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Smart Wheelchair with SMS Alert and Safety Features

Conference Paper · June 2021


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5 authors, including:

Pratiksha Karn Bikash Mallik

Kathford International College of Engineering and Management Kathford International College of Engineering and Management


Nisha Somai Ashish Kumar Das

Kathford International College of Engineering and Management Kathford International College of Engineering and Management


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KEC Conference

Smart Wheelchair with SMS Alert and

Safety Features
Pratiksha Karn Nisha Somai Ashish Kumar Das
Department of Computer and Department of Computer and Department of Computer and
Electronics , Communication & Electronics , Communication & Electronics , Communication &
Information Information Information
Kathford International college of Kathford International college of Kathford International college of
engineering and engineering and engineering and
Management,Tribhuwan Management,Tribhuwan Management,Tribhuwan
University University University
Balkumari, Lalitpur Balkumari, Lalitpur Balkumari, Lalitpur
karnprtksh11@gmail.com asinmagar16@gmail.com dasashishkr2017@gmail.com

Bikash Mallik Dipesh Silwal

Department of Computer and Department of Computer and
Electronics , Communication & Electronics , Communication &
Information Information
Kathford International college of Kathford International college of
engineering and engineering and
Management,Tribhuwan Management,Tribhuwan
University University
Balkumari, Lalitpur Balkumari, Lalitpur
bikashmallik49@gmail.com dipeshsilwal21@gmail.com

Abstract— Smart Wheelchair with SMS Alert and Safety Alert and Safety Features is an electronic wheelchair.
Features is an electronic wheelchair, which has been The wheelchair consists of motors attached to wheels
designed to provide mobile independence with security to that can be controlled by a RC Remote thus providing
the differently abled people who suffer from various automated movement without manual force. Once the
difficulties on movement in daily life even on using a system is switched on, a patient just needs to use
manual wheelchair. To update it from manual to smart, his/her hands to move wherever they want. The
RC remote has been used so that the wheelchair user can wheelchair has some safety features such as obstacle
move on any direction just moving the stick of RC remote
detection by which a user gains the sense of self
with one hand, reducing the need of manual force for
moving the wheels. To control the system, ATmega328p
mobility with security. Similarly, the message alert
microcontroller has been used with the added security feature helps a patient to alert his/her family.
features. The buzzer directly helps the user to be able to To ensure the independence in mobility of locomotive
learn about any problem with the surrounding and disabled, this project is applicable. It reduces the effort
provide instant aids. Similarly, accelerometer and for manual pushing of wheels as well as provides
ultrasonic sensors have been used for making the system safety. It is seen effective for day-to-day movement of
safe and trustworthy. GSM module has been used to alert the disabled. This makes it more effective than the
caretaker/family of wheelchair user. The system was well using of manual wheelchairs. For a developing nation
designed with SMS alert and safety features under low-
like Nepal where more than 36 % of disabled have lost
their mobility, this system is very essential [1]. To
KEYWORDS: Smart, Differently Abled, Wheelchair, Mobile provide the disabled a sense of independence and
Independence, Accelerometer movement as well as to ensure their safety by helping
them alert their families when in need, this system is
I. INTRODUCTION very much suitable.
Every human has right to independent
movement. It is a simple statement, but has a great II. LITERATURE REVIEW
impact on the confidence and self-esteem of a Smart Wheelchair with SMS Alert and Safety
differently abled person. Manual wheelchairs though Features is an electric wheelchair. The wheelchair
provide independence in some cases of disability, not consists of motors attached to wheelchair that can be
all the disabled are able to have movement manually controlled by a RC Remote thus providing movement
driving the wheels. Thus, there is a strong requirement without manual force. It reduces the effort for manual
of electric wheelchairs. Smart Wheelchair with SMS pushing of wheels as well as provides safety. The
wheelchair has some safety features by which a user
KEC Conference 2021
“3rd International Conference On Engineering And Technology”
Kantipur Engineering College, Dhapakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal
KEC Conference

gains the sense of self mobility with security. To terms of back movement. The director of SOS children
provide the disabled a sense of independence and village, Mr. Rabin Nepali confirms that despite the
movement as well as to ensure their safety by helping comfort of the wheelchair, the battery lasted for a
them alert their families when in need, this system is limited period of time. Similarly, the cost was very
very much suitable. high [9].
The first electric wheelchair was the Klein Drive Chair The team of Infinity Lab successfully tested an
which was invented by Canadian inventor George electronic wheelchair from Shantinagar in Baneshwor
Klein and his team in 1953. His team developed a to Patan Dhoka powered by a rechargeable battery.
unique package of technologies while working for the This wheelchair was the first of its kind that has been
National Research Council of Canada that are still designed and produced using mostly locally available
current features of electric wheelchairs today. The materials called the ‘Leopard’, the wheelchair allows
electric wheelchair was propelled by batteries, which its users to travel at a top speed of 10 kilometers per
allowed automatic movements that were controlled by hour and can cover up to 25 kilometers, after being
the user. [3] fully charged for three hours [10]. The feasibility of
At present day, there are number of small as well as wheelchairs imported from abroad is very less. They
large scale commercial enterprises working on smart are not made considering the physical infrastructures
wheelchairs, most of all in the developed nations. of Nepal, especially the rough roads. The foreign
China Synergy Group is a Chinese professional designs are failure in Nepal’s roads [11].
manufacturing company in Shanghai which has While the needs of many individuals with disabilities
developed smart electric wheelchairs. Another can be satisfied with power wheelchairs, some
producing giant of wheelchairs is Ottobuck which members of the disabled community find it difficult or
produces customized wheelchairs for suiting the impossible to operate a standard power wheelchair. To
disability [4]. accommodate this population, several researchers
One of the greatest scientists in the world, Stephen have used technologies originally developed for
Hawking has used a special designed wheelchair with mobile robots to create “smart wheelchairs” that
voice systems. Professor Hawking controlled all the reduce the physical, perceptual, and cognitive skills
functions of his Windows tablet PC using just a single necessary to operate a power wheelchair [12]. A
switch. Hawking’s PC used a special interface called Smart Wheelchair Component System (SWCS) is the
EZ Keys, which scanned across each letter of the on- wheelchair with minimal modification of variety of
screen keyboard, one at a time. When Hawking moved commercial power wheelchairs.
his cheek, a sensor detects the movement and the Scottish designer Phoenix Instinct has developed a
computer halts the scanner and picked that letter. All lightweight wheelchair with a movable axle position
these devices were attached to his wheelchair [5]. that automatically adjusts the chair's centre of gravity
Similarly, Navchair designed by Levine was to stop overbalancing. The Phoenix i wheelchair uses
developed for people who suffered from different sort smart technology to improve its basic functionality.
of impairments such as bad vision. Its shared control Made of lightweight carbon-fibre, the wheelchair's
decisions such as obstacle avoidance, safe approach to wheels are mounted on an adjustable axle that can
objects and maintenance of a given path with the user move forward or backwards depending on the user's
[6]. There are very few commercialized wheelchairs position [13].
with the smart technology available. One reason is To ensure the independency in mobility and security
because the robustness and safety of the technology is of the disabled, smart wheelchair would be a key
not 100% guaranteed yet in many researches. Using solution. The system uses ATmega328p
high-tech smart wheel chairs depends on the severity microcontroller. In this project, we are adding alarm,
of the disability, the individual’s overall morale and message alert as well as obstacle detection features
attitude towards his or her condition and the most which will provide safety to the disabled people.
important is the price of the technology [7]. According Similarly, the person accessing the system will be able
to a paper published on the topic “Advances in smart to control and move anywhere without any human help
wheelchair technology”, a considerable amount of with ease and security.
work has been done in the field of smart wheelchairs
but small amount of attention has been given to user
centric wheelchair design. Thus, the direction should III. METHODOLOGY
aim at building user centered smart wheelchair A. Block diagram of movement of the System
considering several disabilities without negotiating
The system consists of 4 DC motor, RC
user comfort [8].
remote transmitter and receiver, ESC and battery. The
In the context of Nepal, it has been found through
movement of all the four motors is controlled by the
several researches that there are no any commercial
movement of RC remote. The motors are connected
electric wheelchair manufacturers till present. In 2002,
with ESC and LiPo battery provides the required
an electric wheelchair was imported by SOS Children
power. When remote which acts as transmitter sends
Village, Jorpati for a patient of cerebral palsy.
signals on receiving input from wheelchair user,
According to the patient, it was comfortable to use in
KEC Conference 2021
“3rd International Conference On Engineering And Technology”
Kantipur Engineering College, Dhapakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal
KEC Conference

receiver receives signal and directs ESC to enable

motor. ESC controls the s motor movement or speed
by activating the appropriate MOSFETs to create the
rotating magnetic field so that the motor rotates. The
higher the frequency or the quicker the ESC goes
through the 6 intervals, the higher the speed of the
motor will be. In this way the components in upper
section work.

Fig. 2. Block diagram of SMS alert & safety features

C. Software Requirements
Our system uses Arduino IDE. It is an
official Arduino software, making code compilation
too easy that even a common person with no prior
technical knowledge can easily understand. Similarly,
Proteus has been used for simulation of the system.
It has been used to test the system virtually before its
real implementation.
Fig. 1. Block Diagram of movement of the System D. Flowchart for the movement of the System
When the system is initialized, RC remote is checked
for the direction. If the RC remote handle is moved to
B. Block diagram of SMS alert and safety features left, the right motor is enabled and left motor is
The system consists of Atmega328p microcontroller disabled. If the RC remote handle is moved to right,
as the main controlling device. Similarly, two the left motor is enabled and right motor is disabled. If
ultrasonic sensors are present on the front and back of the RC remote handle is moved forward, then both
the wheelchair and accelerometer is present on the motors are enabled. For backward movement, both
middle for detecting change in orientation. For the motors are enabled. The proposed system goes on
SMS alert feature, GPS/GSM SIM 808 module is used. moving and keeps on checking RC remote handle for
Ultrasonic sensors measure the distance to or the the change in the direction of movement.
presence of a target object by sending a sound pulse,
above the range of any obstacle, toward the target and
then measuring the time it takes the sound echo to
return. Thus, buzzer beeps on receiving a high from the
microcontroller. Accelerometer gives value of three
axis X, Y and Z from which we calculate the change
in normal orientation of wheelchair.

Fig. 3. Flowchart of movement of the System

KEC Conference 2021
“3rd International Conference On Engineering And Technology”
Kantipur Engineering College, Dhapakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal
KEC Conference

E. Flowchart for SMS Alert and Safety Feature of the i.e. US1 and US2 are used for the obstacle detection.
System Therefore, when US1 detects a value below threshold,
When the system is initialized, the microcontroller the buzzer beeps and alerts the wheelchair user that he
keeps checking whether the detected value of should stop the wheelchair from moving forward.
accelerometer and ultrasonic sensor are in the Similarly, when US2 detects a value below threshold,
predefined range or not. If the values are not in the the buzzer beeps and alerts the wheelchair user that he
range, first of all the value of accelerometer sensor is should stop the wheelchair from moving backward.
checked. If the values are not in the range, the buzzer Similarly, when GY-45 detects a value not in threshold
beeps. It represents that there is change in orientation range, the buzzer beeps thereby alerting the people
of wheelchair. Hence, SMS is sent through GSM/GPS. nearby that the wheelchair has incurred some
If the values of accelerometer are in the range, value abnormal position, which may cause serious harm to
of both ultrasonic sensors are checked. If any of one user.
sensors value is less than the threshold, the buzzer is The response of smart wheelchair in different cases:
beeps. Thus, the wheelchair user is alerted to take
suitable action. If no input is applied, the
microcontroller keeps checking till the system is on.
RC DC Motors Wheelchair
Remote Direction
M1 & M3 M2 & M4
Back Anticlockwise Anticlockwise Backward
Front Clockwise Clockwise Forward
Right Clockwise Turn Right
Left Anticlockwise Turn Left

B. GPS/GSM SIM 808 module based SMS Alert


Case RC Sensors Wheelchair

Remote Indication Response
Abnormal Neutral GY-45 not in SIM 808
Orientation threshold module
range send alert

Fig. 4. Block diagram of SMS Alert & Safety Features


A. Implementation of The System

Fig. 6. SMS Alert via SIM 808 Module

Fig. 5. Complete view of control system

The smart wheelchair is an implementation of a RC

remote controlled robot. The two Ultrasonic Sensors
KEC Conference 2021
“3rd International Conference On Engineering And Technology”
Kantipur Engineering College, Dhapakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal
KEC Conference

Fig. 9. Plot of obstacle on front and back on serial plotter

D. Implementation of Control System

Fig.7. Output of crash detection on serial monitor The designed control system can be implemented into
a real wheelchair as follows:
C. Obstacle Detection of Smart Wheelchair


Case RC Sensors Wheelchair
Remote Indication Response
Obstacle in front Speed Ultrasonic Buzzer
of chair signal sensor 1 beeps to
above value less alert user to
neutral than avoid
(forward threshold forward
movement distance movement
Obstacle in back Speed Ultrasonic Buzzer
of chair signal sensor 2 beeps to
below value less alert user to
neutral than avoid
(backward threshold backward Fig. 10. Top view of wheelchair
movement distance movement [Available:www.firstinarchitecture.co.uk]

Fig. 11. Side view of wheelchair


The motors will be connected to wheels of the

wheelchair on both sides. Similarly, on the top right,
joystick will be placed at a comfortable position for
user to handle. Accelerometer will be placed at the
center of the sitting considering the center of gravity.
The GSM/GPS module will be placed on the lower
section of sitting and the microcontroller will be placed
in suitable position. Atmega328p will be replaced by
Fig. 8. Output of obstacle detection on serial monitor Raspberry-Pi for better performance. Buzzer will be
placed considering the comfortable and sound
audibility of the beep. In this way, our control system
can be implemented into real wheelchair.

KEC Conference 2021
“3rd International Conference On Engineering And Technology”
Kantipur Engineering College, Dhapakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal
KEC Conference

E. Discussion Front Front

Front Back Back Side Side
During the research of a smart wheelchair for real time, Back Side Roll Roll Roll Roll
different methodologies were studied and best feasible Roll Roll (min) (max) (min) (max) Result
method was chosen. In the course of our research, we 90 241.67 75 105 220 280 Normal
found that the advance systems used raspberry pi as the 91.79 249 75 105 220 280 Normal
microcontroller for better speed and faster processing. 85 240 75 105 220 280 Normal
We used ATmega328p as microcontroller as our main front
goal was to achieve the functionality rather than speed 162 260 75 105 220 280 back
being a key factor. Our system consists of SMS alert
which is beneficial for the safety of wheelchair user
and describes problem in wheelchair orientation. We 90 300 75 105 220 280 by side
used wireless communication for the alerting to the
caretaker/family of the user. Overall, our research
suggests a low-cost control system design which can 350
give independent movement to a wheelchair user.
300 300
F. Result Analysis 280 280 280 280 280
Based on our research, analysis and the result we got 250 249
241.67 240
during implementation of the project, overall we 220 220 220 220 220
achieved a significant level of accuracy. Compared to 200
Leopard, the first smart wheelchair in Nepal, our
system can provide more efficiency at a low cost. 162
The accuracy obtained for ultrasonic sensor is
presented below:
100 105 105 105 105 105
90 91.79 85 90
Front Back Accuracy
ultrasonic ultrasonic range >
sensor(cm) sensor(cm) (cm) Result 0
25 20 10 No obstacle Normal Normal Normal crashed crashed
20 15 10 No obstacle front by side
6 14 10 Obstacle in front back
5 18 10 Obstacle in front
50 2 10 Obstacle in back Fig. 13. Performance of Accelerometer Sensor
50 5 10 Obstacle in back
50 50 50 Motor speed range calculation
The normal speed of the system should be 8 cm/sec but
30 the weighted wheel chair has some more power
25 requirement. There is some loss of power while
20 20 20 18
15 14 moving with load. For unloaded condition the vehicle
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 top speed is 8.51 cm/sec, which can be considered
6 5 4
0 2 good for normal home uses.
No No Obstacle Obstacle Obstacle Obstacle
obstacle obstacle in front in front in back in back
Fig. 12. Performance of Ultrasonic Sensor
Smart Wheelchair with SMS alert and safety features
was successfully tested. Also, the specific objective to
design and develop a system that helps people with
locomotive disability to have independent movement
was fulfilled. The designed wheelchair provides SMS
alert on emergency situations. Thus, the low-cost
microcontroller and advances in wireless
communication inspired us to design and develop the
low-cost system. By using this prototype containing
microcontroller (ATmega328p), GSM/GPS module
(SIM 808) and other components, smart wheelchair
KEC Conference 2021
“3rd International Conference On Engineering And Technology”
Kantipur Engineering College, Dhapakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal
KEC Conference

can be successfully built to offer independence in [13] T. Ravenscroft, "Dezeen," 03 December 2020. [Online].
movement and security to locomotive disabled. Available: https://www.dezeen.com/2020/12/03/phoenix-

We would like to acknowledge the guidance and
constructive suggestions provided by the teachers and
individuals in course of the preparation of this report.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to our
Supervisor Er. Kiran Bagale and Er. Saban Kumar
K.C, Project Coordinator for his assistance and help
during the process.
Thank You


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[10] A. Adhikari, "Rolling on," The Kathmandu Post, Kathmandu,


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Smart Wheelchair Component System," vol. 41, 2004.

KEC Conference 2021
“3rd International Conference On Engineering And Technology”
Kantipur Engineering College, Dhapakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal

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