Mechanics Lab 8
Mechanics Lab 8
Mechanics Lab 8
202210 - 12884
Table of Contents:
Objective: .................................................................................................................................. 4
Introduction: ............................................................................................................................ 4
Theory: ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Deliverables: ............................................................................................................................. 5
Apparatus/Equipment’s: ......................................................................................................... 6
Results: ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Calculation: .............................................................................................................................. 9
Analysis: .................................................................................................................................. 13
Conclusion: ............................................................................................................................. 15
Reference: ............................................................................................................................... 15
Tables of Figures:
Figure 1: Deflection of Simply Supported and Cantilever Beams in the structure frame……6
Figure 3: Weights…………………………………………………………………………….6
Table of Graphs:
The study of forces acting on a body and how it responds by deforming is known as material
mechanics. Different types of loadings cause various deformations in bodies with various
geometries or constructed of various materials. Last but not least, this science makes it feasible
to optimize the design for a specific loading condition by predicting the failure of a body under
that scenario.(Sharma,2010). The external load that causes a beam element to bend is defined
part, the internal reaction loads can be resolved into a resultant force and a resultant couple.
For equilibrium, the couple formed by the internal load must balance the moment produced by
the external force. Shear force and bending moment are the terms used to describe the resulting
internal forces.
In this lab, we will be testing 3 different beams and there deflection with 5 different weights
that we will place on each side, then we will calculate the curvature of each beam and graph
the results.
• For each beam, perform the test on your own and learn how and what to be done.
• Describe the experimental procedure in detail and explain how you used the theory to help
you determine Young Modulus of the different materials
• Compare the found values with the values available in material handbooks.
No Description Picture
Deflection of Simply Supported and
Cantilever Beams Experiment
3 Weights
Figure 3: Weights
4 Vernier Calliper
380 0.84 – 0.01 = 0.5895 24.09 0.0415 8.598 x 109
480 1.03 – 0.01 = 0.7241 19.61 0.0509 10.555 x 109
Steel Calculation:
E Value (Nm-2) = 207 GNm-2; width (b) = 24.2 mm ; depth (d) = 3.24 mm
bd3 ( 24.2 ×10−3 )(3.24×10−3 )
Second Moment of inertia (I) = I = ≫I= = 6.86 × 10−11 m4
12 12
M 0.1917
(109 ) ≫ = 2.795 × 109
I 6.86 × 10−11
For Mass (g) = 180; deflection (mm) = 0.44:
2 2
C2 +4h2 (400×10−3 ) +4(0.44×10−3 )
Radius of Curvature (m) = R = ≫R= = 45.46 m
8h 8(0.44×10−3 )
M 0.3124
(109 ) ≫ = 4.554 × 109
I 6.86 × 10−11
For Mass (g) = 280; deflection (mm) = 0.64:
2 2
C2 +4h2 (400×10−3 ) +4(0.64×10−3 )
Radius of Curvature (m) = R = ≫R= = 31.25 m
8h 8(0.64×10−3 )
M 0.4544
(109 ) ≫ = 6.624 × 109
I 6.86 × 10−11
For Mass (g) = 380; deflection (mm) = 0.83:
2 2
C2 +4h2 (400×10−3 ) +4(0.83×10−3 )
Radius of Curvature (m) = R = ≫R= = 24.09 m
8h 8(0.83×10−3 )
M 0.5895
(109 ) ≫ = 8.598 × 109
I 6.86 × 10−11
For Mass (g) = 480; deflection (mm) = 1.02:
2 2
C2 +4h2 (400×10−3 ) +4(1.02×10−3 )
Radius of Curvature (m) = R = ≫R= = 19.61 m
8h 8(1.02×10−3 )
M 0.7241
(109 ) ≫ = 10.555 × 109
I 6.86 × 10−11
Aluminum Calculation:
E Value (Nm-2) = 69 GNm-2; width (b) = 19.08 mm ; depth (d) = 3.34 mm
bd3 ( 19.08 ×10−3 )(3.34×10−3 )
Second Moment of inertia (I) = I = ≫I= = 5.92 × 10−11 m4
12 12
M 0.0817
(109 ) ≫ = 1.380 × 109
I 5.92 × 10−11
For Mass (g) = 180; deflection (mm) = 0.91:
2 2
C2 +4h2 (400×10−3 ) +4(0.91×10−3 )
Radius of Curvature (m) = R = ≫R= = 21.979 m
8h 8(0.91×10−3 )
M 0.1859
(109 ) ≫ = 3.140 × 109
I 5.92 × 10−11
M 0.2900
(109 ) ≫ = 4.899 × 109
I 5.92 × 10−11
10 | P a g e
For Mass (g) = 380; deflection (mm) = 1.92:
2 2
C2 +4h2 (400×10−3 ) +4(1.92×10−3 )
Radius of Curvature (m) = R = ≫R= = 10.418 m
8h 8(1.92×10−3 )
M 0.3921
(109 ) ≫ = 6.233 × 109
I 5.92 × 10−11
M 0.4942
(109 ) ≫ = 8.348 × 109
I 5.92 × 10−11
Brass Calculation:
E Value (Nm-2) = 105 GNm-2; width (b) = 19.08 mm ; depth (d) = 3.24 mm
bd3 ( 19.08 ×10−3 )(3.24×10−3 )
Second Moment of inertia (I) = I = ≫I= = 5.41 × 10−11 m4
12 12
M 0.0994
(109 ) ≫ = 1.837 × 109
I 5.41 × 10−11
For Mass (g) = 180; deflection (mm) = 0.86:
2 2
C2 +4h2 (400×10−3 ) +4(0.86×10−3 )
Radius of Curvature (m) = R = ≫R= = 23.256 m
8h 8(0.86×10−3 )
M 0.2443
(109 ) ≫ = 4.516 × 109
I 5.41 × 10−11
11 | P a g e
For Mass (g) = 280; deflection (mm) = 1.3:
2 2
C2 +4h2 (400×10−3 ) +4(1.3×10−3 )
Radius of Curvature (m) = R = ≫R= = 15.385 m
8h 8(1.3×10−3 )
M 0.3692
(109 ) ≫ = 6.824 × 109
I 5.41 × 10−11
For Mass (g) = 380; deflection (mm) = 1.71:
2 2
C2 +4h2 (400×10−3 ) +4(1.71×10−3 )
Radius of Curvature (m) = R = ≫R= = 11.697 m
8h 8(1.71×10−3 )
M 0.4856
(109 ) ≫ = 8.976 × 109
I 5.41 × 10−11
For Mass (g) = 480; deflection (mm) = 2.2:
2 2
C2 +4h2 (400×10−3 ) +4(2.2×10−3 )
Radius of Curvature (m) = R = ≫R= = 9.092 m
8h 8(2.2×10−3 )
M 0.6248
(109 ) ≫ = 11.549 × 109
I 5.41 × 10−11
12 | P a g e
• Plot a graph of M/I versus 1/R. is this a linear relationship? So, what is the value of the
M/I (Nm)
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
1/R (1/m)
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
1/R (1/m)
13 | P a g e
M/I VS 1/R (Brass)
M/I (Nm)
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
1/R (1/m)
The graphs above show that M/I and 1/R have a linear relationship. The Young's Modulus of
14 | P a g e
In conclusion, the objective of this lab was to investigate the deflection of a simply supported
beam subjected to symmetrical loading using test beams made of various materials. Following
that, the deflection will be used to determine the elastic modulus. As a result, the lab's goal and
15 | P a g e