Model Question Paper Without Ans
Model Question Paper Without Ans
Model Question Paper Without Ans
TEST- 1 Model Question Paper 2022
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Important Instructions
1. This Question Booklet contains 200 questions
2. Answer All questions
3. All questions carry equal marks.
1 [Trun Over
1. What is the minimum width of border on left side of A0 and A1 drawing sheet?
a) 26 mm b) 24 mm c) 22 mm d) 20 mm
a) A1 b) A2 c) A3 d) A4
a) 1 : 1 b) 2:1 c) 1: √3 d) 1: √2
7. The length of the drawing is 50 mm, the scale is given as 1:5. Find the actual length.
a) 50 cm b) 10 cm c) 25 cm d) 10 mm
10. What is the name of triangle with all the three angles, one of the angle is equal to 90°?
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11. What is the name of triangle?
14. Calculate the actual size of component in meters if the size of a component in the drawing
a) 2 m b) 20 m c) 200 𝑚 d) 2000 𝑚
16. How many vertical folds come under A0 size trimmed drawing sheet?
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8
17. In which Quadrilateral all the sides are equal and angles are not at right angles?
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18. How a horizontal line should be drawn?
a) Right to left
b) Left to right
c) Better to rotate the paper at 90°, then draw lines top to bottom.
d) Draw horizontal line turning the paper to a convenient angle
19. Which BIS code no. is recommended for folding of drawing sheets?
20. Which angle cannot be made with either a 45 or 30/60 triangle or a combination of the
a) 30° and120° b) 20° and 150° c) 15° and 135° d) 25° and 125°
23. If a 20 m chain gets displaced from correct alignment by a perpendicular distance “d” m
𝑑2 𝑑2 𝑑2 𝑑2
a) b) c) d)
40 60 80 100
24. Which of the following angles can be set out with the help of French cross-staff ?
25. The proportion of the distance on map to the corresponding distance on ground is known
as ____________________
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26. The curvature of the earth is taken into consideration if the limit of survey is
28. What is the name of the survey which determining different status of earth crust?
a) 10 m b) 20 m c) 15 m d) 25 m
a) ± 2 mm b) ± 4 mm c) ± 5 mm d) ± 8 mm
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35. What is the name of the Instrument, whose reflecting surfaces make a given angle with
each other and the angle between the first incident ray and the last reflected ray is twice
the angle between the mirrors?
a) Optical square b) French cross c) Metal arm cross d) Wooden cross
staff staff staff
a) 15 feet and 30 feet b) 30 feet and c) 45 feet and d) 50 feet and 100
45 feet 60 feet feet
37. How is adjusted if the chain is found to increase in length than the standard length?
39. What is the formula to calculate the horizontal distance of the sloping ground?
43. What is the rule for converting W.C.B to R. B when the line lies in between 0° and 90° and
quadrant NE?
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44. In the WCB system, a line is said to be free from local attraction if the difference between the
FB and BB is
46. The reduced bearing of a line whose whole circle bearing is 270° is __________
48. What is the name of the traverse when the lines from the circuit which end at the starting
a) Open traverse b) Closed traverse c) Traversing d) Traversing
49. What is the magnetic bearing of the line, if the true bearing of a line is 225° and magnetic
declination is 2° west?
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51. What is the sum of the interior angle of a hexagon?
53. The lines of force of earth’s magnetic field are parallel to the earth’s surface
a) Near the poles b) At right angles to c) At 45° to the line d) Near the
the pole joining poles equator
54. What is the name of compass in which the graduation are marked as south with 0° and north
with 180°?
a) Trough compass b) Included angle c) Surveyor’s d) Prismatic
method compass compass
55. What is the rule for converting W.C.B to R.B, if a line lies in between 90° and 180°?
56. Which is the compass if reading is taken by directly seeing through the top of the glass?
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58. What is the term name that the magnetic meridian swings like a pendulam in an direction for a
long period and gradually come to rest and then swings in opposite direction?
a) Secular variation b) Annual variation c) Daily variation d) Irregular
a) 5° W b) 5º E c) W 5° S d) E 5° S
a) Right hand bottom b) Left hand bottom c) Right hand top d) Left hand top
corner corner corner corner
64. What is the name of the instrument used for marking the direction of the magnetic meridian on
the sheet in plane table surveying?
a) Sprit level b) Alidade c) Trough compass d) Plumbing fork
with plumb
65. Which method is positions of the point are fixed on the sheet by the rays drawn from two
instrument stations?
a) Radiation method b) Resection method c) Traversing method d) Intersection
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66. What is the name of the Instrument which helps the plane Table centred over a station?
a) Centre of road b) Left side of road c) Right side of d) Along any one
road side of road
70. Which survey is most suitable for filling the various details between the stations fixed by
a) Levelling b) Chain survey c) plane table d) Compass survey
71. Identify the method of survey shown in figure?
72. What is the name of the error that the fittings of table and tripod being loose?
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74. The three point problem can be solved by
76. Which method used in plane table survey is also similar to that of compass or theodolite?
77. How many setting up of operation are there in plane table survey?
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83. What is the name of the staff which consists of 3 pieces, are slide into another and brass spring
catches are provided to hold the extension position?
a) Solid staff b) Invar staff c) Folding staff d) Telescopic
84. To eliminate error, the levelling instrument must be placed
87. How many level screws are used to level the instruments?
88. The operation of levelling to determine the elevation between two points is known as
a) 5 mm b) 5 cm c) 5 m d) 1 mm
12 [Trun Over
92. What method of contour is suitable for small and low undulating area?
93. When contours of different elevation cross each other, it indicates a/an
95. In direct method of contouring, the process of locating points lying on a contour is called
a) 2 m b) 5 m c) 10 m d) 20 m
98. Tacheometric method of contouring the representative points are located by taking the staff
readings of the wire in?
a) Bottom, b) Only middle c) Only top d) Only bottom
middle and top
99. Which method of interpolation of contour is done with the help of tracing cloth?
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