Amend - 1 To IRS - S - 63 - 2014 03 - 07
Amend - 1 To IRS - S - 63 - 2014 03 - 07
Amend - 1 To IRS - S - 63 - 2014 03 - 07
Number of pages-12
LUCKNOW – 226011
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Prepared by: Checked by : Issued by:
SSE/Signal ADE/Signal Director/Signal
Effective from Specification No. IRS:S 63/2014 (Rev.4) PVC Insulated Draft amendment-1
00.00.2014 ,Underground, Unscreened Cable for Railway Signalling to IRS:S-63/2014
Revision 4.0
Amendment 1
Title of Document
Approved By RDSO
This document defines Cross Linked Polyethylene (XLPE) Insulated, PVC Sheathed,
Underground, Unscreened Power & Signalling Cable Specification.
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Prepared by: Checked by : Issued by:
SSE/Signal ADE/Signal Director/Signal
Effective from Specification No. IRS:S 63/2014 (Rev.4) PVC Insulated Draft amendment-1
00.00.2014 ,Underground, Unscreened Cable for Railway Signalling to IRS:S-63/2014
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Prepared by: Checked by : Issued by:
SSE/Signal ADE/Signal Director/Signal
Effective from Specification No. IRS:S 63/2014 (Rev.4) PVC Insulated Draft amendment-1
00.00.2014 ,Underground, Unscreened Cable for Railway Signalling to IRS:S-63/2014
IRS: S 63/2007 - New clause 5.4 (i) added and May 2009
(Revision 3 Amdt.2) Clause 5.6.1,& 5.11.1 modified.
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SSE/Signal ADE/Signal Director/Signal
Effective from Specification No. IRS:S 63/2014 (Rev.4) PVC Insulated Draft amendment-1
00.00.2014 ,Underground, Unscreened Cable for Railway Signalling to IRS:S-63/2014
This draft amendment is issued for utilising Cross linked Polyethylene (XLPE) material as an
insulation material in place of PVC, in Cables used for Railway Signalling covered by the
mentioned specification.
The relevant paragraphs of the specification where the amendment applies are mentioned
3.2.7 The insulation material can alternatively be of cross linked polyethylene (XLPE) conforming
to the requirement given as follows
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SSE/Signal ADE/Signal Director/Signal
Effective from Specification No. IRS:S 63/2014 (Rev.4) PVC Insulated Draft amendment-1
00.00.2014 ,Underground, Unscreened Cable for Railway Signalling to IRS:S-63/2014
Applicable for power cable only Applicable for Signalling Cable only
The value of insulation resistance of each The value of insulation resistance of each
core shall not be less than 5000Meg- core shall not be less 10,000Meg-ohm/km
ohm/km at ambient temp. at ambient temp. The average thickness of the insulation shall not be less than the nominal value t1 as
specified in Table 11.
5.2.2 Following tests under type tests are included for XLPE insulation in addition to tests
mentioned under Cl. 5.2.
Applicable for power cable only Applicable for Signalling Cable only
The following shall constitute type tests The following shall constitute type tests
(i) Tensile strength & % (i) Tensile strength & % elongation before
elongation before ageing (Cl:
ageing(Cl: (ii)% variation in Tensile strength &
(ii) % variation in Tensile strength Elongation after ageing (Cl:
& elongation after ageing (iii)Hot Set test (Cl:5.10.13)
(Cl: (iv) Shrinkage test (Cl:
(iii) Hot Set test (Cl:5.10.13) (v) Water absorption (gravimetric) Test
(iv) Shrinkage test (Cl: (Cl:5.10.14)
(v) Water absorption (gravimetric) (vi)High Voltage test (Cl:5.10.15)
test(Cl:5.10.14) (vii) Insulation Resistance test
(vi) High Voltage test (Cl:5.10.15) (Cl:5.10.16)
(vii) Insulation Resistance test (viii) Water Immersion test (Cl:5.10.17)
(viii) Water Immersion test (ix) Volume Resistivity test (Cl:5.10.18)
(ix) Volume Resistivity test
5.2.3Following tests under type tests mentioned in Cl:5.2. are not to be carried out on XLPE
Applicable for power cable only Applicable for Signalling Cable only
(i) Tensile strength and (i) Tensile strength and
elongation at break elongation at break
before and after ageing before and after ageing
( 5.10.1)(i) ( 5.10.1)(ii)
(ii) Hot Deformation test (ii) Hot Deformation test
(5.10.3) (5.10.3)
(iii) Loss of Mass test (iii) Loss of Mass test
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SSE/Signal ADE/Signal Director/Signal
Effective from Specification No. IRS:S 63/2014 (Rev.4) PVC Insulated Draft amendment-1
00.00.2014 ,Underground, Unscreened Cable for Railway Signalling to IRS:S-63/2014
(5.10.4) (5.10.4)
(iv) Colour Fastness to (iv) Colour Fastness to Day-
Day-Light Light Exposure(5.10.5)
Exposure(5.10.5) (v) Colour Fastness To
(v) Colour Fastness To Water (5.10.6)
Water (5.10.6) (vi) Bleeding and Blooming
(vi) Bleeding and test (5.10.7)
Blooming test (5.10.7) (vii) Cold Bend test (5.10.8)
(vii) Cold Bend test (5.10.8) (viii) Heat Shock test (5.10.10)
(viii) Heat Shock test (ix) Thermal Stability test
(5.10.10) (5.10.11)
(ix) Thermal Stability test
(5.10.11) (x) Specific Gravity test
(x) Specific Gravity test (5.10.12)
5.3.4 Following tests under acceptance tests are included for XLPE insulation in addition to tests
mentioned under Cl. 5.3.
Applicable for power cable only Applicable for Signalling Cable only
The following shall constitute acceptance The following shall constitute acceptance
tests tests
(i) Tensile strength & % (i) Tensile strength & % elongation before
elongation before ageing ageing (Cl:
(Cl: (ii)% variation in Tensile strength &
(ii) % variation in Tensile Elongation after ageing (Cl:
strength & elongation after (iii)Hot Set test (Cl:5.10.13)
ageing (Cl: (iv) Shrinkage test (Cl:
(iii) Hot Set test (Cl:5.10.13) (v) Water absorption (gravimetric)
(iv) Shrinkage test (Cl: Test(Cl:5.10.14)
(v) Water absorption (vi)High Voltage test (Cl:5.10.15)
(gravimetric)test(Cl:5.10.14) (vii)Insulation Resistance test
(vi) High Voltage test (Cl:5.10.16)
(Cl:5.10.15) (viii)Water Immersion test (Cl:5.10.17)
(vii) Insulation Resistance test (ix) Volume Resistivity test (Cl:5.10.18)
(viii) Water Immersion test
(ix) Volume Resistivity test
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SSE/Signal ADE/Signal Director/Signal
Effective from Specification No. IRS:S 63/2014 (Rev.4) PVC Insulated Draft amendment-1
00.00.2014 ,Underground, Unscreened Cable for Railway Signalling to IRS:S-63/2014
5.3.5 Following tests under acceptance tests mentioned in Cl:5.3. are not to be carried out on
XLPE insulation.
Applicable for power cable only Applicable for Signalling Cable only
(i) Tensile strength and elongation (i) Tensile strength and elongation at
at break before and after ageing break before and after ageing (
( 5.10.1)(i) 5.10.1)(ii)
(ii) Specific Gravity test (5.10.12) (ii) Loss of Mass test (5.10.4)
(iii)Thermal Stability test (5.10.11)
(iv) Specific Gravity test (5.10.12)
5.4.1 Following tests under routine tests are additionallyincluded for XLPE insulation
(i) High Voltage test (Cl:5.10.15) all drums
(ii) Insulation Resistance test (Cl:5.10.16) all cores
(iii) Volume Resistivity test(Cl:5.10.18)- 4% of drums on all cores
(iv) T.S. and percentage elongation of insulation(Cl:
100% upto 10 cores,10+50% of the core in excess of 10 (specimen shall
cover all colours).
(v) Hot Set test(Cl:5.10.13)- 10% of drums covering each colour
The routine test shall be conducted on total drums offered for inspection Tensile strength and elongation at break(For PVC insulation & Sheath)(for
power&Signalling cable) - This test shall be conducted in accordance with IS: 10810
(Part -7). The material shall fulfil the requirements indicated below:
The maximum variation after ageing shall be within ± 20% of the values obtained before ageing.
For tests before and after ageing, samples shall be from the same drum in case of sheaths, and
from the same core in case of insulation.
Page 8 of 12
Prepared by: Checked by : Issued by:
SSE/Signal ADE/Signal Director/Signal
Effective from Specification No. IRS:S 63/2014 (Rev.4) PVC Insulated Draft amendment-1
00.00.2014 ,Underground, Unscreened Cable for Railway Signalling to IRS:S-63/2014 Tensile strength and elongation (For XLPE insulation) (For Power & Signalling
cable): The materialshall fulfil the requirements indicated below:
a) Before Ageing :
The test shall be conducted on insulation in accordance with IS: 10810 (Part-30).
Specified values shall be as per Cl: 3.2.7 (iv).
The test shall be conducted in accordance with IS:10810 (Part-33).Specified values shall
be as per Cl: 3.2.7 (vi)
This test shall be tested as per Cl:5.13 of IRS:S-63/2014 .Specified values shall be as per
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SSE/Signal ADE/Signal Director/Signal
Effective from Specification No. IRS:S 63/2014 (Rev.4) PVC Insulated Draft amendment-1
00.00.2014 ,Underground, Unscreened Cable for Railway Signalling to IRS:S-63/2014
The test shall be conducted in accordance with IS: 10810 (Part-43) .Specified values
shall be as per Cl:3.2.7 (vii)
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SSE/Signal ADE/Signal Director/Signal
Effective from Specification No. IRS:S 63/2014 (Rev.4) PVC Insulated Draft amendment-1
00.00.2014 ,Underground, Unscreened Cable for Railway Signalling to IRS:S-63/2014
TABLE 12(i)
(CLAUSE 7,IRS:S-63/2014)
(Applicable for PowerCable only)
Following sampling plan is included for XLPE insulation in addition to sampling plan given in
Table 10 (i) of IRS:S-63/2014 Rev. 4
2. Ageing test of insulation 4%(out of 10% for Two samples of cores of each
( physical test) subject to colour from each sampled drum
min. 2 drums
3 Shrinkage test for insulation - do - One sample of core of each
( colourfrom each sampled drum.
4. Hot Set test 10% subject to min. 2 One sample of core of each colour
(CL:5.10.13) samples from each lot. from each sampled drum.(Min. 4
5. Water Absorption test -do- One sample of core of each colour
(CL:5.10.14) from each sampled drum.(Min. 3
6. Volume Resistivity 4% subject to minimum All cores.
test(CL:5.10.18) 2 drums.
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SSE/Signal ADE/Signal Director/Signal
Effective from Specification No. IRS:S 63/2014 (Rev.4) PVC Insulated Draft amendment-1
00.00.2014 ,Underground, Unscreened Cable for Railway Signalling to IRS:S-63/2014
TABLE 12(ii)
(CLAUSE 7, IRS:S-63/2014)
(Applicable for Signalling Cable only)
Following sampling plan is included for XLPE insulation in addition to sampling plan given in
Table 10 (ii) of IRS:S-63/2014
2. Ageing test of insulation 4%(out of 10% for Two samples of cores of each
( physical test) subject to colour from each sampled drum
min. 2 drums
3 Shrinkage test for insulation - do - One sample of core of each colour
( from each sampled drum.
4. Hot Set test (CL:5.10.13) 10% subject to min. 2 One sample of core of each colour
samples from each lot. from each sampled drum.(Min. 4
5. Water Absorption test -do- One sample of core of each colour
(CL:5.10.14) from each sampled drum.(Min. 3
6. Volume Resistivity test 4% subject to minimum All cores.
(CL:5.10.18) 2 drums.
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SSE/Signal ADE/Signal Director/Signal