Psych 2220 Sample Syllabus
Psych 2220 Sample Syllabus
Psych 2220 Sample Syllabus
Course Course Title Course Credit Course Duration Prerequisites Class Start Date Class End Date Instructor Contact E-mail PSYCH-2220-INET Educational Psychology 3 semester hours 8 weeks Psychology 1100 (3 semester hours) To be inserted later To be inserted later Marie Tenzinger, M.A.* (see note below)
*COD email: Email is the best way to communicate with me, but only send email from your COD email account. I will not open email sent from other addresses. This document is your roadmap to success in Educational Psychology 2220. Refer to it frequently to make certain you are on the right track. When you have a question about the schedule, due dates of assignments, grade computation, guidelines for the assignments, etc., please consult this syllabus first. If you are still in doubt, then ask me in an email.
Required materials 1. Educational Psychology: Developing Learners (7th ed.) by Jeanne E. Ormrod
The textbook is essential to do well in this class. 2. You will need access to a computer with a CD/DVD-ROM drive and Internet/email capability. Your computer will need to have PowerPoint viewer and Windows Media Player. Last but not least, you must know how to use the Blackboard website. If you are not familiar with this website please contact the Student Help Desk via telephone: 630-942-2999 or email at
Course Objectives
General Course Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to do the following: 1. Demonstrate ability to explain the role and value of research and theory in an educational environment. 2. Demonstrate ability to explain stage theories of development (cognitive, psychosocial, and moral), and the implications these stages have in a teaching situation. 3. Demonstrate ability to explain methods of assessing the wide range of pupil variability at various stages of development. 4. Demonstrate ability to explain the various types of disabilities and disorders, educational provisions for services for students with disabilities, the role of the educator
TECHNOLOGY OBJECTIVES 1. Demonstrate ability to access telecommunications and Internet resources to support instruction. 2. Recognize how to access, evaluate, and use electronic information sources to improve teaching and learning.
Course Description
This course covers the application of learning principles and psychological theories to the process of education. Topics include growth and development, learning theories, cognitive theories, concept formation, intelligence, diversity, creativity, motivation, assessment, evaluation and the impact of culture on learning.
Academic Honesty
Please refer to the College of DuPage Academic Honesty Policy For specific Course Related Academic Dishonesty, (plagiarism, forgery, misrepresentation) please refer to Board Policy #5050. For other guidelines regarding student affairs please refer to the College policy on Student Conduct Just to make the issue of cheating crystal clear, I have awarded failing grades to students for plagiarizing the work of others, including other students, or failing to credit the work of other authors in their student papers. I know the same websites that students use to purchase papers, and as hard as it might be to believe, I can almost perfectly distinguish between your writing and that done by professional psychologists.
Grading Guidelines
Weekly Assignments 8 @ 25 points each Weekly Discussion Posts 8@ 5 points each Final Project 200 points 40 points 30 points ___________ 270 points
Final grades will be computed based upon the percentage of points earned. A= B= C= D= F= 270-243 points 242-216 215-189 188-162 161 and below 100 - 90 % 89 - 80% 79 - 70% 69 60% 59% and below
74% of your grade is based on the weekly assignments, 15% on the discussion posts, and 11% on the final project. You may calculate your grade at any point in the quarter by simply taking the number of points you have earned and dividing that number by the total number of possible points you could have earned up to that time in the semester. For example, after four weekly assignments (100 possible points), and four discussion posts (20 possible points), a total of 120 points could have been earned. Lets say that you earned 91 points for the
1 06/09 6/12 Friday 6/13 Sunday 6/15 6/16 6/19 Friday 6/20 Sunday 6/21 6/23 6/26 Friday 6/27 Sunday 6/29 6/30 7/3 Saturday 7/5 Sunday 7/6
Chapters 3 and 4 Weekly Assignment due 10:00 pm Discussion board closes 10:00 pm Chapters 5 and 6 Weekly Assignment due 10:00 pm Discussion board closes 10:00 pm
Chapters 7 and 8 Weekly Assignment due 11:59 pm* Discussion board closes 11:59 pm* (*slight change in deadline because of holiday)
7/7 7/10 Friday 7/11 Sunday 7/13 7/14 7/17 Friday 7/18 Sunday 7/20 7/28 7/31 Friday 8/1 Sunday 8/3 8/4 8/7
Chapters 9 and 10 Weekly Assignment due 10:00 pm Discussion board closes 10:00 pm
Chapters 11 and 12 Weekly Assignment due 10:00 pm Discussion board closes 10:00 pm
Chapters 13 and 14 Weekly Assignment due 10:00 pm Discussion board closes 10:00 pm
Chapter 15
ADDITIONAL HELPFUL INFORMATION On line course The advantage of this online course is that you do not have to come to campus. There are similarities to the face-to-face course though. You have deadlines and one semester to complete the work. A high percentage of students who attempt this style of course have difficulty completing the work on time not because there is too much work, but because time management is difficult without the stimulus of facing your teacher three or four times a week. Plan your time intelligently so you can succeed. I will generally answer emails within 24 48 hours. The class is not a 24/7, synchronous environment. It is asynchronous. I may look in once in a while in the evening or weekend, but not habitually. Remember, it is asynchronous and the replies will not be immediate. You can ask questions of me directly through email. The Discussion Board is a public (class) forum. If you email me at my email address, it is more likely to be private (as secure as email can be guaranteed.) To succeed in the class: You need to be persistent in reading the book. The PowerPoint material is not the sole information guide to the course. It will narrow down what is in the text.