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New York Guard Directive: NUMBER 4640

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DRAFT, 25 September 2002



References: Division of Military and Naval Affairs Regulation 25-1, Chapter 8.

1. PURPOSE: This publication sets forth procedures to govern the regulation and use of state
furnished telephones and telecommunication systems and equipment by all personnel and units
of the New York Guard.

2. APPLICABILITY: This Directive applies to all New York Guard Major Commands
(MACOM) to include Army and Air Divisions, and the 54th Civil Affairs Brigade.

2.1. Procedures established in this directive apply to all New York Guard Units at DMNA
Installations governed by DMNA Regulation 25-1.

2.2. This publication is directive in nature. These procedures will be followed, except
when, in the judgment of the commander, exceptional circumstances dictate otherwise.

3. SCOPE: This publication describes procedures that regulate the use of telephones and
telecommunication devices.


4.1. Use of state funded telephone circuits, lines and equipment is limited to official
business. Using equipment for personal use or private enterprise is prohibited. Keep official
calls to the minimum length necessary to accomplish the task at hand.

4.1.1. Unit Commanders. Local supervision is our best defense against the abuse of
telecommunications services and equipment. Commanders will review all telephone billings
with OIC&Cs or designated representatives to ensure calls were of an official nature.
Commanders will review all new requests for service to determine need and applicability. Pin
numbers used to secure telephone calling cards, if issued, require changing every 90-days.
Failure to contact HQ NYG Full Time Administrator within this time requesting this change will
result the calling card being disabled.

NYGD 4640, DRAFT 24 SEP 2002

4.1.2. Local Supervisors. Ensure personnel use telecommunications services to

conduct official government business, keeping calls to the minimum length necessary to conduct

4.1.3. Personnel: Use telecommunications services and devices only for official
government business. Keep calls and your transmissions to the minimum length needed to
accomplish your tasks.

4.2. Telephone Calling (credit) Cards. Personal use of calling cards issued by the Division
of Military and Naval Affairs is prohibited and is subject to disciplinary action. This includes
making calls to home while in a travel status.

4.3. All State Guard Personnel will insure completion of telephone call logs as may be
required by the Officer in Charge and Control (OIC&C) of their facility. This will include home
station, TDY station or Annual Training station.

4.4. Abuse of Telephone and Telecommunications equipment will be subject to collection

procedures outlined in paragraph 8-5, DMNA Regulation 25-1, and paragraph 6.3. below.


5.1. Commander New York Guard will authorize telecommunication services and calling
card services within the New York Guard.

5.2. The New York Guard Chief of Staff will address cases of telephone service abuse
within the New York Guard.

5.3. The Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications and Electronics (J6) will supervise and
make recommendations for telecommunication and calling card services with the New York
Guard, and investigate abuses of telecommunications and calling card services.
Recommendations will be submitted to the New York Guard Chief of Staff.

5.4. Commanders of all New York Guard Components including the Army Division, Air
Division and 54th Civil Affairs Brigade will;

5.4.1. Insure that all personnel are instructed on the proper use of telephone and
telecommunications equipment.

5.4.2. Insure that all telecommunications abuse is reported to the J6, Joint Staff, HQ
NY Guard and an abuse investigation required by paragraph 8-5 b (1), DMNA Regulation 25-1
is completed as soon as possible to include collection action if appropriate.

NYGD 4640, DRAFT 24 SEP 2002


6.1. NYG Full Time Office will continue to monitor telephone billings for possible abuse.
The NYG COS will address abuses with the chain of command based on a review and
recommendations from the NYG Full time Office or the NYG J6. The main items scanned for
will be:

6.1.1. Interactive Service Calls (900 numbers, etc.).

6.1.2. Long distance telephone calls (calls in excess of 15 minutes in length)

6.1.3. Repetitively called numbers.

6.1.4. Other prohibited uses of official telephone systems are: Use of Telephone systems in a way that would reflect adversely on the
New York Guard or Division of Military & Naval Affairs (such as uses involving pornography
or access to pornography, unauthorized advertising, soliciting or selling, and other uses that are
incompatible with public service). Use of Telephone systems for unlawful activities, commercial purposes or

in support of "for profit" activities, personal financial gain, personal use inconsistent with
DMNA policy, or uses that violate other state policies or public laws. This may include, but is
not limited to violations of intellectual property, gambling, terrorist activities, and sexual or other
forms of harassment. Political transmissions to include transmissions, which advocate the

election of particular candidates for public office. Interference. New York Guard/DMNA telephone systems will not be used
for purposes that could reasonably be expected to cause, directly or indirectly, congestion, delay,
or disruption of service to any computing facilities or cause unwarranted or unsolicited
interference with others' use of telephone systems. Such uses include, but are not limited to, the
use of telephone systems to: Create, download, store, copy, transmit, or broadcast chain letters.

6.1.5. Abuse of New York Guard and DMNA telephone systems will result in
disciplinary action.

6.2. On-site commanders will insure that the following is accomplished:

6.2.1. Abuse Identification: If a bill is in question as to abuse, the bill will not be
delayed at the NYG offfice pending the outcome of the abuse investigation. Since an expense
has been incurred by the government, payment is due to the telephone vendor or company
involved. Delay of the bill will incur late charges to the NYG. Instead, a copy of the bill will be
sent to the unit for the use of the commander to resolve the abuse issue. The original bill will be
forwarded to MNBF for payment.
NYGD 4640, DRAFT 24 SEP 2002

6.2.2. Penalty. In cases where abuse is identified, the Commander will initiate
collection procedures with the individual(s). In addition to the cost of the actual charges, a $5.00
administrative fee may be assessed per nonofficial call to cover the cost to the NYG for
processing the collection action.

6.3. Collection Procedures.

6.3.1. Notification. When abuse is identified, the commander will inform the
individual(s) in writing of the abuse and requirement to reimburse the state the cost of the calls
and if administrative fees will be applied.

6.3.2. Collection. When collection is made, it will be in the form of a money order or
bank cashier’s check only, payable to The State of new York Cash or personal checks will not
be accepted. Collections will be sent to the following address:


330 Old Niskayuna Road
Latham New York 12110-2224

6.3.3. MNSG will forward the cashier’s check or money order to MNBF as payment.

6.4. Damaged Equipment. If a vendor or telephone company repair person determines that
a repair was made necessary due to equipment abuse or tampering with the system or service, the
Commander will investigate this abuse. When necessary, a New York State Report of Survey
will be initiated to recover the cost of services on equipment for the agency.


7.1. All requests for telephone service, e.g., new installations, moves, additions, and
changes are forwarded through the Chain of Command to ATTN: MNSG, Latham, New York.
Service requests may need to be coordinated with the facility superintendent or HUB
superintendent. MNSG will approve/disapprove requests based on funding availability.
Approved requests will be processed for initiation of service and disapproved requests will be
returned to the unit.

7.2. Repairs. State Guard Commanders will coordinate with the facilities superintendent for
a local point of contact to initiate repair requests with the appropriate vendor or telephone
company. This individual(s) will be made familiar with the problem and address the repair
problem when the repair person arrives on-site. The facility POC will maintain a local log of
repair calls, as necessary to track and follow-up on repair calls. MNSG will be contacted if the
repair is not timely, so as to elevate the repair problem with the local company.

NYGD 4640, DRAFT 24 SEP 2002


8.1. Personal use of a DMNA issued calling card is prohibited. This includes making calls
to home while in a travel status. Use of these cards for other than official business is subject to
disciplinary action.

8.2. The listing described below reflects the authorization levels of telephone calling cards
for the conduct, of official government business. Authorization level of calling cards within the
New York Guard, one each, will include:

8.2.1. The Commander

8.2.2. Deputy Commander

8.2.3. Adjutant General or J1

8.2.4. The Chief of Staff

8.3. The sharing of the assigned calling card or its number, with other staff personnel is at
the discretion of the card custodian. In all cases, the custodian will be responsible for cards’
usage. Calling cards will be maintained on the NYG’s property accountability records.

8.4. Calling cards are issued only by position. Calling cards are hand receipted to the
custodian by MNAS-IM. MNSG will be responsible to inform MNAS-IM of personnel changes,
e.g., retirement, rotation, or possible loss, abuse, or theft of the number. When such situations
occur, MNAS-IM will cancel the card number and issue a new number to the MNSG.

8.5. All calling cards will be of an AT&T issue, and embossed with State of New York and
DMNA seals for identification. All calls will be billed to DMNA, Latham, enabling a better rate
and billing structure. A detailed call listing per card will be sent to DMNA, Latham by AT&T,
on a monthly basis. Local accountability for the calls generated, as well as the card numbers
themselves will be the responsibility of the custodians. MNAS-IM will review the monthly
detail reports and require the card custodians to verify calls which appear to be of a nonofficial
nature. If such calls are determined to be of a nonofficial nature, collection of monies for the
call(s) will be the responsibility of the custodian. Collection will be as per paragraph 6.3. above.

9. EFECTIVE DATE AND IMPLEMENTATION: This Directive is effective immediately.


OFFICIAL: Brigadier General, New York Guard
Digitally signed by Michael J. Stenzel
cn=Michael J. Stenzel, ou=JS, o=NYG, c=US Commander
Date: 2002.09.25 16:04:34 -05'00'
Headquarters NYG, Latham

Chief of Staff
Distribution: EB

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