Ertms/Gsm-R Quality of Service Test Specification For Eirene Qos Requirements Voice and Non-Etcs Data
Ertms/Gsm-R Quality of Service Test Specification For Eirene Qos Requirements Voice and Non-Etcs Data
Ertms/Gsm-R Quality of Service Test Specification For Eirene Qos Requirements Voice and Non-Etcs Data
0.9 16 May 2013 QoS WG meeting 16 May Results of QoS WG review integrated
0.10 20 June 2013 QoS WG meeting 20 June Results of QoS WG review integrated
0.11 20 June 2013 QoS WG Erik van Bommel Consistency and lay out check
0.12 3 July 2013 QoS WG Erik van Bommel Results Telco with OG and TIG
The purpose of this document is to provide definitions and test specifications for QoS
parameters related to circuit switched Voice and non ETCS circuit switched data
The test specifications in this document for the MI classified requirements in the
EIRENE specifications will be used in context of the certification process of
Interoperability Constituents (ICs) like Cab Radio or EDOR by the Notified body
(NoBo) and also in the context of assessing the EIRENE network as a sub system. MI
classified QoS requirements apply mostly to end-to-end performance.).
The test specifications in this document of the M and I classified requirements in the
EIRENE specifications can be used as validation method for end-to-end performance or
for subcomponents of the EIRENE system , like the GSM-R network only part, the
fixed terminal part, the mobile station part, etc.
The current version of this document deals with the parameters related to the (MI)
EIRENE QoS requirements including the directly related M and I requirement to those
MI requirements. The test specification for the other (M), (O) and (I) requirements will
follow in a later version.
For each QoS parameter, a description is given for “end-to-end” and, when possible,
“network only” and “terminal only” measurements.
1.2 References
[1] [EIRENE FRS] EIRENE Functional Requirement Specification, E-FRS
[2] [EIRENE SRS] EIRENE System Requirement Specification, E-SRS
[3] [ETSI EN 301 515] Requirements for GSM operation on railways, v2.3.0
[4] [ETSI TS 102 281] Detailed requirements for GSM operation on Railways,
[5] [MORANE P 38 T FFFIS for GSM-R SIM cards, version 5.0
9001 5.0]
BRI ISDN Basic Rate Interface
BSC Base Station Controller
BSS Base Station Sub-system
BTS Base Transceiver Station
E2E End-to-End
EIRENE European Integrated Railway Radio Enhanced Network
ERTMS European Rail Traffic Management System
ETCS European Train Control System
ETSI European Telecommunication Standardization Institute
FN Functional Number
FRS Functional Requirement Specification
FTS Fixed Terminal Sub-system
GSM-R Global System for Mobile communication – Railways
IC Interoperability Constituents
Ifts Interface (fixed network)
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
M Mandatory
MI Mandatory (for) Interoperability
MMI Man Machine Interface
MS Mobile Station
MOC Mobile Originated Call (Call from Mobile to Fixed Network)
MTC Mobile Terminated Call (Call from Fixed Network to Mobile)
MTM Mobile To Mobile Call (Call from Mobile to Mobile)
NSS Network Sub-system
O Optional
QoS Quality of Service
REC Railway Emergency Call
Rm Rm (AT) Interface
S2M S2M Interface
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SRS System Requirement Specification
Um Um Interface (air interface)
Confidence interval A confidence interval expresses the degree of uncertainty
associated with a sample statistic. It is an interval estimate
combined with a probability statement.
Confidence level A confidence level refers to the percentage of all possible
samples that can be expected to include the true parameter.
Fixed Controller A Controller whose terminal is connected to network using
fixed line (e.g. ISDN).
Operational call Railway communications directly concerned with train and
shunting movements or train operation. For example,
controller-driver communications.
Controller-driver operational calls normally use ptp calls with
priority level 3, and they use Functional Numbers or Location
dependent Addressing.
Test Operator The person performing the QoS measurement
The architecture of the Core Network (NSS) may be either ETSI Release-99 or 3GPP
Release-4 as appropriate and its internal architecture is not relevant to this test
The minimum configuration for the system is a single NSS connected to a single BSS,
depending on the tests to be performed, extended by a fixed network and a controller
system (FTS), depending on the test configuration. The BSS is a single BSC with two
attached BTS providing a single carrier with one control channel and 7 traffic channels
per BTS. This is illustrated in Figure 1a. The diagram indicates the interface types used
to connect the various components.
BRI S0 core
Uma Umb
BRI S0 core
Abis Abis
The reference architecture shown above can be realised in a suitable test laboratory or
in the field through mapping the national network design onto the reference
architecture. This should allow to determine the measurement points in both cases. It is
not within the scope of this specification to mandate one or the other - the tests may be
performed either in a laboratory or in the field, as required.
The described minimum configuration does not exclude the use of larger network
configurations. If comparability is required to other networks an equal test
configuration like Figure 1a should be used.
Controller equipment interconnected via radio is outside the scope of EIRENE and is
therefore not considered.
Fixed Network
Application BSS NSS FTS
EIRENE Network
Application BSS Application
To prevent the Confirmation of High Priority Calls procedures from interfering with
mobile station response times during sequences of railway emergency call set-up
measurements sufficient time between the measurements shall be allowed to terminate
the Confirmation procedure before starting the next measurement. Alternatively the
tested mobile station may be configured not to send Confirmations.
To prevent interference with mobile station response times the EIRENE network shall
be configured such that no regular polling of mobile stations (such as Any Time
Interrogation to determine current serving cell) is being performed.
The frequencies allocated to the base station(s) shall be chosen in the UIC frequency
band (EIRENE SRS section and following good engineering practice to ensure
there are no interference effects between the GSM-R BTSs being used in the tests. Steps
shall be taken to ensure that there are no interfering signals being received from non-
GSM-R networks.
The network shall be configured to utilise Location Dependent Addressing, but not
enhanced Location Dependent Addressing unless additional call setup time is allowed
and documented.
There must be sufficient traffic resources in the originating cell (VGCS Originator
Uplink and Common Downlink) and as well on the network interfaces between BSS -
NSS and other relevant interfaces.
To prevent the Confirmation of High Priority Calls procedures from interfering with
mobile station response times during sequences of railway emergency calls all SIMs
may be configured such that no acknowledgements are to be sent by the mobile stations,
also see section 2.3.2.
Unless specified otherwise in the details of the test, all mobile stations shall be
attached and authenticated to EIRENE Network A. When the test case consists of one
mobile device one BTS is sufficient. When a test case considers a mobile-to-mobile
scenario two BTSs are required and both mobiles are camping on different cells.
Moreover, unless specified otherwise for a particular test, all mobile stations shall be
The network configuration and the parameters shall be described within test cases and
logged during test execution.
Dependent on the exact MMI specification of terminals, in particular Cab, the REC
button has to be pressed up to second(s). This additional delay has to be subtracted from
the measurement results, because it is considered to be out of scope.
The logs which will provide the time stamps that are necessary according to the tests are usually not
provided during normal operation. They can be obtained by additional test equipment or using
maintenance facilities of the equipment under test. For example, it may be necessary to connect a PC to a
maintenance port and open a communication link. In this case the equipment will be operating in a
monitoring mode that may differ from normal operation. The delay related to this monitoring mode shall
be excluded, i.e. subtracted, from the test results.
3.1.1 Definition:
Call set up time for VGCS Railway Emergency Calls (priority 0) originated and
terminated by a mobile station.
Two Mobile Station (e.g. Cab Radio) are used, one for originating the VGCS REC, and
the other for reception.
Mobile Stations are attached to the GSM-R network, are in Idle mode and are located in
the service area.
Mobile Stations (including GSM-R SIM) are configured to support VGCS REC with
Group ID 299 (Train emergency call) respectively with Group ID 599 (Shunting
emergency call), priority 0 and to support of fast call setup procedure (for originating
Reduced NCH monitoring feature in Network as well as Mobile Station (especially cab
radio) shall not be enabled.
Application BSS Application End-to-end
For the measurement between interface E2Ea and E2Eb the follow script applies:
Time between pressing the REC button of the tested Mobile Station A until the start of
the Stage 1 Warning, i.e. the audible REC indication by the tested Mobile Station B.
The total time for the end-to-end call setup is: Part1 + Part 2 + Part 3.
Note 1: The measurement on Um interfaces requires Mobiles Stations or test equipment with trace
Note 2: For simplifying the measurement also the CONNECT Message on originating MS can be used as
end trigger point.
Time between the End-to-End part minus the Network only part divided by two.
3.2.1 Definition:
Call set up time for VGCS Railway Emergency Calls (priority 0) originated by a mobile
and terminated at a fixed line Controller.
One Mobile Station (e.g. Cab Radio) is used for originating the VGCS REC, one Fixed
Controller Terminal is used for terminate the VGCS REC.
Mobile Station is attached to the GSM-R network, is in Idle mode and is located in the
service area.
Fixed Controller and Mobile Station (including GSM-R SIM) are configured to support
VGCS REC with Group ID 299 (Train emergency call) respectively with Group ID 599
(Shunting emergency call), priority 0.
Reduced NCH monitoring feature in Network as well as Mobile Station (especially cab
radio) shall not be enabled.
The GSM-R Network is configured with at least one service area for VGCS REC with
Group ID 299 respectively with at least one service area for VGCS REC Group ID 599.
For these service areas the Fixed Controller is registered to terminate the VGCS REC
with Group ID 299 respectively with Group ID 599.
Fixed Network
Application BSS NSS FTS End-to-end
For the measurement between interface E2Ea and E2Eb the follow script applies:
Time between pressing the REC button of the tested Mobile Station A until the start of
the audible REC indication at the terminating Controller Terminal.
The total time for the end-to-end call setup is: Part1 + Part 2 + Part 3.
Note 1: The group call must be established at least in the cell of origin.
Note 2: Any intentional delay (of e.g. two seconds) before the MMI and the EIRENE application in the
Mobile Station starts processing the REC shall be excluded, i.e. subtracted from the test result.
Time between the CHANNEL REQUEST message of Mobile Station A until the
SETUP message at the IFTS interface (PRI/S2M).
Note 1: The measurement on Um interfaces requires Mobiles Stations or test equipment with trace
Note 2: For simplifying the measurement also the CONNECT Message on originating MS can be used as
end trigger point.
Time between the SETUP message at the IFTS interface (PRI/S2M) until the start of the
audible REC indication at the terminating Controller Terminal.
Time between the End-to-End part minus the Network only part minus the External
network & Controller equipment part.
3.3.1 Definition:
Call set up time for VGCS Railway Emergency Calls (priority 0) originated by a fixed
line Controller and terminated at a mobile station.
One Fixed Controller Terminal is used for originating the VGCS REC, one Mobile
Station (e.g. Cab Radio) is used for terminate the VGCS REC.
Mobile Station is attached to the GSM-R network, is in Idle mode and is located in the
service area.
Fixed Controller and Mobile Station (including GSM-R SIM) are configured to support
VGCS REC with Group ID 299 (Train emergency call) respectively with Group ID 599
(Shunting emergency call), priority 0.
Reduced NCH monitoring feature in Network as well as Mobile Station (especially cab
radio) shall not be enabled.
The GSM-R Network is configured with at least one service area for VGCS REC with
Group ID 299 respectively with at least one service area for VGCS REC Group ID 599.
For these service areas the Fixed Controller is registered to originate the VGCS REC
with Group ID 299 respectively with Group ID 599.
Fixed Network
Application BSS NSS FTS End-to-end
For the measurement between interface E2Eb and E2Ea the follow script applies:
Time between pressing the REC button at the terminating Controller Terminal until the
start of Stage 1 Warning, i.e. the audible REC indication by the tested Mobile Station A.
The total time for the end-to-end call setup is: Part1 + Part 2 + Part 3.
Note 1: The group call must be established at least in the cell of termination.
Note 2: Any intentional delay (of e.g. two seconds) before the MMI and the EIRENE application in the
controller equipment starts processing the REC shall be excluded, i.e. subtracted from the test result.
Time between the SETUP message at the IFTS interface (PRI/S2M) until the
NOTIFICATION message of Mobile Station A.
Note 1: The measurement on Um interfaces requires Mobiles Stations or test equipment with trace
Note 2: For simplifying the measurement also the CONNECT Message at the IFTS interface (PRI/S2M) can
be used as end trigger point.
Time between pressing the REC button at the terminating Controller Terminal until the
SETUP message at the IFTS interface (PRI/S2M).
Time between the End-to-End part minus the Network only part minus the External
network & Controller equipment part.
3.4.1 Definition:
Call set up time of VGCS Group calls (MOC and MTM) between drivers in the same
area, (priority 2).
One Mobile Station (e.g. Cab Radio) is used for originating the VGCS call, at least a
second Mobile Station and optional a Fixed Controller used as called party.
Mobile Stations are attached to the GSM-R network, are in Idle mode and are located in
the service area.
Mobile Stations (including GSM-R SIM) and an optional Fixed Controller are
configured to support VGCS calls with Group ID 200, priority 2.
Reduced NCH monitoring feature in Network as well as Mobile Station (especially Cab
radio) shall not be enabled.
The GSM-R Network is configured with at least one service area for VGCS calls with
Group ID 200.
For this service area an optional Fixed Controller is registered to terminate the VGCS
with Group ID 200.
Application BSS Application End-to-end
For the measurement between interface E2Ea and E2Eb the follow script applies:
Time between pressing the SEND button (for VGCS call with Group ID 200) of the
tested Mobile Station A until the start of the audible indication by the tested Mobile
Station B.
The total time for the end-to-end call setup is: Part1 + Part 2 + Part 3.
Time between the CHANNEL REQUEST message of Mobile Station A until the
NOTIFICATION message on Mobile Station B.
Note 1: The measurement on Um interfaces requires Mobiles Stations or test equipment with trace
3.5.1 Definition:
Registration time for up to ten Functional Numbers of Cab radio, originated by Mobile
The Functional Numbers to be registered are available in the GSM-R network and not
already registered to MSISDN(s).
Fixed Network
Application BSS NSS FTS End-to-end
For the measurement between interface E2Ea and E2Ea the follow script applies:
Time between pressing the SEND button (for registration of functional numbers) of the
tested Mobile Station until the visible confirmation on the MMI of the tested Mobile
Station A.
E2Ea - E2Ea:
Time between pressing the SEND button of the tested Mobile Station A until the visible
confirmation on the MMI of the tested Mobile Station A.
Time between the CHANNEL REQUEST, used for triggering the Follow-Me service to
register the first Functional Number message of Mobile Station A, until the reception of
the last message sent by network containing the Follow-Me response of the successful
registration of the last Functional Number.
Note 1: Registration of functional numbers uses the Follow-Me Service based on USSD. In result of
successful registration attempt the Follow-Me response (sent by the network) contains a specific result
code indicating successful registration of the Functional Number.
3.6.1 Definition:
De-registration time for up to ten Functional Numbers of Cab radio, originated by
Mobile Station.
The Functional Numbers to be de-registered are available in the GSM-R network and
registered to the MSISDN of the SIM card in the Cab Radio.
Fixed Network
Application BSS NSS FTS End-to-end
For the measurement between interface E2Ea and E2Ea the follow script applies:
Time between pressing the SEND button (for de-registration of functional numbers) of
the tested Mobile Station until the visible confirmation on the MMI of the tested Mobile
Station A.
E2Ea - E2Ea:
Time between pressing the SEND button of the tested Mobile Station A until the visible
confirmation on the MMI of the tested Mobile Station A.
Time between the CHANNEL REQUEST, used for triggering the Follow-Me service to
de-register the first Functional Number message of Mobile Station A, until the reception
of the last message sent by network containing the Follow-Me response of the
successful de-registration of the last Functional Number.
Note 1: De-registration of functional numbers uses the Follow-Me Service based on USSD. In result of
successful de-registration attempt the Follow-Me response (sent by the network) contains a specific result
code indicating successful de-registration of the Functional Number.
EIRENE FRS Relevant for the QoS for Voice test spec?
3.4.1 Yes
3.4.1i Yes
3.4.2 Yes
3.4.3 Yes
3.4.4 Yes No Yes Yes No No No
3.4.2 Yes
3.4.3 Yes
3.4.3i Yes
3.4.5 Yes
4.3.5 No
4.4.3 No
5.5.28 Yes
5.5.29 Yes
7.3.11 Yes
7A.3.10 Yes
x t *. (1)
x= is the sample mean (best estimate of the population mean μ)
s= standard deviation of the sample
n= sample size
t* = t-parameter (df = n – 1)
0.1x t * . (2)
st *
Solving for n yields: n (3)
Measurements in the Netherlands have shown that s/ x is much smaller than 0.5 for all
parameters (i.e. CED, TD and NRD). Taking a worst case value of s/ x = 0.5, a
confidence level of 95% (two sided confidence interval), and applying equation (3)
results approximately in n = 200 (for 99% n=177). This sample size is sufficient for all
QoS Voice parameters listed in this document.
- End of document -