Brochure Signalling Urbalis Range English 1
Brochure Signalling Urbalis Range English 1
Brochure Signalling Urbalis Range English 1
For over 70 years, Alstom has been addressing such urban challenges and thereby is
constantly upgrading the most service proven radio Communication Based Train Control
(CBTC) signaling solution, the URBALIS range.
Notably, the Company’s most advanced URBALIS systems ensure highest passenger
transport capacity, operational availability, and lowest life cycle cost on the market.
Case in point: in Mexico City, one of the world’s largest megacities with 22 million
residents, URBALIS boosted capacity by up to 30% on its new metro “Gold Line”, shortened
commute time from 2 hours to 72 minutes—and reduced vehicle traffic which will eliminate
2,300 tons of CO2 emissions per year.
Alstom Transport 3
4 Alstom Transport
URBALISTM Solutions, Beyond CBTC Basics
4 Top benefits
of an enhanced CBTC experience
URBALIS is continuously being perfected to achieve the ultimate train control solution.
Key advantages include: flexible and scalable Control System architecture, based on moving
block principle, which safely optimizes the maximum of available rail network capacity;
reducing the headway between trains down to 60 seconds and consequently ensuring
the system’s higher efficiency and train frequency with minimal or zero passenger service
Service proven • URBALIS Range is the most service proven
and benefits from the know-how acquired
radio CBTC from CBTC projects for over 40 metro lines,
solution worldwide.
High • Redundant architecture with no single point of
operational failure.
• Flexible operation with more train movements,
availability fallback systems and recovery modes.
• Shorter headways (down to 60 seconds) lead
High transport to higher capacity, while reducing commute
capacity time with higher commercial speeds.
Optimal • Effective ATO (Automatic Train Control)
investment allowing minimum energy consumption,
and optimum rolling stock inducing lower
and LCC maintenance cost.
• Modular architecture easy to extend, modify
and migrate.
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Global success in busy cities
Service Proven URBALIS: 25% of radio CBTC
As a local partner with the experience of a global company, Alstom has a signaling
track record dating back 30 years to the late 1970s and 1980s when the Company
pioneered a number of new systems for Washington, Taipei, Sao Paulo, Marseille
and Montreal. In 2003, the Company delivered the world’s first radio CBTC in
the North East Line of Singapore. It still remains the longest underground and
the highest capacity UTO line in commercial service. Today, URBALIS has been
installed on over 50 metro lines around the world, covering driverless and
manned operations on new line and signaling renovation projects.
First «UTO to UTO» revamping with
headway below 70s, doubling line
capacity by doubling train length and
keeping headway performances while
replacing the legacy analogic system
with digital CBTC technology
UTO steepest line
(12%) with rubber tires
Mexico Toronto
L12 : 1st CBTC in Mexico, pollution Interface with third
reduction (2,300 t CO2 / year), decrease MALAGA
supplier interlocking
of commute time (2h => 72min) Deployed on L1 & L2
First metro line
in the country
Deployed with very high
ridership on L1, L2 & L3
L1 : revamping, interface with existing
system, short headway below 80s
6 Alstom Transport
URBALISTM Solutions, Beyond CBTC Basics
Revamping of the entire city network (5 interconnected metro
lines), complex migration through sectorized switch-over
CBTC revamping in record time for Olympic games
Milan WUHAN (2 years), 6 CBTC lines in Beijing
Voted most popular L1: L2 & L4, deployed on
full revamping in 4 2 heavy ridership lines
years’time, very complex SHANGHAI
migration with mixed 4 CBTC lines including one driverless line
traffic & interface with
existing system, increase
capacity by 40%, headway WUXI L1 & L2
of 90s, energy saving up
to 30% KUNMING L1
UTO on Green line
Hong Kong
Dubai South Island Line : 1st UTO and
CBTC system for advanced 1st CBTC metro line in Hong Kong
tramway with Platform
Screen Doors
NEL & CCL lines : First radio CBTC in the
world in 2003, highest capacity UTO line
in the world, longest underground UTO line
Alstom Transport 7
Beyond CBTC Basics
The URBALIS range has 2 CBTC offers: URBALIS Fluence and URBALIS 400
Alstom expands its service proven URBALIS range by adding a new solution
addressing Operator needs for an enhanced CBTC experience. Complementary to
URBALIS 400, URBALIS Fluence leverages the current URBALIS solution.
The new URBALIS Fluence integrates innovations that drastically simplify the
signaling system by completely merging interlocking functions into a train-centric
CBTC. Conversely, URBALIS 400 operates with traditional interlocking. Both
solutions capitalize on a common technological base which is constantly being
upgraded—and they offer the highest level of safety endorsed by official independent
URBALIS 400 represents the ideal CBTC solution
for urban transit operators aiming to maximize
performance and capacity, while requiring
standard interlocking systems for operational
URBALIS Overview
8 Alstom Transport
URBALISTM Solutions, Beyond CBTC Basics
The new URBALIS Fluence is the first train centric CBTC. It innovates by simplifying the complex
route setting and interlocking functions, and completely merges these functions into CBTC.
• Optimum Train Centric architecture leading to less equipment (20% reduction) and
better performances
Advanced Automatic
Train Operation ATP Moving Block principle
Achieving best-in-class For lower headway and higher
stopping accuracy performances
Alstom Transport 9
12 more reasons
to choose URBALIS
• High level of safety – Use of formal software development methods
With a 70 year history, Alstom is the only company to master the complete scope
of high-performance products: rolling stock, infrastructures, information systems,
signaling, services and turnkey solutions.
The integration of solutions from Alstom’s product lines and its partners, is
coordinated by a dedicated team that guarantees a global project vision and specific
expertise. Alstom therefore possess all the know-how and resources needed to
implement best-in-class signaling systems.
10 Alstom Transport
Alstom is a global leader in the world of power generation,
power transmission and rail infrastructure and sets the benchmark
for innovative and environmentally friendly technologies.
Power generation Alstom builds the fastest train and the highest capacity automated
metro in the world, provides turnkey integrated power plant
solutions and associated services for a wide variety of energy
sources, including hydro, nuclear, gas, coal, wind, solar thermal,
geothermal and ocean energies. Alstom offers a wide range of
solutions for power transmission, with a focus on smart grids.
Rail transport
Providing a transport system requires a comprehensive approach that
begins with careful attention to the customer’s needs and culminates
in the delivery of efficient, harmonious services. For Alstom Transport,
this approach can be summarised in one word: Fluidity. We develop
sustainable and global railway solutions tailored to each operator and
public authorities they serve. We create smarter mobility, building
and maintaining solutions that operate more safely, comfortably and
Electrical grid efficiently. From trains to signalling, infrastructure, services to complete
turnkey systems, we offer the widest range of high-tech rail solutions.
Alstom Transport is the global leader in the urban metro and tramway
market. It is also a major player in the regional trains sector as well as
in high and very-high speed market with more than 1,000 trainsets in
commercial service throughout the world.
Rail transport
TRANS/URBALIS/TRANSP/eng/05.13/FR – ©ALSTOM 2013. ALSTOM, the ALSTOM logo, URBALIS, Fluence and any alternative version thereof are trademarks and service marks of ALSTOM. The other names mentioned, registered or not, are the property of their respective companies.
The technical and other data contained in this document is provided for information only. ALSTOM reserves the right to revise or change this data at any time without further notice.
Mexico statistics: Projecto Metro Del Districto Federal - Urban population statistics: UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund
Graphic Design: Z&A Conseil. Photo credits: ©ALSTOM 2013 - All rights reserved. ©Alstom Transport / TOMA - C.Sasso, Marco Vianna,E. Ballardin, P. de Salabert, H.Kok Sien Chin. Printed on PEFC (Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification) certified paper.
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Alstom Transport
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Alstom Transportation
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