Notes Ix
Notes Ix
Notes Ix
Q:Choose the correct one out.
1)The branch of science which deals with the study of properties of matter,
energy and their mutual relationship is called:
a) Astronomy b) Chemistry
c) Biology d) Physics
16) Length of the smallest divisions on main scale of the Vernier calipers is:
a)1 cm b) 1 mm
c) 0.9 mm d) All
18) If zero of the Vernier scale is on the right side of the zero of the main
scale then it is know as ____zero error:
a) Positive b) Negative
c) No error d) None of these
19) If zero of the Vernier scale is on the right side of the zero of the main
scale then it is known as ___zero error:
a) Positive b) Negative
c) No error d) None of these
c) 7 d) 9
35) A student noted the thickness of a glass sheet using a screw gauge. On
the main scale, it reads 3 divisions while an 8th division on the circular
scale coincides with index line. Its thickness is :
a) 3.8 cm b) 3.08 cm
c) 3.08 mm d) 3.08m