Bbbbuniversity Questions Bank: Pr8451-Mechanics of Machines
Bbbbuniversity Questions Bank: Pr8451-Mechanics of Machines
Bbbbuniversity Questions Bank: Pr8451-Mechanics of Machines
8. Define a kinematic pair and kinematic chain. (Nov/dec 2013 ,2009) (APR/MAY 2018)
Kinematic pair:
The two links or elements of a machine, when in contact with each other, are
said to form a pair. If the relative motion between them is completely constrained, the pair is
known as kinematic pair.
Kinematic chain:(Apr/May 2010)
when the kinematic pairs are coupled in such a way that the last link is joined to
the first link to transmit definite motion, it is called a kinemtic chain.
11. What are the inversions of the slider crank chain? (Nov/dec 2012 )
Elliptical trammel
Scotch yoke mechanism
19. Why a roller follower is preferred to that of knife- Edged follower? Explain
Knife- Edged follower is quite simple, its limited as it produces a great wear of the surface at the point
of contact. But Roller follower is a widely used cam follower and has a cylindrical roller free to rotate
about a pin joint. At low speeds, the follower has a pure rolling action but at high speeds, some sliding
also occurs.
20. What do you understand by the terms cam and follower? Name the essential members of am
A cam and the follower combination belong to the category of higher pairs. Necessary elements of cam
mechanism are,
A driver member known as the cam
A driven member called the follower
A frame which supports the cam and guides the follower
21. Define cam jump phenomena in cam follower mechanism.
As the cam shaft velocity increases, the term involving the square of the velocity increase at a faster =180 and.the
force F becomes zero at a speed when (se+P)+(m -s) e ���� =0, this can happen at
At that speed, there will be some impact between the cam and the follower, resulting in a rattling,
clicking and noisy operation. This is usually known as
JUMP. ( 242 of SS RATTAN).
22. Sketch and state the differences between the roller type follower over knife edged follower and flat
faced follower. (Fig. 212 of SS RATTAN).
When the relative motion between two links is limited to definite direction ,then the motion is said
to be a completely constrained motion.
When the relative motion between two links can take place in more than one direction ,then the
motion is said to be a incompletely constrained motion.
Grashof’s law States that for a planar four-bar mechanism the sum of the shortwest and
longest links must be less than or equal to the sum of the lengths of two other links,if there is to be
continous rotation between two members.
The process of obtaining different mechanism by fixing different links in a kinematic chain is
known as inversion of mechanism.
Since the dynamic forces are functions of accelerations and accelerations are the functions of
velocities ,the determination of velocity and acceleration of various links becomes very important in
the design of any mechanism.
39. Distinguish between Self closed pair and Force - closed pair.
(a) Self closed pair. When the two elements of a pair .are connected together mechanically in such a
way that only required kind of relative motion occurs, it is then known as self closed pair. The lower
pairs are self closed pair.
(b) Force - closed pair. When the two elements of a pair are not connected mechanically but are kept in
contact by the action of external forces, the pair is said to be a force-closed pair. The cam and follower
is an example of force closed pair, as it is kept in contact by the forces exerted by spring and gravity.
If each link is assumed to form two pairs with two adjacent links, then the relation between the number
of pairs ( p ) forming a kinematic chain and the number of links ( l ) may be expressed in the form of
an equation : (i) l=2p-4,Since in a kinematic chain each link forms a part of two pairs, therefore there
will be as many links as the number of pairs. Another relation between the number of links (l) and the
number of joints ( j) which constitute a kinematic chain is given by the expression : j=(3/2 )l-2.
49. List out the cases for the Circular arc cam with flat face of the follower having contact with
the circular flank.
1. When the flat face of the follower has contact on the circular flank,
2. When the flat face of the follower has contact on the nose.
1.For the given mechanism shown in fig., determine the acceleration of the slider F and the angular
acceleration of link BE when crank rotates clockwise at 191 rpm for the given configuration OA = 200mm
AC=BE=EF=800mm BC=300mm. [Apr/May 2008]( Ref. S.S Rattan, Ex;3.6 ). [Nov/Dec 2012]
(May/June 2016)
2 PQRS is a four bar chain with link PS °is fixed. The lengths of the links are PQ=62.5mm;
QR=175mm; RS=112.5mm; PS=200mm. the crank PQ rotates at 10 rad/s clockwise. Draw the
velocity acceleration diagram when the angle QPS is 60 and Q( Ref. R.S Kurmi, EX: 7.2).
and R lie on the same side of PS. The angular velocityand
angular acceleration of links QR and RS. [Apr/May 2008]( Ref. R.S Kurmi, Ex:
8.4).(nov/dec 2008) [Apr/May 2011] (APR/MAY 2018)
3 In a steam engine mechanism ,shown in fig 1 the crank shaft AB rotates at 200 r.p.m. find the velocities
of C,D,E,F and P. Also find the acceleration of slider at C. the dimension of the various links are
AB=12CM,BC=48CM,CD=18CM,DE=36CM AND EF=12CM AND FP=34CM [Nov/Dec 2008]
[Nov/Dec 2009]
(iii)Draw the acceleration diagram and determine the linear accelearation of the slider, which is
connected at the end of the connecting rod ,EF. (6) [Nov/Dec 2008]
5. A cam with a minimum radius of 25mm be designed for a knife edged follower. The following data:
to raise the follower through 35mm during 60° rotation of cam, dwell for next 40° of the cam rotation.
Descending of the follower through the next 90° of the cam rotation, dwell during the rest of the cam
rotation. Draw the profile of the cam if the ascending and descending of the cam is SHM and the line of
stroke of the follower is offset 10mmfrom the axis of the cam shaft. [May 2010] [Nov/Dec 2009]
6.In a quick return motion mechanism of crank and slotted level type, the ratio of maximum
velocities is 2. If the length of stroke is 250mm find [Apr/May 2008]
(i ) The length of the slotted lever ( 3 )
(ii) The ratio of times of cutting and return strokes ( 3 )
(iii) The maximum cutting velocity per second if the crank rotates at 30 rpm ( 2 )
(iv) Explain various inversions of single and double slider crank chains ( 8 )
7. What do you mean by inversion of a mechanism? Explain any two inversions of single slider crank
mechanism. [Apr/May 2005](May/june 2007)( Nov/Dec 2010) [Apr/May 2011] (APR/MAY 2018)
8) Derive an expression for the magnitude of ―coriolis component of acceleration‖.(8 marks) [Nov/Dec 2007] (Re
9 ) i) draw the acceleration diagram of a slider crank mechanism.explain.(8) [May/June 2007] [Nov/Dec 2012] (Re
10)In a slider-crank mechanism, the crank 480mm long and rotates at 20 rad/s in counter-clockwise
direction. The length of connecting rod is 1.6m. When the turn‘s 60° from the inner dead. Determine
( i ) the velocity of the slider [Apr/May 2008] [Apr/May 2011]
( ii ) the velocity of a point E located at a distance of 450mm on the connecting rod from crank
( iii ) the position and velocity of a point F on the connecting rod having least absolute velocity
(Refer class notes or mechanics of machines by jayakumar ;Page no;2.64) (Nov/Dec 2017)
11. .What do you mean by constrained motion?what are the different types of pairs having constrained
motion?Explain each type with examples and neat sketches. [Nov/Dec 2011]
12. In a pin jointed four bar mechanism ABCD, the length of the links are; AB=75mm;BC= 80 mm;CD=
37mm and AD=125 mm. The link AD is fixed and the angle BAD =53 degree,if the velocity B is 100
rad/sec and an angular acceleration of 4400 rad/sec2 in the counter clockwise direction. Find (!)
angular acceleration of BC and (2) linear acceleration of R on the link BC , take BR=28mm.
[May/June 2006] [Nov/Dec 2011] [Apr/May 2011] [Nov/Dec 2013]
(Refer class notes or mechanics of machines by jayakumar ;Page no;2.28)
13.With a neat sketch explain the inversion of the double slider crank mechanism and four bar mechanism.
. [Nov/Dec 2008) [Nov/Dec 2011] [Nov/Dec 2013]
(Refer class notes or mechanics of machines by jayakumar ;Page no;1.36)
14. A cam rotating clockwise at a uniform speed of 100 rpm is required to give a mushroom follower the
defined below [Apr/May 2004] [May/June 2007] [Apr/May 2011] (May/June 2016)
(i).the follower to move outwards through 50 mm during 120 degree of cam rotation
(ii).follower to dwell for next 60 degree of cam rotation.
(iii).follower to return to its starting position during 90 degree of cam rotation
(iv).the follower to dwell for the rest of the cam rotation
The minimum radius of the cam is 50 mm and the diameter of roller is 10 mm .
The line of stroke of the follower is offset by 20 mm from the axis of the cam shaft. if the displacement
of the follower takes place with uniform and equal acceleration and retardation on both the outward
and return strokes, draw profile of the cam and find the maximum velocity and acceleration during
outstroke and return stroke.. (Nov/Dec 2017)
16.Explain kinematic links, its types and kinematic pairs with its types based on the relative motion between the
links. (April/May 2019) Refer Mechanics of Machines by Khurmi page 8 - 23
17.Determine the degree of freedom of the mechanisms shown in fig (April/May 2019) Refer Mechanics of
Machines by Khurmi 24 - 71
1. Define law of gearing. (May/June 2016) (Nov/Dec 2017)
The common normal point at the point of contact between a pair of teeth must always pass through
the pitch point. This is the fundamental condition which must be satisfied while designing the
profiles the teeth of gear wheel is known as law of gearing.
2. What is pressure angle or angle of obliquity?
The angle between pressure line and the common tangent to the pitch circles is known as the pressure
angle. For more power transmission and lesser pressure on the bearings, the pressure angle must be kept
3. A single reduction gear of 120 KW with a pinion 250 mm pith circle diameter and speed 650 rpm is
supported in bearings on either side .Calculate the total load due to power transmitted ,the pressure angle
being 20 degree? Ans :Refer class notes
4. What are various types of gear trains?
simple gear train
compound gear train
Epicyclic gear train
5. Explain module and pressure angle?
Module: It‘s the ratio of pitch circle diameter in millimeters to the number of teeth. Its denoted by m .
Pressure angle: The angle between pressure line and the common tangent to the pitch circles is knownas
the pressure angle. For more power transmission and lesser pressure on the bearings, the pressure angle
must be kept small.
6. What do you mean by interference between two mating gears? (May/June 2016)
The tip of tooth on the pinion will then undercut the tooth on the wheel at the root and remove part of the
involute profile of tooth on the wheel. This effect is known as interference, and occurs when the teeth are
being cut.
7. State and prove law of
gearing. Ref : Ans .1
8. What do you understand by the term interference‖ as applied to
Spur gear teeth are manufactured by
either involute profile or cycloidal profile. Most of the gears are manufactured by involute profile with 20° pressure
angle. When two gears are in mesh at one instant there is a chance to mate involute portion with non-involute portion
of mating gear. This phenomenon is known as "interference" and occurs when the number of teeth on the smaller of
the two meshing gears is less than a required minimum.
11. What is meant by epicyclic gear train? Give a practical example. (APR/MAY 2018)
When the arm is fixed, the gear train is simple and gear A can drive gear B or vice-versa. But if gear
A is fixed and the arm is rotated about the axis of the gear, then the B is forced to rotate upon and
around gear A. such a motion is called epicylic gear train. (Fig.13.6, Ref. R.S Kurmi 437).
12. What is interference in a gear and how it is prevented? (May/June 2007 ;Nov/Dec 2009)
The phenomenon when the tip of tooth undercuts the root on its matting gear is known as
interference. Interference may be avoided if the path of contact does not extend beyond the
interference points.
13. Explain how an epicyclic gear train does from the conventional gear train. (APR/MAY 2018)
The other types of gear trains, the axes of the shafts over which the gears are mounted are fixed
relative to each other. But in case of epicyclic gear trains, the axes of the shafts on which the gears are
mounted may move relative to a fixed axis.
14. Define normal pitch and axial pitch relating to helical gears.
Normal pitch: It is the distance between similar faces of adjacent teeth, along a helix on the pitch
cylinder normal to the teeth. It is denoted by PN.
Axial pitch: It is the distance measured parallel to the axis, between similar faces of adjacent teeth.
It‘s the same as circular pitch and is denoted by Pc. (Fig.12.15, Ref. R.S Kurmi 417
52. Distinguish cycloid and involute tooth profile in any 2 aspects. (April/May 2019)
In cycloidal profile, pressure angle varies from maximum at the beginning of engagement, reduces to zero
at the pitch point and again increases to maximum at the end of engagement resulting in improper running of
gears. While in involute profile, pressure angle remains constant throughout the engagement period
Involute tooth profile consists of a single (involute) curve and the track cutter used for regenerating the profile
has straight teeth. ... The cycloidal tooth profile consists of two curves (epicycloid and hypocycloid). The method
of manufacture is more involved and leads to costlier gear tooth
1. A pair of gears, having 40 and 20 teeth respectively, are rotating in mesh, the speed of the
smaller being 2000rpm. Determine the velocity of sliding between the gear tooth faces at the point
engagement, at the pitch point, and at the point disagreement if the smaller gear is the driver. Assume
that the gear teeth are 20° involutes‘form, addendum length is 5mm. Also find the angle through
which the pinion turns while any pairs of teeth are in contact.[Apr/May 2008] [May/June 2006]
(May/June 2016) ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 400, EX: 12.5).
3. Figure 2 shows an epicyclic gear train, Pinion A has 15 teeth and it is rigidly fixed to the motor shaft.
The wheel B 20 teeth and gears with A and also with the annular fixed wheel D. pinion C has 15 teeth
and is integral B(B,C being a compound gear wheel).the gear C meshes with annular wheel E, which is
keyed to machine shaft. The arm rotates about the same shaft on which A is fixed and carries the
compound wheel B, C. If the motor runs at 1000 rpm, find the speed of the machine shaft. Find the
torque exerted on the machine shaft if the motor develops a torque of 100 Nm. [Nov/Dec 2008]
(May/June 2016) (Nov/Dec 2017) ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 463,EX:13.19).
4 . A pair of gears having 60 and 30 teeth respectively , are rotating in mesh, the speed of smaller being
3000rpm determine the velocity of sliding between gear teeth faces at the point of engagement, at the
pitch point and at the point of disengagement if the smaller gear is driver. Assume that the gear teeth are
20º in volute from, addendum length is 6mm and the module is 5mm. also find the angle through which
the pinion turns while any pair of teeth are in contact. [Nov/Dec 2007] ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 400, Ex.12.5).
5 .(i) State and prove the law of gearing. [May/June 2007]
(ii) In a reverted Epicyclic gear train the arm A carries two gears B and C and a compound gear D-E. The
gear B meshes with gear E and the gear D.T he number of teeth on gears B,C and D are 75,30 and 90
respectively. Find the speed and direct in of gear B is fixed and the arm a makes 100 Clockwise.
(APR/MAY 2018)
6. A pair of 20 degree full depth involute spur gears having 30 and 50 teeth respectively of module 4
mm are in mesh. The smaller gear rotates at 1000 rpm .determine (i) sliding velocities at engagement
and at dis engagement of pair of a teeth and (ii) contact ratio. [Apr/May 2004] (APR/MAY 2018)
9. Explain the working principle of gears and gear terminology. ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 385, ).
10. Derive the expression for the path of contact ,angle of contact, arc of contact, arc of approach. ( Ref. R.S
Kurmi 410, ).
11. A sun wheel of 28 teeth is in mesh with a planet of 18 teeth and both are held in an arm. The planet wheel is
in contact with an internal wheel of 64 teeth which is coaxial with the sun wheel. Sketch the
arrangement of the gears band compute the angular velocity ratio between arm and the internal wheel if sun
wheel is fixed. ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 447, EX: 13.9).
12. Two mating gears have 20 and 40 involute teeth of module 10 mm and 20 Pressure
angle. The addendum on each wheel is to be made of such a length that the line of contact on each
side of the pitch point has half the maximum possible length. Determine the addendum height for
each gear wheel, length of the path contact, arc of contact. ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 406, EX: 12.8).
13. An epicyclic gear train consists of a wheel A with 72 internal teeth and gear C has 32 external teeth.
The gear B meshes with both A and C and is carried on an arm EF which rotates about the centre of A
at 18 rpm. If gear A is fixed, sketch the arrangement and determine the speed of gears B and C. ( Ref.
R.S Kurmi 443, EX: 13.6).
14. In an epicyclic gear train, the internal wheels A and B and compound wheels C and D
rotate independently about the axis O. The wheels E and F rotate on pins fixed on the arm G. E gears
with A and C and F gears with B and D. All the wheels have the same module and the number of teeth
are TC =28, TD = 26, TE =TF = 18. (i) Sketch the arrangement (ii) find the number of teeth on A and
B (iii) if the arm G makes 100 rpm clockwise and A is fixed, find the speed of B and (iv) if the arm G
makes 100 rpm clockwise and A makes 10 rpm counter clockwise; find the speed of wheel B. ( Ref. R.S
Kurmi 446, EX: 13.8).
15. In a reverted epicyclic train, the arm F carries two wheels A and D and a compound wheel B-C.
The wheel a meshes with wheel B and the wheel D meshes with wheel C. The numbers of teeth on
wheel A, D and C are 80, 48 and 72 respectively. Find the speed and direction of wheel D when wheel
A is fixed and arm F makes 200 rpm clockwise. ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 440, EX: 13.5).
16.The centre distance between two spur gears in a mesh is to be approximately 275 mm. the gear ratio is 10 to 1.
The pinion transmit 360 kW at 1800 rp. The pressure angle of the involute teeth is 20 degree and the addendum is
equal to one module. The limiting value of normal tooth pressure is 1 kN/mm of width. Determine the (April/May
2019) Refer Mechanics of Machines by Khurmi page 417
17.The sun and planet gear of an epicyclic gear are shown in fig. the annular gear D has 100 internal teeth, the sun
ear A has 50 external teeth and planet gear B has 25 external teeth. The gear B meshes with gear D and gear A. the
gear B is carried on the arm E, which rotates at 20 r.p.m, the find the speeds of gear A and B. (April/May 2019)
Refer Mechanics of Machines by Khurmi page 417 - 419
Types of friction – Friction Drives -friction in screw threads – bearings – Friction clutches – Belt
6. State any four advantages v –belt drive over flat belt drive.
The v-belt drive gives compactness due to the small distance between the centre of pulleys.
The drive is positive, because the slip between the belt and pulley groove is negligible.
The high velocity ratio (maximum 10) may be obtained.
It can be easily installed and removed.
13. Explain the laws of dry friction. (Nov/Dec 2009:. Nov/Dec 2010)
Amontons' First Law: The force of friction is directly proportional to the applied load.
Amontons' Second Law: The force of friction is independent of the apparent area of contact.
Coulomb's Law of Friction: Kinetic friction is independent of the sliding velocity.
14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the v-belt drive over the flat belt
drive? Advantages: Ref answer of Q.6
The v-belt cannot be used with large centre distances.
The v-belt areot so durable as flat belts.
The construction of pulleys for v-belts is more complicated than pulleys for flat belts.
.State the laws of static friction
Static friction is friction between two or more solid objects that are not moving relative to each other. For example,
static friction can prevent an object from sliding down a sloped surface. The coefficient of static friction, typically
denoted as μs, is usually higher than the coefficient of kinetic friction
20. Define the term coefficient of friction May/June 2007 :. Nov/Dec 2009)
It is the ratio of the limiting friction to the normal reaction between the two bodies.
21.What do you mean by self locking screws? (Nov/Dec 2006) (APR/MAY 2018)
If ⱷ<α, then torque required to lower the load will be positive,so an effort will be required to lower the load.
this type of screw is termed as self locking screw.
22. What do you mean by overhauling screws? (Nov/Dec 2009)
If ⱷ<α, then torque required to lower the load will be negative,so an effort will be required to lower the load.
this type of screw is termed as self locking screw.
23. classify friction clutches. (Nov/Dec 2012)
1. Disc clutch
2. cone clutch
3. centrifugal clutch.
24. What is the function of frictional clutches? (Nov/Dec 2017)
It is a mechanical device used to connect or disconnect the driven shaft from the driving shaft at the will of
the operator while power is transmitted from driving to driven shaft.
26. What is the difference between cone ane centrifugal clutch?
Cone clutch works on the principle of friction alone ,but centrifugal clutch uses principle of centrifugal
force in addition with it.
27.List the various types of belts used for transmission of power. (Nov/Dec 2006) (May/June 2016)
1.flat belt 2.V-belt and 3.Ropes
28.what are the advantage of the belt drive over the other type of power transmission systems ?
(Nov/Dec 2010)
In belt drives the center distance can be changed conveniently.
Belt drives are used for power transmission over long distance and non-flexible machines for short
29. what is creep in case of belt? (Nov/Dec 2013)
The relative motion between the belt and the pulley surface due to unequal stretching of the tqwo sides of
the drive.
30. what do you mean by centrifugal tension? (May/June 2007 , Nov/Dec 2011) (APR/MAY 2018)
Since the belt continuously runs over the pulley therefore some centrifugal force is caused.the tension
caused by centrifugal forces is called centrifugal tension.
31. What is self –locking brake?
When the frictional force is sufficient enough to apply the brake with no external force then the brake is
said to be self –locking brake.
32. What is dynamic friction
It is the friction, experienced by a body, when in motion. The dynamic friction is also called kinetic friction.
Dept. of Aeronautical Engg. JeppiaarEngg. College, Chennai
33. What are all the types of dynamic friction ?
(a).Sliding friction
(b) Rolling friction
(c) Pivot friction
34. What is Pivot friction?
It is the friction, experienced by a body, due to the motion of rotation as in case of foot step bearings.
35. Define Boundary friction.
It is the friction, experienced between the rubbing surfaces, when the surfaces have a very thin layer of
lubricant. The thickness of this very thin layer is of the molecular dimension. In this type of friction, a thin
layer of lubricant forms a bond between the two rubbing surfaces. The lubricant is absorbed on the surfaces
and forms a thin film. This thin film of the lubricant results in less friction between them. The boundary
friction follows the laws of solid friction.
36. Define fluid friction
It is the friction, experienced between the rubbing surfaces, when the surfaces have a thick layer of the
lubrhicant. In this case, the actual surfaces do not come in contact and thus do not rub against each other. It is
thus obvious that fluid friction is not due to the surfaces in contact but it is due to the viscosity and oiliness of
the lubricant.
37. What are all the laws of kinetic or dynamic friction ?
Following are the laws of kinetic or dynamic friction : 1. The force of friction always acts in a direction,
opposite to that in which the body is moving. 2. The magnitude of the kinetic friction bears a constant ratio to
the normal reaction between the two surfaces. But this ratio is slightly less than that in case of limiting
friction. 3. For moderate speeds, the force of friction remains constant. But it decreases slightly with the
increase of speed.
38. What you mean by angle of repose?
Consider that a body A of weight (W) is resting on an inclined plane B, as shown in Fig. 10.3. If the angle of
inclination α of the plane to the horizontal is such that the body begins to move down the plane, then the
angle α is called the angle of repose.
39. Define the efficiency of the inclined plane.
The ratio of the effort required neglecting friction (i.e. P0) to the effort required considering friction (i.e. P) is
known as efficiency of the inclined plane.
40. Define helix.
It is the curve traced by a particle, while describing a circular path at a uniform speed and advancing in the
axial direction at a uniform rate. In other words, it is the curve traced by a particle while moving along a
screw thread.
41. Explain the terms pitch and lead.
1. Pitch. It is the distance from a point of a screw to a corresponding point on the next thread, measured
parallel to the axis of the screw.
2. Lead. It is the distance, a screw thread advances axially in one turn.
42. What you mean by multi-threaded screw?
If more than one thread is cut in one lead distance of a screw, it is known as multi-threaded screw e.g. in a
double threaded screw, two threads are cut in one lead length. In such cases, all the threads run independently
along the length of the rod.
43. Describe the efficiency of a screw jack.
The efficiency of a screw jack may be defined as the ratio between the ideal effort (i.e. the effort required to
move the load, neglecting friction) to the actual effort (i.e. the effort required to move the load taking friction
into account).
44. What are all the conditions for the effective friction clutches?
1. The contact surfaces should develop a frictional force that may pick up and hold the load with reasonably
low pressure between the contact surfaces. 2. The heat of friction should be rapidly dissipated and tendency to
Dept. of Aeronautical Engg. JeppiaarEngg. College, Chennai
grab should be at a minimum. 3. The surfaces should be backed by a material stiff enough to ensure a
reasonably uniform distribution of pressure.
45. Define centrifugal clutches.
The centrifugal clutches are usually incorporated into the motor pulleys. It consists of a number of shoes on
the inside of a rim of the pulley, as shown in Fig. 10.28. The outer surface of the shoes are covered with a
friction material. These shoes, which can move radially in guides, are held against the boss (or spider) on the
driving shaft by means of springs.
46. List out the factors influencing the power transmitted by belt.
1. The velocity of the belt. 2. The tension under which the belt is placed on the pulleys. 3. The arc of contact
between the belt and the smaller pulley. 4. The conditions under which the belt is used.
47. List out the various important factors upon which the selection of a belt drive.
1. Speed of the driving and driven shafts, 2. Speed reduction ratio,
3. Power to be transmitted, 4. Centre distance between the shafts,
5. Positive drive requirements, 6. Shafts layout,
7. Space available, and 8. Service conditions
48. Classify the belt drives.
1. Light drives. These are used to transmit small powers at belt speeds upto about 10 m/s, as in agricultural
machines and small machine tools.
2. Medium drives. These are used to transmit medium power at belt speeds over 10 m/s but up to 22 m/s, as
in machine tools.
3. Heavy drives. These are used to transmit large powers at belt speeds above 22 m/s, as in compressors and
51. Angle of friction and angle of repose are the same. Justify (April/May 2019)
The angle of a plane to the horizontal when a body placed on the plane will just start to slide. The tangent of the angle
of friction is the coefficient of static friction.
The angle that the plane of contact between two bodies makes with the horizontal when the upper body is just on the
point of sliding: the angle whose tangent is the coefficient of friction between the two bodies.
52. When will you go for multi plate clutch? (April/May 2019)
A multi-plate clutch is used in automobiles and in machinery where high torque output is required. In bikes and
scooter multi-plate clutch is used due to the limitation of compact gearbox used in bikes and scooter
3. Any open belt connects two flat pulleys, the smaller pulley being of 400 mm in diameter .the angle of
gap on the smaller pulley is 160 degree and the coefficient of friction between belt and pulley is 0.25.
Which of the following alternatives would be more effective in increasing the power that could be
transmitted? [Nov/Dec 2008] (May/June 2016) (Nov/Dec 2017) (APR/MAY 2018)
(i) Increasing the initial tension by 10%
(ii) Increasing the coefficient of friction by 10% by the application of suitable dressing to the
4. (i) The efficency of a screw is 60%,when a load of 1500N is lifted by an effort applied at the end of
the handle 0.5m.Determine the effort applied if the pitch of the screw thread is 12m. (8)
Kurmi 272, 279).
(ii) An effort of the 1200N is required to the just move a certain body up an inclined is increased
to 15(degree), then the effort required is 1400N.Find the co-efficient of friction and the weight of the
body. (8) ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 272,). [Nov/Dec 2008]
5. Derive the expression for finding the length of the belt drive if it is
(i) Open belt drive (ii) Closed belt drive. (16) ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 334,336,).
[Nov/Dec 2008] (Nov/Dec 2017)
6. A single plate clutch is required to transmit 8kW at 1000rpm. The axial pressure is limited to
70kN/𝑚2. The mean radius of the plate is 4.5 times the radial width of the friction surface. If both the
sides of the plate are effective and μ=0.25, find [May 2010] (May/June 2016) (APR/MAY 2018)
( i ) the inner and outer radii of the plate and the mean radius
( ii ) the width of the friction lining ( 16 )
8. The external and internal radii of a friction clutch of a disc type are 90 mm and 50 mm respectively
both sides are friction clutch are effective and coefficient of friction is equal to 0.25.The friction clutch is
used to rotate a machine from a shaft which is rotating at a constant speed of 240 r.p.m. The moment
of inertia of rotating parts of machine is 5.5 kg m2.The intensity of pressure is not exceed 0.8 x105 n/m2 .
Assuming uniform wear, determine the time required for the machine to attain the full speed when the
clutch is suddenly applied. also determine the energy lost in slipping the clutch. [Nov/Dec 2008]
10. A single plate clutch, with both sides effective ,has outer and inner diameters 300mm and 200mm
respectively. The maximum intensity of pressure at any point in the contact surface is not to exceed 0.1N/mm 2 .If
the coefficient of friction is 0.3, determine the power transmitted by a clutch at a speed 2500 r.p.m. . ( Ref. R.S
Kurmi 303, ).
11. A multi plate clutch has three pairs of contact surfaces. The outer and inner radii of the
contact surfaces are 100 mm and 50 mm respectively. The axial spring force is limited to 1KN.
Assuming uniform wear, find the power transmitted at 1500 rpm. Take = 0.35. ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 309, ).
12. A V belt drive consists of three V belts in parallel on grooved pulleys of the same size. The
angle of groove is 300 and the co-efficient of friction is 0.12. The cross sectional area of each belt
is 750 mm2 and the permissible safe stress in the materials is 7 Mpa. Calculate the power that can
be transmitted between two pulleys 400 mm in diameter rotating at 960 rpm. Also find the
maximum power that can be transmitted. ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 362, ).
13. The trust of a propeller shaft in a marine engine is taken up by a number of collars integral with
a shaft which is 300 mm in diameter. The thrust on the shaft is 200KN and the speed is
75 rpm. Taking µ is equal to 0.05 and assuming intensity of pressure as uniform and equal to 0.3
N/mm , find the external diameter of the collars and the number of collars required, if the power
lost in friction is not to exceed 16KW. ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 296, ).
14. Derive from first principles the expression for the friction moment of a flat pivot and
truncated conical pivot bearing assuming uniform pressure and uniform wear. ( Ref. R.S Kurmi
286, ).
15. A shaft which rotates at a constant speed of 160 rpm is connected by belting to parallel shaft
720 mm apart, which has to run at 60, 80 and 100 rpm. The smallest pulley on the driving shaft is
40 mm in radius. Determine the remaining radii of the two stepped pulleys for (i) a crossed belt
and (ii) an open belt. Neglect belt thickness and slip. ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 337,
16.A square threaded bolt with a core diameter of 25 mm and a pitch of 6 mm is tightened by screwing a nut. The
mean diameter of the bearing surface of the nut is 60 mm. The coefficient of friction for the nut and the bolt is
0.12 and for the nut and bearing surface, it is 0.15. Determine the force required at the end of 400 mm long
spanner if the load on the bolt is 12 kN. (April/May 2019) Refer Mechanics of Machines by Khurmi page 428 -
17.Two parallel shafts that are 3.5 m apart are connected by two pulleys of 1 m and 400 mm diameters, the larger
pulley being the driver runs at 220 rpm. The belt weights 1.2 kg per metre length. The maximum tension is the belt
is not to exceed 1.8 kN. The coefficient of friction is 0.28. Owing to slip on one of the pulleys, the velocity of the
driven shaft is 520 rpm only. (April/May 2019)
Refer Mechanics of Machines by Khurmi page 326 - 329
Determine the
Static and Dynamic balancing – Balancing of revolving and reciprocating masses – Balancing
machines -Balancing a single cylinder engine – Balancing of Multi-cylinder inline, V-engines –
Partial balancing in engines- Governors and Gyroscopic effects.
1. What is partial balancing of locomotives?
A single or uncoupled is a partial balancing of locomotives, in which the effort is transmitted to
one pair of the wheels only; whereas in coupled locomotives, the driving wheels are connected to
the leading and trailing wheel by an outside coupling rod.
2. Differentiate between static and dynamic balancing. (Nov/Dec 2017)
Static balancing: A system of rotating masses is said to be static balance if the combined mass
center of the system lies on the axis of rotation. ( 478 of Ss Rattan).
Dynamic balancing: A system rotating masses is in dynamic balance when there does not exist
any resultant centrifugal force as well as resultant couple.
5. What do you mean by static balancing and dynamic balancing? What are the necessary
conditions to achieve them?
Ref . Answer: Q2
The resultant centrifugal force must be zero.
The resultant couple must be zero.
6. Define and explain the term ―Balancing of rotating masses‖. What is the effect of unbalancing of
rotating parts in a high speed engine? (APR/MAY 2018)
The process of providing the second mass in order to counteract the effect of the centrifugal force of
the first mass is called Balancing of rotating masses.
7. What are static and dynamic balancing?
Ref . Answer: 2
8. What are primary and secondary force?
static balance refers to the balancing of weight and the location of the CG on moving parts.
1. Reciprocating mass - e.g. Piston and connecting rod weight and CG uniformity.
2. Rotating mass - e.g. Crank web weight uniformity and flywheel eccentricity (or lack thereof)
12. Can reciprocating masses can be completely balanced for multi cylinder engines? Justify.
13. Why balancing of rotating masses is needed for high speed engines?
In high speed engines, if these parts are not properly balanced, the dynamic forces are set up. These
forces not only increase the load on bearings and stresses in the various members, but also produce
unpleasant and even dangerous vibrations.
14. What is meant by ‗Balancing of Rotating
Masses‘? Ref . Answer: 6
15. What do you understand by inside cylinder locomotives?
Inside cylinder can mean: One of the dimensions of a gearwheel, see List of gear nomenclature Inside
cylinder A steam locomotive cylinder positioned in.
16. What do you understand by outside cylinder locomotives?
The design incorporating inclined outside cylinders and a double frame. It was built due to combat the
frequent failure of crank axles on contemporary inside cylinder locomotive designs. The earliest examples were
built by Buddicom at Chartreux for the Chemins de Fer de l'Ouest in 1844 where the type became known as 'Le
17. Write a short note on primary and secondary balancing.
Primary, "first order" or "first harmonic" balance is supposed to indicate the balancing of items that could shake an
engine once in every rotation of the crankshaft, i.e. having the frequency equal to one crank rotation .
18. Write a short note on secondary balancing.
Secondary or "second order" balance should refer to those items with the frequency of twice in one crank
rotation, so there could be tertiary (third order), quaternary (fourth order), quinary (fifth order), etc. balances as
19. Define simple harmonic motion
It is a special type of periodic motion or oscillation motion where the restoring force is directly proportional to
the displacement and acts in the direction opposite to that of displacement.
(i) the angles between the radii A, B and D. ( APR/MAY 2018) [Apr/May 2008] ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 412, Ex.12.12).
(iii) The valve of mass B so that the shaft may be perfect balance (May/June 2016) (May/june 2017)
(Nov/Dec 2017)
2. Explain the following in detail: (May/june 2017) [Apr/May 2008] ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 894,899).
4. Deduce expression for in tractive force and swaying couple for a locomotive engine. May 2010
( Ref. R.S Kurmi 863,864).
5. Figure 3 shows a long shaft carries 3 pulleys ,two at its ends and third at its mid point.the two end
pulleys have masses 48 kg and 20 kg and centre of gravity are 1.5 cm and 1.25 cm respectively from the
axis of the shaft .the pulleys are so keyed to the shaft that the assembly is in static balance. The shaft
6. A shaft carries four masses A,B,C and D of magnitude 200 kg,300 kg, 400 kg and 200kg respectively
and revolving at a radius of 80,70,60,80 mm in planes measured from A at 300,400,700 mm. The angles
between the cranks measured clockwise are A to B 450, B to C 700 , C to D 1200. The balancing masses
are to be placed In the planes X and Y .The distance between the planes A and X is 100 mm , between X
and y is 400mm and between Y and D is 200 mm. If the balancing masses revolve at a radius of 100mm,
find their magnitudes and angular positions. ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 843).
7. A, B, C and D are four masses carried by a rotating shaft at radii 100,125,200 and 150 mm respectively. The
planes in which the masses revolve are spaced 600mm apart and the mass of B, c and D are 10kg , 5kg and 4 kg
respectively. Find the required mass A and the relative angular settings of the four masses so that the shaft be in
complete balance. ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 847).
8. A four cylinder vertical engine has cranks 150mm long. The planes of rotation of the first, second and fourth
cranks are 400 mm,200 mm, 200 mm respectively from the third crank and their reciprocating masses are 50,60,
50 kg respectively, find the mass of the reciprocating parts for third cylinder and the relative angular positions of
the cranks in order that the engine may be in complete balance. ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 879).
9. The Cranks and the connecting rods of a 4 cylinder in-line engine running bat 188 r.p.m are 60 mm and 240 mm
respectively and the cylinders are spaced 150 mm apart. If the cylinders are numbered 1 to 4 in sequence from one
end, the cranks appear at intervals of 900 in an end view in the order 1-4-2-3.The reciprocating mass corresponding
to each cylinder is 15kg, Determine 1.Unbalanced primary and secondary forces 2. Unbalanced primary and
secondary couples with reference to central plane of the engine. ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 882).
10. A five cylinder in line engine running at 750 r.p.m has successive cranks 144 0 apart, the distance between the
cylinder centerline being 375 mm. The piston stroke is 225 mm and the ratio of connecting rod to the crank is 4.
Examine the engine for balance of primary and secondary forces and couples, Find the maximum values of these
and the positions of the central crank at which these maximum values occur. The reciprocating mass for each
cylinder is 15 kg. ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 907).
11. The spacing of the 4 – cylinder A, B, C and D of a vertical in –line engine is 650 mm, 500 mm and
650 mm. the reciprocating masses of the inner cylinder B and C are 80 kg and their cranks are at 60 to
one another. The stroke is 325 mm and connecting rods are 600 mm long. Find the magnitude
of the reciprocating masses for the outer cylinder A and D and the relative angular positions of all the
cranks if primary forces and couples are to be balanced. What is the maximum unbalanced secondary
force when the speed of engine 375 rpm. ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 906).
12. A shaft rotates in two bearings A and B, 180 cm apart and projects 45 cm beyond A and
B. at the extremities, of the shaft are two pulleys of masses 20kg and 48 kg, their centre
of gravity being respectively 1.25 cm and 1.5 cm from the axis of the shaft. Mid way between the
bearings is a third pulley of mass 56 kg, its C.G. being 1.5 cm from the axis of the shaft. If the three
pulleys have been arranged so as to obtain static balance, find the dynamic forces produced on the
bearings when the shaft rotates at 300 rpm. ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 882).
13. A four crank engine has the two outer cranks set at 1200 to each other, and their reciprocating
masses are each 400 Kg. The distance between the planes of rotation of adjacent cranks are 450
mm, 750 mm and 600 mm. If the engine is to be in complete primary balance, find the
14. A shaft rotates in two bearings A and B, 180 cm apart and projects 45 cm beyond A and
B. at the extremities, of the shaft are two pulleys of masses 20kg and 48 kg, their centre
of gravity being respectively 1.25 cm and 1.5 cm from the axis of the shaft. Mid way between the
bearings is a third pulley of mass 56 kg, its C.G. being 1.5 cm from the axis of the shaft. If the three
pulleys have been arranged so as to obtain static balance, find the dynamic forces produced on the
bearings when the shaft rotates at 300 rpm. ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 882).
15. Four masses 200 kg, 300 kg, 240 kg and 260 kg are attached to a shaft. These masses are
revolving at radii 270 mm, 210 mm, 300 mm and 360 mm respectively in planes measured from A1
at 270 mm, 420mm and 720mm respectively. The angles measured anticlockwise are m1 to m2 45 ,
o o
m2 to m3 75 , m3 tom4 135 , and the distance between the planes L and M in which the balance
masses are to be placed is500 mm. the distance between planes A1 and L is 120 mm and M and A4
is 100 mm. if the balancing masses revolve at a radius of 72 mm, find their magnitude and angular
positions. ( Ref. R.S Kurmi 855).
16. A four cylinder oil engine is in complete primary balance. The arrangement of the reciprocating masses in
different planes is as shown in fig. the stroke of each piston is 2 r mm. determine the reciprocating mass of the
cylinder 2 and the relative crank positions. (April/May 2019) Refer Mechanics of Machines by Khurmi
page 529
17. In a Proell governor the mass of each ball is 8 kg and the mass of the sleeve is 120 kg. each arm is 180 mm
long. The length of extension of lower arms to which the balls are attached is 80 mm. The distance of the
pivots of arms from axis of rotations is 30 mm and the radius of rotation of the balls is 160 mm when the arms
are inclined at 40 degree to the axis of rotation. (April/May 2019) Refer Mechanics of Machines by Khurmi
page 860
Determine the
1.What is the effect of damping in the critical speed of a shaft? (May/June 2016)
A dashpot is a mechanical device, a damper which resists motion via viscous friction.[1] The resulting force
is proportional to the velocity, but acts in the opposite direction, slowing the motion and absorbing energy. It is
commonly used in conjunction with a spring (which acts to resist displacement)
3. Define frequency.
It‘s the number of cycles described in one second. In S.I units, the frequency is expressed in ―Hzǁ which is
equal to the one cycle per second.
4. What is critical speed? (May/June 2016)
The speed, at which the shaft runs so that the additional deflection of the shaft from the axis of rotation
becomes infinity, is known as critical or whirling speed.
5. What are the causes and effect of vibration?
There are various harmful effects of vibration: (a) Excessive wear of bearings. (b) Formation of cracks in
machines, buildings and structure, etc. (c) Loosening of fasteners in mechanical systems. (d) Structural and
mechanical failures in machines and buildings. (e) Frequent and costly maintenance of machines. (f)
Electronic malfunctions through failure of solder joints. (g) Abrasion of insulation around electric
conductors, causing soots. (h) The occupational exposure of humans to vibration leads to pain, discomfort
and reduction in working efficiency.
6. A shaft of 100 mm diameter and1 meter long has one of its free end fixed and the other end carries a
disc of mass 500 kg at a radius of gyration 450mm.the modulus of rigidity for the shaft material is 80
GN/m2.Determine the frequency of the torsional vibration. (Ref. R.S Kurmi 947).
7. Prove that the natural angular velocity of a body having free longitudinal vibration is given by
ὠn=square root (s/m) where ὠn=circular frequencs= stiffness of the spring to which mass is
( Ref. R.S Kurmi 911,912).