1. The document outlines service rules for Electrical Engineers and Finance personnel in DISCOs.
2. For Electrical Engineers, the rules define qualifications and experience requirements for promotions to positions like General Manager, Chief Engineer, and Superintending Engineer. Promotions are typically based on seniority and passing departmental exams.
3. For Finance personnel, the rules similarly define qualification and experience criteria for promotions to positions such as CFO, with typical requirements of years of experience in certain pay bands. Direct recruitment options are also outlined when suitable internal candidates are unavailable.
1. The document outlines service rules for Electrical Engineers and Finance personnel in DISCOs.
2. For Electrical Engineers, the rules define qualifications and experience requirements for promotions to positions like General Manager, Chief Engineer, and Superintending Engineer. Promotions are typically based on seniority and passing departmental exams.
3. For Finance personnel, the rules similarly define qualification and experience criteria for promotions to positions such as CFO, with typical requirements of years of experience in certain pay bands. Direct recruitment options are also outlined when suitable internal candidates are unavailable.
1. The document outlines service rules for Electrical Engineers and Finance personnel in DISCOs.
2. For Electrical Engineers, the rules define qualifications and experience requirements for promotions to positions like General Manager, Chief Engineer, and Superintending Engineer. Promotions are typically based on seniority and passing departmental exams.
3. For Finance personnel, the rules similarly define qualification and experience criteria for promotions to positions such as CFO, with typical requirements of years of experience in certain pay bands. Direct recruitment options are also outlined when suitable internal candidates are unavailable.
1. The document outlines service rules for Electrical Engineers and Finance personnel in DISCOs.
2. For Electrical Engineers, the rules define qualifications and experience requirements for promotions to positions like General Manager, Chief Engineer, and Superintending Engineer. Promotions are typically based on seniority and passing departmental exams.
3. For Finance personnel, the rules similarly define qualification and experience criteria for promotions to positions such as CFO, with typical requirements of years of experience in certain pay bands. Direct recruitment options are also outlined when suitable internal candidates are unavailable.
These Rules shall be called DISCOs Electrical Engineers Service Rules 2021. These Rules shall come into force with immediate effect. These Rules shall apply to all Engineers employed in companies These Rules shall not apply to all those recruited as specialists or on contract for a certain period for special assignment on lump sum package or deputationist. Definitions :-In these Rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context:- “BOD” means the Board of Directors of the companies “Board” means the Selection Board constituted by the BOD in connection with recruitment and/or promotion. “CEO” Chief Executive Officer means the head of the company selected by BOD of the company. “General Manager” means the General Manager of the company who is overall incharge of his department. “Chief Engineer” means the Chief under the control of General Manager. “Superintending Engineer” means a Superintending Engineer in the company holding charge of a Circle or a post declared to be of equivalent status. “Executive Engineer” means and Executive Engineer in the Electricity Department of the Authority holding charge of a Division or a post declared to be a equivalent status. “Junior Engineer” means an officer appointed to a Sub Division or a post declared to be a equivalent status. “Circle” means a charge in the company extending over one or more Divisions held by a Superintending Engineer. “Division” means a charge in the company extending over one or more civil districts held by an Executive Engineer. “Sub Division” means a territorial charge in the company extending over a defined area of which the charge is normally held by a Junior Engineer. “Service” means the company Service of Electrical Engineers and other cadre. “Cadre” “Probation” means the period for which an employee is placed in a vacancy on initial recruitment or through promotion on trial. “Engineer” means a person holding a post of Junior Engineer or above in the Company but does not include those recruited as specialist or on contract. “Recognized University” means any University duly registered by HEC.. “Recognized Degree” means all the degrees must be verified by HEC for all purpose of initial recruitment. “Initial Recruitment” means appointments made otherwise than by promotion or transfer and for initial recruitment all the recognized degrees must of from recognized university. “Cadre” means the strength of a service or a part of a service sanctioned as a separate unit. “Selection Board” in relation to filling the vacancies in the various posts included in the Service means the Selection Board as specified in Appendix - A to these Rules Electrical Engineer Service Rules Appointments and Promotions: Eligibility for appointment and Method of recruitment: (a) General Manager / Executive Director The post shall be filled by promotion on seniority cum fitness basis amongst the Chief Engineers having at least 01-year service in BPS - 20. In case, eligible officers from the cadre are not available then selection can be made through open market as per following criteria: - • BE (Electrical/Electronics) from the recognized university of HEC and duly registered with PEC Pakistan with minimum two 1stDivisions in the academic career. The candidate must possess at least 17 years relevant experience in BPS-18/19 plus 2- year relevant experience in BPS -20 of Power Sector. (b) Chief Engineer / Sr. Manager The post shall be filled by promotion on seniority cum fitness basis amongst the Superintending Engineers having: - • 17 years’ service in BPS-17 and above with 1 year in BPS-19 Or • 12 years’ service where initial recruitment took place in BPS-18.with 1 year in BPS - 19 Or • 5 years’ service where initial recruitment took place in BPS-19. In case, eligible officers from the cadre are not available then selection can be made through open market as per following criteria:- • BE (Electrical/Electronics) from the recognized university of HEC and duly registered with PEC Pakistan with minimum two 1stDivisions in the academic career. The candidate must possess at least 17 years relevant experience in BPS-18/19 plus 2- year relevant experience in BPS -19of Power Sector. (c) Superintending Engineers/ Managers The posts shall be filled in by promotion on seniority cum fitness basis amongst Senior Engineers in BPS-18 subject to passing departmental promotion examination / trainings and must have:- • 12 years’ service in BPS-17 and above including 5 years’ service in BPS-18. Or • 7 years’ service in BPS-18 where initial recruitment took place in BPS-18. 10% quota for induction of Engineers who have relevant M.Sc. / Ph.D. engineering qualification with minimum experience of 08 years and 05 years respectively as Senior Engineer (BPS 18) against the vacant posts of Superintending Engineers (BPS 19). The officers already inducted in BPS-18 on the basis of higher qualification of M.Sc. / Ph.D. degrees against prescribed quota will not be eligible for induction in BPS-19 The Senior Engineer to be promoted has passed the professional Departmental Examination with Mandatory trainings and put in prescribed length of service in the Company. (d) Executive Engineers / Deputy Managers The posts shall be filled through promotion amongst Junior Engineers in BPS-17 who hold an engineering degree in Electrical / Electronics or equivalent on the basis of seniority-cum- fitness. Provided that the Junior Engineer to be promoted has passed the professional Departmental Examination with Mandatory training and has also put in 5 years of approved service in the Company. 20% vacancies will be reserved for higher qualified persons, the vacancies will be filled in a manner that after every 4 vacancies the position will be filled from Engineers with qualification of Ph.D.(Engineering) or M.Sc. (Engineering) with 3 year experience for recruitment as Senior Engineers for research and highly specialized fields like design etc.:- Engineers having three years relevant experience after M.Sc. (Engineering) may be considered for induction as Senior Engineer against the prescribed quota. The Engineers appointed from the Junior Engineers serving in company on the basis of above qualifications and experience will be posted on specialized assignments like Research, Planning, Design, Training and Computer etc. and will remain posted as such till their colleagues (Junior Engineers), senior to them in the seniority list, are promoted as senior engineers. The Engineers recruited directly on the basis of above qualifications and the specified experience will remain on one year probation and further posted in specialized assignment till Company Engineers having same year of graduation have generally been promoted. (e) Junior Engineer / Assistant Managers 70%of the vacant posts of Junior Engineers shall be filled in by direct recruitment from open market. possessing Degree of Engineering (Electrical/Electronics) from a recognized University of HEC duly registered with PEC Pakistan. 10% in house induction quota against direct recruitment for employees having prescribed qualification and criteria meant for direct induction, subject to the condition that they will appear in induction examination for the post through third party induction agency. 20% quota for promotion of Upper Technical Subordinates as Junior Engineers will be distributed in the following manner:- • 13% having the qualification of Diploma in electrical or electronics from Govt. recognized Institutes on the basis of seniority cum fitness and passing the departmental promotion examination and training, with min 10 years’ service. • 7% having the qualification of B.Tech (Hons) from Govt. recognized Institutes in electrical or electronics on the basis of seniority cum fitness and passing the departmental promotion examination and training, with min 10 years’ service. Note The Seniority of UTS for promotion as Junior Engineer will be considered from the date of their first entry in cadre as UTS. The LS-I, SSO-I LFM-I, MRRS and Test Inspector DISCOs Finance Service Rules 2021 Appointments and Promotions: Eligibility for appointment and Method of recruitment: (a) CFO / DG (Finance) The post shall be filled by promotion / selection on merit from amongst senior most Manager (Finance)having:- •17 years’ service in BPS-17 and above with 1 year in BPS-19 Or • 12 years’ service where initial recruitment took place in BPS-18 with 1 year in BPS-19 Or • 05 years’ service where initial recruitment took place in BPS-19. In case eligible officers from the cadre are not available then by direct recruitment having following criteria:- • Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants/Cost and Management Accountant of Pakistan with a minimum of 12 years post qualification experience / OR MBA Finance, CFA, CIMA and other equivalent similar qualification with 17 years’ experience in senior position in Government Department / Semi Government Organization / Corporations / Autonomous Bodies and well reputed listed public Limited Companies. (b) Manager (Finance) The posts shall be filled in by promotion from on seniority cum fitness amongst the senior most Dy. Managers (Finance) in BPS-18 subject to passing departmental promotion examination / trainings and must have • 12 years’ service in BPS-17 and above including 5 years service in BPS-18. Or • 7 years’service in BPS-18 where initial recruitment took place in BPS-18. In case eligible officers from the cadre are not available then by direct recruitment having following criteria:- • Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants/Cost and Management Accountant of Pakistan with a minimum of 05 years post qualification experience and /OR MBA Finance, CFA, CIMA and other equivalent similar qualification with 7 years’ experience in BPS-18 equivalent in Government Department / Semi Government Organization / Corporations / Autonomous Bodies and well reputed listed public Limited Companies. (c) Dy. Manager (Finance) 75% of posts shall be filled in by promotion on seniority cum fitness basis amongst Assistant Manager (Finance) having prescribed qualification as per direct induction of Assistant Manager (Finance). Provided that the Assistant Manager (Finance) to be promoted has passed the professional Departmental Examination with Mandatory training and has also put in 5 years of approved service in the Company. 25% vacancies will be reserved for higher qualified persons, the vacancies will be filled in a manner that after every 4 vacancies the position will be filled from Assistant Manager (Finance) having qualification of CA/CMA/MBA/M.com with 5 years experience/ or from open market having following qualification and criteria:- • Member of Institute of Chartered Accountant / Cost and Management Accountant of Pakistan, M.com/MBA (Finance), CFA , CIMA with 2 year experience or CA(Inter), ICMA (Inter), ACCA member BBA (Finance) 4 year course with 5 year experience in BPS – 17 from Government / Semi Government /Autonomous Bodies. (d) Assistant Manager (Finance) 50%of the vacant posts of Assistant Manager (Finance) shall be filled in by direct recruitment from open market. Possessing MBA / MPA / MA in Finance /CA inter/CMA inter/M.com or B.com (Hons) 4 years course/ BBA (Hons.) in Finance with minimum two 1st divisions in the academic career from HEC recognized Institute. The candidate must have capable of operating computer with special emphasis on windows and MS Excel. 10% in house induction quota against direct recruitment for employees having prescribed qualification and criteria meant for direct induction, subject to the condition that they will appear in induction examination for the post through third party induction agency. 40% by department promotion from amongst Accounts Officers/ DAO (BPS-16) with minimum 5 years’ service in the cadre on acquiring PIPFA qualification and completion of mandatory training Course. DISCOs Audit Service Rules 2021 Appointments and Promotions: Eligibility for appointment and Method of recruitment: (a) Chief of Internal Audit The post shall be filled by promotion / selection on merit from amongst senior most Manager Internal Auditor having:- • 17 years’ service in BPS-17 and above with 1 year in BPS-19 Or • 12 years’ service where initial recruitment took place in BPS-18 with 1 year in BPS-19 Or • 05 years’ service where initial recruitment took place in BPS-19. In case eligible officers from the cadre are not available then by direct recruitment having following criteria:- • Associated Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants/Associate Member of Cost and Management Accountants/Associate Member of Pakistan Institution of Cost and Management Accountants, with 13 years experience in Government Departments or under Statutory bodies or in large Commercial Organization of reputes. (b) Manager Internal Auditor The posts shall be filled in by promotion from on seniority cum fitness amongst the senior most Deputy Manager Internal Audit Officer in BPS-18 subject to passing departmental promotion examination / trainings and must have • 12 years’ service in BPS-17 and above including 5 years service in BPS-18. Or • 7 year’s service in BPS-18 where initial recruitment took place in BPS-18. In case eligible officers from the cadre are not available then by direct recruitment having following criteria:- • Member of the ICAP/ICMAP with 3 years post qualification experience in Audit & Accounts of Govt. Departments /Semi Govt. Organizations / Corporation Autonomous Bodies or large Commercial Organizations or large Public Ltd Cos of repute. Or • M.Com / MBA (Finance), B.Com (Hons), 4 years course / BBA Finance (Hons), 4 years course with 12 years post qualification experience inclusive 5 years in senior position in BPS-18 or equivalent thereof in Audit & Accounts of Govt. Departments / Semi Govt. Organizations / Corporations / Autonomous Bodies or large Commercial Organizations or large Public Ltd of repute. Computer literacy is mandatory or 4 years/ 8 semesters honors degrees. Or • By transfer of a suitable person from amongst the members of the Pakistan WAPDA Accounts Service holding the post of Manager (Budget & Accounts); Or • By deputation of officers of equivalent Grade from Accounts Departments of the Federal Government. (c) Deputy Manager Internal Audit Officer 75% of posts shall be filled in by promotion on seniority cum fitness basis amongst Assistant Manager Audit having prescribed qualification as per direct induction of Assistant Manager Audit. Provided that the Assistant Manager Audit to be promoted has passed the professional Departmental Examination with Mandatory training and has also put in 5 years of approved service in the Company. 25% vacancies will be reserved for higher qualified persons, the vacancies will be filled in a manner that after every 4 vacancies the position will be filled from Assistant Manager Audit having qualification of CA/CMA/MBA/M.com with 5 years experience / or from open market having following qualification and criteria:- • Member of Institute of Chartered Accountant / Cost and Management Accountant of Pakistan, or M.Com/MBA (Finance), B.Com (Hons) 4 years course /BBA Finance (Hons) 4 year course with 05 years posts qualification experience in senior position in BPS-17 or equivalent thereof in Audit & Accounts of Govt. Departments / Semi Govt. Organizations/ Corporations/ Autonomous Bodies or large Commercial Organizations or large Public Ltd Cos of repute. Computer literacy is mandatory or 4 years/8 semesters honors degrees. (d) Assistant Manager Audit 50%of the vacant posts shall be filled in by direct recruitment from open market. Possessing MBA / MPA / MA in Finance /CA inter/CMA inter/M.com or B.com (Hons) 4 years course/ BBA (Hons.) in Finance with minimum two 1st Divisions in the academic career from HEC recognized Institute, with 02 years post qualification experience in BPS-16 or equivalent thereof in Audit & Accounts of Govt. Departments / Semi Govt. Organizations / Corporations / Autonomous Bodies or large Commercial Organizations or large Public Ltd of repute,. Computer literacy is mandatory or 4 years / 8 semesters honors degrees The candidate must have capable of operating computer with special emphasis on windows and MS Excel. 10% in house induction quota against direct recruitment for employees having prescribed qualification and criteria meant for direct induction, subject to the condition that they will appear in induction examination for the post through third party induction agency. 40% by department promotion from amongst the eligible AAOs (BS-16) who have completed 5 years continuous service in that grade and have passed the prescribed Departmental Promotion Examination. DISCOs IT Service Rules 2021 Appointments and Promotions: Eligibility for appointment and Method of recruitment: (a) DG (IT) The post shall be filled by promotion / selection on merit from amongst senior most Manager (IT) having:- • 17 years’ service in BPS-17 and above with 1 year in BPS-19 Or • 12 years’ service where initial recruitment is in BPS-18.with 1 year in BPS - 19 Or • 05 years’ service where initial recruitment took place in BPS-19. In case eligible officers from the cadre are not available then by direct recruitment having following criteria:- • Master Degree or equivalent (with at least 60% marks) in Computer Science, information Technology, Computer Software Engineering or 4 years / 8 semesters honors degrees in computer sciences HEC recognized with minimum two 1st Divisions in the academic career. The candidate must possess at least 17 years relevant experience in BPS-18/19 plus 2 year relevant experience in BPS -19 i.e in Govt / Semi Govt /Autonomous Body. (b) Manager (IT) The posts shall be filled in by promotion from on seniority cum fitness amongst the senior most Dy. Managers (IT) in BPS-18subject to passing departmental promotion examination / trainings and must have:- • 12 years’ service in BPS-17 and above including 5 years service in BPS-18. Or • 7 years’ service in BPS-18 where initial recruitment took place in BPS-18. In case eligible officers from the cadre are not available then by direct recruitment having following criteria:- • Master Degree or equivalent (with at least 60% marks) in Computer Science, information Technology, Computer Software Engineering or 4 years / 8 semesters honors degrees in computer sciences HEC recognized with minimum two 1st Divisions in the academic career. The candidate must possess at least 17 years relevant experience in BPS-18/19 plus 2 year relevant experience in BPS -19 i.e in Govt / Semi Govt /Autonomous Body. (c) Dy. Manager (IT) 75% of posts shall be filled in by promotion on seniority cum fitness basis amongst Assistant Manager (IT) having prescribed qualification as per direct induction of Assistant Manager (IT). Provided that the Assistant Manager (IT) to be promoted has passed the professional Departmental Examination with Mandatory training and has also put in 5 years of approved service in the Company. 25% vacancies will be reserved for higher qualified persons, the vacancies will be filled in a manner that after every 4 vacancies the position will be filled from Assistant Manager (IT) having qualification of M.Phil in computer sciences with 3 years experience/ or from open market having following qualification and criteria:- • Master Degree or equivalent (with at least 60% marks) in Computer Science, information Technology, Computer Software Engineering or 4 years / 8 semesters honors degrees in computer sciences HEC recognized with minimum two 1st Divisions in the academic career. The candidate must possess5 year experience in BPS – 17 from Government / Semi Government /Autonomous Bodies. (d) Assistant Manager (IT) 90%of the vacant posts of Assistant Manager (IT) shall be filled in by direct recruitment from open market possessing Master Degree or equivalent (with at least 60% marks) in Computer Science, information Technology, Computer Software Engineering or 4 years / 8 semesters honors degrees in computer sciences duly recognized by HEC. 10% in house induction quota against direct recruitment for employees having prescribed qualification and criteria meant for direct induction, subject to the condition that they will appear in induction examination for the post through third party induction agency. HR & Admn Cadre Service Rules 2021 Appointments and Promotions : Eligibility for appointment and Method of recruitment: (a) DG (HR&A) The post of shall be filled by promotion / selection on merit from amongst senior most Manager (HR/Admn) having:- • 17 years’ service in BPS-17 and above with one year relevant experience in BPS-19. Or • 12 years’ service where initial recruitment took place in BPS-18.with 1 year in BPS - 19 Or • 5 years’ service where initial recruitment took place in BPS-19. In case eligible officers from the cadre are not available then by direct recruitment having following criteria:- • MBA / MPA / MA in HR with minimum two 1st Divisions in the academic career. having 17 years relevant experience in BPS-18/19. To qualify for the post candidate must have 02 year relevant experience in Govt / Semi Govt /Autonomous Body.in BPS 19. (b) Manager HR/Admin The posts shall be filled in by promotion from amongst the senior most Dy. Managers (HR&A) in BPS-18 subject to passing departmental promotion examination / trainings and must have:- • 12 years’ service in BPS-17 and above including 5 years service in BPS-18. Or • 7 years’ service in BPS-18 where initial recruitment took place in BPS-18. In case eligible officers from the cadre are not available then by direct recruitment having following criteria:- • MBA / MPA / MA in HR / with minimum two 1st Divisions in the academic career. having 12 years relevant experience in BPS-18/19 in Govt / Semi Govt /Autonomous Body. (c ) Dy. Manager (HR/Admin) 75% of posts shall be filled in by promotion on seniority cum fitness basis amongst Assistant Manager (HR&A) having prescribed qualification as per direct induction of Assistant Manager (HR&A)Provided that the Assistant Manager (Admn) to be promoted has passed the professional Departmental Examination with Mandatory training and has also put in 5 years of approved service in the Company. 25% vacancies will be reserved for higher qualified persons the vacancy will be filled in a manner that after every 4 vacancies the position will be filled from Assistant Manager (HR&A) with qualification of M.phil in management sciences (with 5 years of relevant experience) may be considered for recruitment as Dy. Manager (HR&A) or from open market having following qualification and criteria:- • MBA / MPA / MA in HR having 5 years relevant experience in BPS-17 of Govt / Semi Govt /Autonomous Body. (d) Assistant Manager HR/Admin 70% of the vacant posts of Assistant Manager (HR&A) shall be filled in by direct recruitment from open market. possessing MBA / MPA / MA in HR / with minimum two 1st Divisions in the academic career. The candidate must have capable of operating computer with special emphasis on windows and MS office. 10% in house induction quota against direct recruitment for employees having prescribed qualification and criteria meant for direct induction, subject to the condition that they will appear in induction examination for the post through third party induction agency. 20% quota for promotion of Assistant Manager (HR&A) will be distributed in the following manner:- • 13% of the total posts shall be filled in by promotion from Sr. Superintendents of the Ministerial Staff. ▪ B.A/B.Sc/B.Com or equivalent qualification from HEC ▪ With minimum of 8 years Ministerial Service, ▪ Subject to passing departmental promotion examination and mandatory training as per SOP. • 7% of the total posts shall be filled in by promotion of Stenographers Grade-I, on fulfillment of the following conditions:-. ▪ B.A/B.Sc/B.Com or equivalent qualification from HEC recognized Institute. ▪ Minimum of 8 years service as steno Grade-I. ▪ Subject to passing of departmental promotion examination and mandatory training as per SOP. Commercial Cadre Service Rules 2021 Appointments and Promotions: Eligibility for appointment and Method of recruitment: (a) DG (Commercial) / Customer Service Director The post shall be filled by promotion / selection on merit from amongst senior most Manager (Commercial)having:- • 17 years’ service in BPS-17 and above with one year relevant experience in BPS-19. Or • 12 years’ service where initial recruitment took place in BPS-18.with 1 year in BPS - 19 Or • 5 years’ service where initial recruitment took place in BPS-19. In case eligible officers from the cadre are not available then by direct recruitment having following criteria:- • MBA / M.com/ MSc. Computer Sciences /MSc./ MA (Statistics/ Mathematics/ Economics) with minimum two 1st Divisions in the academic career. having 17 years relevant experience in BPS-18/19.To qualify for the post candidate must have 02 year relevant experience in Govt / Semi Govt /Autonomous Body.in BPS 19. (b) Manager Commercial The posts shall be filled in by promotion from amongst the senior most Dy. Managers (Commercial) in BPS-18 subject to passing departmental promotion examination / trainings and must have:- • 12 years’ service in BPS-17 and above including 5 years service in BPS-18. Or • 7 years’ service in BPS-18 where initial recruitment took place in BPS-18. In case eligible officers from the cadre are not available then by direct recruitment having following criteria: • MBA / M.com/ MSc. Computer Sciences /MSc./ MA (Statistics/ Mathematics/ Economics) with minimum two 1st Divisions in the academic career. having 12 years relevant experience in BPS-17/18 in Govt / Semi Govt /Autonomous Body. (c) Dy. Manager (Commercial) 75% of posts shall be filled in by promotion on seniority cum fitness basis amongst Assistant Manager (Commercial) having prescribed qualification as per direct induction of Assistant Manager (Commercial).Provided that the Assistant Manager (Commercial) to be promoted has passed the professional Departmental Examination with Mandatory training and has also put in 5 years of approved service in the Company 25% vacancies will be reserved for higher qualified persons the vacancy will be filled in a manner that after every 4 vacancies the position will be filled from Assistant Manager (Commercial) with qualification of M.Phil. in management sciences (with 5 years of relevant experience) may be considered for recruitment as Dy. Manager (Commercial) or from open market having following qualification and criteria:- • MBA / M.com/ MSc. Computer Sciences /MSc./ MA (Statistics/ Mathematics/ Economics) having 5 years relevant experience in BPS-17 of Govt / Semi Govt /Autonomous Body. (d) Assistant Manager Commercial 70% of the vacant posts shall be filled in by direct recruitment from open market. possessing MBA / M.com/ MSc. Computer Sciences /MSc./ MA (Statistics/ Mathematics/ Economics) with minimum two 1st Divisions in the academic career. The candidate must have capable of operating computer with special emphasis on windows and MS office 10% in house induction quota against direct recruitment for employees having prescribed qualification and criteria meant for direct induction, subject to the condition that they will appear in induction examination for the post through third party induction agency. 20% Departmental promotion from amongst Commercial Superintendents with minimum 5 years service in the cadre. Store/Martial Management Cadre Service Rules 2021 Appointments and Promotions: Eligibility for appointment and Method of recruitment: (a) DG (Store/MM) The post shall be filled by promotion / selection on merit from amongst senior most Manager (Store / MM)having:- 1. 17 years’ service in BPS-17 and above with one year relevant experience in BPS-19. Or 2. 12 years’ service where initial recruitment took place in BPS-18.with 1 year in BPS - 19 Or 3. 5 years’ service where initial recruitment took place in BPS-19. In case eligible officers from the cadre are not available then by direct recruitment having following criteria:- • MBA / M.com/ MSc. Computer Sciences /MSc./ MA (Statistics/ Mathematics/ Economics) with minimum two 1st Divisions in the academic career. having 17 years relevant experience in BPS-18/19.To qualify for the post candidate must have 02 year relevant experience in Govt / Semi Govt /Autonomous Body.in BPS 19. (b) Manager Store / MM The posts shall be filled in by promotion from amongst the senior most Dy. Managers (Store/MM) in BPS-18 subject to passing departmental promotion examination / trainings and must have:- 1. 12 years’ service in BPS-17 and above including 5 years service in BPS-18. Or 2. 7 years’ service in BPS-18 where initial recruitment took place in BPS-18. In case eligible officers from the cadre are not available then by direct recruitment having following criteria: • MBA / M.com/ MSc. Computer Sciences /MSc./ MA (Statistics/ Mathematics/ Economics) with minimum two 1st Divisions in the academic career. having 12 years relevant experience in BPS-17/18 in Govt / Semi Govt /Autonomous Body. (c ) Dy. Manager (Store/MM) 75% of posts shall be filled in by promotion on seniority cum fitness basis amongst Assistant Manager (Store/MM) having prescribed qualification as per direct induction of Assistant Manager (Store/MM).Provided that the Assistant Manager (Store/MM) to be promoted has passed the professional Departmental Examination with Mandatory training and has also put in 5 years of approved service in the Company 25% vacancies will be reserved for higher qualified persons the vacancy will be filled in a manner that after every 4 vacancies the position will be filled from Assistant Manager (Store/MM l) with qualification of M.Phil. in management sciences (with 5 years of relevant experience) may be considered for recruitment as Dy. Manager (Store / MM) or from open market having following qualification and criteria:- • MBA / M.com/ MSc. Computer Sciences /MSc./ MA (Statistics/ Mathematics/ Economics) having 5 years relevant experience in BPS-17 of Govt / Semi Govt /Autonomous Body. (d) Assistant Manager Store / MM 70% of the vacant posts shall be filled in by direct recruitment from open market. possessing MBA / M.com/ MSc. Computer Sciences /MSc./ MA (Statistics/ Mathematics/ Economics) with minimum two 1st Divisions in the academic career. The candidate must have capable of operating computer with special emphasis on windows and MS office 10% in house induction quota against direct recruitment for employees having prescribed qualification and criteria meant for direct induction, subject to the condition that they will appear in induction examination for the post through third party induction agency. 20% of the vacancies may be filled in by promotion from among serving Stock Verifiers and value Ledger Keepers who are Graduates or posses three years’ Post Matric Diploma in any technology awarded by Board of Technical Education and with ten years’ service as such on the basis of selection on merit. Public Relations Officer Cadre Service Rules 2021 Appointments and Promotions: Eligibility for appointment and Method of recruitment: (a) Manager PR The posts shall be filled in by promotion from amongst the senior most Dy. Managers (PR) in BPS-18 subject to passing departmental promotion examination / trainings and must have:- • 12 years’ service in BPS-17 and above including 5 years’ service in BPS-18. Or • 7 years’ service in BPS-18 where initial recruitment took place in BPS-18. In case eligible officers from the cadre are not available then by direct recruitment having following criteria: • M.A in Journalism in at least 2nd Division with 13 years’ experience as journalist or in the field of Public Relation or 4 years / 8 semesters honors degrees. (b) Dy. Manager (PR) 75% of posts shall be filled in by promotion on seniority cum fitness basis amongst Assistant Manager (PR) having prescribed qualification as per direct induction of Assistant Manager (PR).Provided that the Assistant Manager (PR) to be promoted has passed the professional Departmental Examination with Mandatory training and has also put in 5 years of approved service in the Company 25% vacancies will be reserved for higher qualified persons the vacancy will be filled in a manner that after every 4 vacancies the position will be filled from Assistant Manager (PR) with qualification of M.Phil. in Journalism (with 5 years of relevant experience) may be considered for recruitment as Dy. Manager (PR) or from open market having following qualification and criteria:- • M.A in Journalism in at least 2nd Division with 8 years experience as journalist or in the field of Public Relation or 4 years / 8 semesters honors degrees. (c) Assistant Manager PR 70% of the vacant posts shall be filled in by direct recruitment from open market. possessing M.A in journalism in at least 2nd Division with three years experience as journalist or in the field of Public Relations or 4 years / 8 semesters honors degrees. 10% in house induction quota against direct recruitment for employees having prescribed qualification and criteria meant for direct induction, subject to the condition that they will appear in induction examination for the post through third party induction agency. 20% by promotion from amongst graduate Assistant Information Offices, Public with at least three years service in BPS-16 with suitability for the post. Legal Cadre Service Rules 2021 Appointments and Promotions: Eligibility for appointment and Method of recruitment: (a) DG (Legal)/CLO The post shall be filled by promotion / selection on merit from amongst senior most Manager (Legal)having:- • 17 years’ service in BPS-17 and above with one year relevant experience in BPS-19. Or • 12 years’ service where initial recruitment took place in BPS-18.with 1 year in BPS - 19 Or • 5 years’ service where initial recruitment took place in BPS-19. In case eligible officers from the cadre are not available then by direct recruitment having following criteria:- • Law Graduate. having 17 years relevant experience in BPS-18/19.To qualify for the post candidate must have 02 year relevant experience in Govt / Semi Govt /Autonomous Body.in BPS 19 Or • LLM / Bar at Law with 10 years experience in corporate Law, regulatory and commercial affairs from large commercial / public organization of repute preferably in power sector. (b) Manager Legal The posts shall be filled in by promotion from amongst the senior most Dy. Managers (Legal) in BPS-18 subject to passing departmental promotion examination / trainings and must have:- • 12 years of service in BPS-17 and above including 5 years service in BPS-18. Or • 5 years of service in BPS-18 where initial recruitment took place in BPS-18. In case eligible officers from the cadre are not available then by direct recruitment having following criteria: • Law Graduate having 12 years relevant experience in BPS-17/18 in Govt / Semi Govt /Autonomous Body Or LLM / Bar at Law with 7 years experience in corporate Law, regulatory and commercial affairs from large commercial / public organization of repute preferably in power sector (c ) Dy. Manager (Legal) 75% of posts shall be filled in by promotion on seniority cum fitness basis amongst Assistant Manager (Legal) having prescribed qualification as per direct induction of Assistant Manager (Legal).Provided that the Assistant Manager (Legal) to be promoted has passed the professional Departmental Examination with Mandatory training and has also put in 5 years of approved service in the Company 25% vacancies will be reserved for higher qualified persons the vacancy will be filled in a manner that after every 4 vacancies the position will be filled from Assistant Manager (Legal) with qualification of LLB (with 5 years of relevant experience) may be considered for recruitment as Dy. Manager (Legal) or from open market having following qualification and criteria:- • Law Graduate having 5 years relevant experience in BPS-17 of Govt. / Semi Govt. /Autonomous Body. Or LLM with 5 years experience in corporate Law, regulatory and commercial affairs from large commercial / public organization of repute preferably in power sector.
(d) Assistant Manager Legal
The vacant posts shall be filled in by direct recruitment from open market possessing LLB degree. The candidate must have Minimum 5 years practice of law or by promotion from Assistant Legal Officers (BPS-16) on seniority cum fitness basis or through in house induction for employees having prescribed qualification and criteria meant for direct induction, subject to the condition that they will appear in induction examination for the post through third party induction agency.
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