Zeus Ie Sw2n Ifu 9054908 en
Zeus Ie Sw2n Ifu 9054908 en
Zeus Ie Sw2n Ifu 9054908 en
Screen reproductions
Use of terms
A WARNING statement provides important in- A NOTE provides additional information intended
formation about a potentially hazardous situa- to avoid inconvenience during operation.
tion which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.
A CAUTION statement provides important infor-
mation about a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, may result in minor or mod-
erate injury to the user or patient or in damage to
the medical device or other property.
For this product, users, service personnel, and ex- Service personnel
perts are defined as target groups.
These target groups must have received instruction Service personnel are persons who are responsible
in the use of the product and must have the neces- for the maintenance of the product.
sary training and knowledge to use, install, reproc- Service personnel must be trained in the mainte-
ess, maintain, or repair the product. nance of medical devices and install, reprocess,
The product must be used, installed, reprocessed, and maintain the product.
maintained, or repaired exclusively by defined tar-
get groups.
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Device check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
For your safety and that of your patients. . . 9
Switching on Zeus IE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
General safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Product-specific safety information. . . . . . . . . . 15 Self test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Automatic self test (Auto self test). . . . . . . . . . 99
Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Pretest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Intended use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Displaying the test results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Data exchange, ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Displaying the test results during operation . . 104
Startup in emergencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Start settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Changing patient data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Product labels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Integrated SmartPilot View (optional) . . . . . . . 114
Gas delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Operating concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Web access (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
IV system – IVenus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Screen layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
End of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Using the touch screen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Color concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Overview of the menu structure . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Alarm behaviour at power on . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Assembly and preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Display alarms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Alarm info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Before initial use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Alarm log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Zeus IE as a ceiling device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Alarm limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Establishing the mains power supply . . . . . . . . 60
Suspending alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Establishing the gas supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Alarm recorder (optional with hemodynamic
Connecting anesthetic gas receiving system
and Infinity network) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
(AGS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
All limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Replacing or filling the CO2 absorber . . . . . . . . 66
Autoset limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Connecting hoses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Suppressing the alarm tone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Preparing optional patient monitoring. . . . . . . . 72
Set ranges of the patient monitoring alarm
Connecting IV system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
DIVA metering modules for anesthetic
Trends and diagnosis windows . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
DIVA metering module with Dräger Fill
Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
filling system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
DIVA metering module with safety filling Overview of the monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Device monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Quik Fil sevoflurane safety filling system . . . . . 84 Patient monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Filling system for desflurane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
Gas flow diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
Gas control loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Ventilation modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Appendix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Risk due to incompatible accessories Risk of electric shock and device malfunction
Dräger has tested only the compatibility of ac- Any connected devices or device combina-
cessories listed in the current list of accesso- tions not complying with the requirements
ries. If other, incompatible accessories are mentioned in these instructions for use can
used, there is a risk of patient injury due to compromise the correct functioning of the
medical device failure. medical device and lead to an electric shock.
Before using the medical device, refer to and
Dräger recommends that the medical device is
strictly comply with the instructions for use of
only used together with accessories listed in
all connected devices and device combina-
the current list of accessories.
Risk of operating errors and incorrect use
Risk of device malfunction
Strictly observe the instructions for use of all
The medical device may be operated in combi-
accessory parts, e.g.:
nation with other Dräger devices or with de-
– Water traps
vices from third party manufacturers. If a de-
– Flow sensors
vice combination is not approved by Dräger,
– CLIC adapter the safety and the functionality of the individ-
– CLIC absorber ual devices may be compromised.
– Soda lime – The operating organization must ensure
– Breathing hoses that the device combination complies with
– Masks the applicable editions of the relevant
– Filter standards for medical devices.
– Endotracheal suction – Strictly observe assembly instructions and
– Vaporizer instructions for use for each networked de-
– Manual resuscitator vice.
– AGSS terminal unit
Risk of patient injury
Connections to electrical devices not listed in
these instructions for use may only be made when
approved by each respective device manufac-
Patient safety
Risk of electric shock Sterile accessories
Do not connect connectors with an ESD warn-
ing symbol and do not touch their pins without CAUTION
implementing ESD protective measures. Such Risk of medical device failure and patient injury
protective measures can include antistatic
clothing and shoes, touching a potential equi- Do not use accessories in sterile packaging if the
lization pin before and during connection of packaging has been opened, damaged, or if there
the pins, or using electrically insulating and are other signs that the accessories are not ster-
antistatic gloves. ile.
All relevant users must be instructed in these Reuse, reprocessing, and sterilization of disposa-
ESD protective measures. ble products is not permitted.
Risk of device failure
Electromagnetic fields can compromise
proper operation of the device. Electromag-
netic fields are generated by, e.g., radio fre-
quency communication equipment such as:
– Mobile phones
– Radio frequency electrosurgical equip-
– Defibrillators
– Shortwave therapy equipment
Use radio frequency equipment only with a
sufficient safety clearance of at least 20 cm
(7.9 in).
Installing accessories
Risk of device failure
Install the accessory on the basic device in ac-
cordance with the instructions of the basic device.
Check for secure connection to the basic device.
Risk of operating errors
Instructions for use must be kept accessible to the
Risk of misinterpretation Risk of not hearing the alarm tone
Misdiagnosis or misinterpretation of the Dräger recommends the user to remain in the
measured values or other parameters may en- vicinity of the anesthesia machine, i.e. within
danger the patient. a distance of up to 4 meters (12 ft). This facili-
tates fast recognition and response in the
Do not make therapeutic decisions based
event of an alarm.
solely on individual measured values and
monitoring parameters. Therapeutic deci-
sions must be made solely by the user. WARNING
Risk of insufficient ventilation
WARNING Device failure or operating errors can lead to
Risk of malfunction ventilation failure.
– To ensure immediate remedial action in
Unallowed modifications to the medical de-
case of device failure, the device may only
vice lead to malfunctions.
be operated under permanent supervision
This medical device may not be modified with- of users.
out permission from Dräger. – The general safety standards for anesthe-
sia systems require that a manual resusci-
WARNING tator be kept at the ready for emergency
Risk of malfunction ventilation.
Risk of device failures
The device may fail if the power supply is in-
Always connect the device on an uninterrupt-
ible power supply.
Risk of fire Risk of burns
The flow sensor may ignite medications or Conductive breathing hoses or face masks
other substances that are easily flammable. may cause burns during HF surgery.
– Do not nebulize medications or other sub-
Do not use this type of hose and mask com-
stances that are easily flammable or spray
bined with HF surgery.
them into the device.
– Do not use substances containing alcohol.
– Do not allow flammable or explosive sub- WARNING
stances to enter the breathing system or Risk of patient injury
the breathing circuit. When using near-patient filters do not scav-
– Do not use cyclopropane or ether. enge at the patient end! In the event of steno-
sis or increased filter resistance the patient
WARNING may be injured by vacuum.
Risk due to flow measurement failure
Deposits which are not removed during re-
processing may damage the measuring wires Risk of equipment malfunction
in the flow sensor or cause fire. Only have network functions configured by
– Before inserting the flow sensor check for authorized, trained personnel.
visible damage, soiling, and particles. Re-
peat this check regularly. Errors in configuration can impair operation
of the device and the network.
– Replace flow sensors when damaged,
soiled, or not particlefree.
WARNING Risk of patient injury
Risk of strangulation The following operating states are prohibited
when the patient is connected:
Make connection to the patient carefully.
– Standby
– Self test
– Leak test
Zeus IE must not be used with magnetic reso- – Leakage assistant
nance imaging (MRI, NMR, NMI). Device oper-
– Pretest
ation may be affected, thus placing the patient
– Service mode
at risk.
No monitoring is possible in these operating
WARNING states. During the test, pressures and concen-
Device contamination possible trations may occur in the system which are
hazardous to the patient!
Only operate Zeus IE with airway filters.
Risk of crushing Risk of tipping over during transport
Movable device parts or attached components The medical device may tip over if handled incor-
may cause crushing due to clamping. Pay special rectly. Observe the following points when trans-
attention to edges, movable parts, and corners porting medical devices:
when working with the following components: – The medical device may only be moved by
– Column cover people who have the physical ability to do so.
– Breathing system cover – To improve the maneuverability, transport the
– Drawers device with 2 persons.
– Extensible writing tray – When transporting over inclines, around cor-
– Swivel arms for mounted devices ners, or over thresholds (e.g., through doors
– Accessories such as gas cylinders, vaporiz- or in elevators), make sure that the medical
ers, CLIC absorber, and CLIC adapter device does not bump against anything.
– Clear the writing tray and fold it down com-
CAUTION pletely or slide it into the device.
– Do not pull the medical device over hoses, ca-
Risk of crushing
bles, or other obstacles lying on the floor.
If the writing tray is not correctly locked in place, – Do not activate the brake while the medical
objects can fall down or fingers and breathing device is being moved.
hoses, for example, can be pinched. – Use only the handles provided to push or pull
the device.
Make sure that the writing tray is correctly locked
when folding down or sliding into the device.
Health risk
Operate Zeus IE with connected anesthetic gas
scavenging system (AGSS) only.
Do not use silicone spray! Silicone spray may
cause breathing system valves to stick.
Do not use DIVA metering modules which have
been dropped or damaged. Any damage may re-
sult in faulty metering.
Risk of tipping over
When transporting the device and all the hinged
arms are swung inward to the center of the device
and locked, make sure that the slope of the floor
does not exceed ±10°.
If the transport position is not maintained, the
maximum slope of the floor is reduced to ±5°.
Do not cover or close off the vents on the device.
Make sure there is an adequate supply of air. Oth-
erwise, the device may overheat.
Risk of injury
Handle the DIVA metering module with care and
prevent it from tilting and falling down.
Operate in sufficiently ventilated rooms or the
CO2 measurement may otherwise be impaired.
The ambient conditions specified in the Technical
Data must be observed during operation and stor-
age of the device.
There may be a restriction of ambient conditions
owing to mounted accessories or specifications
issued by the anesthetic agent manufacturer.
In a closed system, foreign gases can accumulate
in the breathing gas with longer surgery times,
e.g., by decomposition of the breathing gas.
Increased concentrations of foreign gases can be
prevented by regularly flushing the breathing sys-
Intended use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Ventilation modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Device monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Patient monitoring (optional). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Gas supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Gas disposal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Breathing system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Intended use
Device monitoring
– Airway pressure Paw
– Expiratory minute volume MVe
– Apnea
* depending on the options installed
The plug formats of the Zeus IE anesthesia work- Interfaces to the patient are the 22 mm ∅-sockets
station are selectable and comply with the custom- on the breathing system for the connection of
ary formats in the particular country. EN 12342-compliant breathing hoses.
Zeus IE has connections for O2, Air or N2O backup For breathing systems without rebreathing, e.g.,
gas cylinders, which must be equipped with pres- Bain system, an external fresh-gas outlet is availa-
sure reducers and pressure sensors. ble (optional).
Gas disposal
Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Breathing system view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Connection for oxygen therapy. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Connection field for patient monitoring and
IV-system (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Rear with doors open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Connections to the gas supply block . . . . . . . . 28
Connections to the back of the device
Zeus IE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Connections to the back of the screen . . . . . . . 30
Connections, power supply and additional
sockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
DIVA metering modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Product labels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
B Mechanical pressure gauge for airway pressure The additional oxygen flow meter (A) delivers a set
C Safety rotary knob Anesth. Ventilator Off flow of pure oxygen, e.g., for oxygen metering
through a nasal cannula. The supplemental oxygen
D Safety rotary knob for O2 emergency delivery can be used in each ventilation mode:
O2 – Standby
E APL valve – Zeus IE off,
O Inspiratory port
IV-System Sync.
Sync. C
IV-System E E
(SpO2), electrocardiography
(ECG HR/PLS), and body temper- A Mount for cylinder pressure reducer
ature (Temp)
B Gas supply block
HEMOMED 1 Connection for accessories to
measure invasive blood pressures C Backup gas cylinders with pressure reducers
(IBP) and cardiac output (C.O.) D Waste gas connector
Aux/Hemo 2/3 Connection for accessories to E 3 ports for DrägerService (behind the left-hand
measure more invasive blood pres- backup gas cylinder and above the AGS)
sures (More IBP) and cardiac out-
put (C.O./ Calculat.) F Anesthetic gas receiving system (AGS)
A Connection of central N2O supply
B Connection for N2O backup gas cylinder
C Connection of central Air supply
D Connection for Air backup gas cylinder
E Connection of central O2 supply
F Connection of O2 backup gas cylinder
The Air outlet option and the O2 outlet option are
not shown in this figure.
Risk of patient injury
View with doors open. Data transmitted over the MEDIBUS interface
are for information purposes only and are not
Ports relevant to the user:
intended as the sole basis for diagnostic or
A COM 1, RS232 interface, MEDIBUS therapeutic decisions. The data accessible via
this interface are not intended for use with a
B COM 2, RS232 interface, MEDIBUS
distributed alarm system conforming to
C COM 3, RS232 interface IEC 60601-1-8:2012 (in the context of remote
D Ethernet 1 and Ethernet 2, hospital network
port, optional
E Ethernet 3, Infinity Network socket
User intervention in internal device interfaces is
Only connect printers which have been approved prohibited. This may impair correct functioning of
by Dräger to the Ethernet 1 port. the device.
(see Printer settings page 340)
Unsupported USB devices
USB devices that are not supported or have too
high a current consumption may impair correct
device operation.
Use only supported USB devices with a maximum
current consumption of 500 mA.
USB devices with their own mains power supply
USB devices with their own mains power supply
(e.g., USB printers) may endanger patients and A USB ports
users. B LAN ports
Connect only USB devices that do not have their C RS232 interface
own mains power supply to Zeus IE.
Variant 3 – C700
Variant 1 – C500
A USB ports
A B LAN ports
C RS232 interface
A COM 1, COM 2
B USB ports
C one USB port on each side
D 170
Auxiliary sockets are not supplied by the uninter-
ruptible power supply UPS and are not supplied
with power in the event of a mains power failure!
Do not connect HF surgery devices to the aux-
iliary sockets because interference can impair
Zeus IE functionality!
D Filling port
E Locking cap
F Release for desflurane lock
G Lever to release the locking bolt
H Locking bolt for safety filling device
I Drain plug (recessed, 2.5 mm hexagon socket)
J Filling level, inspection glass window
ART M Arterial blood pressure, mean pres- CVP Central venous pressure
sure CVP M Central venous pressure
ART S Arterial blood pressure, systole dB (A) Decibel, rated sound level unit
ARTF Artefact DES Desflurane
ATPD Ambient temperature and pres- DIVA Direct injection of volatile agents,
sure, dry anesthetic agent delivery
Battery Battery ∆O2 Difference between inspiratory and
BCT Burst count expiratory O2 concentration
FG HAL HAL concentration in the fresh gas IBP Invasively measured blood pres-
FG ISO ISO concentration in the fresh gas
IBW Ideal body weight
FG O2 O2 concentration in the fresh gas
ICP Intracranial pressure
FG SEV SEV concentration in the fresh gas
ICP M Mean intracranial pressure
FGF Fresh-gas flow
IEC International Electrotechnical Com-
FiO2 Inspiratory O2 concentration mission
Flow Fresh-gas flow in Inspiratory
GP1 D, Locally non-specific blood pressure inch Inch, unit of length
GP2 D (General Pressure), diastole
GP 1 corresponds to the 1st meas- inCO2 Inspiratory CO2 concentration
urement channel inDes Inspiratory desflurane concentra-
GP 2 corresponds to the 2nd tion
measurement channel inDESmax Maximum inspiratory desflurane
GP1 M, Locally non-specific blood pressure limitation
GP2 M (General Pressure), mean pres- inEnf Inspiratory enflurane concentration
GP 1 corresponds to the 1st meas- InfR 1 Infusion rate 1
urement channel inHal Inspiratory halothane concentra-
GP 2 corresponds to the 2nd tion
measurement channel
inIso Inspiratory isoflurane concentration
GP1 S, Locally non-specific blood pressure
inISOmax Maximum inspiratory isoflurane
GP2 S (General Pressure), systole
GP 1 corresponds to the 1st meas-
urement channel inN2O Inspiratory N2O concentration
GP 2 corresponds to the 2nd inSev Inspiratory sevoflurane concentra-
measurement channel tion
LV D Left ventricular blood pressure, di- NIBP S Non-invasive blood pressure, sys-
astole tole
RV M Right ventricular blood pressure, TFT Thin film transistor (screen technol-
mean pressure ogy)
Abbreviation Explanation
TOF Train of four (series of 4 measured
TOFR TOF ratio
UPS Uninterruptible power supply
USB Universal Serial Bus (computer in-
V.tach Ventricular tachycardia
VAC Volts, alternating current
VDC Volts, direct current
Vent. standby Ventilator standby
Vol. Ctrl. Volume Control AutoFlow ventila-
AutoFlow tion mode
Vol.% Percentage gas component rela-
tive to the total volume
Vol.%SL Vol.% at a standard atmospheric
pressure of 1013 hPa (sea level)
VT Tidal volume
VTe Expiratory tidal volume
VTi Inspiratory tidal volume
VTmand Mandatory tidal volume
VTspon Spontaneously breathed tidal vol-
xMAC Multiple of MAC
Safety rotary knob Anesth. Ventila-
Emerg. Off
tor Off for stopping delivery of anes-
thetic agent, ventilation, and deliv-
ery of fresh-gas (0.5 L/min of O2 will
continue to be delivered, however)
Safety rotary knob O2 for emer-
gency O2 delivery
Biomed service
Product labels
Label on right side of door
When transporting the device, move all hinged arms to the transport po-
sition. To do this, swing all hinged arms inward to the center of the device
and lock them.
Operating concept
Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Variant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Variant 2 and variant 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Screen layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Main menu bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Buttons in system standby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Color concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Therapy controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Waveforms and parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Color coding for anesthetic agents and
medical gases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Touch and hold the On/Off button for 4 sec. to turn
the screen off. Ventilation is continued. A fresh-
gas flow of 0.5 L/min with 100 % O2 is delivered.
Anesthetic agent metering is switched off. Use a
manual pressure gauge to check ventilation and
ventilate manually if necessary.
Touch the On/Off button again to turn the screen
back on.
Variant 2 and variant 3 G LEDs for status display of the gas supply from
the backup gas cylinders (O2, Air, N2O)
– Green = pressure sufficient
I – Green, flashing = pressure slightly below
– Off = pressure not sufficient
H Alarm pause function
Press the button to suppress the audible
alert of all active alarms for 2 minutes. For addi-
tional information, see page 177.
I The alarm bar on the front and back indicates
D alarm conditions:
O2 Air N2O O2 Air N2O
Screen layout
The screen is divided into fields. C Main menu bar with buttons to:
– Open dialog windows
A 1:35 – Activate functions
D Therapy bar with fields for:
– Breathing-gas control
Touch the headline of the field to open the
B C MixGas settings dialog window,
see page 115. Touch a therapy control to
select it.
– Ventilation control.
Touch the headline of the field to open the
D Ventilation settings dialog window. Touch
a therapy control to select it.
A Header bar with fields for: – Additional data modules (maximum of two,
– Patient data. Touch to open the Patient three on C700 option)
setup dialog window, see page 112 On IV System option: Field for syringe pump
– Alarm messages. Touch to open the Alarms control (on C700 option, an additional data
dialog window, see page 160. module), see page 141. Touch the headline
– Date, time, location, and stopwatch. Touch of the field to open the Infusion settings di-
to access the stopwatch settings and to alog window, see page 142.
change the stopwatch display settings, Without the IV System option, the data mod-
see page 354 ule can be freely selected.
– Indication that the audible alarms have been
suppressed and display of the time that the
alarms remain suppressed.
B Monitoring area with fields for:
– Loops and fresh-gas settings.
When activated, the size of the waveforms
is reduced.
– Mini-trends.
When activated, the size of the waveforms
is reduced.
– Module for SPV (on C700 option)
When activated, the size of the waveforms
is reduced.
– Waveforms.
– Parameter modules: 7 waveform modules
(vertical area) and 5 data modules (horizon-
tal area), (on C700 option, 8 waveform mod-
ules and 6 data modules). Touch the param-
eter boxes to set the parameter settings in
the Sensors/Parameters dialog window,
see page 188.
completed/ operable
Do not connect patient! Touch the Start/Standby
A 1 D Therapy bar
B The therapy bar on the main screen contains the
therapy controls for the active Ventilation settings
C and the MixGas settings.
305 C D
Using the dialog windows A Button to open the MixGas settings dialog win-
dow. The active setting for the mixed gas is dis-
Dialog windows consist of one or several pages played.
which are displayed by touching the corresponding
B Button to open the Ventilation settings dialog
horizontal or vertical tab. Dialog windows contains
window. The active ventilation settings are dis-
elements for operating the device and informing the
user on current settings. Dialog windows can be
opened by touching a button in the main menu bar C Therapy controls for the mixed gas setting
or by touching the respective parameter field on the
D Therapy controls for the ventilation settings
A Dialog window title
B The horizontal tabs indicate primary topics.
Touch the relevant tab to open a page.
C The vertical tabs open secondary topics. Touch
the relevant tab to open a page.
D Touch the button to close the dialog window.
If the color of the button is yellow, the dialog
window can also be closed by pressing the ro-
tary knob.
Color concept
Screen setup
Gray Non-operable element.
Dark gray Currently not operable, function ac-
tivated Color coding for anesthetic agents and
Yellow Selected function, not yet confirmed medical gases
with rotary knob.
Standardized color coding in accordance with
Light green Operable element, function not acti-
ISO 5359 / ISO 32 / ISO 5360 is used to identify an-
esthetic agents and medical gases.
Dark green Operable element, function acti-
vated. The colors for O2, Air, and N2O are adapted to lo-
cally applicable standards.
– Disable options
System setup
Screen setup
– Screen layout – General
– Waveforms
– Data
– Web access
– ECG C.O.
– ST segm.
– More ECG
– SpO2 – SpO2
– IBP – Config.
– IBP sites/ Channels
– Cal.
– Wedge
– Temp – Temp
Sensors/Parameters (Cont.)
– Imped. check
Infusion settings
– Infusion 1 – General
– Advanced
– Infusion 2 – General
– Advanced
– Infusion 3 – General
– Advanced
– Infusion 4 – General
– Advanced
– Overview – Graph. trend
– Tab. trend
Trends/Data (Cont.)
– BIS/NMT – Graph. trend
– Tab. trend
– All EEG values
– Alarm info Detailed alarm information
Alarms (Cont.)
– All limits – Hemodyn.
– More IBP
– Arrhythmia
– Anesth.
– Infusion
Test details
– Checklist – Supplies/ Safety
– Breathing system
– Suction/ Y-piece
– Test info
– Test history
– Leakage assistant
– System info
Ventilation settings
– Vent. standby
MixGas settings
– Fresh-gas control Settings for metering mode
Patient setup
Change patient data
Replacing or filling the CO2 absorber . . . . . 66 Quik Fil sevoflurane safety filling system. . 84
Instructions on absorber operation . . . . . . . . . . 66 Filling during operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Filling the reusable CO2 absorber . . . . . . . . . . 66 Finishing the filling process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Using disposable CO2 absorbers . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Emptying the DIVA metering module . . . . . . . 86
z Remove the breathing system, see page 363.
1 Unscrew inspiratory and expiratory connecting
nozzles (A) for breathing hoses.
2 Insert both SpiroLife flow sensors (B).
3 Screw connecting nozzles (A) back on again
(use only blue, non-rotatable nozzles).
z Fit the breathing system again and lock it in
To use Zeus IE in combination with a ceiling sup-
ply unit safely, it is essential to follow the Forta lift
instructions for use.
The mains voltage must correspond to the voltage 3 Check whether the circuit breaker (B) is
range indicated on the rating plate. pressed. Pressed is indicated by a white circle
on a black background.
Only press the circuit breaker if the screen has
completely failed.
The circuit breaker disconnects Zeus IE, except
for the screen, from the battery and from the ex-
ternal power supply.
To disconnect the entire device from the power
supply, unplug the mains plug.
1 Plug the IEC line socket (A) into the device. Se-
cure with the screws.
2 Insert the mains plug into a wall socket. The
LED with the symbol , situated on the screen
housing, turns green.
Risk of electric shock
If the device is connected to a power socket
with incorrect mains voltage or without a pro-
tective ground, persons may be injured and
the device may be damaged.
Only connect the device to power sockets with
the permissible mains voltage and a protec-
tive ground.
If the mains power fails, devices connected to the
auxiliary power sockets are not supplied from the
uninterruptible power supply.
Do not connect any life-supporting devices to the
auxiliary power sockets of the anesthesia work-
Ensure an alternative power supply for connected
Differences in electrical potential between devices
can be reduced by potential equalization.
Potential equalization does not replace the protec- Patient hazard due to risk of electric shock
tive ground connection.
Observe the maximum current input of the auxil-
During operation, the potential equalization con- iary devices (see relevant instructions for use).
nectors must be readily accessible and the connec-
tion must be able to be disconnected without the
use of tools.
Connection of devices to the auxiliary sockets
1 Connect the potential equalization cable to the of the anesthesia device can cause an in-
potential equalization pin (A) on the device. crease in the entire discharge current beyond
2 Connect the potential equalization cable to a the permissible value if the protective conduc-
potential equalization connector of the hospital tor of a device fails. Therefore when connect-
(e.g., wall, ceiling supply unit, operating table). ing devices to the auxiliary sockets, the total
leakage current has to be checked according
to IEC 60601-1-1.
When the permissible values for the entire dis-
charge current are exceeded, devices must
not be connected to the auxiliary sockets of
the anesthesia device, but to a separate wall
If this is ignored, it can put the patient and
user at risk.
this time.
If an automatic fuse trips:
CAUTION 1 Remedy the malfunction.
To ensure electrical safety, only connect devices 2 Then switch on switch (A) on the automatic
to the serial ports (COM 1, COM 2, or COM 3), or fuse.
devices and networks to the network interface
(Ethernet connection), which have a maximum The fuse is active again.
nominal voltage of 24 VDC and which meet one of
the following standards:
– IEC 60950-1: Ungrounded SELV circuits
– IEC 60601-1 (as of 2nd edition): Exposed sec-
ondary circuits
WARNING 4 All LEDs (A) turn green, the pressure values are
between 2.7 and 6.9 bar. The LEDs are
Risk due to gas supply failure
switched off at gas pressures of <2.7 bar or if
All gas supplies (central gas supply, gas cylin- the gas hose is disconnected.
ders) must be correctly connected since oth-
erwise the backup system (gas cylinders) will
not be available if gas supply fails. Connecting backup gas cylinders for O2,
– Make sure that all compressed gas hoses Air or N2O
are correctly connected to the rear side of
the device. Caution when handling compressed gas cylinders:
– After connecting the gas supply, check for
correct function. WARNING
– Even when the anesthesia machine is con- Risk of explosion
nected to the central gas supply, the gas
cylinders should remain at the device with Do not oil or grease the O2 cylinder valves or
valves closed as backup. O2 pressure reducers and do not handle with
greasy fingers.
Risk of explosion
O2 Air N2O O2 Air N2O
Increased occupational exposure
Do not deliver any anesthetic agent if the AGS is
not connected!
Fitting the CLIC adapter
1 Turn the CO2 absorber (A) counterclockwise
and remove downwards.
2 Remove the IBF absorber filter (B) using the re-
cessed handles in the filter.
3 Empty out the used soda lime and dispose of
according to the soda lime instructions for use.
4 Fill the CO2 absorber with fresh soda lime up to
the upper mark.
5 Insert new IBF absorber filter. Only use undam-
aged filters, as exterior damage to the filter de-
creases protection! B
6 Attach CO2 absorber to the breathing system
from the bottom and turn clockwise until it en-
z Insert the CLIC adapter into the breathing sys-
tem from below and turn clockwise as far as it
will go. Make sure that the unlock button (A)
is facing the front and visible to the
C 068
Connecting hoses
In the event of stenosis or increased filter re- 1 Breathing hoses (A) – connect to the inspiratory
sistance the patient may be injured by vac- and expiratory ports of the breathing system
uum. and the Y-piece.
Zeus IE is manufactured without natural rubber Risk of burns when using HF surgery equip-
latex. ment
To minimize the risk of exposure to latex, use Do not use any antistatic or conductive
breathing bags and breathing hoses manufac- breathing hoses!
tured without natural rubber latex.
2 Attach hose water traps (B) attach at the lowest
point to collect the condensate.
3 Connect the Y-piece (C) and elbow (D).
4 HME filter or filter (E) – connect to the elbow on
the Y-piece.
5 Connect the sample line (F) on the filter and on
the CO2 water trap.
Only scavenge from the near-patient filter, other-
wise the measured values may be incorrect.
G DE 272
Using a device-end filter (microbial filter 654 St) Note about using bacterial filters, en-
dotracheal tubes, Y-pieces, breathing
hoses, soda lime, and other accessories
H for breathing systems
L When using additional components in the
K J breathing system or configurations which are
different from the standard breathing circuit,
inspiratory and expiratory breathing resist-
ance may be increased beyond the standard
I requirement. The use of such configurations
therefore calls for special care and monitoring
by the user.
1 Connect breathing hoses (H) with fitted micro-
bial filters to the inspiration and expiration noz- In spontaneous breathing, high breathing resist-
zles of the breathing system.
ance leads to an increase in the amount of respira-
2 Attach hose water traps (I) attach at the lowest tory work to be performed by the patient.
point to collect the condensate.
In volume-controlled ventilation, a high breathing
3 Connect the small sleeves with Y-piece (J). resistance has a slight effect on the administered
volume during inspiration. The PIP pressure, how-
4 Connect the sample line (K) on the tube con-
ever, is increased while the plateau pressure Pplat
nector and on the CO2 water trap.
remains the same. In the expiration phase this in-
5 Connect the breathing bag with the connecting creases the time constant (RC). If the expiration
nozzle to the breathing bag hose and attach to times are too short, the lung might not be emptied
the angled nozzle (L) on the breathing system. completely, resulting in a dynamic overfilling of the
Insert the breathing bag downward, hanging in lungs (air trapping).
the direction of the floor, into the mount.
In pressure-controlled ventilation, high airway re-
It is recommended that only Dräger-approved sistance can cause a reduction in inspiratory or ex-
breathing bags be used. Otherwise, device opera- piratory volume.
tion may be restricted.
The accessories for the application must have been
connected before the self test is performed. Expan-
sion hoses must be drawn out to the intended user
length. Only in this way is the compliance correctly
determined and with volume-controlled ventilation
a correct tidal volume applied.
If coaxial hoses are used, leakages between the in-
ner and outer hose are not detected during the self
test/leak test.
Note about the total resistance of the Only resistance data obtained under the same flow
breathing system and connected acces- conditions may be added up, e.g., for adults, the re-
sories sistance data at 60 L/min, for pediatric patients at
30 L/min and for neonates at 5 L/min.
In these instructions for use, the chapter Technical If a filter is used on the Y-piece, the resistance for
Data indicates the inspiratory and expiratory both the inspiratory and expiratory direction must
breathing resistance of the breathing system with- be taken into account.
out breathing hoses. Therefore, it is possible to de-
The standard for anesthesia breathing systems
termine the resulting resistance on the patient when
(ISO 8835-2) specifies a total resulting pressure
using different hose sets and/or filters.
drop at 60 L/min of 6.0 hPa max., both inspiratory
The following formula is used to calculate the re- and expiratory.
sistance (R):
z Follow the instructions for use of the respective
RExpiration = accessories.
RBreathingSys_exsp + RExpHose + RExpFilter
RInspiration =
RBreathingSys_insp + RInspHose + RBreathingBagHose +
Recommended breathing system accessories for the ventilation of adults and pedi-
atric patients
Connecting IV system
Using Quicklock
z Assemble the IV-system (optional) according to
the instructions for use for Module DPS syringe 1 Secure the connector with Quicklock until it can
pumps. be felt and heard to have engaged.
2 To unlock, squeeze the Quicklock on both sides
Attaching to a retaining arm (A) (optional) and remove the connector.
2 Attach the IV system to the infusion apparatus To protect the IV socket on Zeus IE, it is recom-
stand. Check to make sure the IV system is se- mended that an adapter (port saver) be used.
cure. 1 Attach the adapter to the IV connection point on
3 A carrying handle (B) can be fitted to the top sy- Zeus IE.
ringe pump. 2 Insert the IVDock plug into the adapter.
– Insert the carrying handle into the mounting z Replace the adapter if worn.
slot of the top syringe pump and lower it.
The positions of the Module DPS syringe pumps on
– Turn the clamping screw until the carrying the IVDock (basis) determine the identification of
handle is securely attached. the syringe pumps for syringe pump control (1 to 4),
4 Connect the cable connection (C) between the see page 141.
IV system and the IV system connection in the
connection field for patient monitoring.
The device can be operated with one or two DIVA Inserting and removing the DIVA meter-
metering modules. The selection of the slot is arbi- ing module
z Fill the DIVA metering module with the appropri-
ate anesthetic agent.
– Filling can be done with the DIVA metering
module plugged in or outside of the device.
– Filling is also possible during anesthesia.
– Before the internal self test of the device, the
DIVA metering modules must be filled and
connected in order to ensure a complete
test. A A
Storing the DIVA metering module
– only when empty (except if supplied for im-
minent clinical use)
– in well-ventilated rooms
The DIVA metering module can be exchanged in all
– not over 40 °C
operating states (switched off, on standby or during
Empty the DIVA metering module for periodic anesthesia).
maintenance and for transportation!
Plugging in the DIVA metering module
z Insert the DIVA metering module into the slot
until it can be felt and heard to have engaged.
Pressing the unlock button during operation re-
sults in immediate shutdown of the DIVA metering
module! This can lead to a rapid drop in anes-
thetic agent concentration in the breathing gas.
Observe the expiration date and storage temper-
ature of the anesthetic agent.
Risk of patient injury
Do not allow any detergents or substances not
intended for use to enter the filling system.
The anesthetic agent may be contaminated.
When emptying the DIVA metering module, do – Only with ambient conditions in accordance
not fill the anesthetic agent bottle up to the brim! with the technical data
This can cause anesthetic agent to be released – The DIVA metering module may remain filled
into the atmosphere. provided operating interruptions do not exceed
6 months; otherwise, empty the DIVA metering
CAUTION module.
Health risk The anesthesia machine can be moved around the
Fill the DIVA metering modules only up to a tem- workplace when the DIVA metering module is
perature of 40 °C, otherwise anesthetic agent can plugged in and locked.
Increased occupational exposure
When filling during the warm-up phase of the
DIVA metering module, anesthetic agent may es-
Only fill the DIVA metering module after the warm-
up phase.
1 Only use anesthetic agent bottle with anes-
thetic-specific collars (B) on the bottle neck.
Increased occupational exposure
With a leaky connection between the bottle
5 Screw the locking cap (E) off the filling device 2 Check the filling level in the sight glass (H) –
slowly so that any pressure which has built up DIVA metering module must hang or stand ver-
in the DIVA metering module can escape tically during checking.
3 Screw on the locking cap (J).
6 Introduce the anesthetic agent bottle with the
filling adapter (F) into the filling opening. When z Screw the Dräger Fill filling adapter from the an-
doing so, turn the anesthetic agent bottle clock- esthetic agent bottle and
wise until the coded area has engaged in the 4 use the screw cap (K) to close the anesthetic
filling opening. agent bottle.
Do not turn the anesthetic agent bottle counter-
clockwise. The filling adapter might become de- CAUTION
tached from the anesthetic agent bottle Increased occupational exposure
Firmly screw on the locking cap. Otherwise, anes-
thetic agent can escape.
Do not store the anesthetic agent bottle with the
Dräger Fill filling adapter screwed on. The Dräger
Fill filling adapter is no substitute for the bottle
Risk of patient injury
Do not use anesthetic agents that were emp-
tied from a DIVA metering module, but dispose
of in a proper manner. Otherwise, the anes-
thetic agents may be contaminated, mixed
with others or used by mistake.
B MixGas settings
C 051
for isoflurane
The safety filling system consists of the following
components: 1 Touch the Ventilate reservoir (A) button before
A anesthetic-specific filling device on the DIVA filling.
metering module The DIVA metering module is ventilated for ap-
B anesthetic-specific Dräger filling adapter prox. 30 sec. No anesthetic agent vapor es-
capes into the environment during filling.
C anesthetic-specific collar and threads on the
bottle neck
– Use only anesthetic agent bottles with an anes-
thetic-specific collar on the bottle neck.
– Use only Dräger filling devices.
– Use filling adapters with a non-return valve only. D
– Use undamaged filling adapters and anesthetic
agent bottles only.
– If the filling adapter is not firmly and tightly con-
4 Turn the square end (E) of the filling adapter so 8 Tighten the lever (H) – do not use excessive
that the holes point downwards. force.
The lever is not flush with the front side of the
DIVA metering module when filling.
Increased occupational exposure
Increased effort can cause damage to the seal and
With a leaky connection between the bottle lead to release of fresh gas and anesthetic agent.
adapter and anesthetic agent bottle, anesthetic
agent vapor can escape.
9 Swivel the anesthetic agent bottle (I) slowly to
Finishing the filling process If the lever cannot be closed completely, disengage
the lever and depress the locking bolt completely,
otherwise the locking bolt will not seal and the gas-
ket seal may be damaged.
7 Unscrew the filling adapter and close the anes-
thetic agent bottle with the cap.
Do not store any anesthetic agent bottles with the
A filling adapter unscrewed! Anesthetic agent will be
To use anesthetic agents in a safe and environmen-
D tally-friendly manner, please follow the following in-
B 053
metering module
2 Unscrew the cap (B) from the bottle adapter.
B Anesthetic-specific adapter on the anesthetic
agent bottle. The bottle adapter must be positioned firmly
and tightly on the anesthetic agent bottle and
must be undamaged.
Filling during operation
Increased occupational exposure
MixGas settings
With a leaky connection between the bottle
adapter and anesthetic agent bottles, anesthetic
A agent vapor can escape.
slowly so that any pressure which has built up in
1 Reduce the pressure in the anesthetic agent
the DIVA metering module can escape slowly.
bottle (A) and slowly pull out the anesthetic
4 Insert the anesthetic agent bottle with the bars agent bottle.
into the respective grooves (D) of the filling
2 Check the filling level in the sight glass (B) –
opening. Only use anesthetic agent bottles with
DIVA metering module must stand vertically
suitable bars!
during checking.
z Press the anesthetic agent bottle up to the stop
into the filling opening and keep it pressed. CAUTION
z Avoid excessive force and tilting of the anes- Increased occupational exposure
thetic agent bottle! Firmly screw on the locking cap. Otherwise, anes-
z Watch the filling level in the sight glass. thetic agent can escape.
The supply will be interrupted automatically z Screw the cap onto the bottle adapter.
when the maximum mark is reached.
z Always keep the anesthetic agent bottle closed!
The filling system consists of the following compo- Increased occupational exposure
Fill the DIVA metering module to the maximum
A Anesthetic-specific filling device on the DIVA mark only!
metering module
If filled beyond the maximum mark, excess desflu-
B Unlock button on the DIVA metering module rane may splash out of the filling device when re-
C Anesthetic-specific adapter on the anesthetic moving the anesthetic agent bottle.
agent bottle
Device check. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Checking the central gas supply. . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Checking the backup gas cylinders . . . . . . . . . 90
Checking the O2 flush. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Checking the O2 emergency delivery . . . . . . . . 91
Checking the breathing system . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Checking the APL valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Emergency ventilation bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Checking the anesthetic gas scavenging
system AGSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Checking the O2 flow meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Switching on Zeus IE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Supply & safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Breathing system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Suction & Y-piece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Self test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Preparing the self test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Starting the self test manually. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Pretest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Device check
Immediately change over to cylinder supply in the
event of a central gas supply failure:
1 Open the cylinder valves (A) slowly.
O2 Air N2O O2 Air N2O
If cylinder valves are open during operation with
central gas supply: Risk of gas being drawn from
backup gas cylinders.
The O2 flush is available for flushing and filling the
breathing system and the breathing bag with oxy-
gen quickly (approx. 35 L/min), bypassing anes-
thetic agent delivery.
There is a knob (A) on each side of the breathing 1 It is complete and engaged. The hoses are
system with identical functions. firmly connected.
1 Manually close the filter on the Y-piece or con- 2 New soda lime, not discolored violet.
nect the test lung.
2 Press the O2+ knob (A). CAUTION
Risk of device failure
3 The breathing bag fills; the filling process can
be heard. To avoid a backflow of condensed water into the
breathing system, the hoses between the patient
and breathing system must have sufficient slack.
Checking the O2 emergency delivery The condensate in the hose must be continuously
monitored and, if necessary, disposed of or dis-
A charged to the hose water traps. Standing water
impairs device operation!
Switching on Zeus IE
Self test
Test details
Self test
O2 Air N2O O2 Air N2O
Manual ventilation and O2 emergency delivery are
possible at all times. The device switches to the self test mode automat-
ically. The Test details > Checklist dialog window
Anesthetic agent is not delivered yet! appears.
Perform the self test once a day in order to
check the operational reliability of the device
and hence minimize the risk of exposing the
patient to a hazard!
Use the checklist (A) to make sure the device is Breathing system
ready for operation.
The checklist consists of the following test steps: 1 Touch the Breathing system tab (C).
– Sample line
CAUTION – Watertraps
The checklist is part of the self test and must be The checklist can also be called up during opera-
applied each time before operation. Otherwise tion.
device operation may be impaired.
1 Switch to the system standby screen.
z Call up the test steps one after the other and 2 Touch the Device test button.
work through the checklist.
The Test details dialog window will be opened.
3 Touch the Checklist tab (A).
Supply & safety
Self test
WARNING The self test can only be started from the system
standby screen.
Risk of patient injury
The self test must never be performed when a
patient is connected!
Increased occupational exposure
When filling during the warm-up phase of the
DIVA metering module, anesthetic agent may es-
cape. A
Only fill the DIVA metering module after the warm-
up phase.
1 Touch the Device test button (A).
A The Test details dialog window will be opened.
Self test
Test details
Self test
2 Connect sample line to the filter. 2 Touch the Self test button (B).
3 Set APL valve to 20 mbar. 3 Touch the Name of tester button (C).
4 Switch off manual O2 supply. 4 Enter a new name or select a name from an ex-
isting list of the last six testers. Names can also
be deleted from the list.
5 The Start (D) button automatically turns yellow.
Confirm with rotary knob.
The self test starts. The Start button (D) is dark A failed pretest does not change the last self test re-
green. sult.
Self test The pretest can be activated as a separate test in
Test details
preparation for the automatic self test,
see page 100.
The bottom progress bar displays the progress of
the self test.
Self test
Test details
Self test
– Y-piece not connected properly
During the self test, the Test results (F) page dis-
– APL valve setting
plays the results of the previous test.
– Central supply status of O2 and Air
– Flow sensors inoperable If the self test is passed, the device displays the
completed/operable message on a green back-
If a problem is determined in the pretest, informa-
ground. The self test did not identify any errors and
tion about the cause and how to remedy the prob-
the device automatically switches to the Startup di-
lem appears above the progress bar.
alog. Zeus IE can be put into operation.
z When the problem has been remedied, touch
If the self test is failed, one of the following mes-
the Repeat pretest button.
sages appears:
After the pretest, the following options are available
– completed/partly operable on a yellow back-
to continue the self test:
ground. The user can decide based on the
– Pretest passed: cause of the error (see "Test info" on page 101)
– Self test continues automatically. whether the self test should be repeated or ter-
– At the end of the self test, the current test re- minated after remedying the error.
sult is displayed.
– completed/not operable on a red background.
– Pretest failed: The user must repeat the Self test after remedy-
ing the error.
z Call up the cause of the error via the Test
info tab. Repeating the self test:
z Perform the pretest again or start the self z Touch the Repeat button (G). All tests are re-
test directly to obtain accurate error analy- peated.
Terminating the self test: The system standby screen displays the following
information (I):
z Touch the Cancel button (H).
– Exchange water traps at least every
If the self test is canceled during the test sequence,
4 weeks.
the canceled message appears instead of com-
– Last self test date and time
– Run self test at least every 24 hours
If the self test failed, the Test details dialog window – Last test result (with colored background).
remains open.
Test of the alarm system
The alarm system is automatically checked during
the self test. Additionally, the loudspeaker is auto-
matically checked when a new case is started.
Test details
Test details
All faults from the self test or leak test are listed.
The user receives the following information about
All results of the last test are displayed and saved – Fault (C)
until the next test or a restart. – Cause and remedy (D)
The test result is displayed in color: – Graphic presentation of the system compo-
Green test successful In addition to the image, important system data is
Red test unsuccessful displayed:
– Central supply pressure and cylinder pressure
Gray not tested
– Leaks and compliance, with the time of the last
– Battery capacity
Test info – Anesthetic agent quantity in the DIVA metering
Calling up the test info:
z Touch the Test info tab (A) or View details tab
z Touch the Auto self test tab (A). Calling up the test history:
general basic settings, see page 336.
The results of previous tests are displayed with the
The default values can be changed for the next test: following information:
– Time-controlled self test starts at (B)
– Date and Time
– Time-controlled self test (C) On/Off
– Test
The new values apply to the next automatic self – Name of tester
test. After the next automatic self test is completed, – Number of test loops
the values are reset to the default values. – Result
Factory setting: Off If a test did not detect any faults but is incomplete,
the result is indicated with canceled.
When activating On, the following messages ap-
– Auto self test is enabled. Conduct Pretest.
Check start time.
When activating Off, the following message ap-
– Auto self test is disabled.
Test details
A Bag
Absorber Blower Flow sensor, insp.
Pressure sensor
Leak test 2
Leak test 1
Leaks are determined separately in the mechanical
B subsystem and the system as a whole. (See "Gas
C flow diagram" on page 440.)
Leak test 1:
The System info page contains information about An access code is required to display the following
the device configuration. service-related information:
Calling up the system info: – System info
– Info log
z Touch the System info tab (A).
– Service info
– More Info
Test details
A – System data
– DIVA data
– GMZ Data
– Access codes
– Apollo Software.
Startup in emergencies
WARNING After switching on, the device opens the Test de-
tails dialog window.
Use only in urgent cases if there is no time for
the self test! Test details
If a self test is not completed, malfunctions
can go undiscovered!
Pay special attention during operation!
Self test
O2 Air N2O O2 Air N2O
During this phase, no anesthetic gas delivery is
Canceling the self test 3 Return the safety rotary knob O2 to 0 and push
z Touch the Cancel button (C). The button turns
yellow. Confirm with rotary knob. NOTE
No message appears on the system standby The warm-up phase of the DIVA metering mod-
screen. The Startup dialog dialog window will be ules takes approx. 2 minutes. No anesthetic gas
opened. can be delivered during this time!
The leak and compliance test is not performed.
The levels of accuracy indicated under "Technical
data" (e.g. flow measurement) cannot be guaran-
Startup dialog
In order to ensure device features in an emer-
gency operation, check APL valve and breath-
ing system operation by ventilating manually
in MAN/SPON ventilation mode.
Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Starting ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Ventilation mode MAN/SPON
(manual/spontaneous) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Ventilation mode Volume Control AutoFlow . . . 126
Ventilation mode Volume Control . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Ventilation mode Pressure Control . . . . . . . . . . 128
Ventilation mode Pressure Support . . . . . . . . . 130
Changing the ventilation mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Set ranges and default values for the
ventilation modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Ventilating pediatric patients and neonates . . . 132
Using non-rebreathing systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Directing fresh gas to the external outlet . . . . . 133
Special events during ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Changing the patient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Checking the soda lime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Changing the HME filter or filter . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Leak test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Start settings
The case data and the associated time stamps are
displayed in the list (B). Information for the export is
displayed in field (C), e.g., USB stick is ready.
Prerequisite: USB storage medium is installed and 2 Select a case with the rotary knob or with the ar-
is connected to a USB port. Detailed information row keys (D).
about connecting and installing can be found in the
The patient data for the selected case are dis-
instructions for use.
played in field (E). This line may be empty if
The data are stored in the "Draeger\ExportData" di- there are no patient data available for the case.
rectory. Each exported case is contained in a sepa-
3 Touch the Export selected button (F).
rate compressed archive in .tar.gz format. Each ar-
chive contains files with data in csv format,
depending on the options that have been enabled. Exporting all case data
The archive name includes the following informa-
Touch the Export all button (G).
– Case ID
– Date and time of the start of the case
Startup dialog
Startup dialog
Open the Patient setup dialog window during op- Gender (G) setting:
z Touch the Female or Male button.
z Touch the field for patient data (A).
Print case (I) (optional):
Patient setup z Touch the Graphic or Tab. button.
The graphic or tabular trends of the entire patient
B E are printed.
By selecting a patient category, values for pa-
tient weight and age, which have an effect on
patient and ventilation settings, are prese-
The selected patient category should always
match the patient.
SmartPilot View* is only available in the adult Integrated SmartPilot View is optionally displayed
(Adult) patient category. or hidden in the left-hand area (B) of the screen.
The view can be saved in a profile (Profiles).
Gas delivery
If face masks are used, the end expiratory an-
esthetic agent measurement may be incorrect
on account of the leak to be expected. Do not
MixGas standby
operate the device in the Auto ctrl. control
WARNING 1 Touch the MixGas standby button (A).
If even minute quantities of volatile anesthetic The MixGas settings dialog window containing the
agents have to be avoided for medical rea- control modes opens.
sons, e.g., malignant hyperthermia:
Switch control mode to:
– Remove DIVA metering modules from
– FG ctrl. (Fresh-gas control) or
Zeus IE.
– Auto ctrl. (Auto control)
– Change filters and hoses.
– Replace soda lime.
– Change absorber filter in the breathing
Mixed gas is only delivered if a ventilation mode is
Control mode Fresh-gas control When selecting the therapy control for the anes-
thetic-gas concentration for the first time, the initial
value is preset automatically (see page 350).
MixGas settings
z Button (G) opens the Ventilation settings dia-
A log window
z Button (H) opens the Alarms dialog window
Fresh-gas control
J Volume Control – CMV -AF
D E F G After closing the MixGas settings dialog window,
the most important therapy controls (I) are shown in
H the lower part of the screen and can be used di-
Setting the fresh-gas concentration manually Set O2 concentration to 100 %.
1 Touch the FG ctrl. tab (A). z Touch the 100% O2 button (J).
2 Confirm with rotary knob. The color of the therapy control (K) turns yellow and
3 Touch the O2+Air or O2+N2O button (B) for the indicates a value of 100 %.
carrier gas required. z Use the rotary knob to set and confirm the
4 The color changes to yellow, confirm with rotary value.
5 Touch the button (C) for the anesthetic agent re-
quired (ISO, SEV, DES).
The anesthetic agents displayed correspond to
the connected DIVA metering modules.
6 The color changes to yellow, confirm with rotary
– O2 fresh-gas concentration FG O2 (D)
– Fresh-gas flow Flow (E)
– Fresh-gas concentration of the anesthetic
agent FG DES, FG ISO, FG SEV (F)
7 Touch the therapy control of the parameter.
8 Use the rotary knob to set and confirm the
The set values are transferred to the system.
Default settings:
Parameter Setting range Default settings:
Neo Ped1 Ped2, Adult1,
Carrier gas Air or N2O N2O N2O N2O
Fresh-gas flow 0 to 18 L/min 2 L/min 4 L/min 6 L/min
Fresh-gas flow for external 3 to 18 L/min 6 L/min 6 L/min 6 L/min
fresh-gas outlet
FG O2 25 to 100 Vol.% 90 Vol.% 100 Vol.% 100 Vol.%
FG ISO 0 to 5 Vol.% 0 Vol.% 0 Vol.% 0 Vol.%
FG SEV 0 to 8 Vol.% 0 Vol.% 0 Vol.% 0 Vol.%
FG DES 0 to 18 Vol.% 0 Vol.% 0 Vol.% 0 Vol.%
Control mode Auto control – MinFG flow (F) (Minimum fresh-gas flow)
– etSEV, etISO, etDES (G) (target value expira-
tory anesthetic gas concentration)
MixGas settings
– inSEVmax, inISOmax, inDESmax (H) (limit
A value maximum inspiratory anesthetic agent
z Touch button (I). The Ventilation settings dia-
log window appears
z Touch button (J). The Alarms dialog window
D G H I Risk of patient injury
Setting the inspiratory O2 concentration:
1 Touch the (L) button.
2 Use the rotary knob to set and confirm the
If 100% O2 should be delivered:
3 Touch the 100% O2 button (K). The color of the
therap ycontrol turns yellow and the value 100
is displayed.
4 Confirm with rotary knob.
Setting the flushing flow:
1 Touch the Flush flow button (M).
2 Use the rotary knob to set and confirm the value
(max. 18 L/min).
The button color changes to dark green and dis-
plays the set value. The fresh-gas flow is increased
for 60 s to the set value. The text Flushing is dis-
played above the virtual flow tubes.
Interrupting the flush flow:
z Touch the (N) button.
The flushing flow is interrupted and displays the set
MinFG Flow (closed or minimum fresh-gas flow).
Default settings:
Parameter Setting range Default settings:
Neo Ped1 Ped2, Adult1,
Carrier gas 0 to 100 Vol.% Air N2O N2O N2O
Air or N2O 0 to 75 Vol.% N2O
FiO2 25 to 100 Vol.% 100 Vol.% 100 Vol.% 100 Vol.%
MinFG flow ; 0.25 to 18 L/min
Flush flow 3 to 18 L/min 4 L/min 6 L/min 6 L/min
etISO 0 to 5 Vol.% 0 Vol.% 0 Vol.% 0 Vol.%
inISOmax 0 to 5 Vol.% 4 Vol.% 4 Vol.% 4 Vol.%
etSEV 0 to 8 Vol.% 0 Vol.% 0 Vol.% 0 Vol.%
inSEVmax 0 to 8 Vol.% 8 Vol.% 8 Vol.% 8 Vol.%
etDES 0 to 18 Vol.% 0 Vol.% 0 Vol.% 0 Vol.%
inDESmax 0 to 18 Vol.% 12 Vol.% 12 Vol.% 18 Vol.%
1) A nitrous oxide-free device system can be configured under Basic settings.
Risk of patient injury
If in the Auto control control mode the
HighFlow mode (fresh-gas flow >12 L/min) is
set automatically due to the failure of a com-
ponent, the anesthetic agent concentration
must be adjusted manually. The text Auto-
matic flushing is displayed above the flow
In HighFlow mode, the depth of anesthesia
may otherwise be too shallow because the ex-
piratory concentration target value is used as
the fresh-gas concentration target value.
Ventilation settings
z Touch the (A) button. Setting ventilation parameters:
The following ventilation modes are available: 1 Touch the corresponding therapy control.
– Vent. standby 2 Use the rotary knob to set and confirm the
– MAN/SPON value.
– Vol. Ctrl. AutoFlow
3 Touch the button to close the dialog window.
– Volume Control
– Pressure Control Direct switching to the MixGas sett. dialog window
– Pressure Support (C) and Alarms dialog window (D) is possible from
– External FG outlet (optional) all ventilation modes.
Ventilation settings
The top progress indicator shows the current inspir-
atory and expiratory tidal volume VT. The expira-
tory tidal volume is also displayed numerically. The
progress indicator tracks the inspiratory and expir-
atory tidal volume VT. At the end of inspiration, the
tidal volume delivered is represented by a bar. The
leak in tidal volume is displayed at the end of the
expiration phase.
The bottom progress indicator shows the measured
After closing the Ventilation settings dialog win- 1 Touch the therapy control (A).
dow, the most important therapy controls are dis- 2 Use the rotary knob to set and confirm the
played in the therapy bar of the main page and can value.
be set there directly.
3 Touch screen in the area of the progress indica-
1200 On the progress indicator, the individual breaths
C 5.2
45 s
are separated by segments. After 60 seconds, the
volumeter stops automatically. The measured val-
Button (B) shows the last selected ventilation mode ues are displayed for 4 minutes and then cleared.
or initially the ventilation mode preselected in the If the volumeter is pressed again before the
basic settings (see page 350). 60 seconds have elapsed, the volumeter stops and
Switching to the previous ventilation mode: the values are cleared. If pressed again, the volum-
eter is restarted.
z Touch the (B) button and confirm with rotary
The volumeter function (C) is used for monitoring
and evaluating ventilation with spontaneous
breathing and manual ventilation in the
MAN/SPON ventilation mode.
10 20 30
z Turn the valve head of the APL valve left as far
z Set the valve head to the desired maximum air-
as it will go.
way pressure.
The dots coincide and the valve head is lifted.
Settings between the grid marks are also possible.
The pressure limitation is cancelled, the valve is
CAUTION open for free spontaneous breathing and the set
Risk of patient injury CPAP level is used.
Even with automatic ventilation, the APL valve
must be adjusted to a pressure that is safe for the
Quick release
Trigger window for insp. and
exp. synchronization
1 Adjust volume-controlled ventilation with autoflow,
Flow synchronization, synchronization/Psupp:
A Maximum airway pressure Pmax
B Tidal volume VT
Fixed mandatory minute volume MV adjusted with E Switching synchronization on and off Sync.
tidal volume VT and respiratory rate RR. Switching on provides synchronization and, if
For patients with and without spontaneous breath- set, activation of the set pressure support.
ing. F Flow trigger threshold Trigger for synchroniza-
The patient can breathe spontaneously at any time tion of mandatory breath
(free deep breathing ability). Spontaneous breath- An exceeded trigger threshold is represented in
ing can be supported with Pressure Support. the pressure curve by triangles.
G Pressure support ∆Psupp
Risk of patient injury H Inspiration time Ti or I:E
In the configuration (see page 349), specify
Do not use Volume Control AutoFlow ventila- whether Ti or the I:E ratio is used.
tion mode with intrinsic PEEP (alarm mes-
sage: Exp. time too short). Expiratory flow I Pressure rise time Slope
does not return to the base line. This can
cause an excessive pressure rise in ventila-
tion pressure.
The administered volume may be lower than the
set volume if there is a leak!
% Tplat
(configura- PEEP
Ti Te
Flow Adjust ventilation pattern with ventilation parame-
Insp. Flow ters:
A Maximum airway pressure Pmax
t B Tidal volume VT
C Respiratory rate RR
The administered volume may be lower than the
set volume if there is a leak!
Ventilation mode Pressure Control Adjust ventilation pattern with ventilation parame-
Pressure support, A Inspiration pressure Pinsp
Paw ∆Psupp
B Respiratory rate RR
fast rise time slow rise time
fast rise slow rise
Pinsp time time C Positive end-expiratory pressure PEEP
Ventilation settings
PEEP modifications
Ventilation settings
Ventilation mode Pressure Support Adjust ventilation pattern with ventilation parame-
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure/Pressure A Minimum respiratory rate RRmin
Support The minimum respiratory rate RRmin defines
the period, after which a mechanically triggered,
Trigger indicator Trigger indicator pressure-supported breath is administered if it
ventilation has not been triggered by spontaneous trigger-
∆Psupp ing.
Time [s]
B Positive end-expiratory pressure PEEP
C Flow trigger threshold Trigger for synchroniza-
1/RRmin tion of spontaneous breaths
Flow An exceeded trigger threshold is represented in
the pressure curve by triangles.
D Pressure support ∆Psupp
Time [s]
E Pressure rise time Slope
Flow trigger Flow trigger No trigger
Set point Vol. Ctrl. AutoFlow / Pressure Control Pressure Support MAN/SPON
Volume Control
VT VT (measured) ––– ––– –––
Pinsp ––– Pplat ––– –––
Ti X X ––– –––
Te X X ––– –––
PEEP X X ––– –––
∆Psupp X X X –––
Slope X X X –––
CPAP ––– ––– X/PEEP X
Trigger X X X –––
1) Only applies to Vol. Ctrl. AutoFlow.
Risk of patient injury
The user must assess the risks of switching
over to 100% O2 and take action if necessary. B
1 Screw sample line (A) onto the Luer-Lock of the 1 Touch the External FG outlet tab (A). The color
elbow and connect it to the Luer-Lock of the turns yellow.
CO2 water trap on Zeus IE.
The following message appears: MixGas will
When using elbows without sample line con- be switched to Fresh-gas control automati-
nection point: cally.
z Place the T-piece with filter directly on the 2 Confirm with rotary knob.
3 Set fresh-gas values.
z Use the Luer-Lock of a filter if necessary. – O2 fresh-gas concentration FG O2 (B)
– Fresh-gas flow Flow (C)
2 Connect the fresh-gas hose (B) of the Bain sys-
– Fresh-gas concentration of the anesthetic
tem to the external fresh-gas outlet.
agent FG DES, FG ISO, FG SEV (D)
3 The anesthetic gas scavenging hose of the non-
4 Touch the therapy control of the parameter.
rebreathing system can be connected to the Y-
piece (C) of the breathing system of Zeus IE. 5 Use the rotary knob to set and confirm the
z Observe the instructions for use of the Bain sys-
tem. The set values are transferred to the system.
If the Ext. fresh-gas outlet is switched on when After closing the Ventilation settings dialog win-
in the Auto control control mode, the Zeus IE ac- dow, the External fresh-gas outlet mode is dis-
tivates the Fresh-gas control control mode auto- played in the lower part of the screen.
Ventilation settings
Ext. fresh-gas outlet
1:35 1:35
Suction system is full
z Change suction bottle.
z Insert empty backup bottle (see relevant in-
structions for use). 1 Touch the Start/Standby button (A).
All settings previously modified in operation are
The System standby? dialog window will be
2 Confirm Stop ventilation? button (B) with ro-
tary knob.
Or continue ventilation:
z Close dialog window.
Pressing the rotary knob automatically switches the
device to the system standby screen.
3 Call up the Startup dialog and configure,
see page 109.
Observe hospital regulations for infectious pa-
tients! Dispose of the old filter according to hospi-
tal hygiene regulations.
After each change of patient, a leak test must be
performed to rule out the possibility of major
leaks. A
1 Touch the Device test button (A).
Test details
If the leak test has been canceled, it can lead to
leaks not being detected.
Pay special attention during operation.
IV system – IVenus
Information and safety instructions on Observe the Module DPS instructions for use:
the IV application 1 Activate configuration group PAr.
Operation of the Module DPS syringe pump and 2 Set syringe selection PAr 4.
other safety instructions are explained in separate 3 Set at least one syringe type to SEL.
instructions for use.
Attach IVDock and Module DPS to Zeus IE, WARNING
see page 73. Note the respective instructions for Risk of patient injury
use before using these modules. When starting the Module DPS syringe pump,
The Module DPS syringe pump can be remotely the syringe size, syringe type and drug name
controlled with IVDock on Zeus IE. Module DPS must be confirmed directly on the Module DPS
may also be operated independently. syringe pump. To eliminate the risk of incor-
rect settings and ensure the patient's safety,
WARNING the user must check must check on the sy-
Risk of patient injury ringe pump and on Zeus IE that the correct
drug is being used with the correct dose.
Synchronous or parallel and overlapping op-
erations of the pump and Zeus IE may lead to
operating errors.
Risk of patient injury
The current operations must be completed or
interrupted, before new operations are under- Only use weight-related metering from a pa-
taken with other devices (Module DPS or tient weight of 5 kg upwards.
Zeus IE). Correct adjustment of patient weight is re-
quired because otherwise in the event of
Remote control via Zeus IE is not possible until op- weight-based metering the drug may be me-
eration of the Module DPS syringe pump is termi- tered incorrectly.
nated. The control panels for the IV system on the
screen remain gray for that period of time (i.e. they If any malfunctions should occur on Zeus IE (IVe-
are not operable). nus), the syringe pumps can be controlled inde-
If there is an interruption in the data link between pendently of Zeus IE:
Zeus IE and IVDock, the pumps cannot be re- z Remove the IVDock plug from the IV socket on
motely controlled. The syringe pumps then con- Zeus IE. Observe the instructions for use of the
tinue running at the set metering and can be con- Module DPS syringe pump!
trolled independently of Zeus IE.
If remote control of a syringe pump is not possible,
the syringe pumps must be reconfigured. When the IVDock plug is disconnected from the
IV socket on Zeus IE, the base (IVDock) is no
longer supplied with power. Each Module DPS is
powered by its own battery. Pay attention to the
battery warning! Infusion is automatically stopped
when the battery is empty.
Infusion settings
1 1 2 3 4
When a pump is operated by Zeus IE for the first By connecting the IV system IVenus to Zeus IE,
time or after a change of drug, a dialog window (A) operation of the Module DPS syringe pumps is con-
appears showing the parameters which determine trolled via the screen. Zeus IE can control up to 4
metering. Module DPS syringe pumps.
If the application time of the bolus is >180 seconds, Module DPS syringe pumps are controlled from:
this dialog window also appears. The value of the
A The Infusion settings dialog window for all set-
bolus rate appears in yellow.
Risk of patient injury B The field for IV control in the lower part of the
To eliminate the risk of incorrect settings and screen for direct access to key functions
ensure the patient's safety, the patient data The gas supply is then displayed in the data
and/or IV settings must be checked on the sy- modules area.
ringe pump and on Zeus IE.
During operation, the Module DPS syringe pumps
are controlled via the IV control field.
Inf mg/kg/h
Start bolus
Risk of patient injury
Before starting infusion, the short drug name D E F H
and the dose in mL or mL/h on the pump dis-
play must be compared with those on the I
Zeus IE screen in order to prevent administra-
A Drug Select: Selecting a drug from the drug li-
tion of an incorrect drug.
D Depending on the state of the Module DPS sy- For a selected drug, Name, Abbreviation,
ringe pump connected, information, buttons or Concentration, Infusion rate limit and Bolus
therapy controls are displayed. rate limit are displayed. Selecting a drug,
see page 148.
In the example: Button with display of infusion
rate currently set, user-defined unit of measure- B Pump On/Off: Switching the Module DPS sy-
ment, button for starting the bolus. ringe pump on or off
C On/Off: Starting or stopping a Bolus.
D Bolus rate: Therapy control for bolus rate in
Infusion dialog window
user-defined unit of measurement and display
of the set infusion rate in mL/h
Opening the Infusion settings dialog window:
E Bolus: Therapy control for bolus volume in
z Touch the header bar in the IV control field.
user-defined unit of measurement and display
The horizontal tabs stand for Module DPS syringe of the set bolus volume in mL. This is displayed
pumps 1 to 4. The pages are identical. in red for application of an initial bolus.
The vertical tabs open the settings for General and F Time: Display of the bolus application time in
Advanced. seconds.
G On/Off: Starting or stopping an infusion.
H Infusion: Therapy control for infusion in user-
defined unit of measurement and display of the
set infusion rate in mL/h
I Status: Display of a running or waiting function
(e.g., Bolus running).
Suitable drug settings have been loaded with the
L O profile setup or selected from the Infusion settings
dialog window.
J Max.bol.rate: Limits the bolus rate saved in the Switching on the Module DPS
Therapy control for the maximum bolus rate in
user-defined unit of measurement and display 1 ATRAC
of the set maximum bolus rate in mL/h
K Bolus: Therapy control for the bolus in user-de-
fined unit of measurement and display of the set
Bolus in mL. This is displayed in red for applica-
tion of an initial bolus. A
L Bolus rate: Therapy control for bolus rate in
user-defined unit of measurement and display
of the set infusion rate in mL/h
M Bolus time: Display of the Bolus application
time in seconds. If a Module DPS syringe pump which is switched off
N Max.inf.rate: Limits the infusion rate saved in is connected to Zeus IE:
the profile. z Touch the Start pump button (A).
Therapy control for the maximum infusion rate
in user-defined unit of measurement and dis- Or
play of the set maximum infusion rate in mL/h z In the Infusion settings (see page 142) dialog
O Infusion: Therapy control for infusion in user- window, touch the Pump On button.
defined unit of measurement and display of the z Confirm with the rotary knob.
set infusion rate in mL/h
The Module DPS syringe pump is switched on.
Zeus IE checks information from the syringe pump
being used. The default values are set.
1 Confirm drug at pump . z Touch the Start infusion button (A).
The LED in the (B) button on the syringe pump Or
flashes in green.
z In the Infusion settings (see page 142) dialog
2 Press the (B) key. window, touch the On button for the Infusion.
The LED continues to flash in green. The LED in the (B) button on the syringe pump
An infusion or a bolus application can be com- goes out and the infusion starts.
menced only after the syringe size and the drug
have been confirmed on the syringe pump and after
visual inspection of the assigned Module DPS sy-
ringe pump on Zeus IE.
Checking patient data/weight For each syringe pump, the delivery can be limited
to mL/h (B), if there is no appropriate drug in the
Before starting the first infusion, check the patient
drug library:
weight entered and correct if necessary. The indi-
vidual IV deliveries are related to that weight. 1 Touch the respective button.
1 Touch the Start infusion button (A).
1 The therapy control (B) for the infusion rate is dis-
played with the preset value.
1 Touch the Start bolus button (A). z Touch the Stop bolus button (C) and confirm.
The therapy control (B) for the bolus volume is dis- Bolus administration stops. Infusion stops.
played with the preset value.
2 Use the rotary knob to set and confirm the Stopping the infusion in the Infusion settings
value. dialog window
The bolus starts. Infusion settings
The set value for the bolus is displayed. The pump
symbol indicates the Bolus running function by
displaying a moving plunger head.
If a bolus is started during an infusion, infusion con-
tinues after the end of the bolus.
Select drug The settings (C) for the drug selected are displayed
alongside the drug list:
The selectable drugs are stored in the drug library, – Concentration
see page 149. – Bolus rate
In the Infusion settings > General dialog window: – Maximum bolus rate
– Bolus rate limit
Infusion settings – Infusion rate
– Maximum infusion rate
– Infusion rate limit
– Initial bolus
A – Maintenance bolus
3 Press rotary knob.
The drug selected is applied. The dialog window
and drug
1 Touch the Select button (A) and confirm with ro-
tary knob. If an empty syringe is replaced with a syringe filled
with another drug during the course of an infusion:
The Select drug dialog window will be opened.
1 Remove the empty syringe from the pump.
Select drug
2 Select the drug on Zeus IE.
3 Insert new syringe.
4 Confirm the new drug on the syringe pump.
The drug list (B) shows all the drugs stored with the
following information:
– Name
– Abbreviation
2 Select a drug from the drug list (B) using the ro-
tary knob.
Drug library C The settings for the drug selected are displayed
alongside the drug list:
The drug data is managed in the drug library. Ac- – Concentration
cess is access code-protected, see "Drug library" – Bolus rate
on page 344. – Maximum bolus rate
– Bolus rate limit
Basic settings
– Infusion rate
A – Maximum infusion rate
– Infusion rate limit
– Initial bolus
– Maintenance bolus
– Last modified
D The Delete, Edit, and Add buttons are used to
change the settings for drugs.
E The Import and Export buttons are used to
save drug library data to USB storage media
and from to load this data into another Zeus IE.
The dialog window to enter the access code for the Mass storage devices can contain computer vi-
drug library appears. ruses which can impair the operation of Zeus IE.
– Check mass storage devices for computer vi-
2 Enter access code for the drug library and con- ruses before using them with Zeus IE.
firm. – Do not use any mass storage device contain-
The Drug library dialog window will be opened. ing computer viruses with Zeus IE.
Drug library
J z Touch the Dose settings tab (M).
The infusion and bolus delivery settings are dis-
z Touch the General settings tab (F).
N Infusion rate (mL/h)
The basic drug settings are displayed: O Maximum infusion rate (mL/h)
G Name P Initial bolus (mL)
H Abbreviation Q Maintenance bolus (mL)
I Concentration R Bolus rate (mL/h)
J Concentration unit: µg/mL, mg/mL S Maximum bolus rate (mL/h)
K Quantity unit: mL, mg, µg/kg, mg/kg
Units can be defined by the user and may vary.
L Time unit: min, h
If a drug is stored in a profile, the abbreviation
cannot be changed. The drug must first be re-
moved from the profile.
z Touch the Limit settings tab (T). z Touch the Color tab (W).
The infusion and bolus limit settings are displayed: The color coding settings of the respective drug are
U Infusion rate limit (mL/h) displayed.
V Bolus rate limit (mL/h)
Units can be defined by the user and may vary.
These limits cannot be changed during operation
Delivery beyond these set limits is possible. A vi-
olation of these limits is announced.
Drug editor
If the name entered is not accepted, there is al-
ready a drug with this name in the drug library. z Touch the Dose settings tab (M).
Choose a new name.
The infusion and bolus delivery settings are dis-
Zeus IE offers an abbreviation (Y) for the drug played.
name. The abbreviation for the drug name must be
1 Touch the buttons of the respective parameters.
unique. 5 characters (letters, numbers) must be en-
tered. Do not use special characters! 2 Use the rotary knob to set and confirm the
Examples: value.
– PROP1 = Propofol 1 %
– PROP2 = Propofol 2 %
Entering a new abbreviation:
4 Touch the Abbreviation button (Y). A keyboard
window opens.
5 Use the BackSp button in the keyboard window
to delete the placeholder for the abbreviation.
6 Enter name and confirm with the rotary knob.
1 Select a drug from the list using the rotary knob. NOTE
2 Touch the Delete button and confirm with rotary The data for the manual bolus are not automati-
knob. cally adopted in the trend display for IV data if:
– a manual bolus is started via the syringe pump
The drug is deleted.
while Zeus is still in General Standby
Drug library import/export
– the syringe pump has not yet been remotely
In the Drug library dialog window: operated by the Zeus.
1 Touch the Export or Import button. Only when the pump has been confirmed on
Zeus, the data from manually started boluses will
2 Insert USB storage media and follow the in-
be adopted into the trend memory.
structions in the dialog window, see page 149.
3 Confirm with rotary knob.
Risk of patient injury
After transferring a drug library, check the drug
configurations to eliminate the risk of incorrect
2 C
1 E
1 to 4 are displayed from top to bottom: Open tabular display of the data from syringe
– InfR 1 to InfR 4 pumps 1 to 4:
– administered volume Vtot
z Touch the Tab. trend button (G).
The scaling limits are:
Select Interval [min] for creating a new row in the
– Maximum infusion rate table:
– Maximum bolus rate
z Touch the corresponding button (H) (1, 2, 3, 5,
For each Module DPS syringe pump, the current 10, 15, 30 min).
data is, relating to the position of the cursor, indi-
cated as a numerical value next to the graphic trend
– Name and Concentration
– Selected infusion
– Delivery rate
– Volume actually administered Vtot
System setup
End of operation
Switching Zeus IE into system standby System standby is the standby mode in which:
– Fresh gas is switched off
– Quick start dialog window appears
– Electrical power consumption is minimal
System standby? – Operation can be resumed quickly
B – The device can be switched off
Pressing the rotary knob automatically switches the
device to the system standby screen. 1 Touch the On/Off button (C).
As the DIVA metering modules cool down slowly
(when using desflurane), metering accuracy is
temporarily reduced if Zeus IE is shut down and
put back into operation immediately.
Display alarms
B A 1:35
Alarm priorities and signals
The alarm messages appear in the alarm message – The corresponding parameter flashes
field (A) of the header bar. – Continuous tone sequence
If more alarms occur simultaneously than can be
displayed in the alarm message field, the All Medium-priority alarms
alarms button (B) is displayed for further alarms.
– The alarm message requires immediate action.
z Touch the All alarms button.
– Text on a yellow background
The Alarms >Alarm info dialog window opens. In-
formation about all currently active alarms appears. – The corresponding parameter flashes
– A tone sequence sounds every 30 seconds
Alarm info
z Touch alarm message field. All current alarms are listed in chronological order
with the following information:
The Alarms >Alarm info dialog window (A) opens
B Duration
with all currently active alarm messages.
C Prio
Alarms D Alarms
E Alarm limits
A F Cause
B C D E G Remedy
! See also alarm messages from page 255.
Alarm log
The alarm log records all alarm messages that All alarms that occur are listed in chronological or-
have occurred, but are no longer active in chrono- der with the following information:
logical order (maximum 200). B Date
C Time
Alarms D Priority
E Patient alarms
A E Technical alarms
!!! See also alarm messages from page 255.
The Graph.trend (G) and Tab. trend (H) buttons
!! open the dialog windows for trend display as a
! curve or table at the time of the selected alarm.
The alarm log is cleared:
!!! – At the start of a new case
G H – When switching on the system
– In the event of a total power failure of more than
z Touch the Alarm log tab (A). 5 min (after the batteries are empty)
Alarm limits
Calling up via limit violations during op-
eration H
If limit violations occur during operation, the corre-
sponding parameter flashes, e.g., (A).
1 Touch the respective parameter field. F
The Sensors/Parameters dialog window will be G
2 Touch the button. The following user configurations (E) with the cor-
The Alarms > Alarm limits dialog window opens responding upper (F) and lower (G) alarm limits can
for the parameter selected. be displayed:
– Noninvasive (optional)
3 Touch the button of the alarm limit to be modi- – Invasive (optional)
fied. The button turns yellow. – Ventilation
4 Set the required value by turning the rotary – Anesth.
knob and push to confirm. – Infusion (optional)
1 Touch the Alarms button (C). Risk of patient injury
The Alarms > Alarm limits dialog window ap- The user must set the alarm limits according
pears. The alarm-related limit is preselected, the to the patient and activate if necessary. Other-
button is yellow. wise, there is a risk that patient monitoring is
not ensured.
2 Set the required value by turning the rotary
knob and push to confirm. 1 Touch the vertical tab of the user configuration
of the alarm limit to be modified.
2 Touch the button of the alarm limit to be modi-
fied. The button turns yellow.
3 Set the required value by turning the rotary Invasive blood pressure monitoring (op-
knob and push to confirm. tional)
The graphic displays a 30-minute trend of the
alarm-related parameter. The broken lines (H) in z Touch the Invasive button (A).
the graphic represent the alarm limits and are
moved accordingly.
If the alarm limit of the parameter is being moni-
tored, the color of the button is dark green – other-
wise it is bright green. A
The alarm limits can be configured depending on
the selected parameter (B) S, D or M. Only the
A alarm limits of the blood pressure sensors currently
connected are shown.
Ventilation Anesthesia
z Touch the Ventilation button (A). z Touch the Anesth. button (A).
Alarms Alarms
The following upper and lower alarm limits can be The following upper and lower alarm limits can be
configured: configured:
B etCO2 (Endexpiratory CO2 content of the B Inspiratory N2O content of the breathed air
breathed air) (inN2O) These buttons only appear if N2O is se-
C inCO2 (Inspiratory CO2 content of the breathed lected as the carrier gas.
air) C Inspiratory anesthetic agent content of the
D FiO2 (Inspiratory O2 content of the breathed air) breathed air (depending on the selected anes-
E MVe (Expiratory minute volume) thetic agent, e.g., inIso).
F VTi (Inspiratory tidal volume)
G Paw (airway pressure)
H Brody Factor
Leakage detection in closed operation, see "Set
ranges of the patient monitoring alarm limits"
on page 179.
The alarm limits set are displayed on the wave-
forms as a broken line.
Infusion (optional)
1 A
B C 479
KVO function*
If the KVO function is activated in the syringe pump,
the syringe pump does not shut down if the upper
alarm limit for the infusion volume is exceeded.
KVO appears on the pump display. The infusion
continues at a low infusion rate. The syringe pump
cannot be remote-controlled.
1 Switch off syringe pump.
2 Increase volume alarm limit on Zeus IE.
3 Switch syringe pump back on.
Suspending alarms
National and international standards specify
minimum monitoring with alarm functions.
These regulations may not be complied with if
the alarm function of the monitoring parame-
ter etCO2 is disabled!
Select alarms for which the alarm recorder auto- Calling up Recorder config.:
matically starts when they occur.
1 Touch the Recorder config. tab (C).
z Touch the Alarm recorder tab (A).
All limits
BP Other BPs
z Touch the IBP tab (A). z Touch the More IBP tab (A).
Alarms Alarms
The alarm limits of the following parameters can be The alarm limits of the following parameters can be
configured: configured:
B ART S (artery systolic blood pressure) B LV S (left ventricular systolic blood pressure)
C ART D (artery diastolic blood pressure) C LV D (left ventricular diastolic blood pressure)
D ART M (mean artery blood pressure) D LV M (mean left ventricular blood pressure)
E PA S (pulmonary artery systolic blood pressure) E RV S (right ventricular systolic blood pressure)
F PA D (pulmonary artery diastolic blood pres- F RV D (right ventricular diastolic blood pressure)
sure) G RV M (mean right ventricular blood pressure)
G PA M (mean pulmonary artery blood pressure) H LA M (mean pressure for left atrium)
H CVP M (mean central venous pressure) I RA M (mean pressure for right atrium)
I GP1 S (non-specific systolic blood pressure) J GP2 S (other non-specific systolic blood pres-
(General Purpose) sure) (General Purpose)
J GP1 D (non-specific diastolic blood pressure) K GP2 D (other non-specific diastolic blood pres-
(General Purpose) sure) (General Purpose)
K GP1 M (non-specific mean blood pressure) L GP2 M (other non-specific mean blood pres-
(General Purpose) sure) (General Purpose)
M ICP M (mean intracranial pressure)
N CPP M (cerebral perfusion pressure)
Arrhythmia Anesthesia
z Touch the Arrhythmia tab (A). z Touch the Anesth. tab (A).
Alarms Alarms
The following parameters can be configured de- The alarm limits of the following parameters can be
pending on the option used: configured:
B Dual lead processing: Off/On. B inN2O (Inspiratory N2O content of the breathed
C Arrhythmia monitoring: air)
– Adv. (optional) C inHal (Inspiratory anesthetic agent concentra-
– Basic tion of the breathed air)
– Off D inEnf (Inspiratory anesthetic agent concentra-
tion of the breathed air)
Specify the settings for Rate and Count when an E inIso (Inspiratory anesthetic agent concentra-
arrhythmia event is reported. tion of the breathed air)
F inSev (Inspiratory anesthetic agent concentra-
tion of the breathed air)
Setting the Rate
G inDes (Inspiratory anesthetic agent concentra-
z Touch button, set the required value and con- tion of the breathed air)
firm. H etCO2 (Endexpiratory CO2 content of the
breathed air)
For ASY, VF and ARTF the rate cannot be I inCO2 (Inspiratory CO2 content of the breathed
changed. air)
J FiO2 (Inspiratory O2 content of the breathed air)
Setting the Count K MVe (Expiratory minute volume)
L VTi (Inspiratory tidal volume)
z Touch button, set the required value and con- M Paw (airway pressure)
firm. N Brody Factor
Set ranges, see "Set ranges of the patient monitor-
ing alarm limits" on page 179 WARNING
Risk of patient injury
The user must adjust maximum inspiratory VA
concentration to suit the patient or else there
is a risk of concentration levels being too high
or too low.
1 2 3 4
Autoset limits
The Autoset function always refers only to the
alarm limits highlighted in yellow on the par-
ticular page! The Autoset difference (X) can be set for the follow-
This resets the previously active alarm limits! ing areas:
E Hemodyn.
Disabled alarms are not automatically ena- F IBP
bled. G Anesth./ Ventilation
Autoset can be performed for the following areas:
– Noninvasive
– Invasive
– Ventilation
– Anesth.
1 Touch the corresponding tab, e.g., (C).
2 Touch the Autoset button (A). The Autoset but-
ton is preselected in yellow. Alarm limits that will
be recalculated by the Autoset function are
highlighted in yellow on the respective page.
3 Touch the Autoset (A) button. The alarm limits
highlighted in yellow will be recalculated.
The limit is adjusted based on the formula:
Upper limit = Current measurement + X %
Lower limit = Current measurement – X %
Setting Autoset limits for the Hemodyn. The following parameters can be configured:
area B ART S, ART D, ART M (artery blood pressure
z Touch the Hemodyn. tab (A). C PA S, PA D, PA M (pulmonary arterial blood
pressure values)
D CVP M (mean central venous pressure)
E GP1 S, GP1 D, GP1 M (non-specific (general
pressure) blood pressure values)
F LV S, LV D, LV M (left ventricular blood pres-
A sure values)
B C D E F G H I G RV S, RV D, RV M (right ventricular blood pres-
sure values)
H LA M (mean pressure for left atrium)
I RA M (mean pressure for right atrium)
J GP2 S, GP2 D, GP2 M (non-specific (general
pressure) blood pressure values)
K ICP M (mean pressure for intracranial blood
The alarm tone can be suppressed for maximum Switching the audible alarm on again
2 minutes.
z Press the Audio paused key (A) again.
The information field in the header bar is empty.
The following alarms immediately end the silence
Alarm message
Air supply fail
Air+N2O delivery cutoff
O2 Air N2O O2 Air N2O
In the header bar, the symbol (B) with the re- DIVA protect fail
maining silence time (minutes:seconds) appears.
DIVA+mixer failure
If the Audio paused key is pressed a second time Fresh gas intern/extern?
during this time, the All symbol is symbol ap-
pears. All audible alarms which appear in the next Infusion line 1 blocked
2 minutes are suppressed. The visual signal on the Infusion line 2 blocked
alarm bar disappears.
Infusion line 3 blocked
If there are no active alarms before pressing the Infusion line 4 blocked
Audio paused key, then all alarms which appear in
the next 2 minutes are suppressed (preventive si- Insp. desflurane high
lence function). Insp. enflurane high
Insp. halothane high
Insp. isoflurane high
Insp. oxygen low
Insp. sevoflurane high
Alarm message
Insp. vol. agent high
Internal safety fan failed
N2O supply fail
Oxygen supply fail
Power supply temp high
Pump 1 battery empty
Pump 1 failure
Pump 1 operation failed
Pump 2 battery empty
Pump 2 failure
Pump 2 operation failed
Pump 3 battery empty
Pump 3 failure
Pump 3 operation failed
Pump 4 battery empty
Pump 4 failure
Pump 4 operation failed
Remove DIVA module 1
Remove DIVA module 2
Safety O2 opened
Safety settings active
Syringe 1 empty
Syringe 2 empty
Syringe 3 empty
Syringe 4 empty
VA delivery failure
Ventilator failure
Arrhythmia detection
1:35 1:35
can be printed (with Infinity network option).
Horizontal tabs open the diagnosis windows. Verti-
cal tabs show graphic, tabular displays and other
Printing graphic trend display figures.
The graphic trend always starts with the current The following applications can be selected:
time and prints the entire trend from the time the pa- B Overview
tient case started. Trends of: HR, NIBP, ART, CVP, etCO2, i/e O2,
SpO2, i/e VA, Paw, MV
C Hemodyn.
Printing tabular trend display Trends of: HR, ART, CVP, PLS, NIBP, PA, RA,
The entire trend with the selected interval time from SpO2, T1, T2, Pmean, C.O.
the start of the patient case is printed. Cardiac calculat.: C.O., HR, ART M, CVP, PA
Diagnosis windows LVSWI, RVSWI, BSA
ST view: inferior, lateral, anterior
Measured values in different applications, arranged D BIS/NMT
according to different parameters are saved and Trends of: BIS, SQI, EMG, BSR, BCT, SEF,
displayed in the Trends/Data dialog window. PWR, SNGL, TOF, TOFR, PTC
E Infusion
z Touch the Trends/Data button (A).
Trends of: Infusion data (option, see page 154)
The Trends/Data dialog window will be opened. F Ventilat./ Oxygenat.
Trends of: etCO2, MV, i/e O2, SpO2, Paw, C, R,
RRmand, RRspon, VT
Resp. mech.:
– Pressure: PIP, Plat, Mean, PEEP
– Lung: Cdyn, R
– Ventilator: Circle flow
– Vol: MVe, VTi, VTe, RR, VTmand, RRmand,
MVespon, VTspon, RRspon
G Gases/ Anesth.
Trends of: xMAC, i/e VA, ART, NIBP, HR, N2O,
O2 upt., RRspon, T NMT, TOF, SQI, BIS
Current flows:
– Fresh-gas control: System closed
– Current flows: O2, Air, N2O, Total
– Injected anesth. agent (fl.)
Total consumpt.:
– Gas amount since start: O2, Air, N2O
– Volatile agent amount since start
– Gas costs since start: O2, Air, N2O
– Volatile agent costs since start
H System
Automatically opens the page Test details >
Test history.
0 20
mL/mbar mbar/L/s
For hemodynamic patient monitoring (optional), the
C following pages can be configured:
E SpO2
H Temp
I C.O./ Calculat.
z Touch parameter field e.g. (A). J BIS/NMT
The corresponding page opens in the Sensors/Pa- For device monitoring, the following page can be
rameters dialog window. configured:
K Anesth./ Ventilation
The parameter fields are configured in the Screen
z Touch the area of the loop display (B).
setup > Screen layout > Data dialog window,
The Sensors/Parameters > Anesth./ Ventilation see page 332.
> PV FV Loops dialog window appears.
Or Parameter module
If the Sensors/ Parameters button is configured If "---" is displayed in a parameter module, the
(see page 332): measured value is invalid or out of date.
z Touch the Sensors/ Parameters button (C). If an apnea alarm or an asystole alarm occurs, no
measurements will be displayed in the CO2 and
The Sensors/Parameters dialog window will be
HR/PLS parameter modules. The length of time the
alarm has already been present is displayed in the
relevant parameter module.
Device monitoring
B 73 53
D The parameter box CO2 displays
E – the inspiratory (in) CO2 concentration in the
breathing gas
F – the expiratory (et) CO2 concentration in the
G breathing gas
– the respiratory rate RR from the CO2 signal
Additionally after touching the Display all button
Setting the amplitude of CO2 scale Setting the amplitude of the O2 scale
Sensors/Parameters Sensors/Parameters
z Touch the CO2 button (A). z Touch the Oxygen button (A).
The CO2 page displays: The Oxygen page displays:
B The current CO2 curve B The current O2 curve
C CO2 scale (scaling of the CO2 curve in relation C O2 scale (scaling of the O2 curve in relation to
to the amplitude) the amplitude)
D The button opens the Alarms > Alarm lim- D The button opens the Alarms > Alarm lim-
its > Ventilation dialog window for alarm limit its > Ventilation dialog window for alarm limit
setting. setting.
Oxygen Flow
O2 % Vol L/min
27 Off
20 6.0 Off
F 406
Paw mbar
PIP Pmean
14 C A
The Paw parameter box displays: 228
z Touch the Paw button (A).
Paw mbar
The Paw page displays:
PIP Pmean
13 B The current Paw curve
Auto 5 C Paw scale (scaling of the Paw curve in relation
to the amplitude)
Display 1 B
– Inspiratory (in) and expiratory (et) values of the
anesthetic agent, of N2O and O2
Iso N 20 O 2%
2.2 60 37
1.2 50 27
z Touch the Volatile agent button (A).
Pressure/volume loops
Pressure/volume loops show changes in the com-
pliance, resistance and respiratory work.
0 Paw
The loop of a mechanically generated breath is 0 20
plotted in an counterclockwise direction. The loop
of a spontaneous breath is plotted in a clockwise di-
rection. The inspiration starts at a point which is de-
fined via the base pressure and the volume at the A B
beginning of inspiration. The loops show the appro-
priate values for dynamic compliance (Cdyn).
Older loops are deleted and replaced by the current
Flow/volume loops loops. Up to six reference loops can be saved and
displayed. Reference loops are used as compari-
Flow/volume loops plot mechanical and spontane-
son points to evaluate the current loops.
ous breaths in the same manner. Inspiration starts
at the starting point of the loop and is then plotted z Touch the Save button (A).
upwards and from the left-hand side to the right-
The current loop is saved as a blue curve with its
hand side (clockwise). Expiration is plotted below
time. The loops in progress are overlaid on it in
the horizontal axis from right to left, back to the
starting point.
z Touch the Recall button (B).
The saved loops (maximum 6) are recalled by con-
tinuous touching. The sequence of the loops is dis-
played at the top right along with the respective
time saved.
Displaying values for compliance Cdyn and resist-
ance R:
z Touch the screen between the Save and Recall
0 Paw H
0 20 I
Cdyn 24 R 2
mL/mbar mbar/L/s z Touch the PV FV Loops button (C).
The PV FV Loops page displays:
1 2
O2 uptake / Uptake monitoring
min Zeus IE uses the Brody formula for uptake monitor-
O2 uptake = 10 x KG3/4
0 0
0.28 L/min 0.14 0 mL/h
Patient monitoring
The connection field for patient monitoring is on the
left-hand side next to the breathing system.
* optional
SpO2 measurement with SmartPod SpO2 SpO2 measurement without SpO2 SmartPod
The connection field has the following connections:
The connection field has the following connections:
Aux / Hemo 2
C Aux / Hemo 3
Aux / Hemo 2
J Aux / Hemo 3
NIBP Sync.
IV-System Sync. K L
Connection for accessories to measure 1 to
4 invasive blood pressures (IBP) and C.O.
B MULTIMED Connection for accessories to measure 1 to
Connection for accessories to measure 3 to 4 invasive blood pressures (IBP) and C.O.
6 ECG leads and 1 or 2 temperatures
C Aux/Hemo 2/3 Connection for accessories to measure SpO2,
Connections for accessories to measure 1 to 3 to 6 ECG leads and 1 or 2 temperatures
4 invasive blood pressures and C.O. as well as
for anesthesia effect monitoring (Trident pod, J Aux/Hemo 2/3
BISx pod) Connections for accessories to measure 1 to
4 invasive blood pressures and C.O. as well as
D NIBP for anesthesia effect monitoring (Trident pod,
Connection to measure the non-invasive blood BISx pod)
E SpO2 Connection to measure the non-invasive blood
Connection to measure oxygen saturation (sen- pressure
sor technology must be identified)
L Sync
F IV system Synchronization connection for defibrillators
Connection of Module DPS for intravenous an-
esthesia (optional) M IV system
Connection of Module DPS for intravenous an-
G Sync esthesia (optional)
Synchronization connection for defibrillators
Zeus IE con- Accesso- ECG SpO2 NIBP BP Temp. C.O. NMT/ BIS
nection field ries TOF
MULTIMED MUL- 3 to 1 sensor1) 1 or 2
TIMED 5 5 electrodes sensors2)
MUL- 3 to 1 Sensor1) 1 or 2
TIMED 6 6 electrodes sensors2)
MUL- 3 to 1 Sensor1) 1 or 2
TIMED 6 electrodes sensors2)
HEMOMED 1 Y-cable 1 or
2 pressure
HemoMed 4 pressure x
Pod transducers
Aux/Hemo 2 Hemo2 2 pressure 2 sensors x
or Aux/ Pod transducers
Hemo 3
Hemo4 4 pressure 2 sensors x
Pod transducers
Quad 4 pressure 2 sensors x
Hemo Pod transducers
Trident pod 1 NMT
BISx pod 1 BIS
SpO23 Masimo S 1 Masimo
ET cable sensor3)
Nellcor Ox- 1 Nellcor
iMax cable sensor3)
NIBP NIBP hose 1 sen-
1) optional for measurement without SmartPod SpO2
2) depends on the use of a Y-cable
3) omitted for measurement without SmartPod SpO2
To prevent the risk of burns, keep sensors and
pressure transducers (ECG, temperature,
pressure, SpO2, BISx) and their associated ca-
bles away from the operation site, the back
electrodes of the electrosurgical unit and the A For the display of 3, 5 or 6 ECG leads, different
grounding. cables can be connected to the MULTIMED
connection on the Zeus IE.
Always use a high-frequency adapter block – MULTIMED 6 cable
(ESU filter) from Dräger or a MULTIMED Plus – MULTIMED PLUS OR cable
OR cable with compatible electrode cables.
Doing so reduces high-frequency interference
and protects the patient against burns that
may be caused by voltage being emitted by
the high-frequency surgery device. For better
performance, set the ECG filter option to
Pacemaker detection is not available if the
ESU filter or MULTIMED Plus OR cable is used.
B MULTIMED cable G MULTIMED PLUS OR cable with integrated
ESU block
C ESU block for protection from interference due
to high-frequency surgery H ECG cable (3, 5 or 6 leads) for connection to the
electrodes applied to the patient
D ECG cable (3, 5 or 6 leads) for connection to the
electrodes applied to the patient I Connection socket for temperature cable
Two temperature sensors may be connected
E Connection socket for temperature cable via a Y-cable.
Two temperature sensors may be connected J Connection socket for SpO2 cable*
via a Y-cable.
z Insert white ECG standard lead wire set (D) into
F Connection socket for SpO2 cable* the MULTIMED PLUS OR Pod (C).
1 Insert white ECG standard lead wire set (D) into
the ESU block (C). If a MULTIMED 5 cable is
used, leave the V+ connection vacant. Connection for NIBP accessories
2 Connect ESU block (C) to the MULTIMED
cable (B). optionally without
SmartPod SpO2
5-pin and 6-pin ESU blocks are available.
3 All electrode inputs must be covered.
Use ESU block during HF surgery only.
Hemo2 Pod, Hemo4 Pod, HemoMed Pod and The modules have three buttons:
Quad Hemo Pod G The SmartZero key performs the zeroing
of all pressure transducers connected to the
optionally without module which are open to atmospheric pres-
SmartPod SpO2 sure.
H The C.O. Start key starts measuring cardiac
E E I The Wedge key starts measuring pulmonary
wedge pressure.
On the Hemo2 and Hemo4 Pods, the connection
(N) for Zeus IE is located on the right side.
tion field.
2 Connect pressure transducer cables (O) to the
adapter block on the rear of the module.
cable (T) to connection (R). Connect the other
end (S) to the Aux/Hemo2 or Aux/Hemo3 con- A MULTIMED Pod
nection on Zeus IE.
B Temperature sensor
A Y-cable has to be used for the measurement
S of 2 temperatures.
Two technologies are available for the SpO2 meas-
– SmartPod Masimo SET*
– SmartPod Nellcor OxiMax*
– Dräger Oxisure**
The SpO2 measurement is carried out using the fol-
lowing connections:
A Integrated SmartPod or
B Multimed**
C Connecting cable
D SpO2 sensor
A Injectate
B Injectate temperature sensor
C Proximal lumen
D Thermistor T-piece
G E Three-way tap
F C.O. Y-cable
G C.O. catheter cable
* optional
F Pod Com cable to the Zeus IE connection field
or to the Trident pod
G Sensor cable for connecting the BIS sensor
SmartPod SpO2
A Covered connection, currently no function
B LED for displaying activated stimulation
C Connection for NMT accessories: accelerome-
ter, electrodes
D Socket for BISx pod
E To the Zeus IE connection field (Pod Com ca- A
60 120
Defibrillation electrodes must never be placed
over ECG electrodes or ECG leads. A dis-
The HR/PLS parameter box displays: charge could prevent defibrillation and cause
– Heart rate injuries to clinical staff and the patient.
– Lead
– ST value WARNING
Additionally after touching the Display all button Evoked potential equipment can cause faults
(prerequisite: Display all button has been config- in ECG monitoring.
ured, see page 332):
– Currently set alarm limits
ECG with pacemakers
Determining mean values from the ECG Special care must be taken with pacemaker pa-
The monitor detects QRS complexes with ampli- tients in ECG analysis.
tudes between 0.2 and 5.0 mV and a QRS width of While monitoring pacemaker patients, QRS com-
70 to 120 ms for adults and 40 to 100 ms for ne- plexes may possibly not be counted correctly. A
onates, see notes regarding QRS detection in the threshold alarm for the lower heart rate may occur
"Fault – Cause – Remedy" chapter. The heart rate by mistake:
is calculated within a range of 15 to 300 bpm by
means of the RR intervals in the last 10 seconds, – For fusion beats and asynchronous pacemak-
where the two longest and two shortest RR inter- ers with coupling intervals between +10 and
vals are excluded from the calculation. The aver- –90 ms.
age is created from the remaining intervals and this – For asynchronous pacemakers with overshoot
result is displayed as the current heart rate in the With certain pacemaker patients, Zeus IE can-
HR parameter field of the main screen. not accurately measure heart rate as well as
frequency-dependent arrhythmia events.
Turn on pacemaker detection for pacemaker
patients only. Turn off pacemaker detection for
patients without pacemakers.
During cardiac arrest or certain arrhythmias,
the heart rate generated by the pacemaker
may still need to be recorded and counted.
Therefore, do not relay solely on the heart rate
measurement. Special attention must be paid
to pacemaker patients. If pacemaker detection is on, Zeus IE can recog-
nize pacemaker-induced heartbeats. These are
WARNING marked in all channels by bars.
Do not rely entirely on the displayed heart rate
Normal ECG impulses are marked by the sym-
or respiratory rate for evaluating the status of
a pacemaker patient. Such patients must al-
ways be monitored closely and their vital Pacemaker detection is only available in the Adult
signs checked carefully. patient category.
When monitoring children and neonates or with
WARNING high-frequency filter switched on, pacemaker de-
Some makes of pacemaker (especially exter- tection is not available.
nal pacemakers with electrodes on the sur-
face of the body) emit pulses which may be
Pacemaker with impedance-dependent inter-
much higher than the 700 mV maximum ampli-
tude specified for the pacemaker detection
system of the monitor. For this reason, Pacemakers with impedance-dependent intervals
Zeus IE may interpret pulses with such high emit additional electrical pulses. Zeus IE may inter-
amplitudes as valid QRS complexes and can- pret such pulses as normal pacemaker pulses and
not recognize a cardiac arrest in unfavorable superimposes them on the ECG in the form of black
circumstances. markings. In this case, change the arrangement of
the electrodes so that the black markings disappear
WARNING on the screen.
Special caution is required with patients who
have an implanted, frequency-adapted pace-
maker. Patient monitors can cause faults in
some frequency-adapted pacemakers. This
could lead to unnecessarily high pacemaker
To prevent interference and ensure patient and staff The use of infusion or reel pumps or other electrical
safety, observe the following during HF surgery: devices during patient monitoring may lead to ECG
artefacts, whereby Zeus IE might display pace-
WARNING maker markers although the ECG is normal.
ECG leads, temperature sensors, pressure To determine the interference source, the corre-
measuring accessories, SpO2 sensors, and in- sponding device may need to be switched off. If this
termediate cables must be kept away from the eliminates the artefacts, the device is probably the
grounding as well as the electrosurgical de- cause of the interference.
vice and its cables.
Electrical interference emitted from insulation com-
WARNING ponents can briefly overlap or interrupt the ECG
When using HF surgery devices, only use blue
Dräger ECG leads or a high-frequency adapter The signals from transcutaneous electrical nerve
block for conventional cables, see separate stimulators (TENS) are similar to pacemaker
list of accessories. The blue leads and the pulses and can be misinterpreted as such by
adapter block guard against high-frequency Zeus IE. Valid QRS complexes after a misinter-
interference and protect the patient against preted TENS signal may possibly be rejected by
burns, which can be caused by voltage being Zeus IE.
emitted by the HF surgery device.
When using a high-frequency adapter block
and blue shielded cables, pacemaker detec-
tion is not available. This also applies when
the ESU ECG filter is selected.
Both reusable and disposable electrodes are avail-
z Arrange the electrodes in such a way that an
optimum ECG signal is received by Zeus IE.
The amplitude of the P- and T-waves should not
be less than one third of QRS amplitude.
z Position electrodes as far from the operation
site as possible.
Electrical artefacts arising from a cause other
than heart disease, e.g., attacks/spasms, may
prevent the detection of certain arrhythmias.
In the case of patients prone to attacks, the
user should not solely rely on the ECG.
Beat and rhythm classification This is done by measuring voltage values and com-
paring them at two measurement points, the isoe-
The beat classification refers to the analysis of indi-
lectric point and ST measurement point. The isoe-
vidual beats.
lectric point defines the zero voltage (no electrical
All detected beats are analyzed by Zeus IE for the activity = 0 mm) and appears on the horizontal time
heart rate calculation; however, questionable beats axis as basic setting 28 ms before the beginning of
are excluded from arrhythmia detection. the QRS complex. The ST measurement point ap-
pears in the ST segment between the end of the
The rhythm classification refers to the analysis of
QRS complex (J point) and the T segment as basic
beat sequences.
setting 80 ms after the end of the QRS complex.
Zeus IE compares the sequence of the last eight
beats with the saved beat sequences. If two or
more events are detected at the same time,
Zeus IE reports an alarm for the event with the
highest priority.
ECG – ST monitoring
measuring point ST measuring point
ST level
Time [s]
QRS start QRS end ST deviation
Settings on Zeus IE M The button opens the Alarms > Alarm lim-
its > Noninvasive dialog window for alarm limit
z Touch the ECG tab (A). setting.
N Auto: Waveform scaling is adapted on a contin-
The dialog window for ECG monitoring appears. uous basis. The maximum level selectable is
x 4.
ST segment analysis
C With the ST analysis, QRS complexes, which have
D been classified as normal beats, are analyzed by
H three to seven (optional) selected ECG derivatives.
I N E Zeus IE learns each ST derivative, whereby the
J F measured values and morphology of normal beats
are collected in an average QRS complex. ST devi-
ations are created in the comparison to this aver-
K L M age. If ST deviation is switched on, ST values are
ST view
In the display of the advanced ST option, all availa-
ble leads are displayed. inferior lateral anterior
Measuring points -8 30 min
z Touch the respective button. Use the rotary The example for the ECG lead II shows the display
knob to put the cursor on the required place and of the current QRS complexes (green) and the one-
confirm. time measurement of the reference complexes
(red) above each other. In addition, a short time
The following settings are possible:
trend of 30 minutes of the ascertained ST rise/fall is
C ST iso point: Setting the measuring position for
the isoelectric point
D ST meas. point: Setting the measuring position
for the ST measuring point
E ST trend scale: Amplitude setting for the ST
F ST event duration: Setting the time after which
there will be an alarm if there has been an unin-
terrupted limit transgression
G ST monitoring: Switching the ST segment
analysis On/Off
H Save reference
I ST view, opens ST view in the Trends/Data di-
alog window
J The button opens the Alarms >All limits >
Hemodyn. dialog window for alarm limit setting
of the measured values ST LAT, ST INF,
8 seconds
PLS – Using MultiMed*: 90 % of the SpO2 change
90 67 is displayed within 30 seconds (this setting
is less susceptible to artefacts, however
alarm messages occur more slowly).
Zeus IE displays SpO2 saturation values and the
pulse rate in the SpO2 parameter box. The appro- Fast:
priate curve field represents the SpO2 curve (pulse – Using Masimo-SET: On average, 2 to
plethysmogram). 4 seconds
– Using Nellcor OxiMax: On average, 2 to
Additionally after touching the Display all button
4 seconds
(prerequisite: Display all button has been config-
– Using MultiMed*: 90 % of the SpO2 change
ured, see page 332):
is displayed within 15 seconds (this setting
– Currently set alarm limits
is more susceptible to artefacts, however
alarm messages occur more quickly).
F Pulse tone modulation (depending on the sat-
Settings on Zeus IE uration rate): On, Off
G NIBP interlock: On, Off
z Touch the SpO2 tab (A). Switches SpO2 alarms off during an NIBP
The dialog window for SpO2 monitoring appears. measurement. The SpO2 value is frozen and
displayed in gray for the duration of NIBP meas-
H The button opens the Alarms > Alarm lim-
A its > Noninvasive dialog window for alarm limit
Test note and accuracy of the blood oxygen me-
C ter (Oxymeter)
D To comply with the ISO 9919 standard, do not
E check the measurement accuracy of the blood oxy-
F gen meter (Oxymeter) with a functional test unit or
G a patient simulator.
Position the cuff in such a way that no pressure is
exerted on the joints.
In the case of patients suffering from spasms, vi-
olent tremors or certain arrhythmias, it may not be
possible to obtain reliable NIBP measurements.
115/81 S
Zeus IE displays the non-invasive blood pressure
as a numerical value and as a trend. The NIBP pa-
rameter box shows the status during and after
measurement. The following is displayed: D I
– Systolic blood pressure E
– Diastolic blood pressure F
– Mean blood pressure G
– Time of measurement
– Bar graph (progress indicator) for the time until H
the next measurement
This page displays:
Additionally after touching the Display all button
B NIBP start (start measurement)
(prerequisite: Display all button has been config-
C Measured values
ured, see page 332):
D NIBP mode: Single, Auto, Venous stasis,
– Currently set alarm limits Cont. 5 Min.
E NIBP cycle time [min] (measuring interval for
Extended display of NIBP measurements a series of single measurements in Auto mode)
F Inflation limit (Stasis: Set maximum cuff pres-
In the dialog window Screen setup > Screen lay- sure in mmHg, Cuff Set patient category)
out > Data, other representations of the NIBP pa- G Parameter with alarm: S, D, M
rameter box can be configured, see page 332: H The button opens the Alarms > Alarm lim-
– NIBP double size (display twice the width) its > Noninvasive dialog window for alarm limit
– NIBP trend (display as graphic trend over setting.
30 min)
If the Auto button is touched, the Auto mode
paused message appears.
145/82 S
Continuous measurement
NIBP mmHg 10:12
118/81 S 160
The NIBP measurement is performed.
5 min
S 90
under NIBP mode (B).
Exception: All intervals which are a multiple of (94)
15 min
5 minutes synchronize from the second measure- S 160
ment to 5-minute steps of the current time so that
they are in the measuring grid of the trend display. Stasis measurement
NIBP mmHg 10:12
In the Venous stasis mode, the cuff is inflated for Cuff
up to 2 minutes. Pressure values, see page 223.
In the Cont. 5 Min. mode, single measurements
are continuously taken over 5 minutes.
118/81 S 160
During continuous measurements, Zeus IE per- If the venostasis has a negative impact on the
forms NIBP measurements continuously over a pe- patient, the cuff pressure can be released im-
riod of 5 minutes. If a technical NIBP alarm ap- mediately by touching the NIBP stop button.
pears, Zeus IE interrupts the continuous
measurements. A threshold value transgression By inflating the cuff and maintaining a constant cuff
does not lead to an abort. pressure, the blood supply to the lower part of the
limbs can be stopped for long enough to attach in-
If changing to continuous measurements, Zeus IE fusion catheters. If venostasis is selected, the blood
terminates the Auto mode. supply to the limbs remains blocked for as long as
Aborting a running continuous measurement: NIBP measurement lasts. The duration of the ven-
ostasis generated by the cuff is dependent on the
z Touch the NIBP stop button. set inflation limit and the patient category selected.
Repeated measurements:
If the inflation limit is set to Adult 270
(see page 221) and there is a weak pulse profile,
Zeus IE cancels the measurement in progress and
starts a second measuring attempt. If a second at-
tempt fails, an alarm message is displayed.
IBP parameters
Par. Pressure Measured value Measuring range
ART Arterial Systolic, diastolic, mean –50 to 400 [mmHg]
LV Left ventricular Systolic, diastolic, mean
PA Pulmonary arterial Systolic, diastolic, mean –50 to 400 [mmHg]
RV Right ventricular Systolic, diastolic, mean
CVP Central venous Medium
RA Right atrial Medium
LA Left atrial Medium
ICP Intracranial Medium
GP1 Unspecific, 1 Systolic, diastolic, mean –50 to 400 [mmHg]
GP2 Unspecific, 2 Systolic, diastolic, mean
Do not inflate the balloon excessively during
wedge pressure measurement. An overin-
flated balloon can cause damage to the pul-
monary artery wall.
The PA catheter may reach the wedge position
during a wedge pressure measurement before
the balloon has been inflated. If the PA curve
appears in wedge form, there may be such a
catheter fluctuation. If this is the case, take ap-
propriate clinical measures to correct the po-
sition of the catheter
The Zeus IE and the hemodynamic pods from
Dräger are protected against mains current in-
terference at 50 and 60 Hz. The pressure
transducers approved by Dräger protect the
patient against burns during HF surgery and
defibrillation. If non-approved pressure trans-
ducers are used, this protection can no longer
be guaranteed. Approved pressure transduc-
ers are on the separate list of accessories.
Pressure transducers must be zeroed under the fol-
lowing conditions:
– Immediately after inserting the catheter into the
circulatory system of the patient
– After connecting the pressure transducer to a
– Before starting monitor operation
– Before inputting a calibration factor
– After exchanging the breathing circuit or pres-
sure dome
Adjust static pressure transducers individually:
z Touch the Zero button in the Sensors/Parame-
ters > IBP > Cal. dialog window.
Zeroing several static pressure transducers simul-
Prerequisite: The Zero all BPs button has been
configured, see page 332.
z Touch the Zero all BPs button.
z Press SmartZero button on the hemody-
namic module (see page 202).
In the IBP curve, the Zeroing message appears
with a yellow background in the top right field. After
zeroing has been completed, the message fades
out again independent of whether the zeroing was
successful or not.
CAUTION Calibration
If an IBP parameter which is still to be measured Disposable pressure transducers do not have to be
is physiologically almost static (flat), do not use calibrated since they are calibrated by the manu-
the SmartZero function. The channels to be ze- facturer to a calibration constant of 100.
roed must be zeroed individually with the Zero
For reusable pressure transducers, however, a cal-
button instead. Otherwise the zeroing of the cor-
ibration constant must be entered again after
responding channel will be incorrect.
lengthy use to obtain reliable measuring results in
future (see page 230).
Perform zeroing before calibration!
The pressure transducer must be zeroed within
five minutes before calibration. Otherwise, this will
lead to incorrect measurements.
167/69 S
transferred to Zeus IE.
Date and time for the last zero adjustment and last
calibration as well as the calibration constant con-
cern the specific pressure processing channel and
CVP mmHg remain for this channel even if there is a change in
18 25
catheter position or pressure designation.
200 ART
mean pressure values. The illustration shows a typ-
ical parameter box of a pulsating pressure. In the Sensors/Parameters > IBP > IBP sites/
Channels dialog window, up to twelve IBP sources
Parameter boxes for non-pulsating pressure pa-
are displayed in a matrix of 3 x 4 (up to 10 sources
rameters (LA, RA, CVP, ICP) only show the mean
can be measured simultaneously).
pressure value.
The signals are displayed in rows 1 to 3:
IBP curves can be represented individually or over-
laid. In the overlaid representation, each pressure – Row 1: Data from the HemoMed Pod or the Y-
curve can have its own scaling. cable
The following pressure parameters are perma- – Rows 2 and 3: Data from Hemo2 or Hemo4
nently assigned to the four curves: ART, CVP, PA, which are recorded via the Aux./Hemo 2/3
and RA. pressure connections on Zeus IE
Additionally after touching the Display all button Pressure parameters can be given a designation at
(prerequisite: Display all button has been config- any time. If a parameter is designated without con-
ured, see page 332): nected accessories, then the following possibilities
– Currently set alarm limits arise:
– With direct connection of the pressure trans-
ducer cable, the adjusted measuring points are
When Hemo2/4 pods, which can save their own Settings on Zeus IE
designations, are connected results are as follows:
– The pod already has a pressure transducer ca- Configuration
ble connected to the viewed channel (transpor-
tation with patient). Zeus IE adopts the measur- z In the Sensors/Parameters > IBP dialog win-
ing point setting of the pod and the previous dow, touch the Config. tab (A).
setting on Zeus IE is overwritten.
– The pod has no pressure transducer cable con-
nected to the viewed channel (new configura-
tion). Preselection of the measuring point is A
taken over by Zeus IE. The pod saves this set- B
ting. See also: Designation conflicts.
If a pressure transducer cable is connected to a
channel, the appropriate button turns dark green
(active). Open inputs are shown in light green (inac- D
tive). The buttons in the matrix are never gray since E
the preselection of a measuring point is possible on F
any channel at any time. G
The Config. page displays:
Designation conflicts B The measured curve for the current catheter po-
The pressure designations are saved both in the sition
Hemo2 and Hemo4 Pods and in Zeus IE. Designa- C IBP meas. site (ART, LV, PA, RV, CVP, RA, LA,
ICP, GP1, GP2)
tion conflicts between module and Zeus IE occur
D IBP scale: Amplitude setting for the respective
when a module with a previously saved catheter
measuring point (Auto: Display optimized for
position is reconnected to Zeus IE. maximum and minimum values, ±25 mmHg
The pressure designation stored in the module has setting only selectable for ICP)
priority if a pressure transducer is connected. E Parameter with alarm: S, D, M (only for pulsat-
ing measuring points)
F IBP filter [Hz]: 8, 16, 32 (filter default for the
blood pressure channels)
G The button opens the Alarms > Alarm lim-
its > Invasive dialog window for alarm limit set-
ICP mmHg
H 99 50
The CPP parameter is created and displayed (in
the lower parameter box of ICP), if both ICP and
ART are being monitored simultaneously and are
delivering valid measured values. If any of the
measured values are invalid or the measuring
z Touch the IBP sites/ Channels tab (H). points have not been configured, CPP is invalid as
The assignment of measuring points to IBP chan- well.
nels and connection positions is determined.
Each measuring point can be assigned only once!
If a measuring point already assigned is then as-
signed to a different channel, the previous channel
loses that measuring point and is "de-designated".
PA Auto T
PA Auto
2 In the Sensors/Parameters > IBP dialog win-
calculat. dialog window: Nasal 39,0
6 Touch the Calculations button (Y).
The Temperature parameter box displays:
The PWP value is displayed with the time of meas-
– the measuring unit (°C)
– the measuring position of the sensor
7 Touch the Save button. – the associated temperature
The PWP value is saved. Additionally after touching the Display all button
(prerequisite: Display all button has been config-
ured, see page 332):
– Currently set alarm limits
z Administer the injectate quickly at the end of a In automatic measuring mode, you must wait for
respiration cycle. the Inject now message for the injection of the in-
jectate. The message appears if the initial temper-
z If C.O. measurements are performed succes-
ature of the blood is stable.
sively at different times in the respiration cycle,
then the results may deviate from each other, Once Zeus IE detects a drop in blood temperature
particularly in ventilated patients. after injection of the injectate, the C.O. values are
created. If fluctuations in the initial blood tempera-
z Measured values which deviate from the gen-
ture occur, the Inject now message disappears
eral trend or correspond to a very irregular
and Zeus IE interrupts measurement until the initial
curve segment are not considered when deter-
temperature is stable again.
mining the average.
The mean value is continuously calculated with
z If an injectate having room temperature is used,
each single measurement which is performed or
10 cc must be injected. Only deviate from this
volume when there are important clinical rea-
sons. In the C.O. dialog window, the value appears in the
next available display field and the value in the stor-
age field is updated.
C.O. screen display
If all free storage fields are allocated, the oldest
C.O. curve is deleted or a storage field must be de-
C.O. L/min 11:26
leted manually:
z Touch the Delete C.O. trial button.
Performing C.O. measurement
z In the Sensors/Parameters > C.O./ Calculat.
dialog window, touch the C.O. tab (A). K P
Sensors/Parameters M
B The settings on the Config. page can only be mod-
ified at the beginning of a new measuring series.
The Config. page displays:
F G H D I K Catheter type: Baxter, Spectra. Ohmeda, Ar-
row, Other
The C.O. page displays:
If catheters from Baxter, Spectra. Ohmeda or
B The largest field with the temperature change
and calculated value of the measurement that Arrow are used, the catheter constant is auto-
has just been performed matically specified. The catheter constant can
C The previous measurements are displayed in be changed as needed, e.g., if volume or tem-
the 4 smaller fields perature of the injectate is changed.
D Manual start: Start of C.O. measurement If catheters from other manufacturers (P) are
E Delete C.O. trial: Entry is deleted used, the selection fields for Catheter size and
F C.O.average: Display of the running average Injection volume are shown in gray. A compu-
tation constant (O) must first be entered.
G C.O. complete: Ending the C.O. measurement
H Cancel: Cancellation of a measuring series WARNING
without saving a new measured value. The dia-
log window closes. The input of a wrong catheter constant can
I The button opens the Alarms > Alarm lim- lead to inaccurate measured results and pos-
its > Noninvasive dialog window for alarm limit sibly to a wrong medical diagnosis. If the cath-
setting. eter constant was entered manually, make
sure an appropriate catheter is used.
Hemodynamic parameters
1 2 3 4 AVG
A calculation is based on the values from the follow-
ing hemodynamic parameters:
Q Parameter Designation
HR Current heart rate
ART M Current mean arterial pressure
PA M Current mean pulmonary artery
R pressure
With patients who have nervous or neuromus-
Take special care when using electrodes with
cular problems, it may occur that they re-
a current density of >2 mA eff./cm2! Only use
spond incorrectly to nerve stimulation. Unu-
electrodes which are suitable for use with pe-
sual patterns may be displayed in the NMT
ripheral nerves stimulators!
module while relaxation is monitored.
Simultaneous use of HF surgery and the NMT To avoid electric shock all the cables must be
pod on the same extremity of the patient can checked carefully before use. No liquids must
lead to burns caused by the electrodes of the be allowed to drip onto connectors, elec-
pod and to a fault in the pod. trodes or electrical leads.
Do not touch active NMT electrodes. Active Check cables and sensors for damage before
stimulation is indicated on the NMT pod. Oth- use. Otherwise there is a danger of electric
erwise there is a risk that measuring results shock and the possibility of distorting meas-
will be distorted. urement results.
Make sure that there is no contact between the
electrodes and other conducting parts.
Cover stimulation electrodes with insulating
material so that, e.g., catheters are not sub-
jected to stimulation.
! Monitor
is selected, the button remains disabled (gray).
G Current mode: Selection for setting stimulation At the start of measurement, the NMT pod emits
current: stimulation pulses in order to determine the upper
Auto: A suitable stimulation current between stimulation current intensity (supramaximal cur-
5 and 60 mA is determined in conjunction with rent). Then 4 pulses are applied for reference
each new referencing procedure, ensuring reli- measurement.
able measurement and minimizing the load on In the ensuing single mode measurements, the
the patient. NMT pod compares the measurements with the ref-
Man: Pulse value which can be set with the ro- erence measurement.
tary knob, 5 to 60 mA in 5 mA increments The supramaximal current and the reference are
If the value is changed in current mode Man, a determined again after the start of a measurement:
new reference value is determined!
H Delete reference: Clear button to delete the – if a Trident pod or sensors have previously been
saved reference pulse and the supramaximal connected or
current determined. – if the pulse width is changed.
I The button opens the Alarms > Alarm lim- z Current mode Use Auto.
its > Noninvasive dialog window for alarm limit
setting. z Determine supramaximal current and reference
pulse on the non-relaxed patient!
Ratio Temp °C
0 90 4
z Select TOF measuring mode (L) and confirm
with NMT start button (J).
100 Temp °C
15 min
0 0
0 11:38 Only perform on a patient under sufficient se-
dation when there are no further TOF re-
sponses! PTC stimulation on a conscious pa-
Muscle response to each individual pulse is meas- tient is very painful.
ured and displayed as a bar graph.
PTC settings on Zeus IE
The ratio of the fourth pulse to the first pulse, T4/T1,
is displayed as a TOF ratio in %, e.g. 48.
Temp °C
100 J
4 5 min
0 0
TOF count screen display
z Select PTC measuring mode (M) and confirm
with NMT start button (J).
NMT % PTC screen display
Temp °C
100 Count
0 11:39 Count
Temp °C
PTC BISx technology is the latest generation of BIS
0 11:41 technology, which features enhanced screening
against artefacts from external HF surgery equip-
ment and filters out any EMG influences.
The measured value remains up to the next meas- The BIS index provides insight to the cerebral sta-
urement (Auto mode is not possible). tus and is not a measurement of drug concentra-
tion. The cerebral cortex responds very sensitively
to external influences, drugs and pathological proc-
BIS monitoring esses. The BIS index decreases during normal
sleep and also during administration of hypnotic
The BISx module plots the electroencephalogram drugs.
(brain wave). The brain wave reflects all brain activ-
However, the values during normal sleep do not fall
ity produced in the cortical region of the brain.
as low as those during anesthesia.
The electric signals from the brain are picked up by
The BIS index is determined as an average over a
an easy-to-apply Multi-Sensor (BIS sensor), proc-
period of 15 seconds and generated every second.
essed in the BISx pod and displayed on Zeus IE.
The BIS index calculated indicates a number be-
tween 1 and 100. The value of 100 indicates a con-
scious patient while values below 70 indicate suffi-
cient sedation/hypnosis.
F The following is displayed:
I BIS: Bispectral index (0 to 100)
H G Continuously processed EEG parameters
Check cables and sensors for damage before To prevent strangulation risks the BIS sensor
use. Risk of electric shock and distortion of cable must be positioned and attached care-
measuring results. fully.
Use undamaged sensors and packaging only. A correctly positioned BISx module is attached to
the infusion apparatus stand, bars of the bed or
WARNING the bed sheet.
Conductive parts of the electrodes and con-
nections (including the neutral electrode) CAUTION
must not come into contact with other con- In the event of a continuous reduction in BIS sig-
ductive parts (including grounded parts). nal, skin irritations or intense perspiration replace
the sensor more frequently.
When using an electrocautery scalpel during NOTE
surgery the scalpel must not come into con- When interpreting the BIS together with other clin-
tact with the BIS sensor. Risk of electric ical signs available, a clinical assessment must al-
shock! ways be used in addition. Solely relying on the
BIS when administering intraoperative anesthetic
agents and sedatives is not recommended.
The electrodes should not be located between
the operating field and the return electrode of
the electrosurgical device. Otherwise, there
may be a risk of burns if the neutral surgical
high-frequency electrode is faulty.
Carefully interpret BIS values for:
– Patients with known neurological diseases
– Patients taking other psychoactive drugs
– Children under one year of age
5 Connect the patient connecting cable (A) to the
sensor. Lay and secure the cable carefully.
2 6 Connect the pod connecting cable (B) to the
Aux/Hemo 2/3 connector (see page 197) or to
3 the Trident NMT pod (see page 238).
7 Attach the BISx pod to a bracket or infusion ap-
paratus stand using the clip on the back of the
Only use the BISx Quatro sensor (for adults), the
BISx Pediatric sensor (pediatric applications) or
the BIS SRS sensor! Otherwise, incorrect meas-
uring results will be obtained.
z Press the electrodes on again firmly, improve
z Replace sensor if necessary
Failure behavior
A B 1:35
In the event of an alarm and device-related failures,
the corresponding alarm message appears in the
alarm message field (A).
Power outage
If the power goes out, Zeus IE automatically 1 Unlock the O2 rotary safety knob for emergency
switches over to the integrated uninterruptible O2 delivery by pressing it and set it to the re-
power supply (UPS). quired O2 flow. Range 0 to 12 L/min. Use pres-
sure gauge to monitor the pressure.
With a fully charged battery, operation is main-
tained for at least 30 minutes. During this phase, anesthetic agent delivery is not
The Mains supply failure message appears in the
alarm message field. 2 Ventilate the patient manually!
The remaining battery capacity is displayed in per- 3 Recharge the empty battery by plugging in the
cent in the system field (B). power cable for at least 10 hours.
Example: 82 %
If the battery capacity is low, one of the following Risk of patient injury
messages appears:
– Battery low: Battery capacity <20 % The Basis (IVDock) is no longer supplied with
power. Each Module DPS is powered by its own
Or battery. Pay attention to the battery warning! Infu-
– Battery very low: Battery capacity <10 %. The sion is automatically stopped when the battery is
device may switch off at any time! empty. Charge the battery as soon as possible.
In the event of a power failure and empty batteries,
Zeus IE enables manual ventilation and spontane-
ous breathing with 100% O2.
– The ventilator, gas and anesthetic agent de-
livery as well as monitoring are inoperable.
– The DIVA metering modules are locked.
Gas failure
Risk of contamination of the gas supply
In the event of lengthy outages, disconnect
the relevant gas from the gas supply! Other-
wise, contamination of the central supply can
Patient risk!
If O2 and Air fail, the patient must be immediately
ventilated with the separate emergency breathing
Ventilator failure
If gas delivery is switched off due to internal device Zeus IE displays the following message in the
errors, the FG ISO button (example), event of anesthetic gas delivery failure:
see page 116, or etISO button (example),
VA delivery failure
see page 118, is no longer available. If necessary,
select the FG ctrl. mode and set a low fresh-gas z Continue anesthesia with IV agents
z Contact DrägerService
Ventilation is still operational.
If gas delivery and gas mixing are switched off due Anesthetic agent is not delivered!
to internal device errors, ventilation remains opera-
After switching off the device, return the rotary
safety know for O2 to the original position and push
Zeus IE indicates the failure with: it in.
DIVA+mixer failure
z Press the rotary safety knob O2 to move it out
and adjust the O2 flow by turning.
The breathing bag fills; the filling process can
be heard.
If ventilation and delivery have to be immediately
canceled due to internal device errors: 2 Turn the rotary safety knob O2 (B) and adjust
the O2 flow.
1 Press the rotary safety knob Anesth. Ventila-
tor Off to move it out. The breathing bag fills; the filling process can
be heard.
2 Turn the rotary safety knob Anesth. Ventilator
Off (A) fully counterclockwise. Anesthetic agent is not delivered!
– Ventilation stops. After switching off the device, return the rotary
– Anesthetic agent delivery is locked. safety knobs Anesth. Ventilator Off (A) and O2 (B)
– Fresh-gas delivery is stopped. However, to the original position and push in.
0.5 L/min O2 will continue to be delivered.
– Patient monitoring remains activated.
Touch the Software reset? button (A) in the header Anesthetic gas is not delivered.
bar if necessary.
The device performs a warm start.
Reboot: Takes approx. 30 seconds to 3 minutes.
Monitoring is unavailable during this time.
If the device no longer responds or if the screen Anesth. Ventilator Off means:
fails, the following must be observed: – Ventilation: Manual/Spontaneous
– Gas delivery: 0.5 L/min of O2
CAUTION – Anesthetic agent delivery: Off
Based on the mechanical airway manometer,
1 Press the rotary safety knob O2 (B) to move it
check whether ventilation continues. Manually out.
ventilate the patient if necessary!
2 Turn the rotary safety knob O2 (B) and adjust
If necessary, press the rotary safety knob Anesth. the O2 flow.
Ventilator Off to move it out and activate by turn-
ing clockwise to switch the ventilation and gas de- 3 If necessary, fill the breathing bag via O2 flush
livery to manual emergency operation. O2+.
Ensure anesthesia. No anesthetic gases are de- Contact DrägerService and use a substitute an-
livered. Patient risk! esthesia machine.
If Zeus IE is unable to operate a Module DPS sy- – Incorrect configuration, see page 140.
ringe pump, the reasons can be as follows:
z Observe Module DPS instructions for use.
– Module DPS is not a Dräger syringe pump and
A syringe pump which has stopped and is then or
has a software version which is not compatible.
already connected to Zeus IE generates the alarm
Zeus IE cannot operate it. The syringe pump
message Infusion 1 stopped on Zeus IE after one
continues to run.
Messages Zeus IE
The alarm messages are displayed in the message Alarms are displayed according to priority, down-
field of the header bar in hierarchical order. wards from top to bottom and from left to right.
Different background colors indicate the priority lev- Low-priority alarms are only displayed in the right-
els of the alarms. hand field of the alarm message field, the maximum
being four alarms.
Zeus IE divides alarm messages by priority into
three categories: The following table lists the alarm messages in al-
phabetical order. If an alarm occurs, the table helps
Warning (red) High priority identify the cause and to quickly remedy by means
Caution (yellow) Medium priority of the provided corrective actions. The possible
causes and remedial measures should be looked
Note (cyan) Low priority through in the order they are listed until the alarm is
To classify the alarms within an alarm category, in-
ternal priority figures are indicated in the following The alarm messages with cause and remedy are
table. The most critical alarm is given the number also displayed in the Alarms >Alarm info dialog
255. Lower numbers indicate a lower alarm priority. window.
In the tables for Alarm info and Alarm log,
see page 161, the priority of the alarm messages is
also indicated by exclamation points.
Up to four high or medium-priority alarms from the
following four alarm areas can be displayed simul-
– Anesthesia
– Hemodynamics (optional)
– Ventilation
– Infusion (optional)
From each alarm area at least one high-priority
alarm is displayed, given that there is an active
In operation
Configuration information
Zeus IE is provided with comprehensive features grammable profiles can be generated and saved.
for configuring all settings to suit different applica- A profile contains both, profile settings and view
tions. settings.
Zeus IE settings are divided into three groups: The following non-deletable profiles are supplied by
– Basic settings the manufacturer:
– Profile settings – Neonatal (5 kg)
– View settings – Pediatric patients 1 (20 kg)
– Pediatric patients 2 (40 kg)
The basic settings contain the settings that are
– Adults 1 (80 kg)
made once for a department or a device location
– Adults 2 (100 kg)
and then not usually modified again. These set-
tings, which can only be accessed in system When starting a new case, the profile defined by
standby with the aid of an access code, include for the user as the default is always loaded.
example: units of measurement, language, current
The view settings contain the parameters for dis-
time, and communication settings.
playing data and curves as well as the sensor set-
The profile settings contain the settings for venti- tings. This defines color, appearance, curve scal-
lation, gas delivery, IV delivery, screen, and alarm ing, etc. Up to 16 views can be generated and
limits as well as presets for the patient data (age, saved. For example, a view can be saved with or
weight, etc.). For different patient categories and without IV data display.
applications up to 16 different so-called user-pro-
When starting a new case, the view settings are
provided by the profile selected.
Load/Save Load/Save
Profiles View
(5 factory profiles, up to (1 factory view, up to
16 user profiles) 16 user views)
System setup
0 20
mL/mbar mbar/L/s
F 3
3 4
The Manage setups page displays two vertical
z In the main menu bar, touch the System setup
– Profiles (B)
button (A).
– Views (C)
The System setup dialog window will be opened.
z Touch the Profiles tab (B).
The following settings can be configured in the
The page for setting the profiles with the following
System setup dialog window:
options appears:
– Manage setups
D Button for deleting the assigned order of the
– Sensors/ Parameters
profile keys
E Five buttons (profile keys) for determining the
– MixGas/ Ventilation order of the profiles for the startup dialog
– Infusion F Buttons for administration of the presets
– Alarms
– Screen layout The following is displayed for each profile:
– Basic settings G Profile name: Dräger Neo., Dräger Ped. 1,
– Autoset limits Dräger Ped. 2, Dräger Adult 1, Dräger
Adult 2 or user-defined profiles
H Categ.: Symbols for adults , pediatric pa-
tients , neonates
Manage setups for Profiles and Views I Key: Assigned profile key
J Last change: Date and time
z In the main menu bar, touch the System setup K Default: Indication that the profile is preset
button. (tick)
The System setup > Manage setups dialog win- L Protected: Indication that the profile is saved
dow appears. and access code protected (lock icon)
System setup
1 Select the desired profiles/views from the Pro-
file name list or the View name list using the ro-
tary knob.
N O P 2 Touch the Load button (A) and confirm with ro-
C tary knob.
The saved settings of the profiles or views selected
overwrite all current settings. Profiles can only be
changed in standby mode. Views can be adapted
during operation. The screen shows the name of
M the selected profile in the patient data field (below
the patient name), see page 44.
z Touch the Views tab (C).
The applicability of the data from the loaded con-
The page for view settings with the following op- figuration must be checked individually by the
tions appears: user for each patient to eliminate the risk of incor-
M Buttons for administration of the presets rect settings and ensure the patient's safety.
The following is displayed for each view:
N View name
O Last change: Date and time Saving profiles/views
P Protected: Indication that the profile is saved
and access code protected (lock icon) The Manage setups > Profiles > or Views page
System setup
A 5
If the profiles/views have not been access code
3 protected, profiles/views that already exist can be
4 overwritten using Save.
A 5
z Touch the Save button (A) and confirm with ro-
tary knob.
The Manage setups > Profiles > or Views page The Manage setups > Profiles > or Views page
opens. opens.
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
A 5 A 5
1 Select the required profiles or views from the 1 All settings saved to the new profile or to the
Profile name list or View name list with the ro- new view must be checked before saving and
tary knob. corrected, if necessary.
2 Touch the Rename button (A). 2 Touch the Profiles or Views tab.
A keyboard with the current name opens. 3 Touch the New button (A).
3 Change the name and confirm with rotary knob. A keyboard field appears.
The required name is thus activated. 4 Give the profile or view a meaningful name
(e.g., Adult) and confirm with Enter or by
The Dräger default Profiles/Dräger default
pressing the rotary knob.
views cannot be changed.
The name appears as the current profile in the pa-
tient data field (below the profile name),
see page 44.
System setup The Manage setups > Profiles > or Views page
System setup
A 3
The page Manage setups > Profiles opens.
A 5
Assigning profile keys 1 Touch the Profiles or Views tab.
Use the vertical buttons (A) to assign the profiles to 2 Use the rotary knob to select the profile or view
the 5 profile keys in the Startup dialog to be deleted from the Profile name list or View
(see page 109). name list.
1 Use the rotary knob to select the required profile 3 Touch the Delete button (A) and confirm with ro-
from the list. tary knob.
2 Select button 1 to 5 and confirm with rotary The required setting is then deleted. Access code
knob. protected profiles or views must be unlocked be-
Deleting assigned profile keys Dräger default profiles/Dräger default views and
the loaded profile or view currently active cannot be
The button (B) can be used to delete the assigned
profile key. In this case, the corresponding profile
key does not appear in the Startup dialog
(see page 109). A profile marked with Default can-
not be deleted from the startup dialog.
1 Select the required profile with the rotary knob.
2 Touch the (C) button and confirm with rotary
The profile key does not appear in the startup dia-
The Default property defines the default setting With the Protect property, the profile or view setting
which is loaded when the device is switched on (not cannot be renamed, deleted or saved.
with Views).
The Manage setups > Profiles > or Views page
Only profiles that are assigned to a profile key can opens.
be defined as the default.
System setup
The Manage setups > Profiles page opens.
System setup
3 A 5
1 Touch the Profiles or Views tab.
A 5
System setup
Screen layout
Screen setup
The Screen setup > Screen layout dialog window
appears. The Screen layout (A) shows the settings for:
The Screen layout > General page (A) opens. 1 Touch the On button for Display mini trends
Screen setup
If the Off button under Additional monitoring field
has not been activated:
B A – The parameters currently set are displayed as a
C mini-trend between the current curve and the
loop display and flow tubes.
E If the Off button under Additional monitoring field
has been activated:
G – The parameters current set are displayed as a
mini-trend on the left next to the current param-
eter curves.
above the flow tubes as a loop or mini-trend.
Maximum 7 curves can be selected. Exception: For
2 Touch the Off button for Additional monitoring the IBP comb. module, 4 IBP curves are displayed
field. in one field at double the height.
Loops, mini-trends and flow tubes are not dis- 1 Touch the Waveforms tab (A).
2 The arrow keys ( ) can be used to add
If the Display mini trends option has been acti- curves to the configuration from the Available
vated, the parameters current set are displayed as list (B) or to remove curves from the configura-
a mini-trend on the left next to the current parame- tion from the Displayed list (C).
ter curves.
The Up or Down buttons (D) can be used to
Display of ventilation loops, see page 194 and flow configure the position of the curves on the
tubes, see page 196. screen.
The loops are always displayed in combination with 3 Touch the Apply changes button (E) to apply
the flow tubes. the changes.
Screen setup
Web access on the screen is activated in the
A list (B) of all configurable buttons opens. The fol- Repositioning buttons in the main menu bar
lowing buttons can be selected:
The associated buttons are repositioned in the re-
– Open dialog: Screen setup
spective group in the main menu bar.
– Open dialog: Brightness/Volume
– Open dialog: Help 1 Touch the Change button position button (D).
– Open dialog: New patient
All buttons in the main menu bar are displayed in
– Open dialog: Patient setup
– Open dialog: Sensors/Parameters
– Open dialog: System setup Select the button to be moved from the main menu
– Open dialog: Web access bar.
– Direct action: Zero all BPs
The color of the selected button remains yellow and
– Direct action: Stop all pumps
all other buttons turn green.
– Direct action: Display all
– Direct action: Print screen 2 Move the selected button and confirm with the
– Direct action: Apnea alarms off rotary knob.
– Direct action: CO2 alarms off
– Direct action: Print case
Removing buttons from the main menu bar
– Direct action: CBM mode on
– Direct action: Freeze waveforms 1 Touch the Remove button button (D).
– Direct action: CV alarms off
All buttons that can be deleted are displayed in the
– Direct action: Neuro alarms off
main menu bar in yellow.
– Direct action: NMT start
– Direct action: Switch to next web application 2 Touch the respective button.
– Direct action: SmartPilot
The button is removed from the main menu bar.
– Direct action: Recorder start
– Direct action: Confirm technical alarms
– Web access 1 to 4
Screen setup
Assigning or changing the colors for individual pa-
Screen setup
z Touch the Brightn./ Volume tab (A).
1 Touch the Colors tab (A).
The following settings can be configured:
B Screen brightness [%] 2 Select the respective parameters from the list
C Alarm tone volume [%] (B).
D Pulse tone volume [%] 3 Touch the required color (C).
WARNING All parameters with the same color are listed under
Risk of not hearing the alarm tone Assigned params (D).
Access: Basic settings
1 Touch the Biomed service button (A) in system
The Biomed service dialog window opens.
Biomed service
The General settings page (A) displays the follow-
ing vertical tabs:
2 B General
C Units
D Printer
The horizontal tabs (A) for the basic settings con- E USB devices
tain the settings for: F Alarm standard
– General settings G Date/Time
– Infusion H Trend order
– Event recorder
– Web access
– Infinity config.
– MediBus config.
– Disable options
– More settings
More settings are possible on the vertical tabs (B).
Basic settings
Computer viruses
Mass storage devices can contain computer vi-
ruses which can impair the operation of Zeus IE.
A C – Check mass storage devices for computer vi-
D ruses before using them with Zeus IE.
E – Do not use any mass storage device contain-
ing computer viruses with Zeus IE.
z Touch the Export/Import of setups button (F).
B The Export and import of setups dialog window
will be opened.
The General settings > General page opens. The Export and import of setups
following settings are possible:
A Language: Language selection of the user in-
terface H I
Select only languages which can be understood!
D Flow-volume loop: ISO, Dräger
These buttons are used to define the coordinate 1 Touch the Export/ Import tab (G).
axes for the flow/volume loop display. When
A message with corresponding instructions is dis-
ISO is selected, the display is the inverse of the
Dräger display.
2 Insert the USB stick into the USB port.
E Access to colors/ customize buttons:
Allowed, Denied
F Access to config. profile keys 1-5: Allowed,
If Denied is enabled, the profile key assignment
cannot be changed and the profile keys cannot
be seen in the System setup dialog window,
see page 323.
G Export/Import of setups: A USB stick can be
used to export and import profile and view set-
ups as well as basic settings.
Importing setups:
Prerequisite: USB stick has been installed,
see page 341
3 Touch the Import setup from USB stick button
(I) and confirm with rotary knob. 1 Touch the Basic settings tab (N).
Data from the USB stick is imported into a separate 2 Touch the Install button (O) and confirm with ro-
database. tary knob.
The imported basic settings overwrite the current
Installation of profiles and views basic settings.
Export and import of setups A reboot is required if the imported settings over-
write previously activated or deactivated options.
z Touch the Press to reboot button (P) and con-
J firm with rotary knob.
Export and import of setups The General settings > Units page opens.
Q Basic settings
A complete configuration is applied to the system
from the USB stick without having to individually se-
lect views or profiles. The existing profiles or views The following settings are possible:
are deleted.
A N2O: %, kPa
1 Touch the Install all tab (Q).
B CO2: %, mmHg, kPa
A message featuring information regarding the soft-
ware version to be installed or information about C Volatile anesthetic agent: %SL, kPa
which configurations are installed appears. D Gas measurem. correction: BTPS, normal
2 Touch the Install all button (R) and confirm with E Gas supply: kPa, kPa x 100, MPa, bar, psi
rotary knob.
F Temperature: °C, °F
The process is cancelled if the menu changes to
the startup dialog or the device test is activated. G NIBP, IBP: mmHg, kPa
The drug library is not part of the profile and has to H Weight: kg, lbs.
be imported separately, see page 149. I Height: cm, inch
J Airway pressure: hPa, kPa, mbar
If office equipment or components such as a
The General settings > Printer page opens.
printer or network switch are used in conjunction
with Zeus IE, the products must conform to pro-
Basic settings
tection class 1 and meet the requirements of
IEC 60950-1.
Such devices or components must not be con-
nected to the auxiliary Zeus IE sockets. They may
only be connected via Ethernet.
These devices or components must be installed
outside the patient environment (1.5 m round the
patient bed or operating table) and must not be
touched by the user at the same time as the pa-
The printer selected here only prints the current – Zeus IE with HP Laser Jet 4250N
screen. – Zeus IE with HP Laser Jet 4015N
The network printer, which is connected via the In- – Zeus IE with HP Laser Jet 600
finity network, can print out all graphic and tabular
trends. CAUTION
Do not touch electrical contacts of connected data
cables and patients simultaneously. The electric
Danger resulting from incorrect connection of the data cables could place the patient at risk or
printer measurement signals could be affected.
If incorrect printer cables are used, these cables
may cause the leakage current to exceed the per- CAUTION
missible requirement for medical devices and If additional medical devices are plugged into the
may present a hazard if the patient comes into auxiliary sockets, the user must ensure that the
contact with them. requirements of IEC 60601-1-1 are met.
If the printer is connected to the LAN port, use Plugging medical devices into the auxiliary sock-
printer cable MK04638. Connect the printer cable ets can bring about a considerable increase in dis-
corresponding to the labeling for the cable on the charge current above permitted levels.
If ignored, it can put the patient and user at risk.
USB devices with their own mains power supply
USB devices with their own mains power supply
(e.g., USB printers) may endanger patients and
Connect only USB devices that do not have their
own mains power supply to Zeus IE.
Computer viruses
Mass storage devices can contain computer vi-
ruses which can impair the operation of Zeus IE.
– Check mass storage devices for computer vi-
ruses before using them with Zeus IE.
– Do not use any mass storage device contain-
ing computer viruses with Zeus IE.
Basic settings
E Sorting trends
B G The General settings > Trend order page opens.
C Basic settings
justed to these settings and the settings are trans-
ferred to the Infinity Network (if available). On the Trend order page, each column (A) corre-
sponds to a certain tabular trend. The order in
C Date format: Default, M-D-Y, D-M-Y which the parameters in the respective trend are
D Time format: Default, 12, 24 displayed can be configured with the buttons (B).
E Constant readiness for operation: On, Off 1 Touch the Trend order tab (C).
When the function is activated, a continuous 2 Touch the parameter or select it with the rotary
working day is defined. The gas measurement knob.
is then permanently ready for use. The buttons
for the start and end of the working day are not 3 Set the desired order with the buttons (B).
F Operating time begins at: Enter time
G Operating time ends at: Enter time
H Time-controlled self test starts at: Enter time
I Time-controlled self test: On, Off
J Autostart self test after power up: On, Off
The Access code dialog window opens. The 4-
digit access code can be entered.
Drug library
The drug data is managed in the drug library.
Configuring web applications E Display scroll bar: To turn the lateral scrollbar
on and off in a web application
The options for web access make it possible to dis- F All web applications are displayed on the se-
play and run applications from the hospital intranet. lected screen
An option is required for each application.
G Tab with the available web applications (Web
CAUTION acc. 1 – Web acc. 4). The pages have an iden-
Only have network functions configured by tical layout.
trained personnel! Errors in configuration can im- 1 Touch the (A), (B), (C), (D) buttons.
pair operation of the device and the network.
The keyboard field to enter names opens.
CAUTION 2 Enter the data for all other web applications.
The Zeus IE includes a firewall for operation in a
hospital network in order to provide a maximum Configuring buttons to call up web applications
level of network security. In addition, the user is directly
required to implement and maintain normal state-
of-the-art security and precautions in the network. The following buttons must be configured to call up
If not, device performance may be affected. web access:
– Web access to call up the web application set-
The Web access > Web acc. 1 page opens. tings during operation
– Next web application to toggle between the
Basic settings active application windows directly
– Buttons (name freely selectable) to call up a
specific web application directly
Open the dialog window to configure the Screen
A G setup >Web access buttons, see page 332.
The page Basic settings > NIBP/SpO2 opens. The Infinity network connects monitors and other
Dräger medical devices to the network center and
Basic settings to each other, offering a variety of different monitor-
ing functions.
Depending on the software version number and the
A monitors connected, incompatibilities may occur in
B the network. Not all alarms and functions of the In-
C finity network are supported.
D Further details are available from your Dräger prod-
uct specialist.
Network configuration
The sensor type can only be switched over if the
The following settings for the COM 1 and COM 2
L buttons can be configured:
M A Baud rate: Speed of data transfer (1200, 2400,
N 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400)
O B Parity: No, Even, Odd
C Stop bits: 1, 2
D MIB/IDS filter: On, Off (if Dräger patient moni-
P toring is connected via the COM port)
The following settings can be configured: E Commands to MediBus device: On, Off
(Zeus IE suppresses the Time changed com-
L Recorder 1 mand)
M Recorder 2 F MediBus version: SW 3.n, SW 4.n, MEDI-
N Primary recorder BUS.X (unified Dräger protocol standard, see
separate instructions for use 9040096,
O Secondary recorder
9052607, 9052608)
P Apply changes
G Port: On, Off
Configure settings:
The Activate button (H) must be touched after any
1 Touch the respective button. change to the settings is made for the change to ap-
The keyboard window opens for text input. ply.
The Set default button (I) resets MediBus to the Changes take effect only after activating the Adopt
default values: Restart button (L). The Cancel button (M) cancels
– Port: Off the process.
– Baud rate: 9600
The following options can be switched off:
– Parity: Even
– Stop bits: 1 A Patient monitor
– MIB/IDS filter: On
B ST segment analysis
– Commands to MediBus device: On (COM 1)
– MediBus version: SW 4.n C Display waveforms on screen 2
z Check the following device settings in the De- D IVenus - remote control
vice identification list:
E Ext. fresh-gas outlet
– Device number
– Device name F Extended arrhythmia
– Device version
G Infinity network
– MediBus version
H Web access 1
z Check the following device settings in the
Linked device list: I Web access 2
– Device number
J Web access 3
– Device name
– Device version K Web access 4
– MediBus version
Status: not connected or connected
More settings
The More settings > Gas prices page opens. The More settings > Ventilation settings page
Basic settings
Basic settings
The following gas price settings can be configured:
The following ventilation settings can be config-
A 1 mL Iso
B 1 mL Sev
A Pinsp adjustment during PEEP setting: Yes,
C 1 mL Des No
D 1 L O2 Yes: When the PEEP value is changed, Pinsp is
automatically adapted so that the difference re-
E 1 L N2O
mains constant.
F 1 L Air
No: Automatic adaptation does not take place.
1 Touch the respective anesthetic agent. The Pinsp value must be set later separately if
The keyboard field is enabled.
B I/E ratio setting if synchronization is off: Yes,
2 Enter the gas price and touch the button (G) to
The following settings involve behavior during
An accurate overview for calculating the anesthetic
non-synchronized ventilation:
agent costs incurred per operation is displayed in
the dialog window Trends/Data > Gases/ Anesth. Yes: I:E ratio adjustable
> Total consumpt. (see page 184).
No: Ti adjustable
C MV alarms during cardiac bypass mode:
Yes, No
Configuration option to specify whether in CBM
mode you want MV monitoring to remain acti-
vated or not.
D CO2 auto wake-up (breaths) Setting the
number of breaths (CO2 Auto Wakeup), for ac-
tivating the CO2 alarm.
The More settings > Ventilation settings page The page More settings > VA/N2O opens.
Basic settings
Basic settings
750 40
Configuration of the calculation criteria for prelimi-
nary calculation of the VT and RR settings.
A Selection: Radford, Define, Off
Radford: The preliminary calculation of VT and
RR is based on the Radford algorithm. The
waveforms from Radf.VT (male), Radf.VT
(fem.) and Radf. RR are displayed in the
Define: The preliminary calculation of VT and
RR is based on the markers entered under (E).
The waveforms from VT and RR are displayed
in the graphic.
Off: No preliminary calculation of VT and RR
takes place.
B Reset to Radford: Reset
The Reset button resets the user's definitions to
the default values.
The following table (E) shows the default values: Total consumption
Weight VT RR The page More settings > Total consumpt.
kg mL 1/min opens.
2 15 35
Basic settings
15 110 26
65 450 13
100 700 10 A B
C All: All waveforms are displayed. The various
waveform colors are assigned in a legend.
D Active: Only the enabled waveforms are dis-
played. The various waveform colors are as-
signed in a legend.
A Total consumption: The consumption of O2,
Air, N2O and the volatile anesthetic agent since
startup of Zeus IE are displayed
B Consumption since reset: The consumption
of O2, Air, N2O and the volatile anesthetic
agents since the last reset are displayed
C Reset: Sets all values for O2, Air, N2O and the
volatile anesthetic agents to 0. The time of last
reset is displayed in (D).
z Touch the button in the header bar (A) for:
A B C D E – Date
– Time
– Location and stopwatch
The Stopwatch dialog window will be opened.
C Forward: The pages are turned forward one by
one. The following settings can be configured:
H Stopwatch
I Start: The clock runs forward from 00:00:00 af-
ter start.
J Stop: The clock is stopped.
K Reset: The clock is reset to 00:00:00.
The stopwatch, the timer function, and the sta-
tus of its alarm are displayed in the header bar
after the function has been started. The display
disappears again after the function is reset.
L Clock size: Toggle display size between Large
and Small
Large: Standard display of time of day and du-
ration of the surgery. If the countdown counter
or the stopwatch is running, the duration of the
surgery is replaced by the corresponding value.
Small: Standard display of
– Location
– Date
– Time
– Duration of the surgery
If the countdown counter is running, the date is
replaced by the countdown counter. If the stop-
watch is running, the time of day is replaced by
the stopwatch.
If the countdown and stopwatch have been acti-
vated at the same time, the display switches to
Small regardless of the preset display.
Service functions
Service call dialog window C Time of error: Touching the button opens a di-
alog window to enter the time of the event.
Use the Service Call function to communicate with D Description: Touching the button opens a dia-
the Remote Call Server at DrägerService. log window to enter a problem description.
Prerequisites: E Remote Device Check / Remote Inspection:
Touching the button establishes the connection
– Remote service is enabled. to the Remote Call Server for agreed, regular
– Zeus IE is provided with a service contract cov- data transfers without any current problem.
ering use of the Remote Service System (Serv- F Help ticket: Touching the button establishes
ice call). the connection to the Remote Call Server for
current events with acute need for action.
– The settings for external communication have
been configured by DrägerService.
– Zeus IE is connected to a data network (Ether- Service mode and service access dialog
net), see page 29. windows
Service call
Calling up the service mode is prohibited
C D A when a patient is connected. In this operating
B state, it is not possible to monitor the patient.
E F During the process, pressures and concentra-
tions may occur in the system which are haz-
ardous to the patient.
Note on removable accessories, con- Disposable articles without instructions for use
sumable parts, and attached parts – Soda lime dust filter
– Sample line
Risk of injury to patients due to failure of accesso- WARNING
ries Risk of infection
Disposable items have been designed, tested, Used sample lines may be infectious due to
and manufactured exclusively for single use. Re- the breathing gases that passed through
use, reprocessing or sterilization can result in fail- them.
ure of the accessory and injury to the patient.
Exchange the sample line regularly, see table
Do not reuse, reprocess or sterilize disposable "Semicritical medical devices".
Accessories and consumable parts When the sample line is disinfected and resi-
dues of the agent remain in the sample line,
– Flow sensors these residues can get into the water trap and
– CLIC adapter the gas measurement module later. This may
result in faulty measurements.
– CLIC absorber
Sample lines are disposable items and may
– Breathing hoses not be disinfected.
– Filter
– Breathing bag
– Masks
– Water trap
– DIVA modules
Attached parts
– Endotracheal suction
– Hinged arms
– Monitors
– Sensors and cables
– IT systems
– Workstation light
Dismantling components
z Do not damage the breathing hoses!
Observe hospital regulations for infectious patients! Breathing hoses with damaged spiral ribbing
can be kinked and interrupt ventilation!
Y-piece (C):
z Remove Y-piece
Water trap for gas sensors Emptying and replacing water traps
z Note the instructions for use of the water trap.
Zeus IE is equipped with two water traps to protect
the device monitoring system: Empty the water trap:
– When the filling level has reached the upper
– Protect: Water trap in the internal sample line mark.
– CO2: Water trap for the patient sample line – When a message appears on the screen.
Replace the water trap:
– When the maximum period of use is reached.
Water traps must be changed after 4 weeks of use
at the latest. If they are used for a longer period, Emptying the water trap
the diaphragm could become permeable, allowing
water and bacteria into the measuring system.
Contamination has a negative effect on gas anal-
ysis, which can fail completely.
Avoid using aerosols in the breathing system. Do
not use a water trap in conjunction with drug neb-
ulization. Do not allow any alcohol or deter- B
gent/disinfectant to come into contact with the in-
side of the water trap. Do not wash, rinse or
sterilize a water trap. Such substances can dam-
age the diaphragm and the measuring system. 1 Remove hose (A) and pull off water trap (B).
The presence of organic detergents or gases con-
taining freon can affect the measuring accuracy of
the gas measurement. D
Connection for sample line to the
CO2 water trap
Do not put the device into operation without a wa-
ter trap. Water and bacteria can get into the meas-
1 Turn the CO2 absorber (A) counterclockwise
uring system. Contamination has a negative ef-
and remove downwards.
fect on gas analysis, which can fail completely.
Risk of device contamination. 2 Pull the IBF absorber filter and absorber insert
(B) out of the CO2 absorber, leaving the internal
CAUTION and external sealing rings on the absorber in-
Do not spray the O-rings of the water trap holder
with silicon spray. Silicone may get into the meas- 3 Empty the soda lime, see also page 66. Ob-
uring cell and distort gas analysis. serve the instructions for use of the absorber.
Dispose of the soda lime and IBF absorber filter
according to the relevant instructions for use.
4 Prepare the CO2 absorber for cleaning and dis-
infection in the cleaning and disinfection ma-
1 Unlock both lateral twist locks (A).
2 Pull off the breathing system by the handle (B)
4 Remove both SpiroLife flow sensors (C).
Removing the TurboVent 2 blower module
Make sure that no liquids come into contact
with the openings of the measuring, suction
and delivery nozzles.
Make sure that no liquids get into the open-
A ings of the ventilator or into the valve actua-
Do not chemically disinfect/clean the blower mod-
ule and do not dismantle it.
Dismantling the anesthetic gas receiving 6 Unscrew the flow tube (F) from the connection
system (AGS) housing (H).
Do not place the flow tube in the cleaning and
disinfection machine, wipe disinfection only!
7 Unscrew the union nut (G) and remove the par-
ticle filter.
B Follow the hospital hygiene regulations and rele-
vant instructions for use for disposal.
C 8 Prepare the individual parts for disinfection and
B cleaning in the cleaning and disinfection ma-
A chine.
To achieve optimum drying of the buffer-volume
container, sterilization can be performed after re-
moval at a maximum temperature of 134 °C (maxi-
mum of 10 min).
Removing the endotracheal suction sys- 7 Pull the overflow protection float (G) out of the
tem (optional) riser pipe.
When using the disposable VacuSmart container:
Dispose of the VacuSmart container and hose con-
taining the infectious secretion according to regula-
Risk of infection
C The contents of the suction bottle can be
B highly infectious.
– Wear protective gloves when emptying the
A suction container.
– Follow the hospital hygiene regulations.
Reprocessing methods
WARNING Sterilization
Risk of fire
Sterilization eliminates living microorganisms from
Residual vapors of highly flammable disin- semi-critical medical devices and dries residual wa-
fectants (e.g., alcohols) and deposits that ter in the interior of components.
were not removed during reprocessing may
z Sterilize only components that have been
ignite when the flow sensor is in use.
cleaned and disinfected.
– Ensure particle-free cleaning and disinfec-
tion. For sterilization, use a vacuum steam sterilizer (in
– After disinfection, allow the flow sensor to accordance with DIN EN 285), preferably with frac-
air for at least 30 minutes. tional vacuum.
– Before inserting the flow sensor check for
visible damage and soiling, such as resid- CAUTION
ual mucus, medication aerosols, and parti- These medical devices have been designed,
cles. tested, and manufactured exclusively for single
– Replace flow sensors when damaged, use. Disposable products must not be reused, re-
soiled, or not particlefree. processed, or sterilized. Reuse, reprocessing, or
sterilization may lead to failure of the medical de-
CAUTION vices and injury to the patient.
Risk of failure of flow measurement
Sterile accessories
Improper reprocessing and soiling, such as de-
posits or particles, may damage the flow sensor:
– No machine cleaning or disinfection of the
sensor insert Do not used sterile packed accessories if the
– No plasma sterilization or radiation steriliza- packing has been opened or damaged or there
tion are other indications of non-sterility. Reprocess-
– No compressed air ing and re-sterilization of disposable articles are
– No water jets, compressed air, brushes, or not permitted.
similar to be used on the sensor insert
– No ultrasonic bath WARNING
– Clean and disinfect the flow sensor in accord- Do not allow any alcohol or alcoholic agents
ance with the corresponding instructions for to get into the sample line openings! Alcohol
use. may distort the measuring results.
– For disinfecting the flow sensor use only clean
disinfectant solutions.
Reprocessing list
Risk of failure of flow measurement
Improper reprocessing and soiling, such as de-
posits or particles, may damage the flow sensor:
– No machine cleaning or disinfection of the
sensor insert
– No plasma sterilization or radiation steriliza-
– No compressed air
– No water jets, compressed air, brushes, or
similar to be used on the sensor insert
– No ultrasonic bath
– Clean and disinfect the flow sensor in accord-
ance with the corresponding instructions for
– For disinfecting the flow sensor use only clean
disinfectant solutions.
Risk of fire
Residual vapors of highly flammable disin-
fectants (e.g., alcohols) and deposits that
were not removed during reprocessing may
ignite when the flow sensor is in use.
– Ensure particle-free cleaning and disinfec-
– After disinfection, allow the flow sensor to
air for at least 30 minutes.
– Before inserting the flow sensor check for
visible damage and soiling, such as resid-
ual mucus, medication aerosols, and parti-
– Replace flow sensors when damaged,
soiled, or not particlefree.
The cuff may be dipped into a cleaning solution Pressure transducer plates for the hemo
but make sure the solution does not flow into the modules
hose opening or else the device will not operate
properly. The pressure transducer connecting plates of the
hemodynamic modules may be removed for clean-
ing and rinsed down in hot soap and water.
SpO2 sensors
These cleaning instructions apply to reusable
sensors only.
Do not irradiate or autoclave sensors or cables or
immerse them in water or other liquids. It can
cause malfunctions.
Temperature sensors
Do not use any disinfectants containing phenol;
disinfectants can be absorbed by vinyl plastics.
Do not use any highly aromatic agents or any
chlorine, acetone, ether or ester compounds!
– Ensure particle-free cleaning and disinfec-
tion. 6 Fit the APL valve (B) vertically on the upper part
– After disinfection, allow the flow sensor to of the breathing system housing.
air for at least 30 minutes.
The mark (C) must point in the direction of the
– Before inserting the flow sensor check for user when the breathing system is installed.
visible damage and soiling, such as resid-
ual mucus, medication aerosols, and parti- 7 Tightly screw the knurled nut (D) clockwise.
– Replace flow sensors when damaged, E
soiled, or not particlefree.
A 8 Insert the two SpiroLife flow sensors (E) into
the breathing system and screw in place with
the nozzles (only use the blue, non-rotatable
connecting nozzles)
Do not spray the nozzles on the breathing system
with silicone spray! Silicone spray can get into the
breathing system and cause the valves to stick.
Use only Drägersorb 800 Plus or
Drägersorb Free! Do not use any powdered lime
since an increased dust yield can impair the func-
tionality of Zeus IE!
2 Insert the IBF absorber filter (B) in such a way
that the writing is legible and the filter engages.
3 Attach CO2 absorber (C) to the breathing sys-
9 Attach the breathing system (F) to the ventilator tem from the bottom and turn clockwise as far
vertically from above. as it will go.
Assembling the CO2 absorber If the absorber filter, HME filter or the filters at
the device have been forgotten, it may be that
the blower has been contaminated. It is rec-
ommended to reprocess the ventilator before
Make sure the soda lime does not dry out. changing the patient.
Filling the CO2 absorber and installing the IBF Drägersorb CLIC disposable absorber
absorber filter
Fill CO2 absorber with fresh soda lime to the up-
per mark. Otherwise, operational reliability may 1 Shake the disposable CO2 absorber before in-
be restricted. serting, e.g. by inverting it several times to
loosen the soda lime.
2 Remove the seal from the new disposable CO2
3 Slide the new disposable CO2 absorber on the For perfect operation in a closed system, the use of
holder (D). Dräger breathing bags (see list of accessories) is
4 Press the CO2 absorber into the device (D) until
it engages. See also: page 67. WARNING
Do not use any antistatic or conductive
breathing hoses!
Attaching the breathing hoses
Risk of burns when using HF surgery equip-
Check the breathing hoses for damage before
each use. Do not use damaged breathing
hoses. Zeus IE is manufactured without natural rubber
For operation in a closed system, hose water traps To minimize the risk of exposure to latex, use
can be used in order to collect the condensate (at- breathing bags and breathing hoses manufac-
tach at the lowest point). tured without natural rubber latex.
1 Attach the breathing hoses (A) to the inspiration
and expiration nozzles of the breathing system
and connect to the Y-piece. 1 Install particle filter, tighten the union nut (A).
2 Attach the HME filter (B) or filter to the nozzle of 2 Screw on the flow tube (B).
the Y-piece.
3 Tighten the union nut (C).
3 Establish the Luer-Lock connection (C) of the
sample line between the HME filter of the Y- 4 Reattach the buffer-volume container (D).
piece and the CO2 water trap.
4 Connect the breathing bag (D) with the connec-
tion nozzle to the breathing hose. Attach the
shorter breathing hose to the angled nozzle and
attach the breathing bag to the bag holder so
that it hangs down.
Connecting anesthetic gas receiving system Removing the endotracheal suction sys-
(AGS) tem
The anesthetic gas scavenging system (AGSS)
must conform to ISO 8835-3 and ISO 80601-2-13.
E G 1 Insert the overflow protection float (A) into the
riser pipe until it engages. The ball is freely to
move and does not fall out.
E 2 Attach the silicone sleeve (B) uniformly to the
H F cover of the secretion collecting bottle.
3 Put the secretion collecting bottle into the inner
sleeve, put the rinsing bottle into the outer
If you are using the VacuSmart disposable con-
tainer, observe the relevant instructions for use.
Risk of patient injury
A vacuum can be created in the breathing sys-
tem and in the patient's lung if the side open-
ings on the receiving system are covered.
Always make sure that the side openings on
the receiving system are not blocked.
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
Safety checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
Metrological checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
Term Definition
Maintenance All measures (inspection, preventive maintenance, repair) intended to
maintain and restore the functional condition of a medical device
Inspection Measures intended to determine and assess the actual state of a medical
Service Recurrent specified measures intended to maintain the functional condition
of a medical device
Repair Measures intended to restore the functional condition of a medical device
after a device malfunction
Preventive maintenance
Risk of faulty components
Device failures might result from wear and
material fatigue of components.
To maintain the function of all components,
this device must be inspected and serviced at
the intervals specified by the manufacturer.
The following table shows the service intervals:
User-specific intervals
AGS filter Exchange if clogged.
IBF absorber filter Exchange after 20 operating hours.
Filter of the endotracheal suction sys- Exchange every 14 days.
Flow sensors Exchange if calibration is no longer possible or in the event of er-
ror message Exp. flow sensor failure or Insp. flow sensor fail-
They may be incinerated with little pollution at temperatures over
800 °C.
Plug of the bacterial filter in the en- Exchange after 2 years.
dotracheal suction system
Water trap (CO2 Protect) Replace in the event of contamination or the message Sample
line disconnected? (if the sample line is open and not kinked)
but at least every 4 weeks. Follow the hospital hygiene regula-
tions and relevant instructions for use for disposal.
NIBP measurement to be checked annually by trained personnel
Disposing of accessories
Risk of explosion and chemical burns
Improper handling of batteries can result in
explosions and chemical burns.
– Do not throw batteries in the fire.
– Do not force batteries open.
Technical data
General information
The serial number and part number of Zeus IE and the [CE logo] mark are on the rating plate (identification
plate) attached to the back of the device.
Variant 1 – C500
Type Resistive touch screen
Size (H x W x D) 284 mm x 414 mm x 95 mm
Weight (without mounting): 7 kg
Resolution 1440 x 900
Contrast (minimum) 500:1
Viewing angle Horizontal: 130°, Vertical: 100°
Variant 2 – C500
Type Resistive touch screen
Size (H x W x D) 321 mm x 416 mm x 100 mm
Weight (without mounting): 7 kg
Resolution 1440 x 900
Contrast (minimum) 500:1
Viewing angle Horizontal: 140°, Vertical: 130°
Screen (Cont.)
Variant 3 – C700
Type Resistive touch screen
Size (H x W x D) 376 mm x 490 mm x 136 mm
Weight (without mounting): 9.5 kg
Resolution 1680 x 1050
Contrast (minimum) 800:1
Viewing angle Horizontal: 160°, Vertical: 160°
Power supply
Ambient conditions
O2 concentration in the fresh gas, 25 to 100 Vol.% (measured under ATPD condi-
Control mode FG ctrl. tions)
Accuracy depends on the carrier gas and the nom-
inal O2 concentration set:
O2 set concentration Carrier gas Carrier gas
N2O Air
Inspiratory O2 concentration in the fresh gas, con- 25 to 100 Vol.% (maximum achievable O2 concen-
trol mode Auto control tration because of 100 % relative air humidity in the
breathing system = 93 Vol.%. Corrected to BTPS
Accuracy: ±(2.5 Vol.% + 2.5 % of the measured
value) in accordance with ISO 21647
Resolution: 1 Vol.%
ORC function Delivery of ≥250 mL/min O2
O2 flush >35 L/min
O2 safety flow 0 to 12 L/min
Accuracy: ±35 % or ±2 L/min
Maximum inspiratory concentration of volatile an- (inspiratory limit with automatic control)
esthetic agents
Isoflurane 0 to 5 Vol.%SL
Accuracy: ±20 % or 0.2 Vol.%SL
Resolution: 0.1 Vol.%SL
Sevoflurane 0 to 8 Vol.%SL
Accuracy: ±20 % or 0.2 Vol.%SL
Resolution: 0.1 Vol.%SL
Desflurane 0 to 18 Vol.%SL
Accuracy: ±20 % or 0.2 Vol.%SL
Resolution: 0.2 Vol.%SL
Ventilation (Cont.)
Ventilation (Cont.)
Breathing system
Total volume (without breathing hoses) approx. 2.0 liter with absorber container
Compliance (without breathing circuit) With MAN/SPON ventilation: approx. 2 mL/hPa
With automatic ventilation: <0.2 mL/hPa
Absorber volume 1500 mL
"Drägersorb 800 plus" soda lime binds
approx. 150 liters of CO2
Safety pressure control valve 85 ±10 hPa
Patient connections ISO cone 22 mm
Breathing system leak <150 mL/min at 30 hPa, standardized to BTPS
Pressure control valve APL Setting range: 5 to 70 hPa
Accuracy: ±15 % of set value or ±3 hPa at 20 L/min
Auxiliary valve –18 hPa ± 3.5 hPa
Airway resistances
Flow (L/min)
Measuring system
Data communication
Relevant standards
In addition to the standards listed here, this medi-
cal device meets various other standards, e.g.,
standards concerning special national require-
IEC 60601-1 2nd edition Part 1:
Medical electrical equipment General requirements for safety
IEC 60601-1-2 Part 1-2:
Medical electrical equipment General requirements for safety, Collateral stand-
ard: Electromagnetic compatibility requirements
and tests
IEC 60601-1-4 Part 1-4
Medical electrical equipment General requirements for safety, Collateral stand-
ard: Programmable medical electrical systems
IEC 60601-1-8 Part 1-8:
Medical electrical equipment General requirements for safety, Collateral stand-
ard: General requirements, tests and guidance for
alarm systems in medical electrical systems
IEC 60601-2-13 Part 2-13:
Medical electrical equipment Particular requirements for the safety and essential
performance of anesthetic systems
ISO 8835-2 Part 2:
Systems for inhalation anesthesia Anesthesia breathing systems
ISO 8835-3 Part 3:
Systems for inhalation anesthesia Transfer and receiving systems of active anaes-
thetic gas scavenging systems
ISO 8835-4 Part 4:
Systems for inhalation anesthesia Anesthetic vaporizers
ISO 8835-5 Part 5:
Systems for inhalation anesthesia Anesthesia ventilators
ISO 21647 Particular requirements for the basic safety and es-
Medical electrical equipment sential performance of respiratory gas monitors
EN 1060-1 Non-invasive blood pressure measuring equipment
Hemodynamic modules
BISx pod
Monitoring specifications
Display Up to 3 leads
Leads for adults and pediatric I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, V, V+, (aVR/aVL/aVF/V
only with five-lead wire set.
V+ only with six-lead wire set)
Leads for neonates I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, V, V+, (aVR/aVL/aVF/V
only with five-lead wire set.
V+ only with six-lead wire set
Measuring range 15 to 300 bpm
Accuracy ±2 bpm or ±1 %
QRS detection Amplitude: 0.5 to 5.0 mV
Duration: 70 to 120 ms (adult and children); 40 to
120 ms (neonates)
ECG (Cont.)
ECG (Cont.)
Classification Caution
Alarm On/Off Off: No alarms generated
Automatic alarm limits Current measured value ±2 mm
Wedge measurement
1 SpO2 levels of accuracy are expressed as
± "X" figures between specified saturation
values. SpO2 measuring accuracy is speci-
fied with 1 SD (standard deviation), which
represents approx. 68 % of the population.
2 Saturation: In the event of movement, the
levels of accuracy have to be expanded by
±1 digit (5, 6) (ECG monitoring necessary).
3 Pulse: In the event of movement, the levels
of accuracy have to be expanded by ±2 bpm
or ±2 % (whichever is greater) (5, 6) (ECG
monitoring necessary).
4 Accuracy tolerance for neonates is ±1 digit
higher than for adults in order to take into
consideration the theoretical effects of fetal
hemoglobin in neonatal blood.
5 For Masimo devices movement is defined as
– regular rubbing/knocking with an ampli-
tude of 1 to 2 cm at a regular frequency
of 2 to 4 Hz.
– irregular movement with an amplitude of
2 to 3 cm at a frequency of 1 to 5 Hz.
6 For Nellcor devices, movement is defined as
irregular rubbing/knocking with an amplitude
of 1 to 2 cm at a regular frequency of 1 to
4 Hz.
SpO2 alarms Upper limit: adjustable between 71 and 100 %
Lower limit: adjustable between 70 and 99 %
Nominal wavelength Nellcor: Red: 660 nm, Infrared: 910 nm
Masimo: Red: 660 nm, Infrared: 905 nm
The following parameters are not monitored in
neonates: arrhythmia, cardiac output, and ST
segment analysis. No alarm will be activated.
Essential performance
EMC Declaration
Electromagnetic emissions
Electromagnetic environment
Electromagnetic immunity
Max. PEIRP (W) 150 kHz to 2.5 GHz All other frequencies Examples
0.03 0.32 m (1.05 ft) 0.96 m (3.15 ft) WLAN 5250/5775 (Europe)
0.10 0.58 m (1.90 ft) 1.75 m (5.74 ft) WLAN 2440 (Europe)
0.17 0.76 m (2.49 ft) 2.28 m (7.48 ft) Bluetooth, RFID 2.5 GHz
0.20 0.82 m (2.69 ft) 2.47 m (8.10 ft) WLAN 5250 (not in Europe)
0.25 0.92 m (3.02 ft) 2.76 m (9.06 ft) UMTS mobile phones
0.41 1.18 m (3.87 ft) 3.53 m (11.58 ft) Cordless DECT devices
0.82 1.67 m (5.48 ft) 5.00 m (16.40 ft) RFID 13.56 MHz
1.00 1.84 m (6.04 ft) 5.52 m (18.11 ft) WLAN 5600 (not in Europe)
1.64 2.36 m (7.74 ft) 7.07 m (23.20 ft) GSM 1800/GSM 1900
3.28 3.33 m (10.93 ft) 10.00 m (32.81 ft) GSM 900 mobiles, RFID 868 MHz
Device combinations
Connections to IT networks
During operation, this device can exchange infor- This device must only be connected to the network
mation with other devices by means of IT networks by service personnel. The IT representative of the
and supports the following functions: hospital must be consulted in advance.
– Display of waveforms and parameter data The following documents must be followed:
– Remote control (e.g., alarm management) – Description of the network-based alarm sys-
– Access to saved patient data
Dräger recommends observing IEC 80001-1 (Risk
– Transfer of device settings and patient data management for IT networks incorporating medical
– Service mode, access to logbooks devices).
– This device exchanges data with other medical – Without firewall and antivirus software:
devices over the LAN network. The network – Data are not protected.
must support the following transmissions and – Device settings are changed.
protocols: – The device generates false alarms or no
– TCP/IP alarms.
– Unicast (static or dynamic addressing with
– Data are sent incomplete, sent to the wrong de-
the ARP or RARP network protocols)
vice, or not sent at all.
– Multicast
– Broadcast – Patient data are intercepted, falsified, or dam-
– IGMP (Version 2) aged.
This device can join or leave an IP multicast – Data have incorrect time stamps.
group by using the IGMP network protocol.
– An overload of the device due to very high net-
work loading (e.g., caused by denial-of-service
Serial ports attacks) can lead to deactivation of the inter-
face. The interface will only be available again
This device supports the following ports:
after the device has been restarted. In rare
– RS232 ports conforming to EIA RS232 cases, a warm boot may take place and may oc-
(CCITT V.24/V.28) for the following applica- cur repeatedly.
Requirements for the electrical characteristics
– Paging systems
of connected devices and networks
– Connections to medical devices from other
manufacturers The LAN ports and the serial ports are only suitable
for connection of devices or networks that have a
– Ports based on USB 1.1 or USB 2.0 (e.g.,
nominal voltage of at most 24 VDC on the network
mouse, keyboard, hard disk, USB stick,
side and that meet the requirements of one of the
CD drive)
following standards:
– IEC 60950-1: Ungrounded SELV circuits
Consequences of using an unsuitable network
– IEC 60601-1 (as of 2nd edition): Exposed sec-
If the network does not have the required charac-
ondary circuits
teristics, hazardous situations can result. The fol-
lowing situations can occur with this device:
– Due to an insecure decentralized alarm system:
– Alarms are not transmitted.
– Alarms or data are transmitted with a delay.
– False alarms are triggered.
– During an interruption of the network connec-
– Alarms are not transmitted.
Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Flow measurement and volume delivery . . . . . 446
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
Units and standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
A Man
Fresh gas/AGas O
O2 flush/emergency-O2 G
system (AGSS)
N Pressure gauge
B APL valve
O Additional air valve
P Blower
D Expiratory valve
Q Pressure sensor – breathing bag
E Pressure sensor airway pressure
R Breathing bag
F SpiroLife expiration flow sensor
S Microbial filter sample gas return line
G Patient's lung
T Gas analysis
H SpiroLife inspiration flow sensor
U CO2 water trap
I Inspiratory valve
V External area for the leak test: for manual venti-
J CO2 absorber lation
K Option CO2 Clic absorber, unlocked position W Closed circulatory system valve
L Safety valve in breathing system (excess pres- X Man/Spont changeover valve
According to common anesthesia systems, in the Anesthetic agent delivery takes place independ-
FG ctrl. control mode, the mixed gas and the anes- ently of the carrier gas. The anesthetic agent is sup-
thetic agent are introduced into the breathing circle plied to the breathing system and fresh-gas outlet
as a fresh gas mixture. In this control mode, mixed- (optional) through a heated pipe in the form of sat-
gas metering devices and anesthetic agent meter- urated steam either direct or mixed with the carrier
ing devices emulate the functionality of a vaporizer. gas.
It is possible to connect two anesthetic agent me-
tering modules with identical or different anesthetic
ORC function (Oxygen Ratio Controller) agents.
In the uncontrolled operating modes, the minimum
metered fresh-gas flow is 0.25 L/min STPD (Stand-
ard Temperature Pressure Dry). The set point is
limited so that at least 25 Vol.% O2 and an O2 flow
of at least 250 mL/min (STPD) is delivered.
During anesthesia, the user must ensure an ade- Concentration control loops (Auto con-
quate oxygen supply and sufficient depth of an- trol control mode)
esthesia for the patient. The former is ensured by
setting an inspiratory O2 concentration. The latter, Set values (target values for the control loops) are
the assurance of sufficient depth of anesthesia, is the inspiratory oxygen concentration and the expir-
achieved by setting the expiratory anesthetic agent atory anesthetic agent concentration.
concentration. Zeus IE can be run in normal opera-
tion (Auto control control mode), in a closed circuit A scavenging concentration measurement at the
(Uptake mode) or a semi-closed circuit (FGmin Y-piece (patient gas analysis) and a second scav-
≥0.5 L/min). In both operating modes, the gas con- enging concentration measurement in the inspira-
centration is controlled in the breathing system (in- tion pathway (supervisor gas analysis) deliver
spiratory O2 control loop) and the gas concentra- measured values for O2, N2O, CO2, and anesthetic
tion exhaled by the patient (expiratory anesthetic gas.
agent (VA) control loop). The O2 and VA concentra- Patient gas analysis is subjected to further process-
tions metered in the fresh gas will normally deviate ing for gas monitoring. Secondly, this sensor sup-
very substantially from the concentrations in the cir- plies the actual inspiratory and expiratory values for
cle system. the concentration control loops.
In MAN/SPON mode, the gas control loop is not ac-
P Set value
FiO2 = 30 % Blower
Set value Inspiratory oxygen concentra-
tion (set point [Vol.%])
Deficit Excess
Measured values Inspiratory oxygen concentra-
tion measured by patient gas an-
If the O2 set value is lowered, the fresh-gas flow is Expiratory anesthetic agent concentra-
not increased beyond the set minimum flow. In Up- tion control
take mode, the O2 concentration drops solely on
account of the O2 uptake flow.
Patient gas analysis
To set a lower O2 concentration, carrier gas is
O2, agents, CO2
added and the oxygen concentration cannot fall be- etISO = 2.0 Vol.%
low 21 Vol.% in the fresh gas. Regulation in the car-
Exp. valve
rier gas N2O is thus identical to that of the carrier
gas Air.
Circle flow
Oxygen metering by means of emergency O2 deliv-
ery, O2 flush or additional O2 delivery lead to an in- Patient
crease in O2 concentration. Anesthetic agent Blower
Set value delivery
Due to the release of nitrogen (N2) into the system etISO = 2.0 Vol.%
by the patient, the O2 uptake cannot be balanced in
Uptake mode. This leads to a drop in O2 concen- Set value Expiratory VA concentration
tration. If the inspiratory O2 concentration drops be- (set point [Vol.%SL] or [kPa])
low the O2 set value by a predefined value (de-
pending on the O2 set value), the Uptake mode is Limitation Inspiratory VA concentration
exited. The fresh-gas flow is automatically in- (set point [Vol.%SL] or [kPa])
creased until the set value for O2 is reached again. Measured values Expiratory VA concentration
measured in terms of released
The table below summarizes this control mode:
breath at the Y-piece (actual
Insp. O2 set value Maximum deviation value)
If the patient has already been subjected to induc- esthetic agent) remain active during the flush
tion, the Prime Dose is prevented from becoming phase. Only the rate of mixed gas flow is increased.
active at the same time. The flush flow rate is 12 L/min.
Criteria for starting a flush phase with carrier gas O2 emergency delivery
In addition to the electronic fresh-gas mixer, there is
Start inN2O or etN2O >6 Vol.% a mechanical emergency O2 delivery system,
End after 60 s which can be operated at any time irrespective of
and the system status of the device (even with the de-
inN2O and etN2O <1 Vol.% vice switched off). The set range of the fine-control
Criteria for starting a flush phase with carrier gas valve for oxygen flow is 0 and 3 up to 12 L/min
N2O (STPD). The position of the open emergency O2
delivery system is read electrically and a message
Start after a gas balance as follows: is displayed on the operating screen when neces-
inN2O + FiO2 + inAGas + 7 Vol.% H2O sary. This message refers to potential risks.
(corresponds to 100 % rel. humidity)
<90 Vol.%
End after 60 s O2 flush
a gas balance as follows: Two mechanical flush buttons are used. Upon op-
inN2O + FiO2 + inAGas + 7 Vol.% H2O eration of a flush button, an O2 flow of approx.
(corresponds to 100 % rel. humidity) 35 L/min (STPD) flows into the breathing system:
>95 Vol.% Each flush button can be operated at any time, in-
dependently of the system status of the device.
Flow measurement and volume delivery Depending on airway pressure, Zeus IE increases
the tidal volume by the amount remaining in the
Depending on the compliance of the lung to the breathing hoses.
compliance of the breathing circuit, the volume sup- The expiratory minute volume and tidal volume are
plied by the ventilation device is distributed be- measured with the aid of two internal flow sensors.
tween the lung of the patient and the breathing cir- Measurement is adjusted for hose compliance. The
cuit inserted between the device and the patient. volume of the measured gas and the volume of the
Deviations resulting for the delivered volume are delivered gas depend, however, on the ambient
low for adult patients. This is due to their relatively conditions of temperature and pressure in the
high lung compliance in relation to the much lower breathing system. In lung physiology, the minute
compliance of the breathing hoses. Only the vol- volume and tidal volume are related to the condi-
ume attained and surrendered by the lung is rele- tions in the lung: 37 °C body temperature, lung
vant to the efficiency of ventilation. Larger differ- pressure, 100 % rel. humidity (BTPS). The meas-
ences are possible during pediatric ventilation. ured values for MV and VT calculated by Zeus IE
Zeus IE basically compensates for the influence of as well as the set point for VT always relate to
hose compliance to volume controlled ventilation. BTPS conditions. Leakages which occur at the pa-
Zeus IE ascertains the compliance of the breathing tient end are taken into consideration by Zeus IE
hoses during the device check before ventilation. neither during volume measurement nor during vol-
ume delivery.
Ventilation modes
Pressure Control (Pressure-controlled the inspiratory pressure level and also the change
ventilation) from the inspiratory pressure level to the expiratory
pressure level are synchronized with the patient's
This ventilation mode is identified as pressure-con- spontaneous breathing. Good adaptation to the
trolled or time-controlled ventilation during which spontaneous breathing behavior of the patient is
the patient can always breathe spontaneously. thus achieved.
Pressure Control is thus often described as the The respiratory rate of changes is also kept con-
time-controlled change between two CPAP levels. stant during synchronization via the "trigger win-
Controlled ventilation is achieved via the time-con- dow" with a fixed position in time.
trolled pressure change which corresponds to the
pressure-controlled ventilation (Pressure Control).
The constant possibility of spontaneous breathing
allows, however, a fluent transition of controlled
ventilation up to complete spontaneous breathing
without changing the ventilation mode. The
change-over from the expiratory pressure level to
The trigger window is 25 % of set inspiratory time at over the weaning phase towards complete sponta-
the upper pressure level (Pinsp), but a maximum of neous breathing occurs via a gradual reduction of
5 seconds or 25 % of Te (Te = time of expiration). inspiration pressure Pinsp and/or the respiratory
However, on the PEEP level the maximum is rate RR.
5 seconds. The trigger window can be switched off.
The good adaptation to the spontaneous breathing
of the patient results in a low sedation requirement Volume Control AutoFlow
and thus a quicker return of the patient to spontane-
ous breathing. Recent clinical experience validates The volume mode Vol. Ctrl. AutoFlow guarantees
this. the application of an adjusted tidal volume by grad-
ual adaptation of the mechanical inspiration pres-
As with all pressure-controlled ventilation modes, a sure to lung conditions.
non-fixed tidal volume VT is specified for the pa-
tient. The tidal volume is primarily the result of the Spontaneous breathing is possible at any time. The
pressure difference between the set points for pressure patterns and flow patterns of the mechan-
PEEP and Pinsp. ical inspiratory breaths correspond to those of pres-
sure-controlled ventilation.
Modifications of lung compliance and the airways
as well as active counter-breathing of the patient The calculated inspiration pressure Pinsp adapts to
can modify the tidal volume. This is a desired effect the current lung parameters (resistance R, compli-
in this ventilation mode. ance Cdyn) and the spontaneous breathing re-
quirements of the patient. Pinsp is always the mini-
Knowing the non-constant tidal volume and thus mum ventilation pressure. This ventilation pressure
also the minute volume, an adequate setting of the is required to fill the compliance of the lung with the
alarm limits for minute volume must be observed. required tidal volume VT.
To set the necessary difference between the two With modifications of lung compliance, the plateau
pressure levels, the display of the expiratory meas- pressure changes accordingly, as is always the
ured tidal volume VTe is used. An increase in the case with volume-controlled ventilation forms. With
difference causes a higher pressure-controlled AutoFlow, the modifications occur at ventilation
ventilation breath. pressure in up to 3 mbar steps from ventilation
As in synchronization with Vol. Ctrl. AutoFlow, the breath to ventilation breath.
time pattern is adjusted with the parameters of the If the selected mechanical inspiration time Ti is
basic setting for respiratory rate RR and inspiration greater than or equal to the lung filling time, Pinsp
time Ti. The lower pressure level is adjusted with exactly equals plateau pressure. If the inspiration
the parameter PEEP, the upper pressure level with time is shorter than the fill time of the lung, the in-
the parameter Pinsp. spiration flow at the end of the inspiration time does
During synchronization of pressure-controlled ven- not drop to zero. This can be detected from the flow
tilation with Vol. Ctrl. AutoFlow, only the Pinsp set- curve. In this case too, AutoFlow sets the minimum
ting needs to be modified while the time pattern is Pinsp under these conditions, which is, however,
maintained. above plateau pressure. Here the user must decide
whether an extension of inspiration time is useful in
The steepness of the increase from the lower pres- order to further decrease the ventilation pressure.
sure level to the upper pressure level is controlled
by the Slope setting. The effective time for the pres- If the set inspiration time Ti is longer than the fill
sure rise cannot become larger than the set inspi- time of the lung, then the patient can breathe in and
ration time Ti. Thus it is ensured that the upper out spontaneously within the remaining time at the
pressure level Pinsp is achieved safely during inspi- level of plateau pressure. Inspiration flow and expi-
ration. The transition from controlled ventilation ration flow adapt automatically to the needs of the
When starting an AutoFlow ventilation mode During AutoFlow ventilation, automatic volume
(Sync., Sync./Pressure Support and Volume Con- monitoring is active. If a tidal volume larger than
trol), a series of test breaths is first required to as- 130 % of the value set by the user is applied, this
sess the lung parameters. These test breaths com- results in abandonment of the inspiration breath.
prise the basis for calculation of the ventilation The ventilation pressure is reduced to 75 % of the
pressure. current pressure and the pressure limitations of the
second start breath apply. If this ventilation pres-
sure also results in a volume high alarm at the next
Algorithm of the AutoFlow function inspiration breath, then the ventilation pressure will
1. nd start breath once again be reduced to 75 %.
In the first test breath an inspiration pressure of VT adjustment:
5 mbar above PEEP is applied. This is the smallest After adjustment of tidal volume by the user, the
ventilation pressure which is possible with the Auto- breath readjustment of inspiratory pressure is lim-
Flow ventilation. After this test breath a new target ited to +3 mbar. The lowering of ventilation pres-
pressure is achieved with the help of the measured sure in the following inspiration breath after a VT
tidal volume. adjustment is not limited.
2. nd start breath
In the second test breath the ventilation pressure is
adjusted to 75 % of the calculated target pressure;
however, it has a maximum of only up to 15 mbar
above PEEP.
From the 3rd breath
From the third inspiration breath after the start of
the AutoFlow ventilation, the ventilation pressure is
adjusted to the calculated target pressure. Each
further breath readjustment of the inspiratory pres-
sure is limited to ±3 mbar.
Synchronization with Vol. Ctrl. AutoFlow Since synchronization of the mandatory ventilation
(Sync. = ON) breath shortens the effective Sync. time and thus
would undesirably increase the effective respiratory
Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation rate, Zeus IE extends the following spontaneous
breathing time by the missing time difference ∆T.
Pressure support, Elevation of the Sync. respiratory rate is thus
fast rise slow rise ∆Psupp avoided. The factor RR responsible for minimum
time time ventilation in addition to tidal volume VT remains
fast rise slow rise
Pinsp time time constant. If the patient has inspired a substantial
volume at the beginning of the trigger window, the
device reduces the following mandatory ventilation
Trigger window for insp. and exp. breath. The time for the inspiratory flow phase and
inspiration time is shortened. Thus the tidal volume
RR VT remains constant and overfilling of the lungs is
without spontaneous with spontaneous breath- In the course of further weaning, the respiratory
breathing ing
rate RR is further reduced at the device and thus
CO2 concentration
The concentration setting for CO2 display in
Zeus IE can be either BTPS or normal (without
correction). The appropriate correction then applies
both to concentration setting and to concentration
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Age (years)
etSEV = 1.5 Vol.%; et N2O = 60 %; age = 10 years
MACage-corrected of SEV: MAC10 = 2.2 Vol.%
MACage-corrected of N2O: MAC10 = 125 Vol.%
xMAC = 0.7 + 0.5 = 1.2
Mixture detection
Zeus IE automatically detects the anesthetic gas
used and switches the measurement and monitor-
ing of anesthetic gas concentration to the gas de-
If a mixture of two volatile anesthetic agents is de-
tected, the concentration of the secondary agent is
displayed after 0.4 hPa or 0.4 Vol.%SL.
Accessories for patient monitoring . . . . . . . . . 199 C.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Additional oxygen delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445 C.O. calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Adjust mixed gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 C.O. measurement connection . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Adjusting the AutoSet limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 C.O. measuring accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Advanced infusion settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 C.O. screen display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Airway pressure Paw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Calculation settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Alarm behaviour at power on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228, 231
Alarm info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Cardiac output (C.O.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Alarm limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Care list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
Alarm log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Catheter positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Alarm priorities and signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Ceiling unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
All limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Change patient data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Anesthesia effect monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 Changing the patient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Anesthesia ventilation off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 Charging the battery for emergency
Anesthetic delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441 operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Anesthetic gas delivery failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Check emergency breathing bag . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Anesthetic gas receiving system (AGS) . . . . . . 65 Check Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451 Check the backup gas cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Arrhythmia reference pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Check the central gas supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Assembling the anesthetic gas receiving Checking patient data/weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
system (AGS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Checking the anesthetic gas scavenging
Assembling the breathing system . . . . . . . . . . 378 system AGSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Assembling the CO2 absorber . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 Checking the APL valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Checking the breathing system . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Assigning or delete profile keys . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Checking the O2 emergency delivery . . . . . . . . 91
Attach the BIS sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Checking the O2 flow meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Attach the breathing hoses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Checking the O2 flush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Automatic learning and relearning . . . . . . . . . . 214 Checking the soda lime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Automatic Self test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Automatic self test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
AutoSet limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization . . . . . 357
CLIC adapter Zeus IE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
B CO2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
CO2 alarms On/Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Backup gas cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Color concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Basic settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 Concentration control loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Beat and rhythm classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Configurable buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
BIS monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321, 322
BIS safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Configuring basic settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
BIS setting on Zeus IE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 Configuring buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332, 333
BP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Configuring colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
BP safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Configuring data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
BP settings on Zeus IE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Configuring MediBus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Brightness / tone volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Configuring the screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
Header bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Network configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
HME filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Neuromuscular Transmission Monitoring
(NMT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
I New drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
New profiles/views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
IBF absorber filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 NIBP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220, 420
If Zeus IE is not being used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 NIBP basic settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Impedance test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 NIBP measuring intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Importing setups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338 NIBP screen display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Infinity BISx pod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 NIBP settings on Zeus IE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Infinity configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 NMT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Influence of weight and age on the device NMT safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 NMT settings on Zeus IE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Infusion settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Non-invasive blood pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Initial use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Non-rebreathing systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Inspiratory oxygen concentration control . . . . . 442 Notes on leaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Install flow sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Installation of profiles and views . . . . . . . . . . . 338 O
Installing all . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 O2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Intermittent measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Online help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
Invasive blood pressure measurement . . . . . . 225 Operating concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
IT networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436 ORC function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Other functions of the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
L Oxygen flush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
Safety concept (HighFlow operation) . . . . . . . 445
Saving profiles/views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Screen layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
Select profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Selecting a drug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Serial ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Service Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
Service functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
Service Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
Service notes for monitoring accessories . . . . 376
Set and select loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Set APL valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Set details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Set drug dose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Setting ranges of the monitoring alarms . . . . . 179
Sevoflurane filling system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Single measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Single Twitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
SpiroLife flow sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
SpO2 measurement connection . . . . . . . . . . . 205
SpO2 safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
SpO2 settings on the Zeus IE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
ST measuring points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
ST screen display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
ST segment analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Start NIBP measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Start settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Start the self test manually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Directive 93/42/EEC
concerning medical devices
As of 2015-08:
Dräger Medical GmbH
changes to
Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
9054908 – GA 5133.035 en
© Dräger Medical GmbH
Edition: 1 – 2015-02
Dräger reserves the right to make modifications
to the device without prior notice.