031 Jesr 209 214
031 Jesr 209 214
031 Jesr 209 214
e-ISSN 2289-7127
© RMP Publications, 2017
DOI: 10.26666/rmp.jesr.2017.2.31
Abdul Razak Shaari, Mohd Nordin Mohd Jani, Ahmad Syukri Mohamed Yunus
Department Electrical Engineering, Melaka Polytechnic, Melaka, Malaysia
a.r.shaari@gmail.com, nordinmjani@gmail.com,
Abstract: Wheelchair has been an important assistive device and the demand are ever rising because of the increasing
physically handicapped and old age populations. The recent development in the robotics artificial intelligence extends
vast scope for developing the more advanced and intelligent one to overcome limitations of the existing traditional
wheelchairs. The prototype smart wheelchair were present on this paper using hardware implementation with the help
of simple hand gesture which is comprises of an accelerometer mounted on the hand glove senses the tilt angle of the
user hand movements and transmits control signal to the receiver mounted on wheelchair. This will interpret the
movement accordingly required by user. The wheelchair control unit is developed by integration of ATMEGA328
microcontroller with Arduino UNO. The wheelchair is developed to allow peoples to move safely and put reliability in
accomplishment of some important tasks in daily life.
Corresponding Author: Abdul Razak Shaari, Department Electrical Engineering, Melaka Polytechnic, Melaka, Malaysia
Abdul Razak Shaari / Journal of Engineering and Science Research, 1(2) 2017, Pages: 209-214
self-learning could enhance the understanding of object while transporting it starting with one place then
students. onto the next. The human itself or the wearer of the
gloves just mimics the actions to be done, while the
This project aims to find out whether the A Smart real lifting and setting is left for the actuator to be
Wheelchair Prototype Based On Hand Gesture Control finished. Radio Frequency (RF) innovation is utilized
was able to help students in applying some basic to transit the signals from the glove to the
concept of certain electrical subject related. So that microcontroller. Zimmerman et al. [6] additionally give
eventually it could help to improve their overall an account of the advancement of a comparative hand
understanding and increase their knowledge in learning to machine interface device. It is basically a glove that
process. gives and provides ongoing signal of real-time gesture,
position and data of orientations.
Abdul Razak Shaari / Journal of Engineering and Science Research, 1(2) 2017, Pages: 209-214
DATA ANALYSIS correct right side then the wheelchair moves right way
or if the tilt is to another side then the wheelchair
The point of this venture result is the sensor is moves left way. Wheelchair developments can be
proficient to distinguish the tilt and makes utilization of controlled in Forward, Reverse, Left and Right heading
the accelerometer to alter the course of the wheelchair as appeared in the Table 1.
relying upon tilt. In the event that the tilt is to the
Abdul Razak Shaari / Journal of Engineering and Science Research, 1(2) 2017, Pages: 209-214
D1 D2 D3 D4
Stable 00 0 0 0 0 No Movement
Bend To Right 450 0 0 0 1 Right Movement
Bend To Left 0 0 1 0 Left Movement
Bend To 1 0 0 0 Reverse
Backward 450 Movement
Bend To Forward 0 1 0 0 Forward
450 Movement
Table 1 shown the control algorithm for the can be controlled easily by changing the position of the
wheelchair and in order to explore that , a simple user’s hand. The wheelchair stops when the hand of
system for wheelchair control based on the recognition user returns to the neutral position.
of the gestures, performed by the arm of the user has
been designed. The system memorizes the same arm RESEARCH FINDINGS
posture for further referencing to it as the stable gesture
or “neutral position” after the recognition of the start During the test, the wheelchair would move right or
gesture. The wheelchair is driven by the electric motors left when the hand were bent around 300 to 450. The
during the gesture of control mode. The motors do not maximum speed of the wheelchair is around 10 m/s.
work and the wheelchair does not move when the arm This prototype will having difficulty to move forward
is in a neutral position. when facing with obstacle and collision of the route.
Moreover the braking system is only depends on the
The wheelchair movement direction can be set by hand to move forward and backward. When tests are
moving user hand away from the neutral position. To done on a flat road, there are not many problems faced
rotates the wheelchair to the right, the hand of the user by the wheelchair. But there is a problem when the test
need to move to the right. To rotate the wheelchair to is done on a downhill road where the brake system
the left, the hand of the user need to move to the left. needs to be streamlined again. Likewise the problem
Bend the hand to backward causes reverse wheelchair occurred on the downhill road this problem will be
movement, while the bending of the arm to forward investigated and corrected in further study.
causes a forward movement. The wheelchair direction