Bond Duration: Derivation of Macaulay's Duration Factor
Bond Duration: Derivation of Macaulay's Duration Factor
Bond Duration: Derivation of Macaulay's Duration Factor
We already know that the (Present) Value of any investment is the sum total of all future financial benefits, each discounted at a rate commensurate with the perceived risk. We know, too, that as the receipt of a cash benefit is pushed farther and farther into the future, the present value of that benefit diminishes. Bonds are no exception. Therefore the risk of recovering the full reversionary value of the bond increases with the time to maturity. But in the interim, a percent of the purchase price may be recovered as a function of the coupon rate of the bond. A bond with a higher coupon rate say 10%, or $100 per year will return a higher percentage of the bonds current market value over a given number of years when compared to a bond of similar maturity but with a lower coupon rate, say 7% per year.
Market Value
6.0% 7.0% 8.0% 9.0% 10.0%
Yield To Maturity
The calculation of Bond Duration brings all these factors together in one number, allowing us to have a measurement of a bonds price sensitivity to changes in market interest rates.
t 1
CFt (1 i ) t
CF = cashflow payment1 per period t i = current market yield rate per period of time (annual rate/2) t = time (expressed in 6-month periods) n = number of 6-month periods to maturity
If we seek to measure the sensitivity of the Value (v) of the bond in response to changes in market yield rates (i), we need only take the first differentiation of V with respect to i : dv di =
t 1
- t * CF t (1 i) t 1
Note that Duration always carries a negative sign because of the sign of t. Since t is expressed in years, Duration is also expressed in years. But Duration is not a payback period, nor does it represent time to maturity.
The last cashflow, n, will include the maturity value of the bond
When the value of i is small, as it will be when changes in market yield rates are small, the expression 1 1 (1+i) substantially equates to 1. To simplify the matter then, lets move one (1 i ) factor outside the summation portion of the formula, leaving: n t * CFt 1 dv = (1+i) (1+i)t di
t 1
t 1
t * CFt = (1+i)t
t 1
t * CFt (1+i)t
CFt represents the Present Value of the particular cashflow CFt. (1+i)t
t * (PV)CFt
t 1
In 1938, Frederick R. Macaulay defined Duration as the total weighted average time for recovery of the payments and principal in relation to the current market price of the bond. Bond Duration, therefore, is Duration =
t 1
t t 1
Therefore this bond, with a current value of $898.48, has a Duration of 2.7761. The steps in calculating the Duration as it appears above are: 1. Determine the coupon rate. The coupon rate 2 * $100 = PMT (Coupon $). 2. Determine the PV factor using the yield per period: 1/(1+ i)t where t is the PMT # and i is the annual interest rate 2. 3. Multiply the PV Factor (D2) * Coupon$ (C2) to get the $PV (E2) of the Coupon payment. 4. Add the $PVs of the cashflows in column (E) to determine Market Value of the bond (E8) 5. Divide each result of step #3 ($PV) by the current market value (E8) of the bond. 6. Multiply this factor (F2) by the years (A2) in column 1. The sum of all final values in the right-hand column is the Duration. Remember that Duration always carries a negative sign.
Determinants of Duration
As we can see from the equations above, coupon rate (which determines the size of the periodic cashflow), yield (which determines present value of the periodic cashflow), and time-to-maturity (which weights each cashflow) all contribute to the Duration factor. Holding coupon rate and maturity constant Increases in market yield rates cause a decrease in the present value factors of each cashflow. Since Duration is a product of the present value of each cashflow and time, higher yield rates also lower Duration. Therefore Duration varies inversely with yield rates. Holding yield rate and maturity constant Increases in coupon rates raise the present value of each periodic cashflow and therefore the market price. This higher market price lowers Duration. Therefore Duration varies inversely to coupon rate. Holding yield rate and coupon rate constant
2 3 The time in years is negative to conform to Macaulay's formula. Bond Duration is the product of PV/Price times the value under column Year. This is the reason that Duration is expressed in terms of years, but this is obviously not the capital pay-back period. 4 The Market Price is the summation of all the separate PVs in the cashflow.
An increase in maturity increases Duration and causes the bond to be more sensitive to changes in market yields. Decreases in maturity decrease Duration and render the bond less sensitive to changes in market yield. Therefore Duration varies directly with time-to-maturity (t).
1 = 2.6439 (1 0.10 ) 2
Note that the value of i (0.10) is the annual yield rate which must be divided by 2. Macaulay used this Modified Duration, DM, to approximate the percent change in bond value for a given percent change in yield, using the following formula: Percent change in bond value = DM * change in yield. If yield rates rose from 10% to 10.5%, a 0.5% increase in rates, Macaulays formula would predict a percent change in value as: Percent change in bond value = DM * numerical change in stated yield.5 = 2.6439 * (+ 0.5) = 1.3220% The price change calculated by MDuration would be $898.49 * 1.322% = $11.88 The new bond price would be approximately $898.49 $11.88 = $886.61. We can confirm the percent change and new price by entering these data into a spreadsheet: The change takes place in the PV Factor6 as a result of the change in market yield.
Year -0.50 -1.00 -1.50 5 6 Pmt # 1 2 3 Coupon $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 PV Factor 0.95012 0.90273 0.85770 $PV $28.5036 $27.0818 $25.7309 $PV/ Price 0.03215 0.03054 0.02902 Duration -0.01608 0.03054 -0.04353
Since Modified Duration is a negative value, a decrease in yield rate results in an increase in bond value. Multiplying the negative Duration times a decrease in yield results in an increase in bond value. The PV factor is simply the PV of $1.00, discounted at a specified rate over a defined number of periods.
4 5 6
As you can see, the computer indicates a decline in value from $898.49 to $886.70, a loss of $11.79 vs. $11.88 as predicted by Macaulays approximation. This difference in the answer we have obtained is caused by the convexity of the bond value curve. Macaulays formula describes a straight line, but bond value in response to yield changes describes a convex curve. When yield changes are small (as in this example), the difference in value change is negligible, but when these differences are substantial (larger percent changes in market yield and higher Duration) then the differences in value increase. If the Duration of our example bond were in the order -8 or -12, an increase of 1.0 % in interest rates would indicate a loss of approximately 8% ($71.88) and 12% ($107.82), respectively in bond price. But because of these large changes in yield, and the high Duration, the linearity of the Duration curve would result in larger pricing errors. Therefore the use of Duration to estimate change results is a reasonable approximation, especially when the changes in interest rates are not too large.
Bond A B C
On a given day the market yield increases 20 basis points (+ 0.2%). What effect will this have on the value of this portfolio? Fortunately, the HP12C has a set of statistical registers which will calculate a weighted mean. Here are the keystrokes (set decimal to f 5 ): Key In -4.12257 Enter 0.2 % 845.57 (4,9) 7.3523 Enter 0.2 % $625.95 4.04855 Enter 0.2 % $884.17 Display Shows -4.12257 0.00825 1.00000 7.3523 0.01470 2.00000 4.04855 0.00810 3.00000 Comments Enters Mod. Duration Mod. Duration x % change Puts price into statistical register Enters Mod. Duration Mod. Duration x % change Puts price into statistical register Enters Mod. Duration Mod. Duration x % change Puts price into statistical register
Now, by recalling R2 (3, 8), you will retrieve the total of all the original bond prices: RCL 2 RCL 6 2,355.69 23.3354 Total of original prices. The loss in value. (This is a loss since the rate increased). + f 2 $2,332.35 2,332.3546 Adds the loss to show the new value of the portfolio.
The annual yield will be 11.465 2 = 22.93% A yield such as this is very tempting. But the door swings to and fro. Suppose that yield rates increase 2% in three years. The results demonstrate the reward and the risk of the high leverage implicit in Zeros:
n 26*2 i 11.5 2 Solving.. 7 PV ? -54.629 PMT 0 FV 1,000
The term STRIPS is an acronym for Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities, a Treasury program which allows bonds of maturities equal to 10 years or more to be transferred over Fedwire. This action has greatly reduced the cost of insurance customarily associated with transferring these derivatives. Corporate bonds are also available as strips.
Pmt # 1 2 60
Coupon 0 0 1,000.00
$PV 0 0 $53.53
For all practical purposes then, the Duration of a Zero Coupon bond is approximately equal to its maturity (in years). The longer the maturity, the higher the Duration, and the more sensitive the derivative is to even small changes in market yield. A high Duration factor indicates that long-term Zero Coupon bonds are very sensitive to changes in market rates. An absolute change of only 0.5% in interest rates would result in approximately a 15% variation in value for a 30-year Zero Coupon bond.9
Zeros are always less than 30 years in maturity because of the time necessary to convert them from standard bonds.
The amount which is currently recognized as taxable is determined by a ratio: the ratio is determined by dividing the number of days for which the bond has been held (in the current tax year) by the number of days to maturity. This factor is applied to the excess of the maturity value of the bond over the acquisition cost. The result is that portion of the increased value of the bond which is currently subject to tax at the ordinary rate. (There is no long-term capital gains treatment available for these amounts. Gains are taxed as ordinary income) For example, a bond acquired on July 1 for $500 will mature in exactly 10 years. The maturity value is $1,000. The ratio is 183 days/3650 days, or 0.05014, or 5.014%. The amount recognized is ($1,000 $500) x 5.0104% = $25.05 This amount is reported as interest earned.. Because these instruments produce no income during the holding period, and because they do result in taxable income, Zero Coupon bonds are commonly held in tax-deferred accounts.