Dr Sajed K Abed
DeltaRail Group Limited (
Derby DE24 8HS, United Kingdom
Abstract - This paper aims to give an overview of the European
Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) which is currently
being implemented in Europe and other parts of the world. It
provides some background on this system, the objectives behind
the development of the ERTMS, its architecture, different
application levels of the ERTMS and brief information on its
implementation in Europe and worldwide. The paper assumes
the readers have a little or no knowledge of the ERTMS.
The main purposes of a railway signalling system can be
summarised as [1]:
Maintaining a safe distance between following trains
on the same track
Safeguarding the movement of trains at junctions
Regulating the movement of trains according to the
service density and the speed required.
Various railway signalling technologies have been
introduced over the years in different parts of the world. The
European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) is a
signalling and train control system promoted by the European
Commission (EC) for use throughout Europe. The main
objectives of the ERTMS are [2]:
To contribute to the interoperability (i.e. compatibility
between track and train) of the trans-European rail
network not only inside the European Union (EU)
boarders, but also anticipating the longer-term
integration of Central and Eastern European networks
and the corridors to Asia and the Middle East.
To create a single market for procurement, leading to
significantly reduced equipment costs and the
affordability of state-of-the-art signalling and
To optimise rail operations on a European wide-scale,
encouraging profitability and customer services and
contributing to overall environment, safety and energy
efficiency objectives.
The ERTMS has two main components:
1. The European Train Control System (ETCS), also
referred to as ERTMS/ETCS This is an Automatic
Train Protection (ATP) system which is designed to
gradually replace the existing incompatible systems
throughout Europe.
2. Global System for Mobile Communications-Railway
(GSM-R) this a radio system which provides voice
and data communication between the track and train
based on standard GSM system and using frequencies
specifically allocated for railway application. The
frequency bands 876-880 MHz and 921-925 MHz
were allocated for the GSM-R [7]. Outside Europe,
GSM-R is also operated in the 1800 MHz and
1900 MHz bands [4].
Currently there are more than 20 train control systems
used across the European rail network [4]. Each system is a
stand-alone and incompatible with the others. In some
countries more than one train control system is used, therefore
the trains should be equipped with more than one train control
system to operate in one country let alone crossing the border
between two different countries. For example the Thayls
trains which are running between Paris-Brussels-Cologne and
Amsterdam have to be equipped with seven different types of
train control systems. This adds to the complexity of the
overall control systems and increase operational and
maintenance costs for running such system. This is why the
ERTMS has been developed to replace the different national
train control systems and to bring a significant advantage e.g.
interoperability and reducing costs.
As stated in Section I, the ERTMS comprised of two basic
components: ETCS and GSM-R. Figure 1 below shows the
general ERTMS architecture and its interface with the
signalling system. The ERTMS/ETCS itself consists of two
parts: onboard and trackside ERTMS/ETCS assemblies. As
shown in Figure 1 below, data exchange between the onboard
and trackside assemblies is accomplished using:
Proc. 1st International Conf. Energy, Power and Control Basrah University, Basrah, Iraq 30 Nov. to 2 Dec. 2010
Iraq J. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Vol.6 No.2, 2010 2010 ,2 ,6
Figure 1. System architecture of the ERTMS/ETCS and its interface with
the GSM-R and signalling subsystems
Eurobalise for unidirectional spot transmission from
trackside to train.
Euroloop for unidirectional semi-continuous
transmission from trackside to train.
Euroradio this provides bidirectional data
transmission between the onboard and trackside
assemblies via the GSM-R.
As shown in Figure 1, three types of interface
specifications have been identified:
An interface which is required for technical
interoperability. This interface is referred to as Form
Fit Functional Interface Specification (FFFIS) (e.g.
the interface between the Eurobalise and Eurobalise
reader). This interface ensures that systems from
different suppliers which meet this specification can
work together without any further precautions.
An interface which is required for operational
interoperability but not relevant to technical
interoperability. This interface is referred to as
Function Interface Specifications (FIS) (e.g. interface
between the Train Interface Unit (TIU) and the train).
Non-harmonised interfaces such as the interface
between RBC and interlocking; this will depend on
the type of interlocking to be used on an ERTMS
The rest of this section gives a brief description of the
main components of the onboard and trackside ERTMS/ETCS
A. Onboard ERTMS/ETCS Control-Command Assembly
Depending on the application (see Section IV below) and
as depicted in Figure 1 above, the onboard ERTMS/ETCS
assembly can be composed of:
1. European Vital Computer (EVC) this is a computer-
based system which supervises the train movement
based on the information exchanged between the
onboard and trackside ERTMS/ETCS assemblies.
2. GSM-R Mobile Unit this unit is used for the bi-
directional data transfer for ATP purposes between
the onboard ERTMS/ETCS assembly and the RBC
via the GSM-R network. In addition to that there is
also a voice radio which provides the means of voice
communication between the train driver and the
signalling centre. Almost in all applications two
separate mobile radios (voice and data) are used on
the onboard assembly.
3. Juridical Recorder Unit (JRU) The JRU is used to
record information sent by the onboard
ERTMS/ETCS (e.g. train speed, application and
revocation of train brakes, messages sent/received by
the onboard etc.). This recorded data can be
downloaded and analysed for legal purpose after
hazardous situations.
4. Train Interface Unit (TIU) the TIU enables the
onboard ERTMS/ETCS assembly to interface with
train systems such as traction control, emergency and
service brakes, directional controller, coupling status
5. Euroradio this provides the safe communication
between the onboard and trackside ERTMS/ETCS
assemblies via the GSM-R network. Through using
the EURORADIO Protocol [9], the Euroradio is
encoding the messages sent to the RBC and decoding
the messages received from the RBC.
6. Odometry based on the information received from
speed sensors, the odometry provides train
localisation information to the EVC which are then
used for the train control. This information composed
of train position, train speed and the driving direction.
7. Driver Machine Interface (DMI) the DMI provides
the interface between the EVC and the driver. The
DMI displays the driving information to the driver
during the mission, acquires driver actions during start
of mission and when entering train data and also
displays critical failures detected at system
initialisation and during the mission. Figure 2
provides an overview of the information displayed on
8. Balise Transmission Module (BTM) and Loop
Transmission Module (LTM) these modules manage
the data communication between the train and the
Eurobalise and Euroloop respectively.
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Vol.6 No.2, 2010 2010 ,2 ,6
Text messages from
control centre
Permitted speed Actual speed Planning area
Advisory speed
to target
Figure 2. Layout of the information displayed on the DMI
B. Trackside ERTMS/ETCS Control-Command Assembly
Again, depending on the application (see Section IV
below), the trackside ERTMS/ETCS control-command
assembly as depicted in Figure 1 above can be composed of:
1. Eurobalise this is a spot transmission equipment
which is based on a passive transponder installed in
the track. The Eurobalise is used to send information
to the onboard ERTMS/ETCS as the train pass over it.
The Eurobalise is energised by an electromagnetic
field generated by an antenna fitted onboard the train.
The frequency of the magnetic field used to energise
the Eurobalise is 27 MHz. Once energised the
Eurobalise will cyclically send a telegram back to the
train. The frequency of the telegrams sent by the
Eurobalise is around 4 MHz. Depending on the
ERTMS/ETCS application level (see Section IV
below) the data transmitted by the Eurobalise can be
fixed data or variable data.
2. Euroloop the Euroloop is a semi-continuous
transmission system which is based on a leaky feeder
cable installed on the foot of the rail. Similar to
Eurobalise, the Euroloop is activated by the magnetic
field generated by an antenna fitted onboard the train.
The Euroloop respond by cyclically sending a
telegram back to the train. Whilst the Eurobalise
represents a spot transmission system, Euroloop
performs the function of a semi-continuous
transmission system allowing transmission of
information from a section of the track to the train.
3. Lineside Electronic Unit (LEU) the LEU can be
used to connect Eurobalises and Euroloops to the
signalling system. It is used to transfer the status of
the lineside signals into telegrams which can be
transmitted by the Eurobalise or the Euroloop.
4. Radio In-fill Unit (RIU) the RIU is used in level 1
(see Section IV below) to transfer the signalling
information with regard to the main signal in the train
running direction to the GSM-R Network and in turn
updated information is sent to the train via the GSM-R
radio channel.
5. Trackside radio communication network (GSM-R)
this is a radio network distributed along the railway
lines which is used for the bi-directional exchange of
data between the onboard and RBC. It is also used for
the voice communication between the signalling
control centre and drivers, the maintainers and track
workers who use GSM-R hand held terminals.
6. Radio Block Centre (RBC) this is a computer-based
system which sends messages to the train based on the
information received from the interlocking and the
information sent by the onboard ERTMS/ETCS. The
objective of these messages is to provide the
movement authorities to allow the safe movement of
the train on the railway infrastructure controlled by
the RBC.
7. Key Management Centre (KMC) the KMC manages
the configuration and the deployment of the
cryptographic keys which are required to enable the
communications between the onboard and trackside
ERTMS/ETCS assemblies through the GSM-R. Data
transmission links implemented over open
communications networks, such as GSM-R, are
inherently vulnerable, therefore unauthorised access
cannot be excluded. ERTMS relies on the use of
cryptographic keys for authentication and protection
of data integrity.
The top level specifications of the ERTMS are defined in
the Technical Specifications for the Interoperability of the
Control-Command and Signalling Subsystem (CCS TSI) [10]-
[11]. The CCS TSIs define the essential requirements and the
basic parameters of the ERTMS to ensure basic level of
interoperability. The CCS TSIs are compiled by the European
Railway Agency (ERA) in consultation with other
stakeholders and they have a mandatory application status in
all member states of the EU. Detailed mandatory
specifications for the ERTMS/ETCS and GSM-R are listed in
Annex A of the CCS TSIs.
The technical specifications of the ERTMS/ETCS have
been developed by six signalling companies: Alstom
Transport, Ansaldo STS, Bombardier Transportation, Invensys
Rail Group, Siemens Mobility and Thales, who are members
of the Association of the European Railway Industries
(UNIFE) [5]. These companies have developed the
ERTMS/ETCS product and work closely with the ERA, as the
System Authority for the ERTMS/ETCS, and other
stakeholders to update the technical specification of the
The GSM-R specification for railway application was
developed by two projects:
The European Integrated Radio Enhanced Network
(EIRENE) Project this was launched by the
International Union Railway (UIC) [8] together with
the EC and other railways. The aim of this project
was to specify the functional and technical
requirements for mobile networks which would both
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fulfill the needs of railways and ensure
interoperability across borders. The project developed
the Functional Requirements Specification (FRS)
which describes the mandatory features necessary for
interoperability and the System Requirements
Specification (SRS) based on FRS.
The Mobile Radio for Railway Networks in Europe
(MORANE) Project this project was launched in
1995 with the involvement of the UIC, three major
railways, the EC and some GSM suppliers. The aim
of this project is to validate that the EIRENE
specifications could be transferred into technical
The GSM-R specification provides enhanced
functionalities and improved performance to the GSM in
terms of quality of service while guaranteeing data and voice
communication at speed up to 350 km/h. The update of the
GSM-R specification is now overseen by the ERA as the
System Authority.
Depending on the implementation, there are a number of
ERTMS application levels which are designed to meet the
different railway needs. Amongst the factors that determine
which level to be used are: the existence of another signalling
system on the line, whether the line will be equipped with
GSM-R technology, the maximum speed allowed on the line
or capacity upgrades. This section aims to provide a brief
description of these different levels.
A. ERTMS Level 0
Level 0 (see Figure 3 below) represents the case where a
train fitted with ERTMS/ETCS is operating on unfitted route
(i.e. no ERTMS equipment are fitted on the trackside except
Eurobalises for the level transitions) or on routes which are in
commissioning, e.g. where trackside ERTMS/ETCS
infrastructure may exist but has to be ignore. In level 0, the
movement authority is provided by the lineside optical signals,
the trainborne equipment only supervises the train with regard
to the maximum speed and no supervisory information is
displayed on the DMI except the train speed. The onboard
equipment reads the Eurobalises to ensure that level transition
can take place and also to supervise temporary speed
Figure 3. ERTMS application level 0
B. ERTMS Specific Transmission Module (STM) Level
This level (see Figure 4 below) is used to allow an ETCS
equipped train to run on routes that are fitted with national
train protection systems. The information sent by the
trackside national train protection system is processed by
trainborne equipment called STM and this information is
transformed by the STM in a format which is recognised by
the onboard ERTMS/ETCS. In level STM, the need for
lineside signals will depend on the implementation of the
national train protection systems. This level can be used
during the migration where the current national train
protection systems can be integrated with the onboard
ERTMS/ETCS with any further changes to the trackside
infrastructure. The level of supervision provided by level
STM depends on the national protection system.
Figure 4. ERTMS application level STM
C. ERTMS Level 1
In this level (see Figure 5 below) the communication
between the trackside and train is accomplished using the
Eurobalise. The Eurobalises which are installed on the track
receive signalling data from the existing lineside signals via
signal adapter and telegramme encoder (LEU) together with
the route data to the train. The onboard ERTMS/ETCS uses
this data to calculate the maximum speed and the braking
curve. Eurobalises are installed near the main signal and due
to the spot transmission used, the train has to travel over the
Eurobalise in order to get a new movement authority. This
means the train will have to slow down even if the lineside
signal has changed to Green. This can be improved by using
additional balises placed a further distance from the main
signal in the train running direction.
Controls and ndications
Movement Authority
GSM- R Radio
ControI Centre
Figure 5. ERTMS application level 1
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In level 1 Euroloop or RIU (see Figures 6 and 7 below)
can be used to send in advanced semi-continuous signalling
information to the train regarding the next main signal in the
train running direction. In the case of RIU the signalling
information will be sent via the GSM-R network, therefore
GSM-R coverage will be required even though this is not
mandatory for application level 1.
Figure 6. ERTMS application level 1 using Euroloop
Figure 7. ERTMS application level 1 using Radio In-fill
D. ERTMS Level 2
Compared to level 1, ERTMS level 2 (see Figure 8 below)
does not require lineside signals. Information on the status of
the track occupancy is sent by the interlocking to the RBC.
Based on this information and the train position information
sent regularly by onboard ERTMS/ETCS, the RBC generates
the correct movement authorities for the different trains in the
section. In level 2 the Eurobalises are used to transmit fixed
data such as train location, gradient, speed limit etc.
E. ERTMS Level 3
This is a radio based train control system. In level 3 (see
Figure 9 below) the lineside signals and the track occupancy
detection are no longer required. The train location is
determined by the RBC in co-operation with the train. In
addition completeness of the train is checked by a technical
devise on the train.
Figure 8. ERTMS application level 2
Figure 9. ERTMS application level 3
The onboard ERTMS/ETCS assembly supervises the train
speed against its position based on trains traction and braking
models. The traction model describes the time delay between
ordering traction cut off and the actual cut off of the traction
(see Figure 10 below).
Maxi mum Acceleration
Traction cut off delay
Figure 10. Traction model
On the other hand the braking model (for emergency and
service brakes) describes the time delay between ordering
brake application and reaching full brake effort (see Figure 11
below) and also the braking capacity of the train depending on
the train speed (see Figure 12 below). As shown in Figure 12,
the corresponding function deceleration = f(speed) is defined
as a succession of sections with a constant deceleration [3].
Both traction and braking models provide a description of the
trains behaviour after the application of service or emergency
brake. The parameters for the traction and braking model are
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Proportion of braking effort
Beginning of
braking effort
Full braking
Figure 11. Braking model progressive application of brakes
(V1, A1) (V2, A2)
(V3, A3)
(V4, A4)
Figure 12. Braking model with deceleration versus speed
train specific and these parameters are uploaded on the
onboard ERTMS/ETCS as part of the train data.
Figure 13 below shows how the dynamic speed monitoring
is carried out by the onboard ERTMS/ETCS assembly. The
onboard ERTMS/ETCS assembly uses the trains traction and
braking models to calculate the braking curve to ensure that
the train remains within the given speed and distance limits.
Detailed description of the braking curve calculation is given
in [12]. As indicated on Figure 13, the following speed limits
are handled by the onboard ERTMS/ETCS assembly:
A v
S 8
L 8
Figure 13. Dynamic speed monitoring by the ERTMS/ETCS
1. Permitted speed this is the speed that the driver is
permitted to run under normal operational conditions
and this speed is indicated to the driver (see Figure 1
2. Warning Limit when the train exceeds this limit a
warning will be triggered allowing the drivers to avoid
brake intervention. Once it is triggered, the speed
warning remains active until the train speed is equal or
below the permitted speed limit.
3. Service Brake if the train speed exceeds this limit a
service brake will be triggered. The service brake
command will be revoked when the train speed is
equal or below the permitted speed limit. The service
brake is used as the first line of system intervention
unless there is no interface with the service brake
exists on the train or the service brake is not permitted
by the national application.
4. Emergency Brake if the train speed exceeds this
limit, an emergency brake will triggered. Depending
on the national application, an emergency brake
command is only revoked when the train speed is
equal or below the permitted speed limit or the train is
brought to stand still. The emergency brake is usually
used as the second line of system intervention except
when the service brake is not available, the train has
tripped (i.e. the train passed the End Of Authority
(EOA)) or the due to release speed supervision (this is
speed supervision in the area close to the EOA where
the train is allowed to run with release speed to
approach the EOA).
In order to manage the complex functionality of the
ERTMS/ETCS which covers the data exchange between the
onboard and trackside ERTMS/ETCS assemblies via GSM-R
radio, Eurobalise and Euroloop air gaps and the STM
interface, ERTMS/ETCS language has been specified. The
ERTMS/ETCS language is based on variables, packets,
messages and telegrams [3].
The ERTMS/ETCS variables are used to encode single
data values. A number of variables contain values which have
to be assigned. Some of these values have to be unique to
ensure that the system functions properly. A centralised
handling of this assignment is therefore required (nationally or
internationally, depending on the variable) [3]. The name of
variables are unique and all variables have one of the
following prefixes (see Table I below). Some of the
ERTMS/ETCS variables together with their meaning are listed
in Table II below.
Prefix Variable Name Prefix Variable Name
A_ Acceleration NC_ Class number
D_ Distance NID_ Identity number
G_ Gradient Q_ Qualifier
L_ Length T_ Time
M_ Miscellaneous V_ Speed
N_ Number X_ Text
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Vol.6 No.2, 2010 2010 ,2 ,6
Variable Definition Meaning
D_DP Distance from
EoA to danger
Distance from the end of a
movement authority to the point
beyond which a train shall not
pass due to the potential of a
L_Train Train length Length of train used for train
speed supervision.
M_Level Current
operating level
Level in which the train operates
at any moment.
NC_TRAIN International
train category
to which the
train belongs
Train categories used where e.g.
speed profiles are not the same for
different train categories.
NID_Operational Operational
train running
Train number under which a train
Q_DIR Validity
direction for
Identifies for which running
direction data in Eurobalise group
or Euroloop is to be used.
X_TEXT Text string Text to be displayed to the driver
ERTMS/ETCS packets consist of multiple variables
grouped into a single unit with a defined structure [3]. The
packet is always consists of a packet header which is
composed of a unique packet number, length of packet in bits,
the information for which running direction the data is valid
(when the packet is transmitted by the trackside
ERTMS/ETCS assembly), optionally a distance scale and
information section containing a defined set of variables.
Table III shows examples of the track to train and train to
track packets.
Packet Number Packet Name
Track to Train Packets
12 Level 1 Movement Authority
41 Level Transition Order
51 Axle Load Speed Profile
65 Temporary Speed Restriction
Train to Track Packets
0 Position Report
4 Error Reporting
9 Level 2/3 Transition Information
11 Validated Train Data
The ERTMS/ETCS messages are complete and consistent
set of information transmitted from trackside ERTMS/ETCS
assembly to onboard ERTMS/ETCS assembly or vice versa.
A message includes user data (application level) and protocol
data (depending on the transmission medium). A Eurobalise
message represents the information sent by a Eurobalise group
(i.e. the message is composed of one or several telegrams,
sorted by Eurobalise number in the group telegram from
Eurobalise number 1 first; each telegram is transmitted by a
Eurobalise). A Eurobalise telegram contains one header and
an identified and coherent set of Packets. Euroradio and
Euroloop messages contain one header and an identified and
coherent set of variables (if needed) and Packets [3]. Table IV
shows examples of the ERTMS/ETCS Euroradio messages.
Message Identifier Message Name
Track to Train Radio Messages
3 Movement Authority
15 Conditional Emergency Stop
34 Track Ahead Free Request
38 Initiation of a communication session
Train to Track Radio Messages
132 MA Request
137 Request to shorten MA is granted
138 Request to shorten MA is rejected
149 Track Ahead Free Granted
In most European countries, various projects for the
implementation of ERTMS/ETCS on both trackside and trains
exist at different stages. Table V below provides statistics for
the deployment of ERTMS/ETCS in Europe in terms of track
length and the number of trains fitted with ERTMS/ETCS
system [6].
Originally the ERTMS has been design to be the unique
signalling system in order to achieve interoperability on the
European rail network. However recent years have seen a
growing number of the countries where they are
commissioning ERTMS projects. In fact the ERTMS
investment outside Europe represents nearly 50% of the global
ERTMS investment worldwide. Table VI below provides
statistics for the deployment of ERTMS/ETCS outside
Europe [6]. The data shown in the Tables V and VI includes
the lines and trains which are in commercial operation as well
as the signed ERTMS/ETCS contracts as per September
2010 [6].
This paper gave a brief introduction to the ERTMS which
has been developed in the last two decades. The ERTMS is
originally designed as a unique signalling system to achieve
interoperability on the European rail network, however recent
years have shown that the ERTMS becomes a global standard
and it is being implemented in a growing number of countries
worldwide. In addition to the interoperability, the ERTMS
brings considerable benefits to railways worldwide, including:
Due to the use of continuous communication-based
signalling system, the ERTMS reduces the headway
Iraq J. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Vol.6 No.2, 2010 2010 ,2 ,6
between trains enabling up to 40% more capacity on
currently existing infrastructure.
The ERTMS allows for a maximum speed up to
500 km/h;
The ERTMS can significantly increase reliability and
punctuality, which are crucial for both passenger and
freight transport;
The use of a harmonised system makes it easier to
install, maintain and manufacture and as a result
makes the railway systems more competitive;
When using ERTMS level 2 or level 3, trackside
signalling is no longer required, therefore
maintenance costs can be considerably reduced;
The ERTMS can be purchased from different
suppliers and this makes the supply market more
The ERTMS improved the safety for passengers,
employees and freight transport.
Country Number of Vehicles Track Length (Km)
Austria 462 1004
Belgium 506 478
Bulgaria 130 1100
Croatia 0 130
Czech Republic 12 44
France 217 2600
Finland 0 100
Germany 461 816
Greece 136 1269.4
Hungary 23 343
Italy 198 1177
Luxemburg 186 450
Netherlands 298 630
Poland 8 622
Romania 0 822
Slovakia 0 106
Spain 533 4097
Sweden 62 2855
Switzerland 557 442
United Kingdom 27 217
Total 3816 19302.4
Country Number
Track Length (Km)
Algeria 0 852
China 290 5862
India 77 508
Kazakhstan 0 600
Libya 0 1700
Mexico 20 70
Morocco 68 160
New Zealand 0 350
Saudi Arabia 23 2849
South Korea 466 1678.4
Taiwan 811 1800
Turkey 110 1940
Total 1865 18369.4
The author would like to thank DeltaRail Group Limited
for their permission to present this paper to the 1
International Conference on Energy, Power and Control (EPC-
[1] O. S. Nock Railway Signalling A.& C Black, London.
[2] F. Senesi, and E. Marzilli European Train Control System
Development and Implementation in Italy Published by CIFI
College of Italian Railway Engineers, First Edition July 2007.
[3] UNISIG, Subset-026 ERTMS/ETCS - Class 1 System Requirements
Specifications, Issue 2.3.0 dated 24 February 2006
[4] Compendium on European Rail Traffic Management System
(ERTMS), 1
Edition, Edited by the international Union of Railways
[5] The Association of the European Railway Industries (UNIFE)
[6] ERTMS Deployment Statistcs:
[7] Electronic Communication Committee, ECC Decision
(ECC/DEC/(02)05) of 5 July 2002 on the designation and availability
of frequency bands for railway purposes in the 876-880 and 921-925
MHz bands.
[8] International Union Railways (UIC)
[9] UNISIG, Subset-037 ERTMS/ETCS - Class 1 Euroradio Functional
Interface Specifications, Issue 2.3.0 dated 14 October 2005
[10] Official Journal of the Euriopean Union Technical Specification for
Interoperability Relating to Control-Command and Signalling
Subsystem of the Trans-European Conventional Rail System,
Commission Decision 2006/679/EC dated 28 March 2006.
[11] Official Journal of the Euriopean Union Technical Specification for
Interoperability Relating to Control-Command and Signalling
Subsystem of the Trans-European High-Speed Rail System,
Commission Decision 2006/679/EC dated 21 February 2008.
[12] European Economic Interest Group, Description of the brake curve
calculation document reference 97E881 version 6K dated 17 January
Iraq J. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Vol.6 No.2, 2010 2010 ,2 ,6