KTRL+ Corpo Syllabus - 2018
KTRL+ Corpo Syllabus - 2018
KTRL+ Corpo Syllabus - 2018
Difference as to Stock Holders Meeting National Coal Corp. vs. CIR (146
SCRA 583) – A public corporation is one
A stock corporation is organized under a special law the
authorized to hold its stockholders purpose of which is to further the
meeting only within the city or general good and welfare; on the other
municipality where its principal office is hand, a private corporation is one
located; on the other hand, a non-stock organized either under a special law or the
corporation can hold its stockholders general corporation law the purpose of
meeting anywhere in the Philippines which is for some private purpose. The
provided it is expressed in their by-laws mere fact that the Government happens
(if not expressed, the provisions governing to be the majority stockholder of a
stock corporation applies per Sec. 87(2) of corporation does not make it a public
the Corporation Code). corporation. The law must express that
a corporation is not covered by the
Note: Metro Manila is
corporation law being a public
considered as one single City or
Municipality per Sec. 51 of the
Corporation Code.
4. Ecclesiastical & Lay
Difference as to Manner of Voting
5. Aggregate & Sole
In a stock corporation, the
6. Close & Open
manner of voting is cumulative voting.
Neither its Articles of Incorporation nor 7. Domestic & Foreign
its By-Law cannot deny from its
stockholders the right to vote 8. Parent/Holding, Subsidiaries & Affiliates
cumulatively based the number of their
9. Public & Private
respective outstanding shares. Cumulative
Voting is a matter of right given to 10. Quasi-Public
stockholders by virtue of Sec. 24 of the
11. De jure vs. De facto – The reckoning
Corporation Code; on the other hand, in a point in determining whether a corporation
non-stock corporation, the manner of is De Jure or De Facto is the moment of
voting is straight voting. Its members are incorporation (that is, upon the issuance
entitled to cast only one vote per candidate of certificate of incorporation posing the
question: has the corporation
unless its articles of incorporation or by- substantially complied with the
laws allow cumulative voting. requirements of incorporation or not?
Whichever the answer, as long as it has
2. Created by special law
will result by the use of the disputed residence at a time. The fact that it
name. maintains branch offices in some parts
of the country does not mean that it
Philipps Export B.V. vs. can be sued in any of these places.
CA (206 SCRA 457) To allow an action to be instituted in
- The statutory prohibition on identical any place where a corporate entity
or similar corporate names provided has its branch offices would create
by Section 18 of the Corporation Code confusion and work untold
requires two matters which must be inconvenience to the corporation.
proven, namely:
(1) that the complainant corporation
acquired a prior right over the use of SEC Memorandum
such corporate name; and Circular No. 6, Series of
(2) the proposed name is either: 2016
(a) Identical; or Omnibus Guidelines on
(b) Deceptively or confusingly Principal Office Address;
similar Address of each
to that of any existing corporation or to Incorporator, Director,
any other name already protected by Trustee or Partner
law; or , (c) patently deceptive,
confusing or contrary to existing f. Term of Existence
- Proof of actual confusion or deception SEC Memorandum
of the public need not be shown. It Circular No. 21, Series of 2014
suffices that confusion is probably or Guidelines Governing the
likely to occur. For example, proof of Computation of Corporate Term
belonging to same or identical line of
business is enough. g. Incorporators
h. Directors/Trustees
5) to circumvent the law or to perpetuate - The fact that the subsequent sale was
deception; done for evasive purposes was
6) to be an alter ego, to be an adjunct strengthened due to the failure of the
business conduit for the sole benefit of defendant corporation to prove that it
the stockholders. has other property than the jeep (AC-
- Sufficient proof must exist that the - The evidence, testimonial or anywise,
corporation was used to defraud would prove that the corporation was
others. Any stockholder cannot be used by its incorporators or members
made personally liable just because as a shield to protect their end which
he “appears to be the controlling is subversive of justice. Burden of
stockholder”. Mere ownership by a proof lies on the one who alleges the
single stockholder or by another same.
corporation is not of itself sufficient
ground for disregarding the separate Marvel Bldg. vs. David
corporate personality. (94 SCRA 376)
Yutivo and Sons vs. CTA
Soriano vs. CA (174 (1 SCRA 160)
SCRA 195) Commissioner vs. Norton
- In determining personal liability of & Harrison (11 SCRA 714)
corporate officers / directors: the La Campana Coffee vs.
general rule is that a corporation Kaisahan ng Manggagawa (93 Phil 160)
has a separate and distinct Emilio Cano vs. CIR (13
personality from its directors and SCRA 290)
officers; the exception is that the Telephone Engineering
protective mantle of the corporation’s vs. WCC (104 SCRA 354)
separate and distinct personality can Claparols vs. CIR (65
be pierced, and liability attaches SCRA 613)
directly to its officers and/or members- Nat'l Federation vs. Ople
stockholders, when the corporation is (143 SCRA 124)
used for: (1) fraudulent, unfair, or A.C. Ransom vs. CA
illegal purpose; and, (2) when the (150 SCRA 498)
majority of the directors took Concept Builders vs.
advantage of the corporate NLRC (257 SCRA 149)
personality as a protective shield for Mc Connel vs. CA (1
any wrongdoing. Burden of proof is on SCRA 722)
the party alleging the purpose of Tan Boon Bee vs.
defrauding and usage of the corporate Jarencio (163 SCRA 205)
veil as a protective shield for any Cease vs. CA (93 SCRA
wrongdoing. 483)
Wensha Spa Center, Inc.
vs. Yung. (GR No.
2. Piercing the Veil of Corporate Fiction 185122, August 10,
a. General Concept General Credit Corp. vs.
Alsons Development, et.
Palacio vs. Fely al. (GR 154975, January
Transportation Co. (5 SCRA 1011) 29, 2007)
- Generally, a corporation or a company
has a separate and distinct personality b. When not justified
from its members or incorporators.
However, if it was proved that the Remo, Jr. vs. IAC (172
fiction of corporate entity was used as SCRA 405)
a protective shield for evasive Del Rosario vs. NLRC
purposes or to further an end (187 SCRA 777)
subversive of justice, the above rule Indophil Textile Mills vs.
cannot be invoked by its members or Galica (205 SCRA 697)
incorporators and that the said group PNB vs. Ritratto Group
would be liable jointly and solidarily (362 SCRA 216)
with the corporation. Pacific Rehaus Corp. vs.
CA (719 SCRA 665)
k. Implied Powers
National Exchange vs. Dexter (51 XI. CORPORATE BOOKS AND RECORDS
Phil 601)
1. Books and Records to be Kept
3. Certificates of Stock and their Transfer
2. Right of Inspection
Monserrat vs. Ceron (58 Phil 472)
Chua Guan vs. Samahang W.G. Philpotts vs. Phil. Mfg. Corp.
Magsasaka (62 Phil 472) (49 Phil 471)
Padgett vs. Babcock & Templeton Vegaruth vs. Isabela Sugar (57
(59 Phil 232) Phil 266)
Lambert vs. Fox (26 Phil 588) Gokongwei vs. SEC (supra)
Embassy Farms vs. CA (188 Gonzales vs. PNB (122 Phil 489)
SCRA 492)
Rural Bank of Salinas vs. CA (210
SCRA 510) 1. Requirements and Procedure
Tay vs. CA (GR No. 126891,
August 5, 1998)
Rural Bank of Lipa vs. CA (366
SCRA 740) 2. Effects
Tan vs. SEC (206 SCRA 740)
Nava vs. PEERS Marketing (74 Associated Bank vs. CA (GR
SCRA 65) 123793, June 29, 1998)
Won vs. Wack Wack Golf (104 BPI vs. BPI Employees Union
Phil 466) (658 SCRA 569)
De los Santos vs. Mc Grath (95
The phrase "doing business" shall include soliciting M.E. Gray vs. Insular Lumber (67
orders, service contracts, opening offices, whether called Phil 139)
"liaison" offices or branches; appointing representatives
or distributors domiciled in the Philippines or who in any 8. Amendment of the License
calendar year stay in the country for a period or periods
totaling one hundred eighty [180] days or more; 9. Merger / Consolidation
participating in the management, supervision or control
of any domestic business, firm, entity or corporation in 10. Revocation of License
the Philippines; and any other act or acts that imply a
continuity of commercial dealings or arrangements and 11. Withdrawal of License
contemplate to that extent the performance of acts or
works, or the exercise of some of the functions normally
incident to, and in progressive prosecution of commercial
gain or of the purpose and object of the business XIV. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
organization: Provided, however, That the phrase "doing
business" shall not be deemed to include mere
investment as a shareholder by a foreign entity in PART 2