.
− Parks.
− Industrial complexes.
− Airports.
Avenues of approach, to include:
− Main thoroughfares and/or improved road surfaces.
− Escape and evasion routes or corridors.
− Subterranean routes and access.
• Terrain and weather considerations, to include:
Effects on effective ranges of weapons systems, laser
designators, and NODs.
Effects on UAVs and other aviation assets for
reconnaissance, transport, resupply, casualty evacuation,
or fire support.
Effects on cross-country mobility.
Effects on civil demonstrations or services.
• Friendly force considerations, to include:
Mission of adjacent and follow-on forces.
Higher headquarters and follow-on force reconnaissance
Higher headquarters and follow-on force CCIR.
Higher commander’s reconnaissance focus, tempo,
engagement criteria, to include adjusting tempo and
engagement criteria during reconnaissance.
Missions of ISR elements, such as PROPHET, supporting
troop movement, and/or reconnaissance.
Missions of ISR elements, such as GSR or IREMBASS,
operating within the troop AO but not under troop
Capabilities and limitation of ISR elements, such as a
GSR, that have been attached to or controlled by the
___________________________________________________Chapter 3 – Reconnaissance Operations
3-132. The commander develops his intent that addresses the following:
• Key reconnaissance tasks that must be accomplished during
the area reconnaissance.
• Purpose for reconnaissance in relation to the higher
headquarters reconnaissance objective.
• End state for reconnaissance.
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3-137. During a route reconnaissance, the following critical tasks must
be accomplished unless the troop commander directs otherwise:
• Reconnoiter and determine trafficability of the route.
• Reconnoiter all terrain the threat can use to place direct fires
on the route.
• Reconnoiter all built-up areas along the route.
• Reconnoiter all lateral routes in the area of responsibility.
• Inspect and classify all bridges along the route.
• Locate fords or crossing sites near all bridges along the route.
• Inspect and classify all overpasses, underpasses, and culverts.
• Reconnoiter all defiles along the route; possibly clear all
defiles of threat and obstacles within its capability, or locate a
• Locate mines, obstacles, and barriers, and within its
capability, clear the route.
• Locate a bypass around obstacles and contaminated areas.
• Locate a bypass around or, if the mission requires, routes
through built-up areas.
• Report route information.
• Find and report all threats that can influence movement
along the route.
3-138. In a permissive environment, the troop may reconnoiter up to
three routes when security is not required. Only one route can be
reconnoitered when the security must provide security for the route
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3-141. The commander develops his intent that addresses the following:
• Key reconnaissance tasks that must be accomplished during
the route reconnaissance.
• Purpose for reconnaissance in relation to the higher
headquarters reconnaissance objective.
• End state for reconnaissance.
___________________________________________________Chapter 3 – Reconnaissance Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 4
Security operations, as
defined in FM 3-90 Fundamentals ..................................................4-3
[FM 100-40], are those Orient on the Main Body .............................4-3
operations undertaken Perform Continuous Reconnaissance .......4-3
by a commander to Provide Early and Accurate Warning .........4-4
Provide Reaction Time and
provide early and Maneuver Space .......................................4-4
accurate warning of Maintain Threat Contact ..............................4-4
threat operations, to Security Planning ............................................4-5
provide the force being Commander’s Guidance..............................4-5
protected with time and Troop Planning Considerations .................4-6
Screen ..............................................................4-10
maneuver space within Key Tasks .....................................................4-11
which to react to the Stationary Screen ........................................4-11
threat, and to develop Example of Stationary Screen ....................4-13
the situation to allow the Moving Screen .............................................4-18
Area Security ...................................................4-30
commander to effectively Area Security Techniques ...........................4-33
use the protected force. HVT Asset Security Considerations ...........4-33
Convoy Security ..............................................4-34
Critical Tasks................................................4-35
For the reconnaissance Convoy Security Elements..........................4-35
troop, security oper- Convoy Security Techniques......................4-36
ations are characterized
by conducting reconnaissance to reduce terrain and threat unknowns,
gaining and maintaining contact with the threat to ensure continuous
information, and providing early and accurate reporting of
information to the protected force.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
• Screen.
• Area security.
• Convoy security.
The width and depth of an AO that the troop can effectively cover
depends on METT-TC.
____________________________________________________________________ Chapter 4 – Security
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________ Chapter 4 – Security
the troop com- Security Missions
mander’s ability to • Destruction Criteria (if any):
execute his mission − What must the troop/platoons destroy in
counterreconnaissance fight?
is to clearly
• Displacement Criteria:
understand the
− What conditions cause displacement to
destruction and alternate screen lines?
displacement − What conditions cause displacement in contact
criteria for the vs. out of contact?
security mission. − What are the criteria for reconnaissance
This is in addition handover between the troop and the protected
to the reconnais- force?
sance guidance of
focus, tempo, and engagement criteria that is provided if required for the
mission. The threat situation is often vague when planning a security
mission. The troop should develop plans that are flexible enough to react
to all feasible threat COAs. The completed plan should include a detailed
description of how contact with the threat is gained and maintained, and
how and where it is destroyed or handed over to other ISR elements or
the protected force. The plan should explain what threat contact is
connected to the higher commander’s information requirements. The plan
should address target acquisition and execution of BCT fires as
necessary. Because of the need for depth, redundancy, integration, and
flexibility, security operations often have the following characteristics or
4-10. Security operations at troop level usually occur in four phases:
• Movement to an initial security position (occupation of a
• Reconnaissance and counterreconnaissance.
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4-30. The screen has the minimum combat power necessary to provide
the desired early warning, but provides the least amount of protection of
any security mission. It does not have the combat power to develop the
situation. It is employed to cover gaps between forces, exposed flanks, or
the rear of stationary or moving forces. The troop normally conducts a
screen when the BCT commander wants to ensure time to respond to an
unexpected threat action and cannot afford to commit other forces to the
4-31. Reconnaissance troops screen the front, flanks, and rear of a
stationary force, but only to the flanks or rear of a moving force.
Screening operations are not performed forward of a moving force. In
noncontiguous brigade operations, the troop may be screening in depth
within the brigade’s battlespace.
____________________________________________________________________ Chapter 4 – Security
4-32. To achieve the intent of a screen mission, the troop must
accomplish the following key tasks:
• Allow no threat ground element to pass through the screen
undetected and unreported.
• Maintain continuous surveillance of all avenues of approach
larger than a designated size into the AO under all visibility
• Gain and maintain contact with threat forces and report any
activity within the AO.
• Maintain contact with the protected force and any security
forces operating on its flanks.
• Destroy or repel threat reconnaissance patrols
(counterreconnaissance) within its capabilities and in
accordance with its engagement and destruction criteria.
• Impede or disrupt the threat within its capabilities and in
accordance with its engagement and destruction criteria.
• Do not become decisively engaged.
4-33. The troop can conduct a stationary screen for a stationary or
moving protected force. In order to plan for and perform all the key tasks
of a screen, the protected force commander may provide the troop with
the information below.
4-34. Augmentation is any additional assets the troop receives to
conduct the mission. Augmentation from the BCT can include an
antiarmor, MGS, infantry, or tank platoon; an engineer platoon; a sniper
squad(s); GSR or IREMBASS teams; and air defense or logistical
4-35. A PL placed along identifiable terrain graphically indicates the
trace. Consideration should be given to the amount of early warning,
range of indirect fires, desired protected force maneuver space, and fields
of observation. When screening forward of the BCT, this PL represents
the FLOT and may be along or close to a coordinated fire line. Placing
screening forces beyond the trace line requires approval of higher
headquarters, and will usually require modification of fire support
coordination measures (FSCM).
4-36. The troop may be assigned a wide frontage in excess of its
doctrinal capabilities. If the troop is required to screen beyond the
capacity it can handle, the commander requests additional assets to
accomplish the tasks assigned. Careful consideration must be given when
assigning ground-based sensors their own terrain, since the ability to
execute the mission can be impacted by weather, station time, and
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4-50. Given the nature of US Army operations and the capabilities of
the BCT, the majority of the operations undertaken will be offensive,
usually operating over extended distances. The same planning
considerations discussed above apply to a moving screen, with additional
requirements to enable the troop to reorient OPs and/or screen lines with
the movement of the protected force. The troop may be required to
conduct moving flank or rear screens. The troop’s maneuver is regulated
by the requirement to maintain the time and distance factors desired by
____________________________________________________________________ Chapter 4 – Security
the protected force commander. UAVs or sensors may assume the screen
during the maneuver of reconnaissance platoons or sections, or work to
extend the areas of coverage.
4-51. Screening the rear of a moving force is essentially the same as a
stationary screen. As the protected force moves, the troop occupies a
series of successive screens and the protected force moves forward.
4-52. The troop may conduct a moving flank screen by itself or as part
of the squadron or BCT. The width of the screen AO is not as important
as maintaining orientation on the force being protected and maintaining
continuous observation of the threat avenues of approach that might
affect the protected force’s maneuver. Excluding the protected force’s
front and rear security forces, the troop screens from the front of the
protected force’s lead combat element to the rear of the protected
4-53. There are three basic techniques for occupying a flank screen of a
moving force. The technique, or combination of techniques, is determined
by the threat situation and the knowledge available on the threat, the
BCT commander’s intent, and the speed that the protected force is
4-54. In the first technique, the troop crosses the LD separately from
the protected force and conducts a tactical road march within an AO
parallel to the force. It then deploys from a release point to the initial
screen positions and orientation. Scout platoons occupy OPs as they
reach them. This is the fastest but least secure technique. If available,
UAVs can reconnoiter forward of the troop or maintain contact with the
protected force. Sensors can occupy OPs and provide long-range
surveillance of threat avenues of approach. This technique is appropriate
when the protected force is moving very quickly, the LD is not an LC, or
earlier ISR indicates threat contact is not likely in the area through
which the troop is moving.
4-55. In the second technique, the troop crosses the LD separately from
the protected force and conducts a zone reconnaissance within an AO
parallel to the force. Screen positions are occupied as they are reached.
This technique is slower, but provides better security to the troop and the
protected force. This technique is appropriate when the protected force is
moving slower, the LD is not an LC, or earlier ISR indicates threat
contact is possible in the troop AO.
4-56. In the third technique, the troop crosses the LD with the
protected force and conducts a zone reconnaissance out to the screen.
This technique provides the most security for the troop and the protected
force, but requires more time. This technique is appropriate when the
protected force is moving slowly, the LD is the LC, or the threat situation
is vague or expected.
4-57. In all three techniques the troop must maintain contact with the
protected force, reorient the screen in relation to the protected force’s
maneuver, and conduct reconnaissance and screen in two directions
(forward of the troop and flank).
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4-61. This technique is appropriate when the protected force is moving
quickly and contact is not likely. It is the least secure movement
4-62. Reconnaissance platoons deploy in platoon column formation
with their reconnaissance and security orientation to the flank. The
remaining troop elements, organic or attached, deploy in depth between
the screen line and the protected force. The trace of the screen is
essentially the route of advance for the reconnaissance platoons in
column. The remainder of the troop moves along a designated route or
axis of advance (see Figure 4-4).
____________________________________________________________________ Chapter 4 – Security
4-63. This technique is appropriate when the protected force requires
greater protection than afforded by continuous marching, is not moving
quickly, or knows threat contact is possible. Bounds may be alternating
or successive. Bounding platoons alternately may leave temporary gaps
in the screen as they move. Bounding platoons successively is more
secure but slower than bounding platoons alternately.
4-64. Platoons deploy into their AOs by alternately bounding around or
to the rear of another (see Figure 4-5), or successively bounding around
forward platoons along the screen (see Figure 4-6) to assume new
positions along the screen. The remaining troop elements, organic or
attached, move in depth between the screen line and the protected force
to best support the reconnaissance platoons.
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4-67. A security drill is a series of rehearsed actions a platoon or troop
takes to maintain contact with the advancing threat force throughout the
depth of its AO in accordance with commander’s guidance. It is used
when displacing the screen to subsequent screen line or OP positions.
The displacement criteria is established in the commander’s guidance
and OPORD and must be clearly understood at all echelons. The troop’s
conduct of security drills is tempered by the protected force commander’s
overall concept, intent, and scheme of maneuver. Threat actions, or
events, drive security drill execution (see Figure 4-9 through Figure 4-
____________________________________________________________________ Chapter 4 – Security
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4-68. At troop level, the security drill combines the displacement of the
initial screen with the actions of the combat elements such as antitank
platoons, MGS platoons, tank platoons, or mechanized infantry platoons
from the BCT. Combat platoons occupy BPs in advance of a security drill
to support platoon or section displacement based on engagement and
disengagement criteria in addition to METT-TC factors.
4-69. A detailed, rehearsed indirect fire plan must be established to
assist in the displacement of the troop. If applicable, caches of mortar
ammunition must be positioned at primary and subsequent mortar firing
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
4-70. At platoon level, OPs gain contact with the threat main body,
then report and prepare to displace to a subsequent position. When the
threat force reaches the OP break point or trigger point (point where the
OP must displace or his position/movement will compromise him to the
threat), the OP passes off the responsibility to maintain contact to
another OP in depth. The platoon displaces its OPs to subsequent
positions in depth while maintaining contact with the threat. If attached
or in support, UAVs and ground sensors enhance the ability of the troop
to maintain contact without compromising the ground scouts.
4-71. Withdrawing to the main battle area should be planned and
executed as a rearward passage of lines under threat contact. Too often,
units underestimate the speed of a threat attack and withdraw too late.
Critical execution aspects include ensuring all elements have updated
digital overlays of obstacles and friendly forces; transmitting the troop’s
SA data to the forces they are passing through; coordinating recognition
signals, passage points, and return routes and depicting them in a digital
operations overlay; and planning indirect fires to cover the withdrawal.
Withdrawing analog vehicles, or those whose FBCB2 is inoperative,
should notify the controlling headquarters that they cannot send SA data
and will not appear on FBCB2. Those vehicles should link up and move
with a vehicle that is transmitting SA data to reduce the possibility of
4-72. A security drill is one of the more difficult tasks the troop
executes. Coordination, rehearsals, planned depth, cueing, mixing, and
redundancy tied to engagement and displacement criteria are paramount
for successful execution for displacement in and out of contact.
____________________________________________________________________ Chapter 4 – Security
• HVA security.
NOTE: The reconnaissance troop relies on the BCT to provide combat elements to perform
offense and defense actions if the threat situation is not permissive.
4-75. The troop may conduct the following additional tasks in stability
operations and support operations:
• Secure a base camp.
• Liaison.
• Conduct compliance inspections.
• Conduct presence operations.
• Support checkpoint operations.
• Provide humanitarian support.
• React to civil disturbance.
4-76. An area security force neutralizes or defeats threat operations in
a specified area. It operates in an area delineated by the headquarters
assigning the area security mission. It screens, reconnoiters, attacks,
defends, and delays (within capability) as necessary to accomplish its
mission. Area security operations may be offensive or defensive in nature
and focus on the threat, the asset or element being protected, or a
combination of the two. Commanders may balance the level of security
measures with the type and level of threat posed in the specific area;
however, all-around security is essential.
4-77. The factors of METT-TC determine specific unit missions. Factors
such as—
• The natural defensive characteristics of the terrain.
• Existing roads and waterways for military lines of
communication and civilian commerce.
• The control of land and water areas and avenues of approach
surrounding the area to be secured extending to a range
beyond that of threat artillery, rockets, and mortars.
• The control of airspace.
• The proximity to critical sites such as airfields, power
generation plants, and civic buildings.
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4-90. A convoy security mission has certain critical tasks that guide
planning and execution. To protect a convoy, the security force must
accomplish the following critical tasks:
• Reconnoiter and determine the trafficability of the route the
convoy will travel.
• Clear the route of obstacles or positions from which the threat
could influence movement along the route.
• Provide early warning and prevent the threat from impeding,
harassing, containing, seizing, or destroying the convoy.
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Chapter 5
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
5-3. Administrative movement occurs in the communications zone to
deploy or reposition forces. Administrative movements are planned by
the higher headquarters S4, and are normally closely coordinated and
controlled by the movement control center responsible for that
communications zone. Administrative movement may include reception,
staging, onward movement, and integration (RSOI) activities as required
for the brigade’s deployment into an AO.
_____________________________________________________ Chapter 5 – Other Tactical Operations
5-4. Tactical movement includes movement and maneuver during
reconnaissance or when contact is anticipated. In a tactical movement,
troop elements are organized to react to or facilitate combat. Movement
in a combat zone of corps and below is considered tactical, as is
movement around an area of responsibility while participating in
stability or support operations. Tactical movements are planned by the
higher headquarters S3, with the XO serving as the movement control
officer. In rear areas they are coordinated with movement control centers.
5-5. Tactical movements may be conducted by ground, air, rail, or
water. Ground movements are normally conducted using tactical
movement or as road marches. Tactical movement includes formations
and techniques that enable a unit to traverse terrain. These formations
and techniques (traveling, traveling overwatch, or bounding overwatch)
are determined by the likelihood of enemy contact. Road marches are
characterized by the following factors:
• Unit relocation when threat contact is not expected.
• Prescribed rates of march and intervals.
• Rapid movement.
• Security.
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Reconnaissance Party
5-10. The size of the reconnaissance party depends on the factors of
METT-TC and the number of routes. It normally consists of a
reconnaissance platoon, but for a brigade-sized element, it may involve
the entire troop on one or more routes. It may be preceded by UAVs to
gather initial information about the route(s) and surrounding terrain.
The party may have engineers and combat elements attached, depending
on the expected threat. The party normally moves by infiltration and
reports to the movement control officer who determines the report times,
information requirements, follow-on mission after completion of the
reconnaissance, and coordinates bypasses, as necessary. The
reconnaissance party conducts route reconnaissance with a potential
follow-on mission of area reconnaissance of the unit’s march destination
such as an assembly area.
Quartering Party
5-11. The quartering party is normally a composite higher
headquarters organization consisting of subordinate element quartering
parties. They are employed when the unit is going to occupy an assembly
area upon arrival at its march destination. The higher headquarters
provides a command and control element, such as a tactical or jump CP,
and the party moves by infiltration. Subordinate element quartering
parties should be organized and conducted as a combat patrol and are
normally led by the XO or 1SG with sufficient personnel to clear and
secure their assigned area.
Main Body
5-12. The main body is composed of the bulk of the troop’s higher
headquarters and is organized into serials and march units. Within a
brigade-sized march column, battalions and squadrons are considered
serials, divided into company/troop or platoon-sized march units. Serials
and march units should move task organized for the follow-on mission
when possible.
Trail Party
5-13. The trail party is organized to conduct repair and recovery of
vehicles, medical aid and evacuation, and unscheduled refueling. In
addition to the march column trail party, each serial has a trail party as
its last march unit. It is organized from the unit’s combat trains under
control of the maintenance officer. If a vehicle cannot be repaired or
towed by the serial trail party, the crew is left with the vehicle and the
trail party must coordinate with the march unit trail party or return for
its recovery. The movement order must address other criteria and actions
in such cases, such as vehicle destruction, based on METT-TC.
5-14. Movement may be considered either deliberate or hasty.
Deliberate movements are normally administrative in nature and may
require crossing corps, divisional, joint task force, or national boundaries.
Hasty movements are normally in conjunction with combat operations
with the troop moving across the parent unit’s AO, especially in a
noncontiguous environment.
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5-20. Acetate overlays are prepared for analog units or for backups to
the digital overlays in the event of digital failure or the attachment of
nondigitized units. They contain the same information as the digital
overlay. Strip maps and traffic control points help control analog
elements attached or OPCON to the troop. The strip map should contain
the same information that is displayed on the digital and/or acetate
overlay, to include the distances between points. Detailed sketches of the
scheduled halts and potentially confusing areas should be provided to
each driver and included in the strip map.
5-21. The troop commander positions himself where he can best control
the movement of the troop. This may be behind the lead platoon, to
respond to contingencies while on the move. If applicable, the troop CP
should be positioned farther back in the column as a security measure to
disperse C2.
5-22. During the road march, the troop commander and the XO or CP
monitors the progress of the troop on tactical displays, reviewing FBCB2
reports as required. This facilitates movement under radio listening
silence or results in a significant reduction in FM communication. The
troop commander can track the progress of his troop on the automated
operations overlay during movement to and occupation of the assembly
5-23. The troop’s column organization must provide adequate security
against air and ground threats while on the move and during halts. The
troop performs the march in open or close column, depending on the
• Close column. A close column is normally used during limited
visibility conditions. Vehicles are typically spaced 25 to 50
meters apart and vehicle density is 15 to 30 vehicles per
kilometer along the route of march. Close column may be
used if road space is critical or to speed movement and reduce
the likelihood of an element getting lost or leaving the desired
• Open column. Open column formation is used when greater
dispersion and security are desired. In this case, the distance
between vehicles varies from 50 to 100 meters. Open column
is normally used in daylight conditions. The troop’s march
speed is based on the slowest vehicle in the column.
5-24. See Figure 5-2 for a way to organize a troop march column. This
order of march provides 360-degree security, disperses the C2 assets of
the troop, and provides reconnaissance forward of the main body. Vehicle
commanders assign sectors of observation to their crews, who search for
air and ground threats.
_____________________________________________________ Chapter 5 – Other Tactical Operations
5-25. Halts are used to rest personnel, provide personal comfort and
relief, facilitate mess operations, refuel vehicles, maintain and inspect
equipment, adjust the schedule, and allow other traffic to pass. They may
be scheduled or unscheduled. Scheduled halts must be factored into
march table and movement times. The troop SOP and/or movement order
specifies the frequency and duration of halts, and prioritizes actions
during them. They also specify actions at unscheduled halts to determine
the reason for the halt, correct the problem, and resume the march as
quickly as possible. Units provide for security during all halts, and
establish OPs to provide early warning of threat forces during any halt.
5-26. Vehicles that become disabled during movement must not
obstruct traffic. The crew of the disabled vehicle moves the vehicle off the
route, posts guides to direct traffic, and finds the problem. If the vehicle
can be fixed, it rejoins the rear of the column. It does not return to its
original position until the column has halted. If the vehicle cannot be
readily repaired, the troop trail element recovers it, if applicable, or it is
reported to the higher headquarters trail party for recovery.
5-28. Offensive operations aim at destroying or defeating a threat.
Offensive operations are also undertaken to seize decisive terrain,
deprive the threat of resources, gain information, deceive or divert the
threat, develop intelligence, or hold the threat in position.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
5-29. Surprise, concentration, tempo, and audacity characterize the
offense. Effective offensive operations capitalize on accurate intelligence
and other relative information regarding threat forces, weather, and
terrain. The commander maneuvers his force to advantageous positions
prior to visual or direct fire contact. Security operations prevent or
inhibit the threat from acquiring accurate information about friendly
forces. Contact with threat forces prior to decisive operations are
deliberate, designed to shape the situation for decisive success. The
decisive operation is a sudden, shattering action that capitalizes on
subordinate initiative and the common operating picture.
• Surprise. Strike the threat at the time and place or in a
manner that is least expected.
• Concentration. Mass available forces and/or fires; achieve
overwhelming superiority in men, weapons, and firepower.
The commander must maintain situational awareness to
anticipate the battlespace conditions that allow him to mass
at the critical point, achieve decisive success, and quickly
disperse to continue the mission.
• Tempo. Tempo is the rate of speed of military action.
Controlling or altering the rate is essential for maintaining
the initiative. Tempo can be fast or slow, depending on the
capabilities of the unit relative to those of the threat.
Commanders must adjust tempo based on METT-TC to
ensure synchronization.
• Audacity. Boldness in the plan’s execution is key to success in
offensive operations. Commanders must analyze and accept
tactical risk to enable violent execution without hesitation to
break the threat’s will or destroy him.
_____________________________________________________ Chapter 5 – Other Tactical Operations
5-32. The troop establishes a base of fire element with sufficient fire
power to suppress the threat with direct fire as necessary. The element
occupies positions that afford clear observation for targeting and fields of
fire providing coverage of both the threat and the friendly moving
elements. The overwatching element uses direct and indirect fires to
achieve the desired effect against the threat force, shifting or
redistributing fires as necessary to achieve or maintain the desired
effects on the threat force. The commander may also direct the element to
initiate and adjust indirect fires as necessary. The base of fire element
should maintain local security to prevent a close assault by the threat. It
should maintain observation with fields of fire to its flanks and rear, and
be prepared to reposition weapon systems to defend itself while
maintaining suppressive fires in support of the moving friendly element.
5-33. The maneuvering element bounds to a position that provides
either positional advantage over the threat for surveillance and/or
targeting, or a position from which to suppress the threat in support of
continued movement towards an advantageous position or to break
contact. The maneuvering element must also maintain local security to
prevent ambush or close assault that may include using bounding within
the element or employing dismounted scouts to reconnoiter dead space or
positions prior to occupation by vehicles.
5-34. Although the commander positions himself to best observe and
influence operations, he will not be able to observe the actions of the
entire troop. In addition to the increase situational understanding
provided FBCB2, it is critical that subordinate leaders cross-talk during
fire and maneuver and provide the commander with information and
recommendations using the communications system that allows him to
make timely decisions. Subordinate leader recommendations may include
how to adapt to changes in the situation or how to exploit opportunities
provided through fire and maneuver.
5-35. A hasty attack is conducted with a minimum of preparation to
defeat a threat force that is not prepared or deployed to fight. It is a
course of action routinely employed in reconnaissance operations to seize
or retain the initiative, or to sustain the tempo of operations. It may also
be employed in area security operations to defeat penetrations of the
perimeter, or during convoy security to defeat or respond to an ambush.
Once the attack is completed, immediately establish hasty defensive
positions and OPs on high-speed avenues of approach into the troop
5-36. The decision to conduct a hasty attack is usually made after a
reconnaissance of a threat force, and dispositions show that winning
requires a quick strike with little preparation. Under no circumstances
should a hasty attack be ordered unless the threat position has been
thoroughly reconnoitered and the individual positions are known.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
5-37. To successfully execute a hasty attack, the following key tasks
must be accomplished by using a mix of all available assets such as UAV,
GSR, scout platoons:
• Reconnoiter to determine the size, composition, and
orientation of the threat force.
• Determine if the objective threat force is mutually supported
or can be immediately reinforced by nearby units.
• Find a covered and concealed approach into the threat’s
• Isolate the objective threat force from other mutually
supporting units with indirect fires (usually with smoke and
HE mortar/FA ammunition, or a scout platoon).
• Establish a base-of-fire element to defeat or suppress all
observed threat weapons with long-range direct and indirect
fires before the maneuver force deploys into its attack.
• Identify the maneuver element to move to a position of
advantage and attack the threat by fire.
• Achieve the desired effect by supporting direct and indirect
fires, then attack the threat by fire or by fire and movement
to destroy or defeat it.
5-38. The key tasks must be synchronized, and a successful attack
depends on the commander’s sense of timing and on his ability to employ
his forces to accomplish the tasks in the proper sequence. The
commander has to apply different forms of combat power against the
threat at the right times and places. Techniques for conducting a hasty
attack have three features:
• Known threat weapons are destroyed or suppressed with
direct and indirect fires before the maneuver force is
• The threat is forced to fight in two directions.
• The objective is isolated.
• The threat is suppressed and unable to react.
_____________________________________________________ Chapter 5 – Other Tactical Operations
the flanks. The scouts identify routes to close on the threat force, support-
by-fire positions, and, if applicable, attack-by-fire or assault positions.
5-40. The FIST, if assigned, XO, or a designated element occupies a
position that provides observation of the threat force and known or
suspected supporting positions to control the indirect fires. If assigned,
the mortar section occupies a firing position and prepares to screen
maneuver or suppress the threat position.
5-41. If the troop has attached tank, MGS, or AT platoons, a scout
platoon provides guides to support- or attack-by-fire positions at a contact
point. They may also guide an infantry platoon to its assault position.
5-42. The commander either collocates with an overwatching element
or follows the assault or attack-by-fire force to best control and influence
the attack. The XO positions to best assist the commander and keep the
higher commander informed. The 1SG moves medics to support the
attacking or assaulting force.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
5-45. The troop commander should strive to engage the threat with a
combination of direct and indirect fire weapons. Direct fires must be
controlled. The commander must determine the following before
executing a hasty attack:
• What is the trigger and who will initiate direct fires into the
objective area and from where will they be initiated?
• What is the aim point for the support element? What is the
trigger and when and to where do they shift fires?
• How are suppressive fires maintained? What are the
ammunition consumption and resupply considerations?
• When and how are SBF positions shifted or repositioned to
minimize effects of threat indirect and direct fires?
• How are fires controlled (focused, distributed and shifted)?
• What is the limit of advance for the assault force?
_____________________________________________________ Chapter 5 – Other Tactical Operations
5-49. Defensive operations defeat a threat attack, buy time, economize
forces, or develop conditions favorable for offensive operations. Defensive
operations alone are not decisive, but create the conditions for a
counteroffensive to regain the initiative (FM 3-90 [FM 100-40]).
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ Chapter 5 – Other Tactical Operations
Passive Active
Disperse vehicles and platoons. Screen/establish OPs.
Use camouflage/cover and concealment. Perform mounted/dismounted patrols.
Impose radio listening silence. Establish GSR posts.
Use hide positions. Establish M8 chemical alarm net.
Enforce noise and light discipline.
Minimize movement.
Do not position in likely target areas.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
5-60. The troop may be assigned one of two defensive tasks by its
higher headquarters.
• Defend from a BP.
• Defend an AO.
5-61. The commander may also develop his scheme of maneuver using
platoon BPs, AOs, or a combination of the two.
5-62. The troop is assigned a battle position when the threat situation
is clear, there are limited avenues of approach, and/or its higher
headquarters desires centralized control. The troop cannot maneuver
outside the position without the higher commander’s permission. The
troop commander closely controls the actions and movement of
subordinate elements within and between BPs. Within the BP, the troop
commander positions his platoons to concentrate all direct fires on or into
a designated location. The troop fights to retain the position unless
ordered by the higher commander to counterattack or withdraw.
5-63. To successfully defend from a troop BP, the following key tasks
must be accomplished:
• Decide where the threat will be killed and designate the
engagement area.
• Establish OPs oriented forward and to the flanks of the BP to
gain contact with the threat force and provide early warning.
• Establish primary and alternate platoon BPs to concentrate
direct fires within the engagement area as directed by the
higher commander.
• Designate supplementary platoon BPs to cover other routes of
threat approach.
• Establish sectors of fire for each platoon.
• Reconnoiter and establish platoon routes from hide positions
to platoon BPs and for withdrawal to subsequent
platoon/troop BPs.
_____________________________________________________ Chapter 5 – Other Tactical Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
results in the close fight. The troop commander must describe how he
expects contact, how targets are acquired, who engages targets with what
weapon system, and what the desired effects and/or threat destroyed are.
This information allows subordinates the freedom to act quickly upon
acquisition of the threat. The commander should consider the following
• Mass the effects of fire.
• Destroy the greatest threat first.
• Employ the best weapon for the target.
• Avoid target overkill.
• Minimize friendly exposure.
• Prevent fratricide.
• Plan for extreme limited visibility conditions.
• Develop contingencies for diminished capabilities.
5-68. Random application of fires is unlikely to have a decisive effect.
The troop must mass its fires to achieve decisive results. The commander
and subordinate leaders must establish and utilize control measures and
engagement techniques to control and rapidly mass fires at the desired
point. An inherent problem is that the troop may be dispersed across a
wide AO, with platoons not being mutually supportive. In this case, the
commander must determine how to shift forces and use the depth of his
AO to mass effects.
5-69. The most dangerous targets are engaged and destroyed first. The
commander uses the factors of METT-TC to determine the most
dangerous targets based on terrain visibility, weapons, effective range,
and positioning. Presented with multiple targets, a unit should initially
concentrate fires to destroy the greatest threat, and then distribute fires
over the remainder of the threat force.
5-70. The commander must determine how to best deploy weapon
systems against threat targets based on the target type, range, exposure,
and ammunition available. The commander task organizes and arrays
his forces based on the terrain, threat, and desired effects of fires.
Subordinate leaders should consider individual crew capabilities when
determining the specific employment of weapons.
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FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
can integrate the obstacle, indirect fire, and direct fire plans within the
engagement area to achieve the unit’s tactical purpose.
5-77. At the troop level, EA development is a complex function,
demanding parallel planning and preparation if the troop is to
accomplish the myriad tasks for which it is responsible. Despite this
complexity, however, EA development resembles a drill in that the
commander and his subordinate leaders use an orderly, fairly standard
set of procedures. Beginning with evaluation of METT-TC factors, the
development process covers these steps:
• Identify all likely threat avenues of approach.
• Determine likely threat schemes of maneuver.
• Determine where to kill the threat.
• Plan and integrate obstacles.
• Emplace weapon systems.
• Plan and integrate indirect fires.
• Rehearse the execution of operations in the engagement area.
5-78. The following procedures and considerations apply in identifying
the threat’s likely avenues of approach (see also Figure 5-5):
• Conduct initial reconnaissance. If possible, do this from the
threat’s perspective along each avenue of approach into the
AO or EA.
• Identify key terrain. This includes locations that afford
positions of advantage over the threat as well as natural
obstacles and/or choke points that restrict forward movement.
• Determine which avenues of approach afford cover and
concealment for the threat while allowing it to maintain its
• Determine the reconnaissance and company/battalion
avenues of approach, to include mounted and dismounted
• Evaluate lateral routes adjoining each avenue of approach.
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Figure 5-12. Plan and Integrate Indirect Fires with Direct Fires
NOTE: The troop commander should coordinate the troop rehearsal with its higher
headquarters to ensure its rehearsals are not planned for the same time and/or
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
5-90. The troop may perform target acquisition in support of the higher
commander’s EFSTs, or to attack high pay-off targets listed within the
attack guidance matrix (AGM). The troop is required to detect and
identify those targets specified in the higher headquarters order and in
accordance with the higher commander’s intent for fire support. The
troop must maintain observation of the specified targets until the desired
effect is achieved through lethal or nonlethal fires, or it completes
reconnaissance handover to another unit. The troop provides battle
damage assessment within its capabilities and may recommend
additional attacks to meet the higher commander’s desired effect as
5-91. The BRT commander or XO may participate in the target value
analysis conducted by the BCT battle staff. The commander should be
prepared to advise the staff on the capabilities and probabilities of troop
assets acquiring high pay-off and other targets based on his analysis of
METT-TC. He may recommend what troop assets be used to support
EFSTs or attack targets from the AGM.
5-92. During his troop-leading procedures, the commander must link
the designated targets and desired effects to the higher commander’s
reconnaissance and/or security guidance. He must consider the effects of
terrain and weather on his capabilities to detect, identify, track, and
designate (paint) targets for attack. The commander should address the
following within his order:
• The relation between his reconnaissance focus, tempo, and
engagement criteria and the higher commander’s EFSTs and
• Maneuvering or positioning elements to acquire targets.
Integration and cuing by external ISR assets.
_____________________________________________________ Chapter 5 – Other Tactical Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
5-101. Although the AA is not a defensive position, the area’s perimeter
must be secured to detect and defeat threat ground attacks. The
commander assigns specific sectors of responsibility to subordinate
elements based on weapons systems capabilities and METT-TC. The
troop uses both passive and active security measures. This is
accomplished by—
• Posting guards at all entrances and exits to stop traffic that
tries to enter the area.
• Establishing OPs to observe key terrain features and likely
avenues of approach for early warning of threat approach.
_____________________________________________________ Chapter 5 – Other Tactical Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
5-104. In addition to establishing security as outlined above, several
tasks are routinely accomplished in an AA. These tasks should be listed
in the troop SOP under priority of tasks upon arrival in an AA.
Subordinates must know how long the troop will remain in the AA and
any special requirements. Common AA tasks include—
• Prepare fire plan, to include indirect fires.
• Establish communications. The troop must ensure that all
communications links (i.e., digital and voice) are maintained.
Backup means of communication (messenger and landline)
are emplaced as opportunity, time, and equipment permit.
• Maintain radio watch and man crew-served weapons.
• Prepare protective obstacle plan.
• Select alternate and supplementary positions.
• Reconnoiter routes of withdrawal.
• Perform preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS).
• Continue to improve positions.
• Conduct logistics resupply (Classes I, III, and V).
• Prepare for future operations to include combat training,
rehearsals, weapons test-fire, precombat checks, and
precombat inspections.
• Rest in accordance with REDCON status.
_____________________________________________________ Chapter 5 – Other Tactical Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
5-113. The primary purpose for a relief in place is to maintain the
combat effectiveness of committed elements. A relief in place should be
conducted during a lull in combat, if possible. FBCB2 enables the
commanders to build and share a complete picture of the area over which
the incoming commander will assume control. As part of the planning,
coordination, and synchronization process, the incoming and outgoing
commanders should coordinate and provide the following:
• Updated friendly and threat situations.
• Impact of civilian considerations on the relief.
• Time for the relief to begin, and estimated time for
completion that takes advantage of limited visibility.
• Sequence of relief, either sequential or simultaneous.
• Method of relief.
• Reconnaissance handover criteria and procedures.
• Locations of contact points, forward AAs, SPs, routes, RPs,
and passage lanes.
• Locations of subordinate element OPs, battle or fighting
positions, checkpoints, and/or roadblocks.
• Fire plans and sector sketches for vehicle fighting positions
and/or crew-served weapons.
• Fire support plans, to include—
Assets available.
Critical friendly zones and no fire areas (NFA).
Preplanned targets.
Final protective fires.
Smoke targets.
• Locations of and procedures to transfer responsibility for
• Locations or employment and purpose of ISR assets/elements
working within the troop AO.
• Far- and near-range recognition signals.
• Locations and responsibilities of guides from the relieved
• Actions on contact during the relief.
• CSS responsibilities and requirements, to include transfer of
supplies and equipment between units.
• Collocation of command posts.
• Communications information, to include exchange of IP
addresses, communications security, and signal operating
5-114. The outgoing commander briefs the incoming commander to
ensure that the relieving unit is thoroughly familiar with the AO and
existing plans of the relieved force. Additional coordination between the
two units is normally effected through the exchange of a liaison, normally
_____________________________________________________ Chapter 5 – Other Tactical Operations
the XO, who remains on site and provides assistance as needed until the
incoming unit becomes familiar with overall operations. This facilitates
information exchange and the command transition process. Additional
face-to-face meetings and the sharing of digitized overlays and/or free-
text messages between liaisons complement this process. The troop
WARNO for a relief in place must specify, as a minimum, the time for
commencing and completing the relief and the priorities for the routes
5-115. In determining the sequence of the relief, both commanders
should consider—
• Subsequent mission of the unit conducting the relief.
• Strength and combat efficiency of the unit presently in place.
• Capability of the threat to detect and react against the relief.
• Characteristics of the AO.
• Communications architecture.
5-116. The circumstances under which the incoming commander
assumes responsibility for the area must be clearly defined in the order.
During the relief, the commander having responsibility for the area,
mission, and terrain management will exercise OPCON over all
subordinate units within his AO. Responsibility passes to the incoming
commander normally when digital/FM communications that allow
effective command and control have been established and in excess of 50
percent of all the units being relieved have been relieved.
5-117. The troop commander and subordinate leaders of the incoming
unit conduct a thorough daylight reconnaissance. The relieved force
commander should initially select and transmit through FBCB2 at least
two routes (ground or air), checkpoints, and contact points for the
incoming unit. The incoming unit’s reconnaissance element with the
troop CP and trains should move to the relieved unit’s location as soon as
possible upon receiving the order from higher headquarters.
5-118. The conduct of a relief in place must be accomplished by the most
covert means possible to prevent the threat from learning that a relief is
taking place. The following security measures should be taken:
• Restrictions on the size of advance parties and
reconnaissance parties must be enforced.
• Communications during the relief are conducted digitally to
the maximum extent possible. A common FM voice net must
be established between the two forces.
• Operations security (OPSEC) is enforced throughout the
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
5-119. Strict movement procedures must be established and coordinated
between the incoming and outgoing units. The movement along the
routes will be tracked through FBCB2, giving the commanders positive
control and a common picture of the movement of both units.
Coordination between units can be extensively executed through the
sharing of digital overlays. Information must include the following:
• Routes and checkpoints to be used and priorities for their use.
• Responsibility for traffic control.
• Location of assembly areas.
• Common use of transportation.
• Unit maintenance collection point (UMCP) locations and
• Aid stations and/or hospitals.
5-120. Units conducting a relief in place also share mobility information
via digitized means or acetate overlays. If terrain and the road network
allow, relieved units should be assigned separate routes and assembly
areas to reduce congestion and to minimize concentration of units.
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5-125. Figure 5-13 and Figure 5-14 show the graphic control measures
that support reconnaissance handover and rearward and forward
passage of lines.
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5-126. The passage of lines involves the stationary unit, the passing
unit, and the commander exercising command authority over both these
units (common commander). The common higher headquarters
coordinates and provides control measures and passage criteria. Critical
tasks of the common commander are as follows:
• Establish the location and criteria for reconnaissance
NOTE: The troop’s higher headquarters may also be conducting a battle handover with the
other force’s higher headquarters. The common commander may establish a battle
handover line (BHL), designating a phase line forward of the FEBA. The stationary
unit commander controls the ground forward of the FEBA up to the BHL. He can
place security forces, obstacles, and direct and indirect fires into this area to
support his scheme of maneuver within the constraints and intent of the higher
• Designate contact points just forward of the reconnaissance
or battle handover lines at which stationary and passing
units are required to conduct physical coordination (only in
defensive operations).
• Ensure the passing unit is provided indirect fire support
while its artillery is displacing during battle handover and
passage of lines.
5-127. The commanders of the passing and stationary units coordinate
to confirm and/or exchange information to support the passage, reporting
any discrepancies from the coordination to their respective higher
headquarters. Exchanged information should include the following:
• Updated friendly situation, to include stationary force
• Updated threat situation, to include recent threat activities
and trends.
• Updated civilian situation, to include impact on the passage
and future missions.
• Impact of terrain on the passage and future missions.
• Obstacle locations, to include friendly lanes and, if necessary,
lane closure criteria.
• Unit designations.
• Reconnaissance handover location and criteria.
• Locations of passage points, passage lanes, SPs, routes, RPs,
rally points, attack positions, and AAs as necessary.
• Overwatch and direct fire support provided by the stationary
unit to the passing unit.
• Fire support information, to include—
Assets available.
Critical friendly zones.
Preplanned targets.
Final protective fires.
_____________________________________________________ Chapter 5 – Other Tactical Operations
Smoke targets.
• Locations or employment and purpose of ISR assets/elements
working within the stationary unit’s AO.
• Vehicle recognition markings and far and near range
recognition signals.
• Locations and responsibilities of guides from the relieved
• Estimated time of arrival of first element at the passage point
and the number and type of vehicles expected at each point
and lane.
• Actions on contact during the passage.
• CSS responsibilities and requirements, to include:
Locations of supporting CSS elements.
Emergency Class III and V resupply.
Medical evacuation.
Maintenance procedures, to include vehicle recovery.
EPW safeguard and evacuation.
• Collocation of command groups and/or posts.
• Communications information, to include:
FM and EPLRS frequencies.
IP addresses.
Procedures for integrating analog units into the digital
network, providing information, and tracking on FBCB2
5-129. Normally the troop breaches to support its infiltration through
the threat’s defenses or to support the maneuver or assault of a follow-on
combat element. The troop plans for and/or applies the breaching
fundamentals of suppress, obscure, secure, reduce, and assault (SOSRA)
to successfully breach the obstacle.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
5-130. Suppression is the focus of available fires on the threat to prevent
effective fires against the troop; however, suppressive fires must not
betray the stealth nature of the troop’s breach. The troop should plan for
on-call fires on threat forces if the breach is detected. The commander
may also request fires against threat forces away from the breach site as
a deceptive measure.
5-131. The troop should maximize the use of limited visibility and
natural cover and concealment during the breach. The commander may
employ HC smoke grenades or pots to reduce signature. As with indirect
fires, the troop should plan for on-call smoke missions if the breach is
detected. The commander may also request smoke missions away from
the breach site as a deceptive measure.
5-132. The commander should plan for a support-by-fire position that
could use dismounted crew-served weapons. The security force
establishes ambushes to the flanks of the breach site to guard against
threat patrols. If necessary, the force silently eliminates outposts
protecting the breach site. The security force provides early warning of
threat patrols to the breach force, avoiding direct fire and employing
indirect fires against patrols when at all possible.
5-133. After the security force is set, the breach force uses silent
techniques to reduce the obstacle. These techniques include probing a
path through minefield, marking mines, cutting wire, cutting down the
sides of ditches with shovels, and setting demolition charges for later
detonation at a predetermined signal. The troop should employ expedient
far and near marking symbols in accordance with its SOP.
NOTE: The troop should clear one lane for infiltrating reconnaissance or assault platoon or
company and a minimum of two lanes for each mounted battalion.
5-134. Normally, the troop assault is limited to establishing OPs on the
threat side of the lanes. Under some METT-TC conditions, the troop may
silently eliminate threat OPs on the far side of the obstacle.
5-135. The commander must obtain all pertinent information on the
location, disposition, composition, and orientation of the obstacle and
overwatching threat forces. The commander studies the terrain to
identify potential approaches and breach site(s) that make the maximum
use of perceived cover, concealment, and dead space. The commander
may coordinate aerial reconnaissance of potential approaches and sites to
confirm his estimate, ensuring that the reconnaissance does not draw
undo attention to the reconnoitered areas.
5-136. The commander identifies the lane requirements, and task
organizes assigned and attached elements to best accomplish the breach.
He designates reconnaissance and security, support, and breach forces.
_____________________________________________________ Chapter 5 – Other Tactical Operations
Chapter 6
Combat Support
The troop can expect to
receive various combat CONTENTS
Intelligence................................................... 6-1
support elements, such as
HUMINT Mission and Organization
an engineer squad or an (Recce Troop Only) .............................. 6-2
ADA Stinger team, from Assessment of AO ................................... 6-7
higher headquarters. The Special Considerations ........................... 6-7
Fire Support/Target Acquisition................. 6-8
troop will also employ Roles and Responsibilities ..................... 6-8
indirect fires and other COLT Platoon and BRT ........................... 6-12
effects during operations. Fire Support Assets and Capabilities .... 6-13
Effective use of these Army Aviation .............................................. 6-25
Air Cavalry ................................................ 6-25
assets requires that the Attack Helicopter Support....................... 6-33
troop commander have an Assault and Cargo Helicopter Support .. 6-42
understanding of their UAV Platoon................................................. 6-45
capabilities and limitat- Platoon Headquarters.............................. 6-46
Ground Planning and Control Section... 6-46
ions. Although these Launch and Recovery Section................ 6-48
assets may be with the Maintenance Team................................... 6-48
troop on a temporary Ground Sensor Platoon .............................. 6-48
basis, troop planning Platoon Leadership.................................. 6-49
IREMBASS/GSR Section ......................... 6-49
must address such issues Multisensor Ground Platoon ...................... 6-51
as their position during Headquarters Element............................. 6-51
movement, security Control Team............................................ 6-52
responsibilities, and PROPHET (SIGINT) Section .................... 6-52
NBC Operations........................................... 6-54
resupply requirements. Troop NBC Defensive Operations .......... 6-54
Use of CS and fire NBC Reconnaissance.............................. 6-55
support must be practiced BCT Engineer Operations........................... 6-56
during troop rehearsals. Capabilities............................................... 6-56
Concept of Operations ............................ 6-56
Organization and Functions.................... 6-58
The troop commander Air Defense .................................................. 6-60
must also consider unique Passive Air Defense................................. 6-60
communications require- Active Air Defense ................................... 6-61
ments when employing
supporting elements. Some CS and fire support organizations will
have ABCS such as FBCB2 and AFATDS. Communications for other
supporting units may be limited to FM radios.
6-1. While only the recce troop has 97Bs (HUMINT collectors)
assigned, the mounted BRT uses HUMINT as well. Reconnaissance
organizations have used information gained from locals and prisoners
from the beginning of organized warfare. HUMINT operations are an
integral part of the troop’s reconnaissance effort. The operational
environment of the troop offers a wide array of human intelligence
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FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
provide security. During SSC operations, the HUMINT collectors are able
to interrogate EPWs, to persuade holdouts to surrender, and to help with
the questioning and evacuation of noncombatants that are encountered in
buildings. They also collect information concerning floor plans, defensive
plans, locations of combatants and noncombatants in buildings and the
surrounding neighborhood, and other pertinent information. The
collected information is passed both vertically and horizontally, based on
unit SOP.
HUMINT Collection in Support of Stability Operations or Support Operations
6-10. The primary focus of the HUMINT collectors during stability
operations or support operations is intelligence support for force
protection. Centralized management and databases are key to successful
HUMINT operations in support of force protection. The HUMINT
collectors organic to the recce troop will normally be allocated to
individual reconnaissance squads, as necessary, to provide a language
and tactical questioning ability, to translate and exploit foreign
documents, and to identify individuals as potential counterintelligence
(CI) sources to be more fully exploited by the HUMINT platoon in the MI
Company. The HUMINT teams establish a network of force protection
sources, debrief casual sources, and interview/debrief local national
employees to increase the security posture of US forces, to provide
information in response to command collection requirements, and to
provide early warning of threats to US forces. The HUMINT collectors
develop both the overall HUMINT picture and the more specific threat
intelligence collection (CI) picture. Additionally, the HUMINT collector is
in the position to articulate the friendly force’s position and draw
commonality with the local populace while dispelling antifriendly
6-11. Document exploitation (DOCEX) is the extraction and
exploitation of information with intelligence value from documents, to
include all types of written or recorded media. The HUMINT teams
perform limited exploitation of documents for information of immediate
tactical interest dealing primarily with documents found on or in
immediate association with EPWs, civilian detainees, refugees, and other
HUMINT sources. In their traditional role, HUMINT collectors review
captured orders and maps. In stability operations, as an example, they
monitor election posters in different ethnic areas.
6-12. The exploitation of documents captured on or in association with
HUMINT sources is performed in conjunction with the initial tactical
questioning of these individuals. Documents that cannot be exploited by
the HUMINT teams in a timely fashion (due to their size or technical
nature) are scanned and transmitted to higher for translation and
6-13. See FM 2-22.3 [FM 34-52] and FM 2-22.2 [FM 34-5] for more
detailed information on HUMINT operations.
6-14. When conducted properly, tactical questioning elicits valuable,
timely, and accurate information from the local populace. When
conducted improperly, the questioner confuses the subject, waste time,
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6-25. The SSC environment is the most difficult, complex, and
challenging environment for ISR integration/operations. Ambiguous and
difficult-to-identify threats characterize this environment. SSC operations
require detailed intelligence on equipment and facilities not normally
considered military targets, diverse augmentation requirements, and
intense political pressures, to include demands to minimize friendly and
threat casualties. Such operations might often be in urban areas where it is
extremely difficult to predict terrain, health, and criminal factors that
affect the employment of soldiers and weapons. The heavy reliance on
HUMINT sources, coupled with the continuing demand for traditional
technical collection means used in the MTW environment, demand a more
robust analytic and collection effort than in the traditional intelligence
organizations. The ISR capabilities resident in the brigade are capable of
meeting the challenge of ISR operations across the spectrum of conflict.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
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FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
Offensive Operations
6-35. The following actions and considerations apply for fire support
planning, coordination, and execution when the troop conducts offensive
• Determine when and how to shift priorities of fires.
• Specify the trigger for shifting priorities of fire.
• Plan fires en route to the line of departure/line of contact.
Plan fires to support hasty defense if attack stalls.
Plan fires in support of the unit assembly area.
• Plan fires from the line of departure/line of contact to the
Provide priority of fires to lead elements.
Consider smoke to limit threat observation of friendly
Consider smoke in support of breach sites, screening
movements, and deception operations.
Plan fires on exposed flanks to disrupt counterattacks.
Consider task organization of observers to ensure all
critical targets are observed.
Consider preparatory fires.
• Plan fires on the objective.
Plan fires that isolate the objective.
Consider fires to delay threat reinforcements and
Plan fires to suppress threat direct fire weapons.
Consider the use of smoke to screen or obscure.
Plan signals for shifting fires.
Plan fires in support of a hasty defense upon successful
attack of the objective.
• Plan fires beyond the objective.
Plan fires to divert, delay, or limit threat reinforcements.
Plan fires on likely counterattack avenues of approach.
Plan fires to disrupt or delay threat retreat.
_____________________________________________________________ Chapter 6 – Combat Support
Defensive Operations
6-36. The following actions and considerations apply for fire support
planning, coordination, and execution when the troop conducts defensive
• Plan alternate positions for mortars.
• Plan suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD) in support of
CAS missions.
• Plan for priority of fires.
• Plan fire support early and throughout the entire defensive
• Plan final protective fires (FPF).
• Plan fires forward of the main battle area (MBA).
Plan counterreconnaissance fires.
Plan fires to force the threat commander to deploy his
forces early.
Position observers on templated avenues of approach.
Plan fires on key choke points.
Plan FASCAM and smoke to separate lead elements from
follow-on forces.
• Plan fires in the MBA.
Mass to disrupt, delay, and destroy the threat.
Plan fires on key obstacles and assign redundant
observers to execute fire plan.
Know the engineer obstacle plan and types of obstacles.
Consider the terrain when targeting obstacles.
Consider the use of smoke to support the obstacle plan.
• Plan fires in support of engagement areas.
Use fires to canalize the threat.
Plan groups and series for simultaneous engagements.
Mass fires in engagement areas.
Plan coordinated attacks with close air support.
Consider use of special munitions (illumination, smoke,
• Ensure fires are in strict accordance with the rules of
engagement. Nonlethal fires may be the primary means in
these types of operations.
• Plan and rehearse clearance of fires drill.
• Plan for employment of radars, e.g., critical friendly zones.
• Plan for employment of precision munitions to limit collateral
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ Chapter 6 – Combat Support
• Threat situation.
• Whether the mission is weighted more toward reconnaissance
or executing the brigade fire support plan.
• Distances for communications and impact on command and
• Security requirements for the BRT and attachments.
Pure Platoons
6-43. Although employing pure platoons will probably not be the
normal method of operation, some conditions or missions require pure
platoon employment. Some conditions that might require this are—
• A large portion of the troop conduct reconnaissance or
surveillance operations to the flanks and/or rear of the
brigade while the COLTs are required forward of the BCT.
• The COLT platoon is required to operate under the direct
control of the BCT FSCOORD.
• There are no additional assets to task organize with the scout
platoons, and the COLT platoon is operating under artillery
Integrated Platoons
6-44. Probably the most common way to employ the platoons is to
integrate the scouts and COLT platoons together, creating two platoons,
each with a platoon headquarters, two scout sections, and two to four
COLT teams. This method of employment is best utilized when the troop
must cover an extended sector, requiring both reconnaissance and fire
support observation capabilities throughout the area.
Attached COLT Teams
6-45. The situation may dictate that the best task organization is to
attach two or three COLT teams to the scout platoons. The remainder of
the COLTs is left under the control of the COLT platoon leader to focus
on execution of the brigade fire support plan. This might be used when
one or both of the scout platoons require some fire support augmentation,
and when execution of the fire support plan requires some COLT assets
to remain under artillery control focused on artillery observation
6-46. No matter what task organization is employed, success will be
achieved only if the scouts and COLTs have habitually trained together
on the same critical reconnaissance, surveillance, and artillery observer
tasks. The unit cannot achieve full potential and the ability to be flexibly
employed if they focus only on their individual artillery or scout MOS
tasks. They must constantly work and train with the mindset that they
are both scouts and artillery observers, equally versed in both missions.
6-47. Fire support assets include field artillery, mortars, close air
support, and naval surface fire support (NSFS). These assets support
operations by disrupting, delaying, diverting, limiting, and destroying
threat forces. Lethal fires, nonlethal fires (currently smoke and
illumination), or combinations of both are employed to accomplish this
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
Range-Meters Scan Sector Emplacement Displacement General
2 2
Time Time* Location
AN/TPQ 36 750 m 12K-Arty and 230 mils 1,600 mils 20 minutes 10 minutes 3-6 km
Mort behind the
24K-Rockets FLOT
AN/TPQ 37 3,000 m 30K-Arty 300 mils 1,600 mils 30 minutes 15 minutes 8-12 km
50K-Rockets behind the
Can scan 6,400 mils by using extended azimuth search function; however, this is not common practice.
Time does not include set-up or take down of camouflage systems.
6-50. The brigade, cavalry squadron (RSTA), and hence the troop, is
supported by a field artillery battalion. As part of its unit basic load, this
battalion has several different munitions available to support the troop.
It has lethal munitions such as HE, DPICM, Copperhead, white
phosphorous (WP), and scatterable mines (ADAM/RAAMS). It also has
nonlethal munitions that include smoke and illumination. Table 6-2 lists
some capabilities of the various munitions.
18,100 28,400 30,000 varies 4 rounds/min
17,500 2 minutes 1 round/min 1,000m
WP 30 SECS 1 to 1½
SMOKE 30 SECS 5 to 10
_____________________________________________________________ Chapter 6 – Combat Support
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
Ammunition RANGE
High Explosive Full Charge: 23,127M; Reduced Charge: 12,200M
Illumination Full Charge: 23,127M; Reduced Charge: 12,200M
White Phosphorous Full Charge: 23,127M; Reduced Charge: 12,200M
_____________________________________________________________ Chapter 6 – Combat Support
• Tactical airlift.
• Electronic combat.
• Air interdiction.
6-54. CAS missions are the most common type of mission flown in
support of the troop. CAS is defined as air attacks on hostile surface
forces that are in close proximity of friendly troops. CAS can be employed
to blunt a threat attack, support the momentum of the ground attack, or
provide cover for friendly movements. For best results while avoiding
mutual interference or fratricide, aircraft are kept under “detailed
integration” (part of the Air Force’s combat air system). Until the USAF
achieves air superiority, competing demands between CAS and
counterair operations may limit sorties apportioned for the CAS role.
Nomination of CAS targets is the responsibility of the commander, ALO,
and S3 at each level.
6-55. In most cases, these CAS sorties are planned by the squadron S2,
S3, and FSCOORD and requested through the squadron ALO. It is quite
possible that the troop may have a tactical air control party (TACP)
attached to it for security and positioning to execute planned CAS
missions. FISTs attached to the troop are also trained in controlling close
air support and may have control of a CAS mission as part of an essential
fire support task. CAS flown specifically in support of the troop is
normally an on-call mission and takes the form of an immediate CAS
request that can be controlled by an FSO or TACP. In other cases, Army
aviation aircraft (OH-58D and AH-64D aircraft) and USAF or USMC
aircraft may perform joint air attack team (JAAT) operations.
6-56. Tables 6-4 and 6-5 depict the aviation assets most likely to be
available to support the troop. USAF, USN, and USMC aircraft are listed
within the same charts to save space. USAF and USMC personnel are the
primary means for requesting and controlling their respective service’s
aircraft. However, if no personnel augmentation by the other services is
available, then the organic fire support personnel are the primary means
for coordinating and controlling CAS aircraft. In the event USAF or
USMC personnel do not augment the troop to assist in controlling CAS, a
CAS briefing form is located at Figure 6-3.
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permitting. Both the graphics and the lettering are in black for all
6-58. With the exception of boundaries, FSCM are either permissive or
restrictive. In essence, the primary purpose of a permissive measure is to
facilitate the attack on targets. A restrictive measure imposes certain
requirements for specific coordination before the engagement of those
targets affected by the measure. Therefore, the primary purpose of a
restrictive measure is to safeguard friendly forces.
Permissive Measures
6-59. Coordinated Fire Line. A coordinated fire line (CFL) is a line
beyond which conventional or improved conventional indirect fire
(surface-to-surface fires only) means (mortars, field artillery, and NGF)
may fire at any time within the zone of the establishing headquarters
without additional coordination. The purpose of the CFL is to expedite
the attack on targets beyond it. Usually, a brigade or a division
establishes the CFL, but a maneuver battalion may establish it. It is
located as close to the establishing unit as possible, without interfering
with maneuver forces, to open up the area beyond to fire support. There
is no requirement for the CFL to be placed on identifiable terrain.
However, additional considerations include the limits of ground
observation, the location of the initial objectives in the offense, and the
requirement for maximum flexibility of both maneuver and the delivery
of supporting fires. Higher headquarters may consolidate subordinate
6-60. The CFL is graphically portrayed by a dashed black line followed
by the establishing headquarters (brigade or division) in parentheses
above the line and a date-time group below the line (see Figure 6-4).
Locations for CFLs are disseminated by message and/or overlay through
both maneuver and fire support channels to higher, lower, and adjacent
maneuver and supporting units.
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FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
Restrictive Measures
6-69. No Fire Area. A no-fire area (NFA) is an area into which no fires
or effects of fires are allowed (see Figure 6-7). Two exceptions are—
• When the establishing headquarters approves fires
temporarily within the NFA on a mission-by-mission basis.
• When a threat force within the NFA engages a friendly force.
The commander may engage the threat to defend his force.
6-70. The purpose of the NFA is to prohibit fires or their effects in the
area. Usually a division or corps establishes NFAs. NFAs are normally on
easily identifiable terrain. However, they may be located by grid or by a
radius (in meters) from a center point. Like other fire support
coordination measures, an NFA’s location is disseminated through both
maneuver and fire support channels to concerned levels.
_____________________________________________________________ Chapter 6 – Combat Support
6-71. Restrictive Fire Area. A restrictive fire area (RFA) is one in which
specific restrictions are imposed and in which fires that exceed those
restrictions will not be delivered without coordination with the
establishing headquarters (see Figure 6-8). The purpose of the RFA is to
regulate fires into an area according to the stated restrictions. Maneuver
battalion or higher echelons of command establish it. On occasion, a
company operating independently may establish an RFA. Usually, it is
located on identifiable terrain, by a grid or by radius (in meters) from a
center point. Its location is disseminated in the same manner as that of
the coordinated fire line. Restrictions may be shown on a map or an
overlay, or reference can be made to an OPORD that states the
restrictions. RFAs are suited for aircraft operations since fires into an
RFA can be controlled and deconflicted from the aircraft.
6-72. Restrictive Fire Line. The restrictive fire line (RFL) is a line
established between converging friendly forces (one or both may be
moving) that prohibits fires or the effects of fires across the line without
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
coordination with the affected force (see Figure 6-9). The purpose of the
line is to prohibit fires or the effects of fires across the line without
coordination between the converging friendly forces. The commander
common to the converging forces establishes it. Its location is
disseminated in the same manner as that of a coordinated fire line.
_____________________________________________________________ Chapter 6 – Combat Support
6-77. Air cavalry may be OPCON to the brigade or the cavalry
squadron (RSTA) to augment reconnaissance troop operations. Troops
and platoons must therefore be prepared to establish a close working
relationship with air cavalry troops. Through its mobility and speed, air
cavalry gives the troop commander added flexibility, increasing the speed
with which reconnaissance is conducted. Refer to FM 3-20.95 [FM 17-95]
and FM 3-04.114 [FM 1-114] for doctrine on air cavalry operations. See
Figure 6-11 for air cavalry troop organization.
6-78. The aeroscout platoon consists of four aircraft, led by a
lieutenant. It includes a flight examiner, instructor pilot, and individual
aircraft pilots. Its primary mission is to conduct armed R&S missions.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
6-79. The primary aircraft in air cavalry units is the OH-58D(I) Kiowa
Warrior. This helicopter provides the maneuver commander with a
versatile platform; it can be armed with various weapon systems and is
suitable for employment in numerous types of situations and operations.
6-80. The aircraft features a stabilized mast mounted sight (MMS) with
a low-light TV camera, thermal imaging system, and laser range
finder/designator. The aircrew of the Kiowa Warrior can detect a heat
source in day or night conditions at a range up to 15 kilometers and is
capable of providing laser designation of targets for laser-guided
munitions. In optimal conditions the Kiowa Warrior can detect targets at
15 kilometers, acquire targets at 10 to 15 kilometers, and identify targets
from 5 to 8 kilometers.
NOTE: The Kiowa Warrior’s detection and identification capabilities and its maximum
operational and weapons ranges can be significantly affected by such factors as
terrain, weather, and crew experience.
6-81. Effective integration of air and ground assets is required to
successfully conduct cavalry operations. Each element (air and ground)
brings unique capabilities and limitations to the cavalry commander.
Integration starts at home station with the implementation of effective
SOPs, habitual relationships, and air-ground team training. It continues
through planning, preparation, and execution of the operation.
6-82. To ensure effective integration, commanders and staffs must
consider some basic fundamentals for air-ground integration. These
fundamentals provide the framework for enhancing the effectiveness of
both air and ground maneuver assets. In all cases, the commander must
employ air cavalry assets as a maneuver force. The basic fundamentals
• Understanding capabilities and limitations.
• Use of SOPs.
• Command and control.
• Maximizing available assets.
• Employment methods.
• Synchronization.
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FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
Current situation should include friendly forces location and situation, threat situation highlighting known
ADA threat in the AO, and tentative EA coordinates.
Brigade/squadron-level graphics can be updated via MCS-P or radio communications. Update critical
items, such as LOA, fire control measures, base maneuver graphics, to better integrate into the friendly
scheme of maneuver.
Fire support coordination information, such as location of direct support artillery and organic mortars and
call signs and frequencies.
Ingress/egress routes into the AO. This includes passage points into sector or zone, and air routes to the
holding area.
Holding area for face-to-face coordination between the attack team and the brigade/squadron/unit in
contact. A holding area equates to an assault position. It must be adequate in size to accommodate the
number of aircraft assigned the mission and out of range of threat direct fire systems. It should also be
out of threat mortar range.
Call signs/frequencies of the brigade/squadron in contact down to the unit in contact. Air-ground
coordination must be done on command frequencies to provide situational awareness for all elements
SINCGARS time hack.
Threat situation, focusing on ADA in the AO, type of threat vehicles/equipment position (center
mass), and direction of movement. If dispersed, provide front line trace.
Friendly situation, including location of troop in contact, its mission, and method of marking its position.
Call sign/frequency verification.
Holding area verification, if face-to-face coordination is used. A sign/countersign must be agreed upon,
such as using a light/heat source to provide a recognizable signature, answered by either aircraft IR lights
or visible light flashes to signify which aircraft to approach.
_____________________________________________________________ Chapter 6 – Combat Support
6-92. Upon receiving the required information from the squadron, the
attack team leader changes frequency to the troop’s FM command net to
conduct final coordination before ingressing on attack routes to BPs or
ABF/SBF positions (see Table 6-9 for example). Coordination begins with
the troop commander and ends with the leader of the lowest-level unit in
contact (platoon).
6-93. Regardless of which key leader the attack team leader
coordinates with, the troop command net is the most suitable net on
which both air and ground elements can conduct the operation. It allows
all key leaders on the ground, to include the FIST chief and the attack
team leader and his attack crews, to communicate on one common net
throughout the operation. Operating on the command net also allows the
attack team to request responsive mortar fire for either suppression or
immediate suppression of the threat. The AH-64 and the AH-1 Cobra are
limited to only one FM radio because of the aircraft configuration. The
OH-58 is dual-FM capable, which allows the attack team leader to
maintain communications with the troop as well as its higher
headquarters or a fire support element.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
6-95. The attack team leader and ground unit’s key leaders must
consider the effects on friendly forces of the various weapons carried by
the attack aircraft prior to target selection and engagement. Weapon
systems and munitions selection for a given engagement is METT-TC
dependent. Point target weapon systems, such as Hellfire or TOW, are
the preferred system for engaging armor or hardened targets in the close
fight. The gun systems and the 2.75-inch rockets are the preferred
system/munitions for engaging troops in the open and soft targets, such
as trucks and trench works. These area fire weapon systems pose a
danger to friendly soldiers who may be in the lethality zone of the rounds
or rockets. In this case, the leader on the ground must be very precise in
describing the target he wants the aircraft to engage.
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FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
6-99. After receiving a request for ACF, the attack team leader informs
the ground unit leader of the BP and/or ABF/SBF position, or the series
of positions his team will occupy to gain the best observation and fields of
fire into the EA or target area. The BP or ABF/SBF position is a position
from which the attack aircraft will engage the threat with direct fire. It
includes a number of individual aircraft firing positions. It may be
preplanned or established as the situation dictates. Size will vary
depending on the number of aircraft using the position, the size of the
EA, and the type of terrain. The BP and/or ABF/SBF position is normally
offset from the flank of the friendly ground position, but close to the
position of the requesting unit to facilitate efficient target handoff. This
also ensures that rotorwash, ammunition casing expenditure, and the
general signature of the aircraft does not interfere with operations on the
ground. The offset position also allows the aircraft to engage the threat
on its flanks rather than its front, and reduces the risk of fratricide along
the helicopter gun-target line.
_____________________________________________________________ Chapter 6 – Combat Support
6-100. The attack team leader provides the ground maneuver unit leader
with his concept for the team’s attack on the objective. This may be as
simple as relaying the direction the aircraft will be coming from or the
attack route, time required to move forward from their current position,
and the location of the BP. Only on completion of coordination with the
lowest unit in contact does the flight depart the holding area for the BP.
As the attack team moves out of the holding area, it uses nap of the earth
(NOE) flight along attack routes to mask itself from ground threat
observation and threat direct fire systems. The attack team leader
maintains FM communications with the ground unit leader while he
maintains internal communications on either his very high frequency
(VHF) or ultra high frequency (UHF) net (see Table 6-14).
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
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SPINNING N ALL NVD Marginal N/A Provides unique signature. May be obscured by
CHEM- structures. Effectiveness dependent upon
LIGHT (IR) degree of urban lighting.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
6-107. TV/EO sensors are subject to many of the same limitations as the
naked eye, particularly TVs without low-light capability. Aircrews may
not be successful in acquiring a target and achieving lock-on if smoke,
buildings, or other factors repeatedly interrupt their line of sight (LOS).
Low-light or all-light TV/EO sensors may require frequent gain and filter
changes to accommodate varying light levels. Normal means of target and
friendly identification may prove ineffective. IR strobes or even overt
strobes normally visible to TV/EO sensors may be lost in the light clutter.
Laser pointers will suffer the same type of degradation. TV/EO resolution
is typically not sufficient at medium and extended ranges to discriminate
between a friendly position or a target and its surrounding urban
features. Ground personnel may need to use more aggressive and overt
means of identifying their position and that of the target if TV/EO
sensors are used to identify, track, and engage targets.
6-108. A major challenge for a gunner in a moving aircraft is achieving
and keeping LOS with a target or friendly position. Laser designation
requires uninterrupted LOS to identify and engage a target. Helicopters
may use hover capabilities, but only in the most permissive
environments. This may mean the lasing platform has to be very near the
target, often within danger-close or weapon-arming distances, to keep the
spot on the target until ordnance impact. Smoke from burning vehicles or
other fires may drift across the laser-to-target line, causing laser
6-109. Most laser designation platforms cannot actually see their laser
spot on a target. Lasers are often boresighted to other supporting sensors
like FLIR/TIS or TV/EO. If the supporting sensor cannot see a target,
then the laser cannot effectively mark the target. Further, even though a
FLIR/TIS may “see” a target, the laser may not be capable of guiding
ordnance against it, since smoke invisible to the FLIR/TIS may attenuate
the laser energy. For the wave length of the laser, the most important
contributor to this nonselective scattering is water vapor or absolute
humidity. The impact of humidity on FLIR/TIS performance is greater
than its impact on the laser. In other words, if you can detect the target
in clear air, then the laser should provide sufficient laser energy for
seeker acquisition. A rule of thumb is if you detect a target with a visual
sensor and consistently determine a range to it with a laser range finder,
then you can likely designate it satisfactorily for a laser-guided weapon.
For low and medium threats where sufficient time is available to use the
FLIR/TIS to point the laser, the methods are simple. As the threat
escalates and the time available for target acquisition shrinks, targeting
with the FLIR/TIS becomes more difficult, and the accuracy of laser
munitions delivery may be degraded significantly.
6-110. Aerial resupply operations provide the squadron/mounted BRT
commander with a flexible, responsible means to resupply his force.
Although limited by weather and threat air defense systems, aerial
resupply enables the commander to bypass congested supply routes,
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FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
“Hardrock 06, Comanchero 06 is 30 seconds
inbound to your location, request terminal
guidance, over”
“Comanchero 06, Hardrock 06, signal is displaced,
over”(use prearranged signal method if possible)
“Roger Hardrock, Comanchero has red smoke,
“Hardrock 06, roger green smoke, be advised there
is a large bolder at the far end of the LZ and a
suspected ZSU 23-4 four kilometers to the east,
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6-123. The UAV platoon operates four UAV aircraft (12 hours of
continuous coverage in a 24-hour period and a surge capability of 18
hours out of 24-hour coverage for a period of three days). The platoon
consists of a headquarters element, a mission planning and control
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
6-124. The platoon headquarters collocates with the launch and recovery
section. The headquarters ensures the subordinate teams are deployed,
employed, and supported in accordance with the brigade/squadron
OPORD and the troop commander’s guidance. The headquarters
performs mission planning and coordinates airspace coordination for
UAV operations. Upon receipt of a mission or a mission change, the
platoon headquarters plots the mission change as well as ingress and
egress routes and makes sure the changes are accomplished safely and
within operational parameters of the system. Additionally, the platoon
headquarters coordinates UAV airspace requirements through the
squadron S3 up to the brigade.
6-125. Missions are normally flown from a location in close proximity to
the squadron CP. The platoon leader is responsible for locating suitable
launch and recovery sites when new sites are required. The platoon
headquarters plans the mission to collect the required information in a
timely manner and submits flight requests to the squadron S3 for
airspace deconfliction and integration into the air tasking order, special
instruction, or the airspace control order.
6-126. The section is normally collocated with the squadron CP to
support situation development, reporting, and dynamic retasking of the
UAV. The section operates a ground control station (GCS). The GCS has
two primary functions. First, it is the primary means to control, track,
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and operate the UAV. Second, it manipulates the payload and receives
and processes telemetry and video downlinks from the UAV.
6-127. There are a variety of imagery sensors available for use on UAVs.
Each sensor has a unique capability, with distinct advantages and
disadvantages for each sensor. Sensors are currently limited to electro-
optical and infrared. Additional payloads are currently under
development and may be fielded as payload technology matures.
Table 6-19 is a matrix of sensor characteristics for the types of sensors
currently available on UAVs.
Affords a familiar view of a scene. Can be deceived by employment of camouflage
Offers system resolution that cannot be achieved in and concealment techniques.
other optical systems or in thermal images and Restricted by weather conditions; visible light
radars. cannot penetrate clouds or fog.
Preferred for detailed analysis and measurement. Restricted by terrain and vegetation.
Offers stereoscopic viewing. Limited to daytime use only.
A passive sensor and is impossible to jam. Not effective during thermal crossover (1 to 1.5
Offers camouflage penetration. hours after sunrise or sunset).
Provides good resolution. Tactical platforms threatened by threat air
Night time imaging capability. defenses.
Bad weather degrades quality.
6-128. Control of the UAV during flight is effected through the GCS.
After the external air vehicle operator (EAVO) at the launch site takes
the aircraft off and it has climbed to an en route altitude, the EAVO
transfers control of the UAV to the air vehicle operator (AVO) inside the
GCS. The mission is flown with the AVO controlling the UAV via the C
band microwave data link from inside the GCS shelter. The data link
must maintain line of sight between the air vehicle and the GCS. The
shelter can be located within the brigade or squadron TOC, allowing the
supported commander to immediately effect a mission change. The GCS
can also be located up to several kilometers away from the TOC.
Communications between the GCS and the TOC is by landline or radio as
provided by the supported unit.
6-129. The UAV platoon can also use the TROJAN SPIRIT tactical
satellite system to send UAV video over extended ranges or from
locations where the area communications networks are immature. When
the GCS is not located with the TOC, a remote video terminal (RVT) is
placed in the TOC. The RVT is a receiver-only terminal that allows the
supported commander to view the down-linked video from the UAV.
When the GCS is not collocated with a supported unit TOC, mission
changes must be requested through the platoon headquarters via the
supported unit to the GCS.
6-130. Reporting is normally performed through voice or data messages
detailing observed activity. Reports are produced in the GCS and sent to
the ASAS or other consumers as directed. The report flow will be through
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6-135. The platoon leadership consists of a platoon leader and a platoon
sergeant. The element is integrated into the platoon during tactical
operations. They work together to ensure the subordinate sections are
deployed, employed, and supported in accordance with the squadron
operation order and the surveillance troop commander’s guidance. In
accordance with standard troop-leading procedures, the platoon leader is
responsible for coordinating the movement and link-up of platoon
elements that the surveillance troop might attach to the recce troop.
6-136. Based on METT-TC, the brigade/squadron may attach an
IREMBASS/GSR system to operate in direct support of the troop. The
direct support relationship increases situational awareness and
capability of the recce troop to perform its missions, particularly during
initial entry, cross-FLOT, and close battle offensive operations. In direct
support, the IREMBASS/GSR system employs the tactics and techniques
described for general support operations, but on a troop versus squadron
or brigade scale.
6-137. Each team is equipped with the AN/PPS-5D GSR and
IREMBASS. The team emplaces its GSR and IREMBASS in areas of
expected threat activity as directed in the squadron S2’s ISR plan. The
IREMBASS monitoring site is located within the team vehicle at the
multi-sensor section position. The team prepares and submits a sensor
activated SPOTREP and a SALUTE report to the ISR integration section,
or if in direct support, to the recce troop CP. The team uses its systems
• Provide indications and warning of threat movement,
reinforcement, or withdrawal.
• Provide near-real time combat information and targeting
• Confirm or deny movement along major supply routes,
avenues of approach, or through specific NAIs.
• Support flank and rear security.
• Vector friendly forces to objectives during periods of visibility
by monitoring their movement.
• Provide tip-off and cross-cueing of other sensors to support
the brigade’s targeting effort.
6-138. The team’s IREMBASS is capable of detecting and classifying
moving targets by responding to seismic acoustic disturbance, changes to
the infrared energy, and magnetic field changes produced by the targets.
IREMBASS uses remotely monitored sensors that are capable of
detecting and classifying moving targets by responding to seismic
acoustic disturbance, changes to the infrared energy, and magnetic field
changes produced by the targets. Once a moving target activates the
sensor(s), they send a burst of digital messages to the portable monitoring
set/monitor-programmer and/or the sensor monitoring set/advanced
monitoring display system. Based on the availability of line-of-sight,
these digital messages are sent directly, or they go through a radio
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
NOTE: The system requires radio line of sight to transmit activations from the sensors to
the monitor station. A radio repeater can extend the range by 15 kilometers on the
ground and by 100 kilometers from the air.
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6-145. The platoon headquarters consists of a platoon leader and a
platoon sergeant. The element is integrated into the platoon during
tactical operations. They work together to ensure the subordinate
sections are deployed, employed, and supported in accordance with the
squadron operation order and the surveillance troop commander’s
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
6-146. The control team consists of two signal analysts and two
collection specialists. The section is normally collocated with the
squadron CP to support situation development, reporting, and retasking
of the PROPHET systems. Reporting is normally performed through voice
or data messages detailing collection activity. Reports are produced and
sent to the ASAS or other consumers as directed. The report flow will be
through normal intelligence reporting channels and will be in the
SALUTE report format. This format is compatible with ASAS
requirements and facilitates correlation and dissemination. SIGINT
analysts at the brigade S2 perform detailed analysis of SIGINT products
as needed.
6-147. Each SIGINT team is equipped with the AN/PRD-13(V)2
PROPHET. The PROPHET system is capable of monitoring or scanning
from 20 MHz to 2000 MHz, stop at detected signals, and restart after
either a predetermined time or when manually cued by the operator. The
system can filter selected signals. The receivers identify single channel
digital and analog signals with modulations of AM, FM, single side band
(SSB), and Morse/continuous wave (CW). The PROPHET system is
capable of message internal exploitation of unencrypted tactical voice
communications from single channel, push-to-talk emitters (see Figure
6-148. When mounted, PROPHET allows for early entry into the
contingency area (force projection) to support force protection missions. In
support of fluid mobile operations, the system has on-the-move
capabilities, such as direction-finding (line of bearing) and signal
_____________________________________________________________ Chapter 6 – Combat Support
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
threat force or target, the better the direction-finding accuracy and the
further their systems can intercept and locate threat targets. The terrain
and location of the threat in relationship to the direction-finding baseline
are the basis for formation selection.
• Convex Baseline is a multistation formation used when the
threat forces are operating along a broad, deep front. This
formation supports intercept coverage over a larger front, but
not a precision location.
• Concave Baseline is a multistation formation used when the
threat is operating in a compact, narrow, but deep, area like a
salient. The direction-finding accuracy of this formation is
excellent at short ranges and satisfactory at longer ranges.
• Lazy-W Baseline is a multistation formation that uses four or
more systems and combines the characteristics of the convex
and concave baselines. This formation is the most effective
formation for situations where the location of threat or its
main effort is unknown.
6-154. In reconnaissance operations the PROPHET may be tasked to
support forward reconnaissance patrolling. In these types of missions, the
PROPHET is primarily in an electronic support role to protect the
patrolling assets and provide possible electronic order of battle in support
of the reconnaissance effort. Reconnaissance assets normally operate very
slowly. The PROPHET can also operate very slowly and in a blackout
condition. When a signal of interest is detected, the operator notes the
essential elements of information, and depending on immediacy, the
vehicle commander reports this information to the leader of the
reconnaissance mission, or holds the information until the mission is
completed. The bottom line in this type of operation is that the
PROPHET will operate very slowly either close to or across the FLOT in
support of the reconnaissance effort.
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FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
6-162. The BCT engineer assets provide mobility, force protection, and
topographic support to designated units within the brigade. Limited
countermobility, survivability, and sustainment engineering capability
are made possible using the same force structure required for a mobility
mission. Engineers provide mobility support to mounted maneuver,
dismounted assault, and urban operations. They are equipped with
reduction assets for existing, natural, and reinforcing obstacles in open
rolling terrain, and in challenging complex and urban terrain. Bridging
assets provide the brigade with enhanced mobility for limited dry- and
wet-gap crossing. Topographic capabilities, located in the Maneuver
Support Cell, assist the brigade in acquiring situational awareness.
Countermobility assets enhance the brigade’s ability to preserve and
protect friendly forces; to shape threat maneuver; and to gain, retain, or
secure the positional advantage. The survivability capability preserves
the brigade’s combat power during assembly area and base camp
operations and while in a transition to the defense. The sustainment
capabilities provide the brigade with enhanced movement, maneuver,
and force protection throughout the brigade area of responsibility. The
engineer elements have no dedicated reconnaissance assets, but with
measured risk to organic mobility and force protection support, it can
provide engineer reconnaissance teams to augment the BCTs ISR assets
and plans.
6-163. Brigade engineers support the movement of combat forces to
achieve a position of advantage with respect to threat forces. Mobility
operations maintain freedom of movement for personnel and equipment
within the AO without delay due to terrain, barriers, obstacles, or mines.
Combat mobility platoons are task organized to maneuver battalions to
provide mobility support to mounted maneuver, dismounted assault, and
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FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
6-175. Air defense actions include the passive and active measures
employed by the troop to protect themselves from aerial attack. The
commander must decide whether to engage threat aircraft (active air
defense) based upon his assigned mission and the tactical situation. The
following paragraphs are an overview of the passive and active air
defense measures the troop may employ. Refer to FM 3-01.8 (FM 44-8) for
further discussion on both passive and active air defense, and the
techniques involved with each.
6-176. Passive air defense measures are the troop’s best defense against
hostile aircraft. These measures are of two types—attack avoidance and
damage-limiting measures. Both include the use of cover, concealment,
camouflage, and deception.
6-177. Attack avoidance means taking the actions necessary to avoid
being seen by the threat—concealment and, lacking concealment,
camouflage. The techniques, procedures, and materials used for
concealment from aerial observation are the same as used for
concealment from ground observation.
6-178. There are three concealment principles employed to minimize
• Siting. Siting means selecting the most advantageous position
in which to hide a man, an object, or an activity.
• Discipline. Success in any concealment effort is the strict
maintenance of concealment discipline by both the unit and
by the individual soldier.
• Construction. Adding natural materials to blend with the
surrounding terrain augments this type of concealment.
_____________________________________________________________ Chapter 6 – Combat Support
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 7
Urban Operations
Throughout history, CONTENTS
military planners have Fundamentals of Urban Operations........... 7-2
viewed cities as centers of Characteristics ......................................... 7-2
gravity and sources of Urban Operations Framework................. 7-3
Understanding the Urban Environment ..... 7-5
national strength. Cities Terrain....................................................... 7-6
are population centers; Society ...................................................... 7-10
transportation and Infrastructure............................................ 7-10
communication hubs; key Threat ........................................................ 7-10
Planning for Urban Reconnaissance ......... 7-11
nodes of industrial, Planning Fundamentals........................... 7-12
financial, and information Planning Considerations ......................... 7-13
systems; seats of Execution of Urban Operations .................. 7-20
government; and Approach/Enter the Urban AO ................ 7-20
Employ Surveillance Teams.................... 7-22
repositories of wealth. Conduct Reconnaissance ....................... 7-24
Because the US has Assess the AO.......................................... 7-31
worldwide interests that CSS Considerations................................. 7-31
directly relate to global End State .................................................. 7-32
security, deployments
into urban environments will likely become more frequent in order to
neutralize or stabilize extremely volatile political situations, to defeat
a threat force that has sought protection afforded by urban terrain, or
to provide assistance to allies in need of support. Reconnaissance
(recce) troops are essential to provide real-time information and
situational awareness to defeat threat forces in the urban
This chapter provides the tools necessary for planning and executing
missions in an urban environment. Urban operations and
reconnaissance in support of urban operations will follow the eight-
step troop-leading procedures with emphasis on the special planning
considerations of urban operations at the troop level. Additionally the
commander’s reconnaissance guidance will apply to reconnaissance in
urban operations, but the emphasis will be on focus, tempo, and
engagement criteria as they support the BCT’s urban operations.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
7-1. Urban operations are among the most difficult and challenging
missions a troop will undertake. In conducting urban operations, the
troop’s higher headquarters applies the fundamentals below that may
effect troop operations.
7-2. Urban operations require significant HUMINT reconnaissance, as
sensors and other technical devices are not as effective in urban
environments. The troop uses stealthy surveillance teams, tactical
questioning of noncombatants, and reconnaissance of key terrain and
avenues of approach to conduct ISR operations. The troop collects and
provides information to develop urban maps that include a common
reference system (such as numbering buildings).
7-3. The higher headquarters must carefully consider and understand
how to influence the allegiance and morale of the civilian population that
may decisively affect operations. The human dimension may have the
most significance and greatest potential for affecting the outcome of
urban operations. The troop’s HUMINT collection may provide the BCT
with the initial contact and primary information needed to make timely
7-4. Separating noncombatants from combatants facilitates urban
operations by reducing some of the restrictions on firepower and
enhances force protection. Using intelligence and other information, the
troop can diminish some of the threat’s advantages. Troops may be
required to interact with nongovernmental organizations (NGO) to
separate and control refugee flow.
7-5. BCTs that conduct urban operations that use linear and
methodical COAs based on firepower normally result in high casualties
and significant collateral damage. Troops should only consider this
approach when attempting to gain contact or fix threat forces as part of a
larger operation. The troop focuses on providing information that enables
the BCT to make decisions to avoid this type of situation.
7-6. The BCT focuses its efforts on controlling only those areas that
are essential to mission accomplishment. The troop identifies key terrain
that may be determined by its functional, political, or social significance.
7-7. Troops conduct aggressive ISR operations to provide information
to the BCT commander to develop situational understanding. Using the
situational understanding, COAs are developed that maximize the effects
of lethal and nonlethal fires without inflicting unnecessary collateral
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____________________________________________________________ Chapter 7 – Urban Operations
7-17. These components are not separate and distinct categories but
rather are overlapped and interdependent. Thoroughly analyzing these
elements contributes to commanders’ situational understanding, allows
them to develop COAs that apply appropriate resources against decisive
points, and potentially lessens the number and cost of close combat
engagements. In stability operations and support operations, this
understanding allows commanders to engage decisive points critical to
maintaining peace or restoring normalcy to the urban environment.
7-18. Although complex and difficult to penetrate with many ISR
assets, the terrain is the most recognizable aspect of an urban area. Truly
understanding it, however, requires comprehending its multidimensional
nature. The terrain consists of natural and manmade features, with
manmade features dominating; an analysis must consider both.
Buildings, streets, and other infrastructure have varied patterns, forms,
and sizes. The infinite ways in which these factors can intertwine make it
difficult to describe a “typical” urban area. However, these elements
provide a framework for understanding the complex terrain within an
urban area. Furthermore, manmade features have significant effects on
military systems and soldiers, and thus tactics and operations.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
7-21. Reconnaissance troops must understand the physical
organization and complexity of the urban terrain, both manmade and
natural, and tactical reconnaissance capabilities. Structures of the urban
area significantly degrade the information that imagery acquires because
it cannot penetrate inside buildings or into subsurface facilities. It can
provide significant detail regarding major portions of the infrastructure.
The physical attributes of the urban area also diminish the effectiveness
of electronic reconnaissance capabilities. The limitations on imagery and
electronic reconnaissance place a premium on human-based visual
reconnaissance. Urban terrain presents an extraordinary mix of
horizontal, vertical, interior, exterior, and subterranean forms. The four
physical dimensions that must be considered are airspace over the city,
buildings, streets, and subterranean systems.
7-22. Supersurface and subsurface areas magnify the complexity of the
urban physical environment. Commanders must not only consider
activities that occur outside of buildings and subterranean areas (the
external space), but also the activities that occur unseen in buildings and
subterranean systems (the internal space). The internal space further
challenges command, control, and intelligence collection activities and
increases the combat power required to conduct urban operations.
Commanders must develop methods to help themselves visualize the
multiple dimensions of the urban environment.
7-23. Aircraft and aerial munitions use the airspace as rapid avenues of
approach in urbanized areas. Forces can use aviation assets for
observation and reconnaissance, aerial attack, or high-speed insertion
and extraction of soldiers, supplies, and equipment. Some surface
obstacles, such as rubble, do not affect aviation assets. However,
buildings of varying height and the increased density of towers, signs,
power lines, and other urban constructions create obstacles to flight and
can limit low-altitude maneuverability. Additionally, excellent cover and
concealment afforded threat gunners in an urban area increases aviation
vulnerability to small arms and MANPADS, particularly when
supporting ground forces.
____________________________________________________________ Chapter 7 – Urban Operations
7-24. Surface areas apply to exterior ground level areas, such as
parking lots, airfields, highways, streets, sidewalks, fields, and parks.
They often provide avenues of approach and the means for rapid advance.
However, buildings and other structures often canalize forces moving
along them. As such, obstacles on urban surface areas usually have more
effect than those in open terrain since bypass often requires entering and
transiting buildings or radical changes to selected routes. In cases where
urban areas abut the ocean or sea, large lakes, and major rivers, surface
areas also apply to the surface of these bodies of water and may be a
significant consideration for the commander of a major operation.
7-25. These areas include the roofs and upper floors of buildings,
stadiums, towers, or other vertical structures. They can provide cover and
concealment; limit or enhance observation and fields of fire; and restrict,
canalize, or block movement. However, forces can move within and
between structures at upper levels creating additional, though normally
secondary, avenues of approach. Supersurface areas may also provide
excellent locations for snipers; lightweight, handheld antitank weapons;
and MANPADS. They enable top-down attacks against the weakest
points of armored vehicles and unsuspecting aircraft. This area (and the
subsurface area) requires commanders to think, plan, and execute ground
operations vertically as well as horizontally.
7-26. These areas are subterranean or below surface level. They may
serve as secondary and, in fewer instances, primary avenues of approach
at lower tactical levels. When thoroughly reconnoitered and controlled,
they may provide excellent covered and concealed LOCs for moving
supplies and evacuating casualties. They may also provide sites for
caching and stockpiling supplies. They include the subways, sewers,
drainage systems, cellars, and utility systems of the urban area. Both
attacker and defender can use subsurface areas to gain surprise and
maneuver against the rear and flanks of an adversary and to conduct
ambushes. However, these areas are often the most restrictive and
easiest to block. Their effectiveness normally depends on superior
knowledge of their existence and overall design.
7-27. Patterns within the urban area result from the arrangement of
the streets, roads, highways, and other thoroughfares. These patterns
influence all battlefield operating systems; however, they greatly affect
maneuver, C2, and CSS. Urban areas can display any of three basic
patterns and their combinations: radial, grid, and irregular (see Figure
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7-36. During urban operations, the troop will be required to interact
with or in close proximity to large numbers of civilians. As the urban area
increases, the troop must be aware of the characteristics of a diverse
population whose beliefs may vary based on numerous factors. The troop
collects information the squadron uses to determine what civilian
considerations the brigade will encounter through multidimensional
reconnaissance. Information requirements for the troop consists of the
• Demographics.
• Political affiliations and grievances.
• Ethnicity.
• Factions.
• Cultural distinctions.
• Living conditions.
• Religious beliefs.
• Attitude toward US forces (friendly, neutral, hostile).
7-37. Analyzing the information gained on the civilian populace will be
an important factor in determining COAs for the brigade. The
commander analyzes the information collected and assesses what actions
are necessary to control the impact of civilians. Various options that the
commander can recommend to higher are screening civilians, prohibition
of unauthorized movement, diverting or controlling refugee movements,
and evacuation.
7-38. It is extremely important that all the members of the troop
understand the characteristics of the society. The side that gains the
support of the population retains innumerable advantages. To gain or
retain the support of the population, commanders must understand its
social and political characteristics.
7-39. Urban structures are those physical and cyber-based systems that
support the inhabitants and their economy and government. Targeting or
controlling vital parts of the infrastructure can deter or isolate threat
aggression. Targeting any portion of the urban infrastructure can have a
cascading effect (either intentional or unintentional) on the other
elements of the infrastructure. The commander can gain a tactical
advantage using precision munitions, electronic disruption of
communications, or intelligence on essential facilities or structures.
Commanders must look beyond the immediate tactical situation and
understand the effects that the destruction of any of these elements may
have on future operations and the inhabitants of the urban area. The
troop identifies infrastructure in the urban area that may provide
commanders with essential logistics and CSS assets and also recommend
what the initial expenditure of time and resources may be necessary to
support operations within the urban area.
7-40. The troop must be trained and ready to address urban threats
ranging from regional conventional military forces, paramilitary forces,
guerrillas and insurgents to terrorists, criminal groups, and angry
____________________________________________________________ Chapter 7 – Urban Operations
crowds. Increasingly, the Army will face threats that severely differ in
doctrine, organization, and equipment. In stability operations and
support operations, commanders will have to broaden the threat to
include natural disasters, hunger and starvation, and rampant disease.
These threats may be found in isolation, but most likely commanders will
encounter them in various combinations. An emphasis on asymmetric
means to offset US military capability has emerged as a significant trend
among potential threats and become an integral part of the threat
principles and tactics discussed below. Asymmetry results when one
opponent has dissimilar capabilities—values, organization, training, or
equipment—that the other cannot counter. It is not a new concept; it is
the natural outgrowth of a sound METT-TC analysis by an intelligent,
freethinking, and adaptive threat.
7-41. Trends indicate an increasing availability and integration of more
sophisticated technology and unorthodox operational approaches by
potential opponents. Offsetting their inherent weaknesses, threat forces
will seek advantage in urban and complex terrain to remain dispersed
and decentralized, adapting their tactics to provide them the best success
in countering a US response. They seek to counter the technological and
numerical advantages of US joint systems and forces, and to exploit
constraints placed on US forces due to cultural bias, media presence,
ROE, and distance from the crisis location. Urban environments also
provide many passive dangers, such as disease from unsanitary
conditions and psychological illnesses.
7-42. While the active threats will vary widely, many techniques will be
common to all. During his analysis, the troop commander must consider
techniques threat forces have used in the past.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
7-45. Reconnaissance units require significantly more time to execute
missions and maintain an acceptable survivability rate. Reconnaissance
often will be a slow and methodical effort. Such forces must have the time
to reconnoiter carefully the interior of structures for snipers and other
small threat teams. They must also have time to breech small obstacles
and mass combat power necessary to fight through security forces to
continue their reconnaissance.
7-46. The troop commander must ensure the troop has all the known
information and intelligence of the operational environment. He must
coordinate for support from other ISR assets available to the squadron
and/or BCT both prior to and during reconnaissance. Information from
SIGINT and IMINT can assist the commander to develop and complete
his scheme of maneuver during troop-leading procedures. IMINT
facilitates a detailed map reconnaissance in determining how terrain
supports movement. The commander views the terrain by not only how it
supports his mission success but also from the threat’s perspective.
MASINT assets should be focused on restricted terrain or high-speed
avenues of approach to provide early warning of potential threat
movements. UAVs can support infiltration and reconnaissance to provide
early warning and reconnaissance of areas that are restricted to the
ground troop.
7-47. Figure 7-4 illustrates the planning checklist for urban operations.
Develop human intelligence collection plan.
Determine R&S objectives.
Plan infiltration and exfiltration routes.
Synchronize aerial and ground reconnaissance plans.
Coordinate for fire support.
Develop communications and sustainment plan.
Continue improving urban operations sketch.
____________________________________________________________ Chapter 7 – Urban Operations
7-48. The commander considers the following as he develops his urban
operations plan during troop-leading procedures:
• The threat situation, to include:
Type and capabilities of likely threat weapons systems,
night observation systems, and communications systems.
Special equipment, such as body armor, may be
Higher headquarters threat COAs, to include a SITEMP
depicting composition, known and template dispositions,
and potential engagement areas.
• Civilian considerations, to include:
Locations of government offices, political party
headquarters, and NGOs.
Compositions and dispositions of regional/local military,
paramilitary, and law enforcement organizations.
Factions, key leaders, locations, compositions, and
dispositions of known friendly, neutral, and belligerents,
to include:
− Recent trends in public opinion.
− Intensity levels of current and past disturbances.
− If required, effects from use of lethal force against
If applicable, description and capabilities of uniforms,
insignia, vehicles, markings, and equipment, to include
weapons and NODs.
Locations of police stations, armories or barracks,
encampments, weapons holding areas, and staging areas.
Locations of power generation/transformer facilities,
water treatment plants, and food distribution points.
Locations of communications networks and media outlets.
• If applicable, initial map and aerial photograph
reconnaissance is conducted to pinpoint key terrain and other
important locations in the AO, and an urban operations
sketch that portrays key terrain, to include (see Figures 7-5,
7-6, and 7-7):
• Safe havens.
• Hospitals.
• Police stations and armories or equivalent.
• Embassies.
• Power generation, communication, and water treatment
• Restricted or protected areas designated by the ROE.
• Hazardous areas, to include:
Above- or below-ground natural gas or other fuel storage.
Construction sites.
− Intersections and bridges.
− Known hostile, belligerent, or criminal areas.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ Chapter 7 – Urban Operations
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7-49. The commander develops his intent that addresses the following:
• Key reconnaissance tasks that must be accomplished during
urban operations.
• Purpose for reconnaissance in relation to the higher
headquarters reconnaissance objective.
• End state for reconnaissance.
____________________________________________________________ Chapter 7 – Urban Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
7-52. The troop commander must also plan how to employ mortars to
provide maximum coverage for teams that may be dispersed at greater
distances than the range of the guns. In addition to the use of
conventional munitions, precision-guided munitions (PGM) must also be
carefully considered. The biggest consideration for using PGMs is that
some sort of laser or infrared designator equipment must be available. If
these assets are not available, personnel augmentation may be required.
7-53. The reconnaissance troop may receive support from a variety of
attack helicopters ranging from fully modernized AH-64s to lightly armed
but agile OH-58Ds. Regardless of the specific type of attack helicopter
available, the inherent flexibility of Army aviation units allows them to
____________________________________________________________ Chapter 7 – Urban Operations
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7-54. Figure 7-8 outlines the steps for executing urban operations. Each
step is explained in the paragraphs that follow.
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• Each team is given code words in the OPORD for use during
exfiltration. For example, one code word may mean that the
team is at its PZ. Another may mean that both the primary
and alternate PZs are compromised and to abort the
• When a team has missed a certain number of required
transmissions, the command assumes that the team has a
communications problem, is in trouble, or both. At that time,
a no-communication resupply and exfiltration plan is used.
• Exfiltration of the team may be by means other than linkup
with the team’s vehicles. The OPORD may specify
dismounted exfiltration or linkup with friendly forces in an
offensive operation. Any of these means may also be planned
as alternatives in the event the team cannot be extracted by
its vehicles or must take action to avoid capture.
• Teams must be trained in exfiltration techniques so they can
walk out singly or in groups.
NOTE: Infiltration and exfiltration are discussed in greater detail in Chapter 3 of this
7-69. Although the fundamentals of reconnaissance described in
Chapter 3 are applicable in an urban environment, the type of
information and the method by which it is collected takes on a new form.
____________________________________________________________ Chapter 7 – Urban Operations
Mounted Patrolling
7-73. Mounted patrols capitalize on the mobility of the unit’s vehicles.
Mounted urban patrolling principles include the following:
• Ensure mutual support and depth by maintaining constant
observation among vehicles.
• Coordinate a supporting fire plan with any dismounted units
in the area.
• Maintain all-around security.
• Develop a reliable communications plan for mounted and
dismounted elements.
• Adjust patrol routes and speed to promote deception and
avoid repetitive patterns.
• Maintain situational awareness.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
7-74. Mounted patrols never enter an area via the route they will use to
exit it (see Figure 7-11). Vehicles should travel at moderate speeds, with
the lead vehicle stopping only to investigate those areas that pose a
potential threat or support the essential tasks of the patrol. Use a vehicle
speed of 15 to 20 miles per hour to allow for adequate observation and
quick reaction. Slower speeds may allow noncombatants or a more
aggressive group to impede movement. On the other hand, vehicles
should move at high speeds only when responding to an incident.
Equipment stored externally on the vehicle should be secured high
enough to prevent locals from snatching equipment and weapons.
7-75. When vehicles must stop, designated crewmembers dismount to
provide security. The vehicle gunner is at the ready, and the driver
remains in his seat with the engine running. It is imperative that units
maintain situational awareness during patrols; this includes orientation
on other patrols in the urban area. If an element takes fire, it should be
capable of communicating with other patrols to obtain assistance and
Dismounted Patrolling
7-76. During multidimensional reconnaissance, dismounted patrolling
is used in HUMINT collection (see Figures 7-12 and 7-13). At a minimum,
patrols are organized at squad level (three soldiers). Section-size patrols
____________________________________________________________ Chapter 7 – Urban Operations
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7-88. Urban swarm is similar to the tactic used by police forces
responding to an emergency that requires backup. The swarm concept
considers numerous teams operating in a dispersed, noncontiguous
fashion in the urban environment. As the units patrol their assigned
area, they must be prepared to respond rapidly to a call for assistance by
neighboring teams. Whether they can respond to a call for assistance will
depend on their current situation and distance from those making the
7-89. A call for assistance should include an estimate of the support
required. This request is transmitted to all other teams on the platoon
and troop net. The commander directs the appropriate teams to respond
and adjusts other teams to fill or cover gaps that are created. Alternative
methods may include the teams closest to the requesting unit responding
without direction, rather reporting their intention to respond. Situational
awareness is critical in avoiding fratricide.
7-90. Command of the teams responding can be accomplished in several
ways. The leader of the requesting unit who has the best situational
awareness could assume tactical command of responding units. Another
____________________________________________________________ Chapter 7 – Urban Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
7-96. The end state of the reconnaissance troop’s effort is allowing the
commander to answer the two critical questions for the brigade: Is it
essential to conduct operations in the urban environment, and if so, how
can they employ combat power in the most efficient manner?
7-97. The troop conducts reconnaissance handover to provide the
brigade with the following support:
• Production of urban operations sketches.
• Recommendation of entry points and routes.
• Surveillance of key objectives.
• Target acquisition.
• Assistance in isolating the AO by screening (or checkpoints)
on the perimeter.
• Performing continuous HUMINT collection during the
operation (recce troop focus).
7-98. The troop can continue to assist during the brigade operation by
assisting in the isolation of the AO and collecting HUMINT on personnel
attempting to leave or enter the area.
Chapter 8
For the BRT, planning and execution of resupply and casualty and
vehicle evacuation must be addressed and integrated at the BCT staff
level in order for it to be effective. The troop 1SG and XO must ensure
the troop’s CSS requirements are nested in the BCT’s scheme of
support. They must also ensure that the assets are in place to support
BRT operations before, during, and after the BCT’s decisive operation
and also the troop’s transition to the BCT’s follow-on mission.
More so than the recce troop of the cavalry squadron (RSTA), the BRT
must tie into different CSS assets from within the BCT such as the
brigade support battalion (BSB), task force trains, and task force
combat units. The troop 1SG and XO, in conjunction with the BCT
staff, must identify the CSS needs of the troop early and throughout
the operation and assign responsibility to units to support or address
those needs; or coordinate with units outside the BCT to support
specific requirements such as aerial resupply or medical evacuation.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
8-1. The CSS system will be challenged to sustain the troop in the
fast-paced, nonlinear AO. The CSS structure throughout the brigade or
squadron is extremely austere, allowing for quicker deployability and a
reduction of the support footprint in the AO. Utilization of the latest
technological advances in CSS, such as the combat service support control
system (CSSCS) and FBCB2, increases the parent unit’s support-related
situational awareness, allowing for effective support of the troop. This
austere CSS organization will be significantly challenged to support the
troop’s wide-ranging and, in some situations, decentralized missions.
8-2. Logistics is planned in advance and aggressively pushed forward
to the troops without the delay imposed by reacting to requests. FBCB2
provides CSS functionality by having logistics SITREPs, personnel
SITREPs, logistical call for support and logistics task order messaging,
situational awareness, and task management capabilities. This
functionality affects the synchronization of all logistics support on the
battlefield between the supported and the supporter.
______________________________________________________ Chapter 8 – Combat Service Support
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______________________________________________________ Chapter 8 – Combat Service Support
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______________________________________________________ Chapter 8 – Combat Service Support
8-23. The troop trains provides CSS for the troop during combat
operations. The 1SG directs movement and employment of the troop
trains. He receives logistical reports directly from the PSGs or through
the troop CP, coordinates logistical matters with the XO, and assists the
XO in ensuring the troop is logistically ready for battle. During
operations, the 1SG coordinates and directs the evacuation of casualties
and equipment to designated troop or squadron logistic release points
(LRP), which are graphically depicted by checkpoints, leads the troop
LOGPAC forward from the LRP to resupply the troop and then leads it
back to the LRP; and organizes the LOGPAC to conduct troop resupply
operations. Depending on METT-TC, PSGs may assume the 1SG’s role for
their platoon and may have to coordinate with the CTCP for the platoon’s
logistical support.
8-24. The troop trains may be collocated with the troop CP, or it may
operate separately under the control of the 1SG. Threat situation and
distances between the platoons are some of the major determining
factors. The troop trains may consolidate or coordinate with a task force
trains or task force main CP, if locations and distances allow for
collocation. This method alleviates stress on the troop’s limited CSS
assets and maximizes the brigade support area’s (BSA) assets.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
8-25. Trains must provide their own local security. They do not have
the manpower or equipment to clear large areas, so they should move into
areas that have already been cleared by scouts. The trains’ best defense is
to avoid detection. The trains should disperse their vehicles and
camouflage the positions by using natural concealment like a wooded
area or a small built-up area. A built-up area is best because there are a
limited number of approaches and the thermal signature of the trains is
concealed. Enforce strict noise and light discipline. Hide vehicles in barns
or garages, if available. The buildings in a built-up area and the trees in a
wooded area provide some protection against the effects of indirect fires
and air-delivered munitions. Dispersion also limits the damaging effects
of these weapons.
8-26. Establish OPs around the trains to provide early warning of
threat movement toward the position. Put them where they can cover
major avenues of approach. An OP has at least two soldiers, a crew-
served weapon (if available), a map, binoculars, a night observation
device, and a radio or field phone. The OP must immediately report, by
radio or phone, threat ground and air attacks so the trains can take
appropriate actions.
8-27. Passive defense is the trains’ best defense against air attack. The
steps taken to locate them properly, disperse vehicles, camouflage
positions, and use the cover and concealment of built-up or wooded areas
help prevent the threat from detecting and attacking, and if attacked,
limit the effects of threat munitions.
8-28. Air attacks cannot always be avoided. If attacked, take active air
defense measures. The 1SG or senior soldier present must coordinate the
small arms fires of the trains for them to be effective against an air
threat. Refer to Chapter 6 of this manual for more information on passive
and active air defense.
8-29. Collocation with the troop CP or another trains element provides
additional personnel for security for both the CP and trains.
8-30. CSS planning must be fully integrated into all operations
planning; it is the primary responsibility of the troop XO and 1SG.
Logistics support must be synchronized with the concept of operations.
CSS planning is continuous and concurrent with ongoing support
execution, and is conducted to ensure support during all phases of an
operation. Troop orders should address only specific support matters for
the operation and any deviations from SOP. The troop SOP should be
based on the squadron’s CSS operations.
8-31. At troop level, CSS planning is informal; it is normally
formulated in terms of the following considerations:
• Current and projected unit status of maintenance and supply.
• Quantities and types of logistics needed to support the troop’s
• How it will be transported.
• When it must be on hand.
• Required displacement of CSS assets.
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______________________________________________________ Chapter 8 – Combat Service Support
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
casualties and equipment from the troops to the combat trains for further
evacuation to the BSA.
8-39. The combat trains can establish operations in various locations
throughout the AO. The level and capabilities of the threat (security), and
the dispersion/distance of the troops and squadron main CP determine
positioning of the combat trains. The combat trains can locate/collocate in
either of these areas:
• Independent/not collocated. The threat is low, or not capable
of finding small, hidden, and dispersed elements. Dispersion
between troops is great and the combat trains need to move
forward to provide better support.
• Collocated with squadron, infantry, or artillery battalion CP.
Collocation affords better security and C2 within an area.
• Consolidated trains. This method is used when the forward
elements of the squadron are within a closer supporting
distance of the BSA (less than 30 kilometers). Consolidated
trains afford better C2 of the squadron’s CSS assets.
• Collocation with infantry or artillery battalion trains.
Provides additional security, assists in deconfliction of AOs,
and maximizes the limited CSS assets of the brigade.
8-40. The troop supply sergeant, shown with driver and vehicle in
Figure 8-3, is the troop representative in the squadron combat trains.
______________________________________________________ Chapter 8 – Combat Service Support
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
8-48. The BRT supply sergeant’s duties and responsibilities are the
same as the recce troop’s supply sergeant. Since the BRT has no
supporting combat trains, the BRT coordinates directly with the BSC.
8-49. The supply sergeant is responsible for getting supplies and
delivering them to the troop. He delivers small items, but is largely
dependent on BSA assets to deliver bulky or high expenditure items. The
commander establishes priorities for delivery, but the demands of combat
normally dictate Classes I, III, V, VIII, and IX as most critical.
8-50. Meals ready to eat (MRE) are stocked on each troop vehicle in a
basic load prescribed by SOP (three-day supply). Class I is delivered daily
by the supply sergeant as part of the LOGPAC from the squadron field
trains. Hot meals (B or tray-pack rations) are served when possible, but
the normal ration cycle is C-C-C during combat operations. This requires
resupply of at least 34 cases of MRE per day per troop. Water is a critical
item, and must be resupplied daily. Soldiers may require up to five
gallons of water per soldier per day, or more than 600 gallons for the
entire troop. The troop can transport only 400 gallons of water on the
water trailer. Soldiers should top off their water cans when possible. The
supply sergeant should carry five-gallon cans of water on his truck to
supplement the needs of the troop. When he resupplies the troop, he
exchanges the full cans for empty ones.
______________________________________________________ Chapter 8 – Combat Service Support
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
8-61. Resupply of combat resources is accomplished using standardized
procedures to rearm, refuel, and refit the troop as fast as possible to
sustain its combat potential. For the BRT, resupply operations are
complicated by limited CSS assets organic to the troop, the location of
BRT platoons and sections forward of the BCT’s FEBA, and the
requirements to secure any resupply assets that must go forward to the
BRT’s forward positions.
8-62. The BCT staff must conduct detailed planning and coordination
to effect combat resupply of BRT elements forward of the BCT’s FEBA.
The BRT elements should carry a three-day supply forward. The BCT
should plan on extracting BRT elements prior to their three-day supply
being used and conduct resupply of those elements in the BRT assembly
area. When this is not feasible, the troop XO and 1SG along with the BCT
staff must plan and coordinate for ground infiltration or aerial insertion
of supply to designated drop off points or cache points to support the
forward OPs.
8-63. Routine resupply (Classes I, III, V, IX; mail; and other items
needed by the troop) occurs when the troop is not in contact or when the
troop commander decides the risk of not conducting resupply outweighs
the risk of interrupting ongoing operations. Resupply may be conducted
in an assembly area or behind troop positions when the troop is deployed
in sector or zone.
______________________________________________________ Chapter 8 – Combat Service Support
8-64. Routine resupply is conducted using the LOGPAC from the field
trains and the troop trains. The LOGPAC is organized in the BSA. Its
composition is based on the troop’s needs as reported to the S4,
requisitions, and the availability of supplies. Field trains personnel
ensure that all available supplies are picked up and organized by troop. If
personnel are to be brought forward, the supply sergeant should be
informed so he can go to the field trains and pick them up if no
transportation assets are available in the BSA. The designated field
trains representative leads the LOGPAC to the LRP, where the 1SGs
meet them. Each 1SG leads his LOGPAC to the troop resupply site. When
it arrives, members of the troop trains guide the LOGPAC vehicles into
position. Once the LOGPAC is established, the 1SG reports to the CP
that he is set. The troop commander or the XO coordinates resupply
operations, and ensures all platoons and sections are resupplied. Security
of the LOGPAC is extremely important. Crew-served weapons should be
mounted and manned on all support vehicles. When available, combat
vehicles should provide escort service.
8-65. Resupply is conducted by one of two basic methods—tailgate issue
or service station. Either method may be performed at troop or platoon
level, depending on dispersion of the platoons.
8-66. The tailgate method is used in static positions such as assembly
areas. Class III and V supply vehicles and other bulk-issue vehicles move
from vehicle to vehicle to conduct resupply. The rest of the service
support vehicles are centrally located in the troop area. Little or no
movement is required by the combat vehicles. Personnel move to a
centralized location to receive supplies, Class I, and mail. This method
provides 360-degree security throughout the resupply operation; however,
it is very time-consuming and requires an adequate road network for the
wheeled supply vehicles to reach each vehicle. See Figure 8-5 for an
example of this method.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ Chapter 8 – Combat Service Support
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ Chapter 8 – Combat Service Support
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ Chapter 8 – Combat Service Support
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
8-90. GRREG is performed by the field services platoon from corps,
located in the BSA. The initial collection, identification, safeguarding of
personal effects, and evacuation of the dead is the troop’s responsibility.
8-91. When remains are discovered, be careful to preserve all items
that may be used for identification. If metal identification tags (dog tags)
are on the remains, do not remove them. Secure all personal effects in a
______________________________________________________ Chapter 8 – Combat Service Support
bag or poncho and tie it to the remains. Place each casualty in a body bag,
poncho, or shelter half and evacuate with the first available means of
transportation, such as LOGPAC vehicles or disabled vehicles, to the
squadron field trains. The supply sergeant receives all remains, and is
responsible for turning them over to the GRREG collection point.
8-92. If the tactical and logistical situation makes evacuation
impossible, emergency on-site burial is performed. On-site burial requires
the permission of the squadron commander. If an on-site burial is
performed, do the following:
• Complete two copies of DD Forms 551 and 1077 for each body.
These forms are available through the squadron PAC. The
1SG and supply sergeant should carry them.
• If there are several remains, engineer support may be needed
to dig trenches.
• Dig a trench 6-1/2 feet wide and 3-1/2 feet deep. The number
of remains determines the length.
• Remove one identification tag from each body, and string the
tags on a wire in the order in which the remains are buried.
• Place the remains in the grave shoulder to shoulder.
• Bury all personal effects with the remains.
• Mark the ends of each row with a stake. Tag each stake to
identify the marker as a grave. Indicate the length of the
• Prepare an overlay that shows the location of the gravesite.
• Cover the grave with earth removed from the trench.
• Forward the completed forms, overlay, and identification tags
to squadron.
8-93. If the remains are contaminated, the gravesite must be clearly
marked and separated from noncontaminated gravesites. This must also
be indicated on the gravesite overlay.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ Chapter 8 – Combat Service Support
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
job. Keep details about any casualties in the troop off the radio and
ensure that soldiers who are KIA are covered up and kept out of view of
the troop. The chaplain can be a great asset in maintaining troop morale.
Do not neglect the mental fitness of soldiers, because uncontrolled fear is
contagious and can quickly lead to chaos.
8-107. More soldiers are lost in combat to illness and disease than to
combat-related wounds. Maintaining the health and fighting fitness of
the troop is a leadership responsibility. Disease can quickly spread
through the troop and incapacitate its soldiers. Watch for symptoms and
ensure the soldiers’ immunizations are current. Personal hygiene, field
sanitation, and rest must be incorporated into all troop operations. If
these are ignored, the combat effectiveness of the troop will decrease
8-108. The personal hygiene of soldiers is a leader’s responsibility. Rules
of hygiene must be observed to ward off disease and improve troop
morale. Ensure soldiers wash and change their socks and underwear
daily, if possible. All soldiers should shower as time and resources are
available. The senior medic plays a big part in personal hygiene by
educating soldiers and by checking for signs of trench foot or immersion
foot and frostbite.
8-109. Field sanitation is vital to the prevention of the spread of disease.
The troop medics must assist in this effort by checking troop water
supplies to ensure they are potable, and by ensuring mess utensils and
equipment are properly cleaned. In static situations, such as when in
assembly areas, soldiers will use slit trenches or latrines; at other times
soldiers will use cat holes. Slit trenches and cat holes must be covered up
after use to prevent the spread of disease.
8-110. Rest is extremely important for both commanders and their
soldiers. When the troop is at REDCON 3 or 4, troop leadership should
ensure a sleep plan is planned and executed.
______________________________________________________ Chapter 8 – Combat Service Support
Appendix A
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
• Issue an order.
• Supervise and refine.
_____________________________________________________________ Appendix A – OPORD Guide
(2) Terrain.
(a) Obstacles, hills, valleys, road types and conditions, streams, rivers, bridges,
and towns.
(b) Avenues of approach.
1. Size unit supported.
2. Start and end point.
3. Objective.
(c) Key terrain.
(d) Observation.
(e) Cover and concealment.
(f) Engagement areas.
(g) Effect of terrain on the operation.
(3) Enemy forces.
(a) Identification of enemy forces.
(b) Activity of enemy forces.
(c) Location of enemy units.
(d) Disposition of enemy forces.
(e) Strength of enemy forces.
(f) Composition of enemy forces, to include type of equipment.
(g) Other enemy information critical to the upcoming operation, to include the
1. Chemical and nuclear capabilities.
2. Air defense artillery (ADA).
3. Aviation, including helicopters.
4. Electronic warfare.
(h) Enemy courses of action (COAs).
(i) Probable enemy COA.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
b. Friendly.
(1) Mission of higher headquarters (squadron) and commander’s intent.
(2) Mission of adjacent units (left, right, front, rear).
(3) Mission of other organic units in higher headquarters.
(4) Mission of reserves in higher headquarters.
(5) Mission of supporting units who are in direct support/reinforcing (DS/R) to higher
headquarters (field artillery, engineer, and ADA).
(6) Which element from higher headquarters has priority of fires.
(7) Reinforcing units with a reinforcing/general support (R/GS) role to supporting
(8) Close air support (CAS) and number of sorties allocated to higher headquarters.
c. Attachments and detachments to the troop.
2. MISSION. The paragraph tells the who, what, when, where, and why for the troop. It states
the essential task or tasks to be accomplished by the entire unit, to include on-order missions, and
clearly defines the troop’s objective.
Intent. The intent describes the commander’s vision of what the troop must do to succeed with
respect to the enemy, terrain, and desired end state. The commander’s intent is a clear, concise
statement that provides the link between the mission statement and the concept of the operation.
Intent is normally expressed in four to five sentences, but can also be in bullet form. The intent
describes the key tasks that are essential to the mission and the commander’s desired end state for
the mission. He may also identify the decisive point for the mission and explain a broader
purpose for the operation in relation to his higher headquarters beyond that outlined in the
mission statement. The intent also includes the conditions the troop meets to achieve the stated
purpose (end state). The intent provides the basis for subordinates to exercise initiative when
unanticipated opportunities arise or when the original concept of the operation no longer applies.
Platoon leaders use the commander’s intent as a basis for action when unanticipated opportunities
arise. An example follows:
“Success is determining the disposition, composition, and location of the enemy defensive
positions then determining the axis and point for the penetration of the enemy’s defense in the
troop AO. Key tasks are determining composition of obstacles at NAI 461, confirming the
location of enemy AT weapons vicinity NAI 462, and conducting a reconnaissance of Route RED
from Checkpoint 4 to Checkpoint 6. Our end state is the troop screening along Phase Line
PHOENIX ready to pass elements of the Stryker Brigade Combat Team forward for their attack.”
_____________________________________________________________ Appendix A – OPORD Guide
a. Concept of the operation. This paragraph provides a clear and concise description of
how the troop will accomplish its mission. It should include the troop commander’s
reconnaissance guidance (focus, reconnaissance tempo, and engagement criteria). For example:
“We will conduct a forward passage of lines, and perform zone reconnaissance in a troop vee
with engineer platoon squads conducting a detailed route reconnaissance of Route Cherry behind
the first and second platoons. The focus is locating enemy positions in the AO; the tempo is
stealthy, and engagements with enemy elements will be avoided except for self-defense. Indirect
fires will be used to provide immediate suppression.”
(1) Maneuver. This section describes the details of how the concept will executed.
For example:
“Troop crosses the LD at 0500 with 1st Plt on left (south), 2d Plt on right (north), mortars,
engineers, and 3d Plt moving center of AO (troop vee). Troop CP moves to the rear of 3d Plt.
Platoons reconnoiter AO abreast, establishing contact at designated troop internal and flank
contact points. Bypass all built-up areas larger than 1 kilometer square not on Route Cherry.
Upon contact with enemy main defensive belt, conduct dismounted patrols to ascertain enemy
disposition, composition, orientation, and location of obstacles.
“Mortars cross the LD and establish MFP 10 following 3d Plt. Move from MFP 11 to MFP 12
through MFP 25 in sequence.
(2) Fires.
(a) Purpose for field artillery and mortar fires. (Describe how indirect fires will
support the scheme of maneuver.)
(b) Preparation starting time, duration, and description of any fires landing in the
(c) Allocation of final protective fires (FPF).
(d) Which element will have priority of fires.
(e) Number of priority targets allocated and who will control them.
(f) Special fires, restrictions, allocation/use of smoke, illumination, or CAS.
(g) Description of scheduled fires (offensive).
(h) Reference to fire support or target annexes.
(3) Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR). The troop normally describes
its reconnaissance actions under Paragraph 3a(1), Maneuver; however, when performing security
or economy-of-force missions, the troop will describe its supporting ISR task here.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
c. Coordinating instructions.
(1) Movement instructions.
(2) Time schedule of events.
(a) Rehearsal.
(b) Backbrief times.
(c) Precombat inspection time.
(d) First movement time.
(3) Passage of lines.
(a) Contact points.
(b) Passage points.
(c) Lanes and identification.
(4) Mission oriented protection posture (MOPP) level.
(5) Operational exposure guide (OEG).
(6) Actions on contact.
(7) Actions at danger areas.
(8) Priority intelligence requirements (PIR) and intelligence requirements (IR).
(9) Effective time of attachment or detachment.
(10) Rally points.
(11) Rules of engagement (ROE) and rules of interaction (ROI).
(12) Priority targets for direct-fire weapons.
(13) Uniform and equipment, to include weapons and ammunition.
(14) Air defense posture and weapons control status.
(15) Any instructions not provided in concept of the operation or specific instructions.
Figure A-1. Example Troop OPORD (continued)
_____________________________________________________________ Appendix A – OPORD Guide
a. General.
(1) Organization of trains.
(a) Combat.
(b) Field.
(2) Location of trains (initial and subsequent).
(3) Movement of trains (movement instructions).
b. Materiel and services.
(1) Supply.
(a) Class I: Time and type.
(b) Class III: Time, location, and method.
(c) Class V: Time, amount, and type.
(d) Logistics package (LOGPAC) instructions (include squadron logistics
release point [LRP]).
(2) Transportation. Location of main supply route.
(3) Services.
(a) Mortuary affairs.
(b) Clothing exchange and bath.
(c) Maintenance.
c. Medical evacuation and treatment.
(1) Location of supporting aid station.
(2) Displacement of aid station.
(3) Location of clearing station.
(4) Aero-medical evacuation information.
(5) Location of ambulance exchange points.
(6) Handling of contaminated wounded personnel.
d. Personnel.
(1) Prisoner of war (PW) handling and disposition instructions.
(2) PW guard instructions.
(3) Location of PW collection point.
(4) Instructions for interaction with local civilian populace (ROE).
(5) Number of expected replacements.
(6) Cross-leveling procedures.
e. Miscellaneous.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
A-3. The troop uses FRAGOs to modify and change previously issued
OPORDs. The FRAGO uses only those portions of the OPORD needed to
change the existing troop plan. Paragraphs that are not modified by the
FRAGO are marked “No Change.” FRAGO use and format are described
in FM 5-0 (FM 101-5). The troop commander may issue the FRAGO as an
FM voice message, or as FBCB2 FRAGO or free text message. Figure A-2
shows how he might use a FRAGO to change an ongoing operation.
_____________________________________________________________ Appendix A – OPORD Guide
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
Like the FRAGO, the WARNO format is similar to the OPORD and a
detailed description is in FM 5-0 [FM 101-5]. See Appendix for an
example WARNO format.
NOTE: A WARNO does not authorize execution unless specifically stated.
_____________________________________________________________ Appendix A – OPORD Guide
a. Concept of operations. Provide as much information as available. This may be done
during the initial WARNO.
b. Tasks to maneuver units. Any information on tasks to units for execution, movement
to initiate, reconnaissance to initiate, or security to emplace.
c. Tasks to combat support units. See Paragraph 3b.
d. Coordinating instructions. Include any information available at the time of the
issuance of the WARNO. It may include the following:
(1) Commander’s critical information requirements (CCIR).
(2) Risk guidance.
(3) Deception guidance.
(4) Specific priorities, in order of completion.
ACKNOWLEDGE: (Mandatory)
NAME (Commander’s last name)
RANK (Commander’s rank)
OFFICIAL: (Optional)
ANNEXES: (Optional)
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ Appendix A – OPORD Guide
A-8. Next, the commander uses his experience with the enemy’s
tactics, techniques and procedures to add detail to the SITEMP he
received from higher headquarters. The refinement must provide as
much clarity as possible while accounting for all capabilities of the
enemy. The refined SITEMP (Figure A-7) will depict known and likely
enemy forces down to vehicle or squad level, known and likely enemy
obstacles, and must account for considerations of timing associated with
enemy COAs. This refined SITEMP reflects how the commander
envisions the enemy situation when the troop conducts its mission, and it
drives the development of the troop’s scheme of maneuver.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
A-9. Higher headquarters provides the troop specific ISR directions
(R&S tasks) using OPORDs, FRAGOs, and WARNOs to focus the troop’s
operations. In most cases the focus established by the higher
headquarters includes designating a reconnaissance objective, or
objectives, that support planning for, or execution of, a specific scheme of
maneuver or COA. Typically this focus is achieved through the use of
assigning NAIs, or specifying an area(s) that must be reconnoitered. In
some cases the focus might be a zone that must be reconnoitered. NAIs,
areas, or zones will be tied to CCIR, targeting, or specific information
requirements (SIR). Higher headquarters will also specify the tempo and
engagement criteria necessary to support obtaining the information
required for planning or execution.
NOTE: In stability operations and support operations missions, the focus may include or be
directed at social or infrastructure-related objectives. The commander must still
depict that environment graphically in order to better understand the dynamics
between terrain, the focus of reconnaissance, and the friendly forces.
A-10. Focus provides the commander detailed insight into what the
troop must observe and report. Based on the troop assets available, the
_____________________________________________________________ Appendix A – OPORD Guide
refinement of the SITEMP, and the priority associated with each CCIR,
the commander tentatively places assets to surveil or reconnoiter
specified NAIs. If the troop is assigned an area or zone, the commander
conducts further analysis of the area or zone to identify intelligence
requirements and engagement criteria.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
A-16. Before the plan is finalized, the troop commander conducts
reconnaissance to answer specific concerns or questions he identified in
his mission analysis and development of the tentative plan. Time and
other assets may create reconnaissance limitations; however, the
commander can use organic and reach sources of reconnaissance as he
refines and finalizes his plan. Examples include UAV capabilities,
satellite images, and higher IPB products.
_____________________________________________________________ Appendix A – OPORD Guide
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ Appendix A – OPORD Guide
1st PLT
2nd PLT
3rd PLT
Appendix B
Protection is the CONTENTS
preservation of the Risk Management ........................................ B-1
troop’s fighting potential. Identify Hazards ....................................... B-1
This appendix focuses on Assess Hazards to Determine Risks ...... B-2
Develop Controls and Make
two aspects of protection: Risk Decisions...................................... B-3
safety or risk Implement Controls ................................. B-4
management, and the Supervise and Evaluate........................... B-5
avoidance of fratricide. Fratricide ...................................................... B-6
Risk Identification and
Risk is the chance of Preventive Measures............................ B-7
injury or death for Fratricide Risk Considerations
individuals and damage (OPORD Format)................................... B-10
to or loss of vehicles and
equipment. Risks, and/or the potential for risks, are always present in
every combat and training situation the troop faces. Risk management
must take place at all levels of the chain of command during each
phase of every operation; it is an integral part of all tactical planning.
The troop commander, platoon leadership, and all soldiers must know
how to use risk management, coupled with fratricide reduction
measures, to ensure that the mission is executed in the safest possible
environment within mission constraints. For additional information
on risk management, refer to FM 5-19 (FM 100-14).
B-1. There are five steps of risk management. Leaders must always
remember that the effectiveness of the process depends on situational
awareness. They should never approach risk management with “one size
fits all” solutions to the hazards their unit will face. They must consider
the essential tactical and operational factors that make each situation
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
B-4. Figure B-1 lists possible sources of risk the troop might face
during a typical tactical operation. The list is organized according to the
factors of METT-TC.
• Duration of the operation.
• Complexity/clarity of the plan. (Is the plan well developed and easily understood?)
• Proximity and number of maneuvering units.
• Knowledge of the threat situation.
• Threat capabilities.
• Availability of time and resources to conduct reconnaissance.
• Visibility conditions, including light, dust, fog, and smoke.
• Precipitation and its effect on mobility.
• Extreme heat or cold.
• Additional natural hazards (broken ground, steep inclines, water obstacles).
• Equipment status.
• Morale.
• Experience the units conducting the operation have working together.
• Soldier/leader proficiency.
• Soldier/leader rest situation.
• Degree of acclimatization to environment.
• Impact of new leaders and/or crewmembers.
• Time available for planning and rehearsals.
• Time available to conduct the mission.
• Applicable rules of engagement and/or rules of interaction.
• Potential stability and/or support operations involving contact with civilians (such as noncombatant
evacuation operations, refugee or disaster assistance, or counterterrorism).
• Potential for media contact/inquiries.
___________________________________________________________ Appendix B – Force Protection
1. Organization and Unit Location: 2. Page of
1 3
8. Prepared by: (Name/Rank/Duty Position)
9. Identify Hazards 10. Assess the 11. Develop Controls & Make Decisions (Specific 12. Determine 13. Implement 14. Supervise and Evaluate
Hazards & Determine measures taken to reduce the probability and severity Residual Risk Level Controls (Include (Continuous, Leader
Initial Risk Level of a hazard) SOPs, References, Checks, Buddy System,
OPORD, etc.) AAR, etc.)
(Be Specific) L M H E (Be Specific) L M H E (Be Specific) (Be Specific)
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
then incorporate lessons learned from the process into unit SOPs and
plans for future missions.
B-14. The troop commander gives the platoon leaders and NCOs
direction, sets priorities, and establishes the command climate (values,
attitudes, and beliefs). Successful preservation of combat power requires
him to imbed risk management into individual behavior. To fulfill this
commitment, the commander must exercise creative leadership,
innovative planning, and careful management. Most important, he must
demonstrate support for the risk management process. The commander
and others in the chain of command can establish a command climate
favorable to risk management integration by taking the following actions:
• Demonstrate consistent and sustained risk management
behavior through leading by example and by stressing active
participation throughout the risk management process.
• Provide adequate resources for risk management. Every
leader is responsible for obtaining the assets necessary to
mitigate risk and for providing them to subordinate leaders.
• Understand their own and their soldier’s limitations, as well
as their unit’s capabilities.
• Allow subordinates to make mistakes and learn from them.
• Prevent a “zero defects” mindset from creeping into the unit’s
• Demonstrate full confidence in subordinates’ mastery of their
trade and their ability to execute a chosen COA.
• Keep subordinates informed.
• Listen to subordinates.
B-15. For the commander, his subordinate leaders, and individual
soldiers alike, responsibilities in managing risk include the following:
• Make informed risk decisions; establish and then clearly
communicate risk decision criteria and guidance.
• Establish clear, feasible risk management policies and goals.
• Train the risk management process. Ensure that
subordinates understand the who, what, when, where, and
why of managing risk and how these factors apply to their
situation and assigned responsibilities.
• Accurately evaluate the unit’s effectiveness as well as
subordinates’ execution of risk controls during the mission.
• Inform higher headquarters when risk levels exceed
established limits.
___________________________________________________________ Appendix B – Force Protection
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
B-23. The following are some indicators that may identify potential
fratricide risks:
• Rehearsals not conducted to standard, or not done at all.
• Low training or proficiency levels of units and individuals.
• No habitual relationships between units conducting the
• Weakened physical readiness (endurance) of the troops
conducting the operation.
B-24. Backbriefs and rehearsals are primary tools in identifying and
reducing fratricide risk during the preparation phase. The following are
some considerations for their use:
• Backbriefs ensure subordinates understand the commander’s
intent. They often highlight areas of confusion, complexity, or
planning errors.
• The type of rehearsal conducted determines what types of
risks are identified.
• Rehearsals should extend to all levels of command and
involve all key players.
B-25. During execution, in-stride risk assessment and reaction are
necessary to overcome unforeseen fratricide risk situations. The following
are factors to consider when assessing fratricide risks:
• Intervisibility between adjacent units.
• The level of cross-talk between units.
• Amount of battlefield obscuration.
• Ability or inability to positively identify targets.
• Similarities and differences in equipment, vehicles, and
uniforms among friendly and threat forces.
• Vehicle density on the battlefield.
• The tempo of the battle.
B-26. Maintaining situational awareness at all levels and at all times is
another key to fratricide reduction as an operation progresses. Units
must develop and employ effective techniques and SOPs to aid leaders
and crewmen in this process. These techniques include—
• Monitoring on the next higher net.
• Radio cross-talk between units.
• Accurate position reporting and navigation.
• Training and use/exchange of LNOs.
___________________________________________________________ Appendix B – Force Protection
B-27. The following measures for reducing fratricide risk are not
directive in nature, nor are they intended to restrict initiative. Apply
them as appropriate based on the specific situation and METT-TC
factors. Risk reduction guidelines are the following:
• Identify and assess potential fratricide risks in the estimate
of the situation. Express these risks in the OPORD or
• Maintain situational awareness, focusing on such areas as
current intelligence; unit locations and dispositions; denial
areas (minefields/family of scatterable mines [FASCAM]);
contaminated areas, such as improved conventional
munitions (ICM) and NBC; SITREPs; and METT-TC factors.
• Ensure positive target identification. Review vehicle/weapon
identification cards. Know at what ranges and under what
conditions positive identification of friendly vehicles/weapons
is possible.
• Establish a command climate that stresses fratricide
prevention. Enforce fratricide prevention measures,
emphasize the use of doctrinally sound tactics, techniques,
and procedures. Ensure constant supervision in the execution
of orders and the performance of all tasks and missions to
• Recognize the signs of battlefield stress. Maintain unit
cohesion by taking quick, effective action to alleviate it.
• Conduct individual, leader, and collective (unit) training
covering fratricide awareness, target identification and
recognition, and fire discipline.
• Develop a simple, decisive plan.
• Give complete and concise mission orders.
• Use SOPs that are consistent with doctrine to simplify
mission orders. Periodically review and change SOPs as
• Strive for maximum planning time for you and your
• Use common language/vocabulary and doctrinally correct
standard terminology and control measures, such as fire
support coordination line, zone of engagement, and restrictive
fire lines.
• Ensure thorough coordination is conducted.
• Plan for and establish effective communications (to include
• Plan for collocation of command posts whenever it is
appropriate to the mission, such as during a passage of lines.
• Designate and employ LNOs as appropriate.
• Ensure rules of engagement are clear.
• Include fratricide risk as a key factor in terrain analysis
(observation and fields of fire, cover and concealment,
obstacles, key terrain, and avenues of approach, [OCOKA]).
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
a. Threat forces.
(1) Are there similarities among threat and friendly equipment and uniforms that
could lead to fratricide?
(2) What languages do threat forces speak? Could these contribute to fratricide
(3) What are the threat’s deception capabilities and his past record of deception
(4) Do you know the locations of threat forces?
b. Friendly forces.
(1) Among the allied forces, are there differences (or similarities with threat
forces) in language, uniform, and equipment that could increase fratricide risk during combined
(2) Could differences in equipment and uniforms among US armed forces increase
fratricide risk during joint operations?
(3) What differences in equipment and uniforms can be stressed to help prevent
(4) What is the friendly deception plan?
(5) What are the locations of your unit and adjacent units (left, right, leading,
(6) What are the locations of neutrals and noncombatants?
___________________________________________________________ Appendix B – Force Protection
c. Own forces.
(1) What is the status of training activities? What are the levels of individual, crew,
and unit proficiency?
(2) Will fatigue be a factor for friendly forces during the operation? Has an
effective sleep plan been developed?
(3) Are friendly forces acclimatized to the area of operations (AO)?
(4) What is the age (new, old, or mix) and condition of equipment in friendly
units? What is the status of new equipment training?
(5) What are the expected MOPP requirements for the operation?
d. Attachments and detachments.
(1) Do attached elements understand pertinent information regarding threat and
friendly forces?
(2) Are detached elements supplied this pertinent information by their gaining
e. Weather.
(1) What are the expected visibility conditions (light data and precipitation) for the
(2) What effect will heat and cold have on soldiers, weapons, and equipment?
f. Terrain.
(1) Do you know the topography and vegetation (such as urban, mountainous,
hilly, rolling, flat, desert, swamp/marsh, prairie/steppe, jungle, dense forest, open woods) of the
expected AO?
(2) Have you evaluated the terrain using the factors of OCOKA?
2. MISSION. Are the mission and all associated tasks and purposes clearly understood?
a. Task organization.
(1) Has the unit worked under this task organization before?
(2) Are SOPs compatible with the task organization (especially with attached
(3) Are special markings or signals (for example, cats’ eyes, chemlites, or panels)
needed for positive identification of uniforms and equipment?
(4) What special weapons and/or equipment will be used? Do they look or sound
like threat weapons and/or equipment?
b. Concept of the operation.
(1) Maneuver. Are main and supporting efforts identified to ensure awareness of
fratricide risks and prevention measures?
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ Appendix B – Force Protection
Appendix C
NOTE: See FM 3-20.98 [FM 17-98] for more detailed information on NBC
procedures and equipment.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
C-8. The key protective measure against a biological attack is
maintaining a high order of health, personal hygiene, and sanitation
discipline. Biological attacks are hard to detect. If an attack occurs,
chances of survival are better if crewmembers are healthy and physically
fit and maintain good personal hygiene. Keeping the body clean helps to
prevent ingestion of biological agents. Keep small cuts or scratches
covered and germ-free by using soap, water, and first-aid measures. Since
insects carry biological agents, prevent insect bites by keeping clothes
buttoned and covering the skin.
__________________________________ Appendix C – Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Operations
C-9. After an attack, assume that all surfaces have been exposed to
germs. Eat or drink only food that has remained sealed; consume it only
after you have washed and cleaned the outside of the container. All water
must be boiled at least 15 minutes.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
signal must be simple and unmistakable for quick and correct reaction.
Troop elements not immediately affected need the information to prepare
for the hazard or to change plans.
C-15. If an NBC hazard has been located, the contaminated area should
be marked. The NBC warning and reporting system (NBCWRS) and
contamination markers contribute to the warning procedures for follow-
on forces. In the immediate area of contamination, several methods (or a
combination of methods) will allow quick reaction by all soldiers. These
methods include vocal alarms (shout of “GAS”), the M8A1 alarm,
nonvocal alarms (horn blast or banging of metal-to-metal objects), and
visual alarms (most commonly, hand-and-arm signals). The tactical
situation may not allow for audible alarms; therefore, the troop SOP
should clearly detail the visual signals for contamination. The FBCB2 is
another method that provides NBC hazard situational awareness.
The chemical protective undergarment is worn under the BDU (this primarily applied to armor vehicle crewmen and
These items must be available to the soldier within two hours, with a second set available within six hours.
Protective Cover
Vinyl Overboots
__________________________________ Appendix C – Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
detected after the troop arrives. Readings are taken once every hour.
Periodic monitoring is initiated under the following conditions:
• After first use of nuclear weapons in theater.
• When the troop is out of contact with higher headquarters.
• When ordered by higher headquarters.
• When the troop stops continuous monitoring.
C-22. Continuous monitoring is the surveillance for radiation in the
troop’s area or position. (AO). Continuous monitoring will be initiated
when any of the following situations occur:
• When a nuclear detonation is observed or reported in the AO.
• When an NBC-3 report is received and the troop is in the
predicted area of contamination.
• When ordered by higher headquarters.
• When a dose rate of 1 cGy/hr is recorded in periodic
C-23. Check all dosimeters to be used for the operation; any that do not
read zero should be turned in for recharging. If a charger is not available,
note the original reading. Make sure dosimeter readings are reported
accurately. Collect readings at least once daily. Average these readings,
round to the nearest 10, and report this average and the radiation
exposure status (RES) to higher headquarters.
C-24. When operating in or crossing radiologically contaminated areas,
use the individual actions for nuclear defense. Vehicles should be closed
tightly; cargoes should be covered by tarps or tenting. Mission
permitting, speed should be kept down to prevent dust, and vehicles
should maintain adequate following distances to stay out of the dust
raised by preceding vehicles.
C-25. After the unit exits a contaminated area, personnel, equipment,
and cargo should be checked for contamination and decontaminated, if
necessary. Dose rates should be monitored closely to ensure compliance
with operational exposure guidance (OEG). The RES should be updated,
if appropriate.
__________________________________ Appendix C – Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
C-34. Markers should always face away from the contamination. For
example, if markers are placed on the edge of a contaminated area to
mark a radiological hot spot, they face away from the point of the highest
contamination reading. Markers are placed at roads, trails, and other
likely points of entry. When time and mission permit, additional markers
should be emplaced. The distance between signs varies. In open terrain,
they can be placed farther apart than in hilly or wooded areas. Soldiers
should be able to stand in front of a marker and see the markers to the
left and right of it.
__________________________________ Appendix C – Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Operations
C-37. Soldiers should unmask as soon as possible except when a
biological or chemical attack is expected. Use the procedures outlined in
the following paragraphs to determine if unmasking is safe.
C-38. If an M256/M256A1 detector kit is available, use it to supplement
unmasking procedures. The kit does not detect all agents; therefore,
proper unmasking procedures, which take approximately 15 minutes,
must still be used. If all tests with the kit (including a check for liquid
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________ Appendix C – Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Operations
C-44. Immediate decontamination is a basic soldier survival skill
carried out by soldiers as soon as possible after they discover they are
contaminated. Its basic purposes are to minimize casualties, save lives,
and limit the further spread of contamination. Any contact between
chemical or biological agents and bare skin should be treated as an
emergency. Some agents can kill if they remain on the skin for longer
than a minute. The best technique for removing or neutralizing these
agents is to use the M291 skin decontamination kit. Leaders must ensure
that their soldiers are trained to execute this technique automatically,
without waiting for orders. Skin decontamination is a soldier’s basic
survival skill and should be performed within one minute of being
C-45. Personal wipedown should begin within 15 minutes of
contamination. The wipedown removes or neutralizes contamination on
the hood, mask, gloves, and personal weapon. For chemical and biological
contamination, soldiers use mitts from the M295 individual equipment
decontamination kit (IEDK). For radiological contamination, they wipe
off the contamination with a cloth or simply brush or shake it away.
C-46. Operator’s spraydown of equipment should begin immediately
after completion of personal wipedown. The spraydown removes or
neutralizes contamination on the surfaces operators must touch
frequently to perform their mission. For chemical and biological
contamination, operators can use on-board decontamination apparatuses,
such as the M11/M13, or the newly fielded M100 sorbent
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
NOTE: M100 SDS replaces the M11’s and M13’s currently employed in operator spraydown
operations associated with immediate decontamination. It is not approved for use
on skin. The system uses powdered sorbent to remove chemical agents from
surfaces. The SDS is designed to operate at temperatures between -25 degrees and
120 degrees Fahrenheit.
C-47. Operational decontamination allows a force to continue fighting
and sustain its mission after being contaminated. It limits the hazard of
transferring contamination by removing most of the gross contamination
on equipment and nearly all the contamination on soldiers. This speeds
the weathering process and allows clean areas (people, equipment, and
terrain) to stay clean. Following operational decontamination, soldiers
who have removed sources of vapor contamination from their clothing
and equipment can use hazard-free areas to unmask temporarily to eat,
drink, and rest.
C-48. Operational decontamination is accomplished using assets of the
parent unit. It makes use of two decontamination techniques: vehicle
washdown and MOPP gear exchange. These procedures are conducted at
the same time and are best performed at squad level. Vehicles and
personnel that are not contaminated should not go through either
C-49. Vehicle washdown, conducted as far forward as possible, is
performed by the task force power-driven decontamination equipment
(PDDE) crew with assistance from the squad decontamination crew. It is
most effective if started within 1 hour after contamination. There are two
steps in vehicle washdown:
• Step 1. Button up the vehicle and secure equipment.
• Step 2. Wash down the vehicle and equipment with hot, soapy
water for 2 to 3 minutes.
C-50. Because speed is important, do not check vehicles for
contamination after vehicle washdown. Remove only gross
C-51. Thorough decontamination reduces contamination to negligible
risk levels. It restores combat power by removing nearly all
contamination from unit and individual equipment. This allows troops to
operate equipment safely for extended periods at reduced MOPP levels. A
contaminated unit conducts detailed troop decontamination under
supervision of the chemical unit. Ordinarily, the chemical unit selects a
__________________________________ Appendix C – Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
Appendix D
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
prevent, deter, and respond to terrorism including strikes and raids. This
is a specified mission for selected special operation forces. Antiterrorism
focuses on defensive measures used to reduce vulnerabilities of
individuals and property to terrorist attacks, to include limited response
and containment by local military forces. Commanders must take the
security measures necessary to accomplish the mission and protect the
force against terrorism. Typical antiterrorism actions include the
• Coordination with local law enforcement.
• Positioning and hardening of facilities.
• Physical security actions designed to prevent unauthorized
access or approach to facilities.
• Crime prevention and physical security actions that prevent
theft of weapons, munitions, identification cards, and other
• Policies regarding travel, size of convoys, breaking of
routines, HN interaction, and off-duty restrictions.
• Protection from WMD.
D-30. NEOs are primarily conducted to evacuate US citizens whose
lives are in danger from locations in a foreign nation to a secure area.
They may also include HN civilians and third-country nationals. NEOs
may take place in a permissive, uncertain, or hostile environment. It can
be conducted as a prelude to combat actions, as part of deterrent actions,
or as part of peace operations. NEOs involve swift insertion and
temporary occupation of an objective, followed by a planned withdrawal.
Leaders use only the amount of force required for self-defense and
protection of evacuees.
D-31. Arms control operations are normally conducted to support arms
control treaties and enforcement agencies. Army forces may conduct arms
control during combat operations or stability operations to prevent
escalation of the conflict and reduce instability. This could include a
mandated disarming of the belligerents and/or the collection, storing, and
destruction of conventional munitions and weapon systems.
D-32. A show of force is an operation designed to demonstrate US
resolve that involves the increased visibility of US deployed forces. The
US conducts show of force for three reasons: to bolster and reassure
allies, to deter potential aggressors, and to gain or increase influence.
The show of force operation usually involves the deployment or build-up
of forces in the AO, an increase in the readiness status and level of
activity of designated forces, or a demonstration of operational
capabilities by forces in the AO. Units assigned this mission must assume
that combat is not only possible but also probable.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
• Debris removal.
D-63. Restoration Phase. Restoration is a long-term process that
returns the community to predisaster normality. Restoration activities do
not generally involve large numbers of military forces. When they are
involved, Army elements generally work with affected communities in
the transfer of responsibility to other agencies as military support forces
D-64. Military operations assist civil authorities in protecting US
territory, population, and infrastructure prior to an attack by supporting
domestic preparedness and critical asset protection programs. If an
attack occurs, military support will respond to the consequences of the
Domestic Preparedness
D-65. The Army’s role in facilitating domestic preparedness is to
strengthen the existing expertise of civil authorities. This is done in two
primary areas—response and training. Response is the immediate
reaction to an attack and training includes what happens after the
Protection of Critical Assets
D-66. The purpose of this program is to identify critical assets and to
assure their integrity, availability, survivability, and capability to
support vital DoD missions across the full spectrum of military
operations. Critical assets include telecommunications, electric power,
gas and oil, banking and finance, transportation, water, and emergency
services. An attack on any of these assets may disrupt civilian commerce,
government operations, and the military.
Response to Weapons of Mass Destruction Incidents
D-67. The initial response will be primarily from local assets, but
sustained Army forces participation may be quickly required. The Army’s
capabilities in this environment include the following:
• Detection.
• Decontamination and medical care, including assessment.
• Triage treatment.
• Medical evacuation.
• Hospitalization.
• Follow-up on victims of chemical and biological agents.
D-68. Support to domestic civil law enforcement generally involves
activities related to counterterrorism, counterdrug, civil disturbance
operations, or general support. Army support may involve providing
resources, training, or direct support. Federal forces remain under the
control of their military chain of command at all times while providing
the support.
Support to Counterterrorism
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
services, which include food and water distribution, medical aid, power
generation, search and rescue, and fire fighting.
D-76. Domestic support operations are typically joint and interagency,
and foreign humanitarian assistance operations are usually
multinational. Unity of effort between the military and local authorities
requires constant communication to ensure that tasks are being
conducted in the most efficient and effective way and resources are used
D-77. A critical aspect of mission handover is to have objective
standards for measuring progress. These measures of effectiveness
determine the degree to which an operation is accomplishing its
established objectives. For example, a measure of effectiveness might be
the number of deaths caused by starvation. This is an indicator that food
convoys are reaching the designated areas. These measures are
situationally dependent and must be adjusted as the situation changes
and guidance from higher is developed.
D-78. Support operations planning must always include the follow-on
actions of the civilian agencies and the HN to restore conditions to
normal. The following considerations determine handover feasibility:
• Condition of supported population and governments.
• Competing mission requirements.
• Specified and implied commitment levels—
• Maturity of the support effort.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
D-85. Although extreme tension may underlie stability operations and
support operations, the tempo of these operations is generally slow.
Nonetheless, the speed of military action can vary widely, from fast,
violent tactical movement by a reaction force for the purpose of relieving
encircled friendly forces to the occupation of checkpoints to control
vehicular and civilian traffic.
D-86. Throughout stability operations and support operations, the
threat can be expected to execute both overt and covert operations to test
friendly reaction times and security procedures. Units that are
predictable or that lack sound operations security (OPSEC) leave
themselves susceptible to attack. For the troop, the key to a secure
environment is not only to maintain the highest possible level of OPSEC,
but also to vary the techniques by which security procedures are executed
(e.g., changing patrol routes and moving checkpoints).
D-87. Intelligence is crucial during the execution of stability operations
and support operations. The threats faced by military forces in these
operations are more ambiguous than those in other situations because
combatants, guerrillas, and terrorists can easily blend with the civilian
population. Before forces are committed and while they are conducting
operations, intelligence must be collected, processed, and focused to
support all planning, training, and operational requirements. (NOTE:
See FM 3-07 [FM 100-20] for additional information.)
D-88. In some cases decentralized operations will require the troop to
develop intelligence with limited assistance from higher headquarters.
The form below (Figure D-1, parts one through four) is an example of a
locally devised tool intended for use in urban environments that can be
used by the troop to gather and assess intelligence for both stability
operations and support operations.
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
D-89. Although stability operations and support operations are
normally centrally planned, execution often takes the form of small-scale,
decentralized actions conducted over extended distances. In some
situations, junior leaders will have the responsibility for making
immediate and monumental decisions on the ground. Effective command
guidance and a thorough understanding of ROE are critical at each level.
D-90. ROE are politically imposed restrictions on military operations.
Higher military authorities direct the ROE based on the political and
tactical situations and the level of threat. For example, these restrictions
may require that the forces involved limit their use of firepower to a
certain geographical area or that they limit the duration of their
operations. Refer to Figure D-2 for an example of ROE for one possible
D-91. ROE must be considered during the planning and execution of all
operations. The unit’s tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) will
require adjustment based on each particular situation’s ROE.
Understanding, adjusting for, and properly executing ROE are especially
important to success in stability operations and support operations. The
restrictions change whenever the political and military situations
change; this means ROE must be updated and explained continuously.
D-92. ROE provide the authority for the soldier’s right to self-defense.
Each soldier must understand the ROE and be prepared to execute them
properly in every possible confrontation. In addition, ROE violations can
have operational, strategic, and political consequences that may affect
national security; the threat can be expected to exploit such violations.
D-93. ROE will be published in any stability operation and support
operation. As the operation continues and the military is forced to deal
with different ROE situations, the threat will quickly determine what US
forces can and can’t do. With the information, the threat will test US
forces and their resolve. For this reason, a graduated response matrix
should be used. This provides leaders and soldiers a framework of how to
deal with ROE situations. They should be rehearsed using vignettes that
actually put the soldiers and leaders in a situation that forces them to
work through the graduated response. Refer to Figure D-3 for an example
of a graduated response.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
All threat military personnel and vehicles transporting threat personnel or their equipment may be
engaged subject to the following restrictions:
A. When possible, the threat will be warned first and asked to surrender.
B. Armed force is the last resort.
C. Armed civilians will be engaged only in self-defense.
D. Civilian aircraft will not be engaged, except in self-defense, without approval from division level.
E. All civilians should be treated with respect and dignity. Civilians and their property should not be
harmed unless necessary to save US lives. If possible, civilians should be evacuated before any US
attack. Privately owned property may be used only if publicly owned property is unavailable or its use
is inappropriate.
F. If civilians are in the area, artillery, mortars, AC-130s, attack helicopters, and tube-launched or
rocket-launched weapons should not be used against known or suspected targets without the
permission of a ground maneuver commander (lieutenant colonel or higher).
G. If civilians are in the area, all air attacks must be controlled by forward air controller or forward
observer, and close air support, white phosphorous weapons, and incendiary weapons are
prohibited without approval from division.
H. If civilians are in the area, shoot only at known threat locations.
I. Public works, such as power stations, water treatment plants, dams, and other public utilities, may
not be engaged without approval from division level.
J. Hospitals, churches shrines, schools, museums, and other historical or cultural sites will be engaged
only in self-defense against fire from these locations.
K. All indirect fire and air attacks must be observed.
L. Pilots must be briefed for each mission as to the location of civilians and friendly forces.
M. Booby traps are not authorized. Authority to emplace mines is reserved for the division commander.
Riot control agents can be used only with approval from division level.
N. Prisoners should be treated humanely, with respect and dignity.
O. Annex R to the operations plan (OPLAN) provides more detail. In the event this card conflicts with
the OPLAN, the OPLAN should be followed.
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
SITUATION: Your unit is conducting an operation (i.e., secure a weapons storage facility).
Signs have been posted that no crowds are allowed near the facility. After a period of time, a
crowd of civilians begins to gather. You are given the order to disperse the crowd as quickly
and safely as possible. The following steps should be followed to disperse the crowd. Steps
can be used independently or in conjunction with each other to get the crowd to disperse.
1. Bring in linguists assigned to your unit to talk to the crowd and tell them to disperse.
2. Employ Airborne Speaker Teams to transmit instructions to the crowd to disperse.
3. Employ bullhorns to relay instructions to the crowd to disperse.
4. Use Loud Noise Speaker Teams to disperse the crowd.
5. Honk the horns of unit vehicles to get the crowd to disperse.
6. Employ concertina wire to keep the crowed from gaining access to the area.
7. Start the vehicle you have to show the crowd that you will move on them if necessary.
8. Employ mechanized vehicles (IAVs) as a show of force to the crowd.
9. Take pictures of the instigators of the crowd.
10. Employ military working dogs to disperse the crowd.
11. Fix bayonets.
12. Conduct procedures used in Civil Disturbance Drills.
13. Use pepper spray to disperse the crowd.
14. Show that you have CS canisters.
15. Use the CS canisters.
16. Employ helicopter blades wash to disperse the crowd.
17. Fire rounds in the air.
18. Employ the use of deadly force.
D-94. ROI describe what forms of local civilian contact are allowed and
prohibited. ROI may account for local political, religious, other cultural
sensitivities; or ROI may be designed to protect US personnel by
prohibiting contact with potentially dangerous elements in the local
population. ROI support mission accomplishment by maintaining a
positive image of US personnel with the local population, and by
preventing US forces from being involved in compromising and
dangerous situations. ROI may also be used to define appropriate
courtesy during interactions with local military and civilian authorities
during activities such as compliance inspections conducted during peace
D-95. The ROI applied by the troop is developed by higher
headquarters with input from CA, staff judge advocate (SJA), chaplain,
counterintelligence, medical, and others. Although the troop commander
cannot make the published ROI less restrictive, he may need to impose
additional rules to account for local considerations. ROI are tools the
individual soldier will need to deal with the nontraditional threats that
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
D-96. Because of the influence of local politics and news media in
stability operations and support operations, precautions and operations
required to minimize casualties and collateral damage become
particularly important operational considerations during these
operations. At the same time, however, force protection must be a
constant priority.
D-97. In attempting to limit the level and scope of violence used in
stability operations and support operations, leaders must avoid making
tactically unsound decisions or exposing the force to unnecessary risks.
On the contrary, an overpowering use of force, correctly employed, can
reduce subsequent violence or prevent a response from the threat force.
This must be covered in the ROE and the OPORD from the troop.
D-98. OPSEC, tempered by restrictions in the ROE and ROI, is an
important tool for the commander in accomplishing his force protection
goals. Security procedures should encompass the full range of
antiterrorist activities for every soldier and leader. Examples include
proper communications security; strict noise, light, and litter discipline;
proper wear of the uniform; display of the proper demeanor for the
situation; as well as effective use of cover and concealment, obstacles,
OPs and early warning devices, the protection afforded by armored
vehicles, and safe locations for eating and resting.
D-99. A final consideration in force protection is hygiene. Many
stability operations and support operations take place in underdeveloped
nations. Proper field sanitation and personal hygiene are mandatory if
soldiers are to stay healthy.
D-100. Because of the unique requirements of stability operations and
support operations, the troop may be augmented to operate with a
variety of units. Examples may include infantry, armor, PSYOP, CA,
counterintelligence, and or military police.
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
D-105. Flexibility and situational awareness are paramount
requirements, especially for the troop commander. The troop’s role and/or
objectives in stability operations and support operations will not always
be clear. The commander will sometimes be called upon to make on-the-
spot decisions that could have an immediate, dramatic effect on the
strategic or operational situation. Leadership that disregards the will of
belligerent parties and the lethality of these groups’ weapons compromise
the success of their mission and risk the lives of their soldiers.
D-106. US soldiers may have extensive contact with HN civilians during
stability operations and support operations. As a result, their personal
conduct has a significant impact on the opinions, and thus the support, of
the local population. As noted, soldiers must understand that misconduct
by US forces (even those deployed for only a short time) can damage
rapport that took years to develop. US soldiers must treat local civilians
and military personnel as personal and professional equals, affording
them the appropriate customs and courtesies.
D-107. Every soldier must be updated continuously on changes to
operational considerations (such as environment, ROE/ROI, media, and
force protection). Such changes can have immediate impact on his
freedom to react to a given situation. Keeping the soldier informed of
changes enhances his situational awareness and his ability to adapt to
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
D-111. The squadron or brigade uses the troop to conduct the various
reconnaissance and security missions and augments it with assets from
the surveillance troop. Because of the resources necessary to deploy,
operate, and sustain forces in stability operations and support
operations, the recce troop is used to execute activities that maximize its
inherent capabilities of stealth, reconnaissance, surveillance, and
HUMINT collection. On the other hand, the factors of METT-TC may
require the squadron to execute tasks other than traditional
reconnaissance and surveillance. For example, the troop may be tasked
with conducting crowd and riot control if a shortage of MPs exists.
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
NOTE: This is not an all-inclusive list of tasks. The following lists contain information only
on the troop task, purpose, and planning considerations for the tasks specified here.
D-113. When conducting stability operations and support operations, the
higher headquarters may direct the troop to conduct liaison with many
military forces, factional force leaders, government organizations, NGOs,
PVOs, and international agencies. Leaders must be in control,
dominating, and confident. The commander must be aware of all liaison
tasks being conducted in his organization. He should delegate liaison
tasks to subordinate leaders and establish an LNO, when capable, and
assume responsibility of specific liaison requirements that warrant his
level of attention.
D-114. The following is a guide that should be modified to fit individual
METT-TC conditions. The majority of the steps are geared toward a
stability operation, but are easily applied to all types of operations.
• Troop commander determines liaison requirements for
making contact.
Determines the need for interpreter. Plans the type of
interpreter to be used. Ensures that the interpreter to be
used is the right one for the situation. Many times the
interpreter is of the opposite factional affiliation and
could hinder proper dialog or mood of the liaison. May
request interpreter assistance from higher or perhaps
request that the agency/individual conducting liaison
bring his interpreter for heightened clarification.
Identifies military forces, civil authorities, religious
leaders, ethnic groups, local factions, and NGOs operating
in the area of responsibility (AOR).
Conducts IPB of the individuals involved with the liaison.
HUMINT collector compiles information on individuals
from other liaison HUMINT activities with the identified
individuals. Liaison team should know all information
about the individual such as likes, dislikes, family
information, tobacco user, sports interests, factional
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
Task Organization
D-118. Task organization for a compliance inspection requires the unit to
designate a security force to isolate the area to be inspected, a search or
reconnaissance force, and a QRF. Special consideration must be made to
determine the size of security needed and the QRF to overmatch any
possible threat. Augmentation from the brigade can usually provide an
effective QRF.
Conduct of the Operation
D-119. An effective security force is critical to the success of the
reconnaissance/search effort. The security force isolates the search area,
prevents the escape of individuals, and protects the forces conducting the
operation. Checkpoints and roadblocks are established along roads
entering and exiting the area when necessary. This helps isolate the
objective. This may not always be necessary and is dependent on the
compliance inspection mission and the threat or potential noncompliance
activity. The security force will establish OPs, and (when necessary)
security patrols are executed in the surrounding area. Members of the
security force orient mainly on people or vehicles attempting to escape or
evade the compliance inspection in the populated area; however, the
security force can also cut off elements or individuals trying to reinforce
threat forces in the search area. Deployment to the search area is rapid
and is synchronized so it does not provide early warning to the local
D-120. A QRF is located near the compliance inspection. Its specific
mission is to reinforce OPs, patrols, or the search force and to assist the
other elements as required by the mission.
D-121. When the troop is conducting stability operations and support
operations it will be called on to negotiate. To conduct effective
negotiations, the troop liaison officers of the troop (the troop leadership),
in conjunction with local UN/government organizations and
civilian/military observers, must establish rapport with local leaders of
warring factions and civilians. The troop commander may be directed to
renew efforts to conduct negotiations within the area. The factions within
the troop’s AO may be still engaged in armed conflict. The troop must
have guidance from the BCT/squadron that is developed from the
peacekeeping mandate, the TOR, SOFA, and ROE that define the desired
end state, as well as the limits of concession for the troop.
D-122. The BCT/squadron commander should provide guidance to
subordinates based on the peacekeeping mandate, the TOR, SOFA, and
the ROE that define the desired end state, as well as the limits of
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
Some of these situations may be food for civilians, medicine for refugee
center/hospital, election materials, and utility equipment, just to name a
few. The troop must measure the importance of the mission, the threat
situation (what may try to interfere with the mission), task organization,
and the consequence of failure (media reaction, loss of life) in
accomplishing the mission. Many times the mission can be delayed until
the situation is less threatening. The amount of supplies and level of
threat will determine if the mission is a troop- or squadron-level mission.
The following are guidelines for achieving success in such a mission:
• Reconnaissance force (quartering party/security force at the
delivery site), security force for the convoy, and QRF.
• Delivery is completed without incident.
• Accountability is maintained and receipt is acknowledged.
• The unit adheres to the ROE.
D-129. The commander confirms the mission and intent from higher for
the humanitarian assistance; does necessary coordination with
government organizations/NGOs that are concerned with the mission;
and establishes a reconnaissance force to reconnoiter the route and the
delivery site (liaison with delivery site officials, evaluates the security of
the site, establishes security of the site). Once complete, the
reconnaissance force may become the overall security force. The
commander establishes the convoy security force to organize the convoy
security mission; and establishes a QRF to respond to chance contact by
the convoy. The following are other planning considerations for the
execution of the delivery of humanitarian assistance/supplies.
• The convoy halts in a covered, concealed site short of the
delivery destination.
• The convoy commander confirms the location for delivery.
• The commander conducts liaison with authorities for drop-off
• The commander organizes the unit to maintain security
during delivery.
Security elements posted at intersections or choke points
en route from the halt site to the delivery site.
Security element posted at delivery site; wire emplaced as
Security maintained at halt site.
• Supply vehicles move in manageable numbers (dependent on
off-load timing) to delivery site.
En route security or QRF prevents diversion of vehicles.
Site security prevents infiltration and attempts to loot.
QRF prepared to respond to events at delivery site.
• The commander ensures relief organization or local authority
acknowledges receipt of supplies.
• Security collapses onto and around the delivery site when all
vehicles complete unloading. The unit may set up area
___________________________________ Appendix D – Stability Operations and Support Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
Appendix E
E-1. Army policy requires that the troop have a unit movement officer
(UMO), E6 and above, and an alternate appointed on orders. They must
be trained by the troop or a service school and be thoroughly familiar
with the following:
• The contents of this appendix.
• US Air Force/US Army airlift operations.
• The roles and duties of the UMO and unit movement
coordinator (UMC).
• The transportability of the troop's organic equipment.
• The characteristics and capabilities of the types of vessels,
aircraft, or railcars the unit may use to deploy.
• Highway, rail, and port operations.
E-2. Formal training for the troop commander, UMO, and NCO in unit
deployment is available through the Joint Strategic Deployment Training
Center (JSDTC). JSDTC offers resident courses, to include the following:
• Air Deployment Planning Course (Air Mobility Command
[AMC] certified).
• Unit Movement Officer Deployment Planning Course.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
E-6. When the troop is preparing, packing, and marking equipment for
movement and deployment, special certification is required to ensure
personnel follow safety procedures according to AFJM 24-204 or Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR) 49. Improper procedures could cause loss of
life or equipment. Because the troop has air transportable equipment, it
should have at least one school-certified person to certify hazardous
cargo. AR 55-355 gives information on formal certification. Hazardous
cargo certification teams visit most installations annually or
semiannually. (Consult the installation transportation office for
scheduling details.) Regardless of whether or not the troop has anyone
who is school qualified, the UMO/NCO should be familiar with the
contents of AFJM 24-204 and CFR 49. Military Standard (MIL-STD)-
129J and DA Pam 740-1 contain additional packing assistance.
_______________________________________________________________ Appendix E – Deployment
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
E-12. Take the following steps to prepare troop vehicles:
• Thoroughly clean the vehicle.
• Ensure the vehicle is mechanically sound, free of leaks, drips,
and other operational defects.
• Fill fuel tanks only to three-quarters of capacity. Any
additional fuel increases the chance for spillage. Do not put
hazardous labels or placards on vehicles for fuel in the tanks.
• Do not fill trailer-mounted equipment containing combustion
engines, such as generator sets, to more than one-half of their
fuel capacity.
• Ship 5-gallon fuel cans three-quarters full of diesel fuel if they
are shipped in approved vehicle storage racks. Inspect fuel
cans for serviceable lid gaskets, leaks, and other defects
prohibiting their use as fuel containers.
• Do not leave removable crew-served weapons, such as spare
barrels and other sensitive items, mounted or stored in the
vehicle. Instead, consolidate them and place in a secure
container. Seal the container and lock it with an appropriate
locking device.
• Equip all vehicles with serviceable and proper lifting/tie-down
devices or shackles. Remove T-hooks from combat vehicles
and replace them with screw pin shackles.
• Secure ignition keys to the steering wheel with wire. The wire
must be long enough to reach the ignition. Give copies of
container keys to the unit liaison team or supercargoes
accompanying the cargo.
• Do not cover headlights, windshields, or mirrors with tape.
• Ensure fire extinguishers are in the approved mounting
bracket if they are kept with vehicles during shipment.
• Keep driver compartments and steering wheels unlocked.
• To preclude moisture damage to radios, store them in secured
containers. If radios are shipped mounted in the vehicles,
secure them with a padlock and chain; then cover them with
plastic. Treat COMSEC equipment as classified cargo.
E-13. If required for height reduction, lower canvas cab tops. Remove
and box the frames for the cab canvas. Stow them only in the front cab of
their respective vehicles. Keep the canvas threaded through the top
windshield channel. Fold down the windshield with the canvas wrapped
over the windshield and secure with manila rope. The method and degree
of protection are left to the unit commander's discretion.
E-14. If removing exhaust stack extensions, protect the opening from
weather and debris when the vehicle is not in operation. Use a tin can
large enough to fit over the bottom exhaust stack pipe. Attach a wire to
the can and exhaust stack bracket so the can may be removed and not
lost when the vehicle is in operation. Place a shoe tag on the ignition
switch or steering wheel to remind the operator to remove and install the
can as appropriate.
_______________________________________________________________ Appendix E – Deployment
Appendix F
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ Appendix F – Command Post Operations
F-2. The troop CP must be capable of operating on a 24-hour basis.
During continuous operations the troop CP normally operates in shifts;
however, the importance of the XO as the troop second in command must
be accounted for when establishing shifts. The shifts should be
established to provide a depth of experience across all shifts. The CP
operates under the direction of the XO, and is manned by:
• The XO.
• Operations NCO.
• Communications NCO.
• HUMINT NCO (RSTA troops only).
• Two driver/radio-telephone operators (RTO).
F-3. An example of CP shifts is as follows:
• Shift 1:
XO (may need to divide his time between both shifts).
Communications NCO.
HUMINT NCO (if assigned).
• Shift 2:
Operations NCO.
F-4. To ensure continuous, uninterrupted operations, the CP
personnel conduct a shift change briefing to educate the incoming shift on
the current status of the troop, the flank units, and the higher unit. Both
shifts review the significant activities during the previous shift to
familiarize the oncoming shift with upcoming decisions and events. While
the format for the brief is a matter of SOP, it should address the
• Task organization changes (FBCB2 task organization file in
• Changes to mission (current FRAGO in effect).
• Current CCIR and answers to CCIR received during previous
• Current threat situation.
• Current platoon and attached element status.
• Current friendly situation (two levels higher).
• Significant activities (threat and friendly) during previous
• Activities scheduled during the next shift (timeline).
• Unresolved actions.
• Current communications status.
• CP priorities of work.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
• Locations of:
Troop commander.
1SG and trains.
Brigade/squadron commander.
UAVs (flight plans).
HUMINT platoons (operating in troop AO).
__________________________________________________ Appendix F – Command Post Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ Appendix F – Command Post Operations
F-13. The traditional responsibilities for establishing communications
(higher to lower, supporting to supported, reinforcing to reinforced, left to
right, etc.) remain valid. With many digital communications systems,
however, all participants have roles that must be executed to establish
and maintain communications. The fundamental rule is that all soldiers
have a responsibility to establish and maintain communications. The
traditional responsibilities are the following:
• Senior to subordinate. A senior unit is responsible for
establishing communications with a subordinate unit. An
attached unit of any size is considered subordinate to the
command to which it is attached.
• Supporting to supported. A supporting unit is responsible for
establishing communications with the supported unit.
• Reinforcing to reinforced. A reinforcing unit is responsible for
establishing communications with the reinforced unit.
• Passing to stationary. This occurs during a forward passage of
lines, with the passing unit responsible for establishing
communications with the stationary unit.
• Stationary to passing. This occurs during a rearward passage
of lines, with the stationary unit responsible for establishing
communications with the passing unit.
• Lateral communications. Responsibility for establishing
communications between adjacent units may be fixed by the
next higher commander or SOP. If responsibility is not fixed
by orders, the commander of the unit on the left is responsible
for establishing communications with the unit on the right.
The commander of a unit positioned behind another unit
establishes communications with the forward unit.
• Restoration. Regardless of the responsibility, all units take
prompt action to restore lost communications.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
F-14. Reconnaissance troops use the full spectrum of communications
means. Planning data for communications systems and sensors that
support the troop can be found in Table F-1. The troop has access to the
following means of communications:
• Digital. FBCB2 is the digital system that links the troop to
the brigade/squadron’s Army Battle Command System
(ABCS). The ABCS is a network of computer systems that
allow for advanced reporting, orders and graphic sharing, and
database management.
• Radio FM communications. Operations normally depend on
radio as the primary means of communication for both voice
and digital traffic. Net discipline and SOP minimize needless
traffic. To avoid detection by threat direction-finding
equipment, CP uses all other means of communication to
supplement the radio and minimize emissions. Once in
contact, the primary means of communication will be FM
voice. Radio communications include electromagnetic
communications in FM, AM, UHF, and VHF spectrums.
• Tactical satellite (TACSAT) radio communications.
Reconnaissance operations are often conducted across vast
distances. This necessitates the need for extended ranges.
TACSAT radios have unlimited range so they can fulfill this
• Commercial lines. Commercial lines are used when approved
by higher headquarters. Careful consideration must be given
to securing commercial lines and limiting classified material
sent over nonsecured lines. If the unit is forced to withdraw,
existing wire lines, including commercial lines, are cut and
sections removed so the threat cannot use them.
• Sound and visual. Sound and visual signals are in the SOI or
the troop SOP. Signals not included in the SOI may be
established by SOP or in the OPORD. The battlefield will
have many sound and visual cues that become increasingly
important in complex and urban terrain. Commanders and
key leaders carefully determine how sound and visual signals
will be used and authenticated. Sound and visual signals
include pyrotechnics, hand-and-arm, flag, metal-on-metal,
rifle shot, whistles, and bells.
• Messengers and liaison officers. Messengers are used between
the CP, trains, and higher and lower headquarters. Liaisons
are sent to higher headquarters to speed the passage of
information between CPs. The use of LNOs becomes
increasingly important as digitally-equipped units operated
with nondigitally-equipped units.
• Wire. Wire is normally used for internal communications
within the CP, support areas, and assembly areas. It is the
primary means of communication whenever the situation
__________________________________________________ Appendix F – Command Post Operations
F-15. The troop operates on its internal nets described below:
• Troop command net. The command net is a secure FM net,
controlled by the troop CP. It is used to command and
control the troop. All organic and attached units and
FIST/COLT operate in this net. The command net is used to
send combat critical information to the commander and to
allow platoon, supporting leaders, and the troop commander
to talk to each other.
• Brigade/squadron command net. The command net is a
secure FM net, controlled by the S3 section at the main
CP. It is used to command and control the
squadron/brigade. All organic and attached units, FSO, ALO,
and supporting units operate in this net. The command net is
used to send combat critical information to the commander or
the S3 and to allow subordinate commanders and the
brigade/squadron commander to talk to each other.
• Brigade/squadron operations and intelligence net. The OI net
is a secure FM net, controlled by the S2 section of the main
CP. All routine tactical reports and other intelligence matters
are sent on this net. This net should be used to free the
command net for command and combat critical traffic. The
troop and subordinate S2s are users of this net.
• Brigade/squadron administrative and logistics net. The A/L
net is a secure FM net, controlled by the S4 section in the rear
CP. This net is used for A/L reports and coordinating logistics
and rear area security operations. The forward support
battalion (FSB), subordinate battalion S1/S4s, and attached
1SGs operate on the A/L net. The troop CP monitors this net.
• Brigade/squadron fire control net. The fire support net is an
FM and digital net controlled by the fire support element
(FSE) in the main CP. It is the primary means of calling for
indirect fires or close air support for the brigade. Battalion
FSEs, troop FIST, the main CP, command group, TAC CP,
and supporting artillery units are users of this net.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
EPLRS Enhanced 3-10 km UHF 420-240 14400 100+ Yes Yes Primary means of
Position MHz bps kbps FBCB2 data
Location transmission
NTDR Near Term 10-20 km UHF 225-450 200 Yes Yes CP to CP data
Digital Radio MHz kpbs transfer
AN/PSC-5 UHF/VF 1-3 km 1-3 km UHF 225-400 16000 Yes Yes Can provide
Manpack (LOS) MHz bps retrans for
LOS and unlimited SINCGARS
OM terminal
MSE Mobile Area Area UHF 225-400 16000 Yes Signal Company
Subscriber MHz bps maintains MSE
Equipment net
F-16. The OPSEC program is managed by and the responsibility of the
XO. He analyzes the commander's concept of the operation to determine
the EEFI that must be protected from exploitation by threat intelligence.
The CP develops appropriate security measures based on an assessment
__________________________________________________ Appendix F – Command Post Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
F-23. The general rule is that all contact reports are sent FM (voice).
This is the most rapid method to notify all elements in the troop of threat
contact. Follow-up SPOTREPs may be sent digitally on FBCB2. However,
consideration must be given to transmission queue times. Most units use
the guide of “voice up, digital down” in all reporting. This method is, for
example, platoon reporting via FM and the troop sending FRAGOs to the
platoons via FBCB2.
F-24. To prevent FBCB2 systems from quickly getting bogged down in
duplicate reports and multiple sightings of threat contact, the troop
establishes reporting protocols that limit where SPOTREPs are
forwarded and requires leaders to decide what data is passed to higher
and adjacent echelons. For example, the troop commander may require
the CP to analyze all reports from the platoons before they are fed to
higher and adjacent unit databases, while all reports from the GSR
sections are immediately passed. The troop must balance the need for
real-time combat information with the negative effects of data overload.
F-25. The brigade/squadron sets a schedule for submitting routine
standardized reports (commander’s SITREP, LOGSTAT, etc.). The SOP
establishes the message group, transmission medium, and time window
for submission. The SOP should stagger reports to limit the strain on the
tactical internet caused by multiple units reporting simultaneously.
__________________________________________________ Appendix F – Command Post Operations
AS OF __________
1 PLT ____ TRP
2 PLT ____ TRP
3 PLT ____ TRP
CDR ____ EN
CDR ____ EN
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
AS OF __________
__________________________________________________ Appendix F – Command Post Operations
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
DTG: ______________
MISSION: __________
__________________________________________________ Appendix F – Command Post Operations
F-28. Digital systems provide an increased number of colors available
for the creation of graphic overlays and informational displays. When the
brigade/squadron deviates from standard color conventions, the unit SOP
should clearly define the use of nonstandard colors, and assign colors for
subordinate unit use.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
F-33. Although not SOP, the following minimum supplies and
equipment should be maintained in the CP to support operations:
• Field Desk with the following equipment:
1 pair of scissors.
1 stapler with a box of staples.
1 box of ballpoint pens.
2 boxes of pencils.
1 box of rubber bands.
1 box of assorted grease pencils.
6 packages of super-fine point alcohol markers.
6 packages of fine point alcohol markers.
3 packages of medium point alcohol markers.
300 sheets of DA Form 1594.
300 sheets of SPOTREPs.
10 pads of white ruled paper.
10 pads of yellow legal pads.
2 rolls of 1-inch masking tape.
3 rolls of clear tape.
2 rolls of double-sided clear tape.
10 envelopes, shotgun.
1 lock set.
1 pencil sharpener.
3 sheets of unit symbols.
3 packages of casualty feeder reports, DA Form 1156.
3 packages of witness statements, DA Form 1155.
3 packages of prisoner of war tags.
• Storage Chest with the following equipment:
1 box of clear document protectors.
1 dictionary.
1 box of 3.5-inch floppy disks.
3 reams of white 8.5 x 11-inch copy paper.
1 box of type I plastic bags.
10 memoranda notebooks.
__________________________________________________ Appendix F – Command Post Operations
NOTE: CP personnel should furnish doctrinal reference manuals (FMs and TMs),
equipment, and supplies that relate to their specific fields.
Appendix G
Environmental Protection
Protection of
Environmental Risk Management Process..................G-1
resources is an Identify (Environmental) Hazards..............................G-1
ever-increasing Assess Environment Hazards ...................................G-1
concern. It is the Develop Controls and Make Decisions.....................G-3
responsibility of Implement Controls....................................................G-3
Supervise and Evaluate .............................................G-3
all unit leaders Environmental Risk Assessment Worksheet ..............G-3
to decrease and,
if possible,
eliminate damage to the environment when conducting all types of
operations. This appendix focuses on measures the reconnaissance
troop must understand and implement to accomplish that objective.
Training Circular (TC) 3-34.489 provides a comprehensive listing of
procedures and considerations applicable when operating in
environmentally sensitive areas.
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ Appendix G – Environmental Protection
A. Mission or Task: B. Date/Time Group C. Date Prepared:
Worksheet Instructions
A–E Self-explanatory.
F Identify Hazards. Identify hazards by reviewing METT-TC factors for the mission or
task. Additional factors include historical lessons learned, experience, judgment,
equipment characteristics and warnings, and environmental considerations.
G Assess Hazards. Assessment includes historical lessons learned, intuitive analyses,
experience, judgment, equipment characteristics and warnings, and environmental
considerations. Determine initial risk for each hazard by applying the risk assessment
matrix (refer to Chapter 2, FM 3-100.4). Enter the risk level for each hazard.
H Develop Controls. Develop one or more controls for each hazard to either eliminate the
hazard or reduce the risk (probability and/or severity) of a hazardous incident. Specify
who, what, where, when, and how for each control. Enter controls.
I Determine Residual Risk. Determine the residual risk for each hazard by applying the
risk assessment matrix (refer to Chapter 2, FM 3-100.4). Enter the residual risk level for
each hazard.
J Implement Controls. Decide how each control will be put into effect or communicated to
the personnel who will make it happen (written or verbal instruction: tactical, safety,
garrison SOPs, rehearsals). Enter controls.
K Determine Overall Mission/Task Risk. Select the highest residual risk level and circle it.
This level becomes the overall mission or task risk level. The commander decides
whether the controls are sufficient to accept the residual risk. If the risk is too great to
continue the mission or task, the commander directs development of additional controls
or modifies, changes, or rejects the COA.
Supervise and Evaluate. This last step is not on the worksheet. Plan how each control
will be monitored for implementation (continuous supervision, spot checks), and
reassess hazards as the situation changes. Determine if the controls worked and if they
can be improved. Communicate lessons learned.
A. Mission or Task: B. Date/Time Group C. Date Prepared:
Troop STX Begin: 010600 JUN XX 22 MAY XX
End: 020100 JUN XX
Conduct resupply Fuel spills during Moderate (M) 1. Train drivers and Low (L) Troop SOP,
refueling fuel handlers on paragraph 8,
proper fuel handling conduct training
procedures prior to STX.
2. Provide spill
3. Locate refueling
sites away from
Establish a tactical Starting range and Moderate (M) 1. Inform soldiers Low (L) Troop SOP para
assembly area. training area fires. that no open fires 7(a), Range
are allowed. regulations.
2. Brief soldiers on
K. Determine overall mission/task risk level after controls are implemented (circle one):
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
Glossary - 1
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
CA civil affairs
CAB combat aviation brigade
cal caliber
CAM chemical agent monitor
CANA convulsant antidote for nerve agent
CAS close air support
CASEVAC casualty evacuation
CATK counterattack
cav cavalry
cbt combat
CBU cluster bomb unit
CCIR commander’s critical information requirements
CCP casualty collection point
CDR; cdr commander
CDS container delivery system
CFF call for fire
CFL coordinated fire line
CFN call for fire net
CFS call for support
CFZ critical friendly zone
CGS common ground station
cGy/hr centigray(s) per hour
CHAT counterintelligence (CI)/human intelligence (HUMINT)
automated tool (kit)
CHS combat health support
CI counterintelligence
CIP combat identification panel
cm centimeter(s)
cmd command
CMOC civil-military operations center
CNA computer network attack
CNR combat net radio
co company
COA course of action
COC chain of command
COE contemporary operational environment
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
HA holding area
HC hexachloroethene (smoke)
HE high explosive
HEDP high explosive duel purpose
HEMTT heavy expanded mobile tactical truck
HF high frequency
HHC headquarters and headquarters company
HHT headquarters and headquarters troop
HMMWV high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle
HN host nation
HPT high-payoff target
HQ headquarters
HUMINT human intelligence
HVA high-value asset
IAV interim armored vehicle
IAW in accordance with
IBCT interim brigade combat team
ICAM improved chemical agent monitor
ICM improved conventional munitions
ID identification
IEDK individual equipment decontamination kit
IEW intelligence and electronic warfare
IMETS integrated meteorological system
IMINT imagery intelligence
INC internet controller
INFOSEC information security
INFOSYS information system
INS inertial navigation system
intel intelligence
IO information operations
IP internet protocol
IPB intelligence preparation of the battlefield
IR information requirements; infrared
IREMBASS improved remotely monitored battlefield sensor system
ISMS improved SIGINT (signal intelligence) manpack system
ISR intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
SD security detachment
SDS sorbent decontamination system
SE security element
SEAD suppression of enemy air defense
sec second(s)
SEN small extension node
SF Special Forces
SFC sergeant first class
SGLI Serviceman's Group Life Insurance
SGT sergeant
SHORD short-range air defense
SIDPERS Standardization Installation/Division Personnel System
SIGINT signal intelligence
SIGSEC signal security
SINCGARS Single-Channel Ground/Airborne Radio System
SINCGARS–SIP Single-Channel Ground/Airborne Radio System–System
Improvement Program
SIP System Improvement Program
SIR specific information requirements
SITEMP situation template
SITREP situation report
SJA Staff Judge Advocate
SKE system keeping equipment
SMS sensor monitoring set
SOF special operations forces
SOFA status of forces agreement
SOI signal operating instructions
SOSR suppress, obscure, secure, reduce
SOSRA suppress, obscure, secure, reduce , assault
SOP standing operating procedure
SP start point
SPC specialist
SPF special purpose force
SPOTREP spot report
SPIRIT special purpose intelligence remote integrated terminal
Spt support; supporting
sqd squad
sqdn squadron
SSB single side band
SSC smaller-scale contingency
SSG staff sergeant
SU situational understanding
SWO squadron weather officer
SWT scout weapons team
TAA tactical assembly area
TAC CP tactical command post
TAC SOP tactical SOP
TACAIR tactical air (support)
TACP tactical air control party
TACSAT tactical satellite
TAEC tactical air effects controller
TAI target area of interest
TAML Theater Army Medical Laboratory
TC-ACCIS transportation coordinator–automated command and control
TEP theater engagement plan
TI tactical Internet
TIM toxic industrial material
TIRS terrain index reference system
TIS thermal imaging system
TLP troop-leading procedures
tm team
TOA transfer of authority
TOC tactical operations center
TOE table of organization and equipment
TOR transfer of responsibility; terms of reference
TOT time on target
TOW tube-launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided (missile)
TRP target reference point
trp troop
TTP tactics, techniques, and procedures
TTT time to target
FM 3-20.971 ___________________________________________________________________________
TV television
UAV unmanned aerial vehicle
UBL unit basic load
UHF ultra high frequency
UIC unit identification code
ULLS-G unit-level logistics system–ground
UMC unit movement coordinator
UMCP unit maintenance collection point
UMO unit movement officer
UMT unit ministry team
UN United Nations
US United States
USAF United States Air Force
USMC United States Marine Corps
USN United States Navy
VHF very high frequency
VHSIC very high speed integrated circuit
VMF variable message format
WAN wide area network
WARNO warning order
WCS weapon control status
WIA wounded in action
WIN-T warfighter information network-terrestrial
WMD weapons of mass destruction
WP white phosphorous
XO executive officer
AFJM 24-204. Preparing Hazardous Materials for Military Air Shipments.
1 March 1997.
AR 380-19. Information Systems Security. 27 February 1998.
FM 3-20.971____________________________________________________________________________
ISR operations, 1-10 vehicle (UAV) platoon,
A brigade reconnaissance troop multisensor ground platoon,
(BRT), 1-2, 1-11 – 1-12, ground sensor platoon, NBC
actions on contact, 3-15 –
3-1, 3-13, 3-22 – 3-23, 4-36 reconnaissance platoon,
3-21, 3-32, 7-29 – 7-30
engineer operations (BCT),
eight forms of contact, air defense.
3-16 C
command and control (C2),
advanced field artillery tactical cavalry squadron (RSTA), 1-2,
2-6 – 2-12
data system, (AFATDS), 1-3 – 1-8
digital systems, 2-31 –
1-13, 2-31, 6-8, 6-12 CHAT, 2-38
air defense, 6-60 – 6-62 COLT, 1-8, 1-12, 5-32, 6-12 –
FM radio nets, 2-29 – 2-30
all source analysis system 6-13
troop-leading procedures,
(ASAS), 2-31, 3-29 combat service support, 6-57,
2-12 – 2-28
analysis and control team 7-31
command post, 1-6, 1-11, 2-6,
(ACT), 3-29 combat health support,
area of responsibility (AOR), 8-26 – 8-28
battle drills, F-5 – F-6
1-22 – 1-23 enemy prisoners of war
(EPW), 8-29 BRT, 1-11 – 1-12
Army aviation, 6-25
evacuation, 8-26 – 8-27 communications, F-6 –
air cavalry, 6-25 – 6-26
air-ground integration, FBCB2 role, 8-5 – 8-6
continuous operations, F-3
6-26 –6-32, 7-18 – 7-20 for brigade
reconnaissance troop, displacing, F-5
attack helicopter support,
5-32, 6-33 –6-41 8-13 positioning, F-4
assault and cargo for RSTA squadron , 8-10 recce troop, 1-6
helicopter support, graves registration responsibilities, F-1 – F-2
6-42 – 6-44 (GRREG), 8-24 – 8-25 SOP, F-11 – F-19
Army battle command system, maintenance and recovery security, F-4 – F-5
2-31 – 2-32 operations, 8-22 – 8-24
commander’s critical
Army tactical command and personnel and information requirements
control system (ATCCS), administration center (CCIR), 1-2, 3-1
2-31 (PAC), 8-25
commander’s reconnaissance
assembly area, 5-33 – 5-36, resupply operations, guidance, 3-4, 3-11, 4-3
5-41 6-42 – 6-44, 8-16 – 8-22
engagement criteria,
in stability and support 3-12
B operations, D-25
focus, 3-11
battle command methodology, supply operations, 8-14 –
tempo, 3-11 – 3-12
2-2 – 2-5 8-16
common operational picture
battle handover, 5-43, 5-46 tactical functions, 8-2 – 8-4
(COP), 1-1, 2-7
breaching, 5-45 – 5-47, 6-58, troop trains, 8-7 – 8-10
communications, 2-28 – 2-30,
6-60 unit ministry team, 8-28 7-3, 7-6, 7-10, 7-12 – 7-14,
brigade combat team (BCT), combat service support control 7-17, 7-19, 7-24, 7-25, 7-27,
1-9 – 1-12, 3-2 – 3-11, 3-13, system (CSSCS), 2-31, 8-2 7-28
3-15 – 3-17, 3-19, 3-22 –
combat support. See compliance inspection. See
3-23, 3-31, 3-39, 3-45, 3-50,
intelligence, fire support, stability operations and
4-3 – 4-5, 4-9 – 4-11,
target acquisition, army support operations,
4-18 – 4-19, 4-29, 4-31
aviation, unmanned aerial
FM 3-20.971_______________________________________________________________________________
defense, C-1 – C-3, recce troop, 1-2, 3-1, 3-6, 3-23, area security, 4-30 – 4-34
C-5 – C-6 3-36, 4-36, 4-38 convoy security, 4-34 –
marking, C-8 – C-9, C-14 organization structure and 4-38
personnel responsibilities,
mission-oriented protective drill, 4-26 – 4-30
1-5 – 1-9, 1-15 – 1-19
posture (MOPP), C-1, fundamentals, 4-3 – 4-5
C-3 – C-4, C-6, C-7, reconnaissance, 1-1, 7-24 –
7-31 high-value asset, 4-33
and security, 3-16. See screen, 1-4, 4-10 – 4-30
protection, C-1, C-2, C-3 – also nuclear, biological,
C-4, C-6, C-7, C-8 situational awareness, 1-6,
and chemical (NBC).
1-11, 1-16, 1-30, 2-5, 2-7,
reconnaissance and and surveillance (R&S), 2-27, 4-4, 4-8, 4-10, 4-18,
security, C-13 – C-14 3-13 – 3-15, 4-22, 4-30, 4-30, 4-34, 5-1, 5-10, 5-15
reconnaissance platoon, 4-36
situational understanding, 1-2,
1-4, 1-9, C-13 – C-14, aerial, 3-26 – 3-27 1-31, 2-3, 2-5, 2-7, 3-5, 3-6,
6-55 – 6-56
area, 1-4, 3-43 – 3-49 3-20, 4-3
reports, C-2, C-10
dismounted, 3-28 smaller-scale contingencies
toxic industrial material (SSC), 1-1, 1-3, 1-30 – 1-31,
(TIM), C-14 engagement criteria, 3-13
3-8, 3-10, 3-50, 6-3, 6-7
unmasking, C-9 – C-10 focus of, 3-1, 3-7, 3-11
stability operations, D-1 – D-9.
fundamentals of, 3-2 – 3-6 See also stability operations
O handover, 3-21 – 3-26, and support operations.
observation and fields of fire, 5-36 arms control, D-7
cover, obstacles, key terrain, missions, 1-13 combating terrorism, D-6 –
and avenues of approach mounted, 3-28 D-7
(OCOKA), 2-15, 3-10, B-9
multidimensional, 3-7, diplomatic effort
obstacles, 3-16, 3-19, 3-32, 7-25 operations, D-4 – D-5
3-33, 3-38, 3-42, 3-44, 3-48,
planning, 3-11 – 3-14, peace enforcement
3-50, 3-51, 3-53, 5-25
A-11 – A-19 operations, D-4
offensive operations, 1-25 –
platoon, 1-7 – 1-8, 1-12 peacekeeping operations,
1-26, 5-9 – 5-14, 6-10, 6-57,
route, 3-49 – 3-54 D-4
sensor, 3-26 show of force, D-7
operational environment,
1-20 – 1-32, 3-6 – 3-7, D-16, tempo, 3-11 – 3-12 stability operations and support
D-25 operations, D-1
zone, 1-4, 3-38 – 3-43,
orders 2-5, 2-10 – 2-12, 2-35 4-12 compliance inspections,
D-32 – D-33
FRAGO, A-8 – A-9 rehearsals, 2-24 – 2-27, 4-8,
4-30, 5-32, 5-37 environment, D-16
OPORD, 2-22 – 2-23,
2-35, A-1 – A-7, B-10 – relief in place, 5-36 – 5-40 intelligence, D-17
B-13 risk management, B-1 – B-6 media interviews, D-39 –
WARNO, A-9 – A-11 D-40
rules of engagement (ROE),
outposting, 4-37 – 4-38 3-11, 3-18, 3-46, minefield clearance,
D-22 – D-23 D-42 – D-43
P rules of interaction (ROI), D-24 presence operations,
D-30 – D-32
passage of lines, 5-40 – 5-45
PROPHET, 3-29, 5-32, 6-52 –
S reconnaissance troop
employment, D-15
6-54 security drill, 4-26 – 4-30
tempo, D-17
security operations, 1-28 –
R 1-29, 4-1 – 4-5, 4-31 – 4-32, Stryker brigade combat team
8-10, 8-13, 8-21 (SBCT), 1-2, 1-3, 1-4,
readiness condition
3-23 – 3-24, 4-16
(REDCON), 5-35 security missions, 1-4, 1-10,
1-13, 4-2
FM 3-20.971_______________________________________________________________________________
FM 3-20.971
General, United States Army
Chief of Staff
Administrative Assistant to the
Secretary of the Army