Kumar 2015
Kumar 2015
Kumar 2015
severely cachectic state. History revealed that the boy had Figure 1: MRI image (a) showing the hyperintense pituitary along with
diffuse cerebral atrophy and body composition analysis before (b) and
suffered an unprovoked bite from a street dog in March after (c) therapy
2014 and had presented with a febrile encephalopathic
illness after three weeks. He was initially managed with complete absence of subcutaneous fat [Figure 1b]. He was
broad spectrum antibiotics, ventilatory support, steroids diagnosed as a case of pituitary cachexia secondary to rabies
and other supportive therapy. Cerebro‑spinal fluid (CSF) encephalitis and was treated with levothyroxine, growth
showed neutrophilic pleocytosis, hypoglycorrhachia and hormone, testosterone and vitamin supplements. During
elevated proteins. The paired samples of serum and CSF the last follow up, 3 months after the therapy, the body
showed high levels (>1:1,64,000) of rabies virus neutralizing weight had improved by 4 kg and there is an appearance
antibodies. The nuchal skin biopsy stained positive for of subcutaneous fat at a few places as shown in the repeat
the presence of viral antigen confirming the diagnosis of BCA [Figure 1C].
rabies. MRI revealed lesions in bilateral thalami and in
the cerebellum, sella and brainstem, including the upper Pituitary cachexia or Simmonds’ disease denotes the complete
cervical cord [Figure 1a]. He was further managed with destruction of the anterior pituitary gland leading to a
rabies immunoglobulin, physiotherapy, nasogastric feeds cachectic state. The disease is characterized by cutaneous
and other supportive therapy. His neurological status, changes like loss of secondary sexual characteristics,
especially his sensorium, improved gradually over the next hypotension, muscle weakness, and premature senility. Our
six weeks. However, he developed significant cachexia patient had developed most of these features fairly rapidly in
despite an intensive physiotherapy and a high caloric a few weeks after the onset of rabies meningoencephalitis.
intake, prompting an endocrinological consultation. His Survival after rabies infection is reported in only a dozen
anthropometric measures like body weight (27 kg) and patients till date and to the best of our knowledge, none
body mass index (9.3 kg/m2) suggested severe cachexia. of them have reported the features of pituitary cachexia.
His systemic examination revealed a dry skin, loss of Simmonds’ disease could be caused by infarction, bleeding,
pubic hair with no evidence of dehydration. His hormonal tumor, inflammation and occasionally infection.[2] Previous
profile showed free triiodothyronine‑ 1.1 pmol/L (normal reports suggest hypersexuality and behavioral abnormalities
3 – 6.2), free thyroxine ‑ 0.4 ng/dL (normal 0.8 – 1.2), during the acute phase of rabies infection.
thyrotropin ‑ 2.2 mIU/L (normal 0.3 – 4.6), prolactin‑ 4 ng/ml
(normal 0 – 15), leutinising hormone (LH) ‑ 0.6 IU/L (normal Cachexia is also associated with the presence of a number
0 – 8), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) ‑ 0.5 IU/L (normal of disease states like malignancy, HIV infection, chronic
1 – 10), testosterone 126 ng/dL (normal 250 – 820) and IGF‑1 obstructive pulmonary disease and congestive cardiac
of 86 IU/L (normal 145‑540). His peak cortisol and growth failure. The loss of muscle and fat tissue is due to an
hormone (GH) after hypoglycemia were 22.4 mg/dL and altered endocrinal milieu coupled with increase in the
1.16 ng/mL, respectively. His body composition analysis (BCA) proinflammatory cytokines. [3] Testosterone and insulin
by the dual energy X‑ray absorptiometry (DEXA) showed like growth factor‑1 (IGF‑1) play an important role in the
maintenance of the muscle and fat tissue and our patient had with the inferior trunk of the brachial plexus, posterior to the
deficiency of both these hormones leading to severe cachexia. pectoralis major muscle and medial to the lateral cord. The
To conclude, we report the case of a young boy, who survived lesion showed a homogeneous enhancement [Figure 1]. A right
the deadly rabies infection but had persistence of a cachectic axillary approach was adopted to excise the lesion. A 3 × 3 cm,
state resulting from the loss of anterior pituitary hormones. firm, encapsulated, gray‑white mass arising from the medial
cord was found [Figure 2]. The tumour was enucleated
microsurgically avoiding any damage to the parent nerve. No
K. V. S. Hari Kumar, F. M. H. Ahmad, Vijay Dutta nerve grafting was required. In the early post‑operative period,
Departments of Endocrinology, Neurology and Respiratory the patient complained of an increased loss of sensations over
Medicine, Command Hospital, Chandimandir, Haryana, India the ring and little finger. The pathological diagnosis of the
E‑mail: hariendo@rediffmail.com
excised axillary lesion was a schwannoma. At her last follow‑up
References appointment 10 weeks after her surgery, she was free of pain
and had an advancing Tinel’s sign. The muscle weakness in her
1. de Souza A, Madhusudana SN. Survival from rabies encephalitis.
J Neurol Sci 2014 15;339:8‑14. fingers had shown a steady improvement.
2. Escamilla RF, Lisser H. Simmonds’ Disease (Hypophyseal Cachexia):
Clinical report of several cases with discussion of diagnosis and Brachial plexus tumours are rare and comprise of only 5% of all
treatment. Cal West Med 1938;48:343‑8.
tumours of the upper limb.[2] Even though schwannomas may
3. Morley JE, Thomas DR, Wilson MM. Cachexia: Pathophysiology and
clinical relevance. Am J Clin Nutr 2006;83:735‑43. be located in any part of the body, cutaneous nerves of the
head and neck region and the flexor parts of the extremities
Access this article online are the most commonly involved.[3]
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