2024fa Evr 1001 71
2024fa Evr 1001 71
2024fa Evr 1001 71
Syllabus 2024FA
Course Information
Instructor Information
Prerequisites: This course is open to students who have no prep needs in reading or
have satisfied their prep need by taking REA0002C or REA0017.
Classroom Statement
Required Textbook
Course Objectives
This list offers you a consistent way to see the CF institutional learning outcomes that are
relevant to this course. This is for information purposes only and does not change the
grading system used in this class. Only those learning outcomes relevant to this course
are included below.
Critical Reasoning
Lower Division: The student will reflect, analyze, synthesize, and apply critical thinking.
ILO 1.1. Accurately interpret evidence, statements, graphics, questions, etc. (How
ILO 1.2. Establishes knowledge of conflict resolution and goal setting.
ILO 1.5. Contrast and apply assumptions and reasons through critical thinking
Lower Division: The student will be an informed and responsible citizen in social,
cultural, and global matters.
ILO 4.2 Identify scientific principles underlying human influence upon the Earth and
its inhabitants.
ILO 4.3 Recognize complex historical, cultural, economic, and political forces that
create societies as well as how these forces shape personal identity.
ILO 4.4 Understand the local and global connections among power, knowledge,
gender, and class.
ILO 4.5 Understand the local and global connections between self-direction,
cooperation, respect, responsibility, integrity, and social success.
Quizzes (60%): Each chapter in the textbook will have a quiz on Canvas. Quiz dates are
listed on Canvas and all quizzes will be completed online through Canvas. The lowest
quiz grade will be dropped. Students have two attempts with each quiz, with the highest
grade entered in the gradebook. All quizzes must be completed on the assigned day and
Writing Assignments (25%): There will be six writing assignments during the semester.
Instructions, due dates, and grading rubrics are posted on Canvas. Late writing
assignment will NOT be accepted for any reason.
Discussion Forums (5%): There are a total of three required discussion questions
throughout the course. Discussion forums contribute to a deeper understanding of key
concepts and allow you to interact with your classmates and the instructor. Initial posts
are due by Thursday of each week with student replies by Saturday of each week. To
earn full credit, you will need to post a response, respond to the original posts of at least
two other students, and then contribute to an ongoing discussion. Late discussion posts
are not accepted! Discussion forum guidelines include:
Respect each other’s ideas, feelings, and experience. Expect your classmates to
have different opinions.
Use proper writing style. Correct spelling and sentence structure are expected just
as if you were writing a regular paper. Use spell check and grammar check before
you submit.
When responding to a classmate, address them by name.
Do not use postings such as “I agree,” “I don’t know either,” or “ditto.” They do not
add to the discussion, take up space on the Discussions, and will not be counted.
Book Review (10%): There will be one critical review of a selected book (fiction or non-
fiction). Instructions, due date, and grading rubric are posted on Canvas. A late book
review will NOT be accepted for any reason.
Disputing Your Grade: If you feel that an error was made in grading an assignment,
test, etc., you have one week from the time the grade was posted electronically on
Canvas to dispute your grade. After one week, all grades are final and no changes will be
Grades will NOT be rounded up. For example, an 89.9 is a B+ and an 86.8 is a B. There
is no extra credit for the course!
Grading Scale
A 90-100%
B+ 87-89%
B 80-86%
C+ 77-79%
C 70-76%
D 60-69%
F Below 60%
Course Schedule/Outline
Please see schedule posted on Canvas for a list of assignments and due dates.
Unforeseen Circumstances
College Policies
Equity Statement
Internet Access