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867-42T-20 Pilot Operated, Pressure-Reducing Valve: Warning

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867-42T-20 Pilot Operated, Pressure-Reducing Valve



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• Read and understand all instructions before attempting to install any Victaulic products.
• Always verify that the piping system has been completely depressurized and drained
immediately prior to installation, removal, adjustment, or maintenance of any Victaulic
• Wear safety glasses, hardhat, and foot protection.
Failure to follow these instructions could result in death or serious ­personal injury and property

• The 867-42T-20 Pilot Operated, Pressure-Reducing Valve shall be used only in fire protection systems that are designed and installed in
accordance with current, applicable National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 13, 13R, 14, etc.) standards, or equivalent standards, and
in accordance with applicable building and fire codes. These standards and codes contain important information regarding protection of
systems from freezing temperatures, corrosion, mechanical damage, etc.
• These installation instructions are intended for an experienced, trained installer. The installer shall understand the use of this product and
why it was specified for the particular application.
• The installer shall understand common industry safety standards and potential consequences of improper product installation.
Failure to follow installation requirements and local and national codes and standards could compromise system integrity or cause system
failure, resulting in death or serious personal injury and property damage.

REV_C I-867-42T-20
I-867-42T-20 / Pilot Operated, Pressure-Reducing Valve / Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual


Hazard Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Definitions for identifying the various hazard l­evels are p
­ rovided below.
Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 This safety alert symbol indicates important safety messages.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 When you see this symbol, be alert to the possibility of
Pressure and Flow Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 personal injury. Carefully read and fully understand the
Head Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 message that follows.
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 • The use of the word “DANGER” ­identifies an immediate
Readjusting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 hazard with a likelihood of death or serious personal injury
Maintenance And Inspection Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 if instructions, including recommended precautions, are not
Weekly Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 followed.
Monthly Inspection And Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Difficulty In Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
• The use of the word “WARNING” ­identifies the presence
of hazards or unsafe practices that could result in death or
­serious personal injury if instructions, including recommended
precautions, are not followed.

• The use of the word “CAUTION” identifies possible hazards or
unsafe practices that could result in personal injury and product
or property damage if instructions, including recommended
­precautions, are not followed.

• The use of the word “NOTICE” identifies special instructions that
are important but not related to hazards.

I-867-42T-20_1 REV_C
I-867-42T-20 / Pilot Operated, Pressure-Reducing Valve / Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual


• An experienced, trained installer • Drawings and/or pictures in this manual may be exaggerated for
shall install this product in clarity.
accordance with all instructions. • The valve, along with this operating and maintenance manual,
These i­nstructions contain important contains trademarks, copyrights, and/or patented features that
information. are the exclusive property of Victaulic.
• Always verify that the piping system
has been completely depressurized
and drained immediately prior to The 867-42T-20 is an elastomeric, hydraulically-operated, self-actuated,
installation, removal, adjustment, automatic pressure control valve with a check valve feature. This valve is
or maintenance of any Victaulic designed for fire protection systems in accordance with NFPA 13.
products. This valve may be specified for pressure reducing (integrated with a
Failure to follow these instructions can check valve) or as a fire pump surge control valve, and it can reduce a
cause product failure, resulting in death high upstream pressure to a low and stable designed system pressure.
or serious personal injury and ­property The check valve feature makes this valve suitable for fire system
damage. pressure control between floors in high-rise buildings.
As a fire pump surge control valve, the 867-42T-20 will prevent pump
1. Read and understand all instructions before proceeding with the water surge pressure spikes that are typically caused by accelerated
installation, operation, and maintenance of this valve. For proper water flow during fire pump startup. In addition, this valve will reduce
operation and approval, the 867-42T-20 valve and accessories pump start negative suction pressure, which helps prevent pump
shall be installed in accordance with the specific instructions included cavitation damage.
with the shipment. In fire pump discharge pressure control applications, the 867-42T-20
2. Use only recommended accessories. Accessories and equipment may be specified due to its actuation capabilities and low head loss.
that are not approved for use with this valve may cause improper system
3. Wear safety glasses, hardhat, foot protection, and hearing
­protection. Wear hearing protection if you are exposed to long periods of
noisy jobsite operations.
4. Prevent back injury. Large and pre-trimmed valves are heavy
and require more than one person (or mechanical lifting equipment)
to position and install the assembly. Always practice proper lifting
5. Avoid using electrically powered tools in dangerous environments.
When using electrically powered tools for installation, ensure that the
area is moisture-free. Keep the work area well lit, and allow enough
space to accommodate proper installation of the valve, trim, and
6. Watch for pinch points. Do not place fingers under the valve body
where they could be pinched by the weight of the valve. Use c­ aution
around spring-loaded components.
7. Keep work areas clean. Cluttered areas, benches, and slippery floors
can create hazardous working conditions.

REV_C I-867-42T-20_2
I-867-42T-20 / Pilot Operated, Pressure-Reducing Valve / Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual


The 867-42T-20 is rated for the following pressure and flow capacities detailed in Table 1. NOTE: Contact Victaulic if the system has differential
greater than 175 psi/12 Bar.
Table 1: Pressure Ratings

Nominal Valve Size 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 4 6 8 10

inches/DN DN40 DN50 DN80 DN100 DN150 DN200 DN250

UL Max. Inlet Pressure 400 400 400 365 365 365 365 365
psi/Bar 28 28 28 25 25 25 25 25

FM Max. Inlet Pressure 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365
psi/Bar 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

UL Outlet Pressure Setting Range 60–220 60–220 60–220 60–175 60–175 60–175 60–175 60–175
psi/Bar 4–15 4–15 4–15 4–12 4–12 4–12 4–12 4–12

FM Outlet Pressure Setting Range 30–235 30–235 30–235 30–235 30–235 30–235 30–235 30–235
psi/Bar 2–16 2–16 2–16 2–16 2–16 2–16 2–16 2–16

Pilot Valve Model 2-UL/ 2-UL/

2-PB 2-PB 2-PB 2-PB 2-PB 2-PB

Reference for Pressure Relief Valve Size 3/4 3/4 3/4 1 1/2 2 3 3 4
inches/mm 20 20 20 40 50 80 80 100

To maintain FM Approvals, a 1/2-inch/15-mm minimum size pressure relief shall be provided downstream. Per NFPA 14, the relief valve shall be sized
per the manufacturer’s specifications.
NOTE: For single-point pressure relief, reference pressure relief valve size (inches/mm) in Table 1 above.

The minimum ∆P across the valve is 5.8 psi/0.4 Bar. In cases where the inlet pressure falls below or is equal to the intended outlet pressure, the
outlet pressure shall be determined according to Table 2: Frictional Resistance.
In the case of zero (static) flow through the valve, the maximum increase in the downstream (outlet) pressure above the set pressure of the valve will
not exceed 7.2 psi/0.5 Bar.
Table 2: Frictional Resistance
Full Open
Nominal Valve Size Actual Pipe Ouside Diameter Flow Coefficient Equivalent Length of Pipe
inches/DN inches/mm C v / K v feet/meters
1 1/2 1.900 79 7
DN40 48.3 68 2

2 2.375 92 16
DN50 60.3 80 5

2 1/2 2.875 116 28

73.0 100 9

3 3.500 219 23
DN80 88.9 190 7

4 4.500 398 30
DN100 114.3 345 9

6 6.625 912 49
DN150 168.3 790 15

8 8.625 1160 89
DN200 219.1 1160 27

10 10.750 1662 203

DN250 273.0 1355 62

Note 1: Valve Equivalent Length Value (Steel Pipe), for use in hydraulically calculated system

I-867-42T-20_3 REV_C
I-867-42T-20 / Pilot Operated, Pressure-Reducing Valve / Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual

A typical installation of the 867-42T-20 features a pilot valve for the reduction of water pressure from a high upstream value to a preset lower
downstream value, regardless of fluctuating upstream pressure or flow. The actuator design ensures quick and smooth valve action.
Installed singly, the 867-42T-20 provides a standard pressure-reducing system. Installed in parallel, two 867-42T-20 valves provide high flow rates,
redundancy, and zero downtime for maintenance. Installed in series, two 867-42T-20 valves provide a two-stage, high reduction in pressure and/or
added protection to a reduced-pressure zone.

Sprinkler System Pressure Reduction

• Reduces a high, unstable pressure supply
to a preset, stable system pressure
• Sets the sprinkler pressure to suit the system design
• For pressure control of zones

Standpipe and Combined Sprinkler Pressure

• Reduces a higher incoming pressure to a lower
working pressure to support a private fire hydrant
system being supplied by a building fire pump
• Limits fire hose pressure to meet NFPA 14
requirements for maximum allowable hose pressure

Two-Stage Pressure Reduction

• High pressure reduction to a low, preset,
stable system pressure (when required pressure
reduction differential is more than 175 psi/12 Bar)
• Provides a lower working pressure downstream of a
high-pressure fire pump

Figure 1 Installation Drawings

REV_C I-867-42T-20_4
I-867-42T-20 / Pilot Operated, Pressure-Reducing Valve / Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual

The 867-42T-20 reduces water pressure from a high inlet pressure to a lower, pre-set outlet pressure. The outlet set pressure can be adjusted with
the pilot valve adjusting screw (Figure 2, call out 5). The valve operates under both flow and static conditions. The pressure-reducing pilot valve
(Figure 2, call out 4) senses changes in outlet pressure (Figure 2, call out 6) and modulates the control valve to maintain the pre-set outlet pressure.
When outlet pressure rises above the pre-set pressure, the pilot valve throttles, enabling pressure to accumulate in the control chamber (Figure 2,
call out 1). This causes the control valve to close further and reduce outlet pressure. When outlet pressure falls, the pilot valve opens wider, releasing
pressure from the control chamber. This causes the control valve to open wider and increase outlet pressure. An integral restrictor (Figure 2, call out
3A) controls the valve’s closing speed. For 8-inch/DN200 and larger size valves, an adjustable needle valve (Figure 2, call out 3B) is provided.
6-inch/DN150 and Smaller Valve Sizes



Valve Closed Valve Open (pressure relief )

8-inch/DN200 and Smaller Valve Sizes



Valve Closed Valve Open (pressure relief )

Figure 2 Operation Drawings

I-867-42T-20_5 REV_C
I-867-42T-20 / Pilot Operated, Pressure-Reducing Valve / Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual


When performing this procedure, refer to Figure 2.
1. Open downstream appurtenance device(s), creating a flow equal to NOTICE
the greatest system demand. • Any activities that require taking the valve out of service may
2. Fully open upstream indicating valve. eliminate the fire protection provided.
3. Gradually open downstream indicating valve to fully open, allowing • Consideration of a fire patrol shall be given for the affected
flow through the 867-42T-20. areas.
4. Verify flow and pressure meet system demand. (if pressure or
• Before servicing or testing the system, notify the authority
GPM for design criteria are not met, follow the “Readjusting”
­having jurisdiction.
section below).
5. Slowly close the downstream appurtenance device(s). Prior to turning off any valves or activating any alarms, notify local
6. There shall be no system flow. The downstream pressure shall be security guards and the central alarm station, if used, so that a false
between the set pressure and the relief valve set point. alarm will not be signaled.
7. Acceptance testing shall be completed per local code In any of the following inspections or testing procedures, or if an
requirements. abnormal condition exists, refer to the “Troubleshooting” section for
possible cause and corrective action.
The 867-42T-20 shall be inspected, tested, and maintained in
The pilot valve is factory set at 90 psi/6 Bar, per the label on the pilot accordance with NFPA 25, along with the requirements listed in this
valve. To readjust for system requirements, follow the steps below. manual.
The pre-set is clearly indicated on the pilot valve tag. If readjustment to
either the pressure or valve response is required, perform the following WEEKLY INSPECTION
steps. Refer to NFPA 25, FM Datasheets, or any applicable local requirements
1. When readjusting the outlet pressure, the inlet pressure should be to perform inspections. The authority having jurisdiction in the area
at least 20 psi/1.4 Bar higher than the set outlet pressure. Where may require these inspections on a more frequent basis. Verify these
this is not possible, contact Victaulic. requirements by contacting the authority having jurisdiction in the
2. The flow rate during adjustment shall be as close as possible to affected area.
the systems design flow rate. Where this is not possible, at least a 1. The system shall be inspected under flow conditions.
minimal flow is essential. 2. Check that the main valve, pilot system, accessories, tubing, and
3. Free the tension between the adjusting screw on the pressure fittings are all in good condition, are free of damage, and are not
reducing pilot valve (Figure 2, call out 4) and the fastening nut by leaking.
turning the fastening nut counterclockwise. 3. The fastening nut of the pilot valve adjusting screw (Figure 2, call
4. By alternately turning the adjusting screw on the pilot valve a out 5) shall be fastened tightly.
half turn and then reading the downstream pressure, gradually 4. Verify that the pressure upstream of the relief valve fittings in the
adjust the pressure counterclockwise to decrease the downstream fire pump discharge piping does not exceed the pressure for which
pressure, or clockwise to increase the downstream pressure. the system components are rated.
5. Repeat the “Startup” procedure above.
CAUTION: If needle valve is furnished (optional), changes in
the adjustment of the needle valve will have impact on the valve 1. Complete all steps in the “Weekly Inspection” section above.
performance. The needle valve is factory set at one-half turn open to 2. During the monthly fire pump flow test, verify that the pressure
one and one-half turn open. The maximum number of turns is three relief valve is correctly set to relieve at the appropriate pressure
from fully closed to fully open. More than three turns open may cause and to close below the pressure setting.
the valve to perform less than optimally. Perform step 5 of the “Startup”
section with this in mind.
When difficulty in performance is experienced, contact Victaulic or
an authorized representative to determine if any field adjustment is
Problem Possible Cause Solution
Valve fails to regulate. Needle valve not properly adjusted. Factory set at 1/2 or 11/2 open. Adjust.
Pulsates or hunts. Slowly adjust needle valve until pulsation stops.
Air trapped in main valve cover. Loosen cover tube fitting at the highest point, allow the air to escape, and re-tighten.
Filter screen blocked. Remove filter’s cap and screen to clean. Filter might be insufficient. See note below this table.
Valve fails to open. Insufficient inlet pressure. Check/create inlet pressure.
Pilot is adjusted too high. Turn adjusting screw CCW on pilot.
Valve fails to seal inlet Filter screen blocked. Remove filter’s cap and screen to clean. Filter might be insufficient. See note below this table.
Debris trapped in main valve. Remove and inspect actuator assembly. Check seat. Check for foreign bodies. Rinse at high flow rate.
Diaphragm in main valve is leaking.
Open the valve cover and inspect diaphragm. If damaged, replace.
Diaphragm in pilot valve is leaking.
NOTE: Mark “F” – Large Filter
In cases where the filter screen frequently becomes blocked, install a filter with filtration capacity of at least 80 mesh/250 µm.

REV_C I-867-42T-20_6
867-42T-20 Pilot Operated, Pressure-Reducing Valve

For complete contact information, visit victaulic.com

I-867-42T-20 9680 REV C UPDATED 07/2022

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