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1 Micro Plan 9no 2017-2018

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Academic Year: 2017 - 2018

Teacher: Lic. Sandra Amores T./ Lic Area: Grade / Course: Class:
Jackeline de la Vega English as a Foreign Language 9th EGB A1.2

Book: Unit 1 Objectives

Students will be able to describe people’s personality talking about lifestyles and free time activities in order to allow them to
English A 1.2 My Family and express likes and dislikes
Periods: 30, 7-8 class periods per lesson Weeks: 7

Skills and Performance Criteria Evaluation Criteria
Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral traditions and literature from Ecuador and
beyond in order to manifest an understanding of the relationship between cultural
Identify similarities and differences and universal cultural themes. REF.EFL 4.1.1 perspectives and practices and by sharing cross cultural experiences

Oral Communication:(Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.4.8. Production – Accuracy and Intelligibility: Communicate needs and
EFL 4.2.2 Use a series of phrases and sentences to describe aspects of information clearly and in simple terms, using grammatical structures learned in
personal background, immediate environment and matters of immediate need class (although there may be frequent errors), effectively and without undue
in simple terms using grammatical structures learnt in class (although there effort. Demonstrate an ability to make appropriate use of new words and expres-
sions in social interactions.
may be frequent errors with tenses, personal pronouns, prepositions, etc.

EFL 4.4.1 Convey information and ideas through simple transactional or CE.EFL.4.4. Demonstrate the ability to ask for and give information and assistance
expository texts on familiar subjects using ICT tools and conventions and using appropriate language and interaction styles in a variety of social interactions.
features of English appropriate to audience and purpose.

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508

Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


Language through the Arts

Understand short simple everyday stories, especially if there is visual CE.EFL.4.5. Display an appreciation of and demonstrate respect for individual
support. REF.EFL 4.5.1 and group differences by establishing and maintaining healthy and rewarding
relationships based on communication and cooperation
Using appropriate vocabulary and elements of the literature learners
have read or heard. REF.EFL 4.5.4
CE.EFL.4.20. Create short, original literary texts in different genres, including
those that reflect Ecuadorian cultures, using a range of digital tools, writing
styles, appropriate vocabulary and other literary concepts.

Methodological Strategies Resources Performance Indicators Evaluation: Activities / Techniques /

Vocabulary Quilt
New Curriculum EFL for Superior EGB ACTIVITIES and TECHNIQUES
Choose eight vocabulary words based on
their relevance to the lesson. English - Teacher´s Book A 1.2 Complete a illustrating statement about a
Create eight boxes on chart paper, folding socially responsible behavior.
English - Teacher´s Book A 1.2 (Audios)
vertically twice and horizontally once.
Circle the words they hear while listening
Write the preselected words in the boxes Flash Cards to a conversation.

Divide students into groups of four or Photocopiable Sheets Complete True or False statements while
five and give each group a vocabulary listening to a dialogue.
quilt. Crosswords
Explain to students that they have to draw Ask learners questions about their family
Strategies Templates members.
whatever comes to their minds when they
read the vocabulary words.
Read a text and answer information
Provide time to discuss in groups the questions.
words and drawings to make connections
Correct incorrect sentences in an article.
Allow students to make the presentation
of their Vocabulary Quilt. Write about a subject with a list of given
Communication and Cultural words.
Communication and Cultural Awareness
Awareness Share a story through a role play.

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508

Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


I.EFL.4.1.1. Learners can compare and
Completing and illustrating statements contrast oral traditions, myths, folktales INSTRUMENTS
about socially responsible behaviors. (Ex- and literature from Ecuador and other
ample: One thing I do to help the cultures in order to demonstrate an Rubrics
environment is…, I can help people in understanding of the relationship between
my neighborhood when I…) cultural practices and perspectives. Portfolio
Learners can share cross-cultural
Creating a poster of class rules. Oral interview
experiences while naming universal
cultural themes. (I.2, S.1, S.2, J.1)
Quiz Time Test
Oral Communication:(Listening and
Speaking) Oral Communication
I.EFL.4.8.1. Learners can communicate
personal information and basic immediate
Listening to spoken or recorded
needs and deal with other practical everyday
descriptions of familiar scenes, and
demands in familiar contexts, effectively and
marking the words you hear. (Example:
without undue effort and using grammatical
Learners hear a dialogue between two structures and vocabulary seen in class
teenagers talking about an assignment. (although there may be frequent, basic errors).
They circle the verbs they hear, etc.) (I.1, I.2, I.3, S.1)

Listening to a dialogue between two or

more people and deciding if each
statement is true or false. (Example: Julia
wants to call her mother – True. Ms.
Trenton gives her permission to use the
cell phone in class – False, etc.)

Watching a short video and then talking

to a partner about whether or not they
agree with the speaker or a statement.
(Example topics for videos: Best vacation
sites in Ecuador, strangest foods, scariest
animals in the world, etc.)

Recording in-class conversations and

dialogues in order to make note of correct
and appropriate language usage and

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508

Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec



Doing a mingle activity where learners

ask and answer survey questions about
after school activities. (Example: Do you
play chess? What activities do you do
after school?, etc.) Observing to see
whether each student’s questions and
answers are understandable by other
learners and if they use appropriate or
new vocabulary.

Asking the learners to read a dialogue in

pairs. Learners record themselves and
then listen to the recording in order to
assess clarity of sounds, production of
phonemes, rhythm and intonation.

Asking learners simple questions about

themselves, their family or their
possessions and noting that their response
time is relatively quick (i.e., not so slow
that the interaction becomes
uncomfortable for the student or the
teacher, and the response is appropriate
although there may be some basic errors)

Conducting a class survey where learners

ask each other about a familiar topic and
record each other’s answers. (Example:
What’s your favorite sport? Do you have
a favorite team? What sports do you
play? Are you good at it?, etc.) Sharing a
few things about their classmates’
answers. (Example: Sam is an Emelec
fan. He loves soccer but he isn’t good at
it. He is the only Emelec fan in our class.

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508

Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


Everyone in our class plays soccer, etc.)

Playing a conversation game, where

learners move their tokens around the
board after choosing a card and
answering the question. (Example
questions: What sports do you play? How
often do you go to the movies? What do
you do after school? What do you do on
weekends?, etc.)

Reading a text and answering information I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand
questions. main ideas and some details in short
simple online or print texts on familiar
Choosing from a list of words to subjects, using contextual clues to help
complete gaps from a reading. identify the most relevant information.
(Example: title, illustrations,
Predicting main ideas by reading the title organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4)
and using other contextual clues (e.g.,
illustrations, subheadings, etc.)

Reading a short news article and

completing an outline.

Reading a paragraph about a familiar

content area subject and then correcting
incorrect sentences. (Example: The
United States is the country that grows
the most rice corn, etc.)

Studying an infographic on a familiar

subject and answering questions about
the information. (Example: learners study
an infographic about teenagers and sleep
and then answer questions such as, How

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508

Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


many hours a night do most teenagers
get?, What percentage of teens fall asleep
in class?, etc.)

Highlighting relevant key information in

a text and crossing out irrelevant

Keeping a vocabulary notebook of

synonyms and antonyms of words from a

Brainstorming everything known about a

topic and then reading a text to check true
and false information.

Reading a text and matching content-

based words to their definition or picture.

Completing a KWL TRI-FOLD chart

about a text.

Using a dictionary to look up key words

in a text.


Making posters in small groups of new Writing

phrases and expressions in order to I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners can demonstrate an
display in the classroom. ability to give and ask for information
and assistance using level-appropriate
Making flashcards for new words and language and interaction styles in online
using them to quiz a partner. or face-to-face social and classroom in-
teractions. (J.2, J.3, J.4, I.3)
Recording synonyms and antonyms of
words in the margins of reading texts.

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508

Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


Writing new words and phrases in a
vocabulary notebook.

Researching and writing a short

paragraph about a new topic and using
appropriate references to support your

Writing about a topic and choosing words

for a glossary and writing the definitions.

Using a glossary from a text to

understand new words and recording the
definitions and example sentences in a
vocabulary notebook.

Completing the gaps in a sentence.

(Example: Nancy has a car. ---- car is
green. ---- needs a new car, etc.)

Using question prompts to interview and

then write sentences about a classmate.
(Example: Where does he live? What
food does he like?, etc.)

Reading a text and using a checklist to

talk about how it is organized. (Example:
Is there a title? Does it have an opening
sentence?, etc.)

Adding pictures to a group presentation.

Writing about a subject using key words

given in class. (Example: Key words:
reptile, cold-blooded, scales, tail, and
vertebrates. → Reptiles are cold-blooded.
When it’s cold outside, they’re cold, too.

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508

Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


They have scales. They also have a tail.
They are vertebrates, etc.)

Language through the Arts

Sharing learners’ stories in pairs or small

groups and choosing to represent some Language through the Arts
through a role play.
I.EFL.4.5.1. Learners can appreciate
Evaluating and assessing the
effectiveness of group work by answering and show respect for individual and
a set of questions. (Example: Who always group differences by establishing and
participates? Who gets the things the maintaining healthy and rewarding online
group needs? Who asks good questions?, and face-to-face interactions. Learners
etc.) can communicate and cooperate in a
respectful, empathetic manner. (J.3, S.1,
Selecting desirable behaviors for group S.4)
work from a list and reaching a consensus
as a group for the three most important.
I.EFL.4.20.1. Learners can create short,
Discussing rules and norms for a group original literary texts in different genres,
project before the project begins. including those that reflect Ecuadorian
(Example: Don’t interrupt others, Do cultures, using a range of digital tools,
your work on time, Don’t make negative writing styles, appropriate vocabulary
remarks, etc.) and other literary concepts. (I.1, I.3)

Assigning roles for a group project.

(Example: deciding who is secretary,
who is the organizer, who makes the
artwork, etc.)

Students with Special Needs Specifications of the Material to Be Applied
In my class I have 4 students with mild mental retardation -Notebooks, pictures, colors pens and I am going to work with their partners to help them. Then I

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508

Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


Students with adaptation grade 1, 2 am going to use the students´ book
Teaching strategies: Provide written as well as oral directions, dedication of time, multigrade,
individual work, group work, extra word and coming down to learners´ level to accommodate all
learners as some of the methods used to adapt the curriculum for the inclusion of learners.

CLIL Components - Science/Technology/Arts: Transversal Axes

HEALTHY FOOD.- Taking in mind the pyramid food and Its benefits
for human being avoiding junk food to take away diseases

Prepared by Revised by Approved by

Teacher: Lic. Sandra Amores T./ Lic. Jackeline de la Vega Teacher: Lic. Silvia Guanopatin Teacher: Lic. Carmen Jibaja

Signatures: Signature: Signature:

Date: September 03th, 2018 Date: Date:

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508

Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec

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