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Wapda Telephone Policy PDF

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Tel # 99203576 Office of the

Fax # 99204756 Director General (Services)
WAPDA, WAPDA House Lahore

No.DG(S)/D(S&E)/AD(Comm)6408/ Dated .09.2010



1. The existing WAPDA Telephone Policy was formulated on 13.09.1987. The monetary limits were
later on revised on 01.07.1990. Government of Pakistan revised monthly monetary ceiling vide Office
Memorandum dated 05.01.2007 and Mobile Phone policy vide Office Memorandum dated 11.05.2009.
Under the prevailing WAPDA policy, upper ceilings in shape of Local Calls on both residential and office
telephone connections have been allowed. Moreover, provision of Mobile Phone is not covered under the
current policy and approval of the Authority is solicited on case to case basis.

2. Keeping in view the above mentioned factors, it was felt necessary to revise / update the Telephone
Policy of WAPDA. The Authority has approved new Telephone Policy-2010 which will come into force with
effect from 01.09.2010. The same is circulated as Annexed herewith for implementation in true letter and

DA/As above

(Muhammad Zafar)
Director General (Services)

1 Distribution as per list – C
2 Master file.

Letter No. DG/D(S&E)/AD(Comm)6408/ 20701-21101
Dated 16..09.2010


1 Aim
WAPDA Telephone Policy is aimed at providing latest communication services to WAPDA officers /
officials through reliable and economical means to endow operational, professional as well as administrative
effectiveness and efficiency to increase the work output to ensure accomplishment of organizational
2. Telephone Policy-2010
The WAPDA Telephone Policy 2010 has been formulated to cater for the communication needs of
WAPDA officers to enable them to make the best use of the technology and remain in touch round the clock
for their official assignments.
3. The WAPDA Telephone Policy has been divided into the following parts:-
a. Official Office Telephone
b. Official Residential Telephone
c. Official Mobile Phone
d. Revised Upper Monetary Limits for Official Telephones/Mobiles.
4. General Guidelines
WAPDA is committed to serve Nation through its dedicated people by facilitating them in the best
possible manner to provide them with the congenial environment where they can contribute with all their
abilities. Authority, however, believes that these facilities ought to be utilized in the true spirit and any
divergence / misuse will not be tolerated. The compliance to the following has strictly been desired:-
a. Official telephones shall strictly be used for official purposes.
b. The monetary ceilings have been fixed by the Authority on the prevailing rates and
anticipated usage, the ceilings so fixed ought to be observed.
c. Mobile phone sim should be registered in the user name.
d. Any change of official number shall be reported and notified to all concerned.
e. All official numbers shall be published in WAPDA Telephone Directory.

5. Upper Monetary Limits

Upper monetary limits for official telephones have been revised with effect from 01.09.2010.
6. Line Rent & CLI Facility
Monthly line rent and CLI facility charges etc are inclusive in the monthly monetary limits.
7. Scrutiny Committee
Scrutiny Committee shall consist of one BPS-20 officer and two BPS-19 officers (one each from
Admn & Accounts) to check the admissibility of the following and submit the recommendations:-
a. Residential telephone to the officers / officials upto BPS-18.
b. Mobile telephone for BPS 18 & below.



8. Government Taxes & Duties

All existing taxes and duties levied by Government of Pakistan and any future imposition from time to
time and promotion packages etc are included in upper monetary limits.
9. Calculation/Control of Expenditure.
Expenditure on office telephone and official mobile shall be calculated on 06 months basis and for
residential telephone on yearly basis to enable adjustment in case of excess expenditure in a particular
month. The 06 months period will be considered from the Ist July to 31 st December and 1st January to 30th
June for the purpose of calculation. The monetary ceiling will strictly be observed and no exemption from the
applicability of the monetary limit will be allowed. The requests for condonation of any excess expenditure
will not be entertained.

1. Sanctioning Authority
a. All General Managers shall be competent to sanction official office telephone as
per prescribed monthly monetary limits.
b. NTC connections shall be installed for official purposes. However PTCL
connections may be installed in exceptional/on need basis after NAC from NTC.
Wireless connections will be allowed in locality where NTC / PTCL infrastructure
is not available with NAC from NTC/PTCL to the effect.
c. The official office telephone shall be sanctioned against a post.
2. Provision of Equipment
a. The telephone sets and other allied equipment for official connections shall be
purchased with the approval of competent authority in accordance with WAPDA
Book of Financial Powers.
b. Officers in BPS-19 and above will be entitled for Steno Set against a direct
number. The officers in BPS-20 and above will be allowed the Steno Sets
against PABX numbers also. The consol sets (multiple lines) may be provided
in the offices of General Managers and above and in WAPDA Lodges etc. on
need basis.
c. The repair and service of such equipment will be carried out with approval of
the competent authority as per WAPDA Book of Financial Powers and with due
consideration to the life of equipment and economy measures.
d. The useful life of telephone sets shall be three years.

3. Telephone at WAPDA Rest Houses / Officers’ Hostel

One official connection will be allowed at every WAPDA Rest House / Hostel with monthly limit of Rs.




1. Sanctioning Authority
Authority has extended the residential telephone facility to all WAPDA officers in BPS-19 and above
as per prescribed limit. Residential telephone facility to BPS-18 and below will be allowed by concerned
Member / MD on need basis on the recommendation of Scrutiny Committee.
a. The residential telephone facility will be provided on already installed connections. The
residential telephone facility on Wireless connection will also be allowed where NTC /
PTCL infrastructure is not available after NAC from NTC /PTCL.
b. The residential telephone facility will be availed at the station of posting.
c. The residential telephone facility shall be disconnected from the date of Transfer
(relieving from the office) / retirement of the officer/ official. However Members of the
Authority will be allowed official residential facility for two months on expiry of contracts /
d. The residential telephone facility shall not be allowed to the officers on Leave beyond
four months (leave on full / half pay) and during LPR. The officers proceeding on training
will be entitled for residential telephone facility.
e. The official residential telephone shall be sanctioned against a post. On transfer of the
officer, successor (same post / scale) will avail the said facility with the approval of
officer Incharge. Such a case will not be put before the scrutiny committee again.
f. If both the husband and wife are WAPDA employees and are posted at the same
station, only one of them can avail the official residential telephone facility.

2 Provision of Equipment
The fixation/ repair and replacement of new telephone set, connection and any other expenditure for
official residential connection shall be arranged and borne from own pocket by the user. However such
(authentic) expenditure for officers in BPS-20 and above will be borne officially.
1 Authority has extended the use of mobile phone facility to all WAPDA officers in BPS-19 and above
as per prescribed limits. The mobile phone facility to BPS-18 and below will be allowed by concerned
Member / MD on need / case to case basis on the recommendation of Scrutiny Committee.
2. Provision of Mobile Handsets
a. The mobile handsets will be provided on department expense to the following:-
i. Chairman Upto Rs. 20,000/-
ii. Members / MD Upto Rs. 15,000/-
iii. General Managers Upto Rs. 10,000/-
iv. CE/Equivalent Upto Rs. 5,000/-
Note (i) BPS-19 & below will arrange the equipment (mobile set/charger) at their own. (ii) The
Grade means Original Grade / Post and not Time Scale Unit Grades / Posts.

Cont,d…P/ 4

b. Useful Life The useful life of all kinds of handsets will be three years. The
official hand set will be returned on retirement / expiry of contract.

PART-IV Monetary Limits for Office, Residential and Mobile Phones


1 Chairman No Limit No Limit No Limit
2 Members/MDs No Limit 10000 10000
3 GMs No Limit 4000 2500
4 CEs/ Equivalent No Limit 3000 2000
5 SEs/ Equivalent 5000 1500 1500
6 XENs/ Equivalent 3000 1200 1000
7 SDOs/ Equivalent 2000 1000 800
PS/PA -- 500 500
8 (of Grade-20 & above)
9 Caretaker -- -- 500
10. Driver -- -- 300
11 BPS-16 and below -- 500 500
(Non entitled) (On need basis) (On need basis)

Note The telephone facility for BPS-18 and below will be sanctioned by the concerned
Member/ MD on case to case / need basis on the recommendations of scrutiny


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