Q&a Lcas
Q&a Lcas
Q&a Lcas
In a criminal action for ciminal negligence, it was alleged that the victim died
after being pitted against the wall by an electronically operated gate when the
operator thereof, instead of pressing the button to open the half-opended gate to
which the victim attempted to pass through, accidentally pressed the button to
close the same. The information further alleged that the buttons have the same
colors and were unlabeled. Choose among the pieces of evidence which could best
prove the existence of the alleged objects.
2. In criminal actions like murder, which among the pieces of evidence can best
serve as corroborative evidence with a voluntarily executed extrajudicial
4. In a vehicular accident, wherein a victim was hit by a tricycle along the road,
which among the pieces of evidence which could prove the injuries sustained by the
a. medico-legal report
b. police report
c. extrajudicial confession by the driver
d. testimony of the witness
5. If you lost your pawn ticket, which among the pieces of evidence is the most
important for the execution of an affidavit of loss thereof?
6. A cadaver was found lying on the sidewalk of an inhabited place. The police
contemplated that the person might have been a victim of tokhang. How can they know
for certain when had the crime of murder took place?
8. in a criminal action for statutory rape, which among the pieces of evidence is
the most important?
9. in a labor complaint, which among the pieces of evidence could best prove the
existence of an employment relationship?
a. SSS contributions
b. payroll
c. photocopy of text messages between employer and employee
d. affidavit of the complainant
10. in a labor complaint, which among the pieces of evidence could best prove
underpayment of wage / salary?
a. payroll
b. daily time records
c. employment contract
d. employment ID