UME 408 Machine Design-1 Redesign of An Angle Cutter/grinder A - 1 Force AND Stress Analysis OF Bevel Gear & Selection of Bearing
UME 408 Machine Design-1 Redesign of An Angle Cutter/grinder A - 1 Force AND Stress Analysis OF Bevel Gear & Selection of Bearing
UME 408 Machine Design-1 Redesign of An Angle Cutter/grinder A - 1 Force AND Stress Analysis OF Bevel Gear & Selection of Bearing
Total Points: 20
Submission Due: 15th April 2019 to 19th April 2019
Complete this module in group; copying will be dealt with severely.
The print of this document along with graphs, excel spreadsheets and CAD drawings
stapled together (or spiral bound) is to be submitted by the due date as mentioned
Submit your documents on time to the tutorial instructor. No extensions will be
Part A: Q1 to Q4 have been devised based on designing the bevel gear used in the drive system
of angle grinder. Complete Q1-Q4. Note: Excel spreadsheet to be created for Q2 and Q3.
Perform stress analysis of pinion based on ANSI/AGMA 2003-B97 standard or equivalent code.
Q1 .Measure the distance between points marked in Figure 1. Calculate the forces acting on the pinion
at the midpoint of the tooth. (2 points)
Figure 1
Figure 2
Referring to Figure 2, fill the information in Table 1
Table 1 Design parameters
Parameters of pinion Forces at contact point
No. No. Pitch Cone Radius Normal Equivalent Tangential Radial Axial
of of angle distance at mid Pressure number of force (N) force Force
teeth teeth (deg) (mm) point angle teeth on (N) (N)
on on (mm) pinion
pinion gear
dp dg γ A0 rav (ϕ) 𝑧𝑝′ Wt Wr Wa
9 32 15.71˚ 31.42 7.422 20˚ 9.349 1.819 0.637 0.1793
Q2 . Calculate the required module for pinion for three different gear materials. (3 points)
Service factor (Cs) = 1
Velocity (v) =26.9 m/s
Velocity factor (Cv) = 0.52
Contact ratio = 1.2
Effective load on gear tooth (Weff) = 3.498 N
Factor of safety = 3
AGMA Standard Based
Table 3 Gear tooth proportions from beam strength considerations
S.No. Material Beam Module of Face width of Corrected Corrected
strength of gear in gear (mm) pitch circle cone
gear tooth (N) mm diameter distance
(standard (mm) (mm)
(i) Plain 685.95 0.8588 9.4 27.4816 16.223
carbon steel
(ii) Stainless 759.426 0.8301 9.4 26.5632 15.836
(iii) Grey cast 514.45 0.945 9.4 30.24 17.407
Beam Strength Equation Based
Table 3 Gear tooth proportions from beam strength considerations
S.No. Material Beam Module of Face width of Corrected Corrected
strength of gear in gear (mm) pitch circle cone
gear tooth (N) mm diameter distance
(standard (mm) (mm)
(iv) Plain 717.64 0.846 9.4 27.072 16.0503
carbon steel
(v) Stainless 750.26 0.83356 9.4 26.673 15.8824
(vi) Grey cast 543.77 0.928 9.4 29.696 17.1730
Q3. Insert a plot of pitch angle (γ = 15°, 45°, 90°, 120°) against tangential force (Wt). Comment
on the magnitude of the values of Wt when compared to the beam strength of gear tooth. (2 points)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Q4. Model the bevel gear (pinion only) using any CAD software. Only one gear tooth profile should
be constructed on the basis of findings of the studies on different materials and different pitch angles.
(3 points)
Part B: The following tasks have been based on selection procedure of deep groove ball
bearings given in the product catalogue of SKF®. Complete the tasks mentioned in Q5-Q8.
Q3 . Draw the free body diagram of output shaft. The forces which act on the non-threaded portion of
stepped shaft should be taken from the “Annexure I”. (2 points)
Figure 1
Ry = 60.49 N
Rz = 16.66 N
Q5 . Recommend a suitable deep groove ball bearing at C. Specify the bearing number, static load
carrying capacity and dynamic load carrying capacity of selected bearing also.
(3 points)
Radial force acting at C (N) Thrust forces acting at C (N) Equivalent dynamic force (N)
60.49 36.217 1855
Radial load factor (X) Thrust load factor (Y) Race rotation factor (V)
0.56 5.4 1
Service/ load factor Bearing life for cutter Bore diameter of bearing
application/ reliability
1855 10560 17
Q6. List all the equations used for selection of bearing. (2 points)