Appointment Letter Format-1
Appointment Letter Format-1
Appointment Letter Format-1
Your employment tenure with the Company shall be subject, but not limited to, the Terms and Conditions, the Rule
the Policies, the Code of Conduct and Discipline as stipulated in the Employee Handbook governing all employees of the Co
any amendments thereof, which may be enacted and implemented from time to time.
You are required to keep and maintain secret or confidentiality from Third parties, all data, experience, knowledg
wether technical or commercial, made available to you or coming to your knowledge in connection to your activities in the Co
Company has previously consented to the disclosure thereof. It is further understood that you must treat the Terms and C
employment absolutely confidential and are not to discussed with your co-employees.
It is further understood that you shall be held liable for any losses or damaged incurred, directly or indirectly, by the Co
result of any Breach of Confidentiality Clause or display negligence in the performance of your duties and respons
You are expected to devote your whole time, attention, energies and skills solely beneficial for the interest of the Compa
engage in any enterprising activities, either directly or indirectly, other than that of the Company's business
Orders Allowances are included in the computation of the 13th month Pay
SCOPE OF APPOINTMENT: Payroll Payments Periods:
Payroll CutOff Periods:
The Company reserves the Right to Change Time Schedules, Right to Assign, Re-Assign or Transfer you to an
as the Management deem it is necessary. You are required to perform any other task os your superior officer or the M
ordered you to perform from time to time.
I HEREBY acknowledged and certify with my signature hereunder that I have attended the Employment Orientation Semina
about Company's Policies, Rules and Regulations, Code of Conduct and Discipline. That I fully understand the aforsaid subj
commit myself to abide by it willfully and respectfully. That I fully understood and accepted all information regarding my emp
herein are true and correct.
Signature above printed name Regular
2nd Break-Out 2nd Break-In