O.EFL 4.2 Appreciate and value English as an international language and a medium to interact globally.
O.EFL 4.6 Write short descriptive and informative texts related to personal information or familiar topics and use them as a means of
communication and written expression of thought.
Unit Objective O.EFL 4.7 Use spoken and written literary texts in English such as poems, short stories, comic strips, short magazine articles and oral
interviews on familiar subjects in order to inspire oral and written production.
O.EFL 4.8 Integrate written and spoken text in order to identify cultural differences and similarities within a range of local, national and
global contexts familiar to the learner.
Evaluation criteria CE.EFL.4.1 Compare and contrast oral traditions and literature from Ecuador and beyond in order to manifest an understanding of the
relationship between cultural perspectives and practices and by sharing cross cultural experiences.
CE.EFL.4.8 Production – Accuracy and Intelligibility: Communicate needs and information clearly and in simple terms, using grammatical
structures learned in class (although there may be frequent errors), effectively and without undue effort. Demonstrate an ability to make
appropriate use of new words and expressions in social interactions.
CE.EFL.4.10 Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate effectively in familiar and predictable conversational exchanges by asking and
answering follow-up questions, provided there are opportunities to use repair strategies and sustain conversational exchanges in pairs to
complete a
task, satisfy a need or handle a simple transaction.
CE.EFL.4.11 Demonstrate comprehension of main ideas and some details in short simple texts on familiar subjects, making use of
contextual clues to identify relevant information in a text.
CE.EFL.4.15 Express information and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in simple transactional or expository texts on familiar
subjects in order to influence an audience, while recognizing that different texts have different features and showing the ability to use these
appropriately in one’s own writing.
What and how to evaluate?
What will they learn?
SKILLS WITH How will they learn?
EFL 4.1.2. Recognize EXPERIENCE • Student’s I.EFL.4.4.1 Learners can Techniques
and demonstrate an Can you share your personal information with us? Book English demonstrate an ability Reading
appreciation of some Got it (started) to give and ask for • Scan a text to find
commonalities and REFLECTION • Audio CD information and its topic sentence.
distinctions across Ask student to name a few countries in English. Use the map on • Teacher’s assistance using level-
cultures and groups page 12 or draw a map on the board and ask students to point and Guide appropriate language and Listening
including the name the countries on the map. • Quiz Time interaction • Listen for specific
students’ own. (SB) styles in online or face-to-
information in an
LISTENING AND Countries and nationalities. classroom interactions.
SPEAKING Subject pronouns. (J.2, J.3, J.4, I.3)
EFL 4.2.2. Use a Speaking
Be: Simple present (affirmative)
series of phrases and LISTENING AND • Use expressions to
Possessive adjectives.
sentences to describe SPEAKING encourage someone
The indefinite article (a / an)
aspects of personal I.EFL.4.7.1 Learners can to
background, APLICATION identify the main idea participate in a
immediate • Identify pictures of famous people and their and some details in short conversation.
environment and nationalities. straightforward spoken
matters of immediate • Exchange information using personal information: Hello! I am audio texts set in familiar Writing
need in simple terms Juan. What is your name? contexts when the • Use words in a
using grammatical • Ask for partners’ nationalities: Where are you from? message is delivered glossary to enrich a
structures learnt in READING slowly and there is other text
class (although there • Identify mistakes in a dialog. contextual support. about a specific topic.
may be frequent • Choosing from a list of words to complete gaps from a reading. Learners can use other
errors with tenses, classmate’s contributions
Instruments for oral
personal pronouns, LISTENING AND SPEAKING in class as models for
and written
prepositions, etc.) • Identify True/False statements when reading their own. (I.2, I.3, S.4)
.EFL. 4.10.1 Learners can evaluation
a profile of a famous person. • Projects and
EFL 4.2.6. Use other • Working in small groups to create a chart about differences in effectively participate
students’ in familiar and predictable presentations
heights and weights.
contributions in class everyday conversational • Oral interviews in
• Listening to instructions for a short task and carrying them out.
as models for their pairs
own. exchanges in order to • Gap activities in
complete a task, satisfy a pairs
need or handle a simple • Game: Units
transaction, using a range • Writing Quiz
of repair strategies. • Glossary activities
(I.3, J.3, J.4)
I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners
READING can understand main ideas
4.3.1. Understand and some details in short
• Listening to a dialogue between two or more people and
main points in short simple online or print
deciding if each statement is true or false.
simple texts on texts on familiar subjects,
familiar subjects. using contextual clues to
(Example: news help identify the most
• Create profiles of family members.
about sports or relevant information.
• Listening to the teacher's descriptions and writing a description
famous people, (Example: title,
about you.
descriptions, etc.) illustrations, organization,
• Talking about yourself and others. (Pronunciation: Stress
etc.) (I.2, I.4)
patterns in sentences)
Learners can convey
WRITING information and ideas and
EFL 4.4.2. Make and describe feelings and
use a simple print or opinions in simple
digital learning transactional or
resource to compare expository texts on
and contrast familiar subjects in order
information in order to influence an audience.
to demonstrate REF I.EFL.4.15.1. (I.3,
understanding and I.4, S.3, J.2)
command of a topic.
• On the book.
• Talk about your own description.
• Listening to the teacher's descriptions and
writing a description about you.
Teacher: Lcda. Mariuxi Ureña Area boss: Lcda. Nelly Poveda Deputy headmaster: Ing. Carlos Estrella