Document 4
Document 4
Document 4
PSY 230
Developmental Psychology
Tuesday 4:00-6:40 WC-201
Prerequisites: PSY 101. You may not be concurrently enrolled in PSY 101.
You may not take this course if you have already taken (or are taking) CFD 270,
170 or Teachers Education 170. Proof of prerequisites must be submitted online
at Blackboard->Assignments->Prerequisites 1 and 2 no later than Monday,
September 5, 2016.
Required Materials
Kail, R.V. and Cavanaugh, J.C. (2016). Human Development: A Life-Span
View. 7th edition, Belmont, CA: Cengage.
There are three ways to acquire this text.
1. The e-text of this book is free with your MindTap subscription (see below).
2. Alternatively, you can purchase a loose-leaf version of the book in the
Aztec bookstore. The loose-leaf books are more reasonably priced than
the hardcovers.
3. There is a hardcopy on reserve in the library.
Study Materials:
MindTap for the Kail & Cavanaugh text.
Join Course from the link in Blackboard OR purchase both the MindTap
access code and e-text (this is the least expensive option). See Course
Documents in Blackboard for details.
Follow the prompts to register.
(See weekly activities and extra credit opportunities for details.)
Attendance/Participation Software:
Top Hat
Join Course:
Join Code: 916118
Email: Please reserve email to make an appointment with Ms. Spiridon or me.
If it is important enough to warrant a message, then we should meet to address
your concerns. Think before you text. Hastily written texts can lead to
misunderstandings. If you have a question or concern, please contact us to
schedule an appointment to meet in person.
If you violate academic integrity in this course, you will receive a zero for the
assignment in question and be reported in accordance with the university
policy on plagiarism. Penalties can be severe. Additional information is
available in the SDSU Bulletin, both in print and on-line.
Classroom Procedures
We will meet for 2 hours and 40 minutes each week. There is assigned
reading and homework that must be completed before class each week. The
purpose of these assignments is to help you assimilate the material. You
should expect to spend ~2 hours studying each week outside of class. The
more time that you devote to studying, the better your performance will be in
the course.
Keep Track of Your Grades: This is a link to a GPA calculator to help you plan
ahead to achieve your desired GPA and to graduate on time:
Final Grade: There are three, non-cumulative, exams and three essays required
in this course. There are a total of 326 points possible in the course and the
proportion of those points that you earn will determine your grade as detailed
above. The assignments for the course, each of which contributes to your final
grade, are discussed below.
Exams: Each exam covers one-third of the assigned material in the text. All
exams are multiple-choice. Each exam is worth 80 points and constitutes 25% of
your grade in the course. The final 25% of your grade will come from completing
periodic Developmental Period Essays and weekly MindTap activities. We will
use the regular skinny red Parscore form (F-289) for exams.
There are no make-up exams however, if you miss an exam due to illness
or emergency, you may take the Optional Cumulative Final to replace your
missing grade. The Optional Cumulative Final automatically replaces your
lowest exam grade.
Formatting requirements:
1.) Each essay must be 2 pages long (no more and no less). A 1.5 page
essay will not be awarded credit.
2.) Each essay must be in 12-point font and double-spaced. Greater spacing
to increase length is not acceptable.
3.) Each essay must have 1 inch margins. Larger or smaller margins are not
4.) Each essay should have only a title no longer than 1 line and no other
information in the header.
5.) Each essay must be saved as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file. (If we can’t read
your file, or your submit a file other than the assigned essay, you will not
receive credit.)
The due dates for the essays are listed in your syllabus. Each essay that meets
the criteria above is worth up to 20 points. You will be docked 5 points if you
utilize an online source to supplement this assignment. You will receive a 0 if you
plagiarize from any source.
Essays are required and must be submitted via the link under Assignments
on the Blackboard page by 8:00pm on the day following the video. Late
essays will not be accepted.
Extra Credit. There are two opportunities for extra credit. You can earn up to 2
extra credit points per week (excluding exam weeks) for a total of 22 possible
extra credit points. These points will be added to your final score in the course.
• Attendance. At the beginning and end of each class, I will take
attendance using the Top Hat attendance feature. Students may earn 1
extra credit point toward their final grade for each Top Hat verified full
(beginning to end) class attendance. Students must be present when
attendance is taken to earn credit. If you disrupt class by talking with your
neighbor or leaving class early, you risk losing your attendance point for
that day.
• Weekly Practice Tests. At the end of each week’s MindTap activities, you
will find a Practice Test. The test will allow you to assess your knowledge
of the chapter content assigned for that week. You should take the test
after completing the MindTap activities for that week. You may earn up to
1 point of extra credit each week by completing the whole test. You may
take the test as many times as necessary. The higher your score, the
more extra credit you earn each week (up to 1 point). The opening and
closing dates are the same as for the other MindTap activities and appear
in your course schedule at the end of this syllabus.
Course Schedule
Aug. 31–Sept. 4 Week 1 Practice your knowledge and prepare for class Required MindTap
meeting. activities and extra
credit chapter quiz.
Sept. 6 Human Know the recurrent issues in human development Chapter 1
Development Know the basic forces in human development and
how timing effects their impact
Know the cognitive-developmental and ecological-
systems approaches to explaining development
Know basic research methods in developmental
Know the basic research designs in developmental
Sept. 7–Sept.11 Week 2 Practice your knowledge and prepare for class Required MindTap
meeting. activities and extra
credit chapter quiz.
Sept. 13 Prenatal Know the definitions of major mechanisms of Chapter 2
Development and heredity
Birth Know the periods of prenatal development and the
changes that occur in them
Know the effects of stress, nutrition, maternal age,
and teratogens on prenatal development
Sept. 14–Sept. Week 3 Practice your knowledge and prepare for class Required MindTap
18 meeting. activities and extra
credit chapter quiz.
Sept. 20 The Newborn Know the basic components of the human brain In-class Film
Know when and how brain structures emerge
Know the methods for assessing brain function and Chapter 3
which functions are present early in development
Know about brain plasticity and experience-
expectant and experience-dependent growth
Sept. 21 @ 8pm Essay 1 due
Sept. 21–Sept. Week 4 Practice your knowledge and prepare for class Required MindTap
25 meeting. activities and extra
credit chapter quiz.
Sept. 27 The Emergence Know the distinctions between Piagetian, Chapter 4
of Thought and Information Processing, and Vygotskian accounts of
Language thought
Know the implications of these accounts for
teaching children
Be able to define and apply the “zone of proximal
Learn how and when children move from perceiving
speech sounds to perceiving words
Know the precursors for spoken language (cooing
and babbling)
Know how children learn the meaning of words
Know the explanations for children’s acquisition of
Oct. 4 Exam 1 4:00-6:00pm
Oct. 5–Oct. 9 Week 5 Practice your knowledge and prepare for class meeting. Required
MindTap activities
and extra credit
chapter quiz.
Oct. 11 Middle Know the Piagetian and Information Processing accounts Chapter 6
Childhood of thought in school-age children
Know how heredity and the environment influence
Know how ethnicity and socioeconomic status influence
intelligence test scores
Know the components of skilled reading
Know how arithmetic skills change over time and how
children from different countries compare
Know what makes schools and teachers effective
Oct. 12–Oct. 16 Week 6 Practice your knowledge and prepare for class meeting. Required
MindTap activities
and extra credit
chapter quiz.
Oct. 18 Transition from Know how the family constitutes a system within the Chapter 7
Childhood to larger society In-class Film
Adolescence Know the dimensions and styles of parenting
Know the effects of child age and temperament on the
family system
Nov. 30–Dec. 4 Week 11 Practice your knowledge and prepare for class Required MindTap
meeting. activities and extra
credit quiz.
Dec. 6 The End of Life Be able to define death using the legal and medical Chapter 16
Know the ethical dilemmas around euthanasia
Know how feeling about death change over
How do people experience grief?
How does this change over the life-span?
Dec. 13 Exam 3 4:00-6:00pm
Dec. 20 Optional Final Automatically replaces lowest exam score 7:00-9:00pm