MS Thesis KD MC
MS Thesis KD MC
MS Thesis KD MC
Master of Science
Computer Science and Engineering
by Research
Kartik Dutta
It is certified that the work contained in this thesis, titled “Handwritten Word Recognition for Indic &
Latin scripts using Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid Networks” by Kartik Dutta, has been carried out under my
supervision and is not submitted elsewhere for a degree.
The successful completion of this thesis has been possible through the assistance of many people. I
am forever indebted to all the people who have helped me.
First of all, I would like to thank Prof. C.V. Jawahar for introducing me to research. I’ll forever
remember him for being the first person who made me feel worthwhile as both a researcher and a
Words cannot express the aid that Minesh Mathew and Praveen Krishnan have lent to me whenever
I was stuck or at a deadlock. This work would have been far more challenging without their support.
I would also like to extend regards to all the other friends at IIIT for their help and support at various
stages of my work. I am also thankful to Silar Shaik, Varun Bhargawan, Siva Kumar and Mahender
Reddy for helping with the annotation of datasets, server handling issues and scheduling various meet-
ings to fast track my work.
Lastly, I would like to thank my family for showering me with their love and financial support.
– Kartik Dutta
Handwriting recognition (HWR) in Indic scripts is a challenging problem due to the inherent sub-
tleties in the scripts, cursive nature of the handwriting and similar shape of the characters. Though
much research has been done in the field of text recognition, the focus of the vision community has been
primarily on English. Furthermore, a lack of publicly available handwriting datasets in Indic scripts
has also affected the development of handwritten word recognizers and made direct comparisons across
different methods an impossible task in the field. Also, due to this lack of annotated data, it becomes
challenging to train deep neural networks which contain millions of parameters. These facts are quite
surprising as there are over 400 million Devanagari speakers in India alone.
We first tackle the problem of lack of annotated data using various approaches. We describe a frame-
work for annotating large scale of handwritten word images without the need for manual segmentation
and label re-alignment. Two new word level handwritten datasets for Telugu and Devanagari are re-
leased which were created using the above-mentioned framework. We synthesize synthetic datasets
containing millions of realistic images with a large vocabulary for pre-training using publicly available
Unicode fonts. Later on, pre-training using data from Latin script is also shown to be useful to overcome
the shortage of data.
Capitalizing on the success of the CNN-RNN Hybrid architecture, we propose various improve-
ments in its architecture and training pipeline to make it even more robust for handwriting recognition.
We now change the network to use a Resnet-18 like structure for the convolutional part along with
adding a spatial transformer network layer. We also use an extensive data augmentation scheme involv-
ing multi-scale, elastic, affine and test time distortion.
We outperform the previous state-of-the-art methods on existing benchmark datasets for both Latin
and Indic scripts by quite some margin. We perform an ablation study to empirically show how the
various changes we made to the original CNN-RNN Hybrid network have improved its performance
with respect to handwriting recognition. We dive deeper into the working of our networks convolutional
layers and verify the robustness of convolutional-features through layer visualizations. We hope the
release of the two datasets mentioned in this work along with the architecture and training techniques
that we have used instill interest among fellow researchers of the field.
Chapter Page
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Thesis Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.2 Literature Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.2.1 Pre-Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.2.2 Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.2.3 Feature Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.2.4 Recognition Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.3 Components of the Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.3.1 Spatial transformer Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.3.2 Residual Convolutional blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.3.3 Connectionist temporal classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.3.4 Deep Hybrid CNN-RNN Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.4 Training Pipeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.4.1 Synthetic Data Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.4.2 Cross-Lingual Script Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Figure Page
1.1 Two examples of the applications of Indic script based Handwriting Recognition. By
recognizing handwritten PIN codes, city names, etc. [4, 5], there is much scope of
postal automation (left box). The right box shows an example of Bangla writing from a
manuscript of Rabindranath Tagore. Handwriting Recognition can make such digitized
manuscripts searchable and indexable, making access easier for other scholars working
on Indian manuscripts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Another example of the application of Handwriting Recognition in Indian setting: Bulk
processing of highly structured forms which are filled by humans. . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1 Percentage of native speakers of the eight largest scheduled languages in India, accord-
ing to the 2001 Census of India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Here we see how the word Bharat is written in different Indic scripts. The left box
shows how it is written in Devanagari based languages while the right box shows how it
is written in Dravidian languages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Clockwise from the left:(a) Excerpt from the Bangla poem ”Namashkar” (1907) written
by Rabindranath Tagore, (b) A Telugu palm leaf text [6], (c) An example of Devanagari
writing from a Hindi poem written by Amitabh Bachchan and (d) Contemporary Telugu
writing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4 Here we see an example of akshara splitting for a word in Devanagari. The top image
is the original image, the middle image shows it’s akshara split, while the bottom-most
image shows the Unicode level split. Clearly, an akshara can be made up of multiple
Unicode characters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.5 Few examples of vowels, modifiers, consonants and conjuncts in (a) Bangla and (b)
Devanagari. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.6 A few examples of pairs of cursive characters in Devanagari which can be easily con-
fused with each other due to their similar looking shapes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.1 A few sample images from the publicly available Indic script world handwriting datasets.
The first row contains word images from LAW, the second row from ROY DB De-
vanagari track, the third row from ROY DB Bangla track and the last row from CMA-
TER DB 2.1 dataset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2 (a) Usually for collecting handwriting data, annotators are required to copy the text
shown to them with little restriction on spacing. (b) First lines are segmented out and
then individual words are segmented out, only then are we able to get a corpus annotated
at the word level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.3 Clockwise from the left:(a) A filled form, (b) Form after applying binarization by Otsu’s
method, (c) Form after filling holes in the binary image. Afterwards, all of the white
rectangular patches on the form are individually processed one by one, (d) An enlarged
image of an extracted filled up box. In the images (b) and (c) the black color represents
the background while the white color represented the foreground. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.4 Sample word images for IIIT-HW-T ELUGU dataset. The first two rows show different
words that have been written by the same writer. The last two rows show examples of
the same word that has been written by different writers. One can notice both the inter
and intra class variability in style across the collected samples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.1 A flowchart representing the workflow of a text recognition system. Segmentation may
or may not be performed, depending on the solution being used. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.2 The structure of a Spatial Transformer Network (STN). It is made up of three compo-
nents: localization network, grid generator and sampler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.3 The structure of the residual blocks used in the Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid Network. . . 24
4.4 Here we see how the convolutional feature sequence relates to the input image. Each
column feature is associated with a corresponding column patch on the input image,
with the features on the left of the feature sequence corresponding to a receptive field
on the left side of the image. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.5 Overview of the Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid network architecture used in this work. The
various essential components of the architecture are highlighted such as the spatial trans-
former network, residual convolutional blocks, bi-directional LSTM’s and the CTC loss. 28
4.6 Examples of various data augmentation techniques used in this work. The first row
shows the original image. The second row shows the image after applying multi-scale
augmentation to the corresponding image from the first row. Here the first and the
last column images are scaled down while the images in the remaining columns have
been scaled up. The third row shows the image after applying affine distortion to the
corresponding image from the first row. Here the first and second column images have
been rotated, the third column image is translated while the image in the last column
has been sheared. The final row shows the image after applying elastic distortion to the
corresponding image from the first row. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.7 A visual illustration of how multi-scaling works. The original image (shown at the
top) is scaled up or down and translated at different places in a canvas size of fixed
dimensions(which equals the dimensions of the input image to the network.) . . . . . . 32
5.1 Outline of the Handwritten word Recognition framework used by Roy et al. [1] . . . . 35
5.2 Few word images used in the Telugu synthetic dataset. The first two row shows vari-
ations for the same word. The last two row shows variations across different words.
Similar images were rendered for both Bengali and Devanagari. . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5.3 A few sample images from all the real world handwriting datasets that we use for In-
dic scripts. The first row contains word images from IIIT-HW-D EV, the second row
from IIIT-HW-T ELUGU, the third row from ROY DB Bangla track and finally ROY DB
Devanagari track. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
5.4 Qualitative results of the Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid architecture on the IIIT-HW-D EV
(1st row), IIIT-HW-T ELUGU (2nd row), ROY DB-BANGLA (3rd row) and ROY DB-
D EVANAGARI (last row) datasets. Here GT refers to the ground truth. . . . . . . . . . 41
5.5 Percentage of words that get converted to another valid word in Telugu and English.
Here the English and Telugu words sets are from the vocabulary of IAM and IIIT-HW-
T ELUGU datasets respectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.6 Visualizations of the activations in the second convolutional layer in the first residual
block of the Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid network. The first column shows the original
input image (taken from the IIIT-HW-T ELUGU dataset). The second column shows the
corresponding activations of a channel which acts as a textual edge detector. The third
column shows a channel which activates on the image background. The second last
column shows a channel which acts as a horizontal line detector, while the last column
shows a channel which acts as a vertical line detector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
6.1 System architecture for the work by Toledo et al. [7]. After training a PHOCN ET
for word attribute embedding, patches of word images are embedded into the attribute
space. From these points in the attribute space, we create a sequence that is passed to a
recurrent network that performs the transcription. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6.2 Examples of generated synthetic images in the HW-S YNTH dataset. The first two rows
show the same word rendered by different fonts. The last two rows show different words
being rendered by different fonts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6.3 Examples of handwritten word images from the three real-world datasets used in this
work. The first row shows images from the George Washington dataset, the second row
shows images from the IAM dataset while the final row shows images from the RIMES
dataset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
6.4 Qualitative results of word recognition on the IAM dataset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
6.5 Qualitative results of word recognition on the RIMES dataset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
List of Tables
Table Page
3.1 Public HWR datasets for Indic scripts, ignoring character datasets. Here GT Level
refers to the modality at which labelling was done. The last two datasets were released
as part of this thesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.1 Summary of the network configuration. The width, height and number of channels of
each convolution layer are shown in square brackets, with the number of layers that are
stacked together. After all but the last block, max pooling is applied. The width and
height of the max pooling kernel are shown below each block. The number of units
in each BLSTM layer is shown in square brackets, with the number of layers that are
stacked together. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.1 Ablation study of the CNN-RNN Hybrid architecture on the IIIT-HW-D EV dataset
with word segmentation. R - CRNN - IAM - DAUG - TT is referred to as Deep CNN-RNN
Hybrid network throughout this thesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.2 Ablation study of the CNN-RNN Hybrid architecture on the IIIT-HW-T ELUGU dataset
with word segmentation. R - CRNN - IAM - DAUG - TT is referred to as Deep CNN-RNN
Hybrid network throughout this thesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.3 HWR results on the ROY DB dataset using the Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid network. We
used the lexicon released as part of the dataset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
6.1 Word recognition results on the IAM dataset under different evaluation settings. Here
Full-Lexicon refers to the lexicon created from all the distinct words in the database,
while Test-Lexicon contains word only from the test set. If we calculate the out of
vocabulary and in vocabulary CER for the IAM dataset, we get 8.95 and 4.07. These
results show us that the network hasn’t really overfit on the train set. . . . . . . . . . . 49
6.2 Word recognition results on the RIMES dataset under different settings. Here Comp.
Lexicon refers to the lexicon released as part of the ICDAR 2011 competition. . . . . . 50
6.3 Word recognition results on the GW dataset under different settings. Here Full-Lexicon
refers to the lexicon created from the whole vocabulary of the database, while Train-
Lexicon only contains words from the train set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Chapter 1
The creation and dissemination of handwritten documents remains pervasive for humans as a per-
sonal choice of communication other than speech. Understanding text written in handwritten documents
also enables access to the vast information present in handwritten content in numerous domains where
either the digital technologies are yet to be fully adopted (say court proceedings) and the places where
the medium of handwriting is still pervasive (e.g., personal notes, content managed in schools and edu-
cational institutions, etc.).
Handwritten text recognition has been a popular research area for many years due to various appli-
cations such as making handwritten manuscripts digitally searchable [8], postal automation [5, 9, 10]
(refer to Figure 1.1), digitizing handwritten forms [11] such as the form shown in Figure 1.2, etc. Con-
tent level access of scanned handwritten documents written in native scripts has a profound value of
interest for both historians and the local people. There are numerous handwritten manuscripts [6], notes
and essays [12] with high literary content which have been scanned as part of digital archives [13] but
are not searchable.
With there being 22 official languages in India and many more used for communication it is imper-
ative that more research is done into both improving HWR accuracy as well as developing end to end
systems to be used for solving the problems mentioned above. Solving these problems is an integral part
of Digital India [14] initiative and in that regard, the Government of India has even opened a specific
project looking into HWR for Indic scripts [15].
Formally, a handwritten word recognition ( HWR ) problem is formulated into two parts, where
given a word or line image, the task of the recognizer is to predict the character string (w) which is later
given to a linguistic engine which constrains w to form a valid word. These constraints can be either
from lexicon L or a language model P (w). Although there are methods which do not apply linguistic
constraints, they are relatively worse in performance and cannot reliably be given to end applications.
Most of the research in HWR has focused on Latin scripts, with very few works in the space of
Indic scripts. Most of the research in Indic scripts has instead centered around printed text recognition
Figure 1.1: Two examples of the applications of Indic script based Handwriting Recognition. By recognizing
handwritten PIN codes, city names, etc. [4, 5], there is much scope of postal automation (left box). The right box
shows an example of Bangla writing from a manuscript of Rabindranath Tagore. Handwriting Recognition can
make such digitized manuscripts searchable and indexable, making access easier for other scholars working on
Indian manuscripts.
(OCR) [16, 17, 18]. There are various reasons why Indic script HWR research is lagging. One is
the inherent complexity of Indic scripts such as having a much larger number of characters than Latin
scripts. Another reason is that there is a severe lack of publicly available datasets annotated at the word
or line level. There are some scripts like Malayalam that to our knowledge has no publicly available
handwriting dataset. The currently available datasets also suffer from various issues. Compared to any
standard Latin off-line handwriting recognition dataset like IAM [19], Indic scripts datasets are much
smaller in size, both in terms of the number of words and writers. Also, due to the lack of standard
benchmark datasets for any Indic scripts, it is hard to compare different methods directly.
In recent times, there have been tremendous improvements in recognition rates [20, 21, 22] owing
to the success of underlying machine learning models using deep neural networks. The improvement
in performance can be credited to: (i) better architectures such as convolutional neural networks (CNN),
recurrent neural networks (RNN), (ii) better learning schemes and regularizers, (iii) the availability of
large scale of annotated data, and (iv) increased computational capacity using GPUs. Traditionally, in
the domain of text recognition, HMMs [23] or RNNs (especially BLSTMs [24] or MDLSTMs [25]) along
with CTC loss [26] have been popularly used due to its inherent ability to process temporal sequences.
More recently, it was shown that a hybrid scheme of using convolutional recurrent architecture [27]
where the convolutional layers are meant for feature extraction, with the features being subsequently
passed on to a BLSTM network along with CTC loss, works better than other schemes.
In this thesis, we specifically try to solve the problem of offline handwriting recognition with pre-
segmented words provided to us. To overcome the problem of lack of annotated data we use a multi-
pronged strategy. We release two new benchmark datasets for Indic script HWR. However, since col-
lecting actual samples is an expensive task and deep learning solutions are data hungry, we also use an
extensive pre-training and data augmentation pipeline. We make improvements in the architecture that
Figure 1.2: Another example of the application of Handwriting Recognition in Indian setting: Bulk processing of
highly structured forms which are filled by humans.
was introduced by [27] by adding state of the art deep learning components such as spatial transformer
networks [28] that are helpful in increasing HWR performance. We present state of the art results (with
and without lexicon based decoding) for both Indic script and Latin based datasets, showing that the
methods discussed in this work are language agnostic.
1.1 Contributions
In this thesis, we try to solve the problem of HWR for Indic scripts by releasing new datasets and
making improvements to the CNN-RNN Hybrid network. The significant contributions of this thesis
are listed below:
• Public Benchmark Datasets: To further facilitate research in this field, we make two bench-
marking datasets available; IIIT-HW-D EV dataset and the IIIT-HW-T ELUGU dataset for the
problems of Devanagari and Telugu HWR, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, these are
the only datasets with Unicode labelling and having over 100k annotated words that have been
publicly released for Devanagari and Telugu.
• An Efficient Dataset Collection Method: We mention a new dataset collection method for
HWR (both words and lines) with a negligible requirement for human verification of the segmen-
tation. Usual methods for creating word level datasets have to perform segmentation at both line
and word level and require manual alignments of words with labels. Our method does segmenta-
tion and label assignment automatically without any need of alignment.
• Novel Pre-training Pipeline: We propose a novel pre-training and data augmentation pipeline.
Firstly we pre-train our models through handwritten data from an unrelated script, having rel-
atively more annotated real data, such as Latin. Secondly, we use a synthetic data generation
pipeline, inspired from [29] to create vast amounts of images which resemble real-world hand-
written images and span a large vocabulary set. While training our models on the actual data we
use multiple data augmentation techniques such as elastic and multi-scale distortion. For Indic
script based languages, getting large quantities of annotated data is often difficult and hence such
a large-scale pre-training and data augmentation pipeline tremendously helps in improving the
recognition accuracy.
• Using a Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid Network: We are one of the first works in the field of HWR
which uses a Resnet-18 [20] structure for our convolutional layers in the CNN-RNN hybrid
network along with using a spatial transformer network [28].
• Ablation Studies: We perform ablation studies on two Indic script datasets, IIIT-HW-D EV and
IIIT-HW-T ELUGU showcasing how all the primary components of our HWR solution such as
data augmentation, synthetic data pre-training, spatial transformer network, etc. helped in making
a robust model.
• Establish new state-of-the-art accuracy: We beat the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) solutions
for both popular Indic script datasets (ROY DB [1]) and Latin datasets (IAM [19], RIMES [30],
GW [31]). We present results in both lexica based and free decoding settings which beat the
current benchmarks by a large margin.
• Insights into Convolutional layers: We provide insights by creating layer visualizations into the
workings of the convolutional layers in our Deep CNN - RNN Hybrid network and thus verify it’s
robustness over the traditional methods of using hand-crafted features.
The organization of this thesis is as follows. Chapter 2 gives an overview of the multiple languages
and scripts currently in use in India. We talk about the current Unicode encoding standard used for
representing Indic scripts. We also talk about how we chose our basic unit of recognition. Finally, we
talk about the challenges that make HWR for Indic scripts more complicated as compared to Latin.
Chapter 3 talks about the present lack of HWR datasets for Indic scripts. It also talks about how we
collected data for the IIIT-HW-D EV and IIIT-HW-T ELUGU datasets and how our methodology differs
from the conventional way HWR datasets are created. We then go over some statistics regarding both
the datasets that were created as part of this thesis.
We start with a detailed literate review in chapter 4. We talk about the various pre-processing,
segmentation, feature extraction and recognition methods that various works in Indic script HWR use.
We then describe the primary building blocks of the solution architecture such as the Spatial Transformer
Network, Resnet modules, etc. Our training pipeline which involves pre-training with synthetic data
and real data from Latin script is described next. Finally, we talk about the various data augmentation
strategies used in this work.
Chapters 5 and 6 present the results of the network architecture presented in this thesis on various
benchmark datasets for Indic scripts and Latin respectively. We discuss the synthetic datasets that are
created using the synthetic rendering pipeline. Ablation studies are presented in chapter 5 to empirically
validate the training and architectural decisions taken while finalizing our network. A brief compari-
son is made between the different benchmark datasets and we compare the error rates of the method
presented in this work with other state of the art methods present in literature.
Chapter 7 concludes this thesis by consolidating all the contributions of this thesis. We also leave
pointers and extensions for researchers working in this field to pursue.
Chapter 2
In this chapter, we give a high-level description of Indic scripts and the popular methods of encod-
ing their textual representation. We also talk about the basic unit of representation that we use while
conducting our recognition experiments in the later chapters.
Figure 2.1: Percentage of native speakers of the eight largest scheduled languages in India, according to the 2001
Census of India
According to the 2001 census of India [32], there are 22 major languages in India. Hindi is the mother
tongue for 41% of Indians, followed by Bengali (8%) and Telugu (7%). Figure 2.1 shows the percentage
of native speakers of the top 8 scheduled languages in India, by the number of native speakers. Rest of
the speakers of all the languages spoken in India make up only 19% of the total speakers.
Figure 2.2: Here we see how the word Bharat is written in different Indic scripts. The left box shows how it is
written in Devanagari based languages while the right box shows how it is written in Dravidian languages.
Figure 2.3: Clockwise from the left:(a) Excerpt from the Bangla poem ”Namashkar” (1907) written by Ra-
bindranath Tagore, (b) A Telugu palm leaf text [6], (c) An example of Devanagari writing from a Hindi poem
written by Amitabh Bachchan and (d) Contemporary Telugu writing.
There are two dominant language families in India, namely Indo-Aryan and Dravidian language fam-
ily. About 75% of the population are speakers of Indo-Aryan languages which includes Hindi, Bengali,
Marathi, Urdu, Gujarati, Punjabi, and Assamese. Dravidian language family accounts for some 215
million speakers or approximately 20% of the population. This language family is predominant in the
South of India, with Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam being part of the Dravidian family. Fig-
ure 2.2 shows the word ”Bharat” written in different Indic scripts. Figure 2.3 shows a few handwriting
excerpts across Indic scripts.
Unicode encoding [33] is now the most widely used encoding standard for Indic scripts. It uses a 16
bit representation for each symbol and is designed to be a multilingual encoding that does not require
any escape sequences or switching between scripts. Unicode assigns each language a separate block
Table 2.1: Unicode ranges of major Indian scripts
to represents its symbols. It has characters like the Zero Width Joiner (ZWJ), Zero Width Non Joiner
(ZWNJ), Virama, etc. which allow Unicode fonts to render any character that is present in Indic scripts.
Table 2.1 shows the Unicode range for the major Indian scripts. There are still works which use ASCII
based transliteration [34] to represent the label of an image or try to use a custom encoding based on
the ASCII system [1]. Such schemes should be avoided in use as they do not represent a significant
number of the unique characters in Indic scripts.
In Indian languages, the question of choosing the basic recognizable unit of a word is debatable.
A single glyph can have multiple Unicode characters associated with it. We could choose to use Uni-
code characters as a base character of recognition or aksharas which are made up of multiple Unicode
Indic scripts are syllabic and follow the abugida or alphasyllabary writing system [35]. The alphasyl-
labary system contrasts with the alphabet writing system used in English. In the alphabet system, vowels
have status equal to consonants whereas, in an alphasyllabary system, consonant-vowel sequences are
the basic unit of a word. So, while in English a word can begin with any of the alphabets, in Indic scripts
this is not allowed. Each such consonant-vowel sequence unit has to start with on a consonant letter and
the presence of a vowel is optional.
In Indic scripts this consonant-vowel sequence unit of is called an akshara or ortho-syllable [36] and
is considered the basic writing unit in Indic scripts. Figure 2.4 shows a word in Devanagari being split
into aksharas. Multiple Unicode characters can be used to represent an akshara, in contrast to English
where a single Unicode character represents an alphabet. Aksharas are similar to syllables in English
follows and follow the pattern C ∗ V , where C is a consonant and V is a vowel.
Figure 2.4: Here we see an example of akshara splitting for a word in Devanagari. The top image is the original
image, the middle image shows it’s akshara split, while the bottom-most image shows the Unicode level split.
Clearly, an akshara can be made up of multiple Unicode characters.
As per [37] there were over 20,000 aksharas in a Telugu corpus of 39 million words, with 5000 of
them occurring most frequently. Since most handwriting datasets have vocabulary sizes much smaller
than these, if we set our basic unit of recognition as the aksharas and cover all 20,000 of the possible
variations we would have very little or no training data for most of them. We could only cover the
aksharas that are present in the vocabulary that we are using as was done in [36], but then our recognizer
would not be able to recognize any akshara out of these set of characters. Also, creating akshara’s out
of Unicode characters requires knowledge about the particular Indic script we are trying to recognize.
Due to the reason of requiring a large vocabulary of words to have significant akshara coverage and
the inability to create language agnostic solutions, we decided to use Unicode characters as our basic
character of recognition in all the experiments we conduct in the following chapters. Also, many recent
works like [38, 39, 40] didn’t use the akshara as their basic unit of recognition.
Indic scripts have some inherent characteristic which adds new challenges over and above those faced
in Latin HWR. For example in Devanagari and Bangla, the shape of a consonant is modified when a
vowel follows it and such a character is referred to a modified character or modifier. In some instances,
when a consonant follows one or more consonant(s), a character with a different shape gets formed
which has an orthographic shape and is called a compound or conjunct character. Figure 2.5 shows a
few examples of compound characters and modifiers for Bangla and Devanagari.
Figure 2.5: Few examples of vowels, modifiers, consonants and conjuncts in (a) Bangla and (b) Devanagari.
Figure 2.6: A few examples of pairs of cursive characters in Devanagari which can be easily confused with each
other due to their similar looking shapes.
As per [41] there are over 360 compound characters in Devanagari with a non-negligible frequency
of occurrence. Because of modified and conjunct characters, there are issues with segmentation of
characters particular to in Indic scripts, making character segmentation based recognition solutions less
viable for solving word level recognition problems.
There is also a problem of lack of publicly available annotated handwriting datasets for Indic scripts,
for a multitude of reasons mentioned in depth in the next chapter. Many characters in Indic scripts
are easily confusable with each other due to the cursive way of writing Indic scripts and the similarity
between the shape of these characters. Figure 2.6 shows a few examples of such characters for Devana-
gari. Due to a large number of conjunct and modified characters, this issue is more pronounced for Indic
scripts as compared to Latin script.
Chapter 3
In order to prevent over-fitting in deep neural network architectures requirement of large amounts of
data is a must [42] since deep learning networks contains millions of parameters. If we also consider the
fact that there are currently no standard benchmark datasets available for comparison of various works
in Indic script HWR, we can see why there is an acute need for creating general purpose handwritten
benchmark datasets for all the Indic scripts.
This chapter talks about the newly proposed technique of dataset collection for handwriting recog-
nition and how its more efficient compared to the current dataset collection technique for handwriting
recognition. We also mention details about the two datasets released as part of this work.
Unlike Latin scripts, there is a severe lack of publicly available datasets for Indic scripts that are
annotated at the word or line level. There are many datasets available which are isolated character level
datasets, but those are not useful for word level recognition. There are some scripts like Malayalam,
Gurmukhi that to our knowledge has no publicly available handwriting dataset at the word or line level.
For the scripts where datasets are available, those datasets also suffer from various issues. Figure 3.1
shows a few sample word images from various publicly available Indic datasets.
Compared to any standard Latin off-line HWR dataset like IAM [19] Indic script datasets are much
smaller in size, regarding both the number of words and writers, as can be seen in table 3.1. The
IAM dataset had over 500 writers, while at max the CMATER DB 2.1 dataset has around 300 writers.
Most of the datasets contain only around 30k words, one-fourth of the number of words in the IAM
dataset. Also, most of the datasets have a small vocabulary of at maximum 1000 word while IAM has a
vocabulary of over 10k words. Such small and specific vocabulary would contain very little of the total
possible number of unique akshara’s that are possible for any Indic script and would lead to over-fitting.
Figure 3.1: A few sample images from the publicly available Indic script world handwriting datasets. The first row
contains word images from LAW, the second row from ROY DB Devanagari track, the third row from ROY DB
Bangla track and the last row from CMATER DB 2.1 dataset.
Many of these datasets are not labeled using Unicode labels. Instead, datasets like LAW, CMA-
TER DB 2.1 use ASCII labeling by transliterating the words from the Indic script to English. Some
datasets like ROY DB use custom ASCII based encoding which is specific to their datasets. Such vari-
ation in labelling style makes it harder to verify results. Also, Sabir et al. [43] empirically showed that
LSTM’s learn an implicit language model when trained on OCR data. Since Indic scripts have many
more characters than their Latin counterparts (like Devanagari having over 400 unique characters com-
pared to 52 in Latin), this makes it essential to have vast quantities of training data to avoid overfitting,
notwithstanding the fact that deep neural networks contain millions of parameters.
Such a lack of large quantities of structured and publicly available data has been a significant cause
for Indic scripts handwriting recognition community lagging behind it’s Latin counterpart [48]. Most
works reported results on small datasets created privately and never made available public [49]. This
makes comparing performance across different methods impossible. Also, the accuracy numbers re-
ported by most papers on text recognition is very high, even though the solutions may not scale in other
settings. However in Latin, for over a decade all HWR works have been showing results using the IAM
dataset [23, 24, 50, 51], making it trivial to compare results across different papers.
Most of the Indic script datasets were curated for a specific task like recognizing words from bank
cheques (LAW dataset), Tamil city names (TAMIL -DB), etc. For a fair comparison between HWR
Table 3.1: Public HWR datasets for Indic scripts, ignoring character datasets. Here GT Level refers to the
modality at which labelling was done. The last two datasets were released as part of this thesis.
systems, a standard benchmarking dataset is of utmost importance. Such a dataset would help the
community to correctly rank all proposed solutions and establish a state-of-the-art solution.
The currently favored approach [19, 44] for collecting handwriting data is as follows. First, a corpus
like the LOB corpus [52] is chosen. From within such a corpus, various paragraphs are chosen and
printed onto forms. Human annotators are required to write the printed paragraph shown to them.
Figure 3.2(a) shows such a handwritten form. Annotators are free to write using the instrument of their
choice and are not constrained by space.
After the scanning of the handwritten forms is complete, algorithms are run to perform line and
then word level segmentation. Interested readers can refer to [19] to understand what segmentation
Figure 3.2: (a) Usually for collecting handwriting data, annotators are required to copy the text shown to them
with little restriction on spacing. (b) First lines are segmented out and then individual words are segmented out,
only then are we able to get a corpus annotated at the word level.
algorithms were used. Figure 3.2(b) shows a few segmented out handwritten lines. As per [19] a 541
line portion (subset) of the IAM dataset had a word segmentation accuracy of 94.92%. Also, roughly 14
hours were spent to ensure that the word labelling was correct (else realignment would be performed).
Since we were only creating a dataset for word level recognition, the above approach was suboptimal
since we have to perform both line and word segmentation along with having to spend time manually
correcting/verifying annotations.
In our approach, we first assembled a list of roughly 15K words, provided by [53] for Devanagari
and Telugu. These words were chosen from random websites over the web for both the scripts. We
pruned out words in the vocabulary with characters outside of the particular script’s Unicode set. The
words present in the vocabulary were sampled in such a way that words were ranging from very high
frequency to words with a very low frequency of occurrence.
We first randomly permuted our vocabulary of words to ensure that we maximize the variance across
writers. We fixed a constraint that every word in the vocabulary would have 10 image samples for it in
the dataset. However, in a general dataset the number of image samples of a word is dictated roughly
by Zipf’s law [54]. We created a mapping between each word in the vocabulary and a unique integer
identifier (ID). We generated QR code for all the integers that were in the vocabulary identifier list.
We synthesized images with printed text containing the words in the vocabulary. Then we generated
boxes as shown in figure 3.3 (d). In the middle of each box, there is a printed word image from the
vocabulary, at the top is the QR code corresponding to the integer identifier for the word/image and
space at the bottom for the annotator to write the sample. Each box had a fixed height but variable
width (to maintain aspect ratio for the printed image), to account for the variable word length. Within
each box, the image, QR code and sample had equal height space to make segmentation of these three
components within a box a trivial task. Each box was padded with a certain amount of black pixels
which would later help in the decoding process.
The process of creating forms from the prepared box images followed a simple algorithm. We tried
to fit in as many boxes as possible in a row (with gaps between boxes and corners) and once the next
box to be placed would overflow in a row, it was moved onto the next row until a page had no more
space for the next box to be placed. Now, the current form is finalized and we started with creating a
new blank form and start the above process again. We kept creating and filling forms till all the words
in the vocabulary were present exactly once. We then created nine more copies of each form created to
get ten samples for each word in the dataset.
Once a filled form was scanned, it was binarized using Otsu’s [55] method (see figure 3.3 (a) and
(b)). After binarization, we fill holes in the binary image. A hole is a set of background pixels that
cannot be reached by applying the flood fill algorithm with a foreground seed in a background pixel
present at the edge of the image [56]. Now as we can see from figure 3.3 (c), all the boxes are clearly
marked as foreground and form disjoint connected components. Each of these boxes is then processed
separately, as in figure 3.3 (d). Within a box, segmentation is easily performed and after decoding the
QR code integer value, we store the image and label it through the mapping table with the ID obtained
through the QR code.
Thus, by using this procedure, we were able to segment and label the written words automatically.
However, we did not manually correct the segmentation. We manually performed an evaluation of
our automatic segmentation procedure on a few filled forms. Here we obtain more than 99% word
segmentation accuracy with our method as compared to 94.92% word segmentation accuracy reported
in IAM (for a small subset of their dataset). Also, we did not have to put in any manual labor for
re-alignment, unlike the IAM dataset.
Figure 3.3: Clockwise from the left:(a) A filled form, (b) Form after applying binarization by Otsu’s method,
(c) Form after filling holes in the binary image. Afterwards, all of the white rectangular patches on the form are
individually processed one by one, (d) An enlarged image of an extracted filled up box. In the images (b) and (c)
the black color represents the background while the white color represented the foreground.
3.3 Created Dataset Details
In this section, we talk about the statistics and other particular details of the IIIT-HW-D EV and
IIIT-HW-T ELUGU datasets that we have released.
3.3.1 IIIT-HW-D EV
For the IIIT-HW-D EV dataset, we collected a total of 95,381 word samples from 12 different in-
dividuals with different educational backgrounds and ages. The writers were free to use pens of their
choice and write the words in their natural style.
The train, validation and testing split was done such that there is no overlap of writers between
the three sets. The training, validation and testing set are roughly in a ratio of 70:15:15 and contain
nearly 70k, 12k & 12k annotated word images respectively. The dataset is annotated using Unicode. A
vocabulary of 11,030 unique words was used in this dataset. On an average, each word consists of six
basic Unicode characters.
The train, validation and test sets were created such that there is no overlap of writers between any of
the three sets. The training, validation and testing set contains 80637, 19980 and 17898 annotated word
images respectively, roughly in the ratio of 70:15:15. This dataset too is annotated using Unicode. A
vocabulary of 12,945 unique words was used in this dataset. On an average, each word consists of nine
basic Unicode characters. Figure 3.4 shows a few examples of segmented Telugu word images that are
part of the IIIT-HW-T ELUGU dataset.
Both of the datasets the forms were scanned using a HP flatbed scanner in a resolution of 600 DPI
in color and stored using the JPEG format. They are available for download at:
Figure 3.4: Sample word images for IIIT-HW-T ELUGU dataset. The first two rows show different words that
have been written by the same writer. The last two rows show examples of the same word that has been written
by different writers. One can notice both the inter and intra class variability in style across the collected samples.
3.4 Summary
In this chapter, we talked about a new QR code based technique of dataset collection for handwriting
recognition and how it is more efficient compared to the currently most popular technique with lesser
segmentation errors and human involvement. We mentioned details about the IIIT-HW-D EV and IIIT-
HW-T ELUGU datasets released as part of this work. Both datasets contain almost 100k word samples,
a first for Indic script datasets. We hope that these two datasets will be accepted as benchmark datasets
by the research community.
Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction
We can divide Handwriting recognition into either offline or online based. Offline handwriting recog-
nition deals with recognizing handwritten content from scanned or photographed sources. In online
HWR we also have the time series data which gives us the sequence of hand movements which led to
the formation of the word to be recognized [57].
This chapter starts with a Literature survey regarding the various steps that are present in a HWR
system, with particular emphasis for works related to Indic script HWR. We mostly restrict ourselves
to offline recognition based works where pre-segmented word images are available since that is the
problem setting used throughout this thesis.
We then move the discussion onto the significant components of the final solution architecture chosen
for the recognition experiments performed as part of this thesis. We also discuss the network training
and data augmentation pipeline that was used. Finally, we talk about a few implementation details
regarding the architecture that we used.
4.2.1 Pre-Processing
Pre-processing is a crucial step in HWR for Indic scripts [58]. This step is fundamental to improve
the discriminating nature of the pixels or raw features being computed from input images. We can
generally categorize these efforts into these categories:
Figure 4.1: A flowchart representing the workflow of a text recognition system. Segmentation may or may not be
performed, depending on the solution being used.
• Conversion to Grayscale or Binary: This is the process of converting colour or RGB images
to either a grayscale [36] image or a binary bit-map [10, 40], generally with white pixels as
background and black pixels as text.
• Noise Removal: Here we deal with the process of erasing pixels from the input image which hold
negligible discriminative power. Noise gets added to the image during the scanning process. Such
noise also can interfere with the process of segmentation later on [1]. Gaussian filtering, contour
smoothing, contour or boundary extraction, text stroke reconstruction, etc. [59, 60] are some of
the methods used for noise removal.
• Normalization: refers to the process of reducing the variation across text appearing in various
images. The variation may be regarding the written character sizes, different handwriting style
across humans, slant, skew, etc. One approach for slant correction is provided by [61], which
uses vertical contours to estimate a shear angle by which the image is slanted. The concept of
water reservoir is used by [1] to correct for slant. Another normalization procedure that is usually
performed is to ensure that all the input tensor values lie between [-1, 1].
4.2.2 Segmentation
Indic scripts have curved cursive characters shapes and are complex inflectional languages, because
of which segmentation is often quite challenging. Segmentation of characters/ligature generally requires
accurately finding its starting and ending point in the text stroke. Character segmentation is used only
by some methods for word recognition like [1]. In general, simple techniques like profile and contour-
based methods do not provide accurate results for segmentation with strongly skewed or overlapping
handwriting as is the case with handwritten words [62].
In [1], the authors segment Bangla and Devanagari word images into upper, middle and lower zones,
using morphology and shape matching to enhance their recognition performance. However another
issue with using segmentation for Indic scripts is that it is not language agnostic, we would need to
incorporate multiple word to character segmentation techniques for all the different Indic scripts.
Feature extraction is a key component of the text recognition pipeline. By extracting meaningful
and robust features, we capture the intrinsic characteristics which differentiate one character from the
other. However, with the advent of deep learning the use of handcrafted features for text recognition is
dwindling. The extracted features are passed on to the recognition stage. The categorization of most
common feature extraction techniques is as follows:
• Structural Features: Are generally based on geometrical properties of a symbol like loops, di-
rections of strokes, intersections of strokes, and end points. Examples include GSC features [63],
connected components [1], etc.
• Statistical Features: They are derived from the statistical distribution of pixels in the handwritten
image. In zoning, the characters are divided into overlapping and non-overlapping regions and
analyzed for pixel density [64]. Another example is histograms of chain code directions that
is used by [65]. Other examples of statistical features are moments or projection features [62].
Histogram of Oriented Gradients is also another statistical feature [40].
• Raw Features: Use direct pixel values and are generally the most popular with deep learning
based solutions [2, 36]. Deep learning based networks like CNN’s are known to learn robust
features by themselves [66].
This stage takes in features from the feature extraction stage and either tries to assign a label to it
from the given set of classes or predicts a sequence of labels (recurrent neural networks). This stage
requires a training step where annotated input-output mappings are provided. This trained model is then
used to predict the word annotations for a new input sample from the test set.
Currently, the recognition methods can be broken down into roughly three categories:
• Holistic word recognition: These methods use segmentation-free but lexicon dependent methods
which train on recognizing or representing the whole word [48, 49, 65]. They generally use
Hidden Markov Models (HMM), Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) [67] or CNN’s.
• Character segmentation based: Here we segment out the characters within the word image
and then use an isolated symbol classifier such as SVM or CNN [1, 68, 69]. This approach
suffers from the drawback that we have to use script dependent character segmentation algorithms.
Also, for better recognition results we need better segmentation algorithms creating a circular
dependency here (Sayre’s paradox [70]).
• Seq2seq formulation: This approach involves using recurrent neural networks which treats word
recognition as a prediction problem where both the input and output are treated as a sequence of
vectors and we have to maximize the probability of predicting the output label sequence given
the input feature sequence [36, 40, 71]. These methods do not require character level segmenta-
tion and are not bound to recognizing a limited set of words. Another benefit of a sequence-to-
sequence transcription approach lies in the fact that the input sequence can be transcribed directly
to the output sequence without the need for a target defined at each time-step through the use of
CTC layer.
A novel approach combining robust convolutional features and transcription abilities of RNNs was
introduced for English scene text recognition by [27]. Earlier works such as [40] used hand-crafted
features which have been shown to be suboptimal to CNN based features. Our solution architecture is
inspired by this work with additional enhancements. Since we use Unicode characters as the basic unit
of recognition, our solution architecture is entirely language agnostic.
Figure 4.2: The structure of a Spatial Transformer Network (STN). It is made up of three components:
localization network, grid generator and sampler.
• Localization Network: The localization network takes as input the original grayscale image (or
a 3D feature map) I ∈ RW ×H , with width W and height H and outputs θ, the transformation
parameters to be applied to the input image. The size of θ depends on the transformation being
modeled- affine, thin plate spline, etc. For the affine transformation:
" #
a11 a12 a13
θ(I) =
a21 a22 a23
• Grid Generator: The grid generator generates a grid of coordinates in the input image corre-
0 0
sponding to each pixel from the output image I0 ∈ RW ×H . A sampling point (xi , yi ) on the
input image for pixel(xi0 , yi0 ) on the output image is computed using the parameters θ(I) as fol-
" # x i0
= θ(I) yi0
• Sampler: The sampler generates the pixel values for each pixel (xi0 , yi0 ) on the output image
from the intensity values of pixels (through bilinear interpolation) in the input image which is
nearest to (xi , yi ).
All the above equations are differentiable, which allows the spatial transformer network to be trained
using the gradient descent algorithm. In this work, the localization network is modeled as a convolu-
Figure 4.3: The structure of the residual blocks used in the Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid Network.
tional neural network, which includes a final regression layer to predict all the transformation parameters
through a fully connected layer of θ dimensions. The network is trained to learn the suitable parameters
according to the gradient back-propagated from the CTC objective function directly.
As [72, 73] show, this layer transforms the input feature map such that the geometric transformations
are removed from the input and only forwards the relevant part of the input to the subsequent layers. In
the case of handwritten images, the role of STN layer is particularly important to handle the variations
caused due to the variable hand movements.
Let x denote the input to a convolution block, and H(x) is a complicated function that we want to ap-
proximate. A plain convolutional block targets at finding suitable parameters (Wpb ) of the convolutional
layers to approximate H(x) directly, i.e.,
whereas a residual convolutional block, with the special shortcut connection, targets at finding suit-
able parameters (Wrb ) of the convolutional layers to approximate the residual function H(x)x, i.e.,
Although both blocks are capable of approximating H(x), the ease of optimization is different. It
was shown by [20] that adding plain convolutional blocks causes a degradation problem, where the
classification accuracy keeps decreasing as we keep adding more plain convolutional blocks. Since our
solution uses more than 18 convolutional layers, we employ the residual convolutional block as a basic
component to build our deep feature extractor while avoiding issues with training.
The residual block used in our convolutional part of the network includes two convolutional layers,
two Batch Normalization [74] layers two ReLU [75] activations and a shortcut connection between the
input and the output of the second convolutional layer (see Figure 4.3) [76].
A significant challenge of using RNNs for sequence classification tasks is that they require pre-
segmented training data and post-processing to transform their output features into a label sequence.
Since RNNs are trained to consider prediction at each timestep as an independent event, each input
feature needs to be mapped to its corresponding output feature before training the network.
Segmentation of words into their corresponding classes, for complex languages like Indic scripts,
is extremely challenging and requires human effort and language knowledge. Hence, we need to use
a temporal classifier known as Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) [26]. CTC interprets the
network outputs as a probability distribution over all the possible label sequences, conditioned on the
given input sequence. This probability distribution is used to derive an objective function that maximizes
the probabilities of the correct label assignments. It has a differentiable objective function and is trained
with standard back-propagation through time (BPTT [77]).
The output activations are normalized such that the resultant on their summing up is one (applying
Softmax function). Thus they can be treated as a probability vector of the characters present at that time
step. The output layer associates one node for each class label plus another special ’null’ character node
which indicates a no-character or null label on time steps where no character is determined to be present.
Given a training set (S) consisting of paired input and target sequences (x,z), the objective function (O)
can be expressed as follows,
O=− ln p(z|x)
Figure 4.4: Here we see how the convolutional feature sequence relates to the input image. Each column feature
is associated with a corresponding column patch on the input image, with the features on the left of the feature
sequence corresponding to a receptive field on the left side of the image.
There are two ways in which decoding is done during test time. One is an unconstrained or lexicon
free setting where at each time step we choose the character (from the output layer) which gives us the
highest probability value. From this prediction, all the null characters are removed along with repeated
labels to give us the final predicted label value. In case of constrained or lexicon based decoding, we
calculate the output probability O for all the words present in the dictionary and output the word which
has the lowest value of the objective function (Here S only contains one image at a time from the test
Our architecture consists of a Spatial Transformer Network (used for correcting geometric distor-
tion), then a set of convolutional layers, followed by recurrent neural network units whose output is
given to a transcription layer which is modeled using connectionist temporal classification. In general,
convolutional neural networks have been found to be excellent spatial feature extractors [22, 78, 79]
with translation invariant properties while recurrent neural units can take a sequence of feature vectors
of variable length and perform sequence to sequence (seq-2-seq) transcription tasks.
In our case, the input sequence of features is constructed from the feature maps of the last convolu-
tional layer by concatenating column features across different channels. These column features act as
time steps for the recurrent layers. As the layers of convolution, max-pooling, and activation function
operate on local regions, they are translation invariant. Hence, each column of the feature maps cor-
responds to a rectangle region of the original image and such rectangle regions are in the same order
to their corresponding columns on the feature maps from left to right [27]. As shown in Figure 4.4,
each rectangular patch on our input image is considered to be the receptive field of its corresponding
convolutional feature column vector.
For example, given the feature map of size 512 × 5 × 10, it results in a sequence of 10 feature vectors
with dimension R5×512 . Here we choose the column width to be a single pixel. Given a sequence of
feature vectors f1 , f2 , . . . , fT , we forward it to a stacked set of recurrent layers which is our case is a
bi-directional LSTM [24] network.
Even though some works in Latin HWR such as [50, 51] use MDLSTM [25] units instead of
BLSTM and achieved competitive results, recent works such as [80, 81, 82] have empirically shown
that BLSTM units are superior to MDLSTM units for the problem of text recognition. We choose
BLSTM over LSTM to be our recurrent unit, since in a text recognition setting, contexts from both
directions (left-to-right and right-to-left) are useful and complementary to each other in performing
correct transcription.
In our case, the label space consists of the Unicode character set of the given language, plus a
blank symbol. Finally, the CTC layer converts the predictions generated by the BLSTM output layer
into a maximal probable label sequence for the target language. Figure 4.5 summarizes all the major
components of our architecture.
Table 4.1 lists the architecture of our network, along with the details of the convolution and recurrent
layers used. For the localization network in our STN, we used three plain convolutional blocks and
two linear layers. All the convolutional blocks have filter size, stride and padding of 3x3, 1 and 1
respectively. The number of channels in these layers was 64,64,128. 2x2 max pooling is applied before
the first convolutional block and after each convolutional block as well. The first linear layer has 30
units and the second one has six units for learning the parameters of the affine transformation.
To summarize the network, the input image passes through the spatial transformer networks which
corrects for the presence of geometric distortion in the input image. Then the residual convolutional
layers extract features from the grayscale input image. The BLSTM layers take each feature vector
from the feature sequence generated by convolutional layers and process them one by one to make
predictions. The sequence-to-sequence transcription is achieved by using a CTC loss layer at the output.
Figure 4.5: Overview of the Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid network architecture used in this work. The various essen-
tial components of the architecture are highlighted such as the spatial transformer network, residual convolutional
blocks, bi-directional LSTM’s and the CTC loss.
Table 4.1: Summary of the network configuration. The width, height and number of channels of each convolution
layer are shown in square brackets, with the number of layers that are stacked together. After all but the last block,
max pooling is applied. The width and height of the max pooling kernel are shown below each block. The number
of units in each BLSTM layer is shown in square brackets, with the number of layers that are stacked together.
In this section, we describe how we pre-train our networks using synthetic data and do cross-lingual
script transfer. We also describe the various data augmentation techniques such as multi-scale and elastic
distortion that we used while training our network.
The availability of vast amount of data is crucial for the successful training of deep architectures
which typically contain millions of parameters. In [29, 83], a framework for rendering synthetic word
images from standard fonts is proposed which practically enables building a nearly infinite vocabulary
In this work, we follow a pipeline similar to [29] for rendering word images for the particular Indic
script that we require. We apply various techniques to augment our synthetic data such as applying
affine distortion, varying kerning, etc.
Works such as [79, 84] have shown that the filters of lower convolutional layers learn generalized
features acting as edge and shape detectors. As we go to the higher layers, the layers learn more
specialized features specific to the current task. More recently, [82] reported state of the art HWR
recognition results on English handwriting dataset (IAM) by firstly training their network using a dataset
that contained Latin languages such as French, English, etc. and Russian, a Cyrillic script. After training
their network to convergence on this mixed dataset, the authors fine-tuned the model for each language
Inspired by [82], we first pre-train all our models with the IAM datasets and then using synthetic
data (based on the final script on which the network was to be trained).
Pre-training a network using data from an unrelated script and synthetic data from the same script
gives us a well initialized network to start training on the dataset of focus. We now focus on the various
data augmentation schemes which supplement the real data while training and helps with the network
learning the desired invariances. While training any deep neural network, it is a common practice to
introduce artificial variations in data to make the network robust to intra-class variations and prevent
over-fitting. Popular techniques include: random crops, horizontal reflection, random flipping of pixels,
and affine transformations such as scaling and translation. In this work, we use four types of augmen-
tation schemes: (i) affine transformation, (ii) elastic distortion, (iii) multi-scale transformation and (iv)
test time augmentation (only while testing).
Under affine transformation, we apply translation, scaling, rotation, and shearing. The second last
row of Fig. 4.6 shows different possible variations while performing the above mentioned affine trans-
formations to a word image. Here we restrict rotation to a random amount between (+/−)5 degrees,
while restricting shearing to (+/−)0.5 degrees along the horizontal direction which mimics the skew
and cursiveness present in natural handwriting. We perform the translation through padding on all four
sides, of up to 20 pixels in any direction, to simulate incorrect segmentation of words. We randomly
apply a combination of the above three transformations to an input image.
29 Elastic Distortion
Human handwriting has a high degree of oscillation due to the exertion of non-uniform hand muscle
forces while writing. These variations can be captured to a certain extent using elastic distortion which
was first proposed in [85] for data augmentation of handwritten digits. We adopt a similar scheme for
augmenting our word images. The idea is to generate a random displacement field which dictates the
computation of new location to each pixel through interpolation. The displacement field is smoothed
using a Gaussian filter of standard deviation σ and scaled using constant factor α. The last row of Fig. 4.6
shows different possible variations created for each word image while performing elastic distortion. We
apply this distortion directly to word images as mentioned in [85].
The idea of multi-scale transformation is to learn to predict characters at multiple scales. The scale
of a character is dependent on the context in which it occurs in a word. For example, a word image
for “car” resized at a fixed height would have all characters in the same scale while another image
corresponding to word “Car” would have a different scale for the first character w.r.t to other characters.
The above problem can also be generalized to n-grams occurring at different scales. To learn a scale-
invariant classification, we present the images at multiple scales, as shown in the second row of Fig. 4.7,
allowing the network to learn these while training. More recently in [86], Wigington et al. also presents
a method which addresses this issue by normalizing the scale of all images present in a dataset using
profile normalization. Our approach addresses the same issue with the help of data augmentation while
training the network.
We also perform test time augmentation similar to [87], where we generate N = 25 jittered images,
by applying the data augmentation techniques mentioned above, for each input test image. We then
average out the final layer output predictions for all the N images before the decoding step.
Figure 4.6: Examples of various data augmentation techniques used in this work. The first row shows the original
image. The second row shows the image after applying multi-scale augmentation to the corresponding image
from the first row. Here the first and the last column images are scaled down while the images in the remaining
columns have been scaled up. The third row shows the image after applying affine distortion to the corresponding
image from the first row. Here the first and second column images have been rotated, the third column image is
translated while the image in the last column has been sheared. The final row shows the image after applying
elastic distortion to the corresponding image from the first row.
Figure 4.7: A visual illustration of how multi-scaling works. The original image (shown at the top) is scaled up
or down and translated at different places in a canvas size of fixed dimensions(which equals the dimensions of the
input image to the network.)
To enable faster batch learning, all the inputs are re-scaled to a fixed height (96 pixels) and width
(256 pixels), with images which are smaller than this size are padded so as not to cause distortion.
However, some images in a dataset inevitably get distorted. Though as per [88] this does not cause
much degradation in performance. Training our Deep CNN - RNN Hybrid architecture with the procedure
mentioned in the previous section reached convergence on all the datasets in less than or around 20
hours on a single Nvidia-1080Ti GPU. The training took around 11 GB of VRAM and around 40 GB of
RAM, running on a machine with dual Intel Xeon E5-2640 v4 processors.
Figure 4.7 gives a visual illustration of how multi scaling works. The original image (shown at
the top) is scaled up or down and translated at different places in a bigger canvas size of fixed dimen-
sions(which equals the dimensions of the input image to the network).
The network is trained with stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm. Gradients are calculated
by the back-propagation algorithm. Precisely, the transcription layers’ error differentials are back-
propagated with the forward-backward algorithm, as shown in [26]. While in the recurrent layers,
the back-propagation through time(BPTT) [77] is applied to calculate the error differentials. The hassle
of manually setting the learning-rate parameter is taken care of by using ADADELTA optimization [89]
using zero weight decay, ρ = 0.9 and = 10−6 .
4.6 Summary
In this chapter, we did a literature review of the various works in regards to all the components
in a HWR system: pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction and the recognition algorithms
themselves. We explained as to why we use a seq2seq based network for HWR. We then did a brief
review of all the essential components of the Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid network and explained why they
are required. We also explained the overall functioning of our network. Then we moved on to describe
how our training pipeline works, with synthetic and cross-script pre-training and data augmentation
through various distortions. Finally, we went over some implementation details that might be of interest
to research engineers.
Chapter 5
5.1 Introduction
Creating robust text recognition systems for Indic scripts is a challenging task. Other than the com-
mon challenges in handwriting recognition due to writer style variation and segmentation, there are a
few challenges particular to the recognition of Indic scripts.
One is the presence of modifier and conjunct characters that significantly increases the number of
unique character possible in Indic scripts compared to Latin scripts. Secondly, the cursive nature of the
shapes leads to confusion between various similarly shaped characters in a language. Finally, there is a
lack of publicly available datasets for most of the Indic scripts. This scarcity hinders in the training of
modern deep learning based architectures which contain millions of parameters.
In this chapter, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid architecture in
recognizing segmented words written in Indic scripts (specifically Bangla, Devanagari and Telugu Indic
scripts). Ablation studies are performed to empirically validate our architectural and training choices
such as the usage of a deep residual network, synthetic and unrelated script pre-training, spatial trans-
former network and data augmentation techniques such as elastic distortion, multi scale, etc. We estab-
lish the superiority of our solution on a publicly available benchmark dataset for Bangla and Devanagari.
We also establish recognition benchmarks for the Devanagari and Telugu datasets that we introduce
(IIIT-HW-D EV and IIIT-HW-T ELUGU respectively), which we hope will help in establishing these
datasets as standard benchmarks.
Most of the earlier methods in the field of Indic script recognition were focused on the domain of
printed documents [90, 91]. Various methods involving the k-nearest neighbors classifier, multi-layer
perceptrons were tried out for the task. A summary of these works can be found in [92].
There are three popular ways of building handwriting word recognizers for Indic scripts. The first one
is to use segmentation-free but lexicon dependent methods which train on recognizing or representing
the whole word [48, 49, 65]. These methods fail to recognize any word not present in the lexicon.
Another approach is based on segmenting out the characters within the word image and then use
an isolated symbol classifier such as SVM or CNN [68, 69]. In [1], the authors segment Bangla and
Devanagari word image into upper, middle and lower zones, using morphology and shape matching.
The symbols present in the upper and lower zone are recognized using a SVM while a HMM was
used to recognize the characters present in the middle zone. Finally, the results from all the three zones
are combined. Figure 5.1 gives a graphical overview of the complete architecture used by [1]. This
approach suffers from the drawback that we have to use a script dependent character segmentation al-
gorithms. Also, for better recognition results we need better segmentation algorithms creating a circular
dependency here (Sayre’s paradox [70]).
The third approach involves using recurrent neural networks which treats word recognition as a
seq-2-seq prediction problem where both the input and output are treated as a sequence of vectors and
we have to maximize the probability of predicting the output label sequence given the input feature
sequence [36, 40]. Earlier works such as [40] used hand-crafted features, but now text recognizers
are built using a combination of convolutional neural networks (CNN) and recurrent neural networks
(RNN) such as BLSTM’s [36]. These methods don’t require character level segmentation and are not
bound to recognizing a limited set of words.
While our work is similar to that in [36] in terms of the underlying architecture, our network is much
deeper, uses residual connections and contains spatial transformation layer to better handle geometric
distortions present in handwriting. Also [36] uses akshara’s as their basic unit of recognition while we
choose to use a single Unicode character as our basic unit of recognition.
Figure 5.1: Outline of the Handwritten word Recognition framework used by Roy et al. [1]
5.3 Datasets
In this section, we first describe the synthetic dataset and the real handwritten dataset from the Latin
script that we use for pre-training our solution architecture. We also talk about the existing publicly
available Indic script handwriting recognition datasets (specifically for Bangla, Devanagari and Telugu)
that we use for benchmarking purposes.
In addition to synthetic data, we also use real data from an un-related script which in our case is
Latin where there exist large annotated datasets. Similar to works such as [82], we pre-train our model
on the IAM train set and present our analysis. After pre-training, our model on the IAM train set the
model is pre-trained on the generated synthetic data.
Figure 5.2: Few word images used in the Telugu synthetic dataset. The first two row shows variations for the same
word. The last two row shows variations across different words. Similar images were rendered for both Bengali
and Devanagari.
It contains samples from eleven writers and consists of 1,18,515 handwritten word image. On an
average, each word in the dataset consists of nine basic Unicode characters. This database is also
labeled using Unicode encoding. We used the set of all unique words present in this dataset as our
lexicon. Details about this dataset were discussed in Chapter 3.
and WER for segmented word recognition is defined as the number of predicted words which do not
match the ground truth, divided by the total number of words present in the ground truth.
The various models and their training strategies are mentioned below:
Figure 5.3: A few sample images from all the real world handwriting datasets that we use for Indic scripts. The
first row contains word images from IIIT-HW-D EV, the second row from IIIT-HW-T ELUGU, the third row from
ROY DB Bangla track and finally ROY DB Devanagari track.
• CRNN - REAL is the original architecture of [27] and trained only on the IIIT-HW-T ELUGU train
set with affine distortion.
• CRNN - FULL is the original architecture of [27], first pre-trained on Telugu synthetic data and then
fine-tuned on IIIT-HW-T ELUGU. Here we only use affine-transformations for augmenting our
• S - CRNN - FULL integrates the STN layer and we also apply dropout to the recurrent layers of the
above architecture and is trained using the same strategy as above.
• R - CRNN - FULL integrates STN, dropout and residual learning. The network architecture is now
the same as the network described in chapter 4, section 4.3.4. It is trained using the same strategy
as above.
• R - CRNN - IAM uses the same network architecture as above. It is first pre-trained on the IAM
dataset and then pre-trained on the synthetic data. Here we only use affine-transformations for
augmenting our data.
• R - CRNN - IAM - DAUG adds the data augmentation strategies of elastic distortion, multi-scale to the
above model.
Table 5.1: Ablation study of the CNN-RNN Hybrid architecture on the IIIT-HW-D EV dataset with word seg-
mentation. R - CRNN - IAM - DAUG - TT is referred to as Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid network throughout this thesis.
• R - CRNN - IAM - DAUG - TT uses test time augmentation along with all of the attributes of the model
above. This network and training pipeline is described in Chapter 4 and is referred to as Deep
CNN-RNN Hybrid network throughout this thesis.
• R - CRNN - IAM - DAUG - TT-L EXICON uses the same model and training strategy as above but with
lexicon based decoding. Here the lexicon consists of the entire vocabulary used in either of the
Tables 5.1, 5.2 empirically validate the benefit of the various improvements in training and architec-
ture that we have used over the CRNN - REAL network. Both synthetic and unrelated script pre-training
are shown are to be an effective way to boost recognition performance. Using dropout in the recurrent
layers, a deeper network with residual layers also brings about expected improvement in performance.
The effectiveness of the STN layer in correcting distortions present in handwriting can be seen. Both
tables also show that using multi-scale transformation (to mimic variation in handwriting scales), elastic
distortion (to simulate distortions due to hand movements) and test time augmentation lead to a signifi-
cant reduction in error rates as compared to just using affine distortions based data augmentation. From
the original CRNN - REAL network we progressively reduce the error by a large margin for both datasets.
5.5 Results
We conducted experiments on the publicly available ROY DB [1] dataset, containing both Bengali
and Devanagari tracks using the data split mentioned in the dataset. Here we used the same pipeline as
R - CRNN - IAM - DAUG - TT, just using the appropriate synthetic and real train data for each track. Table 5.3
Table 5.2: Ablation study of the CNN-RNN Hybrid architecture on the IIIT-HW-T ELUGU dataset with word
segmentation. R - CRNN - IAM - DAUG - TT is referred to as Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid network throughout this thesis.
Table 5.3: HWR results on the ROY DB dataset using the Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid network. We used the lexicon
released as part of the dataset.
Figure 5.4: Qualitative results of the Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid architecture on the IIIT-HW-D EV (1st row), IIIT-
HW-T ELUGU (2nd row), ROY DB-BANGLA (3rd row) and ROY DB-D EVANAGARI (last row) datasets. Here GT
refers to the ground truth.
report the results for both the tracks of ROY DB. As we can see, our network achieves the state of the art
results under all decoding settings.
For all the three datasets, if we use lexicon based decoding, we achieve far better results than the
current state of the art in various Latin datasets such as IAM. This observation is most evident in
Table 5.2. One reason is that using a lexicon corrects many errors caused due to confusion between
modifiers and conjunct characters. To justify this, we take the lexicon of the IAM and IIIT-HW-
T ELUGU dataset respectively and Fig. 5.5 shows the percentage of valid words that can be converted
from one valid word to another, at certain edit distance values, for both datasets. It clearly shows that
words in the lexicon of our Telugu dataset are further apart than the words in English. The average
edit distance to convert a valid random word from the IAM dataset to another valid word is 7.32 while
it is 9.41 for the IIIT-HW-T ELUGU dataset. Fig. 5.4 shows the recognized outputs for a few sample
word images, from all the four datasets used in the paper, using the R - CRNN - IAM - DAUG - TT model in
an unconstrained setting. As we can see, most of the errors were caused by ambiguities in the original
word image, due to the subtle differences in the shape of characters.
Figure 5.5: Percentage of words that get converted to another valid word in Telugu and English. Here the English
and Telugu words sets are from the vocabulary of IAM and IIIT-HW-T ELUGU datasets respectively.
If we calculate the out of vocabulary and in vocabulary CER for the ROY DB dataset, we get 18.25
and 2.85 for the Devanagari track. Similarly for the Bangla track we get 13.34 and 2.21. These results
show us how deep neural networks tend to overfit with small training data (both tracks had roughly
10k words in their training set). We visualize the convolutional layers of our Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid
network using Figure 5.6, where we visualize the activations of a few channels from the second convo-
lutional layer in the first residual block when we give certain images as input to the network. We can
see that the channels from this layer act like edge detectors for specific orientations.
5.6 Summary
In this chapter, we first did a brief review of the recent works in the field of Indic scripts HWR.
Then we mentioned details about the datasets that we used for pre-training and benchmarking purposes.
We performed Ablation studies on the IIIT-HW-D EV and IIIT-HW-T ELUGU datasets to empirically
validate our architectural and training choices such as the usage of a deep residual network, synthetic
and unrelated script pre-training, spatial transformer network and data augmentation techniques such
as elastic distortion, multi-scale, etc. We established the superiority of our solution on the publicly
Figure 5.6: Visualizations of the activations in the second convolutional layer in the first residual block of the
Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid network. The first column shows the original input image (taken from the IIIT-HW-
T ELUGU dataset). The second column shows the corresponding activations of a channel which acts as a textual
edge detector. The third column shows a channel which activates on the image background. The second last
column shows a channel which acts as a horizontal line detector, while the last column shows a channel which
acts as a vertical line detector.
available ROY DB dataset. Finally, a few qualitative results and filter visualizations were presented to
gain more profound insights into the functioning of the Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid Network.
Chapter 6
6.1 Introduction
Handwritten word and line recognition in Latin has been extensively researched [24, 50, 57, 93] with
a lot of ongoing research [51, 82, 87]. In contrast, such an extensive volume of research is not present
for Indic scripts.
In this chapter, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid network in recog-
nizing segmented Latin words in an offline setting. The approach we follow is identical to the approach
followed for HWR in Indic scripts. We establish the superiority of our solution on three publicly avail-
able benchmark datasets for HWR and thus validate the proposed approach viz a viz other approaches
The currently popular method of performing handwriting recognition is to model HWR as a seq2seq
problem using RNN’s and CTC, especially with Latin based works. Earlier works used handcrafted
feature extraction methods [96]. With the popularity and robustness of CNNs [76, 78, 79], most works
now use convolutional layers as their feature extractors. Most of these CNN-RNN seq2seq architectures
are based on the work by [27].
A majority of the current works have variations on the recurrent unit of the network (usually BLSTM)
for transcription. Sueiras et al. [97] run a sliding window over the input image, where each patch is given
to a convolutional feature extractor and later given to an encoder-decoder BLSTM network with atten-
tion for the transcription. Sun et al. [98] use a fully convolutional network as their feature extractor and
use multi-directional (MD IR) LSTM’s as recurrent units. Voigtlaender et al. [51] use multi-dimensional
LSTM’s (MDLSTM) as their recurrent units while also using convolutional layers as feature extractors.
Chen et al. [99] use a multi-task network that is able to do both script identification and handwriting
recognition simultaneously. They use a variation of the LSTM unit, referred to as S EP MDLSTM.
However, recently Puigcerver [80] compared the effectiveness of MDLSTM’s and BLSTM’s (with
CNN’s as feature extractors) for HWR and concluded that BLSTM’s based networks are better.
On the other hand, some works try novel training techniques to achieve higher performance while
using BLSTM’s. Wigington et al. [86] use a network similar to [27], with BLSTM’s as their recurrent
layer. However, they use novel normalization and image distortion strategies and achieved competitive
results. Other than doing unconstrained and lexicon based decoding, many works like [51, 80] use
language model based decoding to reduce errors, especially in the line level recognition setting.
Stuner et al. [100] used a novel lexicon decoding based architecture involving a cascade of LSTM’s.
A LSTM’s predicted word is accepted or rejected during decoding depending on whether it matches
any word in the lexicon. If there’s no match, then the process continues over to the next cascade. If all
the cascade’s predictions are rejected, then we apply Viterbi decoding on the rejected words.
Another set of approach specifically for word-level recognition are inspired by word-spotting works
using CNN’s. In [87] the CNN architecture evaluates whether a certain n-gram is present in a given
portion of the image [87]. Krishnan et al. [66] also used a CNN to learn PHOC like attributes for
images and embed the text represented through the PHOC features along with the embedded images
into a common subspace. Both these methods are based on the PHOC representation proposed in [101].
A method by Toledo et al. [7] tries to combine both word spotting and recurrent networks for recog-
nizing word level images, by first training a PHOCN ET [102] for word attribute embedding and then
embedding patches of word images into the attribute space. From the projections in the attribute space,
a sequence is created and given to a recurrent network to perform transcription. Figure 6.1 gives an
overview of the architecture.
6.3 Datasets
In this section, we first describe the synthetic HW-S YNTH dataset that we created for pre-training our
solution architecture and then talk about the existing publicly available Latin handwriting recognition
datasets that we have used for benchmarking.
Figure 6.1: System architecture for the work by Toledo et al. [7]. After training a PHOCN ET for word attribute
embedding, patches of word images are embedded into the attribute space. From these points in the attribute
space, we create a sequence that is passed to a recurrent network that performs the transcription.
Figure 6.2: Examples of generated synthetic images in the HW-S YNTH dataset. The first two rows show the same
word rendered by different fonts. The last two rows show different words being rendered by different fonts.
images rendered out of 750 publicly available handwritten fonts. We use 90K unique words as the
vocabulary which is picked from the open source English dictionary Hunspell. For each word in the
vocabulary, we randomly sample 100 fonts and render its corresponding image. During this process,
we vary the following parameters: (i) kerning level, (ii) stroke width. The foreground and background
pixels are sampled from a Gaussian distribution and finally, Gaussian filtering is done to smooth the
rendered image.
After rendering the image, we apply affine distortions to simulate real-world variations. A combina-
tion of a random amount of rotation, restricted between (+/−)5 degrees), shearing restricted between
(+/−)0.5 degrees along the horizontal direction) and translation through padding on all four sides to
simulate incorrect segmentation of words is used.
The IAM dataset [19] is currently the most popular benchmarking datasets for English handwriting
recognition. It includes contributions from 657 writers, having a total of 13,353 handwritten lines,
comprising of 115,320 words. The database is annotated at the sentence, line and word levels. We use
the standard partition for training, testing, and validation provided along with the dataset.
The ICDAR 2011 competition version of the RIMES [30] database has contributions from over
a thousand writers and has a total of 12,093 lines and 66,982 words. A train, val and test split was
released for isolated word recognition as part of the competition which we follow here. For word level
recognition, we use a lexicon that was released as part of the ICDAR 2011 competition.
For both IAM and RIMES dataset we do not consider punctuation or capital letters for recognition,
similar to [87].
The George Washington (GW) [31] contains 4894 word images written by George Washington and
his associates in 1755. We use the first partition of the dataset for all our experiments, same as [7],
resulting in 2433, 1293, 1168 word images for training, validation and testing respectively. We keep all
the punctuation and capital letters in the database, similar to the setting in [7].
For both the GW and IAM dataset, in one experimental setting, we use a lexicon made up of all the
words in the dataset, while in another we use a lexicon made up of only the words in the train set.
Figure 6.3: Examples of handwritten word images from the three real-world datasets used in this work. The first
row shows images from the George Washington dataset, the second row shows images from the IAM dataset
while the final row shows images from the RIMES dataset.
6.4 Results
In this section, we showcase the performance of our Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid network (chapter 4,
section 4.3.4) in recognizing handwritten Latin words. However, there are two small changes that we
made for Latin scripts. First, only real handwriting data from Latin script was used for pre-training.
Second, we use the image de-slant and de-sloping technique proposed by [61]. We show results at word
level segmentation for the IAM, RIMES and George Washington dataset, with and without lexicon based
We use the standard evaluation measure of Word Error Rate (WER) and Character Error Rate (CER).
CER is defined as (where GT : ground truth and P T : predicted text):
i∀samples EditDistance(GTi , P Ti )
i∀samples #Chars(GTi )
and WER for segmented word recognition is defined as the number of predicted words which do not
match the ground truth, divided by the total number of words present in the ground truth.
Table 6.1: Word recognition results on the IAM dataset under different evaluation settings. Here Full-Lexicon
refers to the lexicon created from all the distinct words in the database, while Test-Lexicon contains word only
from the test set. If we calculate the out of vocabulary and in vocabulary CER for the IAM dataset, we get 8.95
and 4.07. These results show us that the network hasn’t really overfit on the train set.
Table 6.2: Word recognition results on the RIMES dataset under different settings. Here Comp. Lexicon refers to
the lexicon released as part of the ICDAR 2011 competition.
Table 6.3: Word recognition results on the GW dataset under different settings. Here Full-Lexicon refers to the
lexicon created from the whole vocabulary of the database, while Train-Lexicon only contains words from the
train set.
Figure 6.4: Qualitative results of word recognition on the IAM dataset.
Table 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 shows the quantitative word recognition results on the IAM, RIMES and GW
dataset respectively, using our Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid network, pre-trained on HW-S YNTH dataset
and fine-tuned on the train set of the respective dataset. Here we compare various methods under the
presence/absence of lexicon while decoding the output. For all the various decoding settings on the
three datasets, we report the state of the art results, even though works like [86, 97, 98, 104], etc. are
broadly using a CNN-RNN hybrid network similar to ours.
Despite the GW dataset being a single writer dataset, we do not obtain nearly as good results for it as
compared to the other two datasets. Various factors explain this. First, the small size of the train set in
GW and the use of binarized images instead of grayscale images as is the other two datasets. Secondly,
none of the old English characters present in GW (old English ”G”, ”E” etc.) are part of our synthetic
dataset. We also observe confusion between capital and lower-case letters in the case of lexicon based
decoding. The train lexicon in GW has an out of vocabulary (OOV) rate of about 16%, which accounts
for our worse performance when using the training lexicon.
Figures 6.4 and 6.5 show the recognized output on a few sample word images from the IAM and
RIMES dataset. Here we are decoding using an unconstrained setting. We can observe that most of the
Figure 6.5: Qualitative results of word recognition on the RIMES dataset.
errors occur due to the lack of clarity in the original handwritten image regarding the shape of alphabets
or due to improper segmentation.
6.5 Summary
We demonstrate how the Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid Network gives state of the art results in offline
word level Latin recognition, in both unconstrained and constrained decoding setting. These results
should further help in empirically validating the usage of the main components of our training pipeline:
1) Data augmentation, 2) Usage of Synthetic Data for Pre-training, 3) Using a deep residual network
with a Spatial Transformer network.
Chapter 7
We conclude the thesis by discussing the impact of this work and providing directions for future
work that interested readers can pursue.
7.1 Discussion
In this thesis, we analyze the issues and challenges with automatic handwritten word recognition
for Indic scripts. We started by giving a brief description of the problem and why we need to solve
it in chapter 1. In chapter 2 we gave an overview of the multiple languages and scripts currently in
use in India. We talked about the current Unicode encoding standard, why we chose a single Unicode
character as our basic unit of recognition. Finally, we talked about the challenges that make HWR for
Indic scripts (more characters, lesser real data) more complicated as compared to Latin.
In Chapter 3 we talked about the present lack of HWR datasets for Indic scripts. We also talked about
how we collected data for the IIIT-HW-D EV and IIIT-HW-T ELUGU datasets by creating forms with
QR code embedded boxes. We also talked about how this methodology differs from the conventional
way HWR datasets are created. We then went over some statistics regarding both the datasets that were
created as part of this thesis.
Chapter 4 started with a detailed literate review of previous solutions proposed for HWR in Indic
scripts. We talked about the various pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction and recognition
methods that were used. Then we described the primary building blocks of our solution architecture
such as the Spatial Transformer Network, Residual layers, etc. Pre-training with synthetic data and real
data from Latin script was discussed next. Finally, the various data augmentation strategies used in this
work such as multi-scale and elastic distortion were mentioned.
Recognition results of the network presented in this thesis on various public benchmarks datasets
were presented in chapters 5 and 6, for Indic scripts and Latin respectively. We discussed the datasets
that were created using the synthetic rendering pipeline. Ablation studies were presented in chapter 5
to showcase the importance of various facets of our network and training pipeline. A brief comparison
was made between the different benchmark datasets and the recognition rates of the method presented
in this work were shown to be superior to the current state of the art methods on various Latin and Indic
script datasets.
• Attention Models: Have lately received limelight. In a relevant work, [113] introduce an attention-
based model that automatically does end to end paragraph based recognition without any segmen-
tation. A similar approach can be used in Indic script HWR, which would be useful for processing
unstructured documents.
• Using an ensemble of CNN-RNN Hybrid and a Word Spotting network: Here the top k
results of the word spotting network like [66] for a test image could be used as a lexicon when the
same test image is decoded through the Deep CNN-RNN Hybrid network.
• Creation of a Historic Focused Collection: It would pose specific challenges such as historical
ligatures, jumbled text, etc. which are not present in modern Indic script HWR datasets. Like the
writings of Satyajit Ray, Rabindranath Tagore, etc. Experiments can be made to see how a Deep
CNN - RNN Hybrid network performs on such datasets.
• Using AKSHARA’ S as the basic unit of recognition: With the availability of larger sized corpus
of handwritten data, studies should be conducted as to how the performance of a Deep CNN-
RNN Hybrid network changes when using AKSHARA’ S as the basic unit of recognition instead
of Unicode characters.
• Annotated Datasets: There are no publicly available annotated dataset present for Indic scripts
like Malayalam, Gurmukhi, Odiya. It is essential to have publicly available datasets to stimulate
HWR research in these scripts. Bigger sized datasets for scripts where datasets are present would
also help increase recognition accuracy.
• Improvements in Architecture and Training: Various improvements can be made to the Deep
CNN-RNN Hybrid architecture. Using a STN which models a thin plate spline [73] instead of
affine distortion, grid-based elastic distortion [86] instead of the one proposed by [85], Image
pre-preprocessing using water reservoir technique [1] are a few out of the many improvements
that can be made.
Related Publications
• Kartik Dutta, Praveen Krishnan, Minesh Mathew and C.V. Jawahar, ”Towards Accurate Handwrit-
ten Word Recognition for Hindi and Bangla”, in 6th National Conference on Computer Vision,
Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), Mandi, India, 2017. [Oral]
• Kartik Dutta, Praveen Krishnan, Minesh Mathew and C.V. Jawahar, ” Unconstrained Handwrit-
ing Recognition on Devanagari Script using a new Benchmark Dataset”, in 13th International
Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), Vienna, Austria, 2018. [Oral]
• Kartik Dutta, Praveen Krishnan, Minesh Mathew and C.V. Jawahar, ”Improving CNN-RNN Hybrid
Networks for Handwriting Recognition”, in 16th International Conference on Frontiers in Hand-
writing Recognition (ICFHR), Niagara Falls, USA, 2018. [Nominated for Best Student Paper,
• Kartik Dutta, Praveen Krishnan, Minesh Mathew and C.V. Jawahar, ”Towards Spotting and Recog-
nition of Handwritten Documents in Indic Scripts”, in 16th International Conference on Frontiers
in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR), Niagara Falls, USA, 2018. [Oral]
• Praveen Krishnan, Kartik Dutta and C.V. Jawahar, ”Deep feature embedding for accurate recog-
nition and retrieval of handwritten text”, in 15th International Conference on Frontiers in Hand-
writing Recognition (ICFHR), Shenzen, China, 2016. [Oral]
• Praveen Krishnan, Kartik Dutta and C.V. Jawahar, ”Word Spotting and Recognition using Deep
Embedding”, in 13th International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), Vienna,
Austria, 2018. [Best Paper]
• Kartik Dutta, Minesh Mathew, Praveen Krishnan and C.V. Jawahar, ”Localizing and Recognizing
Text in Lecture Videos”, in 16th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
(ICFHR), Niagara Falls, USA, 2018.
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